• 2 hours ago
Veep Season 6 Episode 10 Groundbreaking


00:00in the library. We heard back from Yale and their response was no.
00:04Leon West is on CBS this morning right now. Freeing tobacco was a monumental
00:08achievement. Yes it was. That was a success despite an almost
00:12pathological level. And Myers' discretion speaks well of it.
00:16You look absolutely radiant. Oh thank you.
00:19Can't you stay in the insane asylum? It's really agreed with you.
00:23So what do you think? Three Myers-Coutures, hang a shingle? Jonah! I'm pulling all my
00:27financial support. I am pulling this creature right off the
00:31congressional ballot and replacing him with his cousin Ezra.
00:35What? Goodbye Jonah. Guess who is interested in the
00:39Selina Meyer Presidential Library? It's Andrew. No Yale!
00:44And from the
00:53heady days of our third place finish in Iowa,
00:57we fought together for the dream of becoming the first woman president.
01:07But tonight, tonight the voters of Illinois,
01:11Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Florida, Texas, and the territory of Guam have
01:19said otherwise. I really thought we're gonna win Guam.
01:24I have decided to suspend my campaign. Yes I've decided to suspend my
01:32campaign. Jesus I need to get drunk and slop
01:34fucking intern. I'm really sorry that I could not
01:39carry this one over the finish line for all of you.
01:45And as, oh my, wow, as devastating as this loss may be,
01:51you have not seen the last of Selina Meyer. Selina for you.
02:04Jody look I have a special treat. Hello former congressman Ryan.
02:10What are you even doing here? Well your mom said you could use some splat fap
02:13so I brought you this.
02:17See yeah the box is empty. Show that all you need to be happy is right here.
02:21Well that's stupid. Yeah it's a waste of $30. Look save your pity Richard. In two
02:26years I'm gonna run against my motard cousin
02:28Ezra who's been a congressman for like two days
02:31and he's already passed like 10 bills. Two years is a long time.
02:36I mean you could petition for a recall if they weren't unconstitutional. Wait could
02:39I petition for a recall against Ezra? Unequivocally no. Great idea that's
02:44awesome. Well it was nice to see you. I guess I'll
02:47see myself out. Well I don't know as long as you're here.
02:53You want to play? I'll let you be Aquaman. No tidal wave. Does a rabbit need yearly
02:57vaccination for myxomitosis? It does. Well maybe it depends on the
03:01rabbit. Yes. Mom can Richard stay the night? Can I
03:05please Ms. Ryan? Oh sure I'll make waffles for breakfast.
03:08Mom I don't want waffles. Okay then I won't make waffles.
03:13Happy sixth month anniversary my love. This belonged to my
03:17great-grandmother. Yeah my great-grandfather bought it for her
03:21with the money he made from his first major arms deal. Wow
03:24well we'll have to see what I look like later wearing nothing but blood diamonds.
03:31Here she comes. Madam President! Madam President! Ambassador! Are you two engaged yet?
03:35Hey guys. Who want me to bring you back?
03:40How come you never talk about your stay in Arizona? Oh I
03:44love that Grand Canyon. It's not an answer.
03:47Arizona? Yeah it was a spot. It was just a spot.
03:52Hey. Hey looky looky. Here she is the most beautiful woman in the spa.
04:04All right watch your toesies. Watch your toesies.
04:08Hello ma'am. Marjorie. Marjorie. Lovely to see you.
04:12Yes I want to make you look pretty okay. Good.
04:15What's new? You were here yesterday. That's right.
04:19They love you so much they can't keep away. Ma'am that was a month ago.
04:23Gary is humoring you. Okay. Gary are you sure that this isn't too much medication?
04:28People think we're married. I think it's the perfect amount.
04:31How often are you visiting? Like twice a day but not as much as I would like.
04:36I got a place about three hours away. Mom how are you feeling?
04:39Losing was just the best. Oh yes it was. Really?
04:43Because politics has a sickness. That's right.
04:46That's right. Catherine. That's right. And it's sick. That's right. How about some lipstick?
04:50It's so amazing to hear you say that. Yeah. Mom we were thinking that maybe
04:55when you're feeling all better that maybe you could come live with us.
04:58Yes mom. Oh isn't that nice. You're beautiful Catherine. You are truly beautiful.
05:04I'll have what she's having. Be beautiful. Mom we have a surprise for you.
05:08Knock knock. Oh. As soon as I heard what a vulnerable state you were in I got on the first
05:14flight. Hi Andrew. Okay I'm gonna get the orderly with the big needles. Let's not do that.
05:18You look beautiful. Oh okay.
05:31Leon West will not let this spa thing go. He's like a bald dog with a bone.
05:35Well ma'am a buddy of mine works at the post snack shop. He says Leon's on the outs.
05:40The editors think he's lost all sense of objectivity and he's eating luna bars for women.
05:46Okay see he's unhinged. He's like this demented creep who follows me around and and gets all in
05:54my personal life and thinks about me 24 7 non-stop. Cuckoo. Yeah ma'am. Yep. They dropped off the
06:04final model to the library at Yale. Look at this. So they solved the design problem. Yes. And so now
06:13the staircase goes right up and smashes through the glass ceiling. Exactly what it's like to be
06:18a woman. And they're working on the engineering they said is a little unstable. Yeah also what
06:23it's like to be a woman. Look at Marjorie. What do you think? It looks like a vagina ma'am.
06:29See? Okay that's from an expert. You know this is what I said in the beginning. I'm not seeing that.
06:36Well you don't have any frame of reference. What if you trim the topiary around the edge?
06:41That could help. Nobody's gonna trim the topiary. I'm not a porn star. You could be but you chose
06:46politics. What is this the clitoris? You know what would be funny? We should put the men's bathroom
06:51there. They'll never find it. Well actually ma'am the female pleasure center is quite extensive.
06:56Uh no it's not. And that's the crypt ma'am. Right that's what I just said. No the crypt. What?
07:04I'm gonna be buried there? Yeah most of the formers are buried at their libraries.
07:10Okay I gotta go. Really?
07:15That was Wendy. Ellen just got a spot in the Harper day school and full financial aid. See
07:19that wouldn't happen if I paid you more. More? Now ma'am there is a problem. What? As they were
07:25prepping for the groundbreaking they discovered the library might be situated on the site of
07:30Yale's former slave quarters. Oh come on. What? Yale had slaves back then? This is not good ma'am.
07:36Wait wait wait. What if we own this? Not in a slavey way but like if we put up a very sensitive
07:42exhibit that talks about slavery and honors the men and women who suffered there. Okay well that's
07:47an excellent idea Mike but I'm not gonna have my vagibrary underground railroaded by this.
07:54All right who else knows? Just the site manager that's it but he's Italian so he knows how to
07:59keep bodies buried. Good nobody else can know right? Okay Marjorie. Okay. Shit. Marjorie? Marjorie?
08:08Marjorie. Marjorie. Marjorie. Marjorie. Marjorie. Slaves? Mother? No way. Okay.
08:20Cat what room is this Catherine? Oh my god. I mean when did we build an Indian casino gift shop?
08:26It's the nursery. Seriously? Oh my god. Well where are the toys or is the baby gonna play chess
08:32against death? You know what mom as your daughter and the library's third biggest donor and the
08:38library's third biggest donor. Oh I heard her. You cannot build this library on the oppressed facts
08:44of the ancestors of my child. Listen to me Catherine Kinte. What am I on? Nothing. Okay.
08:52Do you want to talk about second class citizens? You want to do that? Blacks got the vote in 1870.
08:58When did women get the vote? 1920. Sisters. Well the voting rights act was in 1965. Mom you are
09:03going to be the grandmother of a child that is half black. And 116th French Huguenot. I cannot
09:09stand that term. Ma'am the nomenclature has moved away from African-American. It is black. I'm
09:14talking about grandmother okay. I am still a young woman. Really look at my hands. Gorgeous. Look at
09:21my neck okay. I am not about to be buried in a twat of my own making. I'm still relevant.
09:30Nobody likes a tattletale Marjorie.
09:32Good morning ladies. Good morning ma'am. Vice President Selina Meyer to see the president.
09:45Madam Vice President how are you? I'm good thank you. The president is very very busy. Oh I know.
09:50I know. Why don't I show you your office first? Oh sure yeah. Right across the street here. What
09:56the EEOB? No no no no no no no no no no no no. Hughes promised me an office here in the West Wing.
10:04It's just right across the street and you'll be neighbors. Okay I haven't spoken to my neighbors
10:10in my entire fucking life. I don't even know who they are. Be glad. All right you and I both know
10:16that Hughes would never do this if I was a male VP. We'd be out shotgunning beers and
10:22sucking each other off like Carter and Mondale. Don't look at me with that smirk. You know that's
10:28the case. You need to understand the president doesn't actually want you to do anything other
10:36than continue to be a woman which you're doing a pretty okay job at. So I'm gonna let you walk
10:42the rest of the way. I'm trying to cut down on exercise okay. He'll call you if he needs you.
10:47Um well you are an exceptional woman. I know but we are gonna fight this. Madam Vice President.
10:54Yeah god that feels good to say. So where are the new digs huh? Are we close to a kitchen? Well um
10:59I actually have good news. We are going to be in the EEOB. Oh wow. No it's good. I'm thinking we
11:08need to distance ourselves from this sort of one and done administration. So this is your decision
11:16and you don't want to interrupt that. I'm so sorry to interrupt Madam Vice President. I'm uh Joan Orion.
11:20Okay. I am oh I'm a uh a West Wing intern. Oh congratulations. I just want to say it's such an
11:27honor to meet you. The only reason that I voted for Hughes is because you were on the ticket. Well I'm
11:31sure you're not alone. Maybe we can pull some strings and and get you assigned to the EEOB.
11:38Yeah maybe. Oh Mr. Cafferty. See that? He's kind of cute anyway. Yeah hello sir. I just want to say
11:45what a pleasure it is to meet you and uh the only reason that I voted for Hughes is because I knew
11:49you were his captain. I have two things for you to do. They're important. Can you handle it? Of course
11:54yes absolutely. One get the fuck away from me. Two stay the fuck away from me. Okay you do that? Yes sir.
12:02I won't let you down. I love interns.
12:11Congressman there's a simple and easy solution to the homeless problem. Pass mandatory sentencing
12:16laws for vagrancy. Then these unfortunates will finally have a home. My prisons. Look I hate the
12:24homeless as much as any librarian. I mean that's why God created Sub-Zero Winters in the third rail
12:30but chances of me pushing for any tax incentives for these private hoose gals is about as likely as
12:35what? Well it's me walking out of a bar with less than 10 types of semen in my hair. Sir I know I
12:40don't have an appointment but what I have to say is okay. Holy shit I can't believe you're actually
12:45showing that camel snatch you call a face in D.C. You're about as welcome here as Jerry Sandusky at
12:50an open call for Oliver. Yeah you want a dried apricot? They're Turkish. Anything I can do to
12:56annoy the Armenians? Good seeing you Tansy. Let me know when you find your wallet. Oh hey Jonah can
13:01we get lunch sometime? I want to talk about you being the legal guardian to my baby if anything
13:05happens to me and Mary. Okay yeah sure okay. I hope you're not here for Shawnee. No sir I am here with
13:11a final solution to restore me to power. Sir I will do anything that you say. I know that's
13:18what I love about you. It's like that regular cowboy movie. I can't quit you. Yes thank you sir
13:24Butch and Sundance. The point is now is not the time to go putzing after representatives,
13:29congressmen. No from now on I'm only buying senators and presidents. That's the way to
13:36affect meaningful change. We'll always have the shutdown won't we? Huge miscalculation.
13:44Mayor Thompson I hope you'll support me in November in the senate contest. Absolutely
13:49Congresswoman Myers. Thank you. No it's Meyer. There's no F at the end. Look you can see right
13:56here on the on the back. There's no F. Jewish. No. No. Oh what a great county this is. I just love
14:04everybody here so well behaved and polite. Thank you. It's like Salina mania right?
14:11Okay we gotta go. Okay we gotta go. Salina. We are fucked two ways which till Tuesday. What are you
14:20talking about? We've completely spent all of our tv money. Well who's in charge of that? Technically
14:25I am but when you buy it. That's not my problem. All right we're leaving okay? Hey Andrew we have
14:31got to fire that Mike guy. He's the biggest goddamn idiot I've ever. Salina hey uh boy I got
14:38can you believe I put a pen in my pocket without a cap and Sally was uh helping me
14:43get the stain out. You remember uh Sally Neufeld our biggest donor in Neufeld department stores?
14:52You know I'm so glad that I've just rung into you Sally. You are? We need to make a tv buy
15:01tonight otherwise we're dead in the water. So maybe you can help us grease the knob
15:08or the wheel or whatever it is. You know I would love to Salina but we've already given to a number
15:14of candidates. Yeah you know I wish your husband was here because I would love for him to hear
15:20about the story of you and Andrew on the bus with the pen. Let me get my checkbook. Oh can we have
15:27your pen Andrew? I don't have a pen. Oh you don't. Oh we threw the pen out. I don't give a fuck. Okay how
15:32does 25,000 sound? Well I'll tell you something why don't you put your money where your mouth was
15:38is and add another zero. That should be no problem. Oh goody.
15:46And that's why I need your help telling the Danny Chung story how I pulled a marine from a
15:52burning tank. We're familiar with the story. How about this? How about an interview
15:59with the soldier that you pulled in the tank? That's an excellent idea.
16:04But best not to contact him for personal reasons or really anyone who saw it. I don't want to
16:10re-trigger but this is the kind of thinking I need for my team. Well let us put together an
16:15action plan. All right. Ready for change. Ready for Chung. Ready for a chunge. First chunge.
16:23I'm gonna fix that slogan. Yeah really. I'm kidding it's great. Thanks governor. There's Amy.
16:29Come on in. You know we could really use you Ames. Give us a little touch of the feminine. You and I
16:33could split those duties. Yeah I think I uh I've been waiting a long time for us to get together.
16:39There it is. We can accomplish beautiful things in this town gentlemen. I'm just gonna
16:47have to talk to Selena. Amy's out. No she's coming in. We're not gonna validate the parking.
16:57Meant that I'm gonna tell her once and for all.
17:03Okay so Lou wants to meet in Hong Kong to talk Brazil.
17:07We'll leave Friday. That's so funny because the lady who does my Brazilian is from Hong Kong.
17:12No it's Kismet. I know it really is isn't it? No her name is Kismet. They make her use Linda.
17:18You know my favorite cousin Hamid went here. I partied his balls off. Oh my god we should have
17:23invited him to come to the thing today. Oh he's not exactly on the yes fly list. Oh mom I'm so
17:28glad my doctor cleared me to come today. You got to be careful with that McClintock cervix of yours.
17:32Oh it's incompetent cervix. That's what I said Marjorie. Zing you got me ma'am. Hey
17:37Cordy. That's the head librarian now. I love the new design on the building there. Yeah right. My
17:43god looks like Queen Kong's cooter. That's what we're going for. That ain't the first time I spent
17:5020 million on a piece of pussy. Oh good on you Cordy. Okay thank you. Yes yes yes absolutely.
17:56Let's go get President Caldwell please. On it ma'am. Yeah um now that the library is officially
18:02moving forward I really need clarity on my role. Yes. So it's time for you to make a decision. Yes
18:07and I think I did because I talked to you about that. About the chicken right? Nope. Oh yeah you
18:12didn't want red meat for a week. No no no. Who's in charge of the library? Is it Richard or is it
18:17me? Because if it's not me I have another offer and I'm going to take. Madam President. There you
18:23are. This is President Veale ma'am. I found him. How are you? Well I've got a professor of gender
18:29study suing for tenure. You can imagine what that's about. Oh my god. Well this thing shouldn't
18:33take too long so we can get you out of here. Actually Madam President the Washington Post
18:38called asking for comment on a story that the library site was originally the university's
18:45slave quarters. That's Leon. It's gotta be Leon. I'm embarrassed but the university is going to
18:51have to take some time to study the situation. What are you talking about? We're having the
18:55groundbreaking today. If it were up to me we'd be putting up drywall on your vagina building
19:01today. Well I appreciate that Jim. But in the current climate with the lawsuit and with
19:06one of our adjuncts in the hello function with the sombrero. Okay I don't know that. You can
19:11understand this is not a time we want to put a spotlight on our historic association with
19:17slavery. After all this is Yale not Brown. I got waitlisted there. Oh ow ow ow.
19:25Ma'am I think her water just broke. Are you kidding me? I will be in touch. In the meantime
19:31if you're trying to get out of town don't take High Street. The KKK, that's the cool queers of
19:37color, is having a pee-in in front of Skull and Bones. Got that. Thank you. I mean
19:44um Yale pulled out without even coming on my tits. Things sure have changed since I went to college.
19:58These are genuine pieces of the wall. Baby's crowding. You know what I should go. Here come
20:03the shoulders. I wish I'd let you do anal. It would have hurt less than this. See? All up the
20:10dosage on your spinal. Oh god I like her. I like you. Have you decided on a name? No. What's your
20:16name? Sandra. Yeah not that. Hey how about those ice chips? Hi I'm Gary. Hi. I ground these myself.
20:24The hospital ones are so big. There we go. Thank you. Oh my god. Okay. Okay doctor.
20:32I'm gonna get you a cookie. Right here. Here we go. Push. Okay we're looking good. We're looking
20:39good. Here it comes. Oh my god. Congratulations mommy and daddy. Here's your baby. Is that its hair?
20:47Yeah. Will you be nursing? No. My god I'm not a goat. Well those are for daddy. Oh god. Sandra
20:54can you write down your number in case you have any questions about it? You can give it to my
20:59husband. Hi. I think I want to run for Congress. Oh some black shit is coming out of it. It's loud.
21:14It's so loud. I've never heard anything quite like. Oh it's loud.
21:19Oh wow. You went ahead without me. Baby has my elbows. Mom where have you been? They're ready to
21:30send us home. Okay well Catherine slaves have ruined my library so you can stop attacking me.
21:36You know how busy your mother is Catherine. What are you doing here? Our daughter wanted at least
21:41one of her parents to be here. Fortunately I was available. So what is it? What do we got? A boy or
21:46a girl? Well we're judging by sex organs which apparently we're not. It's a boy. Thank you. Is it
21:50to hold him grandma? Oh I'll take your purse. That is fine. I'll just give him a little. I've
21:54packed up all your toiletries so you're all set to go. Mommy. Oh grandma. Congratulations. Okay.
22:02When did you come back into the picture? What do you mean? When did you get back? Is mama ready to
22:08roll out? Oh my god I can't believe it. Oh thank you. You're Monica from Monica. Oh it is a dream
22:17of mine to cook with you someday. It's my dream too. Oh well we should make that happen. I'll get
22:22your number. Absolutely we should make that happen. Open up a bottle of Chateau Montelena.
22:28Okay so what are we calling him? Aluminum, Tenafly, Ribbon. We haven't landed on a name yet. I don't
22:35mind Tenafly. You know what about Richard? That would be kind of cute because then we could call
22:39him little Richard. Love. Now it's actually named after my godmother Richardina. Everybody's called
22:44her Regina. Oh you know what actually it probably wasn't named after her. I just got here but I guess
22:50we're leaving now. Oh hello. Look at this little creature. Looks just like both of you. Oh hi.
22:59So in the Quran it is recommended that upon the birth of a child a father should slaughter two
23:05goats. However out of respect for your veganism um I got you the wipe warmer instead. Yes yes thank
23:13you. Ambassador Jafar if I could nibble your ear for a moment about a sand opportunity I'm
23:19currently involved. Okay I'm all set with sand. But this is beach sand. He doesn't want sand.
23:26This is traumatizing for the baby. No I know. You know what I'm gonna help you. I'm gonna help you
23:32Everyone say hello to little Richard. Is that the baby's name? Yes. Well I have to say that as the
23:39proud grandmother of an African-American baby I would rather never have a presidential library
23:52than to have one that is built on the backs of dead slaves. Shame on Yale and shame on Amy
24:02Brookhiser. Oh and this is my lesbian daughter's Native American lesbian life partner Marjorie.
24:11Madam President the American public would like to know when you're going to come clean about your
24:15stay at Whispering Sands. Okay well I have a confession to make uh both my daughter and my
24:22mother have struggled greatly with very serious mental health problems. What? I know everyone's
24:30in my family too. You know if this administration continues to ignore the mental health crisis in
24:38this country well you know it's crazy. It really is. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you very much. I
24:46appreciate it. Thank you. Ma'am I'm so sorry you lost your library. You know last night I
24:53dreamt that I removed Leon West's balls with an ice cream scoop and I think I actually came.
24:58Is everything always ice cream with you? Just say the word ma'am and I won't. Amy Amy I leaked it
25:05to Leon. Why? Why would you Kurt Cobain your own library? Because girly only former presidents
25:14have libraries and I'm running for president.
25:23You're running again? The band is getting back together again. I don't know. I get it I'm Ringo.
25:29No Amy's Ringo. You're Mark David Chapman's bullet. How is this even possible? Tibet. Tibet. It's all
25:35Tibet. We are gonna ride that Dalai Lama like Mrs. Lama on book club night.
25:44And what about Montez? She's a Mexican who stole your job. She did in fact. Her numbers are under
25:50agua. I can't believe this. We're back. I do need to talk to you about your role and Mike I need to
25:55talk to you about your role. Yes we definitely need to talk to you about that. Second time's the charm.
26:02It's actually fourth. Fourth. Yeah fourth time's the charm. So what do you think? Beat's working for Jonah.
26:10Yeah. There's just uh one last thing you need to do. I'm not gonna do that. Selena you have to do it.
26:18You know there's a restaurant in Kowloon that has a clay-baked chicken dish that you have to order 24
26:31hours in advance. Yeah Jafar I can't. I understand. 24 hours seems like a lot of hoopla for chicken
26:37doesn't it? Yeah I mean I can't I can't um go to Hong Kong with you anymore. No the Chinese are
26:44expecting us. The Brazil plan is set. No I just you know I've been rethinking things and there are
26:51some new options for me okay. Post bet. Um well
27:01I don't have any problem with options. Yeah but you know the options will be
27:07a lot easier without any baggage.
27:10Muslim baggage? Jafar you are so sophisticated and your grasp of geopolitics is just
27:19Selena what are you? And those are assets anywhere in the world except. In America? In the United States yeah
27:27and most of Europe. Except Germany you know because they overcorrect.
27:33You should take this back.
27:37Right? Yes I want it back.
27:55Oh my god Madam President.
28:03Oh my god.
28:18Woo council plus Iowa here we are. Exactly 20 minutes from Omaha. That exactly. Okay who asked
28:26my speech? I need my speech. How are the girls and big and little Richard doing? How are your kids been?
28:31Oh touche ma'am. Yes. Here's your speech. Thank you ma'am. Look at this there are no typos. There are no
28:37food stains. You spelled Meyer right. Well I am a grown man. Okay Madison Monroe dinner.
28:43Kind of brings back old memories. Oh and she's back. Welcome back ma'am. Dan you got a sec?
28:50Uh yeah. Ben's right. A lot of memories. She and I started here seven years ago. Don't tell me about
28:57it. I was here in 2012. Steve banged a couple of stewardesses. Stop being exactly like yourself.
29:02You're fucking ruining this. Ruining what? Remember a couple months ago after you got fired we had
29:07drinks with Ben. Yeah yeah yeah we had a lot of drinks. Yeah well I'm pregnant. It's yours.
29:23I thought things were starting to turn around.
29:35It's so great to be back among all our friends in Iowa.
29:41You know there's been a lot of speculation about me running for president again but tonight is not about that.
29:58No over the next few months folks I will embark on what I call a feeling tour across America
30:07from Palo Alto to Hollywood from Iowa to New Hampshire and from the Hamptons to Wall Street.
30:16I'm going to be with the real folks out there. I want to feel their feelings and I want to hear
30:24their speakings. You know I have to tell you when I left the White House I could have gone
30:30anywhere but I didn't. I chose the South Bronx so I could feel and smell what America was all about.
30:40It smells good. Two years ago I stood right here in my old high school gym where I was chosen for
30:53many many sports teams surrounded by my family and my my friends to seek your support for Congress
31:01as the ultimate insiders outsider and if there's one thing that you should know about me
31:09Washington insiders they didn't like me very much so let's send them a message by shoving the guy
31:16that they hate the most right back in their faces. I am announcing my exploratory committee for the
31:22presidency of the United States of America which basically means I'm definitely running.
31:27God bless New Hampshire. God bless the United States of America and Puerto Rico if they
31:33can vote for president and God bless Joe Ryan. Thank you. Thank you. Okay people look the president can
31:41only do so much without the cooperation of the Congress. I can't impress upon you enough that
31:46this process only works when there's bipartisan communication. That is what the constitution
31:52requires right? Okay you in the back. Will this be on the final? No comments. Old habits die hard I
32:01guess. Yes. No. Actually I can neither confirm nor deny that. You know what I don't know
32:09so we'll deal with it later. Okay perfect. Remember three branches of government judiciary legislative
32:17and there's a third and uh if you want to know something about government watch this film
32:23Air Force One. It's a good movie shows you what a president can do. Nice to meet you.