Sunday afternoon forecast 17/09/2023

  • 2 days ago
17 September - National weather forecast presented by Jonathan Vautrey.
00:00Hello there. Autumn is certainly getting into full swing over the next few days, increasingly
00:05turning unsettled for many of us. And earlier on Sunday, we've already seen outbreaks of
00:09rain spreading across parts of Wales, up towards Northern Ireland, and increasingly they'll
00:13be heading into Scotland as well. But further towards the south, we are starting to see
00:17some heavy thundery downpours developing across the channel, but we've already seen a few
00:22beginning to spread their way into parts of southern England. There is a yellow thunderstorm
00:25warning in force for these. Some torrential downpours are possible, localised flooding
00:30and disruption in places, so do just take care. They'll be moving erratically northwards
00:35throughout the afternoon into parts of Wales, Midlands and southeastern England. Could be
00:40the slice across parts of central northern England where we see a few sunnier spells
00:43developing, perhaps some of the best conditions here, but rather a damp afternoon for Northern
00:47Ireland and Scotland with dregs of rain in place. Temperatures generally ranging between
00:5115 and 23 degrees Celsius, though if you are stuck underneath, some of that more persistent
00:56cloud and rain could be feeling relatively cool. Into the overnight period, the focus
01:01for some of those heavier showers shifts from the west over towards the east and certainly
01:05into this evening and overnight, we could start to see some more potent thunderstorms
01:09spreading across parts of southeastern England, some large hail and frequent lightning possible
01:14during the overnight period here. Elsewhere, there will be a good amount of cloud around
01:17and the rain across the northwest has begun to come even more heavy and persistent later
01:22on in the night, with this band of rain spreading its way into western areas. Underneath all
01:27that cloud, temperatures won't be dropping too much at all, really quite a warm night
01:31for many of us. We got down to below freezing in parts of northern Scotland last night,
01:35not going to be reaching those values anywhere close tonight. Generally 11, 12 degrees Celsius
01:40in the north, 16 to 17 degrees Celsius across southern areas of England. So quite an unsettled
01:46start to Monday morning. This band of rain will be pushing its way eastwards throughout
01:50the day, scooping up some of the thunderstorms that are still lingering across the southeast
01:54and continuing to spread them into the North Sea. Some heavy rain for a good number of
01:59places, generally turning more persistent for parts of northeast Scotland into the afternoon.
02:04Behind that, we start to see some brighter and drier intervals developing still, though
02:07with a scattering of showers around and some of those could be quite hefty. A shift in
02:12our wind direction to more westlies is going to start feeding in some slightly cooler and
02:16fresher air for the afternoon, so particularly parts of northern western Scotland into Northern
02:21Ireland, generally around 13 to 15 degrees Celsius here. But we could just squeeze up
02:25towards 20, 21 degrees Celsius across the southeast where we hold on to that slightly
02:29milder air through most of the day. But quite a blustery one in amongst all those showers
02:34for all of us. Some of those showers will linger on into the evening as well. The rain
02:38in the far northeast eventually clearing its way off. Showers persisting longest for parts
02:44of Northern Ireland and Scotland, though southern areas of England and Wales should see some
02:48more drier and clearer intervals developing into the evening and overnight period. But
02:53if I step out of the way, you'll see that there is some rain just lingering in the far
02:57Atlantic, and that is associated with a warm front. It's increasingly going to start spreading
03:01its way in as we head towards Tuesday, another area of low pressure moving in. So those isobars
03:07really squeezing together could turn increasingly windy as we head into Tuesday. Coastal gales
03:12developing across the bulk of England and Wales and a good amount of rain and showers
03:17to follow. So a good amount of unsettled autumnal weather still to come for many of us as we
03:23head into that new week. We'll keep up to date with all the latest information here
03:28on the Met Office. So do keep following us for all those updates. We'll see you again
03:32soon. Bye bye.
