Saturday evening forecast 15/07/23

  • 2 days ago
15 July – National weather forecast presented by Jonathan Vautrey.


00:00Hello there. Saturday certainly didn't feel very summery for most of us.
00:05Rather cool, unsettled. Contrast that with the heat that has been building
00:09across the Mediterranean and northern areas of Africa. Temperatures climbing
00:12towards the mid 40s, towards the high 40s as well. Quite an extreme heat wave
00:18building. But if you cast your eyes towards the UK, you can see that that
00:21shade of colour turns much lighter and cooler. So why is that? Well, it's due to
00:26the placement of the jet stream. To the south of that, it's holding that heat
00:30and high pressure across the Mediterranean. But to the north of it, we're on the
00:34cooler side of that jet stream. And that jet stream is also helping to spin up
00:38this area of low pressure that is with us throughout the weekend and keeping
00:41things relatively unsettled. I've certainly seen those unsettled
00:45conditions throughout Saturday. Quite widespread thunderstorms developing
00:48across Scotland, parts of England as well. Heavy outbursts of rain pushing across
00:52many areas. Blustery winds, close to 50 mile an hour gusts across southern areas
00:58of England. Quite unseasonably windy and it is going to remain rather changeable
01:02and settled throughout Saturday evening as well. The thunderstorms themselves
01:05gradually easing their way off, but we'll continue to see some outbreaks of rain
01:09in places. Likely towards the second half of the night, it will be the Northern
01:13Isles, Aberdeenshire, down towards southeastern areas of England that will
01:16stay the driest. But we're going to hold on to that breeze throughout and that
01:20will help mix up the air and prevent those temperatures from dropping too far
01:24at least. So most of us holding up around 13-14 degrees Celsius. So relatively mild
01:29start to Sunday morning. The winds though will be easing their way off for Wales,
01:35central, south and western areas of England compared to Saturday. But it is
01:39going to remain quite breezy across eastern coastlines through the Central
01:42Belt and up towards western areas of Scotland. It is western Scotland that's
01:46going to see the dampest day, the most persistent area of rain. Eastern Scotland
01:51potentially seeing some thunderstorms develop again into the afternoon. We
01:55could see some showers elsewhere for Northern Ireland, England and Wales. Some
01:59heavy bursts also possible. But at least for those southern areas, there will be
02:03some sunshine more in between those showers as well. And in that sunshine,
02:06temperatures climbing towards highs of 20-22 degrees Celsius. But still going to
02:11feel rather cool if you are caught by that breeze and particularly cool
02:15underneath the more persistent cloud and rain across western Scotland. As we
02:20head throughout Sunday evening, some of those showers will eventually ease their
02:23way off across England. But we'll probably see some persisting across
02:26coasts of western England and Wales. A few showers still pushing into the far
02:30north of Northern Ireland. But most persistently, they will be continuing on
02:34and off throughout the night for many areas of Scotland. And actually after a
02:38relatively fine Sunday, the rain will eventually arrive across the Northern
02:42Isles towards Shetland as we do move through the early hours of Monday
02:45morning. Again, it's not going to be a particularly chilly night at all. Most of
02:50us holding up around 11-12 degrees Celsius. But because the winds are just a
02:54touch lighter compared to last night, we might see some rural areas drop down
02:58into single figures. And again, noticeably for the start of the new
03:02working week, those winds will be much lighter for England and Wales compared
03:06to the weekend. Still just a bit of a breeze across the far northeast of
03:10Scotland. Again, some showers from the word go here and those showers will
03:14also develop elsewhere as we move throughout the day. Heaviest of those on
03:18Monday likely to be across eastern areas. And again, we could see some
03:22thunderstorms, maybe some hail developing into the afternoon as well. In that
03:27sunshine, temperatures climbing to heights of 20-22 degrees Celsius, around
03:3218 degrees for Northern Ireland and Scotland, which is just around where we
03:37should be for this time of year, but probably feeling just that bit warmer
03:41now that those winds are a touch lighter compared to the weekend. It is going to
03:46remain still relatively unsettled and showery as we move throughout the rest
03:50of the week as well, continuing to see longer spells of rain at times. Contrast
03:55that with high pressure still remaining in charge across the Mediterranean with
03:59that jet stream still firmly to the south of the UK through this coming week
04:03as well. Contrast will also come through in our temperatures remaining around the
04:08high teens towards the low 20s for the UK, climbing towards the mid to high 40s
04:15for parts of the Mediterranean and North Africa. Do stay up to date with the full
04:19forecast as we head over the rest of the weekend and into the new working week.
04:23You can find all the details across social media and we'll be back with you
04:26again very shortly. Bye bye.
