Wednesday morning forecast 16/11/22

  • 2 days ago
16 November -National weather forecast presented by Clare Nasir.
00:00Hello there, welcome to your weather update from the Met Office. Now through
00:04the next few days the weather remains changeable. There's a downturn in
00:07temperature so expect some chilly mornings and also the winds will pick up
00:11from time to time. There's also a rain warning in force for the southeast
00:14through Wednesday night and into Thursday. But through Tuesday evening you
00:18can see the rain across Scotland becoming confined to the far northeast.
00:22Expect gales if not severe gales for a time across the Northern Isles and then
00:27showers track in across England and Wales, clipping the far east of Northern
00:30Ireland. A few may crop up across the southwest of Scotland through the early
00:34hours of the morning. Elsewhere some clearer skies inland and temperatures
00:38dipping down to mid-single figures. Lower than that across the Glens of Scotland
00:42so a cold start to the day come Wednesday morning but for some it will
00:46be bright. Certainly that will be the case across the northwest of Scotland.
00:50Still some showers across the Western Isles coming in across the southwest of
00:53Scotland and also down towards the southeast you'll see some showery bursts
00:57through the morning. Then through the day the clouds will come and go inland
01:00across England and Wales. Expect a few showers cropping up here before the
01:04cloud thickens across the southwest and we'll see the first of the rain. Now this
01:07rain will turn heavy through the afternoon and into evening time across
01:11central and southern parts of England and Wales. But a brighter and drier end
01:14to the day across Northern Ireland. Temperatures typically across the
01:18country around average for this time of year. So that's the picture on Wednesday.
01:22The winds will be significant through Wednesday afternoon across the
01:26southwest with some high waves and that's all courtesy of this area of low
01:29pressure which will track across the country across England and Wales through
01:33Thursday. Also expect some localized flooding possible across the southeast
01:37with some high rainfall totals as that rain migrates its way northwards through
01:41Thursday across central and eastern areas of the country. Further west for
01:45Northern Ireland and Western Scotland some dry weather on Thursday even some
01:48sunshine but here you'll see some rain particularly across the north as well as
01:51the west on Friday and again the winds will pick up some strength associated
01:55with that low pressure. But notice to the west we'll see a ridge of high pressure
01:58allowing for a cold night into Saturday morning. Expect a fairly widespread rural
02:03frost and then we see a return to rain as we head through Saturday and into
02:08Sunday even with some mountain snow in the north.