Met Office Friday Evening Forecast 22/03/2024

  • 2 days ago
22 March - National weather forecast presented by Aidan McGivern.
00:00Hi there. Some whoppers around this weekend as far as showers are concerned, especially
00:06through Saturday morning and early afternoon in this unstable north-westerly airflow that
00:12is going to affect much of the UK now that a cold front has cleared into the continent.
00:17The north-westerly wind staying brisk overnight, continuing to bring showers into Scotland,
00:22Northern Ireland, northern and western England as well as Wales. Best chance of any clearer
00:25and drier weather, East Anglia, around the East Midlands and the South East.
00:30But with those relatively brisk winds stirring the air up, most places will see temperatures
00:35dipping to 2 to 4 Celsius. At lower levels, I think a frost mostly over hills of Wales,
00:42northern England and Scotland, minus 1 or minus 2 Celsius above a few hundred metres.
00:48Now, we start off Saturday with some bright spells. Best of the sunshine first thing into
00:51the South East, but it only takes 6 or 7 degrees here to set off cumulonimbus clouds,
00:56so there'll be some great big showers developing, some rumbles of thunder, some hail as well,
01:01and just about anywhere getting these showers. And they'll move through quickly on the brisk
01:04breeze, but they'll also be, it will be cold enough, for snow across the hills of Wales,
01:10northern England and Scotland. Snow falling perhaps down to 200 metres, but mostly settling
01:15above 500 metres, so the tops of the Pennines, Scottish mountains, that sort of thing,
01:20only a couple of centimetres or so. And that wind will stay strong through the day. In fact,
01:24it strengthens in the far north of Scotland, peaking near Galeforce by the end of the day,
01:28so that's going to make it feel cold. Temperatures at 9 or 10 Celsius, quite significantly down on
01:33the 18 Celsius that we saw at times in the south earlier in the week. But when you add on the wind,
01:38it's going to feel more like 4 to 7 degrees, feeling more like a return to winter.
01:44Further showers to come through the evening. Clusters of these things
01:47carry through on the wind. You can see an uptick in activity once again across Northern Ireland,
01:52into parts of Wales, the Midlands for a time. But increasingly, the most frequent showers
01:56will be across central and north-east Scotland. That's where the strongest winds will be by dawn
02:00on Sunday. Elsewhere, the showers tend to gradually ease. A better chance of clearer
02:05spells and lighter winds. But enough of a brisk breeze, I think, once again to prevent a widespread
02:11frost. Temperatures dipping to 4 to 6 degrees generally, although some higher parts and some
02:17sheltered spots will get a ground frost. Now we start off Sunday with plenty of sunshine actually,
02:22a better chance of sunny spells across the UK compared with Saturday morning. The cloud will
02:27build, but fewer showers certainly, and a better chance of dry and bright weather through the day,
02:33even if it does turn rather cloudy into the afternoon. Still quite blustery on the North
02:37Sea coast, making it feel cold. And temperatures still limited, 10 or 11 Celsius generally,
02:42perhaps 12 or 13 in some favoured spots towards the south-west before the next system moves in,
02:48bringing thicker cloud and outbreaks of rain by the end of the day. This is associated with
02:53another area of low pressure. It will switch those winds around so that they're more south-westerly
02:58by the end of the weekend and into the start of next week. But it's bringing a spell of rain
03:02eastwards for Monday. Slow-moving outbreaks of rain, the wettest weather towards the south-west
03:08once again, and that's going to make it feel cold and, well, let's face it, quite miserable at times.
03:14That low still with us on Tuesday and Wednesday, bringing further showery weather. So
03:18more rain on the way, but some brighter ensues at times in between. Bye-bye.
