Thursday morning forecast 20/01/22

  • 2 days ago
19 January-National weather forecast presented by Clare Nasir.
00:00Hello there. Thursday will start frosty, most places dry with some sunshine,
00:04although one or two showers continue to lurk along the eastern periphery of the
00:08country. Let me take you through the bigger picture for the next day or so.
00:12First of all, notice on the synoptic chart how blue the colours are towards
00:17the north as well as the east. This is Arctic air streaming down from the north,
00:21delivering snow showers, particularly across the far northeast of the country,
00:25before high pressure just moves in from the west, affecting mostly England and
00:30Wales, and a stronger wind will develop across Scotland, being on the northern
00:35side of that high cell. However, the air will slowly become a bit more mild
00:39across the northwest, toppling in with cloud through Friday and also into the
00:44weekend, whilst most places though will be dry. Not the case at the moment across
00:48the far north and east. This mix of wintry showers, hail and snow across the
00:53far north, and then running down the east coast with a nagging icy northerly
00:59wind. Inland, some lighter breezes overnight and a fairly widespread frost
01:04away from the coast, temperatures dipping well below freezing at a cold start to
01:08the day come Thursday morning, although most places will dawn bright and dry.
01:14Winds will slowly ease as we head through Thursday as well. Before that
01:19though, here are your temperatures. These are the towns and cities, so certainly
01:22lower than that in rural spots. First thing then on Thursday morning across
01:27Scotland, always more clouds towards the north and east, and those showers
01:32continue, although they will lose their intensity through the morning. Strong
01:35winds just running down the east side again, some showers particularly for east
01:39Anglia, and further west clearer skies, bit more patchy cloud for Northern
01:43Ireland, but many areas waking up to a lovely sunrise. Certainly through the day,
01:48many places will continue to see that sun. So the picture through the morning,
01:53well not a lot of change really, we lose the wind across most places, still quite
01:57strong though through the morning along this east coast, but you notice on those
02:01previous charts that high pressure is drifting in, allowing winds to ease
02:05somewhat through the day, and also quite a lot of sunshine on the cards away from
02:09perhaps Norfolk and Suffolk, where again you'll see one or two showers, and a few
02:13showers across the far north of Scotland as well as the Western Isles, but again
02:16there'll be few and far between. A bit more cloud up here, elsewhere some fine
02:20weather to end the day, and temperatures below average for this time of year in
02:24cold, particularly the wind along the east coast. So that's Thursday for you,
02:29through Thursday evening and overnight with a lighter wind, temperatures are
02:33likely to be even lower, so a fairly sharp and widespread frost as winds
02:38remain light across the bulk of the country, and again starry skies for most.
02:42So here are your temperatures through the early hours of the morning, coming in
02:47in the towns and cities around minus 2 to minus 4 degrees Celsius, perhaps
02:53milder though across the far northwest where there'll be more of a breeze, and
02:56also more in the way of cloud, and that leads into a cloudier start to the
03:01western half of the country on Friday, hanging on to brighter weather further
03:05east, but as we head into the weekend the theme of the weather will be fairly
03:09quiet, fairly benign, perhaps more clouds across western highlands, and there we
03:14could see the odd spot or two of rain elsewhere, it will be dry, but we are
03:17chasing cloud and there'll be a fair amount of clouds around, particularly
03:21towards the north and west.
