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Veep Season 4 Episode 9 Testimony


00:00Did you know what was going on in your name on the day of the family first vote?
00:06Were you using lobbyists?
00:08I would never, ever let that happen.
00:11And if it had happened, which it absolutely did not, I would make sure that something
00:15was done about it.
00:17Absolutely damn sure.
00:18So this wasn't a matter for Congress.
00:20Well, I am certain that Congress and my opponents for that matter have better things to do with
00:24their time, like getting down to the business of government.
00:28And let me repeat myself again and say to the American people that there is not one
00:34ounce of truth to these allegations, not one ounce of truth to these allegations.
00:41Thank you very much.
00:42That's all the time I have for today.
00:44Don't touch me.
00:46Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you're about to give is the truth, the whole truth
00:52and nothing but the truth?
00:54So help you God.
00:55I do.
00:56Yes, I do.
00:58I do.
01:13Mr. Cafferty, pardon me being blunt, but why did Families First fail?
01:18It happens.
01:20Rain gonna fall, bars gonna close, bills gonna fail.
01:23There's a job for you at Hallmark, Mr. Cafferty.
01:27You don't seem upset that the bill failed.
01:31If I had kids, which actually I do, this bill would be my baby.
01:37I and the entire White House, we sweated a full transfusion of blood to pass this bill.
01:46So Jonah Ryan wasn't sent here to defend the bill, to deliberately undermine it?
01:54Read my luscious lips.
01:57We were consultants, not lobbyists.
02:00And what's the difference?
02:01You ask to be consulted.
02:03A consultant consults the client, whereas a lobbyist lobbies on behalf of the client.
02:08Well, you're not telling me the difference.
02:09You're just turning nouns into verbs.
02:12So you were consulting people to vote against the Families First bill?
02:18Yes, we were.
02:19That's exactly what they were doing.
02:21Excuse me, Mr. Ryan.
02:22We didn't ask for your commentary on the veracity of their testimonies.
02:26Oh, I'm very sorry, sir.
02:27I'm sorry that I misconducted myself, and I will not do that into the future.
02:35What is your assessment of Ms. Brookheimer and Mr. Egan?
02:38Oh, Ms. Brookheimer is a strong, independent, flexible woman.
02:44And Lord knows there aren't enough of those in D.C.
02:46And Mr. Egan?
02:47Dan Egan is a solid five and a half, week six.
02:54Can you tell us who was responsible for the data breach?
02:58Well, I mean, yes.
02:59Yes, it's a matter of public record that Dan Egan was fired because of his relation to
03:06the data breach.
03:09I mean, you could have Googled that.
03:10That's not my question.
03:12Was he responsible?
03:13Well, Washington needed a sacrifice.
03:17So we all ran and took out our pitchforks, and we set fire to the Wicker Dan.
03:24Okay, so why did he deserve to go if he was innocent?
03:28You make it sound like there's a correlation between what should happen and what actually
03:32I mean, life is chaotic, and it's often unfair.
03:36I know it is for me.
03:38Dan Egan deserved to go.
03:42So he went.
03:45I love money.
03:46But there's something else that I love, and it's a little lady called the United States
03:51of America.
03:53Ms. Burkheimer and I are here today as patriots, speaking up for the common citizen, be that
04:01individual an actual person or a corporation.
04:04That shoehorn stab at nobility will not fly here.
04:10Ms. Burkheimer, are you guided purely by money?
04:13I think it's interesting that you chose me to aim that question at, insinuating that
04:19I am a money-grabbing, careerist, low-moraled, I don't know why I'm helping you here.
04:27There's no need to be shrill, Ms. Burkheimer.
04:31Do you recall a document shared on the J drive titled, The Jonad Files?
04:37Uh, no.
04:38No, ma'am.
04:40That doesn't ring a bell.
04:41So it's not a word combining Jonah and gonad?
04:46Not to my knowledge.
04:47I can confirm that that is exactly what it is, and Mr. Egan knows that.
04:50In fact, Mr. Egan, I was told that you encourage staffers to add to this glossary of abuse.
04:55I do not, uh, at this moment in time, recall the action, uh, nor the, uh, document.
05:01Maybe this will jog your memory.
05:02We have some extracts.
05:03J-Rock, Juzy Gillespie, Jack and the Giant Jack-Off, Galen, Tinkerballs, Wadzilla, One
05:11Do we have to go through all of these?
05:13I'm not sure that I see the relevance.
05:14The witnesses claim they held their former colleague in high regard, and I am attempting
05:19to prove otherwise.
05:24You can proceed.
05:25The Pointless Giant, The Sixty Foot Virgin, Jimpanzee, Jonah Ono, Hagrid's Nutsack, Scrotum
05:29Pull, Transgenderformers, Twelve Years a Slave to Jerking Off, Benedict Cum in His Own Hand,
05:34Guy Scraper, The Cloud Botherer, Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, Teenage Mutant Ninja Asshole, Spubaca.
05:43My college friends called me Tall McCartney.
05:49I preferred that.
05:51That's a good nickname.
05:52Fractious cracks have opened up in your relationships and in your testimony, and we'll explore them
05:57in a later session.
05:58Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you're about to give is the truth, the whole truth,
06:07and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
06:09I do.
06:11You were fired from the White House in April, is that correct?
06:16The drama queen in me likes to say that they sacrificed me at Easter.
06:22You've been described as the scapegoat.
06:25Were you, in fact, responsible for the HIV data breach?
06:29I value confidentiality, and paradoxically, I don't care who knows it.
06:33Why were you fired?
06:35To conceal something bigger.
06:38They thought I was a mouse?
06:40Well, this mouse will roar.
06:43Miss Patterson, you better tell us what that something bigger is.
06:47Someone from the campaign used child mortality data from the same federal breach that named
06:52Jennifer Graham as an HIV victim.
06:55Used to what end?
06:57To deliberately target bereaved parents for a campaign mailer called I Care.
07:03Okay, so this is how it's going to work.
07:06I'm going to give you everything you need, a nice little box with a pretty red ribbon
07:09on it, and then I'm going to walk away a free man, okay?
07:11Rat and roll.
07:13Go on.
07:14The thing about Leigh Patterson, she doesn't even know why she was scapegoated, okay?
07:21I do.
07:22It's because the child mortality data was used to-
07:24Yeah, it was used to target bereaved parents.
07:26We know that already.
07:27Miss Patterson's talking to the committee right now.
07:32Going deeper here, that data was actually taken from the same-
07:35Yeah, it was from the same breach which identified the HIV girl.
07:39We know all that.
07:40Guys, we still have a deal.
07:44Miss Patterson, you are aware that your accusations about the data breach will have serious repercussions
07:51for you and the others?
07:53I understand the dangers and how you're well-placed to remind me of them.
07:58You're insinuating that my close personal friendship with the president might cloud
08:02my judgment?
08:03No, not at all.
08:04Your judgment, ma'am, is unimpeachable.
08:09Did the president know about the data breach?
08:12No, just the people around her.
08:14Bill Erickson and Gary Walsh were closest to her.
08:17Which is how I know that Bill Erickson-
08:20Knew about the data breach.
08:22Are you in some kind of satellite delay, Mr. Egan?
08:26With respect to Leigh Patterson, she had no real idea, no concept of what was actually
08:32I mean, she was so junior.
08:33She had very well been working in the kitchens, with all due respect to the kitchens.
08:36But for the record, Miss Patterson was a very competent staffer and what Jimmy Cagney would
08:43have called a good kid, in my opinion.
08:48I'll wait for a question.
08:49We have a deposition from a witness confirming that you, Mr. Erickson, ordered Danny Egan
08:55to fire Miss Patterson.
08:58This is what I was afraid of.
08:59I'm being snowballed.
09:00I'm a victim of snowballing.
09:01What do you mean, Mr. Erickson?
09:03Well, the name gets mentioned, and then it gets mentioned again, and pretty soon everyone
09:05is mentioning it, and then the whole thing snowballs, and then there's an avalanche of
09:09snowballs, and I'm being buried by other people's snow, and it's not pure drift, and it's not
09:13white snow, if you catch my drift.
09:15I certainly caught their drift.
09:16Do I make sense?
09:17Am I making sense?
09:18Calm down.
09:19Isn't snowballing what you did to Leigh Patterson when you had her fired?
09:24No, that was scapegoating.
09:26Again, apologies, you haven't asked me a question.
09:31What is the difference between scapegoating and snowballing?
09:34It's not my fault.
09:36That's the difference.
09:37Is that, is that making sense?
09:39It's not my fault, is my basic point.
09:41I mean, why am I being raked over the coals for the misuse of data in the campaign when
09:45I'm sitting next to the campaign manager?
09:48That's, uh, bravo, Bill.
09:51Subtly done.
09:52Mr. Davidson, you are President Meyer's campaign manager, yes?
09:56Yes, ma'am, though not at the time of the breach.
09:59But you were aware of it at the time, and yet you chose to say nothing?
10:03Well, though it may appear that there was nothing going on, I can assure you that there
10:08was, uh, there was lots going on underneath, like, uh, like a swan or Professor Hawking.
10:17Who else then was involved?
10:21Gary Walsh.
10:22The president's bagman?
10:25Um, he's the guy, but, okay, you, you, you ever seen Usual Suspects?
10:31I haven't seen it.
10:33Okay, well, he's Kaiser, so, I mean, you haven't seen it, so forget it.
10:40Um, Gary's the guy who got Amy Bruckheimer and I involved.
10:46He's the bagman, yeah, but he's also, uh, the bad man.
10:55Mr. Walsh, several people have now described you as being at the center of events, so I
11:08was wondering if you could please outline to us your, your duties and your responsibilities.
11:16Is there a problem, Mr. Walsh?
11:18No, I'm sorry, it's just when I was, um, when I was originally summoned, it was a smaller
11:22hearing and executive privileges were waived, and now it's like a U2 concert.
11:29Well, we are investigating malpractice, possibly leading to criminal investigation.
11:35Might you unwaive your, your executive privilege?
11:47He says not to, so.
11:49Would you say you were friendly with Dan Egan?
11:53Yes, I'm, I'm friendly with Dan, um, Egan, we're friends, yes.
11:57You were seen with him and Amy Bruckheimer on the day of the family's first vote.
12:06Dan is not my friend, he's a, he's a colleague, I don't know why I said we were friends, that's
12:15a fault of mine, just kind of believing that people were friends, and they're not friends,
12:20it's kind of been going on since middle school, and it just caught me at a bad time.
12:27You're probably correct to distance yourself from Mr. Egan, um, how would you describe
12:34your, uh, working relationship with the president?
12:36Uh, it's very intimate, um, I've always imagined myself as like a, uh, a pipeline who carries
12:45a lot of necessary information, and I just feed it directly into her head.
12:51Madam President, can I confirm you've waived executive privilege?
12:55Yes, though it is no privilege to have to endure this investigation, I can tell you
13:01that, but I'm happy to assist in any way that I can.
13:05Can you tell me anything about the breach of federal data used in your campaign material?
13:11You said that you'd help this inquiry in any way.
13:14Yes, and I have just then.
13:16Did the president know about the lobbying against the family's first bill?
13:25I'm a nobody.
13:29That's the truth, I'm a nobody.
13:31I'm just a guy that, like, whispers names to the president, like, tell her facts about
13:38So you're just a prompter.
13:40I'm a man who prompts, that is correct.
13:51So all the talk of being in the president's pipeline was just big-headedness?
13:56I'm an arrogant man.
14:00I'm not a powerful, guilty, arrogant man, I'm an arrogant man.
14:05So you wouldn't have contact, in other words, with lobbyists?
14:12Actually, Catherine's fiance, Jason, is a lobbyist, so at times, yeah.
14:20Until now, he's been referred to as a consultant.
14:26Are you concerned with your daughter being engaged to a lobbyist?
14:31Not at all.
14:32And he's not actually a lobbyist, he's a consultant.
14:34But your husband, Gary Walsh, referred to him as a lobbyist.
14:43Gary has a very limited set of skills, mainly, I would say, they are picking objects up and
14:51then putting objects back down.
14:54He said he takes care of your sanitary needs, is that correct?
15:02You see, your daughter's fiance, Mr. Reid, is not a lobbyist, and yet the firm of Merriman
15:06and Cotter lists him under the title of lobbyist in the Our Lobbyist section of his website.
15:13Well, that's their word, that's not my word.
15:14He is a lobbyist for Christian Adox and the World Health Organization.
15:19Well, he sounds like a decent guy, whatever you want to call him.
15:22Is he also lobbying for pharmaceutical companies, large IT organizations, investment banks?
15:30My fiance is a lobbyist.
15:31Does that present any difficulties in your relationship?
15:35Not apart from the fact that I am now sitting in a room with two strangers talking about
15:39it on camera.
15:41You don't like being questioned?
15:42What about my personal life?
15:45No, I don't.
15:46I mean, do you?
15:47Assuming that you have one, I don't see that you're wearing a ring, so...
15:50Ms. Meyer, you're gently reminded that this is a deposition, I won't be as polite next time.
15:54Um, I'm sorry, can I please take a minute?
15:59Yeah, of course.
16:04I'm sorry about that, I just had to get a snack, my blood sugar was dropping, so...
16:09That's okay.
16:12Do you not see the conflict of interest?
16:14I mean, we are investigating direct links between lobbyists and your administration.
16:18Yes, I see it.
16:19But I don't...
16:20If you would just let me finish my sentence, that would be very much appreciated.
16:26I do see it.
16:27It is also my understanding that they may no longer be engaged, so...
16:37They've split up?
16:43I think they may have split up.
16:47In addition to that, I will say that I'm really not certain that Jason was ever right for Catherine.
16:53You just said that he was sweet.
16:56He can be sweet at one moment, and then he can be very controlling in the next moment.
17:01You know, lobbying for Oxfam, or then lobbying for Pharma.
17:06And I meant consulting.
17:09I have to go, I've got to call the president of Africa.
17:12So, I meant South Africa specifically.
17:18Ms. Wilson, it has been said of you that you could organize the D-Day landings and still have time left over for Iwo Jima.
17:27And, unlike in reality, I would have gotten Iwo Jima right.
17:31And yet this meeting between the president and Congressman Pierce, you have no record of that in your schedule.
17:38Congressman Pierce was not disposed in a manner that was indicative of a meeting.
17:43I literally have no idea what that sentence means.
17:46There is a difference between meeting someone and having a meeting with them.
17:49I mean, I once met Bill Gates, but I didn't have a meeting with him.
17:53We keep meticulous, exhaustive records of emails, voice memos, text messages, letters...
18:01Chairman, we have all the emails, letters, texts, but you mentioned voice memos, Ms. Wilson.
18:13Well, we have many forms of communication.
18:18None of which you seem to be able to master at the present moment.
18:21Well, I wasn't responsible for the voice memos.
18:24So, who would know about them?
18:25Mike McClintock.
18:31Mr. McClintock, please rise.
18:33And raise your right hand.
18:36Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you're about to give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
18:43So help me God. I do.
18:46We have a witness go on record saying that they saw a man with a gun,
18:52so help you God.
18:53So help me God. I do.
18:56We have a witness go on record saying that they saw you in the White House parking lot with Mr. Egan, Ms. Burkheimer, and Senator Pierce.
19:06Uh, that's correct.
19:09I ran into them by chance, because I was merely getting something from my car.
19:18What were you getting?
19:19I'm sorry?
19:20What were you getting?
19:22Uh, I was getting some, uh, medicine.
19:25What kind of medicine?
19:27Um, it's knee medicine.
19:31Knee medicine?
19:34Yeah, knee medicine, uh, for, uh, one of, just one of my knees.
19:40Which one?
19:41Which knee? My left, left knee, your honor, uh, sir.
19:46My left knee, I have problems with my left knee.
19:49Um, it hurts when I, uh, crouch.
19:52What was the name of the medicine?
19:54Um, I want to say it's called, uh, crouch cream.
20:02But that's not right.
20:04Um, it's a white tube with a red label.
20:08Um, I'm sure an intern could research this.
20:11It has a silhouette of a horse on it, and I don't know why the horse is on there.
20:15I guess horses probably have good knees.
20:18So, um, but I think it's called, uh, knee-sy, knee-sy cream.
20:27I don't think that's it.
20:29It's, it's searchable.
20:30I'm, I'm, I'm very positive.
20:32Thank you for allowing me to attend to presidential matters.
20:37We still wish to consider the outstanding issues, um, concerning your daughter and Mr. Reed.
20:42Who have definitely split up.
20:45I'm, I'm quite undone.
20:47I'm really upset.
20:49Um, I've grown quite fond of, uh, of dear Jason.
20:54You've said he's too old for your daughter, and that he can be controlling, and that he has two personalities.
21:00I have a statement I'm going to read.
21:04I am sad to confirm the end of my daughter Catherine's engagement to Jason Reed.
21:11This was for personal reasons, unconnected to the ongoing inquiries into my administration.
21:18Other than the strain said inquiries brought upon their relationship.
21:24This may be a good day for truth, but a sad day for love.
21:31You recommended an app, uh, for the president, did you not?
21:34Uh, yes ma'am.
21:35Could you, uh, demonstrate how the app works on your phone?
21:39Yes, I'd be happy to.
21:41So, uh, you go to your home screen, it's called.
21:44Um, remember that.
21:46And now you have to send it to someone.
21:48So I can send it to...
21:51Do you want to give me your number, or...
21:53I'll just send it to myself.
21:55So now, all I do is, uh, appropriately touch the icon for record.
22:02And, uh, hey Mike, it's Mike.
22:04Um, you're, uh, probably not going to get this because you're in the hearings.
22:11But, uh, I just wanted to tell you that...
22:14That's quite enough.
22:15I gotta go, Mike.
22:17And then you just, uh, press send.
22:21And it should instantly appear on my memo app.
22:26Which it's not doing.
22:28Um, I don't know why.
22:30Um, I guess that's why they say don't work with, uh, animals or technology.
22:35I mean, that's why Jaws was such a nightmare shoot.
22:37I mean, mechanical shark.
22:39Forget it.
22:42Oh, Knee Free.
22:44That's the cream.
22:45Knee Free.
22:46If you...
22:47Okay, here it is.
22:49And, uh, hey Mike, it's Mike.
22:51Um, you're, uh, probably not going to get this because you're in the hearings.
22:58Pretty good clarity.
22:59Did we hear some of the messages that the president sent?
23:03Because I deleted, uh, them.
23:05They're deleted.
23:06I mean, truthfully, these things were just her talking about Advil and lemons.
23:12Well, we'll see how many when we listen to them.
23:15Sadly, sir, I deleted those.
23:17Yeah, but they still exist in the cloud, as I'm sure you're aware.
23:23Are Dan and Amy on course?
23:27It can't happen.
23:29Well, um, that could be about anything.
23:32Probably about, um, you know, um, mating.
23:39And it can't happen.
23:41It can't happen that we lose this vote.
23:46Or is that too far-fetched for you?
23:48Well, why did she mention it then?
23:50Well, she was feverish.
23:52So you're saying she wasn't in a fit state to govern?
23:55No, I'm not saying that.
23:57If I was saying that, then that's what I would have said.
24:02I mean, why are you throwing pebbles at a tank?
24:07You know, that lady, she could govern herself through leprosy.
24:13How would you characterize your friendship with Congresswoman Bennett?
24:16Uh, well, I wouldn't say that we're friends.
24:20I would say that we're friend-ly.
24:23So she's not on the committee to steer them away from issues that might be uncomfortable for you?
24:30I'm president.
24:32I don't have time for friends.
24:35Madam President, it was you who appointed a special prosecutor, and we are the team under your appointee.
24:43Yeah, well, there you go.
24:46Mr. Ryan, it has come to this committee's attention that you suffered some emotional issues during the run-up to the Families First bill.
25:02I was touched.
25:04Who touched you?
25:06I would rather not say at this time, or any.
25:11Can you give us a reason why?
25:13Um, excuse me for one moment.
25:15I just have a very, uh, a very dry mouth.
25:20Setting their identity aside.
25:26Setting their identity aside, where did this person touch you?
25:36He touched me in a, uh, private place.
25:39Can you be more specific?
25:41Was it the buttocks?
25:43No. No.
25:49It was, it was around the other side.
25:52The crotch, presumably.
25:54Was there ever any contact between testicles and hands?
25:58Okay, uh, listen.
26:00I thought that this was supposed to be about lobbying?
26:03And, and it seems clear that the congresswoman is pulling focus away from the main concern of this panel.
26:10I, I, similarly, with, uh, uh, Ms. Brookheimer's dress, she can't have believed that this would work.
26:18She never looks this humble.
26:20I'm not, I'm not sure what you're referring to, Mr. Ryan.
26:23This is my, um, my everyday attire.
26:26And I, I apologize if it offends you.
26:29But, I mean, you saw what she just did with the, I mean, you saw that.
26:33She is playing you, like a cheap, uh.
26:37You gotta be careful.
26:38Like an Xbox.
26:39Mr. Ryan, trust me.
26:41No one is playing us.
26:42We are unplayable.
26:43I'd like to hear more on the charges of molestation.
26:46Go ahead.
26:48Was there ever any contact between testicles and hands?
26:56My spheres were always clothed.
27:02I was in the workplace.
27:03Did he always grope both testicles?
27:06I'm sorry, but can I be asked that question by a male committee member?
27:11I asked the question.
27:12I, I'm sorry.
27:13I forgot the question.
27:14Uh, did your abuser touch both of your testicles?
27:19Thank you, Mr. Egan.
27:21Well, who else was aware of this during your time at the White House?
27:24I, uh, I also, uh, saw it.
27:27Uh, I can't stop, I can't stop thinking about it.
27:31It's a, you know, it's like, it's like a bell.
27:34It can't be unrung.
27:35Where did you see it happen?
27:36Uh, it was around the spheres.
27:38I meant what area of the workplace?
27:40Oh, yes.
27:41No, I'm sorry.
27:43Uh, it, uh, it was in, in a hallway, uh, same time as Dan.
27:47Uh, in fact, he was, uh, coming to fire Jonah as a scapegoat for the child mortality data
27:55Um, there's no further questions.
27:56Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
27:57Can you, can you repeat that, Mr. Splett?
28:00Uh, actually, I'd like to plead the fifth.
28:02Uh, if I'd like to plead the fifth, please.
28:04Mr. Splett, can you repeat, can you repeat, can you repeat what you just said, Mr. Splett?
28:09We were investigating a serious allegation of abuse in the...
28:12Congresswoman, please.
28:13Can you repeat what you just said, Mr. Splett?
28:15Uh, yes, I can.
28:16Uh, I'd like to plead the fifth.
28:17Before that.
28:19Uh, I, I think I mistakenly said that, uh, Dan was scapegoating Jonah for the child mortality
28:27data breach.
28:28Can you tell us who was responsible for the data breach, Mr. Cafferty?
28:33But you do know who was responsible?
28:38Can you tell us anything at all about said data breach?
28:44Are you going to continue to answer every question with a one-word answer, Mr. Cafferty?
28:51I am not.
28:53Okay, that, that means nothing.
28:55We need a name, or this administration is in big trouble.
29:00Gary Walsh, any thoughts?
29:03I don't know who that is.
29:09Oh, the, yeah.
29:11Senator, do you think it's possible Gary Walsh was responsible for making payments to Mr.
29:17Egan, Ms. Brookheimer, to lobby against the family's first bill?
29:23Forgive me for laughing at the notion.
29:26Uh, Gary Walsh, you need to understand, is a 12-year-old boy.
29:31Trapped in the body of a 12-year-old girl.
29:35Did you contact Amy Brookheimer and Daniel Clifford Egan after they had left the White
29:39House with regard to the family's first bill?
29:42I did.
29:43Did you agree to pay them to lobby against the bill on behalf of the president?
29:48Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope.
29:49No, I did not.
29:50So did somebody else make this arrangement?
29:52Bill Erickson.
29:54Will you let me finish my question?
29:56Did someone else arrange to make such a payment?
30:02Who was it?
30:16It was, uh, the director of communications, Bill Erickson.
30:20You haven't been asked to say Erickson, have you?
30:26I believe that Bill Erickson would have been overseeing that aspect.
30:31Bill Erickson.
30:32Bill, Bill Erickson.
30:33Mr. Bill Erickson.
30:34Bill Erickson.
30:35Yes, Bill Erickson.
30:37You listen to me.
30:38I got into politics because I have a very clear sense, a burning sense of what is right
30:43and what is good.
30:44All right?
30:45I'm not an attorney.
30:46I don't point the finger.
30:48I don't lay blame.
30:49That's not who I am.
30:51But in answer to your question, yes, Bill Erickson used misappropriated funds to lobby
30:57against the president's bill.
31:00This is a nightmare.
31:01I'm probably going to be facing criminal charges.
31:03You consider yourself innocent.
31:05I am innocent.
31:06Do you want me to take off my shirt so that you can see all the knife handles sticking
31:09out of my back?
31:10Where is Congresswoman Bennett?
31:12She is absent.
31:14Yes, I got that.
31:15I took noticing in high school.
31:17I think the real issue now is Bill Erickson and what he may have done or what he may not
31:25have done and how his rogue actions did or did not affect so many lives.
31:32But that is, of course, for you to determine yourselves.
31:36You're only doing what they want you to do.
31:38You are aware of that, right?
31:40It's like I'm on the sacrificial altar and suddenly everyone is wearing hoods.
31:44The other day, you had fun with my size and the nicknames that you gave me about my size.
31:51Paul McCartney.
31:55But Jonah Ryan is strong.
31:59And if Jonah Ryan can help one man who is dealing with workplace sexual harassment,
32:06then this entire ordeal will have been worth it.
32:10Then this entire ordeal will have been worth it.
32:14Watch this space.
32:19You know, there are probably fairer trials happening right now in the back of parking
32:22lots where the defendant is wearing a mailbag on his head.
32:25Please raise your right hand.
32:28Your right hand.
32:29Sorry, that's practicing in the mirror.
32:32Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you're about to give is the truth, the whole truth
32:37and nothing but the truth?
32:38So help you God?
32:41Excited to do it.