Saturday afternoon forecast 16/09/2023

  • 2 days ago
16 September - National weather forecast presented by Jonathan Vautrey
00:00Hello there. It is shaping up to be a weekend of contrasts across the UK, and we've already
00:05seen that throughout Saturday morning. Quite a dry start for parts of South East England
00:11and North Western areas of Scotland and Northern Ireland, but in between there's been this
00:14lingering rain for Southern Scotland, Northern England, and also some heavy pulses that have
00:18pushed across South West England and Wales as well. Both those two areas tending to fade
00:23off a touch as we head throughout the rest of today, but still a few sharp areas to watch
00:28out for in the South West, I think. Quite a lot of cloud mixed in with all of that as
00:32well, but again, for the North West and the South East, that's where we'll see the best
00:36of the sunshine throughout the afternoon. Still though, quite a contrast in terms of
00:40how that's going to feel, and it is this lingering area of cloud that's acting as a boundary
00:45line with these frontal systems to the South of that area of low pressure, bringing in
00:49some milder and more humid air, but to the North, a cooler air mass wrapping around an
00:54area of high pressure. So for parts of Scotland, Northern Ireland, temperatures generally around
00:58average for the time of year, but around mid-teens, if you are in the sunshine, it should feel
01:04relatively pleasant autumnal day, but areas that are stuck underneath that cloud for much
01:08of the afternoon, Southern Scotland, Northern England will feel relatively gloomy and cool.
01:14But to the South, where we're feeling in that milder and more humid air, temperatures climbing
01:19notably above average for the time of year, close towards 28 degrees Celsius in parts
01:24of London, where we should be more around 19 or 20 degrees at this time of year. Generally,
01:30as we head into the evening, this mild and humid air is going to win out and start pushing
01:35its way further northwards across other areas of the UK. Still accompanied in that some
01:40showers initially across the South West spreading over towards Northern Ireland as we head into
01:44the early hours of Sunday. Some late sunshine for the South East, but the cloud will build
01:48here as well overnight as well. And it's generally then the Southern two thirds of
01:53the UK that will hold on to that mild theme, generally mid, particularly high teens across
01:59Southern areas of England. But a contrast to the North of Scotland, we'll be holding
02:03to that cooler air mass and the clearer skies throughout the night. Temperatures widely
02:08dropping down to two to five degrees Celsius, maybe some air frost in sheltered rural glens
02:14as well. So quite a chilly start to Sunday morning here, but will also be the brightest
02:18one. The cloud, though, continuing to steadily progress its way northwards, eventually reaching
02:23probably most areas apart from the Northern Isles during the day. It is then into the
02:28afternoon where we start to see some heavy showery outbreaks of rain push its way in
02:32across southern England and Wales. These could provide some localised disruption and flooding
02:37in places. So it is worth watching out for this as you head throughout the day. Generally,
02:42areas from Hampshire westward seeing the worst of the conditions. But even amongst
02:47all of that, not all areas will see the particularly persistent and heavy rain. But where it does
02:52fall, some areas could see over half a month's worth of rain falling in just a few hours.
02:58So it really is worth keeping up to date with the forecast throughout Sunday here. Generally,
03:02a good amount of cloud now pushing its way into southeast England. So that's going to
03:06hold temperatures back throughout Sunday compared to where we do see them on Saturday, more
03:10around twenty two degrees Celsius. But now that warmer and humid air is pushing its way
03:15steadily northwards. Northern Ireland, central Scotland could see those temperatures climb
03:19up by a degree or so compared to Saturday. But again, got to counterbalance that with
03:24the cloud and rain that is going to be spreading its way in into the evening again, continue
03:29to see a northward progression of those showers and that warmer, humid theme. So pushing across
03:35Wales, eventually spreading into Northern Ireland and northern England, this northern
03:39area of rain also much more widely across areas of Scotland as we head into the latter
03:43part of Sunday as well will end up being quite a warm night for the vast majority of us.
03:48Now that that humid and cloudy theme is pretty much across all areas of the UK, it's not
03:54going to last forever, though, because as we head into Monday, we will see a change
03:58in our wind direction more towards westerlies, and that's going to start feeding in some
04:02fresher conditions once again. But accompanied by that, a good number of showers and prolonged
04:08areas of rain again could see some thunderstorms in the mixture as well. So it is looking to
04:13stay relatively unsettled as we head towards the new working week. We will, of course,
04:18provide updates on all of that. So do stay tuned for those. You can find those regular
04:22updates across our social media channels as well. So make sure you're following us there
04:26and we're back with you for your next broadcast very soon. Bye bye.
