Sunday afternoon forecast 16/07/23

  • 2 days ago
16 July - National weather forecast presented by Jonathan Vautrey
00:00Hello there. The showery theme that July has brought us so far is looking to continue over
00:06the next few days. Low pressure is sticking with us throughout the second half of the
00:09weekend as well, gradually pushing its way off towards Scandinavia, but there's still
00:14plenty of isobars on the chart there, indicating a fresh breeze for many of us. Also relatively
00:19unsettled, a cloudy affair for western areas of Scotland with some more prolonged areas
00:23of rain. There'll be some sunshine elsewhere in between the scattered showers that do develop,
00:28but some of those showers could be heavy in places with some thunderstorms and hail as
00:32well. The most impactful torrential downpours are perhaps likely across parts of Aberdeenshire
00:37into Moray, and that's because the thunderstorms here will be slow moving since the winds will
00:41be lightest here over the course of the day. But elsewhere where those isobars are really
00:46tightly spaced together, particularly southern areas of Scotland down into north east England,
00:50potential for 40 mile an hour gusts at some points throughout this afternoon. So definitely
00:55a blustery affair for the rest of England and Wales. Winds will be a notch down compared to
00:59Saturday, but there's still relatively fresh breeze across the place. And if you are exposed
01:03to that, that will just make it feel that bit cooler. If you manage to see that sunshine,
01:08though, temperatures climb to highs of 20, 22 degrees Celsius, a touch lower for western
01:13Scotland underneath the more persistent cloud and rain. And those outbreaks of rain will continue
01:17into this evening and overnight as well. A relatively damp 24 hours to come here. Elsewhere,
01:23some of the showers throughout today will gradually ease their way off, but some will
01:26persist across western areas of England and Wales as well. As any of the more clearer spells,
01:32though, and because the winds are continuing to ease out, it will just feel that bit fresher
01:36compared to last night's temperatures dropping down to around 11, 12 degrees Celsius.
01:40We could just drop into single figures in some rural spots as well. If you manage to see the
01:45clear spells developing overnight, though, it does mean that you'll be greeted by a fairly decent
01:49amount of sunshine first thing to start off the new working week. Still relatively cloudy for
01:54Scotland first thing, and most of us will then start to see showers bubbling up once again as
01:58we head throughout the day, particularly central areas down into eastern southeast England.
02:03Again, this could turn heavy in places with some thunderstorms and hail possible,
02:08but there will be other areas where those showers are a bit more hit and miss, and some of us could
02:12stay dry for much of the day, perhaps parts of northwest England down into Wales and southwest
02:17England, particularly later on into the afternoon as well. Again, if you do manage to dodge those
02:22showers and see some of the sunnier spells, temperatures will range between 17 and 23
02:27degrees Celsius, which is just a touch below relatively around where we should be for the time
02:32of year. As we head into Monday evening again, some of those showers will gradually ease their
02:38way off and most of us should see some late evening sunny spells as well. You might just
02:42notice, though, that this area of rain is gradually pushing its way into the far southwest
02:47of Ireland, and that's something that will be greeting us as we do head towards Tuesday.
02:52Gradually, this area of low pressure will push its way in, providing a fairly damp start to
02:56Tuesday for Northern Ireland, and then that rain will spread its way into northern areas of Wales,
03:00northern England and Scotland later on. So we're not completely out of the woods yet in terms of
03:05this rather unsettled regime, but do stay up to date with the forecast. We'll have all the latest
03:10updates here on YouTube, the app and the website, as well as across all of our social media channels.
03:15And we'll see you again very soon. Bye bye.
