Sunday morning forecast 20/02/22

  • 2 days ago
20 February - National weather forecast presented by Jonathan Vautrey.
00:00Hi there. It's been an unsettled Saturday for some and that theme will continue into Sunday.
00:06If we take a look at the bigger picture we can see the fronts that are heading our way for the rest of the weekend.
00:11They do drive up some rather mild air but as the cold front sinks southwards it will then turn increasingly cold.
00:18Winding back to tonight though and we start off on a relatively dry theme.
00:22A cold and frosty evening to come particularly in the north and east.
00:25But that rain will quickly sweep in from the west.
00:28Turning to snow on the high ground of Scotland to begin with and that rain could also be persistent for areas of north west England.
00:35This already falling on saturated ground and might cause some issues.
00:39Temperatures overnight will increasingly climb as that mild air gets drawn up with some locations into double digits by the early hours of Sunday.
00:49As we continue throughout Sunday and that rain will continue to spread eastwards.
00:54A band of more squally and heavy rain will also push southwards along that cold front.
01:00And winds will be a feature for everyone really.
01:03Some gales reaching inland locations and those turning severe for a time across western coasts.
01:09Temperatures will remain on the mild side ahead of that cold front in amongst all the rain and clouds.
01:15But turning a bit colder from the north behind that cold front and continuing into Sunday evening.
01:21We will see the showers that follow on behind turning wintery again particularly over the northern highlands.
01:28Looking at the week ahead and it does look to say unsettled for the most part and often windy with wet and dry interludes.
01:36So to make sure you're up to date with when those will be happening.
01:39Keep up to date with our social media channels and we will see you soon.
01:44Bye bye.
