Sunday afternoon forecast 14/01/24

  • 2 days ago
14 January - National weather forecast presented by Jonathan Vautrey.
00:00Hello there. Some of us have the increasing chance of seeing a few wintry flakes falling
00:04from the sky over the next few days. We've actually already seen some of those across
00:08Scotland this morning. The rain showers that were in place yesterday increasingly fell
00:12asleep into the evening and into the early hours of this morning they've been turning
00:16to snow even at lower levels. It's all due to a cold plunge of air coming directly down
00:21from the Arctic and that'll be sweeping its way across all areas of the UK during the
00:25next 24 hours. Ahead of that though there are a couple of cold fronts just slowly pushing
00:29their way southwards. This will bring a legacy of cloud particularly to Wales, central and
00:33southern areas of England today. Can't rule out the odd spot of drizzle around at times
00:37but there'll be a few brighter sunnier spots to watch out for particularly into central
00:40Scotland as we head into the afternoon. Further north in combination with those showers there
00:45are some very strong winds around at times, severe gales for Shetland today while temperatures
00:50will only be 2 degrees Celsius. It's going to feel even colder than that when you are
00:54exposed to the wind and with those strong winds and the snowfall that does bring the
00:59risk of some blizzards around at times as well. Further towards the south temperatures
01:03just around where we'd normally expect them to be for this time of year at 7-8 degrees
01:08Celsius mark. But the cold air in Scotland is going to continue to push its way southwards
01:13as we head into this evening and overnight. It's actually helping to clear out some of
01:17this cloud so skies will be turning increasingly clearer for all of us. Underneath that though
01:22it is going to turn very cold indeed. With surfaces and roads turning frozen there
01:29is the risk of icy stretches at times where we see those showers persisting overnight
01:32for Northern Ireland and Northern areas of Scotland but for all of us it is going to
01:36be widely frosty. Temperatures even in our towns and cities will be as low as minus 2
01:42minus 3 degrees Celsius. So do be prepared to get the ice scrapers out first thing on
01:48Monday morning. The greatest chance of seeing some snow on Monday though is for those regions
01:52that are still exposed to that northerly wind. So again, Northern Scotland, parts of Northern
01:57Ireland, particularly County Derry, County Antrim seeing some snow showers, some sleet
02:01showers maybe for Western Wales, far south west of England and some snow just skirting
02:05the far eastern coast of Yorkshire down into Norfolk as well. But head further inland it
02:10will be very dry and with plentiful amounts of crisp winter sunshine as well. Still feeling
02:15cold though, temperatures only seeing as high as 1-2 degrees Celsius at best and if I turn
02:21on the feels like temperatures you can see it's actually going to feel sub freezing for
02:26most of us, particularly along those eastern coastal regions where you're still exposed
02:31to that very blustery wind pushing its way down the North Sea. So if you step outdoors
02:35here it is going to be feeling very bitter and very raw. The frost will quickly return
02:42as well as we head into Monday evening and overnight into Tuesday. So a very another
02:47cold night for all of us. Again, the risk of some icy stretches where we do see those
02:51snow showers continuing as well. Into Tuesday we have the potential to see some slightly
02:57more organised areas of snow and rain moving its way in due to this system pushing in from
03:02the north west. It's where it's moving into the cold air ahead of it that we potentially
03:05see it starting to fall as snow in time. These are the warnings that have been issued for
03:11Tuesday. For Northern Ireland at the moment it looks like it could be a bit more of a
03:14transient rain snow feature. The warning currently up until 9 o'clock on Tuesday morning. For
03:21Scotland, Northern England down into parts of North West Wales as well, though the warning
03:25is in force throughout Tuesday. Again, the snow potential, particularly for areas of
03:30Northern Scotland, the higher ground parts of the Southern Uplands and the Pennines throughout
03:35the day. For lower levels of Southern Scotland, North West England down into North West Wales
03:39as well. Again, it could be a bit more of a mixed phase precipitation, what we'd say
03:44that mix of rain, sleet and snow, mainly sleet and more rain towards the lower level parts
03:50as well. We do keep up to date with the forecast though, certainly something to keep an eye
03:55on for and we'll keep you up to date with all the latest warnings as well because there's
03:58further snow and ice risk as we head throughout Wednesday and Thursday as well. Keep up to
04:03date on our social media channels and subscribe on YouTube as well and we'll see you again
04:08here very soon. Bye bye.
