Saturday evening forecast 21/01/23

  • 2 days ago
21 January - National weather forecast presented by Jonathan Vautrey
00:00Hello there. The weekend weather is all about the North-West-South-East split, and the UK
00:07is a battleground between cold and milder air. High pressure across Scandinavia stretching
00:11into areas of England is keeping that cold air in place here, but the frontal systems
00:15moving into the North-West are scooping up that mild air and spreading it into locations
00:20here. So, as we move throughout Saturday evening and overnight, we will see that mild air in
00:26place across Northern Ireland and Scotland, but accompanied with a fair amount of cloud
00:30and a more persistent band of rain as well. This could fall as freezing rain over the
00:34Southern Uplands and the Grampians, so do just take care of any icy structures that
00:38may form over the higher routes here. Further to the South and East, we will see some clearer
00:42skies to begin with, but also the return of freezing fog patches. There is a Met Office
00:48yellow warning for this freezing fog in place from the Vale of York down into the East Midlands,
00:53East Anglia, and then further into Surrey and the Sussexes. Some of this freezing fog
00:58could be quite dense, visibility only 50 to 100 metres, so do just take care if you are
01:03travelling first thing on Sunday morning. It's called freezing fog because temperatures
01:09in here are going to be below zero. Frost redeveloping quite widely across central eastern
01:16areas of England, minus 4, minus 5, even in some towns and cities. Further to the North-West
01:21though where we see that mild air in place, temperatures holding up more around 7 or 8
01:26degrees and certainly frost free starts to Sunday morning in the North-West. That band
01:31of rain though is then going to push its way further towards the East and the cloud begin
01:36to push into Northern England, parts of Wales and South-West England as well. Once the freezing
01:41fog does eventually clear off, it could take some time, but we will see some sunny spells
01:45developing across South-Eastern areas later on in the day. But that cold air is still
01:50in place, so it is going to remain relatively cold here, 4, 5 degrees in the South-East,
01:56but underneath that cloud to the North-West, highs of 9, 10 degrees even across the Western
02:02Isles. As we move throughout Sunday evening, it is a relatively similar picture. The main
02:07differences though will be now that we've got that cloud across Western areas of England
02:11and Wales, there's probably a reduced risk of frost here, but temperatures will certainly
02:16drop off once again in the South-East, again down to minus 6, maybe even minus 7 degrees
02:22in the prone rural locations as well. Temperatures then again for the North-West still holding
02:28up around 6 to 7 degrees first thing on Monday morning. As we start off the new week, we
02:35could just see an ingress of the cloud that we see across continental Europe, just wanting
02:39to push its way into Eastern areas of England. Perhaps some brighter spells developing across
02:45Northern areas of Aberdeenshire, Moray and maybe Canterbury as well, but really the best
02:50of the sunshine is once again going to be across that slice through central areas of
02:54England, and we could see a good number of sunny spells in here. Mixed with that though,
03:00the cold air remaining in place, whereas that mild air is still once again going to be across
03:04the North-West, despite although the rain and the cloud not necessarily making it feel
03:09the most pleasant of days. As we move throughout the rest of the week, that gap that you see
03:15there of the brighter spells is going to slowly diminish and the cloud will push its way southwards
03:20and eventually we will see those cloudier, greyer skies across southern areas of England
03:25as well. Temperatures though aren't going to struggle to climb until mid-week really,
03:30so it will be towards Wednesday before the milder air really sweeps its way across all
03:35areas of the UK. You can keep up to date with the full forecast for the forthcoming week
03:40by following us on all of our social media channels and we'll see you again here on YouTube,
03:44the app and the website soon. Bye-bye.
