Sunday evening forecast 14/01/24

  • 2 days ago
14 January - National weather forecast presented by Jonathan Vautrey.
00:00Hello there, welcome to your latest updates from the Met Office. Do brace yourselves for
00:05a chill in the air over this coming week. The UK is now well and truly in the grips
00:10of this cold plunge of Arctic air that has moved its way in from the north and will be
00:14covering all four nations by the time we end Sunday night. It's helping to actually clear
00:19out some of the cloud across areas of Wales, Central, Southern England. The skies will
00:24be clearing quite widely across the board as we head throughout the night, allowing
00:28temperatures to plummet and a widespread frost to develop. Even in some towns and cities,
00:33temperatures could be as low as minus two or minus three degrees Celsius. With those
00:37frozen surfaces and the showers pushing their way in from the north as well, there could
00:41be some icy stretches to start off Monday morning, particularly for Northern Ireland
00:44and Northern Scotland. So do just take care here when you are stepping outside in the
00:49morning, but many of us may need the ice scrapers for our windscreens to start off the new working
00:53week. If it's snow you're after, though, you'll need to be in one of the regions that's
00:57exposed to this northerly wind flow. So Northern Scotland seeing some quite frequent snow showers
01:02are scattering for Northern Ireland as well. Maybe some sleet showers for parts of West
01:06Wales down at the southwest England and some snow showers just skirting eastern coast of
01:10Yorkshire down into Norfolk as well. But for many inland areas, it will be a dry day with
01:14plentiful amounts of crisp winter sunshine. Despite that sunshine, though, it is still
01:20going to be very cold. Temperatures only rising to around one or two degrees Celsius for most
01:26of us. And it is actually going to feel even colder than that. If I turn on the feels like
01:31temperatures, you can see widely sub freezing, particularly along those eastern coastal districts
01:37where we're exposed to that brisk northerly wind that's pushing down through the North
01:42Sea. So where you are stepping outside here, it is going to feel very bitter when you are
01:47out and about. The frost will return very quickly as the sun does go down tomorrow night.
01:55Another very chilly night to come throughout Monday and into the start of Tuesday. There could
02:00be a slight change in wind direction in the early hours of Tuesday with a bit more of a northwesterly
02:04and that could start to feed some more showers into inland areas of northwest England and perhaps
02:09into Wales as well. So a few flurries here to start off the day, but quite widely again, another
02:15widespread frost temperatures as low as minus three, minus four in some towns and cities. Rural
02:21areas could be as low as minus five to minus eight degrees Celsius. So another very bitterly
02:27cold night to come on Tuesday with that shift to a northwesterly airflow. Our attention is
02:33turning to this set of fronts that are wanting to move their way in from the northwest as they move
02:38into the cold air ahead of it. They could see some snowfall on them throughout the day. There
02:44is still some uncertainty in regards to the exact track of this system. So it's worth staying up to
02:48date with the forecast, but certainly for areas of Scotland, some snow to lower levels in the north
02:53over higher ground in the south, snow districts for parts of the Pennines as well. For Northern
02:58Ireland, it could be some snow over the higher grounds, but maybe a little bit more of a sleet
03:02rain mixture to lower levels as well. Again, for parts of northwest England and into Wales later
03:09on in the day as well, maybe some snow over the highest ground, but more likely to be sleet and
03:14snow over lower levels. Temperatures on Tuesday actually with some of that cloud around could be
03:21slightly higher for some of us compared to Monday, but it's still going to be feeling very cold
03:25across the board. Generally drier further towards the south, a bit of sunshine around there at times,
03:30but quite hazy skies further towards the south with some zero strata starting to push its way
03:36in. That is all due to an area of low pressure that's moving its way into the Atlantic and slowly
03:41drifting its way up to the Bay of Biscay. We have kept our eyes on this because as it does move its
03:48way into the cold air ahead of it, again on the northern flank of this, there is the potential
03:52for some further snowfall and depending on exactly how north it does track, we might see a little bit
03:58of it into the far south of England. However, most computer models are now taking this area
04:05of low pressure more into France and so the most likely scenario for late Tuesday and into Wednesday
04:13is for the low pressure to push itself into continental Europe and most of the snow to also
04:17follow suit into areas of France as well with very little snow actually making its way into the far
04:23south of England. A minority of computer models do still have that area of low pressure slightly
04:31further to the north so there is about 25% chance that the low pressure is ever so slightly north
04:37and allows that snow to just move its way into southern districts of the UK. But as I said, the
04:42most likely scenario at this stage is for the low pressure system to move its way further south in
04:48southern England to not see that much snowfall at all. Still certainly one that we'll keep our eyes
04:53on for you and do stay up to date with the forecast for all the latest over the next few days.
04:58Wherever this low pressure centre is slightly further north, slightly further south, we are still
05:03going to see that cold air rushing its way in from the north northwest and there will still be snow
05:08showers pushing into northern districts as well. So on Wednesday and Thursday there is still a yellow
05:13snow warning in force for north and western areas from Scotland, parts of Northern Ireland and into
05:18northwest England and Wales as well. So again, there is still the potential for some disruption
05:22in some locations, some localised issues around at times due to that continuing
05:28feed of snow showers moving its way in even if the far south of England doesn't actually see
05:33any snowfall. We will of course keep all the warnings up to date over the next few days so
05:38make sure you are staying in tune to all that. We'll have plenty of updates across our social
05:42media channels and there will be plenty on the YouTube channel as well so make sure you are
05:46subscribing and we'll see you again here very soon. Bye-bye.
