Saturday afternoon forecast 01/04/23

  • 2 days ago
01 April - National weather forecast presented by Jonathan Vautrey.
00:00Hello there. April is getting off pretty much to where March left off on the rather cloudy
00:06and damp theme for many of us. We've got this lingering occluded front that's been persisting
00:11across southwest England, Wales and certainly into Northern Ireland first part of this morning,
00:16bringing a band of rain heavy in places and has caused a bit of localised flooding. Elsewhere,
00:22there is some rain wanting to push its way into eastern coastal areas, but parts of northwest
00:26England up into northern Scotland actually seeing some brighter skies first thing,
00:30and it's the northern isles where we'll hold on to the best of the sunshine throughout the rest
00:34of the day. The rain in the west will gradually ease out, but it is going to continue on and off
00:39throughout the day. Whoever spots a drizzle wants to push into areas of Lincolnshire and Yorkshire,
00:44thanks to an easterly breeze off the North Sea. And in that breeze, it is going to feel quite
00:49chilly here. Coastal areas of England and Scotland not seeing much higher than seven,
00:54eight or nine degrees Celsius. Areas more towards the west will be slightly milder,
00:59highs of 13 or 14 degrees across Wales and southwest England. Into this evening,
01:05the rain will continue to ease off across Northern Ireland, but probably push more now
01:09into parts of western Scotland and generally western areas will hold onto the cloud throughout
01:14the night. In the east, though, we start to feed in some drier air from Scandinavia,
01:19and that's just going to allow the cloud to break up a bit more. Parts of Aberdeenshire,
01:22Northumberland down into North Yorkshire. So underneath those clearer skies, temperatures
01:27will drop off a bit more here. Lows of two degrees across Aberdeen, three degrees for
01:32parts of Newcastle, but holding up a bit more elsewhere underneath that cloud. It's into Sunday
01:38where we'll see more significant changes in our weather, and that is thanks to high pressure that
01:42is wanting to build its way in, and that will help settle things down. Our winds will ease out,
01:47and it's also going to help decay that occluded front away. For the start of Sunday,
01:52there will still be some outbreaks of rain for parts of Scotland into eastern coasts of Northern
01:57Ireland and can't rule out the odd spot of rain for Wales and southwest England throughout the
02:00day as well. But for southern Scotland, central eastern areas of England, the cloud is going to
02:05continue to break up and Sunday is looking like a pretty fine day to be out and about with a lot
02:11of good prolonged sunshine. Temperatures still slightly cool when you're directly on that eastern
02:16coastal areas between eight and nine, but still pushing towards 10 degrees. Now we've got that
02:20sunshine in place, but still slightly milder as you head further inland and towards the west. As
02:27we move into the evening, the cloud is going to continue to break up even more and we will see a
02:31persistent number of clear intervals during the night. That's just going to allow temperatures
02:36to drop off more widely though, and so we'll see a more widespread frost develop come the first part
02:41of Monday morning, and we'll see some further chilly nights as we head throughout the new
02:45working week as well. For some of us though, it's not going to be a working week because it is the
02:50start of the Easter holidays, and thankfully it is going to be fine and bright for many of us.
02:55Areas in the north and west though do just need to watch out for some rain that will want to push
02:59its way in more towards the middle part of the week, but in the south and east you are looking
03:04to stay relatively dry throughout much of the week. Do keep up to date with the fall forecast though,
03:10and you can do that by following us on all of our social media channels. If you're watching
03:13on YouTube then do make sure to subscribe as well, and we'll see you again here shortly. Bye!
