The Apprentice UK S01E03 (2005)

  • 2 days ago


00:00Last week...
00:07What's going on, boys?
00:08It's a game, isn't it?
00:09The thing is that the girls, they're not mentally strong like our team.
00:12They've got a lot of weak characters in there.
00:14Having lost the previous task, the girls were determined to beat the boys.
00:18Today's task is designing and innovating a product.
00:22The bad news is I'm going to give you the worst consumers in the world.
00:29Two teens were told to design a toy.
00:31This is a trading game with a twist.
00:34The boys all agreed on an electronic version of the card game Top Trumps.
00:39Oh, fantastic!
00:41Most of the girls backed the idea of an exploding robot,
00:44but were overruled by project manager, Lindsay.
00:47I know that you've all got personal opinions, but please cast those aside.
00:50In the boardroom, Lindsay presented Sir Alan with her idea of a game based on secret messaging.
00:56My observations are that it's a bunch of cards.
00:59Sounds a bit boring to me.
01:01Boys, you've won.
01:03As project manager of the losing team, Lindsay had to choose two people to join her in the firing line.
01:09I'm going to be picking Adele and Miriam.
01:12Unsurprisingly, they weren't impressed.
01:14Who should go out of you three?
01:16Lindsay, without any shadow of a doubt.
01:18Without a shadow of a doubt, Lindsay, because she didn't listen to her team.
01:21Lindsay, I'm not liking what I'm hearing here.
01:23We decided on the way back.
01:25We didn't, you decided.
01:27You made a decision in the end, and that decision is going to cost you.
01:30Lindsay, you're fired.
01:33Lindsay became the second casualty of the boardroom.
01:36Now, 12 remain to fight for the chance to become the apprentice.
01:42Back at the house, the other candidates are waiting to see who will return from the boardroom.
01:48I'll tell you what, I'll tell you what, I think Miriam will definitely come back.
01:54I think that as well.
01:55Without a doubt.
01:56I think it's going to be how strong Adele puts her argument forward and how Lindsay puts her argument forward.
02:02Because Lindsay was project management and Adele...
02:04Yeah, and I think it's going to be how strong Miriam is.
02:08Because Lindsay was project management and Adele...
02:10Yeah, and Adele didn't really...
02:20I think it would be a shame if Lindsay went because she made the wrong call,
02:24and it was a pretty big call to mess up.
02:27However, I think you do have to have a certain amount of admiration
02:31for someone who's prepared to put their neck on the line and go against the grain.
02:35Had it been the right decision, it would have been fantastic for her, you know.
02:39Unfortunately, it was the wrong decision. It was wrong in a big, big way.
02:52Oh, my God! What's done? What's done?
02:56How's it going?
02:57Whoa-wee! What happened?
03:04Bloody hell, I'm shocked.
03:07After two successive defeats and two of their team fired,
03:11the girls are facing up to some home truths.
03:14The dynamics of the group are four very loud-mouthed girls.
03:18Unless we see that and work with it, we're still going to be in the shit.
03:21I don't care what anyone says, because not all of us,
03:24even though people are saying, not all of us listen, we don't.
03:27I think we're too good for them. Seriously, I don't mean it in an arrogant way.
03:30I think we've got a lot of individuals who have got a lot of experience and a lot of know-how,
03:35and I just don't see that in the girls' team.
03:37I agree with that.
03:39I don't see anyone there, or even more than one of them there,
03:44who could be described as spectacular.
03:47We've still got a long way to go, I can honestly tell you,
03:50because we'll do another task, we'll be sitting in the back of the van,
03:53we'll still be squabbling, one person will say this, and it'll be like...
03:56We need to chat about that.
03:59We need to identify our roles.
04:01You can't ever underestimate your competition, because they could come and surprise us,
04:05and we won't do that, we won't ever do that.
04:07No, we don't do that, but I'm just saying, as an observation,
04:10we didn't fear them when they were seven.
04:12But they lost 28% of their manpower,
04:15and produced one of the worst names that you could think of.
04:18There's a pattern forming, and it's not looking good for the girls.
04:28Traffic clockwise on the QE2 bridge.
04:31Western Town still problems in Kensal Green.
04:34Harrow Road, it's blocked off both ways...
04:407am. The candidates are up already,
04:43waiting to find out their task for the week.
04:48But today Sir Alan has a surprise for them.
04:54He's coming to the house in person to announce it.
04:58First, he has some unexpected news for Matthew and Adele.
05:19I'm going to change things a little bit this week.
05:22Major change is going to be that I'm going to pick the team leaders.
05:26In the impact team, Matthew, I'm going to make you the team leader.
05:30What I want to see is any skills that you may have of leadership.
05:36Now, Adele, you fought for your position last week,
05:39and I think you might remember me saying that perhaps
05:42you should be a team leader, or you're going to be.
05:45So that's the first change.
05:47Next surprise, a corporate reshuffle.
05:51Adele, I want you to pick three boys to join First Forte,
05:55and Matthew, I want you to pick two of the girls to join Impact.
06:03When Sir Alan picked me, I thought, oh, cripes,
06:06because I've actually been trying to consciously keep away
06:09from being a group leader.
06:11But there's nothing you can do about it, you've got to do it,
06:14you can't duck out of it, so I did it.
06:16So, there's one.
06:21And Rachel.
06:25I'd like to pick Tim, Sebastian and Ben.
06:31Each team now has six members.
06:33For the first time, boys and girls will work together.
06:37Welcome to the team.
06:39I felt really happy that the teams were mixed.
06:41As one of the girls, I was quite intrigued
06:43about how the boys had been working
06:45and what their kind of secret formula was.
06:48So, for me, mixing the teams up at that stage was exciting.
06:52Immediate reaction when he told us he was going to mix up the teams
06:55was...the heart just dropped.
06:57It was like, oh, no, shoulders down, blah, blah.
07:00I've made some really good friends with the other guys
07:03and to be separated from them was not a nice prospect.
07:06Now I'm going to tell you what the task is all about.
07:11Both teams are going to get a list of the same items
07:14which you've got to go out and buy.
07:16You've got to 5.30 and you've got to bring all the stuff back to the boardroom.
07:20And the team that comes back with the items on time
07:24and with most money left over is the team that's going to win.
07:28The team that comes back with the least amount of money will be the losers
07:32and in that team, one of you will get fired.
07:36Margaret, she'll be tracking impact
07:39and Nick, he'll be tracking first forte.
07:42Got it?
07:44Got it?
07:46In less than 8.5 hours, everyone must be back at the boardroom.
07:52The newly formed teams gather in their offices
07:55to find out what Sir Alan wants them to buy.
07:58A diamond. Right, Hatton Gardens.
08:01Right, send that round. So the first one is a diamond.
08:04Oh, OK.
08:06We have not got the stuff by today.
08:08The specification, Bollinger, 96.
08:12Grand Année.
08:14Do you know? Yes.
08:16Oh, my God. Jelly Deals.
08:18One bowl, approximately £4.
08:22A bowler hat. Free view box.
08:24Oh, my God. A dental check-up.
08:27Do we actually have to buy it or does someone have to go and have one?
08:34Many people would argue that the buying of things is the key to their business.
08:40There's diamond buyers, there's gold buyers,
08:42there's buyers of components, there's buyers of textiles,
08:47and every single one of them has got an ARP involved in it.
08:51Whether you're buying one or whether you're buying 1,000,
08:54it doesn't mean that you shouldn't negotiate.
09:01Project manager Adele starts by creating a job title
09:05for every person in her team.
09:07OK, we have a bit of a structure now.
09:09Anybody who's deputising to me may, by default,
09:13if we lose, which no negatives now, but if,
09:16and we only have to have the if,
09:18they will be with me, potentially, in the firing line.
09:22So, Tim, I'd like you to be deputy project manager.
09:25Are you happy to do that? Definitely.
09:27Now, I want a senior buyer.
09:29I want somebody who has strong negotiation skills
09:31and I want them, obviously, we all help out in negotiation,
09:34but I want one person that's going to be doing all the talking
09:37and then I want two assistants underneath that person.
09:40Who does that person want? I'd like Ben to do that job.
09:43Are you comfortable with that, Ben?
09:45Fine, if that's what you want. Yeah.
09:47I'd also like a PA, and what I want the PA to do is take all notes,
09:50minutes of meetings, set the agenda with me.
09:53Who would like to do that, Miranda? Would you like to do that?
09:56Bear in mind, though, you are fairly senior,
09:59so, again, you may well be in the boardroom with me later
10:02and a decision has to be made.
10:04Are you comfortable with that? It's your call.
10:07I'm giving you this option. Are you happy to be my PA?
10:10I don't want to be limited in other aspects.
10:12No, you won't be limited. We're all working as a team.
10:15Are you happy to be my PA? Yeah.
10:17I need you to make comprehensive notes.
10:20You don't need a PA. What's a PA for?
10:22And even with her own assessment of what a PA was to do
10:25was to take notes and do that throughout the day.
10:28I was like, we're not in a boardroom.
10:30We're running around getting items.
10:32You don't need someone to be running behind you with a clipboard
10:35writing down, yes, Adele did this at 5.03.
10:37It just didn't make any sense. It was a waste of effort.
10:40Less pushy as a leader,
10:42Matthew allows the stronger members of his team to dominate.
10:45I can do it. Right, OK.
10:47You're not delegating the task correctly, can I just say?
10:50I'll tell you why, because it's going to be based on location
10:53and product and also personal strengths.
10:55We're up against a wall. Yes, we are. Hold on.
10:58Matthew is, I don't think, project leader material.
11:05But yet he was sensible enough to realise that.
11:08So what he did was he played a sort of back, backward step,
11:11knew that he had a pretty good team
11:13and let the team do whatever they needed to do in order to go forward.
11:17Right, OK, what's your cheapest one?
11:19Do you have any ideas as to where I can get a cheap and cheerful...
11:22Hello, my darling, I wonder if you can help me?
11:24Have you got anything in stock? Cos I need it for today.
11:27It's full of jellied eels. It's a matter of life and death.
11:32Everything the teams buy must be brand new,
11:35but across London prices vary hugely.
11:38Finding the cheapest suppliers will be a key part of the task.
11:44Then everything will depend on negotiating the lowest prices with shopkeepers.
11:50Time is against them.
11:52London's traffic makes it hard to get around
11:54and they'll be fined for any item they fail to buy.
12:00After a morning spent phoning around, both teams are ready to leave.
12:04They've been given £1,000 cash.
12:10Both teams split in half, each responsible for different items on the list.
12:15Our tactics are, number one, personal strength.
12:19So it's about people buy from people and people sell nicely to people.
12:23So it's about personality.
12:31Project leader Adele takes buying assistant Sebastian and her PA, Miranda.
12:36I wish that I could keep my own book cos I know where all my notes are
12:40and it may well...
12:42Well, don't give it to somebody else then.
12:44No, if you took it off me.
12:46You're getting into trouble a lot today, Sebastian.
12:48I wasn't so happy to be split up, to be honest.
12:51Just because I come from a team where I understand everyone,
12:53I understand the dynamics, and I was thrown into a team
12:56where it was much more political.
12:59I'm getting into trouble.
13:00You're not.
13:01You took it off.
13:02I don't know.
13:03Who was holding it?
13:05I was holding it after you gave it to me cos you took the A to send.
13:08Right, that's Covent Garden.
13:10I think the girls are possibly slightly more egocentric
13:13than some of the boys are and that makes it much harder to work with them.
13:17They fight to have the last word,
13:19although it really doesn't matter who has the last word.
13:21Right, you've got the pie and mash number, I'm sure you're having that.
13:24Pie and mash, please.
13:25It's you that's dealt with pie and mash, I haven't.
13:27No, no, you have.
13:28Pie and mash, London, please.
13:30I'm sorry, I thought you were talking to me.
13:32Pie and mash.
13:34I was talking to you, I'd look at you.
13:39Matthew's team starts with the champagne.
13:42Investment banker James leads them to a wine merchant
13:45in the affluent borough of Chelsea.
13:51Hello. I'm James.
13:54Hello, we spoke on the phone.
13:55We did, yeah.
13:56Very nice to see you.
13:57You have some Bollinger.
13:58We do.
13:59What we're looking for is a Bollinger 96 Grand Anne.
14:03Grand Anne.
14:0475 centilitre.
14:06They're selling it for a hefty £51.
14:10I would love it if we could pull off something
14:13that we can have this lovely bottle
14:15and if we could see if we could do it for your 12-bottle rate
14:18on the basis that you really would like us to be customers.
14:21But what we're unable to do today is to buy the 12.
14:25It'd be something I'd have to confer with a colleague on.
14:28Can you confer with a colleague?
14:30I would be delighted to bear with you as long as you like.
14:33If I'm buying more than one, I'll always try and negotiate.
14:36I don't care whether it's a big department store
14:38or whether it's a small two-bit shop.
14:40I will always try and negotiate if I'm buying more than one.
14:43Hello there.
14:44Do you think this is some sort of Tasmanian carpet shop or what?
14:47If you're buying one of something,
14:49I actually feel quite uncomfortable about negotiating
14:51because I don't think, you know, you're not playing the game.
14:53Why is it that they have two-for-one, three-for-one kind of deals?
14:56It's because they want you to buy more.
14:58And when people do become good customers,
15:00then we certainly do give them the better discounted price.
15:03But we can't discount things
15:04on the promise of people becoming good customers
15:06because you might walk out of the door
15:08and, God help you, you might be run over by a bus or something.
15:10Well, I hope not.
15:11I hope you're not either.
15:12Yes, I've got many things to do about that.
15:15You know, the whole point of having a discounted price by the case
15:19is to encourage people to buy cases,
15:22to show willing, goodwill and all the rest of it.
15:25I'm not going to give you the case price
15:27because that's too big a discount.
15:30But we will do it at £49.
15:33We can't squeeze a little mite further.
15:36You said it.
15:46This is what the exercise is all about.
15:48I know.
15:49By all means, go and see if you can buy it cheaper elsewhere.
15:52Can we hold on that price?
15:53Of course.
15:54Because we've got to get the best price.
15:56Absolutely fine.
15:57I'm very, very happy for you to go away
15:59and see if you can do a better price than £49.
16:01Or is there any way that if we were prepared to shake hands now
16:04and just do it and be done?
16:05I'd do it at £49.
16:07You wouldn't even do £48.50 for us.
16:11We're all getting on board now.
16:12Are we?
16:13They give up and decide to try elsewhere.
16:15No, we've got to go.
16:16Can you do us a favour and not do that?
16:18No, we're going.
16:19Thank you very much indeed.
16:20Thank you very much.
16:26The other half of Matthew's team hunt for a cheap mattress
16:29in the less affluent area of East London.
16:34Excuse me.
16:37How are you?
16:38You're OK.
16:39Can I tell...
16:40I'm looking for a single mattress, OK?
16:43And have we got the description?
16:45Yeah, just one single adult mattress.
16:47Just like that, one adult mattress.
16:49Can you tell me how much your cheapest mattress is?
16:54Because I've been in property for many years,
16:56I've bought about a million mattresses.
16:58I knew the price of it,
16:59so I knew that anything under £30 was a pretty good buy
17:01for a single mattress.
17:02Sorry, what was your name?
17:03It's very cheap.
17:05Leonora, can you give it to me for about...
17:10Your boss will be very happy with £25.
17:13He'll be very happy.
17:14He must buy these for about £10.
17:16About £10.
17:17So, £25.
17:18You made £15 on top.
17:23£30, £20, £29, £21,
17:25and it was sort of going like this.
17:27And then she landed on £28 and she wasn't budging on £28,
17:30so I just looked at Sarah as if to say,
17:32just take £28.
17:33You know, we've got a lot to do today.
17:37OK, a deal?
17:38A good old shake?
17:40Now, can you give me a receipt for that, please?
17:44That's lovely.
17:45Shall we just hold it the other way and walk wide?
17:49Paul, are you smiling?
17:53The other half of Adele's team start with the diamond.
17:57They head for Hatton Garden, the heart of London's jewellery trade,
18:01where the diamond they need can cost anything up to £200.
18:05We've been to three jewellers now.
18:07Ben finds someone selling it for £150.
18:13That's our baby.
18:14That's the one.
18:15This is what you're after?
18:16Yeah, which is 18-point purity VS2, colour H.
18:20And I'm assuming that's them.
18:21Any of those will add up to £150.
18:23Having been appointed chief negotiator,
18:26he's now got to get the price down further.
18:28I've always been told that I'm very streetwise,
18:31very smart when it comes to business and very tenacious.
18:35I am, for want of a better word, a hard new business salesperson
18:39and quite aggressive at it as well.
18:42I mean, I want to buy it off you because you've been really helpful.
18:45I've not got a budget of £150.
18:48That's the problem that I'm in.
18:50I've not got that money.
18:51If I was to offer you, say, £120 for one,
18:54could we do something, work something out on that basis?
18:58No, a little bit more.
19:00A little bit more.
19:01What's a little bit more?
19:03£135, and that would be my bottom price.
19:07OK, and that would be the lowest you'll throw for that?
19:10That would be the lowest I'd go.
19:12First £130.
19:13Yeah, something in between that.
19:14No, £135.
19:15At no point did I feel like begging.
19:17I would never do that.
19:18On occasion there comes a cut-off point where you have to turn around and say,
19:21look, OK, we've agreed that that's the price.
19:24Let's go in and do that.
19:27Thank you very much for that.
19:28You're welcome.
19:29You're welcome.
19:34Having struck a good deal and quicker than expected,
19:37they leave Hatton Garden in high spirits.
19:40Loving you, mate.
19:41Loving you too.
19:43But Adele's half of the team is falling behind schedule
19:46with constant disagreement over strategy.
19:49They've yet to buy a single item.
19:51I'm going to run over. Sorry, guys.
19:53Do you sell decoders?
19:55Do you sell decoders? Television decoders?
19:58Here you go. Thank you.
20:00All right.
20:01Continue on down.
20:02Sebastian, stop running away.
20:05You cannot go up on them.
20:07I know that you're only trying to get across the road.
20:09Have you got a price on those?
20:11OK, I'll stay with you.
20:13We're going to get penalised for it.
20:15I want to walk into Procom.
20:17We've not been in Procom, so we've been in there.
20:22No-one has time to stop for lunch as the afternoon wears on,
20:25and with less than three-and-a-half hours to go,
20:27Matthew's team pay the asking price for Rachel's dental check-up.
20:33She needs two fillings.
20:35Thank you very much for that. Much appreciated.
20:38But with everything taking so long, Raj is concerned.
20:41Don't worry about the camera. Listen, right?
20:43You've got to think logically on this now.
20:45It's difficult. It really is difficult.
20:47Do not lose out on getting an item just because of the price.
20:50Get the best possible price.
20:52Bear in mind, we need to make sure we get all the tasks.
20:54All right, come. Move, move, move, move.
20:56Adele's group try shop after shop as they look for several things at once.
21:01Finally, they find a Freeview box for £68.
21:05Can you hurry up, Ishwaq, because we're in a rush.
21:07No problem. Thank you.
21:09Adele's deputy, Tim, thinks of a way to find a cheap bowler.
21:13Obviously, Dave is the chairman of the British Hat Guild,
21:16and we're after some information about bowler hats,
21:19where we can obtain one from.
21:21And they buy it for £40.
21:23Thank you for your help. You have a good afternoon as well. Bye.
21:29Matthew and James are also behind schedule.
21:32They failed to find cheap champagne in Chelsea.
21:35Now they've been stuck in traffic for 40 minutes trying to get to Kensington.
21:39I thought we were going to go over there.
21:41Hang on, this light should be all right, actually.
21:44Actually, no, we can't, because we've got to go all the way round the fucking thing.
21:48Their destination, a gentleman's hat supplier,
21:51spotted by James in the yellow pages.
21:54Because we're just outside now, and I just wanted to let you know we're here,
21:57so I'll come down and say hello, if that's all right.
22:00Marvellous, thank you.
22:03Given these specifications here, which are that it needs to be stiffened,
22:07it can be wool or fur felt, it can be any colour, any adult size,
22:13and really, I guess what we're looking to do is to find something
22:17which fits those specifications, is new, but is as cheap as possible.
22:21No, these are all second-hand.
22:23Oh. You don't do new at all?
22:26That will solve that one problem.
22:28Well, no, we don't do new. That's not what we do.
22:31I looked at Matthew, and Matthew looked at me, and I looked at Rachel,
22:35and Rachel looked at me, and it was just like...
22:40I just have some bowler hats.
22:42OK, that's fine. OK.
22:44If you'd told me that, I...
22:46Right, I'm... OK, fine.
22:48We'd have saved you the trouble.
22:50Do you have any suggestions as to where on earth we might go?
22:54I don't know, maybe to the furthest,
22:58Here's the hat that would fit you.
23:02We sort of tried to make a quick exit,
23:04but it was very difficult trying to make a quick exit.
23:07You know, James, who does spend just that little bit too long for me,
23:12with the niceties and pleasantries and saying wonderful things.
23:16Well, thank you very much indeed for your time. That's very kind.
23:19OK. It has been a pleasure.
23:21That's all right. Thank you. Thank you.
23:24Hello there. Do you sell new bowler hats?
23:27New bowler hats.
23:29Right. Thank you very much.
23:31The other half of Matthew's team are still in the East End,
23:34where they're having better luck.
23:36Paul finds a small independent bank open for its first day of business.
23:40Hello, good morning. I need 100 American dollars, please.
23:44£61.30, please.
23:46I'm sure we can do better than 61.
23:48Bureau de Change quoted me £53.
23:50I didn't want to go to the Bureau of Finance,
23:52because I saw the Bank of Asia, it was your first day, it was a nice building.
23:56I thought these people will do easy better than £53.
23:59Can't do any better than that.
24:01Come on. £50. £50 I have here.
24:04You watch this. £50 I have here.
24:06One, two, three, four, five.
24:09£50. You'll easy beat the Bureau de Change.
24:12Anything less than £53 will do a deal.
24:15Come on.
24:17Come on, then.
24:19Come on, then.
24:21£53 for the first day, we give you a discount.
24:25£53? That's fine, I'll take it.
24:27Thank you very much, we'll take it.
24:29Right, there is £50. Does anybody have £3?
24:31I've got two.
24:35£2, £52.
24:37Look at that, £52.
24:39Oh, he's all right. Is that a deal? Oh, it's a deal.
24:41OK, well done. Thank you very much.
24:43Thank you very much.
24:45The Bank of Asia, Bethnal Green Road.
24:50I think we'd better update you on our problem.
24:53As they leave Bethnal Green, they get a call from James in Kensington.
24:57All right, take care. Bye.
24:59What have they got? Nothing.
25:01What? Well, no, no.
25:03They're on with everything.
25:05The thing with James is that because he buys a lot of beautiful clothes
25:09and expensive things, he goes to beautiful and expensive places.
25:12Yeah, and that's not the way.
25:14He was ringing up a bowl of hat people for £240.
25:16He's not that stupid, though.
25:18Really? You know, they were saying...
25:20He said, I know this great chap that does a bowl of hats.
25:26Adele's group, still on foot in central London,
25:29haven't bought anything since the Freeview box.
25:32Can we see her? Look, where's she gone?
25:36I can look for a bit.
25:38If I'm in here, I can just ask. I'll come straight back out.
25:42Just bear with me one sec.
25:44No, you're staying with me until we find her.
25:46Sorry about that. Do you sell jelly deals?
25:48No, not until we find her.
25:50Do you sell jelly deals?
25:52Right, Miranda, you do not split up from us.
25:55Adele? We have to stay together.
25:58Come back over here.
26:00No, come back.
26:02He's going off in one direction, she's going off...
26:04Do you mind if I walk in? Now that I've found you,
26:06she's got to come back. OK, but I'll be in here.
26:12Can't split up.
26:14He's running off all over the place.
26:16Yeah, I just told him off as well.
26:20The other half of her team have found the champagne in Soho.
26:24Tim decides to negotiate,
26:26after asking Ben for advice outside the shop.
26:29And he was about... Just remember, Tim, keep it succinct,
26:32just stick to the point, and don't drag it on too long.
26:36So, basically, how much does this... What's the value of this?
26:41It's worth going around collecting several items,
26:44which we have to collect by a certain period of time.
26:47Now, we understand what the retail value of this is,
26:49and we understand what the cost value of this product actually is.
26:52What is the best price that you could give me
26:54on this particular bottle of champagne?
26:58And there's no leeway on that whatsoever?
27:00I posed my proposal to him, and he immediately said,
27:03he's not moving, and that was it.
27:05And all of a sudden, alarm bells go off in your head,
27:07you're thinking, oh, my gosh, what do I do now?
27:09OK, I'm left with a bit of a dilemma, as you can see, from my side.
27:14If I was to offer, say, a couple of pence less
27:17than the actual retail price that you've got up there,
27:19we're talking not massive money, we're talking pence as opposed to...
27:23So you mean £44.90 rather than £44.95?
27:26Even if you can go to £44 dead.
27:28I'll do you £44.90, if you're so willing.
27:36I'm not going to insult you by going into further negotiation.
27:39Could we purchase this bottle for £44.90, please?
27:41Certainly. Thank you very much.
27:46At five past four, Sebastian gets a dental appointment.
27:51He has perfect teeth.
27:54But Adele's group still needs jelly deals and a mattress
27:57in just over an hour.
27:59The check-up costs £20.96,
28:02but Sebastian pretends he doesn't have enough.
28:04Is that OK?
28:05Yeah, the next day you'll be at £0.96 more.
28:11Matthew and James finally buy their champagne.
28:14We'll do it on this occasion.
28:16But their team still needs a bowler hat and a Freeview box.
28:21With rush hour approaching, pressure grows to head off to the boardroom.
28:28Adele finds a supermarket with jelly deals on special offer.
28:32Do you have jelly deals?
28:35The other half of her team start their long journey back.
28:40And she tackles her PA, Miranda.
28:43No, that's why I delegated it to you.
28:45That's what delegation means.
28:47If I tell you to do something, you do it.
28:48But surely then you'd like to take the call...
28:49£15 and £4.50.
28:50No, no, I delegated that to you, that's why you're my PA.
28:52Oh, so you didn't want to do it?
28:53No, it's not that I didn't want to do it, I delegated it to you.
28:56There was a difference.
28:57It's very simple in my mind, I delegated it to you.
29:00Right, well, it was simple in mine as well.
29:02I thought it was your job.
29:03No, it's not my job and five delegations was you.
29:05You asked me to make the call, I didn't know what I was saying to them at all.
29:08Then you should have asked the person.
29:10That's all, I don't want to continue it.
29:12There's not any conflict here.
29:13All I'm saying is, respect me if you want to question what I asked you to do, that's all.
29:17You asked me to make a phone call, you didn't say with what content.
29:20That's it, Miranda, I'm not prepared to discuss it anymore.
29:21Fine, make yourself more clear in future.
29:24Have you got the eels already?
29:26Yeah, we've got all that.
29:27All we need to do is get the mattress.
29:28We've negotiated a price.
29:30We need to go now then.
29:31Traffic is building up, you do not want to be stuck in traffic.
29:34Yeah, okay, bye.
29:40There's a bed there, single bed.
29:42Can we just stop a minute?
29:43No, no, no.
29:44Just pull over.
29:45No, let's just pull over.
29:46Let's just pull over, left.
29:47Can we just pull over here?
29:48No, no, no.
29:49Can we just pull over?
29:50No, no, no.
29:51Just pull over, left.
29:52Can we just pull over here?
29:53It'll take two seconds.
30:02We're looking to pay.
30:04You're paying for it?
30:05Yeah, we'd like to get a price on a single mattress.
30:08Which one have you got?
30:09The cheapest one.
30:10The cheapest single mattress is 45.
30:12We've had a price of 35.
30:15If we get 35, we've got cash, we're ready to take it away now.
30:19How is everyone understanding?
30:22If we still get 35, it'd be perfect for us,
30:24and we'd really appreciate it.
30:25We still have bills to pay at the end of the day.
30:27I know, I know.
30:28It's a massive, massive deadline.
30:29You'll be doing us a huge favour.
30:30Go on, where you going?
30:31I'll play along with your deal.
30:32Oh, thank you!
30:33Thank you so much!
30:34How much you got?
30:35Thank you, 35 grand.
30:37Okay, okay.
30:40No, Sebastian, he's not going to fit.
30:42Just put it on the back seat.
30:46Adele's team now have all their items,
30:48but Matthews are in trouble.
30:51He's given up on the bowler hat
30:53and is returning to the boardroom without it.
30:56They'll be fined £80.
30:59The other half of his team hope to improve the situation
31:02with a cut-price deal on the Freeview box,
31:04but time's running out.
31:08Bus bus is £78.
31:11Uncle, can you give us £70?
31:13We can't do it. Our cost is £81.
31:16I'll give you a full discount, 18%, plus VAT.
31:22Can't we do it for £70?
31:24Can we do it for £75?
31:28It's for today, for us.
31:30£75 is £2.50.
31:31It's £2.50.
31:33Cut it for £2.50, please.
31:35Cut it for £75.
31:40£75 I'll do it for you.
31:42They started to talk money,
31:45and the money started to come down to about £80,
31:48then £78, then £75,
31:50and then it got to a sort of stalemate.
31:53That's the bottom price.
31:55Oh, Uncle, you're very, very strong, man.
31:59I can't do it. Sorry.
32:01Are you telling me you cannot definitely get it cheaper?
32:04Because if you get it cheaper,
32:05then I'm going to lose this competition.
32:07No, no, no.
32:08That's the best price we can do.
32:10Uncle, is that the best price you can do?
32:12Go on.
32:13Enter Mr Singh number two,
32:15and there was a change in his eye,
32:18and there was a change in the eyes of the other person.
32:21We are the Asian team,
32:23and they don't have the language skills on the other side.
32:26With others thrown in.
32:27So we just want to make sure that we're getting the cheap...
32:30Saira and Raj were then relentless
32:32against, you know, the chap that we were speaking to.
32:34£74 then, yeah?
32:37Oh, is it £75?
32:39I thought it was £73.
32:40And the gentleman basically said,
32:42You can take it free.
32:43So you're going to give it to us free of charge?
32:46Oh, my God!
32:47Oh, my God, that's amazing!
32:49Are you being real?
32:51So can we take a box now?
32:52Yeah, you can take it now.
32:53Don't question him any more.
32:54All right, we'll take the box.
32:55Uncle gets the box.
32:56Thank you very much.
32:57OK, thank you very much.
33:04But now they have another problem.
33:06They've got just 25 minutes to get back to the boardroom.
33:11What I'm concerned about, though,
33:12is that if they don't get there on time,
33:14only the things that we've bought will count.
33:16Oh, God.
33:17Which is a nightmare.
33:21Do you remember where we parked the car?
33:23Yeah, it's down that way.
33:28I mean, normally, you should be able to get here in that time.
33:33Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, excuse me.
33:35It's five o'clock as well, though, which is just starting to get busy.
33:38Well, I know, it's five past five now.
33:40Is your watch exactly right?
33:46When he said, you can have it free, I was like, you what?
33:49I thought he was in the twilight zone.
33:52And I think it helped the fact that we spoke their language.
33:55That's respectful in our countries, isn't it?
33:57Yeah, that's how I get away with murder.
34:05I've got butterflies.
34:07I'm going to ring them.
34:08But let's not do it too often,
34:09cos we'll only stress them some more and it won't achieve anything.
34:12I'll ring them. We should ring them at 20 past five.
34:14Of course, past five.
34:15If we get there for 5.30, we've done all right.
34:17We've done pretty well, but we didn't get the bowler.
34:19But that was not really down to...
34:21We've done everything that was asked of us initially.
34:24I'm just surprised they dawdled for so long
34:26to try and get that last product.
34:28But, hey.
34:30We will deal with that.
34:31When it happens, absolutely.
34:33But remember, guys, also, we've saved money,
34:36so the bowler won't be too much of a hit.
34:38As long as we get there on time.
34:39Yeah, as long as we get there on time.
34:41Hello, gang.
34:42Hi, Joe.
34:43Right, are you in your car?
34:45Yeah, yeah.
34:46Whoever's driving you so has to get their foot on it.
34:49Angelo, you need to get your foot on it from the other team as well, please.
34:53Foot down.
34:54Where are you?
34:55Tottenham Court Road.
34:56Tottenham Court Road.
34:57Tottenham Court Road. Jesus Christ, you are so...
34:59Get the fly over.
35:00You are so going to have to get Angelo to do some speed driving, mate.
35:04Angelo, you so have to get us there. Seriously.
35:11Sir Alan has a busy schedule, but he's never late.
35:16Matthew's group are first to arrive,
35:18but if the rest of his team aren't back soon, he's done for.
35:23Hello, gang.
35:27How do you do?
35:29I've been killed.
35:30Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
35:33Oh, no.
35:35I'm a real ned.
35:38Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.
35:41Oh, no.
35:42Oh, no.
35:43Oh, no.
35:44I'm a real ned.
35:45Oh, no.
35:46Oh, no.
35:47Oh, no.
35:48It's their rivals Adele's team who arrived next
36:18Time to tot up the items and the prices. They're about to find out who did best
36:41And in the losing team someone's going to get fired
37:11Tell me, why couldn't you get one of these?
37:41Sir Alan, we did a lot of shopping around and the cheapest price we found was around about £90-£100
37:49I see. Margaret, give us the numbers
37:54Well I've got the impact spend number which is £447.38
38:06Nick, first forte led by Adele spent £506.94
38:13Right, so impact you done it. You won
38:18I have a very very good team and it's them I have to thank
38:21Congratulations guys you
38:23Well done crew, really well done
38:25Honestly, well played
38:29Anyway folks, the good news is impact I'm going out for dinner tonight
38:34You lot come in with me also. One of the best Italian restaurants in London
38:41We should have a good night. You lot back to the house
38:46Tomorrow morning you'll be back here in the boardroom
38:49And as you know, one of you is going to get fired
38:57The losers return to find a surprise from Sir Alan in the kitchen
39:03Enjoy Sir Alan
39:05Who wants a beer?
39:07I'm going to win it
39:09It's the jelly heels
39:11I'm going to try one. We bargained them. I'm going to try one. I'm sure they're disgusting
39:18I haven't eaten anything all day
39:20I can't do it
39:22It's just too revolting
39:24They're not too bad
39:26Honestly they're not that bad
39:28I thought they'd be a lot worse
39:30Look at that
39:32Enjoy Sir Alan
39:34There we go, I've got the floor on now
39:40Listen everyone, to a grand effort today, seriously
39:44Fabulous effort
39:46Well done
39:50Well done, good effort
40:02For Alan's team, it's Knightsbridge and supper with Sir Alan in his favourite Italian restaurant
40:08Absent friends
40:10We're thinking about them
40:12Good luck
40:14But yet again, keep in mind
40:16Indeed they do
40:18How you doing folks?
40:20Good evening
40:22Has it been good?
40:24Thank you very much
40:26You're welcome
40:28So anyway, you had a good day today, it was a long day
40:30It was a fast, hard day
40:32What I'm fascinated about
40:34is how did you manage to get our satellite receiver for nothing?
40:38It's the Asian posse over here
40:40It's a bit of lingo
40:42It was Mr Singh with the two Asian posse
40:44Sir Alan, don't think that they walked in
40:46they scratched a bit of the jargon and we walked out
40:48We were in there half an hour fighting for them
40:50Yes, I should imagine
40:52I'm a gratter dressed up in nice clothes
40:56I'm a real East End girl
41:00Thank you very much
41:02He is a great man
41:04He is a great man
41:06He's the biggest ringer going
41:08He started out Tottenham supporter
41:10and then when Abramovich bought Chelsea
41:12all of a sudden he changed his colour
41:14I'm so mad
41:16I learnt from Sir Alan
41:18You go where the money goes
41:22And could you thank your team in the kitchen
41:24because they've done a really good job
41:26Thank you very much
41:30Viva la pasta
41:36Back at the house
41:38Adele calls for a post-mortem
41:40Everyone was committed
41:42Everyone tried their fucking hardest
41:44and their damnedest to make it successful
41:46It was very, very fucking close
41:48Guys, I mean, don't beat ourselves up about it
41:50We did really, really well
41:52I have to say that
41:54We're a team
41:56I obviously have to hold
41:58some responsibility
42:00However, I can't accept that I have to hold
42:02100% responsibility because
42:04we all had our part to play
42:06and everybody has to accept
42:08that we all contributed
42:10to the success
42:12or failure, in our case it's failure
42:16well done guys, but it just wasn't good enough
42:20Tomorrow in the boardroom
42:22Adele has to explain why they lost
42:24then pick two colleagues to join her
42:26and face being fired
42:28I'm not flying of going to the boardroom
42:30I'm happy with whatever decision she makes
42:32because I'll fight my corner the best I can
42:36I don't see what I've done wrong today
42:38If Adele takes me into the boardroom, that's great
42:40and I'm happy to go in with her
42:42and shake her hand and say goodbye to her, that's fine
42:52Hello Francis
43:04Hello Francis
43:12Hi Francis
43:14Will you send them in please
43:16You can go through now
43:18Thank you Francis
43:22Thank you
43:40Tim, what's it like
43:42on behalf of the boys and yourself
43:44being on the losing side
43:46You don't seem to be so coy about it at the moment
43:48I'm still as cheeky as ever
43:50That hasn't changed
43:52that will never change my personality
43:54but the fact is it's a bit of a bitter pill to swallow
43:56but at the end of the day
43:58it's not something that I feel
44:00was it because we made massive mistakes
44:02it's we were beaten by a better team
44:06what was the strategy
44:08you define, you tell me what it was
44:10Because of the nature of the project
44:12I thought there was going to be a lot of telephone numbers being exchanged
44:14I'm going to need some secretarial support
44:16so I asked Miranda to give me that support
44:18and be my assistant effectively
44:20Miranda was made a PA
44:22Yes she was my assistant
44:24she was to assist me with making notes
44:26writing down phone calls
44:28and just keeping track of everything
44:30as it occurred during the day
44:32How did that work for you Miranda
44:34I think being given the role of PA
44:36didn't fully exploit my skills
44:38in my day to day business
44:40I buy and sell stock
44:42and negotiate deals
44:44buying in products
44:46I was quite confused
44:48with my knowledge, background, business background
44:50that I have, why she put me in the role
44:52of secretary PA
44:54Let's get down to the
44:56brass tacks here
44:58starting from that end for no reason
45:00who let the team down
45:02Every building has to have successful foundations
45:04and the foundations
45:06unfortunately for our building
45:08weren't rock solid in the strategy
45:10so I would say Adele
45:14I feel as though titles
45:16and roles were given to people inappropriately
45:18and the structure that was initially
45:20put into place was more generic
45:22rather than identifiably focused
45:24on the task at hand
45:26this led me to feel as though there was
45:28messy leadership and not much structure
45:30so once again I would have to say
45:36For me my biggest frustration on this task
45:38was a lack of definable structure
45:40and measurable achievements
45:42and I think that that didn't come down
45:44from the top so
45:46I think Adele
45:48Not looking good is it?
45:50You always need a scapegoat and it's very easy
45:52to blame the project manager
45:54That would always be the first choice wouldn't I
45:56because that's natural
46:00I think basically everybody performed well in the tasks that were given
46:02and if we were successful
46:04the buck stops with the project manager
46:06so I would say Adele
46:08We'll go without saying
46:10everybody on the team gave it their best
46:12but because we did lack some structure
46:14and some clarity from the outset
46:16Blaming the boss
46:20Why does this remind me of football still?
46:22Everything that went on on that pitch
46:24I got the blame for and I don't even play
46:28Right well come on Adele then, it's down to it
46:30You're going to have to pick two of your colleagues
46:32that are going to come back in this ballroom with you
46:34because it seems to me that there's a kind of
46:36unanimous opinion amongst all these people
46:38that they want to blame you and they want to blame the boss
46:40Yeah that's typical sabotage
46:42I mean
46:44I wouldn't say sabotage
46:46I respect you as a project manager
46:48and I said at the beginning
46:50I will sign up and do whatever is necessary to do that
46:52Right, come on
46:54Give it to me
46:56Okay, Miranda because she was very very aggressive throughout the day
46:58there was no team spirit, she was always arguing with me
47:00she certainly didn't keep
47:02the notes well organised
47:04in fact most of the time today
47:06I mean it's myself looking for numbers
47:08because she hadn't organised herself effectively
47:10in terms of Tim
47:12he didn't communicate effectively
47:14and thirdly, Ben's job as a negotiator
47:16I found extremely poor
47:18he did the diamond, it was the first thing that he did
47:20but then he seemed to just lose momentum
47:22it was like oh I've done that now
47:24I don't care
47:26Can I just say just one quick thing
47:28because Ben finished the diamond
47:30and it's not like he sat back and just relaxed
47:32Ben continued out for the whole day
47:34I don't think you need to justify Ben
47:36I think he should justify himself
47:38I can do the same thing
47:40Tim, very commendable, very commendable
47:42I agree with Adele here
47:44Ben, you should be talking for yourself
47:46Thank you Tim
47:48I was hopefully educating and supporting the people
47:50on how to negotiate
47:52and I was hopefully giving them the verbal ammunition
47:54to go in there and negotiate
47:56If I could also say as well
47:58I'm slightly confused as to your comment
48:00to say that I wasn't cooperating with you
48:02that contradicts the comment of congratulations
48:04No I didn't give you congratulations
48:06PA skills last night
48:08What I said was at points during the day you were efficient
48:10but at other points you were a hindrance
48:12because what you were doing
48:14running across the street
48:16at one point you were running across the street
48:18and I think Nick witnessed this
48:20and I couldn't find you and I was erratic thinking
48:22where has Miranda gone
48:24You were erratic for most of the day
48:26I noticed so there wasn't much change there
48:28So that was fine but then I looked
48:30I had to say to you, Miranda you can't run off
48:32we have to stay cohesive and we have to stay
48:34Well I think yes
48:36Do I get a chance to respond to you today
48:38Like you are now, can I just finish
48:40Like what you're doing now, you interjected
48:42when I asked you to make a phone call to the other team
48:44you passed me that phone and said
48:46you were project manager
48:48I found that very intimidating and I thought that was most rude
48:50Miranda, what's the point you're making
48:52to be blunt about it
48:54was it that you didn't like being called a PA
48:56I have no problem with being given a title
48:58whether it be PA or anything else
49:00when I feel that it's in the correct circumstance
49:02I felt as though
49:04I delivered the job as PA
49:06exceedingly well
49:08Miranda, what tended to happen
49:10was that we were passing so I knew
49:12I explained to you why I wanted to go to the East End
49:14Right, enough, this is bickering
49:16you sound like two old washer women
49:18arguing with each other
49:20That's what I had all day yesterday Sir Alan
49:22Name them
49:24Ben and Miranda
49:26You can get off
49:28back to the house, you three
49:30wait out there
49:32and I'll call you back in because
49:34as you know, one of you is going to get fired
49:38Thank you
50:12It's nothing personal mate
50:14It's just a business decision
50:16to make
50:22I've got an idea
50:24but in my mind
50:26I need to talk to him a bit more
50:28I've got to stop this bickering
50:30because it's nonsense and try and get some sense
50:32out of it really
50:34You'll get a disciplined answer from Ben
50:38where the other two are just at each other's throats
50:54You're fighting for your position now Ben
50:56You tell me
50:58why you think you should stay
51:00and why someone else should go
51:02I think if we look at the reason I'm here
51:04I'm confused why I'm here
51:06and I'll give you the main reasons behind that
51:08Diamond was specifically given to me
51:10as perceived to be one of the toughest products
51:12to acquire
51:14and I went in and I think in comparison to the other team
51:16I was £10 cheaper
51:18I negotiated a £10 better deal
51:20so I really would be quite
51:22concerned if I'm not
51:24walking out of this boardroom
51:26and going back to come back in
51:28and work with you again someday
51:32tell me why you think you should stay here
51:34vis-a-vis this task
51:36I believe that I've been brought into this boardroom
51:38for no other reason
51:40apart from the fact that yesterday
51:42when Adele initially
51:44labelled me as PA
51:46she followed it up immediately by saying
51:48you do realise that if we fail this task
51:50you will be coming into the boardroom with me
51:52No I didn't that is an absolute lie
51:54and if Tim was here he would back me up
51:56and it's on camera Miranda so do that lie
51:58Just get to the bottom line Adele
52:00because you know it's not looking great here
52:02What I find in this situation is it's very very difficult
52:04sometimes because we are all competitive
52:06it's very very difficult and you always feel like
52:08you're rallying for position
52:10you can't get a word in edgeways
52:12and I just don't think
52:14that sometimes there's that respect
52:16and that makes it in particular difficult
52:18especially when you've got instances like yesterday
52:20when we're up against the timeline
52:22and then you've got Miranda interjecting and arguing
52:24and running away and it's just very very difficult
52:26Once again that was all caught on camera
52:28Everybody was running we all ran
52:30You don't run over the road but I don't get into that
52:32Well we ran because there wasn't structure once again
52:34We were all panicking
52:36because we had nobody who we could look up to as a figure of authority
52:38Yes you did but you'd run away
52:40without any instruction to do so
52:42you were told to stay in a group
52:44Ben's been exactly the same he was running down the street
52:46everybody was panicking everybody was trying to win the task
52:48because we had no structure from our leader
52:50from our project manager
52:52Without telling me you do not run over the road
52:54and that is nonsense and it's easy to have a scapegoat
52:56in this situation
52:58it's very very easy
53:00Ben who should go?
53:02I'm sticking with my original decision which was Adele
53:06And Adele who should go?
53:08There's three of you now who should go?
53:10Miranda because she hindered
53:12without a shadow of a doubt she hindered my performance
53:14yesterday and made it very difficult
53:16in adverse circumstances
53:18And Miranda?
53:20Adele should go without a shadow of a doubt
53:24Well here's how I see it
53:28there's accusations of you being a little bit lazy
53:30you've defended your corner on that
53:34Miranda what I'm hearing here
53:36is that you basically
53:40quite frankly that's what I'm getting
53:42the vibes here that you were kind of disruptive
53:44didn't really want to go along
53:46with the authority
53:48didn't like the position
53:50you got given and was disruptive
53:54And Adele
53:56you let me down Adele
53:58you have let me down
54:00really you have let me down because
54:02I put my bet on you
54:04I let you be the task leader this time
54:06and I'm hearing
54:08bits and pieces about lack of control
54:10in certain areas and disorganisation
54:12I'm very very disappointed
54:14I've got to tell you
54:16but I'll tell you what
54:18disappoints me the most
54:22lack of respect for the leader
54:24bickering and arguing
54:26wasting time
54:28and on that basis Miranda
54:30I've got to tell you, you're fired
54:32I'm sorry that you have to go
54:34but that's life
54:38It's back to the house for you two
54:40let's hope we meet again
54:42under better circumstances
54:44Thank you
54:46I'll tell you what
54:48saved that Adele again
54:52I tend to believe her
54:54that she disagreed with her team leader
54:56the last time but nevertheless
54:58she got stuck in and got behind her
55:00what I can't tolerate is
55:02somebody in the team who was
55:04what I feel was disruptive
55:06and therefore if they're disruptive
55:08they're no bloody good
55:10because you don't need saboteurs in the team
55:12you might not agree with what your boss is doing
55:14but you've got to get your head down
55:16and get on and do it
55:36My feelings towards Adele right now
55:38aren't really malice of any sort
55:40I think that she's
55:42a very confused person
55:44and I think that she has
55:46quite a lot of insecurities
55:48which manifest themselves
55:50in many, many different ways
55:52so in some respects
55:54it's almost pity
55:56if anything
55:58and that might sound quite rich
56:00given the fact I'm in the taxi on the way home
56:02but no, I'm completely confident
56:04with my position
56:06and completely thrilled with the experiences I've had
56:12One job
56:14Now, eleven candidates
56:16Sir Alan's search for his apprentice
56:22Next week
56:24Now I've got a friend of mine
56:26who's got a corner shot
56:30It's called Harrods
56:32A million square feet
56:36Matthew, do be careful
56:38Seven floors
56:40On the way down
56:42330 departments
56:44We need to review our strategy
56:46Have we got all the wrong products?
56:48The most luxurious department store in the world
56:50I think you've got enough problems yourselves
56:52I would fire
56:54anybody that produced that as a table
56:56We haven't peaked yet, have we?
56:58As long as we get money in the till, I don't care what we do
57:02Teeth make smiles
57:04and smiles make sales