Tuesday afternoon forecast 07/09/21

  • 2 days ago
07 September – National weather forecast presented by Aidan McGivern


00:00Hello again. This early September hot spell is a reversal of fortunes for many of us compared
00:06to August when the coolest and cloudiest weather was often towards the south-east. This time
00:10it's cloudier and cooler towards the north-west, sunnier elsewhere and hot in places, particularly
00:17the south-east where temperatures in excess of 30 Celsius are possible on Tuesday and
00:22Wednesday. But a change is on the way, this low pressure towards the Bay of Biscay, it's
00:25been lurking there for some time, it's now approaching from the south-west. That'll bring
00:30a change to cooler and also cloudier as well as showery weather. High pressure to the east
00:36of Europe is extending a lot of warmth across the UK and sunny skies for many on a southerly
00:42breeze but these weather fronts are close to the north-west of Scotland where it will
00:47be a little cloudier for much of Tuesday. So the north and west of Scotland, cloudier
00:52skies, a keen breeze in the far north-west and some low cloud around the coasts of the
00:58Irish Sea, particularly eastern parts of Northern Ireland. Meanwhile a breeze across south-western
01:04parts of England, particularly gusty in the far south-west where there will be some patchy
01:08cloud around. But for many it's blue skies and high temperatures, mid to high 20s in
01:14many places south of the central belt and highs of 30 Celsius are possible in the south-east
01:21or through to the Midlands, could even get a 31 Celsius in one or two spots. So well
01:28above average temperatures for September and that theme continues into the night time.
01:33Despite the night's now increasingly long, we are going to see the temperatures holding
01:37up. A breezy night to come towards the south-west as well with some patchy cloud but for most
01:43it's a mild or even a warm night with temperatures remaining at the mid to high teens in many
01:49places. 18 Celsius, a muggy one in the south and even across parts of Scotland and Northern
01:55Ireland we're seeing the mid-teens a little bit cooler in the countryside. Some patchy
01:59rain and drizzle in the far north-west where there will be some low cloud to start off
02:03Wednesday and the cloud thickens quite early on in the south-west where some showery rain
02:08pushes in across Cornwall, Devon and then into Somerset, Dorset and eventually south
02:14Wales. Elsewhere the sunshine continues and the heat continues and similar temperatures
02:20I think compared to Tuesday, 30, possibly 31 Celsius from the south-east of England
02:25through to the Midlands and the north-west. But these showers and potential thunderstorms
02:31in the south-west and across south Wales could cause some problems I think for the second
02:35half of Wednesday. We're looking at many areas actually staying dry and avoiding the showers
02:41as you can see they're quite hit and miss. But where showers and thunderstorms do occur
02:47well there's the risk of some very high rainfall totals, 40 or 50 millimetres in a short space
02:52of time and so a thunderstorm warning in force. And then that weather transfers its way north-eastwards
02:59during much of Thursday and you can see low pressure by this time in charge and so that
03:04replaces the heat with the thundery breakdown and it's Northern Ireland, Northern and Western
03:10England as well as Wales where we're going to see the greatest risk of thunderstorms
03:14on Thursday. Again very hit and miss, even within this warning area some places will
03:19avoid them entirely but where they do occur they are likely to cause impacts with the
03:24risk of surface water flooding and the risk of impacts from lightning strikes as well.
03:30So lots to take in for the next few days and we'll keep you updated as always on social
03:34media. Bye bye.
