Friday afternoon forecast 22/07/22

  • 2 days ago
22 July - National forecast presented by Aidan McGivern.
00:00Hi there. Some lively weather around today. Already a few thunderstorms have been kicking
00:05off across southern parts of England and there is a warning of thunderstorms because further
00:11storms will develop for East Wales into central and southern parts of England through the
00:16day and they'll be heavy at times, they'll be slow moving and so there is the risk of
00:21disruption on, for example, roads. But away from these storms there will also be outbreaks
00:27of rain pushing north into northern England, southern Scotland, a few showers for north-west
00:32Scotland. However, the four corners of the UK will tend to be the driest and brightest
00:37places, Northern Ireland, north-west and north-east Scotland, as well as East Anglia in the south-east
00:43and the far south-west. Where we get some sunshine, feeling pleasant enough with generally
00:48light winds, 23 Celsius there towards the south-east, low 20s mid to high teens elsewhere.
00:58Then into the evening, these showers, you can see they're slow moving in nature, they're
01:02affecting the same places throughout much of the afternoon and evening. They eventually
01:06die away and they push north-east and so clearer spells coming in, a drier interlude and under
01:12those clear skies with light winds across some of these western and central areas, temperatures
01:18will dip into the single figures. Certainly a more comfortable night for sleeping compared
01:21with earlier in the week. But for the start of Saturday, well, we've got further weather
01:26moving in from the Atlantic. These fronts bringing thickening cloud, isobars tightening
01:31so a freshening breeze as well. But these will predominantly affect northern and north-western
01:35parts of the country. So after a dry start first thing, Northern Ireland turns wet, that
01:40rain pushes into western Scotland, north-west England, parts of north and west Wales, perhaps
01:44a few dribbles of rain for Cornwall as well. But most of the rain and the freshening breeze
01:50will affect the northern half of the UK, whilst the far north-east of Scotland stays dry with
01:55some sunshine and towards the far south-east, east Anglia and the south-east of England,
02:00well, it's also going to be sunny and feeling humid here with a breeze from the south-west
02:05and temperatures reaching the mid to high 20s. Low 20s elsewhere across England and
02:10Wales and feeling on the cool side, I think we've got that breeze for Scotland and north-west.
02:14Northern Ireland, the wettest weather will be across western Scotland and then this other
02:19batch of rain pushes into western parts of the UK by Saturday evening. So that will bring
02:25some outbreaks of rain for Wales, south-west England, but the heaviest and most persistent
02:30stuff will affect northern Ireland as well as western Scotland. Again, staying dry towards
02:35the south-east and that south-east, north-west contrast that we've seen a lot of this summer,
02:41well, that will continue into Sunday. In fact, it's going to be a hot day in the south-east
02:45on Sunday, 29 or 30 Celsius, staying dry whilst showers and a blustery airflow will affect
02:52many other places. We'll keep you updated and you can follow those updates on social media.
