Wednesday afternoon forecast 27/10/21

  • 2 days ago
27 October - National weather forecast presented by Aidan McGivern.
00:00Hi there, an exceptional amount of rain is expected for parts of north-west England and
00:04south-west Scotland. Amber warnings are in force for the rest of Wednesday and into much
00:09of Thursday. You can see from the radar picture earlier in the day on Wednesday already a
00:14lot of rain has fallen across Cumbria. A weather front has stalled and it's going to continue
00:20to send very wet weather into south-west Scotland and north-west England during the rest of
00:25Wednesday and throughout much of Thursday. And that's why there are yellow and in some
00:30places amber warnings issued within the yellow warning areas, risk of disruption, risk of
00:34flooding. But it's the amber warning areas that are of most concern. So that's eastern
00:39parts of Dumfries and Galloway, western parts of Borders where as much as 80mm will fall
00:44widely through the rest of Wednesday and into Thursday and as much as 100mm in some exposed
00:50spots. For Cumbria, 100mm widely in the amber warning area as much as 2-250mm for some exposed
00:58western fells. Even for October, even for the wettest parts of the UK, those are exceptional
01:04rainfall amounts and so amber warning in force, risk of flooding of homes and business and
01:09disruption and so on. That wet weather continues for the whole of Wednesday really across parts
01:15of south-west Scotland, northern England and increasingly north Wales, seeing some
01:20heavy and persistent rain particularly over the higher ground of Snowdonia. Northern Ireland
01:24sees some outbreaks of rain, western Scotland also some showery rain but brighter skies
01:29for the far north-west and north of Scotland and some brighter weather emerging for parts
01:34of the rest of England and Wales. But a lot of cloud here, one or two spots of rain always
01:39possible over the higher ground of Wales and the south-west because of this moist south-westerly
01:44flow but it's that moist south-westerly flow. The strong winds as well around some exposed
01:48Irish sea coast in particular and over some northern hills. That wind bringing very mild
01:54air with it, temperatures peaking in some places 17 or 18C even to the north of the
01:59front we're seeing above average temperatures for the time of year. But the front continues
02:03more or less in the same place, it pivots slightly overnight but it will send more wet
02:07weather into southern Scotland, northern England and increasingly the likes of Edinburgh, parts
02:11of Fife perhaps seeing some rain and it will increasingly send its heavy rain into the
02:16rest of west Wales as well. Moistening up there across the higher ground of Wales, perhaps
02:22Cornwall. A lot of cloud across the UK but drier and clearer to the south-east, we keep
02:27the strong wind, we keep that mild air and temperatures in some places higher than their
02:31daytime averages overnight. We're looking at 13s and 14s in the south, 10s to 12s further
02:38north. Some clear spells at times for north-west Scotland but always some showers nearby. Here's
02:44the weather front, it's really aligned with the wind so it's not moving very far very
02:49fast but it does pivot slightly through Thursday so the focus for Thursday's rain increasingly
02:55again across parts of Cumbria, south-west Scotland as well but increasingly west Wales
03:01and then later in the day into parts of south-west England, perhaps reaching Cardiff by lunchtime
03:06and parts of Devon as well by the afternoon. Also we'll see some rain spilling into the
03:11west Midlands but again to the south-east, drier, cloudy skies, a lot of wind and staying
03:17very mild, 16, 17 Celsius possible. Brighter skies, western Scotland, northern Ireland
03:22but some showers about and outbreaks of rain for central and eastern Scotland I think a
03:27greater chance of that on Thursday afternoon as this whole system tends to wrap around
03:32and for eastern Scotland we will see some spells of rain coming and going I think into
03:36Thursday evening. The wettest of the weather finally eases across Cumbria, south-west Scotland
03:42as well, late in the day on Thursday but by this stage it is turning very wet indeed across
03:46Wales and the south-west and west Wales risk of localised flooding here, yellow warning
03:51in force. Stay up to date with the warnings, keep across the radar and the forecast updates
03:57as well and you can stay across all of that by following the Met Office on social media.
04:01Bye bye.
