Met Office Friday Afternoon Forecast 22/03/2024

  • 2 days ago
22 March - National weather forecast presented by Aidan McGivern.
00:00Hi there, a cold front is currently crossing the country and once that clears the whole
00:06of the UK is into a much colder airflow. It will be brighter as this area of low pressure
00:12pushes the front through. There will be some clearing skies but there will also be frequent
00:17blustery showers and a cold wind blowing from the north west. That wind already prevalent
00:23across much of the UK but we keep the grey skies and damp weather as well as the milder
00:28conditions going in the far south east for the afternoon. Otherwise once the cold air
00:33arrives blue skies emerge, some decent sunny spells for the south west, central, eastern
00:39England as well but for Scotland, Northern Ireland, Northern England and eventually North
00:43Wales we're going to see those showers arriving through the afternoon and those showers will
00:47be falling as snow over the mountains of Scotland. The wind is going to make it feel cold, still
00:53up to 12, perhaps 13 Celsius in the south but in the south those temperatures are going
00:58to be dropping away through the afternoon as the colder air sets in and in the north
01:027, 8, 9 Celsius. Through the evening the showers pack in even further across Scotland, Northern
01:09Ireland, much of northern and central England as well as Wales. A few showers for the south
01:13west once the front in the south east clears away. Clear spells for the south east corner
01:19but with a brisk breeze continuing overnight will that help to stir the air up enough to
01:24prevent a widespread frost. I think mostly it will be hills that experience temperatures
01:29below freezing. Nevertheless, thermometers first thing with temperatures of 2 to 4 Celsius
01:35could see a ground frost in some places and it's certainly going to feel cold as we begin
01:40Saturday. We've got that wind blowing from the north west once again and it's going to
01:45send showers in from the north west but also those showers will develop quite quickly across
01:48central and southern parts of the UK. So just about anywhere could catch a shower through
01:53the morning and early part of the afternoon. That's when the showers will peak. Odd rumble
01:56of thunder across some central and southern parts and towards the north certainly for
02:01Scotland, Northern England and even for parts of Wales as well. Showers will be falling
02:05as snow above 2, 3, 400 metres or so. At lower levels some hail possible as well so a blustery
02:12cold and very showery afternoon to come with temperatures in many places staying below
02:1910 degrees, just about reaching 10 Celsius in the far south but add on the wind and it'll
02:24feel more like 4 to 7 degrees, feeling like winter has returned across the UK. The wind
02:31touching gale force in the far north for a time as low pressure moves into the North
02:36Sea and that wind still with us overnight on Saturday night but it will gradually ease
02:42and the showers will ease as well so I think some sheltered spots seeing a touch of frost
02:47on Sunday morning, plenty of blue skies actually as we begin Sunday and a drier day compared
02:54with Saturday but always the chance of the cloud building and further showers in places.
02:59Mostly they'll be focused across the Midlands, Northern England, Central and Eastern Scotland
03:03and we've still got that brisk wind down the North Sea coast make it feel cold but otherwise
03:07a less windy day, a brighter day on the whole, fewer showers so perhaps a bit more pleasant
03:13even if temperatures are still struggling to just about reach 10 or 11 Celsius. Towards
03:19the end of the afternoon outbreaks of rain arrive into Northern Ireland, West Wales and
03:23the far south west, a sign of a much more unsettled weather. Once again for Monday and
03:28Tuesday spells of rain and showers and those temperatures still only at about 10 to 12
