• 2 days ago
Veep Season 4 Episode 2 East Wing


00:00I'd like to begin by saying there is only one thing on anybody's mind today, the president's
00:20hosting of her first state visit.
00:23After welcoming the Israeli prime minister to the White House, did he dye his mustache
00:28to ensure that they seize this holy shit, he dyed his mustache.
00:32It's vanity.
00:33He's the TV face of the administration, but he's glued Cheetos to that face dinner this
00:39He looks like Yosemite Sam.
00:42Without the credibility of the Martin Luther King Memorial, he's going to get his tits
00:45done next.
00:46Sean, today's the president's 33rd day in office.
00:50She's outlasted William Henry Harrison, our shortest serving president.
00:53How does she feel about that?
00:55She feels great.
00:56Unlike President Harrison, who contracted pneumonia during his inaugural address and
01:01Thanks, ladies and gentlemen.
01:04Nice work, Mike.
01:05You're on fire.
01:08It's your mustache.
01:09I call it tangerine dream.
01:10Hey, are we getting cocktails later?
01:12No, I can't.
01:13I got to get home.
01:14No, we love to drink.
01:21So our concern is debate time for families first.
01:25Our friends on the rules committee need a shove.
01:28So you want me to rule the house rules committee?
01:30If anyone can do this, Dan, I'm confident you or the guy we hired to replace you can.
01:35I am really excited about this Israeli visit.
01:38It's going to be a good day, guys.
01:40Middle East?
01:41Middle easy.
01:42I'm a little concerned about the dinner centerpieces, because I feel like they...
01:47I'm handling world peace, okay?
01:49You just go make the room pretty.
01:51I.e. the opposite of that fucking monstrosity.
01:54What is that?
01:55Picasso's heavy period?
01:56President Hughes loved it.
01:57Is that why his wife tried to kill herself?
02:00Yeah, I think it's called a man who shits triangles.
02:03Bad enough having the Pentagon up your ass.
02:05Where is Amy, by the way?
02:07She's campaign manager.
02:08This is a campaign meeting.
02:10I mean, I got to go save the world.
02:13I know that sounds like hyperbole, but...
02:15But you do.
02:16I do.
02:17In fact, I actually do, do have to do that.
02:18I just got a text from Amy.
02:20I am a latte.
02:22Does she mean she's late?
02:26You said there wouldn't be traffic.
02:29This is traffic.
02:31Could be anything.
02:33Xing up ahead.
02:34Active shooter.
02:35Probably not that.
02:37You make me any more late, and I lock you in this car and have it compacted.
02:42How about some music?
02:44I have Bluetooth with your phone, so...
02:46Remember yourself.
02:47It is winnable.
02:48Delete the private polling.
02:51Turn that off.
02:52I thought I had it on shuffle.
02:54Also, hair.
02:55Ask Marianne about electrolysis.
02:58The campaign, the whole comm strategy.
03:02We've got too many balls being dropped right now.
03:05For instance, we've got yet another appalling photograph of Katherine.
03:12No offense, honey, but I mean, look at yourself.
03:15It's not my fault the press doesn't take me seriously because I don't have a role here.
03:20I need a core role.
03:22Yeah, that's a very good idea.
03:24She has good organizational skills.
03:26She turned around the College Film Society.
03:29I transformed it.
03:30Good for you.
03:32Ma'am, I've got a virtual Amy.
03:34Ma'am, I am so sorry.
03:37Oh, can't she just call in?
03:39I feel like I'm on trial in the future.
03:41Ma'am, if I could interrupt.
03:43I really, really think that the...
03:46Amy, it's filtering out like every other word.
03:51This is why we need a steady hand like Bill Erickson.
03:55By the way, I'm bringing in Bill Erickson.
03:57Madam President, did you just say Bill Erickson?
04:01Ma'am, I...
04:05Okay, I can't look at that anymore.
04:07It's bad enough looking at Mike's mustache.
04:09Have you seen that thing?
04:10It's like he ate a volcano.
04:12Ma'am, we do have that issue of national security, so I'm afraid that Katherine right now...
04:17Oh, okay.
04:18Amy, you have to get out, honey.
04:20Sorry, I apologize.
04:23Madam President, I'd like to state that I think that Katherine is a valuable asset.
04:29And daughter.
04:30But her likability index is shallow.
04:38We polled her popularity.
04:41How dare you?
04:44How could you have the audacity?
04:51Oh, these are not good.
04:53Okay, well, she's going to have to be told.
04:56Gently, of course, but who's going to do that?
05:05I believe I have the skills, ma'am.
05:07There you go.
05:09You do it, Kent.
05:12Ma'am, today is a very special day.
05:14I know.
05:15I'm building a roadmap to peace.
05:17Not just that, ma'am.
05:18Not just that.
05:19Oh, don't tell me it's Happy Harrison Day.
05:21I outlive some dead idiot president.
05:29It's Ben's birthday.
05:31My birthday.
05:32Happy birthday, Ben.
05:34Wow, that was quick.
05:36We have a cake?
05:42All right, well, that was a good interruption.
05:52Ah, William Henry Harrison.
05:54Oh, God.
05:55At least somebody...
05:56Noticed this horrible cake?
05:58You're welcome.
06:00Just go ahead.
06:05Hey, Jonah.
06:08Hello, sir.
06:09Better think of a way to make me feel good.
06:12Of course.
06:13Uh, I could go get you some Pringles or...
06:15Teddy done you a solid.
06:17On my advice, the peep's gonna ask you to be in the family's first talks with Dan Egan.
06:24Oh, that's fantastic news, sir.
06:26You simultaneously made my day and ruined his.
06:31Shine brightly.
06:32Tap, tada, tap, tap, tap.
06:35All good?
06:47See, we need bigger centerpieces for the state dinner tonight.
06:50I don't care about the cost.
06:51You gotta get on that.
06:52Listen, please, please, please.
06:54If anybody doesn't know the difference between a valance and a jabot, I really need you to leave.
06:58Did the president's stylist give my notes?
06:59Yes, he did.
07:00Okay, thank God.
07:01Oh, my God.
07:02Did we get these from a homeless man's grave?
07:04They're molesting my eyes.
07:05What's happening right now?
07:06There's my favorite guy.
07:08My favorite White House social secretary!
07:11Did you hear about the centerpieces?
07:13I did.
07:14I heard you sent them back to centerpiece hell.
07:16I know.
07:17We felt they weren't right.
07:18So this is coming from the president?
07:20It's coming from us.
07:22And the painting she wants that swapped out, too?
07:24Yes, we do.
07:25And when you say that the centerpieces are not right, can you just give me a little indication
07:32of what you mean when you say not right?
07:36We just kind of feel like they need to be a different shape.
07:38They need to pop.
07:40They need to pop?
07:42No, I heard you.
07:44It is so good to find someone who gets us.
07:46It really is.
07:48Sue, I need to see the president right away.
07:51Sure, Amy.
07:52I'll just tell the Israelis to move on.
07:54Because they love that.
07:55All right.
07:56Richard, you need to hide Ben's Ativan until he comes clean about Bill Erickson.
08:00Hi, Amy.
08:01Bill, it's good to see you.
08:04I hear you're working...
08:05At the White House.
08:06Yes, I am.
08:07In what capacity?
08:09I have a specific title, but a wide brief.
08:12Eliminate weaknesses.
08:14That's a little Nazi doctor.
08:16I'm the new director of communications.
08:18Oh, that's cool.
08:19Because some of us thought you were the new campaign manager.
08:22Oh, no, I get it.
08:24Well, I just wanted to say a friendly hello in an unfriendly way.
08:35Okay, I'm going to try to say it right.
08:37Shalom aleichem.
08:39Aleichem, very good.
08:40And welcome to America.
08:42Thank you very much for your hospitality.
08:44All right.
08:45I don't mean to be abrupt, but this is over.
08:49So I think we have a five-minute break, and then we can resume, yes?
08:52Okay, very well.
08:55I like him.
08:57And I loathe politicians.
08:59Madam President, a painting in the White House was removed this morning.
09:03Should we go to the Situation Room?
09:04It was the only work of art by a Native American artist in the building.
09:07I mean, who knew we even had one?
09:09It was the Crazy Triangles painting.
09:12Native Americans are taking it as a slight, ma'am.
09:14Then just issue a statement saying we had it sent out to be cleaned.
09:18Actually, have Bill Erickson do that, because I'm having Bill Erickson replace you.
09:23Madam President?
09:25Points of departure for the possible agreements on the scale down of blockades.
09:31Who is that?
09:32To be honest, I don't even know if she's one of ours.
09:3520 bucks says she's Mossad.
09:37Come on, we only got four minutes.
09:39Sorry, Jim.
09:40I don't have time to explain my thinking on that.
09:42I've got the Middle East in here.
09:46Even though we have our differences, I think my mom brokering major peace talks is super awesome.
09:54It is super awesome.
09:56But I want to talk to you about a more personal matter.
09:59I didn't take drugs with those guys.
10:01I was just in their bus for half an hour.
10:06That is good to know.
10:10This is about a brand image of Katharine Meyer, T.N.
10:17I asked you in because, um...
10:23Katharine America doesn't like you.
10:26That sounded way too harsh when boiled down to a headline thought.
10:30Let me see that.
10:31It's not that you are unlikable.
10:33It's that there's a perception that you are unlikable.
10:39They hate me.
10:40I wouldn't say hate.
10:41You just polarize opinion with the bulk of it gravitating to this pole here.
10:53Oh, my.
10:55You have sharp shoulders.
10:56This is like high school all over again.
10:58Yeah, sure.
10:59Kind of, but much bigger.
11:01So, let's talk about changing your narrative.
11:04Customary shortcuts to public affirmation are military service or childbirth.
11:10God, no.
11:11And oh, my God, no.
11:12In that order.
11:14Well, then we go back to the idea of turning that frown into the inverse of a frown.
11:24Upside down?
11:25If you will.
11:29So, there wasn't even like a little part of you that thought I was going to be in these talks?
11:36Look, just sit there in the meeting and let me take the lead.
11:40I need your help.
11:41I'll give you a signal.
11:43What's the signal?
11:44There's not going to be a signal.
11:49Congressman Pierce.
11:50So good to see you.
11:51Hey, what's shaking, bacon?
11:52My way of saying hello.
11:53Breaking the ice.
11:54God, it's good to see you.
11:55This is my colleague.
11:56You know, let's get started.
11:58Let's go.
11:59I really like your office.
12:00This is a great office.
12:01I mean, the way you've arranged the furniture, this horse guy over here, that painting.
12:05I just said, this is the nicest office I've ever been in.
12:08My friend here is very excited here, as are we, obviously, about the Families First bill.
12:12Specifically, the pre-K program for low-income families.
12:16We're very proud of that.
12:17Well, the people that I represent like to see that money is spent wisely.
12:23Of course.
12:24That's why we always say invest in education.
12:26You know, don't think of them as kids as much as little human startups.
12:30You know, spend to save.
12:32And then you take the money you save and you spend it.
12:35That's economics.
12:37And, well, on my desk here, you see I keep a box of coupons.
12:42I clip them myself.
12:44And this is to help me to remember to be economical.
12:47That is a fantastic idea.
12:49I'm going to take a page.
12:50I'm going to do this myself.
12:53Did you know a lot of these have expired?
12:58It's so busy.
12:59I'm on the rules committee now.
13:01Of course.
13:02So what you're saying is that you support the bill in principle,
13:05but you're worried that an escalation of cost wouldn't sit well with your colleagues in the house?
13:09Yeah, that's very well put.
13:12Hey, you like to bowl?
13:14Oh, I am a terrible bowler.
13:17But I enjoy the social aspects immensely.
13:20Oh, well, you know, we're all getting together for a little hang at the White House bowling alley tomorrow night.
13:26Throwing strikes with the president of the United States.
13:29That's bucket list bowling.
13:30I didn't mean that you would necessarily.
13:32One on one with the president would be great in a photographic record of it.
13:35You want to get a photo?
13:36We'd have to check with the scheduler.
13:38She's probably not a very good bowler.
13:40You might even be able to beat her.
13:43We do have Native American staff.
13:45They're on a list that you're going to give me in 30 minutes, okay?
13:48Now get me some scalps.
13:50Get me some names.
13:56Hey, buddy, I don't know what to say.
13:58This job's my whole life.
14:00Hey, I hate to ask, but would you mind helping me out?
14:04Would you tell the media that Bill Erickson's taking your job?
14:08It would just make it seem more amicable.
14:11Would you do that for me?
14:25If we could just agree to a timetable for the talks, can you imagine that?
14:30I mean, it would be the first brick in the wall of peace.
14:34It's not a wall, ma'am.
14:35Well, it's an expression, a bridge of peace, I'll say.
14:38We're so close. We're so close.
14:40So is my country.
14:41It's got lots of people who would like to destroy it.
14:44Are all these notes about the Native American paintings?
14:49Yes, it's ironic that you're talking to us about occupation while you occupy someone else's continent.
14:57Yeah, okay. Well, I do see the irony in that.
15:00Excuse me just two seconds. I'm sorry. Pardon me.
15:06It's about the painting.
15:07Okay. You see what's going on over here behind me?
15:10Kind of a big deal.
15:12So why don't you tell Sashie and Little Feather to get off the rag and get over it, right?
15:19And I never said that.
15:21Right. Okay.
15:25To reiterate, the painting was not removed. It was just taken out to be cleaned.
15:29It was painted four years ago. What made it so dirty?
15:33This was just a preemptive cleaning. Much like a juice cleanse.
15:38But the Native American painting is the only one getting the cleanse?
15:41Other paintings will also be cleansed.
15:43Cleansed is not the right word. Wiped? No, not wiped. Cleaned.
15:51Moving on to the state dinner this evening.
15:55Sue, Sue, Sue, Sue, Sue, Sue. I need your help.
15:58What is it?
15:59Sue, I need a window for the...
16:00Whoa. Gary, you look whiter than a Georgia Country Club.
16:04What the hell is wrong, Gary?
16:06I mean, currently. We don't have time for the whole tapestry.
16:10I moved the painting. I did it.
16:13You have to tell her.
16:14No, no, no. It's worse than that. I did something really bad.
16:17Is there a child missing?
16:18I wanted her first state dinner to be really nice.
16:20So you what? Hired strippers?
16:22No, I spent some money. Like, I spent a lot of money.
16:25Oh, you really need to tell her.
16:27Sue, you know, you know it's not as easy as that.
16:30Gary, your inner child needs to grow an outer man.
16:32Okay, I was just trying to make her happy.
16:35Mission incomplete, dude.
16:36I feel so much better. Thank you so much.
16:40Heart to heart.
16:41Great, great.
16:42Boy, at peace with Israel, at war with Native Americans.
16:46You know what I am? I'm like the opposite of Mel Gibson.
16:49Well, ma'am, the Saudis are getting anxious about...
16:51Oh, you got a stall then.
16:52Madam President, I thought...
16:54Ma'am, the U.S. Poultry Association is concerned that there are no current photos of you eating eggs.
16:59That's terrific.
17:00Hey, ma'am, can I just have a moment of your time?
17:01Bill, I can't give you any little moments.
17:03Madam President, I have the GDP figures.
17:05Uh, give them to Kent. Kent, what do you need?
17:09Yeah, I was going to ask for the GDP figures.
17:10Well, then that's perfect.
17:11All I need is just one little second.
17:12Okay, Gary, I'm going to think about the dinner when I'm actually putting the dinner in my mouth.
17:18Now, what we need is a lot more butt-ugly Native American paintings, okay?
17:24Because the first butt-ugly one was removed by some jerk-off with a hairball for a brain.
17:30Now, I have got to go to the toilet, so I hope that can answer anybody else's questions.
17:37I gotta wow.
17:42And what we're proposing, Congresswoman, with the Families First Bill?
17:45I got this. I got this.
17:47Uh, what we're proposing is a minimum 12-month eligibility period and a safety check on all providers.
17:54I hear you, but I wanted to ask a technical question about the bill.
17:57Sure. Yeah. Absolutely. Go ahead.
17:59Why do Title II, Section 3, and Title VIII, Section 5 contradict each other?
18:06Uh, my colleague, Mr. Egan, he's more than nuts and bolts, guys, so I'll...
18:10No. No, no, no. You got this.
18:12No, you can...
18:13We call him Dr. Details.
18:17Do you like Martin Scorsese?
18:19Because we have a private screening of his new film at the White House coming up.
18:24Okay. Will he be there?
18:26Uh, will he be there?
18:29Oh, uh, your assistant. There's something for you.
18:32Excuse me.
18:36What's Scorsese film?
18:37I don't know. He's gotta have a new one dropping, right? He's really prolific.
18:40Jesus Christ, you can't lie, Jonah. A, she's gonna find out, and B, you suck at it.
18:46Wait, you have an entire team briefing you, Dan. You got your Danettes and your Dangelinas.
18:51I'm playing solo. I'm fucking Amelia Earhart, and I'm still doing a better job than you.
18:56And you owe me a staff.
18:57Staff? Oh, well, I guess you'll need them all at the Scorsese screening you're having in your head.
19:01Oh, well, I guess I'll just start telling people that you're the one that planted the Danny Chung torture rumors.
19:06Will you shut the fuck up? Will you shut the fuck up?
19:08I am sorry. Uh, there's a lot of Navajo in my district. This painting thing is escalating.
19:15I'm afraid I'll have to postpone.
19:17We completely understand. We'll be in touch.
19:19About that screening. Maddie, you ever see the King of Comedy?
19:24I haven't.
19:25It's a good one. Underrated.
19:31Hey, so let me see the photo phase that you and Kent were working on.
19:40That's not good. You're flaring your nostrils. It feels natural.
19:45It feels natural. I'll tell you what, can you watch me? See if you can mimic this, okay?
19:50Like, more like this. Like...
19:56You see that?
19:59That's right, honey. No, no, that was good. That looks happy.
20:04Even if you're not happy, that's the trick.
20:09You gotta make sure she has height here. A lot of volume because her skull is low.
20:16It's kind of indented.
20:18Barbra Streisand pulled out of the state dinner. Do you have Sarah Silverman's contact information?
20:22For the dinner? No.
20:23I think there are three whole flower trucks parked outside the White House. I would know about it.
20:28Go. Outside. Go. Count the flower trucks.
20:31Did you find me in office?
20:32No, but I scouted you this chair, and if you stand on it just like so, you can get Wi-Fi.
20:38Now believe the day that I'm having.
20:39Oh, what a day. I feel like this is gonna be a key scene in my biopic.
20:43Hey, I need a shirt. This isn't Die Hard.
20:46Hey, Sugar Tits, did you stroke and choke the rules committee?
20:49Oh, yeah, absolutely. He can drop the ball a little bit, but I picked it up. He's a good kid.
20:54How's it going with Mr. Genius Bar over there?
20:56He's eager and hardworking and never complains, and every night I dream of drowning him.
21:02Would you like to get rid of him?
21:03God, yes.
21:05Jonah, I'm so proud of you. I could squeeze you like a sponge in the shower.
21:09Yo, yup. Yup, I'll come with you.
21:12You have seven missed messages. Should I room to you? I'll room to you.
21:16Jonah, look, Amy was telling me all about Richard here. Richard, apparently, is the assistant's assistant.
21:24Does that mean he's the epitome of an assistant, or he's just an assistant's assistant?
21:29First one.
21:30Richard, how would you like to work right here in the White House for the Jonah Ryan?
21:37Work in the White House?
21:40Am I being punked? Is this hazing?
21:43Happened to my brother once. He did not handle it well.
21:46All right, well, Jonah, there you go. You now have someone under you.
21:48Great, or at least between me and Teddy.
21:53Welcome aboard.
21:54Thank you, sir.
21:55Oh, sir. I like that. I'll get used to that. Keep doing it.
21:58Yes, sir.
21:59Oh, there it is again. That's twice. Come with me.
22:03Thank you. I owe you one.
22:05Of course you do. Why else would I have done it?
22:09What's Gary doing? Trying to max out America?
22:12Well, who knew they made lampshades out of unobtainium?
22:15Okay, guys, I will not hear a single bad word about my friend Gary, but...
22:19Yeah, yeah, yeah, he's out of control.
22:22Did you see the cost of the dinner?
22:24This will sting us, make us look decadent and remote.
22:27Yeah, said the Princeton grad and the Valentino tux.
22:30Does the president need to know? She's got a lot on her plate right now, no pun intended.
22:33That her bag man spins like a Babylonian king? Yes, I think so.
22:37Well, you can tell her. She likes you.
22:39And I plan on keeping it that way, so I'll leave it to you.
22:42Sue, would you like to tell the president?
22:44No, I would not, but thank you for thinking of me.
22:50You have a pretty good relationship with the president, don't you?
22:53You guys talk...
22:54Beep, boop, beep, boop. Hello. Yeah. Hi.
22:58You are in the J Corps now, and we own these hallways.
23:01Hey, you're probably long stocking.
23:03Yeah, you're fat mama.
23:05See that? It's kind of how we do things here in the wing.
23:08Now, through this door is the Oval Office.
23:12Fudge me. No. Yeah.
23:15You are like the coolest guy I ever met.
23:18The president and I, we're like this. You know, not to scale, obviously.
23:22Of course.
23:39Ah, this is truly spectacular.
23:41Thank you. I think so.
23:43God, I hope you don't have any allergies, though,
23:45because these centerpieces are kind of imposing, aren't they?
23:50Better not leak any photos. I see your media.
23:52Likes to make big fuss about how much you spend.
23:55Oh, yeah. Yes, yes.
23:58Huh? What? What fuss? What spending?
24:03Is it the state dinner? What is it, Patty?
24:06It's not Patty.
24:07What is it?
24:09It's Gary.
24:11Yeah, he's been on a spender bender.
24:13How much has he spent?
24:15Well, imagine Elton John on a day he feels fat.
24:19Press just kept sniffing around after the stink about the painting.
24:22Do we ever find out who moved that painting, by the way?
24:25That would be Gary, too.
24:29So, I have just brokered a peace deal with Israel here.
24:34I, as president of the United States, have actually achieved something,
24:39which is virtually unheard of.
24:42And yet I'm sharing headline news with a painting because of that guy right there.
24:50Okay. Got it. Thank you very much.
24:57Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
25:01Prime Minister Ben Achim.
25:05Mrs. Ben Achim, welcome to the White House.
25:13Hatred is a powerful emotion, but not the most powerful.
25:22Hope is more powerful than hate.
25:30Hope can build, but for hope to grow, we first need trust, don't we?
25:39To paraphrase a predecessor of mine, we have nothing to trust, but trust itself.
25:54Gary? Gary!
26:08Come out of there.
26:09Ma'am, if you'll just let me explain...
26:11Come. Out. Here. Now.
26:20Who do you think you are? Gary Antoinette?
26:23Did somebody make you First Lady?
26:25Because I don't remember marrying you, Gary.
26:27I don't remember fucking you in Niagara Falls.
26:31I think I remember that.
26:33Ma'am, I'm really sorry for the painting, and I'm really sorry for the spending,
26:36but you have to understand...
26:37Oh, shut up. Just shut up.
26:41You are unimportant, okay?
26:45And you have suckered on to me like some sort of a car window Garfield.
26:51That is not true, ma'am.
26:52You think you're some sort of a big shot here?
26:55Oh my God, you are not a big shot, Gary.
26:58You're a middle-aged man who sanitizes my tweezers.
27:06You're wrong.
27:07Excuse me?
27:09When's Catherine's birthday?
27:10June 8th.
27:13Which center are his daughters in rehab?
27:15You're out of line, missy.
27:16Gildray. What are you wearing tomorrow?
27:17I don't know.
27:18I do. I'm your calendar, I'm your Google, I'm your Wilson the volleyball.
27:23No, you're not.
27:24Yes, I am.
27:25No, you're not.
27:26I have broken my body for you.
27:28Oh, come on.
27:29I have let myself be laughed at, I have let myself be humiliated, and I'm happy to do it.
27:33Most of the time, you don't even know that I exist, but I am fucking everything to you.
27:37Oh, I am so happy to get somebody else to give me my hand cream.
27:42Okay, go.
27:43Can you find somebody else who did what I did?
27:51You mean on Labor Day?
27:53I didn't say that.
27:54Yeah, you did. You just did.
27:56You just said Labor Day.
27:58I said I would never mention that ever.
28:01Oh, God.
28:03Okay, look, I am, uh, I'm sorry if I lost my temper a little bit.
28:09I am so sorry for the words that I just spoke.
28:11You know, in a relationship, it's just good to clear the air, is what I mean to say.
28:17Yeah, I think any relationship...
28:19Yeah, should do that, you know, from time to time.
28:22Yeah, yeah, yeah.
28:24That looks good.
28:26Yeah, it's light sponge.
28:29Would you like a piece?
28:32Okay, I'll have a piece, I guess.
28:34Yes, ma'am. Yes, ma'am.
28:42It's light sponge.
28:43You just told me that.
28:46Gilderay's daughter is in rehab?
28:50That explains all that energy.
28:53Mm-hmm. A lot of energy.
28:58Wow, this is a light sponge.
29:05Hey, ma'am.
29:07How are you?
29:08I'm good.
29:09How are you?
29:10I'm good.
29:11How are you?
29:12I'm good.
29:14Hey, Mike.
29:16That should be all of them.
29:20Is there something I can help you with?
29:22Uh, no.
29:29I just find these paintings to be inspirational, I really do.
29:33I particularly love this color here.
29:36I think this is so pretty, don't you?
29:39I believe the title is Massacre.
29:43And giving you your Celebrating Community Medals is the first daughter of the United States, Kathryn Meyer.
29:53My, you are small.
29:56I suppose you're young, but you're still very small.
30:00Honey, don't look so worried. I'm not going to bite you.
30:03That man over there does have a gun.
30:07That's a wonderful photo of your daughter.
30:10Yeah, she looks so lovable there, don't you think?
30:13Very, well, she looks likable. Do you think she looks likable in that picture?
30:18Have you ever seen Star Wars?
30:20Because this is a little bit like the end of Star Wars.
30:23The whole country thanks you for your service.
30:31South Korea has called. They'd like you to look like a baby elephant.
30:35I have no response to that.
30:38Other than I already have one.
30:41I'm kidding. She used to be chubby when she was little, but she's slimmed down as she's gotten older.
30:47Thank goodness.
30:50Very good. Very good.
30:56Can you pull me up a second? It becomes acceptable to leave.