Saturday evening forecast 22/07/23

  • 2 days ago
22 July – National weather forecast presented by Rachel Ayers.


00:00Hello and welcome to your latest weather forecast from the Met Office. So, Saturday so far has
00:07been quite a cloudy, gloomy and wet start to the weekend. But what does this evening
00:12have in store? Well, not much change. Remaining pretty cloudy with further outbreaks of rain,
00:17some heavy, especially over western hills. But we will start to see things drying up
00:22for a time across southern areas, maybe just the odd patch of lighter rain continuing into
00:27the early hours of Sunday. But the driest weather will be across Scotland, where there
00:31will be plenty of clear skies as well overnight tonight. So, temperatures dropping a little
00:36more readily here, especially in rural areas, where they could just drop into the mid to
00:41low single figures. Elsewhere, with the cloud and the rain around, temperatures not dropping
00:46out of the teens, especially for English Channel coasts, where we could see some local gales.
00:53But we do have a yellow weather warning in force throughout Sunday, and this is for rain
00:58across northern parts of England and Wales. Now, here we've got this band of rain persisting
01:04throughout the day, with some heavy bursts likely. And this could lead to spray on roads,
01:09so longer journey times, maybe some standing water as well around. So do bear that in mind
01:14if you are travelling and you might notice some disruptions at any outdoor events too.
01:19So do check out our website, follow us on social media for all the latest on the rain
01:23through Sunday and any changes to those warnings. But looking at the detail now for the rest
01:28of the second half of the weekend, we've got that band of rain, but either side of that
01:34slightly drier across Scotland, where we've got some of the best of the sunny spells through
01:37the day on Sunday, but also some scattered showers to the south of that rain after a
01:43cloudy start, brightening up a little into the late morning and the afternoon. But again,
01:48some further showers there, and they could just be heavy, maybe across some parts of
01:52the Midlands as well. Winds a little bit lighter through Sunday compared to Saturday, but they
01:58will take their time to ease, so remaining a bit breezy, especially for southeastern
02:02coasts, but also in and around any showers. It will be feeling warmer for most though,
02:08also a bit humid by day on Sunday with all that rain around. So highs into the 20s in
02:13the south and east, though across Scotland, similar temperatures to what we saw on Saturday,
02:18but there's northerly winds just feeling a little bit fresher here now through Sunday
02:23evening. That rain is going to continue to sink its way southward, so some clearer skies
02:29in the south to start, but clouding over as we go into the early hours of Monday behind
02:34that rain, though it's the opposite things clearing up. So some clearer skies, maybe
02:39the odd shower continuing, especially across north eastern parts of Scotland, but fresher
02:45and cooler conditions to come here. So maybe in rural areas under those clear skies again,
02:49just seeing those temperatures dropping into the mid single figures, but under that cloud
02:54and rain for the south remaining in the double figures. So a clearer, brighter start to the
03:01new week across northern England, Northern Ireland and parts of Scotland. The odd shower
03:05starting to filter its way southwards, but the main band of rain will still continue
03:10across southern parts of England and Wales. Plenty of cloud around to start the new week
03:15here, and maybe the odd heavier shower to just ahead of that main band of rain across
03:21the southeast. But temperatures will actually be a little lower than what we're expecting
03:26for Sunday, so maybe still just creeping into the low 20s across southern areas, but feeling
03:32fresher and less humid as winds are now coming from a northerly direction. But what do we
03:38have as we go into Tuesday? Well, a slightly more settled day for some, especially across
03:44southern areas, maybe a bit of the way of brightness after that cloud clears away, but
03:48there will still be the odd shower around. So across Belfast, Manchester, we've got showers
03:52forecast for there, but we could also see them elsewhere too. And those temperatures
03:57still around average, maybe just a touch below in some places. Thank you for listening and
04:03for all your latest weather updates and updates on those warnings to do check out our website
04:07and follow us on social media. Bye for now.
