Monday Evening Forecast 01/01/24

  • 2 days ago
01 January - National weather forecast presented by Jonathan Vautrey.
00:00Hello there, I hope you were able to enjoy the first day of 2024. Those of us towards
00:05the north and east have actually had some fairly dry, fine conditions, some sunny spells
00:10for eastern Scotland, stretching down into eastern England as well. But further towards
00:14the west and the south, this radar sequence showing we've already had outbreaks of rain
00:18spreading their way in and that rain is going to continue to move its way northwards as
00:22we head throughout the rest of this evening and overnight. Some localised disruption is
00:26possible as all of this pushes its way through. Once it reaches Scotland, it's pushing into
00:29fairly cold air ahead of it, so it's going to be falling as snow over the higher ground
00:33routes of the Grampians and the Highlands. Some very strong winds across parts of Orkney
00:38and Shetland as well. It's going to be pretty chilly across parts of northern Scotland in
00:42particular, some frost perhaps down as low as minus 6, minus 8 degrees Celsius in some
00:47very sheltered rural glens. But further towards the south, we have southwesterly winds pushing
00:53their way in and that's going to build in some slightly milder conditions. So for much
00:57of England and Wales, temperatures actually around 10 to 12 degrees Celsius as we start
01:03off Tuesday morning. As we move into the day, that first band of rain is going to continue
01:08to push its way northwards, but we've got another set of fronts that are pushing their
01:11way in again from the southwest. There's still some uncertainty in regards to the exact positioning
01:17of that area for low pressure. It could be slightly further to the north, slightly further
01:21to the south, so it is worth keeping up to date with the forecast over the course of
01:25Tuesday to see how things do develop. But at the moment, it is looking like it's going
01:29to be turning into quite a wet and damp day for the vast majority of England and Wales,
01:34with further outbreaks of rain spreading their way in again. Some localised flooding is possible
01:38considering all the wet weather we have had recently. Add on this rainfall and some issues
01:44could result for transport. It might push its way into the far south east of Northern
01:48Ireland and eventually moving into the far south of Scotland as well. Quite persistent
01:52rain for northeastern areas of Shetland, but for anyone for Fife around Angus, eventually
01:58into Aberdeenshire as well. There will be some drier intervals for the afternoon here
02:03since it is a bank holiday for Scotland. Temperatures generally ranging between seven and 13 degrees
02:09Celsius, but there is continuing to be some very strong winds around, particularly for
02:14the north east again, but also for the far south of England and Wales as well. So where
02:19you're exposed to that, it is certainly going to take the edge off things and it will be
02:22feeling that bit chillier. As we head into Tuesday evening, those strong winds will help
02:28push all that rain out towards the North Sea. So some dry intervals eventually developing
02:33here, but those winds are also going to start feeding in showers from the Atlantic. The
02:38rain will be more persistent across parts of Orkney and Shetland and underneath all
02:43the cloud here, it will just be a tad milder for areas of Scotland as we head towards Wednesday
02:48morning. Elsewhere, there'll be a few more clearer spells overnight for Northern Ireland,
02:53Wales, England. So temperatures may just be down by a few degrees compared to the night
02:59before, but still not exceptionally chilly and certainly will still be frost free for
03:04the vast majority of us. Wednesday then turns into a day of scattered showers streaming
03:10their way in from the west. They'll be most frequent for those western counties, heavy
03:15at times as well. Generally, further to the east you are, you've got the greater chance
03:19of seeing some drier intervals in there, maybe a few sunny spells around at times. It's going
03:24to be the top and tail of the country once again, where those winds are strongest, perhaps
03:28some coastal gales around as well through the central slice. The winds will just be
03:32that bit lighter temperatures, perhaps again down by a degree or so for many of us, ranging
03:39between eight, 12 degrees Celsius as our highs. That is still just slightly above where
03:45we would normally expect to be for this time of the year. But things are looking to turn
03:49colder as we head towards the second half of the week and particularly towards next
03:54weekend. These areas of low pressure that have been moving their way around and bringing
03:57the mild air look like they're going to eventually drift their way off to the east. And that
04:02means we open up the doors to more of a north easterly flow of air from Scandinavia, allowing
04:07that colder Arctic air to eventually move its way in. So return perhaps of something
04:12a bit more widely chilly with some overnight frost for many of us as we head later on in
04:17the week. But we'll provide many updates on that. So make sure you subscribe to YouTube
04:21for all of that and we'll see you again very soon. Bye bye.
