Saturday morning forecast 18/12/21

  • 2 days ago
18th December-National weather forecast presented by Adian McGivern
00:00Hello again. A fine, dry and settled weekend for most of us, but it's not going to be particularly
00:06sunny for all. There will be a lot of low cloud and fog around, some dense fog lasting
00:12through Saturday in a few spots. And it will feel cold, increasingly cold, with this high
00:18pressure in charge pulling in fairly chilly air from the near continent and the air at
00:24the surface certainly is turning a little colder. And a lot of cloud remains on Friday
00:30night, certainly across a large part of England and Wales into western Scotland and parts
00:34of Northern Ireland as well. That cloud lowering and there will be some dense fog across eastern
00:39England drifting further west to affect parts of central England and perhaps east Wales
00:44as well. That fog dense in places by the morning. There will be some clear skies overnight,
00:51especially across northern parts of the UK, where a frost will form under any clear skies,
00:56temperatures dipping below freezing. Otherwise, under the blanket of cloud, five to six degrees
01:02as we wake up on Saturday morning and that fog potentially an issue across many parts
01:08of eastern, central and southern England. And it will be slow to clear in some places.
01:14I think it will last through the day. Other places will see a lot of the low cloud stick
01:19around, but a decent chance for some sunshine, particularly for northern and western parts
01:24of Scotland. Parts of northern England will see the cloud break up as well, perhaps Northern
01:29Ireland. Where we get the sunshine coming through, of course, with light winds, it will
01:33be fairly pleasant. Under the grey skies, though, it will feel decidedly chilly, I think,
01:39and temperatures will be a little lower compared to Friday. Into Saturday night and we repeat
01:45it all again with that extensive low cloud, mist and fog once again affecting many areas,
01:51particularly across central and eastern parts of the UK. Decent cloud breaks across northern
01:55and western parts of the country, meanwhile, leading to a touch of frost once again in
02:00places. But where we keep the cloud, those temperatures will hold up above freezing.
02:05Sunday then is another grey and gloomy start to the day across large swathes of the country.
02:12But there will be some of these fairly tenuous cloud breaks. Quite difficult, to be honest,
02:18at this stage to predict exactly where these cloud breaks will form, but western areas
02:22are most favoured. So, western Scotland, west Wales, parts of Cornwall perhaps. Now, the
02:27cloud may thin and break elsewhere as well. But once again on Sunday, some dense fog patches
02:34are likely to stick around throughout the morning and into the afternoon. And where
02:38that happens, it will feel on the cold side temperatures in the low single figures under
02:42that dense fog. And where we've got low clouds, 6 to 8 Celsius. So again, those temperatures
02:46are trending downwards through the weekend and it will turn even colder into next week.
02:52We'll have much more on that, of course, and you can keep up to date with all the very
02:55latest on social media. Bye bye.
