Monday Afternoon Forecast 01/01/24

  • 2 days ago
01 January - National weather forecast presented by Jonathan Vautrey.
00:00Hello there, very happy new year to you all. 2024 has kicked off on a relatively bright
00:06note for many of us. These were the scenes earlier on in Worcester with some blue skies
00:11poking their way through, but it's not going to last for all of us, unfortunately, and
00:15that is due to a massive cloud that has been building out in the Atlantic. It's associated
00:20with an area of low pressure and the associated weather fronts that are slowly drifting their
00:24way towards the UK. We do have a ridge of high pressure though ahead of that, so that's
00:27what's given us the fine settled start to New Year's Day. And apart from a few showers,
00:31most of Northern England to areas of Scotland will see some sunny spells throughout the
00:35rest of the afternoon. So some fairly pleasant conditions if you are heading out for a New
00:39Year's Day walk. But further towards the southwest, we have seen this rain already starting to
00:43spread its way in and it will be turning widely wet for southwest England, Wales and later
00:47into Northern Ireland as well. We do have some fairly mild southwestly winds coming
00:51in with all of this though, so temperatures in the southwest will be holding up around
00:5412, 11 degrees Celsius, a bit cooler, colder in the north, though temperatures here only
01:00around mid single figures. So you might need a jacket if you are heading outside. As we
01:05head throughout the rest of this evening and overnight, this rain band will gradually push
01:09its way northeastwards. So there is some localised disruption possible if you are travelling
01:14over the course of this evening due to some very wet conditions as it pushes into the
01:18colder air ahead of it across Scotland. Some of that will start falling as snow over the
01:21higher ground routes above 500, 600 metres or so. Very windy for Shetland, some severe
01:26gales overnight and we'll start to see the winds really picking in strength across southern
01:30coastal areas of England as well. Still mild though in the south, temperatures not dropping
01:34much below 11, 12 degrees Celsius, holding up in those double digit figure marks, but
01:39colder in the north once again, some patchy frost even in some rural areas of Scotland
01:43as we kick off Tuesday morning. As we head into Wednesday, this first frontal system
01:49will be slowly drifting its way northwards still, but we've got our eyes on our second
01:53set of fronts that are going to push their way in again from the southwest. There's still
01:57some uncertainty in regards to the exact positioning of this area of low pressure, how far north
02:02or south that might be. So it is worth staying up to date with the forecast to see the progression
02:08on that. At the moment, it does look like a lot of that rain will push across the vast
02:12majority of England and Wales, turning widely wet once again throughout Tuesday. So again,
02:18some localised disruption is possible, some strong winds moving in associated with all
02:22of that as well. Parts of southeastern, eastern Scotland should hold on to some slightly brighter
02:27periods for the bank holiday here, but it's going to be very wet and windy once again
02:30for the Northern Isles, Orkney and Shetland. Still that north south contrast in our temperatures
02:35generally ranging between 8 and 13 degrees Celsius, but it will feel colder where you're
02:40underneath the most persistent rain and if you're exposed to those strong winds. The
02:45rain that has spread its way into northern areas of England, southern Scotland will eventually
02:49clear its way off into the North Sea as we head into Tuesday evening. But for Shetland
02:53and Orkney, the frontal system here is really going to persist with some very continued
02:58rainfall and further strong winds. Showers then pushing their way in from the west and
03:02it will turn showery for pretty much everyone as we head towards Wednesday. Generally, though,
03:07the showers will become fewer and further between towards the second half of the week.
03:12So Thursday, Friday, something a little bit drier emerging, but we'll also see something
03:17colder emerging as well. Temperatures generally dropping off by a degree or so each day, closer
03:22towards average for what we'd normally expect for January as we head towards a Friday. But
03:28we'll have plenty more updates on all of that across all of our channels as well as the
03:33week ahead forecast that will be coming up on YouTube as well. So make sure you subscribe
03:37to the channel so you can keep up to date with that and we'll see you again here very
03:41soon. Bye bye.
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