Friday afternoon forecast 16/06/23

  • 2 days ago
16 June - National weather forecast presented by Aidan McGivern.
00:00Hi there. Changes on the way through the next few days. The weather turns more humid, it
00:05turns more unstable and as a result beefy shower clouds, even some thunderstorms will
00:10develop in places but these will be highly hit and missed. Not everyone will catch a
00:14shower or thunderstorm, not everyone will be impacted but where these impacts occur
00:18could be quite serious. Now for much of Friday afternoon many places will stay dry and sunny
00:24especially eastern parts of Scotland, central and eastern England but the clouds have been
00:29building further west and expect some showers in places, especially for parts of Wales,
00:35into Cumbria, western Scotland, isolated showers, even the odd rumble of thunder here but for
00:41Northern Ireland that's where the greatest activity will be with some showers and thunderstorms
00:45developing over the Republic of Ireland, drifting north and also some homegrown showers depending
00:50exactly on when the higher cloud drifts in. That could limit the temperatures and as a
00:54result limit shower development but certainly the potential, especially for western parts
00:58of Northern Ireland for some really serious thunderstorms, hail and lightning. That's
01:04Friday afternoon but where we see the cloud and the showers in the west it will be certainly
01:09cooler than recent days, however in central and eastern parts 28, possibly 29 Celsius
01:15once again and it's going to feel more humid I think in many places, particularly further
01:19west with the clouds and the showers turning up from the Atlantic. Now the showers are
01:25likely to develop more widely across western parts of the UK through the night. Some longer
01:30spells of rain possible, especially for Northern Ireland and again the risk of some thunderstorms
01:35in places but not everyone obviously will see these, they'll be fairly limited in location.
01:41In the east, clear spells and a bit of a fresher night compared with the west, 10 to 12 Celsius
01:47on the thermometer first thing Saturday but plenty of sunshine for eastern parts of Scotland,
01:52I think a bit more cloud there for the Northern Ireland but certainly through eastern areas
01:55of the UK, it's a sunny start but this high and medium level cloud will drift in through
02:00the morning, it'll turn the sunshine hazy and some showers are likely to develop in
02:05places, south east England for example but more especially again western parts of the
02:10UK, some rumbles of thunder out there and perhaps for Northern Ireland especially some
02:14serious thundery activity with hail and lightning possibility. Also for parts of Devon and Cornwall,
02:21parts of Wales as well, we could see some fairly beefy thunderstorms developing. Again,
02:26cooler in the west but that's not to say it won't be humid because it is likely to be
02:30fairly sticky through the day and in the east, temperatures limited by the cloud advancing
02:35but again it's going to be a more humid feel I think compared with recent days. We've got
02:41the areas of cloud drifting about into Saturday night and we've got those showers and thunderstorms
02:46in the west continuing for a time. Now over France, later Saturday and into Sunday there's
02:52likely to be some thunderstorms developing and these could drift north through Sunday
02:56across southeastern or even central parts of the UK with other showers and thunderstorms
03:02developing elsewhere. So certainly a lot to watch out for this weekend in terms of shower
03:07and thunderstorm activity but by all means it's going to be hit and miss, not everyone
03:12will catch a shower or thunderstorm and where they do occur they could be quite impactful.
03:17Stay tuned to the Met Office reports for the latest and of course you can follow the Radar
03:21on your app for all the further details as they happen. Bye.
