The Apprentice UK S02E06 (2006)

  • 2 days ago


00:00Previously on The Apprentice, Manny was on a high after leading the girls to victory.
00:12For the next task, Sir Alan made Ruth and Paul project managers.
00:17This task is all about advertising.
00:21They're challenged to create an ad campaign for Sir Alan's fleet of aircraft.
00:25Get closer in, boys.
00:27It's not a Wham video.
00:28What do you want to do then, Joe?
00:29Ruth renewed her feud with Joe.
00:32I don't think a jingle's pitching it at the right level.
00:34I don't mean...
00:37But she left Manny and Ansel to develop their big idea.
00:40The ultimate convenience is flagging down your own plane.
00:43Yeah, of course I do.
00:44I think that's a very powerful image.
00:46Both teams made their adverts on Sir Alan's £15 million jet.
00:52Oh, shit.
00:53Ruth was confident she had the winning ad.
00:56I would be absolutely gobsmacked if we didn't win.
00:59She was wrong.
01:02Sir Alan didn't like her ad.
01:04To me, that looks like a 1970s porno movie, Debbie Does Dallas.
01:08Worse still, he didn't like its message.
01:11This is not what Sir Alan wants me to advertise.
01:16Ruth brought Manny and Joe back for a bloody fight in the boardroom.
01:20Joe, I've got a very, very, very serious problem with you.
01:23It was Joe's third time in front of Sir Alan.
01:27But it was Manny that was fighting for his life.
01:30Can I finish?
01:31Well, don't get aggressive.
01:32Just let me finish.
01:33Tell me what you mean by autocratic.
01:34If she's given a deadline, well, look in the dictionary.
01:36I've not time for this.
01:37Manny, you're fired.
01:41Manny became the fifth casualty of the boardroom.
01:45Now nine remain to fight for the chance to become The Apprentice.
01:57At the house, the candidates wait for the survivors.
02:04Manny doesn't want it enough. Simple as that.
02:09I reckon it'll be one of the hottest boardrooms there's been.
02:19Here they are.
02:21No surprise, is it?
02:26Right again.
02:29Right again.
02:35There's Joe again, look.
02:39Manny became very aggressive, started shouting.
02:42I was like, don't shout.
02:43And then he started saying things.
02:44I said, oh, you could patronise me on your list then, Sir Alan.
02:47And he just literally went round and round and round and here we are.
03:016am. It's Jenny from Sir Alan's office.
03:04Good morning, how are you doing this weekend?
03:06Good morning.
03:07Sir Alan would like you to meet him at his house at 9am this morning.
03:16We're leaving here at seven to meet Sir Alan at his house at nine.
03:19But we've got to pick the project managers before and it's the same teams.
03:36Before leaving, the teams meet to select project managers.
03:40Last week's losers, Velocity, choose the only one who hasn't done the job.
03:47Job done.
03:48That was good.
03:49Yeah, without even having to say a word.
03:53On Invicta, no-one wants the job.
03:55I think mine is between me, Dun and Sharon.
03:57I think you mentioned yesterday, Dun, you were quite keen, didn't you?
04:03Does that mean I would do it as well?
04:05I think it should be a girl, because we've had a boy.
04:07I think it should be a girl. I think it should be Cheryl.
04:10If you want the girl, grab Sharon.
04:11I wonder if he's got a big formal thing happening at his house and he's wanting us to organise that.
04:16OK, that's an option.
04:17They were trying to decide exactly who the project manager was going to be
04:21and I was actually dreading it, to be honest, because I did not want it to be Sharon.
04:26If you really want to do it, you can do it.
04:30That's done.
04:31It's Sharon.
04:32I'm happy now.
04:409am, the teams arrive at Sir Alan's home.
04:45Now that's a house.
04:47That is a house.
04:49Whee, look at this.
04:51It's almost as nice as my car.
04:53Look at his cars, look at all those cars parked there.
04:56Where, where, where?
04:58Oh, my God.
04:59Look at them.
05:12Now, you might be wondering what we're doing here in front of some of these cars.
05:17Well, in exactly 24 hours' time, you are going to be on the forecourts
05:23selling second-hand cars in a real-life situation to real customers.
05:29OK, and you'll be paid a commission.
05:31The team that comes back with the most amount of commission earned will win.
05:37The team that earns the least amount of commission, one of you, is going to get fired.
05:47Selling is key to Sir Alan's success, and he learned it at an early age.
05:52I remember my early days as a salesman, and I used to work as a kid
05:56to supplement my income on Saturdays when I was at school.
05:59And I worked in shoe shops, I worked in menswear shops, I worked in greengrocers.
06:04And, you know, within an hour or so of watching some of the other salespeople at it,
06:09you knew what you had to say to sell.
06:13We're into full-box or Peugeot, the mainstream brands, Renault.
06:18Possibly a couple of sub-premiums. We need to look at depreciation and that sort of stuff.
06:22Yeah, yeah.
06:23Project manager Ansel seems to have the perfect team to sell cars.
06:29Sam's worked at Ford for seven years.
06:32Joe trained managers at MG Rover, and Ruth is a sales professional.
06:39I thought it was quite ironic, because the previous evening I was talking to somebody,
06:43and they said, what would be the ideal task?
06:45And I said, selling second-hand cars. So I was smirking to myself.
06:49Yeah, that's going to be fine.
06:51On the other team, Sharon's boys love cars.
06:55Oh, I'm going to love it. I'm going to absolutely love this task.
06:58It's going to be so much fun.
07:00A lot of people in my life say to me, you should be a car salesman.
07:03Yeah, I get that a lot as well. It's like three magnetic cars.
07:05But the project manager hasn't got a clue about them.
07:08When I realised I had to go and sell cars, I was like, Jesus, I don't know nothing about cars.
07:12My knowledge of cars is, do they look good? Nice colour?
07:16Have they got a CD player and a convertible? That's it.
07:19Trade sales, just outside London.
07:22One of Britain's biggest car supermarkets.
07:25Oh, my God, it's bigger than God's Earth.
07:30Sliced in two by a busy A-road,
07:32over a thousand cars are displayed in a bewildering array of makes, models and specifications.
07:39Oh, my God.
07:41Over a thousand cars are displayed in a bewildering array of makes, models and specifications.
07:48Oh, this is a little chestnut, isn't it?
07:50Yeah, this is it.
07:55It's a supermarket. A car really is a supermarket for cars.
08:00It's a huge site.
08:02But there's only a few hours to learn about it before selling starts tomorrow.
08:11Hello, how are you? I'm Neil.
08:13To help, each team is allocated its own in-house sales manager.
08:17Please don't lose this, because if you do, you'll be completely lost.
08:20I'm Neil.
08:21I'm Neil.
08:22To help, each team is allocated its own in-house sales manager.
08:26Please don't lose this, because if you do, you'll be completely lost.
08:29And don't bother coming to me, because basically, you'll be on your own.
08:32If the teams don't sell tomorrow, the company will lose a small fortune.
08:37So it's straight into the classroom to learn how to catch a customer.
08:46In the business, they call it qualifying the sale.
08:49This is the most important thing ever in car sales.
08:53If you don't do this, if you deviate from this, it will end in tears.
08:58Just a quick bit of qualification would be, what's the car you're looking for today?
09:02Because nine times out of ten, they will know what car they want when they come here.
09:05Or it's Ford Focus LX.
09:07But as you're walking along with them to the car, just in normal, casual conversation,
09:12you'll say, okay, what are you driving at the moment?
09:14That is a leading qualifying question.
09:17And then your next answer should be, are you looking to part-exchange that?
09:21So you've gone very, very quickly in two sentences.
09:24You've found out what they want, and they've actually come to buy a Ford Focus,
09:29and they've got a Peugeot 306 as a part-exchange.
09:33Just in casual conversation.
09:35So whoever picks it up and does it properly will sell the most cars.
09:37It's as simple as that, okay?
09:39Please, if anything else, dream about it tonight.
09:45Outside, watched by Sir Alan's advisers, Nick and Margaret,
09:49the teams get a chance to inspect the stock.
09:53All these you can sell, yeah? Every single one of them.
09:57It's got a tape deck in it, you know?
10:00Focus, right. Focuses are down here.
10:06Hey, that is well cheap.
10:08We've got till six, haven't we?
10:10Come on, Dale.
10:11Why does that one look different to that one?
10:13Because it's silver, and that's blue.
10:15No, I know that.
10:16This whole thing lifts up, doesn't it?
10:19Your boot would all go like that.
10:21Whereas that, just go like that.
10:23Ah, okay, so saloon, just the boot door opens.
10:27Whereas in a hatchback, the boot door and the back window opens.
10:29Yeah, I hope that's right, yeah.
10:30Is that how you differentiate?
10:31The key here is to get as many done as you can.
10:34I'd be surprised if I didn't do well.
10:36What the hell, I'll probably be the best, won't I?
10:39Oh, good afternoon, sir. How are you?
10:41Hi, thanks.
10:42Hi, I'm Ansel.
10:43Hello, Ansel, how are you doing?
10:44Okay, good, thank you.
10:45Finally, just time for Ansel to show their in-house manager what he's learned.
10:50Have you had any problems with the car?
10:52Funny enough, yeah, about six months ago, I spent a grand on it.
10:55A grand? What happened?
10:57Air conditioning went, which is probably what it's worth now, I should imagine, £1,000.
11:00Right, okay.
11:01Is it? Is it worth £1,000, do you think?
11:04I'm just finishing off, if that's okay,
11:06and then I'll be able to sit you down and go through that, if that's okay.
11:09Yeah, do you ever answer a question, Ansel?
11:11Oh, yeah, absolutely, I do, yeah, but I'll take my time with it.
11:14I'm just obviously looking through.
11:16To be honest, it looks a nice car and it looks like something we'd definitely like to own, yeah.
11:25Back at the house, Ansel calls a meeting in the team office.
11:32Sam's had an idea for a discount voucher and some colour branding.
11:36For today only, £50 off, purple team.
11:40And let's make the purple team bolder, bigger.
11:47Downstairs, Sharon's team are mugging up on a £250 car protection kit.
11:53Anyone selling it will earn extra commission.
11:56My hands to the interior.
11:58In the case of carpets, let me demonstrate with a spot of Ribena.
12:02Just look how the Ribena soaks into the untreated one.
12:05And as if magic, look at how the Ribena just flirts on the surface.
12:09That's what our product does for your car.
12:11If you can't sell that to anyone, then you're a shit salesperson, I've got to say.
12:15The fact of the matter is these services sell themselves.
12:17If they didn't, then there'd be customers who don't take them out
12:20and then just make up some little bullshit story about,
12:22well, I'm not trying to push you into it, mate, but at the end of the day,
12:25you know, it might sound like your usual cheesy car salesman pitch, but...
12:28Is that not bullshit, though?
12:30Of course it is.
12:32Of course it is. It's going to be a complete whole day of bullshit.
12:48The day of the sale.
12:55Ansel's rallying his purple team.
12:58More balloons for that car.
13:01Signs printed overnight draw attention to three managers' specials.
13:05Cars chosen by the team that carry big discounts.
13:11If nine o'clock comes, you lot keep doing cars,
13:14and what I will do is Ruth and I will start.
13:18Nine a.m. Ten hours of selling begin.
13:21Is there anything in particular?
13:25How are you getting on, all right?
13:27The all-important commission is one per cent of the sale price.
13:31Go on, have a seat.
13:33So it's in the team's interest to keep prices as high as possible.
13:37Good. Absolutely good.
13:45Good. Absolutely good. How are you getting on so far?
13:48You doing all right? Do you need any more help, do you think?
13:51Today only. £50 minimum off certain cars.
13:54So if you need any help, come and speak to the team in the purple sash.
13:57Hello. It's a nice car, isn't it?
14:00That is the ultimate air-con.
14:02What cars are you looking at in particular? Convertibles, or is it for you?
14:06No, I've got two convertibles. I've got two here.
14:08All right. What have you got?
14:09Within minutes, Ruth qualifies her first customer.
14:13But across the road, Sharon's team are still looking for one.
14:17Why don't you just go and get the customers?
14:19I can't run after them. I cannot.
14:22You don't run after customers.
14:24I'm not asking you to run after them. They're crossing the road, so why don't you just go?
14:27We will do that. Why don't you just go ahead and do that, and we will go and do that.
14:29Saeed, you were wanting to stand in the corner a minute ago, and I'm telling you not to.
14:33Can you just go and sell, please? Please?
14:36Go on.
14:37We're going to get a lot of this.
14:39Saeed is playing up, and I'm just told not to shut up.
14:42I don't want them standing in the corner. I want them over there selling.
14:47But he just says, start because I know what I'm doing, but he's got to stand at the end of it.
14:51I've done this before. Let them do their own thing.
14:54That's their team. That's their responsibility.
14:56They should just stop bloody whinging and go and sell some cars.
14:59You like the look of this car?
15:01I like the colour.
15:03What are you looking for today?
15:05The in-house managers will report back to Sir Alan later.
15:09Have you looked at other Pears roads before?
15:11I've looked at a few different mates, but it's definitely a Peugeot I want.
15:14I've got my heart set on a Peugeot.
15:16Fantastic price. Let me jump in the other side.
15:19Right, let me explain a few details about this car.
15:21This is a brand-new car, hence the reason it's not plated.
15:24That offer there is for today only, so if you buy today, you actually get that.
15:28Now, as you can see, on the forecourt and on numerous ones around Slough,
15:32you cannot buy this brand-new car for that.
15:34The only mileage that you've actually got on it is delivery mileage.
15:37You've got a CD player, it's a good spec, it's immaculately clean.
15:41This car comes with two years' warranty.
15:43As far as we're concerned, it is the manager's special today because this is a pure bargain.
15:48Let me take you inside then and we'll discuss it even further.
15:51If I can actually do it at that price, are you interested in buying today?
15:56Great, OK. Thanks a lot. Cheers.
15:58In just 15 minutes, Ruth's got her first sale.
16:07Still no sales for Sharon's team.
16:10But Saeed's got an eye on Ansel's purple sashes.
16:14He and Michelle decide to steal the idea.
16:17How are you, mate?
16:18I'm going to kill him.
16:19Are you going to tie this around me and I'll tie one around you?
16:21This whole thing's in a mess.
16:23But that's because there's no organisation and there's just no structure to what we're doing.
16:27Everyone's just doing what they want.
16:29Well, the only way out of this is to sell shitloads of cars. That's what we're going to do.
16:33We will.
16:34I just couldn't believe it when they had gone across the road to sell cars.
16:37There was people in the forecourts and they came back with this sash idea
16:41just on the basis that the other team had done it.
16:43I thought that was disgraceful.
16:44It's like we've only got a fucking nurse today.
16:46I can look after five kids better than I can look after this lot.
16:53It's the last one that we can secure for you, but obviously you said...
16:56Actually, if you want, it's the keys here.
16:58Across the road, Ansel's close to a deal.
17:01Working alongside him is Joe.
17:03Oh, God, what a car.
17:05I can put the sticker up so that nobody else...
17:07Because if we walk away, then someone else comes in and they'll go,
17:10oh, thanks very much, and it's the last one.
17:12We'll put the sticker up, we can go and sit down and we can talk about your super
17:16and see how we can sort that out. Is that OK?
17:18Yes, certainly.
17:19Right, fantastic. Right, let's go.
17:21Shall I put Natalie on the windscreen?
17:23What's your surname, Natalie?
17:25It's not an issue now, anyway.
17:27Shall we go through to the office, then?
17:30It's another sale.
17:32But it won't happen unless Ansel can agree a part-exchange price.
17:36Come on, start it up, let's hear the beast.
17:38What are you looking for?
17:39If I told you what I'm looking for, you'd probably run off into the distance.
17:42I'm looking for...
17:43Well, if I was to sell that privately, I would put that up for probably 16.
17:48Wow. We're really looking between the 7 to 8 mark.
17:52For the car?
17:53Yeah. From my point of view, is that something we can work with?
17:57Unfortunately, not today, no, because I know I could get a lot more for it.
18:01I'll do this, Ansel.
18:02The deal collapses. The sale won't count.
18:13Fired up by the loss, Ansel's team step up a gear.
18:19Big-size boot, hatchback, so you can get loads of stuff in there.
18:22Is that sold?
18:24A little pump.
18:26Is that what you're looking for?
18:31Which one are you in now, Alec?
18:35It's a browser's paradise, you know this.
18:40By late morning, Ansel's team have sold three cars, two of them manager's specials.
18:46Like it? Definitely for you?
18:49Let's go into the deal then. Fantastic. Great.
18:55Sharon's team have sold none.
18:57The other team are whipping their asses in there,
18:59so we've got to sell lots of cars in the next five hours or less than five hours.
19:04Not like his sister.
19:05With her manager's specials attracting zero interest, Paul suggests slashing prices.
19:11They've sold their Ford car this morning.
19:13I pushed her to her seat because it was about a grand underneath.
19:15Right, let's take the money off it.
19:16We've got the Renault Scenic there, which is £1,500.
19:18Yeah, no, I agree.
19:19I reckon we bring everything to the bottom.
19:22Right, the Scenic needs to be £11,499.
19:24That's taken a grand off it, leaves us an extra £500 if we go check.
19:27What does it need to be done, Paul?
19:29Right, so we need another £100, £150 off this one.
19:31So we need to get...
19:32Yeah, let's knock some more off the ashtray.
19:34We need to leave Ansel's at least £100.
19:36Right, where do we get the numbers from?
19:42Teams have been told they can only deal with two customers at one time.
19:46On the red team, Sharon and Paul are negotiating one sale.
19:53But Saeed wants to go it alone on another.
19:59Dunne and Michel have no choice but to wait while Saeed talks.
20:06And talks.
20:07OK, and second, you're spending £10,000,
20:09and you're going to spend £10,000,
20:11and you're going to spend £10,000,
20:13and you're going to spend £10,000.
20:15I come from a very, very hard-working background.
20:18I've worked all my life for everything.
20:20OK, no handouts. I understand the value of money.
20:22I guarantee that.
20:24OK, shall we walk around, sir?
20:27Where are you from, sir? Which country are you from?
20:29I'm a Kenyan-Asian.
20:31Kenyan-Asian, OK. I'm from Bangladesh myself.
20:33Oh, right.
20:34I was born in Bangladesh, came over here at an early age,
20:37and I've been here since.
20:39Is your wife from the same country as well?
20:44We've been waiting for an hour and ten minutes,
20:47and he doesn't look like it's quite close to finishing the deal yet,
20:50so it means it's quite frustrating for Dun and I,
20:52cos we're just sitting around.
20:54We can see the car park filling up with people,
20:56but yet we're stuck with the same customer.
20:5825 minutes over now. What shall we do?
21:00Well, we just need to tell him that we're washing up for time.
21:03We're getting a bit fidgety.
21:05If we do it as a package, OK, I can knock this by 200.
21:09An hour and 25 minutes now.
21:1113,000 miles.
21:12OK, so this is the biggest deal you're going to get today.
21:15So if you're thinking of selling your car in two, three years,
21:18with the car protection system and the guarantee,
21:21you can sell this back at a profit in two years.
21:25Said's casual promise doesn't go unnoticed.
21:29Jon. Right.
21:31How are you?
21:33How are you?
21:36Jon. Right.
21:38Just sit down.
21:40You've been heard to say to the people that,
21:42if you buy a car from us and trade sales in two years' time,
21:45you'd be in a position to sell it at a profit.
21:47I mean, hello, you know...
21:48No, no, no.
21:49As I said, the price that you're paying for it now,
21:51in hindsight, if you want to sell it in a couple of years,
21:53OK, this will hold its value as much as possible.
21:56Yeah, just, look, you don't need to say that.
21:58The car's cheap, end of.
21:59Fine, OK.
22:00Any sort of outlandish statements like that,
22:02you just can't do it, yeah.
22:05Outside, Paul's next customer wants to trade in
22:09his gas-guzzling 4x4 for a new Mini.
22:13Electric windows.
22:15It's not leather, is it?
22:17Oh, it is, yeah.
22:20Electric sunroof.
22:23You've got ABS, I presume.
22:25Electric windows, electric hood, electric seats.
22:28Back window.
22:29Climate control.
22:31And you've got power-assisted steering.
22:34Have you got any idea of what you're expecting for yours?
22:36I haven't got a clue.
22:37I mean, I've had it for four years,
22:39and I've paid, what, £13,500,
22:41so, I mean, God knows what the depreciation is on it.
22:44Well, it's quite high, to be honest.
22:46The reason being, it's a V6, it's 4-litre, it's petrol,
22:49for the exact same reason that you now don't want it.
22:52So the price that we can get is £3,000 flat.
22:56That is going to be the price.
22:57And that's the best price we can do, really.
22:59I mean, although you've got the full service history,
23:01we have had them come in a lot lower than that.
23:06Unfortunately, Kevin, it's just the kind of car that it is.
23:10God, that's a hell of a lot of a drop.
23:12I mean, that's £10,000 I've lost in four years.
23:17Unfortunately, that's the case.
23:18I can't do any better than that, than £3,000.
23:22I mean, just looking on what we've got on the Mini at the moment,
23:26you know, £9,400, £9,900.
23:29To tell the truth, I was thinking more like I'd get £5,000 or £6,000 for mine.
23:35Yeah, I mean, that's a hell of a shock.
23:36That's half of what I'm expecting on that.
23:39Yeah, I just don't think...
23:40Well, I know you won't sell it for more than £3,000.
23:43No, well, I'd have to disagree with you there, but I know I will.
23:46Well, that's your opinion, obviously.
23:48I don't believe you will, but then again,
23:50there's no point in me telling you if you believe that.
23:52Well, I really appreciate your time.
23:54See you later.
23:57You've done well, OK?
23:59Just make sure, you know, it was just that, you know, the party's changed,
24:02but it was a shock, but you're not going to get an order more than that, OK?
24:09Finally, after a two-and-a-half-hour negotiation,
24:12Saeed secures the first sale of the day for Sharon's team.
24:17Included in the deal, two company extras to bump up the commission.
24:22I think that's a deal.
24:24Thank you very much.
24:26Thank you very much.
24:40Ruth has spent 45 minutes watching Sam trying to sell his first car.
24:48One of you must have a bottom line that you can give that to me for.
24:50We have, and it's not a lot.
24:51It's not a lot.
24:52As you know, it's a car supermarket,
24:54so if you try and get this car anywhere else, you know,
24:57it's going to be more expensive, so it's cut to the bone anyway.
25:01We've given you £50.
25:02The most we can go to is another £50 on that,
25:04so we can drop it £100 to £84.99.
25:07That's a pretty competitive price, if you think.
25:09It's a car supermarket.
25:12We really can't drop below that.
25:14With the customer wavering, Ruth moves in for the kill.
25:19You haven't got to have it done for three years.
25:20How much warranty has it got on it, Samuel?
25:22Well, it'll have three years.
25:25It's got three years warranty, so it's clean as a whistle.
25:28Warranty includes what?
25:31It's a manufacturer's warranty.
25:32I'll tell you what, we'll even throw the air in for free.
25:35You going to go for it?
25:36Yeah, I think I am.
25:38Do you want me to write sold on there to make sure nobody comes and buys it?
25:41Right, what's your name?
25:43Your surname's Sadler?
25:48Across the lot, project manager Ansel's got a problem.
25:53It's the sale he and Jo agreed earlier, then lost over the part exchange.
25:58The ball can come here.
26:00The car is still how they left it four hours ago.
26:04Can anyone tell me how much this car is, please?
26:09Well, no, because the sign's obviously not in it, and we've left it.
26:12So, what chance has the customer got of buying this car?
26:15Well, none in that situation.
26:16Yeah, I know.
26:17Absolutely not.
26:18Look at the screen.
26:22Who threw that in there?
26:23Who threw that?
26:24It's been me, I would think.
26:25Okay, what time?
26:27Very early on today.
26:28What time?
26:29I don't know, about 11?
26:3020 past 11.
26:31Can you tell me why it's not back in the car?
26:33Yeah, yeah.
26:34It's no excuse.
26:35I'm just having a time, yeah.
26:36I know, it's my fault.
26:37I just haven't had time to come back to it.
26:38You haven't had time?
26:39Yeah, I know.
26:40Right, it's now 20 past three.
26:41It's in my book.
26:42Yeah, how many hours is that?
26:43I don't know, it's four hours.
26:44Four hours, and you haven't had time?
26:46What have you been doing for four hours?
26:47I've been trying to sell some cars.
26:48Yeah, bullshit.
26:50I know, I accept this offer.
26:51Yeah, can't stand bullshit, okay?
26:52Don't destroy it, yeah, please.
26:53Yeah, I mean it.
26:54Do not, I won't, honestly, I won't have the conversation again.
26:58I will not have the conversation again.
27:00I'll just turn it in.
27:02I want that screen cleared.
27:03Yeah, okay.
27:04And back up for sale as soon as possible, yeah?
27:07I was in the wrong, but there was two people involved in the sale of that car,
27:11and what pissed me off is that people don't stand up for it.
27:13You know, I stood up, took that on the chin,
27:15but I wasn't the only person involved in that sale, and that annoyed me a little bit.
27:26Oh, fool.
27:30Ansel's team gets straight back to work,
27:33but project manager Sharon pulls her team off the lot.
27:38She wants to discuss poor sales figures, but Dunn is missing.
27:46Who did you get this from?
27:48Unaware of Sharon's meeting, he's on the verge of closing a deal.
27:52Now, with regards to numbers, I'm not even going to mess about with my best price.
27:55I'm just going to give you what I can do.
27:57See the best price of the car first, you can do for me,
27:59and then at the end of the day, I will decide.
28:01I'll speak to you.
28:03Can I get a rugby for two minutes, please?
28:06Excuse me, guys, just two seconds.
28:08No, no worries.
28:11Right, we've got to have a ten-minute meeting,
28:13obviously, and a sales meeting, right?
28:15We're all waiting on you, can't leave at all.
28:17Yeah, yeah.
28:18This has been two hours and 15 minutes.
28:19Is it?
28:20Listen, how long, because the rest of us can't wait.
28:22I've got, I've done it now.
28:23I'm done.
28:24I was just going to say, he's poor his daughters, he's poor his family.
28:26I've got five minutes, and then I'm going to have to cancel soon and go out.
28:29Right, five minutes.
28:32As soon as he's finished, we'll come in,
28:34and we'll get the sales pick to it at the exact start.
28:36So we're just sat in that room for over 20 minutes waiting for someone.
28:39Now that he's ready, we're walking out.
28:41We're still having the meeting, aren't we?
28:42We could have, they could have wanted to stay there, yeah.
28:44We're having the meeting, but I'm saying, let's just get inside.
28:46Let's get out of these four walls.
28:47Because everybody's getting drunk here.
28:49Let's get out of here, you're right.
28:50Let's get out, let's go get some fresh air.
28:54Right, we can't have sales going on for two hours at all.
28:57We're having two hours and an hour.
28:59I know it's difficult, but that's an awful long time to be selling a car.
29:03Make sure you're asking the right questions initially.
29:07First question is, are you looking to buy today?
29:09Second one, what's your budget?
29:10How much have you got to spend, right?
29:16The Saturday afternoon rush is in full swing.
29:20It's 1.9.
29:22Well, focus.
29:24Despite her advice to others, project manager Sharon hasn't sold a single car.
29:34The rest of Sharon's team suddenly go into overdrive.
29:38Mum's paying, get in.
29:42They're not just selling cars.
29:44They're doubling their commission by selling company extras.
29:47Just to show you the sort of effects again, this is a treated fabric.
29:51This is untreated.
29:52This is Ribena.
29:54And let's do the other one.
29:56This is the one that's not treated.
29:58This is untreated.
29:59This is Ribena.
30:01And let's do the untreated first.
30:04As you can see, that's completely absorbed.
30:07And when we do it here, that stays on top.
30:11Sharon's team is on a roll.
30:13Yeah, OK, cheers.
30:15But the other team's in trouble again.
30:19Sales manager Neil collars Ansel.
30:21Two of your team, we've shown some customers round.
30:25The customer asked on several occasions, has the car got air conditioning?
30:28No, no, no, no, no.
30:31No one asked anyone any technical questions as to whether the car has got air conditioning.
30:35The customer's pissed off.
30:37The car has got air conditioning.
30:39They've got hold of one of my salesmen.
30:41They want to buy the car.
30:43They've got a voucher, but everyone's left them.
30:45You haven't lost them.
30:46Go and deal with them.
30:47Right, I will do that.
30:48End of.
30:50I'm really sorry.
30:51I understand that you, basically, you wanted air conditioning,
30:54and we didn't find out whether the car had air conditioning, and it's a bit of a palaver.
30:58A lot of people didn't know.
30:59Because I've been looking at...
31:01Right, OK.
31:02Every car you've got in the lot, and they've all said, no, I ain't got air conditioning, I ain't got air conditioning.
31:06Right, OK.
31:07And it's, which car is it?
31:08This car?
31:10Ansel keeps the customer,
31:13who finally gets his air con,
31:15and Ansel gets his sale.
31:22Jo is still struggling.
31:24She hasn't sold a car, and can't seem to attract a buyer.
31:29She's your local, friendly salesperson?
31:31I say, that's me, and my mobile number.
31:33We'll be round and about, so save your legs.
31:35We can get the keys and sort you out.
31:36Just give us a call.
31:37Now, that looks like two people that know a thing or two about cars.
31:40Am I right?
31:44Beautiful day for buying a car, don't you think?
31:46I brought all my woolly jumpers and everything with me this morning.
31:50What are you looking all suspicious for?
31:53The big guy in the glasses, or the girl with the hair.
31:56No problem.
31:57Nice to meet you.
31:58Enjoy the rest of your day.
31:59No problem.
32:00All the best.
32:01Result, no sale.
32:02Give us a shout, yeah?
32:04Jo's style, that we just experienced with the Corsa,
32:07the customer's almost running away from her.
32:09And I told her that.
32:10I said, look, you know, they were literally just,
32:12they weren't happy as they were living.
32:14And wanted to get away from you.
32:15Could you just check that?
32:17Across the road, Sharon's team continue to clock up sales.
32:22That's a balance of £6,798 to pay, yeah?
32:27But out on the lot, she still hasn't closed a deal herself.
32:34She's tagged on to Dunn, a car buff.
32:37Cleaner than that one.
32:39So, what is it?
32:40Well, to be honest,
32:41if you're thinking about this type of stuff,
32:43what we do is the car protection.
32:45Oh, right.
32:46We have a car care system.
32:49Sharon just put me to one side
32:50and just clarified to me that this was her sale again.
32:52This is what happens.
32:53So, which is fine.
32:56I just find it a little bit petty that, you know,
32:59we're squabbling over who gets credit for it now.
33:01I mean, let's concentrate on getting the sale first
33:03and then worry about who gets credit for it.
33:05I'm not interested in that sort of thing.
33:07Today has been very frustrating, really,
33:09from a project management point of view.
33:12It's been a disaster.
33:13There's been no vision, no structure, no strategy.
33:17It's just do what you want, to be honest.
33:19And I think everyone in the team feels like this.
33:23Dunn and Saeed seem to think they know everything about cars
33:26and are eager to get on, but I know nothing about cars.
33:30The boys aren't listening to me
33:31because they know I don't know anything about cars.
33:34So, it's been really difficult, project managing this one.
33:37I'm going to be cutting.
33:39With the 7pm deadline minutes away,
33:42Ansell's sales force go hunting for one last deal.
33:47Sharon's team are hunting for their project manager.
33:54In the failing light, Ruth sees her chance.
33:57What sort of car are you looking for?
33:59A Merc, or a Lada.
34:01What sort of car are you looking for?
34:03A Merc, or a Lexus.
34:04Ooh, I'll tell you what we have got.
34:07Come and have a look.
34:09You've got a CB player front-loaded.
34:11The car is locked.
34:12Ruth sends her project manager to get the keys.
34:15All right, Ansell.
34:16I'll pick you there.
34:18Right, you can run to Ruth then, I can't run that quick.
34:23Let's just have a look over here.
34:25You have got retractable, so you can pull in and out.
34:28So, that's all electric.
34:29So, all your side angles are electric.
34:31Front, your back, you can see this is a clean car.
34:37Beat you by five quid.
34:39Sharon's team have called it a day, but she's not with them.
34:44It was hard work, hard day's work, that was.
34:47Where's our project manager anyway?
34:50It's an absolute joke.
34:53Don't worry about it, we've done it.
34:56Oh, no.
34:58I don't think the team worked very well today,
35:00and they never gave me the support,
35:03so I'm a bit annoyed about it.
35:05And I really do think that we've lost.
35:08Sharon was upset, I don't know why.
35:12And it's going to sound quite harsh,
35:14but I don't particularly care, because I think business is business.
35:18If you're upset with the way that somebody's behaving,
35:21then you should come over and speak to them and resolve it.
35:24Sharon just disappeared.
35:26I'm going to give these fluffy dimes to that customer.
35:29I said I would.
35:31I think the way that the team reacted to Sharon was an absolute disgrace.
35:34I felt really, really sorry for her.
35:37Sharon was just maybe a bit weak,
35:40but in her defence, she was overpowered by people not giving her respect.
35:44The idea is you support your project manager, whatever decision they make.
35:47With seconds to spare, Ruth closes the last deal of the day for Ansel's team.
35:53I must admit, you've made my day today.
35:56I've lost count, but that's irrelevant.
35:58It's the fact that I actually love Mercedes cars.
36:01So, thank you very much.
36:03OK, I'll go and get Stuart.
36:05In just ten hours, the teams have sold cars worth £170,000.
36:18The next day in the boardroom,
36:20the teams wait to discover which of them has earned the most commission.
36:47Ansel, Sharon, you were the team leaders, yeah?
36:52Good team manager, Ansel?
36:53Yeah, I thought he was OK.
36:54Good. Good team manager.
36:57Happy. No bickering.
36:58No arguing.
37:17Happy. No bickering.
37:18No undermining from anybody, Ansel?
37:20You happy? Adam under control, yeah?
37:22Yeah, I feel so, yeah.
37:24Good team leader?
37:26I think Sharon did a good job.
37:29Sayid, what do you reckon?
37:31I think Sharon did an OK job.
37:34Could be better. Could be worse.
37:37Could be better.
37:38What do you think? How do you think you did?
37:40I did the best I could with the...
37:44The best or what?
37:45Well, I think that the lack of support from my team
37:47was the biggest obstacle for me.
37:49Lack of support?
37:51You didn't have any backing from them?
37:52No backing except from Paul.
37:54Michelle, what do you think?
37:55Do you think he was undermining the manager
37:57because she wanted to get on doing your job?
37:59In terms of Sharon saying that we wasn't backing her,
38:02I would probably question what there was to back
38:04because there didn't seem to be a plan.
38:06We didn't really know what we were doing,
38:08so it's very difficult, therefore, to say that we didn't follow
38:10what we should have been because we weren't really clear
38:12what we should have been doing.
38:18Saeed, would I buy a second-hand car off of you?
38:23Do you know John, who I spoke to,
38:26told me that he would have sent you home?
38:30You know why?
38:32Paul Kiz.
38:35We all made mistakes.
38:36I learned and I did not repeat what I said in the first cell.
38:39We got a bollocking, didn't you, from John?
38:41I wouldn't say it was a bollocking.
38:42I would say he educated me.
38:43He consulted you, did he?
38:45Oh, I see.
38:46He educated me not to say things.
38:47Fair enough.
38:48It was a consultation.
38:49Fair enough.
38:50It was.
38:53Margaret, would you read out the figures for your team, please?
38:55Velocity sold 10 cars.
38:56Their commission on car sales was £851.40.
39:00They also sold two professional car care products, £20.
39:05So their total, £871.40.
39:13Victor also sold 10 cars, generating a commission of £867.40,
39:19plus extra guarantees, four off,
39:22and the pro car care, five off,
39:25giving a total of £107.70.
39:33So the extras won it for you, yeah?
39:35These extras come with big commission.
39:38And it seems to me that you lot must have hung on to that
39:41and recognised that because that's what won the day for you.
39:45I've got a great treat for you.
39:47It's a black tie night.
39:49I've hired a boat for you down the Thames.
39:52It's called a Casino Night Out.
39:54There's a full gourmet dinner, champagne, the works.
39:58You've got the boat to yourself.
40:00Have a great time.
40:02You lot, off you go.
40:05Off you go.
40:06You'll come back in the ballroom.
40:08One of you will get fired.
40:25They're not a happy team, were they?
40:28They don't like each other.
40:29No, they don't.
40:30Not at all.
40:36What's that, sir?
40:37It's a tie.
40:38On the Thames, Sir Alan's treat gets off to a good start.
40:43I'll leave me something for Michelle.
40:46After cocktails, it's below decks for dinner.
40:49Guys, can we have a toast?
40:51Yes, let's have a toast.
40:52To winning.
40:53To winning.
40:54And whatever's happened has happened.
40:56And can we just enjoy tonight, please?
40:58All right, cheers.
41:10But after the meal, a row.
41:13Why does he care?
41:14Why can I not say it?
41:16Paul is accused of attacking project manager Sharon behind her back.
41:21Apparently last night I was slagging Sharon's management style outside.
41:25Now that is bullshit, isn't that?
41:27She did say that.
41:28Right, well, do you not think...
41:30Why is she so bothered about what we're doing?
41:32If it was she, would that be me that stood here?
41:34That would be you, yeah.
41:35Because you two are having a conversation and you're acting like I'm not here.
41:37It's Chinese whispers.
41:38By the time it gets to Sharon, it's completely different.
41:40It's completely different.
41:41And that's my fault, is it?
41:42It makes it out that we went outside last night and had a chat about Sharon.
41:44Well, that's not what I said.
41:45Sharon and the task wasn't even mentioned.
41:46We were talking about other...
41:47It's not an ideal world.
41:48But you're not listening to me.
41:49Because you're talking shit.
41:50I don't think so, Paul.
41:52You are.
41:53You're talking absolute shit.
41:55Fuck off.
41:56You're not even listening to me, Paul.
41:57Because you're not making sense.
41:58You're not making sense.
42:02Tell me one thing that I've said.
42:03Why must I justify myself to you?
42:04Because you're talking shit.
42:05I don't think so.
42:06Well, tell me one thing that I said about Sharon, and I will back off, like I've said.
42:09Tell me now.
42:10I repeated...
42:12What I've done in all of this is I've made a mistake, and I apologise to you because
42:14I repeated something that you told me to Sharon, which did centre around you.
42:19And I apologise...
42:20Which you didn't even hear from my mouth.
42:21No, but...
42:22That's your mistake.
42:23You passed on something that you didn't even hear me say.
42:25Yeah, I did.
42:26Secondly, secondly...
42:27Well, that's your...
42:28What more can I say?
42:33Oh, no.
42:35After almost coming to blows, they decide to blow some money.
42:39I just asked for £5 each.
42:41I just asked for, like, a couple of quid.
42:43Oh, I see.
42:44But Michelle stays away.
42:48I think as a team, I think we're pretty much finished, because, you know, there is a lot of angry feelings,
42:57and I feel kind of quite bound up, I guess, by the rest of the team.
43:02Oh, Jesus, I put £500 on five.
43:27Back in the boardroom, the Losers return to face Sir Alan.
43:36Hi, Jenny. Will you send them in, please?
43:38Yes, Alan.
43:39Sir Alan, we'll see you now.
43:57Well, Ansel, I spoke to Neil, who was the professional with you, right?
44:03He wasn't too impressed about you as a team leader.
44:06What have you got to say about that?
44:08Sir Alan, as far as I was concerned, the two teams that we had
44:11had equally split the talents that we had available.
44:14Ruth was a very strong salesperson, so I asked Ruth to take one team.
44:18I had the other team, but I knew on the day, when it came down to it,
44:22there was only the two of us that were going to be the key salespeople,
44:25and that was really how we focused our day.
44:28I wouldn't have known to look at the four of you
44:30that you were actually in charge of the team on Saturday.
44:33Ruth, did you take over?
44:35Not to my knowledge, no.
44:38I mean, I'm quite strong as it was, but sales is, I'd say, my key strength,
44:42but I don't think I took over. Did you?
44:45No, I didn't think Ruth took over.
44:48No, because my concern, Ruth, is that, yeah, you know,
44:51being overpowering perhaps sometimes is a sign to me
44:55that you can't work with a little bit of authority
44:57and that you perhaps don't respect your team leader.
45:00No, that's not the case at all. I can certainly work with anybody.
45:03Every team leader that I've worked with has never had a problem
45:05with me voicing my opinion.
45:07I know when to stop, which is what I did that day.
45:10But the major difference between you and the other team was the extras.
45:14Now, let's talk about these extras a little bit,
45:17because I don't think you signed on to this here.
45:20Sir Alan, we absolutely did.
45:22Well, you didn't, because you didn't sell any.
45:24When we had our planning evening, we absolutely expressed
45:26that it was so important that we do sell extras,
45:28and we also said that we think that might be the dividing factor.
45:31Why didn't you then? I mean, during the course of the day?
45:33We weren't able to.
45:35Samuel, can I ask you a direct question?
45:39Yes, of course, sir.
45:41Do you think if you weren't there it would have made any difference?
45:44Sir Alan, I think I've already declared
45:46that I'm not the strongest salesman on the team.
45:48Yeah, I don't want to hear that song anymore.
45:50No, I recognise that.
45:52But I was the only one that identified on the team
45:54that in fact we were both going to be on the same...
45:56Yeah, I'll ask you a question.
45:58Do you think if you weren't there it would have made any difference?
46:00Yes, and I think it made a difference that I was there.
46:03How many did you sell then, Samuel?
46:05I mean, I think there was two.
46:07There was the manager's special focus,
46:09and then also the Astra with the tall chap.
46:12You sold them, you reckon, yeah?
46:14Yeah, I mean, I took the lead on that.
46:16Did you sell any cars, Jo? Did you sell any cars?
46:18Ansel and I were working as a team.
46:20Now, I didn't ask that question.
46:22Did you sell a car, yes or no?
46:24It'd be difficult to say because we were working as a team.
46:26Did you sell a car, yes or no?
46:28As a team we sold ten, so I'm not...
46:30No, I'm talking about the team.
46:32I can see that in writing.
46:34Did you sell a car, yes or no?
46:36Did I close one? Probably not.
46:38You basically didn't sell any cars?
46:40Scylla and Ansel and I did sell cars, yeah,
46:42because my profile...
46:44As far as I'm concerned in our team,
46:46I closed the deals.
46:48We can all talk to customers initially in rapport,
46:50but at the end of the day, it's getting a customer to say yes,
46:52and I think on our sales it was me.
46:54You closed them? Yes.
46:56She closed six.
46:58I'm getting mixed up in the maths here at the moment.
47:00You sold six, you sold four,
47:02he sold two.
47:04Well, I know that I had four customers
47:06that said yes in terms of me
47:08having that paperwork and agreeing a deal.
47:10Were they part of her sales then?
47:12No, Samuel took an active part.
47:14The two cars Samuel's actually describing
47:16were part of the deals that I closed,
47:18but we did work very well together.
47:20So he didn't sell them then?
47:22He had an active part in negotiations.
47:24One of you sold them, you either sold them or he sold them.
47:26I state that I closed six sales that day.
47:28Right, so the two car experts sold nothing.
47:30That's what you're basically telling me.
47:32I closed six.
47:36all over the place I heard.
47:38Would you say that?
47:40Yeah, absolutely.
47:42Out of control.
47:44Out of control?
47:46That surprised me, yeah.
47:48Because I think on the day I was like,
47:50keep watching everybody and watching what was going on,
47:52stuff like that.
47:54So to my mind, you put the energy in when you need it
47:56and then you reserve it for when you don't.
47:58When you need it is when you should have sold a car,
48:00which you didn't sell any.
48:02Was Sarah Ann all over the place?
48:04Yes, she was Sarah Ann. She was erratic.
48:06Joe tends to panic when the pressure's on
48:08and then makes mistakes
48:10and that's why a car that was initially sold
48:12that turned out not to be sold
48:14wasn't refreshed with the price.
48:16What car was that then?
48:18That was a Corsa.
48:20Was that only Joe's fault?
48:22Yeah, I really want to make a point about that.
48:24This is the car you left the sold label on?
48:26Absolutely, it was two of us involved in that car
48:28and I was the only one that stood up and took it on the chin.
48:30Did you have an argument with Joe at all on this task, Ruth?
48:32No, I didn't.
48:34Why's that? You kept away from her, did you?
48:36No, not at all.
48:38Did you keep her away from her?
48:42Have you noticed a bit of altercation between these two?
48:44No, not at all.
48:46The main thing I had to do as soon as the task started
48:48was put Joe to me because Joe is erratic
48:50and she does need to be told to calm down.
48:52Joe even admitted as much.
48:54So all through the day I spent time with Joe.
48:56It's like the Joe fan club here, isn't it?
48:58Ansel, name two people
49:00that are going to come back in this boardroom with you today.
49:06Two people are Joe and Samuel.
49:10OK, all right.
49:12If you'll step outside.
49:14Ruth, you go back to the house.
49:18And we'll call you back in later.
49:28I'm off to...
49:30I didn't take over, did I?
49:32No, see you later, mate.
49:34See you later.
49:42All right.
49:44Yeah, all right.
49:46They've got it in for her, haven't they?
49:48I mean, she's got, like, MG Rover, OK?
49:52Training directors, if you don't mind,
49:54about how to make a profit, OK?
49:56No wonder they went bloody skin.
50:00All right.
50:02Let's call them back in then.
50:12Yes, Jenny, can you send the three of them back in, please?
50:14Thank you so much.
50:16You can go through to the boardroom now.
50:38This is, what, fourth time out of six?
50:42Is there a message here somewhere?
50:44Yeah, the message for me is that
50:46I've been in here three times.
50:48Three times I've come out.
50:50No, no, four times now.
50:52Sorry, four times.
50:56Some people seem to think that I might be stronger than them
50:58and they simply want to get rid of me.
51:00Well, I'd go along with that if you'd sold anything
51:02or done anything, you know.
51:06Put your hands in your pockets.
51:08Not a salesman.
51:10What did you do?
51:12I contributed with the idea that...
51:14Yeah, I'll tell you what, do me a favour.
51:16Shut that book at the moment.
51:18I want to know what you can do without your notes, all right?
51:20Shut the book, put your pen down
51:22and talk to me. Stop looking at notes, OK?
51:24What did you do?
51:26I proposed an idea, which was the £50 voucher
51:28to actually get people to come back to us.
51:30No-one else proposed an idea.
51:32I proposed it and we...
51:34It's one idea, and by the way...
51:36It's one idea and, Sir Alan, it worked.
51:38I also had a part in choosing the vehicles that we put on
51:40as manager specials.
51:42So what's so special about your specials?
51:44Well, no, just in terms of the selection of the vehicles,
51:46I knew that highest-selling B car was a 206,
51:48the highest-selling C car was a Focus
51:50and the next best-selling B car was a Corsa
51:52and those were the vehicles that we ultimately chose.
51:54Samuel, in...
51:56This is the sixth task.
51:58All I hear from you is you've got ideas.
52:00But, you know,
52:02ideas is all one thing, but execution...
52:04Did you sell any cars? No.
52:08On this particular class? No.
52:12Ansel, why shouldn't I fire you?
52:14Sir Alan, this task was about sales
52:16and I closed four sales on the day
52:18and also, in terms of the team,
52:20I let everybody have their say
52:22but the final decisions were down to me.
52:24The professional there tells me that if he...
52:26I said to him point-blank this morning,
52:28if you had to pick one of those people to go,
52:30you know who he said? You.
52:32That's what he told me.
52:38Jo, what's wrong?
52:40What is wrong?
52:42Why is it you're here four times out of six?
52:44Like I say, Sir Alan, it must be competition.
52:46What competition?
52:48You haven't done anything.
52:50People want to get rid of me for some reason, don't they?
52:52Do you think they're a terrific threat?
52:54People are deliberately looking for each other's mistakes now
52:56and competing, you know,
52:58by making other people look bad.
53:00I don't compete with anybody.
53:02I'm in here just to do the best I possibly can
53:04playing by...
53:06But the best don't seem to be good enough, Jo.
53:08That's the bottom line.
53:10The best don't seem to be good enough.
53:14I've got to say,
53:16I'm sorry to say this, but
53:18you have not shown me.
53:20You have not excelled
53:22in any way or form.
53:26as far as I'm concerned,
53:30you need to do that.
53:32And I will.
53:34You need to do that.
53:36OK, I understand.
53:38You have got a most terrible,
53:40terrible, terrible reference
53:42from the salesman. When they tell me
53:44that you was a bad team leader,
53:46I've got to point the finger at you.
53:48And Ansel, he told me that you were the worst.
53:52And on that basis,
53:54I have to take notice of it.
53:58But on the other hand,
54:00I've sat here four times
54:02in this room,
54:04and there is a message coming from above.
54:06Not that I'm a believer in the Lord or anything,
54:08but I have to listen to other people.
54:10Jo, you've been here
54:12too many times.
54:14It's a shame. I thought you had more potential.
54:16But Jo, I'm sorry to say,
54:18this time, you are fired.
54:24I was sort of expecting this, because
54:26I accept the fact that I've been here four times,
54:28but I think what that demonstrates is that I've got
54:30resilience. I'm a survivor.
54:32I'm happy to go out here on the basis of, like,
54:34being crap, but I don't believe that I am
54:36leaving here.
54:38Jo, there comes a time when everybody,
54:40everybody is saying the same thing, and even me,
54:42I will say,
54:44you know what? Give it up, Alan.
54:46Enough's enough.
54:48Jo, you're fired.
54:50Can I just ask one more time, just to give you the one more
54:52last chance? I'm afraid not.
54:54No, I'm afraid not. That's it. Back to the house now.
55:06Enjoy the party.
55:08See you, guys.
55:10Want a shot?
55:12Yeah, it's fine, Samuel. It's fine.
55:14It's no problem. Enjoy the rest of the ride.
55:16No problem.
55:36Too many people
55:38with too many big egos
55:40that are going to all start to clash now.
55:42I think now I'm out of it.
55:44It's just going to get really raw.
55:46I'm upset because
55:48the strategy was just to be a good person,
55:52I'm not going to stop being a good person.
56:00One job.
56:02Now, only eight remain.
56:06Sir Alan's search for a new job
56:10One job.
56:12Now, only eight remain.
56:16Sir Alan's search for his apprentice