Thursday morning forecast 16/12/21

  • 2 days ago
16 December - National weather forecast presented by Clare Nasir.
00:00Hello there. If you are travelling over the next few days, it's worth noting you could
00:04run into some fog, which could be stubborn and dense, so causing poor visibility on the
00:09roads. Elsewhere, it's just fairly quiet. The air is dank, a lot of cloud, trapped under
00:15this area of high pressure which extends across the country through Thursday. Towards the
00:20far north, you can see that weather front there introducing thicker clouds and some
00:24patchy rain and drizzle. That becomes confined to the northern isles through Thursday and
00:29into Friday, not a lot of change. So all in all, the weather remains fairly settled,
00:33very, very quiet, calm into Saturday and Sunday. Backtrack to Wednesday evening, you can see
00:40where the rain is just clearing Northern Ireland, affecting particularly the Cumbrian fells
00:45as well as the south west of Scotland, the southern uplands as it pushes towards the
00:50central belt of Scotland through the latter part of the night. Some holes in the clouds
00:54away from the Midlands, central southern England and Wales could allow some fog to form and
00:59certainly an early frost across the north east of Scotland before temperatures recover
01:03here later on. And we could see some pockets of frost across eastern counties where you
01:07see some persistent clearer skies. But generally, temperatures will hold up, especially towards
01:12the south and the west, where we're seeing a lot of clouds and a keen breeze remains
01:16towards the far north west of Scotland. So a bit of a damp start to the day across the
01:21north west highlands, Caithness, Sutherland. Further south, it's mostly dry and a bit murky,
01:26lots of low cloud for Northern Ireland as well. And then we run into this thicker clouds
01:30across England and Wales. Favourite spots for thick fog will be eastern counties of
01:36England, where it will be stubborn and slow to clear through the morning into the afternoon.
01:41So a lot of murk lurking across the country, but we will see some brighter breaks through
01:46the day, certainly for eastern Scotland, perhaps even north east England. And over the tops
01:51of the mountains, you may find you peek into that clearer air as the cloud remains fairly
01:57low. Even so, where you see that cloud again, the odd spot or two of rain can't be ruled
02:02out and always more of a breeze towards the far north west of Scotland, where it will
02:07remain perhaps damp until later on in the day. But temperatures will be on the mild
02:12side coming in around 9, 10, 11 degrees Celsius. But you'll notice a decline in temperatures
02:19through Friday and into the weekend. High pressure remains in charge into Friday. And
02:25again, we have the mix of cloud, fog and some breezes towards the far north west as well
02:31as the far south west elsewhere. Just a light breeze. So a quiet start to Friday. And again,
02:36we could see some brighter breaks. West Wales, eastern parts of Scotland. Most places, though,
02:42will be cloudy and rather murky. And here's your outlook into the weekend. Remaining settled,
02:47a lot of clouds, some fog patches and mostly dry. Bye bye.
