Saturday afternoon forecast 21/01/23

  • 2 days ago
21 January - National weather forecast presented by Jonathan Vautrey.
00:00Hello there. Congratulations, you have officially made it to the weekend. It is a bit of a mixed
00:06picture for us. Some of us have some sunny spells, but there is also a fair amount of
00:10freezing fog around first thing this morning. There's some murky shots here in Birmingham.
00:14As we move into the afternoon, the freezing fog will continue to disperse, so a good number
00:18of sunny spells for England and Wales, perhaps the odd fleeting shower for the coast of East
00:22Anglia and Kent. For Northern Ireland and Scotland though, the cloud is going to be
00:27much more persistent. Spits and spots of rain and light drizzle throughout the rest
00:31of the day, and more of a persistent breeze as well, particularly for the Northern Isles
00:35and Western Isles where we'll see some coastal gales. Wrapped up in all of this cloud though
00:40is some mild air, so temperatures will be seven, nine degrees across the Northwest,
00:45but we'll be struggling further towards the East, maybe only three or four degrees across
00:49central and northern areas of England. Where we see those cold temperatures by day, we're
00:54going to see cold temperatures by night as well. Where we hold on to those clearer skies
00:58across England, the frost will redevelop, as well as some freezing fog patches, perhaps
01:02more likely now from Cambridgeshire down towards Surrey. Further to the north and west, the
01:07cloud will push its way into western areas of Wales, northwest areas of England, but
01:11it will remain particularly persistent for Northern Ireland and Scotland, with perhaps
01:15some more persistent rain pushing in here now as well. It will be though, continuing
01:20to stay mild across the north and west, perhaps temperatures staying where we saw them by
01:24day really, but further towards the south and east, turning bitterly cold once again,
01:28perhaps as low as minus six, minus seven degrees in some rural prone spots. So a pretty cold
01:34start in the south east, and will be a murky one as well, with those freezing fog patches
01:39perhaps slow to clear throughout the day, but eventually some brighter skies coming
01:43through. The cloud and rain pushing its way gradually further eastwards now into Wales
01:48and northern areas of England, and as that rain pushes its way across the Grampians and
01:53southern uplands, it could fall as freezing rain, and that might cause some icy stretches
01:57over higher ground, so do just take care if you are heading out here. Otherwise the breeze
02:02will eventually ease down across the northwest, but that's just going to allow the cloud
02:06to lower a bit more across Northern Ireland and western Scotland, so hill fog certainly
02:11possible and it will turn rather murky here. Staying mild though underneath that cloud,
02:17so highs of ten degrees possible across the likes of Stornoway, but again, will only be
02:21around mid to low single figures across southeastern areas of England. We retain that northwest
02:28southeast split as we move throughout Sunday evening, so again, the frost returning further
02:32towards the south and east, whereas for Wales, northern areas of England, now that cloud
02:36has pushed its way in, perhaps a reduced risk of frost as we move into the start of the
02:40new working week. And speaking of next week, the cloud does look like it wants to push
02:45its way further towards the south, so we might see some greyer skies eventually across southern
02:50areas of England, perhaps allowing for some brighter spells in the northwest eventually
02:55later on. But in terms of that milder air, it's going to take a little while before it
02:59eventually seeps its way south, so we'll be looking more towards Wednesday before we see
03:03those temperatures potentially rising in some areas of southeast England. You can though
03:09of course keep up to date with the full forecast for the coming week by following us on all
03:13of our social media sites and we'll be back with you shortly. Bye bye!
