Met Office Tuesday evening weather forecast 23/04/2024

  • 2 days ago
23 April - National weather forecast presented by Annie Shuttleworth.
00:00Hello again, good evening. It's going to be a cold night tonight, particularly in the
00:04north and west. In the east, though, we've still got that northerly wind and cold air,
00:08so still a chilly feel to come through Wednesday here. High pressure is dominating to the north
00:12and west, bringing that drier weather. But looking ahead to Thursday, this weather front
00:16will push around to the North Sea, bringing some showery outbreaks of rain to the east.
00:22And then by the weekend, we start to see some milder air move in from the Atlantic, but
00:26that's likely to bring a greater risk of some showery outbreaks of rain. More on that
00:32in a moment. But for Tuesday evening, we've still got this weather front clearing to the
00:36south and east. Behind it, this northerly wind will bring a risk of showers to eastern
00:41coasts of England through tonight. They should be fairly light if you do get caught out in
00:45a shower or you do see one. But there's also going to be quite a lot of cloud around for
00:49parts of the Midlands, Wales, the south of England as well. And we could see some drizzly
00:54outbreaks of rain, particularly over any high ground. Quite a different story further
00:58north and west. Northern Ireland, much of Scotland seeing clear skies and where the
01:01winds stay light, we could see a patchy frost developing by Wednesday morning. Could be
01:07down as low as minus three or four in some Scottish glens. The frost should melt away
01:12quite quickly if you do see anything, but it's just something to be aware of if you
01:15are gardening at this time of year. Through Wednesday, this northerly wind is going to
01:20continue to bring cloud across eastern coasts, a continued risk of showers into the afternoon
01:25as well. But for the north and west, it will likely stay dry, particularly in central areas
01:29as well. It should stay dry through the day and there will be plenty of sunshine across
01:33Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales into southwestern England as well. And in the sunshine, particularly
01:39if you're sheltered from that wind, similar to it has been in this week so far, highs
01:43of around 15 or 16 degrees. So not bad at all, but quite a difference along that east
01:49coast. Temperatures still capped below double digits on Wednesday, so certainly a chillier
01:54feel here and we'll continue to see that chilly feel through Wednesday night. In fact, it's
01:59likely to be one of the colder nights of the week on Wednesday night and we could see a
02:03more wide air frost developing. We could see a bit of a frost developing even in some southern
02:08counties of England as well, but it should be a fairly dry night. There will be some
02:13patchy cloud, perhaps some mist and fog around, but I think most areas should stay dry and
02:17clear throughout the night. Then on to Thursday, we start to see a bit of a feature potentially
02:22develop in the North Sea. This brings a greater risk of some showery outbreaks of rain, particularly
02:27into the afternoon on Thursday, but in the morning it should be a fairly dry and bright
02:32start. But even across western areas and Scotland where it has been a bright few days, there'll
02:37be a bit more cloud around on Thursday. So cloudier skies and a cold start to the day
02:41mean that temperatures won't reach the heights that they will have done on Tuesday and Wednesday.
02:45So just highs of around 11 or 12 degrees, which is a little below average for this time
02:50of year. And then looking ahead to Friday, as I said, we start to see some rain arrive
02:55from the west and likely push into south and western areas through Friday and temperatures
03:01could rise into the weekend to be much closer to average. You can find out more details
03:06in that in our 10 day trend on YouTube tomorrow. Bye bye.
