The Apprentice UK S02E05 (2006)

  • 2 days ago


00:00Previously on The Apprentice, the boys were defiant after celebrating their second straight
00:15But Sir Alan had a shock for them, a corporate reshuffle.
00:18Alexa, move over to the boys team, Manny, move over to the girls team.
00:23Their task, to run themed restaurants at a festival.
00:35Manny tried to run the girls team with an iron fist.
00:42But Sharon rebelled.
00:52Alexa battled to stay in control of the boys team, but she lost control of the budget to
01:04And her team lost their tempers in the kitchen.
01:15Both teams slashed prices to bring in the customers, but Alexa's team had bought more
01:21than they could sell.
01:25They lost the task, and they lost Sir Alan over £800.
01:33Alexa took Dun and Saeed back into the boardroom.
01:52Alexa became the fourth casualty of the boardroom.
01:57Fourteen candidates, now ten remain, to fight for the chance to become The Apprentice.
02:05Back at the house, the candidates try to guess who's been fired.
02:10I think your whole project was completely riddled with errors, and I think any project
02:14manager that allows you guys to do what you did...
02:17Not us guys, we didn't do anything wrong.
02:19Saeed walks around the kitchen all day, trying to...
02:22Because he wanted to oversee everything in the kitchen, so then if anyone said what you're
02:27doing, he could say, I'm overseeing so-and-so and so-and-so.
02:29So he doesn't like getting his hands dirty.
02:31I walked in there, and this young girl came over to me and said, who's that bloke?
02:35I said, oh, it's Saeed.
02:37Doesn't do very much, does he?
02:39Is that both Dun and Saeed have worked in restaurants before?
02:42I think Saeed maybe worked in McDonald's, but that's about it.
02:49What is this?
02:53No way!
02:55Shame on you!
02:57What was that?
02:59You did well, man.
03:01You did well.
03:03You did well, man.
03:05How you doing?
03:07What happened, guys?
03:09Thank you, sweetness.
03:11You're welcome.
03:13You're welcome.
03:15You're welcome.
03:17Thank you, sweetness.
03:19He ripped into all of us.
03:21What did he say to you?
03:23I really fought my corner. I gave Sir Alan just as good as I got.
03:25I think he sort of made it very clear that he'll be keeping an eye on me.
03:29Yet again.
03:31Yet again.
03:33Considering you spent most of the time swanning around, Saeed, I'm surprised that you came back.
03:35Swanning around?
03:39Alexa didn't do it.
03:41I'm just really disappointed that nobody was prepared to step up to the mark.
03:45And I did.
03:47And I gave 110%.
03:49So I don't really care what anyone else thinks.
04:01It's 5am.
04:05He wants you to meet him at Stansted airport at 8 o'clock this morning.
04:09Okay, thank you.
04:13Oh, shit.
04:15They've had four hours sleep.
04:17Guys, he's going to be at Stansted airport at 8 o'clock, and you need your passports.
04:25There you go.
04:43We're not going to be air stewardesses for the day, are we?
04:45Coffee or tea?
04:47Tea or coffee?
04:49I don't know why, but I get a really good feel that you'd be sort of in your element there.
04:53I think I'd be quite good at it.
04:55The jet centre? What's this all about?
04:57Sir Alan has summoned the teams to the headquarters of his luxury jet business
05:01to unveil his latest idea, a financial product.
05:05Good morning.
05:07Morning, Sir Alan.
05:09Now, one of my companies is an air charter company.
05:13What we do is we fly very important people around,
05:16pop stars, rock bands, politicians, executives,
05:21we have one problem, and that is finding a polite way of saying,
05:25sorry, we're not going anywhere until we get the money.
05:29Now, this product here, the Amsair SkyCard, solves that problem.
05:35It entitles the person that holds this card to call up any air charter company in the world,
05:41and it will be accepted by them.
05:43Now, this task is very simple.
05:46Now, what I've lined up is one of the largest advertising agencies in the world,
05:50Saatchi & Saatchi,
05:52and you two teams are going to drum up an advertising campaign
05:56for this card using all of their facilities.
06:00Right, it's time to mix the teams up a little bit,
06:03but I'll tell you what I'm going to do.
06:05First of all, I'm going to appoint the team leaders.
06:07Ruth, you're going to be the team leader.
06:11Paul, you're going to be the team leader.
06:13Would you step forward?
06:15Ruth, pick two fellows to join your team.
06:18I'd like Ansel and Samuel, please.
06:20Over you go.
06:22Paul, you pick two ladies.
06:24Sharon and Michelle.
06:26You know what you've got to do.
06:28The team that comes up with the best advertising campaign
06:31is going to be the team leader.
06:33Ruth, you're going to be the team leader.
06:35Would you step forward?
06:37The team that comes up with the best advertising campaign is going to win.
06:41The one that doesn't is going to lose,
06:43and in that team, one of you is going to get fired.
06:46Don't forget, I'm the one that's going to decide
06:49which advertising campaign is the best one.
06:56Back to London. Time to talk.
06:59I do have to say, when I heard who she was picking
07:02and I realised who was left, I was a little bit like, fuck.
07:05To be honest, because I don't know the strength of the team now.
07:10Paul's new team has no experience in the creative industries,
07:14except Sharon, who used to teach advertising.
07:17I think she's going to be a linchpin to the whole of this project
07:20because she's done the advertising, you do lecturing, don't you?
07:25You've done this whole thing before, so definitely.
07:30Next stop, Saatchi and Saatchi.
07:33The world-famous ad agency that prefers to call itself an ideas company.
07:39They claim their ideas transform a brand
07:42into something they call a love mark that inspires loyalty beyond reason.
07:47When you came in this morning,
07:49you might have noticed on the steps an inscription,
07:52and that inscription says, nothing is impossible.
07:55Believe me, individually and as teams,
07:57you're going to need to demonstrate that nothing is impossible attitude
08:00over the next two days,
08:02because this inscription has set you on a hell of a corker of a creative challenge.
08:06Go on, follow me.
08:0848 hours from now, both teams must present a TV ad and a billboard poster
08:13to Saatchi's MD John Wright and creative director Kate Stanners.
08:17We recruit people in terms of their ability to come up with great ideas.
08:22They haven't got very long to do this.
08:24In our world, we get, well, it would be nice,
08:28but usually 12 weeks to do something of this size,
08:31going from being given a brief to coming up with an idea to executing it.
08:36So they have very, very little time.
08:39This is industry.
08:41This is our R&D lab where we develop strategies and ideas.
08:45And you're going to be working in this, the blue sky room.
08:48So I hope it inspires you to come up with some brilliant ideas.
08:52With the office sorted, Ruth sends Manny and Ansel to meet Sir Alan's son.
08:58Hi, Finnick. Pleased to meet you.
09:00Hi, Daniel Sugar.
09:01Hi, Daniel. Ansel. Pleased to meet you.
09:03Daniel Sugar is the MD of Sir Alan's private jet business.
09:07Very simply, we offer those jets for charter to an exclusive client base.
09:13Although the card is a dummy,
09:15Sir Alan has asked his son to fully brief the cabin crew
09:18Sir Alan has asked his son to fully brief the candidates
09:21on the features he'd like to see advertised if it was launched.
09:25We take care of every single detail.
09:27They've got the facility of having up to a quarter of a million pounds worth of credit, if you like.
09:32And where the SkyCard holders will benefit from is
09:37we have an internal client concierge service.
09:40It's a service that isn't available anywhere else.
09:43Yeah, convenience, exclusivity.
09:46We also have access, exclusive access to over, what is it?
09:515,000 jets.
09:52How will we know that you are happy with what we've come up with?
09:57That's why you're doing this to us.
10:02Here we go.
10:04How did that go?
10:05Yeah, it was good.
10:06Really nice guys.
10:08Excellent guys. We don't want to give too much away
10:10because obviously they want us to do the work and that's what we're here for.
10:13Now, Manny and Ansel must give an accurate account to the team of Daniel Sugar's key points.
10:19What they said is, look, it's top end.
10:21The people that you're dealing with, this is the way that they deal with things
10:24and time's important and so on and so forth.
10:27Time's important.
10:29The main thing I think they highlighted, which was the concierge services.
10:33You're saying to a concierge, right, I need a hotel, restaurant, nightclub, whatever you need.
10:39That's yours.
10:40As soon as you charter the aircraft.
10:42That's the biggest USP.
10:44Have you got any ideas on which direction you want to go in?
10:48Well, I'm keen to pick up on that concierge thing.
10:51But you know what, it's the same person.
10:54The person who closes your car door is the same person in a different uniform
10:59who opens your door, the same person on the plane.
11:02And it's your personal concierge all the way through to the experience.
11:06Personal concierge, yeah.
11:09The teams have been brainstorming for five hours.
11:13But in Saatchi's blue Skyroom, Paul's team have yet to find inspiration.
11:27I just want to get this idea out before I lose it.
11:30Golf course, an actual jet on the golf course, wrapped around in this sort of colours.
11:36Actual jet on the golf course with this on the bottom.
11:44Does everyone feel as though everything's going all right at the moment?
11:47I'm a little bit nervous because I don't feel like we've got something going on.
11:50I think we've got our nails done.
11:54With the clock ticking, Paul sends Michelle and Saeed to view locations
11:59while the rest of the team cast actors.
12:02But without a concept for their campaign, they have no idea what they're looking for.
12:08How you doing? I'm Paul. Keith.
12:10Nice to meet you, Keith. We're very new at all this, so bear with us.
12:14We were just going to ask you just to have a little walk around just for one minute.
12:20Yeah, what about this jet that I ordered?
12:24Yeah, four hours, that's right.
12:26Manny, that's brilliant, that's fantastic.
12:30Hi there, you all right? Hi there.
12:32Say, can I meet you in four hours or something, or can I have the jet in four hours,
12:36but be as if you're in a rush or quite frantic?
12:40Can I have the jet in four hours, please?
12:42Oh, maybe not quite that dramatic.
12:46Thanks a lot. Cheers, Saeed. Thanks.
12:52Hi, guys, how you doing? Paul, hello, mate. Yeah, good, good.
12:55What we're thinking about now, I mean, we've seen some acting stuff,
12:57and we're thinking about the mum and dad idea and maybe a quite young daughter.
13:02A mum and dad idea with daughter sounds a bit random,
13:06but that's probably because we don't know it yet,
13:09so when you present it to us, I'm sure it'll sound grand.
13:12Anything useful, yeah? OK, bye.
13:15Ruth's team is running with an idea that revolves around a corsierge.
13:20All that's left is to find a suitable outfit for tomorrow's shoot.
13:24Can we have a look at the burgundy one, please? Burgundy, yeah.
13:31That's fine. How's that look? That's fine, that looks smart.
13:34Corsierge enough? Yeah. Yeah, but do they wear tails?
13:37I think it's more, this is too bellhoppy.
13:39It depends on the hotel if it's... Have you got any frock coats? Yeah.
13:43You know, this is too bellhoppy. You look ridiculous.
13:48The other half of Ruth's team have been told
13:51to make the corsierge idea work for the billboard poster.
13:55As an image, this works for me because what it's saying is
13:58this car gives you the capability of hailing a plane just like a taxi,
14:04whereas the first image is just...
14:11Yeah. I mean, it's... Do that again.
14:14Do that again, as though you're hailing a taxi. Just do that again.
14:17So don't look at the card, look as though you're looking at something
14:20and you're hailing it.
14:22You know, I think that's a very powerful image, personally.
14:26The corsierge service, we definitely want to talk about and we want to focus on.
14:31I liked my ideas, but I preferred the one idea that Ansel came up with,
14:36which was the idea of a corsierge hailing down the aeroplane.
14:41Ultimate convenience is flagging down your own plane.
14:44Yeah, corsierge. Flexibility.
14:46Ultimate flexibility is you're calling it when you want it.
14:49It's there when you want it. Yeah.
14:51And then ultimate experience.
14:53And ultimate experience...
14:55Well, you know, it is one hell of an experience to hail a plane.
15:05Although Paul's team have chosen a location and actors for the next day's shoot,
15:10they still don't have an idea for their campaign.
15:18If we look at the jet and we look at the images that we're thinking about already,
15:22it still doesn't sell the world to me.
15:25And although we've got people that look fantastic,
15:28unless we've got them in the right set and doing the right things and the right lifestyle,
15:33we're not going to get it across.
15:38Five o'clock. Paul's team regroups.
15:41We're going to really define it down.
15:43There needs to be something quite original in this.
15:45We've had to decide on... For this, it's location and actors.
15:48We've done that. We've done that.
15:50Now, once we've got it, we can focus on it. We'll blitz it now.
15:53I'm saying I don't know whether or not time-wise this is going to work.
15:56We're not being negative. No, guys, listen.
15:58This is all so new to everyone that...
16:00No, I'm not being negative. I don't have any better suggestions at all.
16:03These guys are opposite. Our opposition are in exactly the same boat.
16:06But what they haven't got is the brains.
16:11Paul decides to call it a day and let his team go home.
16:15Tomorrow morning, the candidates must shoot a 30-second TV ad and a billboard poster.
16:24Without an idea, Paul and his team will be in trouble.
16:34A few hours later...
16:39I just came up with an idea on the way back in the car, OK?
16:42What I was thinking, it's all about the card, yeah?
16:44We've said that from day one. Yeah.
16:46So how about this as a strap line and something to work on?
16:49Let us show you a card trick.
16:52OK? Want to see some magic? Yes, please.
16:55So let us show you a card trick, OK?
16:57The idea is, we can make 5,000 planes appear like that.
17:01OK, that's magic. I absolutely love that.
17:04Yeah, I like that. I want to see a card trick. That's what we've got to go on.
17:07I've got goosebumps thinking about that. I love that.
17:10This is the tagline. Yeah, no, I agree.
17:12Want to see a card trick. So, no sleep, no tiredness.
17:16Let's just get fired up like a fuckhouse for the next hour, OK?
17:19Seriously, I don't know if it is.
17:28The morning of the shoot, another early start.
17:33The teams only have one day to create their ad campaign,
17:37so there's no time for second thoughts.
17:40Two people on telly with bags in a hotel room is not the most imaginative, is it, at the moment?
17:45What do you want to do then, Jo?
17:48What are the ideas of having to play around with
17:50let the world revolve around you as a jingle?
17:52I don't think a jingle's pitching it at the right level.
17:55I don't want to use the word jingle, I just mean like...
17:58Sleep in a bed of dreams.
18:01There's the road where we're going and we keep going.
18:04Which I've got no problem with as long as we keep focused on what we're doing.
18:14Ruth's team are at Stansted, her choice for the concierge shoot.
18:19Samuel will be the director for the TV ad.
18:22It'll be his job to bring to life the team's concierge idea,
18:26with a professional film crew.
18:28The hand's kind of relaxed here and then the drink just appears, the concierge appears.
18:33So we don't want the concierge...
18:34I've never had any experience of directing a crew or actors before,
18:38so this is going to be interesting.
18:41Tight and then just...
18:42Exactly tight, yeah, absolutely.
18:43But maybe when she's sat there, well, excuse me Samuel,
18:45but she's going, you know, a bit of like feely stuff.
18:49A quarter to eight and Paul's team shows up for its photo shoot.
18:53They want the hangar and they want the same plane,
18:57a brand new £15 million luxury jet,
19:01the jewel in the crown of Sir Alan's fleet.
19:03Excuse me guys, sorry to bother you,
19:06but we've been told this is our plane
19:08and we're just getting ready to move it out onto the runway there.
19:12The runway there, so could you maybe get off?
19:14Sam, it's hard to do one.
19:16This is our plane, they can do one.
19:17Fuck it.
19:19Right, so...
19:20You and Paul, I'll need you to sort out who's plane's what and what's that.
19:23We're only going to be on it for literally ten minutes then we're going.
19:28Oh, you're going to change?
19:30The other team are using our plane.
19:33We've got our crew, we've got all the people in position,
19:35so we need to use this plane.
19:36We're literally going to be in ten minutes then we'll be off.
19:38All right.
19:41Give them ten minutes, it'll give us time to get our shit together.
19:47Having commandeered the plane,
19:49sales manager Ansel and management consultant Manny
19:52get started on their team's concierge billboard.
19:56So what we're doing is...
19:58Just taking a look at...
20:00And all I can see is the cone of it.
20:02It's as though this plane is just about to go past,
20:04you've got to get it before he goes...
20:06Yeah, just...
20:08I actually want it just so you're actually...
20:10I would angle it so you can see your finger.
20:12That's it.
20:13So you hold it, that's it, perfect.
20:16That's it, brilliant.
20:17Oh, this is going to be beautiful.
20:21So what happened to the plane?
20:24We're not ready to do it yet anyway, are we?
20:26So I just said, yeah, go ahead.
20:30What's the weather like today, Captain?
20:32How many stripes you got?
20:33I've got loads of stripes.
20:34So how many stripes you got on your lapel?
20:35Because obviously the more you have the more important you are.
20:37The ranks, I've got three.
20:38Oh, right, it's just that I've got four.
20:41He's pulled rank already.
20:45In full creative flow,
20:47Ruth's team are busy inside the plane,
20:49shooting their TV ad.
20:53I like when you...
20:54Yeah, I like it.
20:55That is the most comfortable chair in the world.
20:58Outside, the other team are forced to wait their turn.
21:02Can we not get it out of the way sooner?
21:04No, because that's it,
21:05and then they're filming.
21:06Right, OK.
21:09Just calm for a couple of minutes.
21:10It's just dead time.
21:11Um, can we have two shots?
21:12Guys, guys, can we put a chat in?
21:14Can you please not chat?
21:15Can you just have one, quiet, just for a minute?
21:19That woman is the best.
21:21Why have we got three points?
21:22Yeah, we do.
21:24Nicely, nicely doesn't bloody work, does it?
21:31Come on.
21:32Sharon and Dunn have been hanging around for over an hour,
21:35and their team has shot nothing.
21:38We've been too nice.
21:39You think we've been too nice to them?
21:41Need to have a get-out?
21:43Do the champagne shot now.
21:45Do the shot now.
21:47Standing by.
21:48Camera's yours.
21:54Oh, shit.
21:55Quick, get some tissues, quick.
22:03Do you want a tonic, anyone?
22:05With their shots in the can,
22:07Ruth's team finally hands the plane over to Paul,
22:10but his team is now well behind schedule.
22:13Can I just ask as well, when you check your watch,
22:15don't stand for so long, don't come out and go...
22:18Just kind of come out and go...
22:19Michelle will direct the TV ad.
22:21Her first shot is ambitious.
22:24Yeah, get back in.
22:25Now we understand where you're coming from.
22:26An executive must arrive just as a plane takes off in the background.
22:30Look at your watch.
22:35I think we just missed that, didn't we?
22:38So you're going to be about here.
22:40An actor called Jasbir is the star.
22:42The team have decided to call him Max.
22:45We're just trying to line the shots up now, Max.
22:48He usually works as an extra.
22:50Look at your watch.
22:51That's a Jessie's watch.
22:53Look at your watch.
22:56Look at your watch.
22:57Look at your watch!
23:04Look at your watch!
23:06Move, move, move!
23:08We missed it.
23:09Not bad.
23:11That was shit, wasn't it?
23:16What? What, what, what?
23:18No, it was too low!
23:20After ten dud takes, Paul asks Saeed to have a go.
23:24Right, we'll shout to you, OK?
23:26That's it.
23:27I'm not going to say anything.
23:28Put this up.
23:37That was a good one.
23:38Right, it's done.
23:39That was good.
23:40Thank God for that.
23:41Right, are we ready?
23:42Sorry about that, Max.
23:43Right, we're cool.
23:46Saeed and Paul seem to have enjoyed wearing their pilots' uniforms.
23:49I'm not sure if that's made them take their eye off the ball a bit,
23:52certainly perhaps in Paul's case.
23:54Get closer in, boys.
23:56It's not a Wham! video.
23:59He could have project managed a bit more tightly,
24:02he could have taken over from Michelle when she was making a bad job
24:05of directing the first shot, which is when they really overran on time.
24:08That's a sad position with Elaine.
24:10Boys, you look like you were having your teeth pulled out.
24:13Back at Sarches, Doon and Sharon direct the layout for the billboard.
24:19Inspired by Paul's car trick idea,
24:22they want 50 planes to magically fly out of a pilot's hat.
24:29It's not a hugely quick process, especially in respect of cutting them out.
24:32Each plane has to be digitally cut out, then superimposed over the hat.
24:37It'll take time, and the team are already behind schedule.
24:42It'll take a while.
24:44And I have to do that with all 150 planes.
24:46Oh, Jesus.
24:48Right, OK, speak to me.
24:50Yeah, how many planes are you thinking about cutting out?
24:52At the moment, it's 50 or 60.
24:55Right, well, how long do you think it's going to take?
24:57Basically, we'll just keep throwing the planes in
25:00until either we think that we've got enough, or we run out of time.
25:04Doon says absolutely guarantee on the deadline,
25:06Sharon says she's got a concern,
25:08so how can I take that as project manager?
25:10There's definitely an issue there.
25:15Doon in every task has looked at every angle.
25:18He just overcomplicates things.
25:20I wanted just to keep it so simple.
25:22Can I make a call and just say no more planes now?
25:24Is that OK?
25:29All I'm worried about is time.
25:31I'm just thinking we're stopping too soon.
25:33We're panicking too soon.
25:34No, I don't agree.
25:35This isn't planes of danger to you, though, this is the point.
25:37Well, I don't want to do any more planes.
25:39No more planes to go in there.
25:40Fine, OK.
25:41All right, guys, see you later.
25:43While Paul makes his views clear on the cut-out planes,
25:47Michelle and Saeed look at the rushes from their shoot.
25:56We've got some old geezer getting on a plane a bit stressed.
25:59Yeah, yeah.
26:00And as far as the strength of ideas goes, it's not really grand.
26:05Do you agree with me it's a bit dull?
26:07No, it is very dull.
26:08And it's only now that you see it on widescreen that you see what it looks like.
26:14And Paul's going to kill me for being negative.
26:17Ruth's team view their rushes.
26:23When you actually saw the raw material plane, it looked absolutely horrific.
26:27I was cringing.
26:28See you soon, bye.
26:30It's very cheesy, very corny.
26:32There was this particular shot where the concierge picks the bag up
26:35and he basically looks the businesswoman up and down.
26:39He actually looked like an escort more than a concierge.
26:43Good afternoon, madam.
26:44I'll take your luggage.
26:45The limousine's waiting.
26:58Well, let us show you a car trick.
27:00I'm completely off-key.
27:02Paul's team choose Saeed to record the commentary for their TV ad.
27:06The music runs out.
27:07How do I sound anyway? Is it too croaky?
27:10Got to get into that mode, mate.
27:11You know when you're doing cold calling and it's really posh?
27:13Yeah, yeah.
27:14Do that.
27:15The world's most exclusive aviation membership.
27:21Just before the deadline,
27:23Sharon and Dunn arrive from graphics with their car trick billboard.
27:28That is absolutely brilliant.
27:29Do you like it?
27:30Very much.
27:31That is really good.
27:32Right, let's show you. Let's show you this.
27:36Well, let us show you a car trick.
27:38Access to 5,000 private jets within four hours' notice.
27:42No hidden charges.
27:43No commitment to flying hours.
27:45Now, that's magic.
27:47Why did you laugh at a particular point?
27:49Just because I just thought it was funny.
27:50Because this is my worry.
27:51These both have walked in and laughed.
27:54Rubbing himself off.
27:58I didn't want to say that, but...
28:00It's the fact that he's moving his hand slightly there.
28:02I know.
28:03Have you thought about cutting that whole scene out or not?
28:05No one's going to really pick up and think that he's wanking or anything like that.
28:08But hang on.
28:09The second that these two walked in and saw it for the first time,
28:11they both burst out laughing at that point.
28:13No hidden charges.
28:14No commitment to flying hours.
28:16Now, that's magic.
28:18Access to a platinum skycard.
28:20The world's most exclusive aviation membership.
28:23What are you thinking?
28:24It does.
28:25It does what?
28:26It looks like he's in.
28:28You can't say it's guys now because it's far too late to start.
28:31It doesn't matter.
28:34It's been a long day.
28:36Ruth's team regrouped to view one another's results.
28:39This catch line, because these little bullet points,
28:42well, not bullet points, but these things, explain what this is.
28:47Wait until you see how that links into the advert,
28:49because it's literally a...
28:51You would actually watch the advert and then think that,
28:53yeah, that's the billboard for that day.
28:57I'll be there in a few hours.
28:59In fact, that's a concierge now.
29:01This is the first and last chance Manny has
29:04to see how his teammates have interpreted the concierge idea.
29:07Can I just tell you my take?
29:09And this is a 60,000 feet take on the whole campaign, right?
29:16When they talk about a concierge service,
29:20you don't have a guy in a concierge outfit knocking on your door.
29:24What they mean is if you need something done,
29:27someone will get it done for you.
29:29Some of the team members don't really understand
29:32the concept of concierge.
29:36Don't misunderstand what I'm saying.
29:39What we're saying, it's like having your own concierge.
29:44It's symbolic of the service.
29:49That's a person on a phone who sorts things out for you.
29:53It's not a person dressed up as a concierge
29:56who comes and takes your bag and takes you to the aeroplane.
29:59And I'm not sure if my team members understand that.
30:15The morning of the presentations,
30:18team leader Paul is in the garden rehearsing his pitch.
30:22It's the car that's the sexy bit of the product.
30:24It's the car that's the sexy bit. It's the car that we're promoting, not the jet.
30:28But having slept on the idea, his teammates are still unsure.
30:33If I'm going to be honest,
30:35I still don't think we've got a strength of adverts.
30:39Although I do appreciate that it's way too late to change it.
30:43But I think where we was lacking, Saeed, is creative ideas.
30:47We hardly had any.
30:49And even right till the very end, people were trying to be a little bit negative.
30:52I still think they're still there.
30:53Do I give a shit? I'm about to go and give a pitch.
30:55I need to be 110% confident in what I'm doing.
30:58Are you helping me now on what I'm doing? No.
31:04It's my idea. I've got belief in it. Just let me run with it.
31:17The teams are fired up for a face-to-face pitch to John and Kate from Saatchi's.
31:23If you want to come through.
31:25But behind the doors waits the entire creative department.
31:38Good morning.
31:39Let's take this.
31:40Oh, yes.
31:41Yes, thank you.
31:43Everyone here is an advertising professional,
31:45and they all want to know what Paul's team have to offer.
31:53Good luck.
31:55Well, hello, everyone. I'm glad you all could make it.
31:57I was worried a few of you might drop out, but thanks for all making it.
32:01Now, I'm going to hand over to Paul.
32:10Thank you for all making it.
32:12Now, looking at the kind of people that use this facility,
32:15two hours is a lot of time for these people.
32:17A rock star could write a new music hymn, a new poem, a new anything,
32:20a new lyric, a new album.
32:22The royal family could spend more time on the throne.
32:27You look at the politicians, you know, they could sit on the fence more.
32:32So, does anyone want to see a car trick?
32:35Say yes, Paul.
32:37There you go.
32:40Not much to it, was there, really?
32:42That's it, the card, the card trick.
32:44But out of 52 cards that I could have pulled out,
32:47I wanted this one anyway.
32:49What's so special about it? What's the trick?
32:515,000 aeroplanes, right now, within four hours.
32:54It's magic, okay?
32:58So, can we play the advert?
33:03The luxurious lifestyle can take its toll.
33:06Hotels to book, drivers to hire,
33:08even yachts to charter,
33:10at any time, day or night.
33:15Well, let us show you a car trick.
33:17Access to 5,000 private jets within four hours' notice,
33:20no hidden charges,
33:22no commitment to flying hours.
33:24Now, that's magic.
33:29Okay, that's our advert.
33:31The most famous magical saying ever is abracadabra.
33:34And with that, something always instantly appears.
33:37Abracadabra, instantly,
33:39250,000 pounds worth of credit for air travel.
33:42Everyone seen the three cups trick?
33:44One cup, nothing there. Two cup, nothing there.
33:46Ours would be third cup, nothing there.
33:48No hidden charges, okay?
33:50Maybe something about the no-quibble service.
33:52So, someone stood there, literally dodging swords, no hassle.
33:57So, I want to ask you a question.
33:59Do you believe in magic?
34:00Because we believe nothing is impossible.
34:03Does anybody have any questions that they'd like to ask me or the team?
34:07Magic, for me, just feels a bit musical.
34:11I'm not quite sure, totally.
34:13It's when you started talking about throwing swords
34:16and it just felt a bit clichéd.
34:20Thanks for your time.
34:21Okay, thank you.
34:24The team step out.
34:27What are your thoughts on this campaign?
34:31Just given the sophistication of the target audience they talked about,
34:34I'm not sure borrowing an end line from Paul Daniels was that wise.
34:40Ruth's team arrives.
34:43On the other team, Manny is the most experienced at presenting,
34:46but Ruth has refused to let him do the pitch.
34:52I made it absolutely clear to Ruth
34:55that I am a complete expert in presenting
34:58and that you just give me something
35:00and I will knock the audience flat with anything you give me.
35:03It's what I do for a living.
35:07If we lose this task,
35:09I think Ruth will have a lot of answering to do.
35:15Manny was an obvious choice to pitch
35:17because he does it in his day job.
35:19Two reasons not for picking him.
35:21Number one, I know in previous tasks
35:24he has made three pitches.
35:26Two have been very poor and one was okay.
35:29And also, it's become apparent in the latter stages
35:32that he's not 100% bought into the idea.
35:37One of the areas that we've picked up is the concierge service.
35:40We've highlighted that because we believe that's a key differentiator
35:43in terms of the service that's going to be offered.
35:46So hopefully you'll see that come across
35:48in terms of the advertising campaign and also the billboard campaign.
35:52Their advert begins.
35:54I'll be there in a few hours.
35:56In fact, that's the concierge now.
36:02A caption on screen.
36:04Access to more than 5,000 aircraft of all sizes worldwide.
36:08Any aircraft, any location, within four hours' notice.
36:12The AMSR Platinum Skycard.
36:14Your gateway to the world's most exclusive private aviation club.
36:19Let the world revolve around you.
36:24You've chosen to concentrate...
36:26You're talking about the concierge service as one of the benefits.
36:29Is that because you think that is the differentiating factor?
36:33That, without a doubt, is one of the unique selling points
36:36because no other service offers it to the extent that AMSR do.
36:40Firstly, I'd like to congratulate you.
36:42You've really, for my money anyway,
36:44really understood the nature of each of the media.
36:47And that's real credit to you, so well done.
36:49Great, okay. Thank you very much.
36:51Thank you very much for your time.
36:54Ruth hugs Sam.
36:56Oh, my God!
37:00We all put it together. We all put it together.
37:03Well done. What a fantastic team.
37:06That was fantastic. I would be absolutely gobsmacked if we didn't win.
37:10So Alan's car pulls up beside a plane.
37:13But there's only one person who decides which team will win.
37:18So Alan takes off in a jet.
37:21On his way to the boardroom,
37:23Sir Alan speaks to Kate and John to get their final views.
37:27Perhaps you'd like to tell me what your findings are.
37:30For us, they showed that they've got an idea with great potential.
37:33That's interesting. Right.
37:35The shift for me is in Paul's technique and delivery.
37:42Which of the two would you say is a better application?
37:45Which of the two would you say is a better advertising campaign?
37:50His plane touches down.
37:54En route, Sir Alan also gets a chance to see the team's work.
38:00The team's billboards are on display.
38:02Sir Alan looks over at them from the window of his car.
38:10He sits back in his seat and considers.
38:16As Sir Alan travels through London,
38:18the teams are waiting outside the boardroom.
38:23Five weeks ago, these ten men and women left their jobs
38:27for a chance to become Sir Alan's apprentice.
38:31Today, one will be sent home.
38:38Dern wipes his eyes.
38:40You can go through to the boardroom now.
38:42They head inside.
38:44Margaret and Nick are sitting on the opposite side of the table.
38:54Sir Alan arrives.
38:59Good morning. Good morning, Sir Alan.
39:03You know that whilst I've listened to what Sarchie's have had to say,
39:08I'm the one that's going to make the ultimate decision.
39:11I've got your videos loaded.
39:13We'll display them on this plasma screen.
39:16Ruth, off you go.
39:22I'll be there in a few hours.
39:24In fact, that's a concierge now.
39:27The AMSR Platinum Skycard,
39:29your gateway to the world's most exclusive private aviation club.
39:33Let the world revolve around you.
39:36Who was the inspiration in your team?
39:40Samuel came up with a vision of exactly what we were going to do with the advert.
39:44Joe came up with a theme of let the world revolve around you.
39:47We were going to do a series called Let the World Revolve Around You.
39:51Joe came up with a vision of exactly what we were going to do with the advert.
39:54Joe came up with a theme of let the world revolve around you.
39:57But it was basically the concierge theme that was all developed by the group.
40:01So you all collectively had a debate based upon my briefing and all that stuff?
40:05Once we'd got the fat fine from the client, yeah.
40:07Right, OK. All right, off you go.
40:09Can you cue the video, please?
40:15The luxurious lifestyle can take its toll.
40:18Hotels to book, drivers to hire,
40:20even yachts to charter at any time, day or night.
40:24Well, let us show you a car trick.
40:26Access to 5,000 private jets within four hours' notice,
40:30no hidden charges, no commitment to flying hours.
40:33Now, that's magic.
40:36What happened on this side, Paul?
40:38Who would you say is responsible for all these tricks?
40:42Not a lot of creative ideas came out on that first day.
40:44The brainstorming, everyone was...
40:46Were you disappointed with your team with the lack of ideas?
40:49I was, to be honest, yeah.
40:51So you're saying that this is really your inspiration, yeah?
40:54It had to be in the end, yeah.
40:56And there'd been no creativity in particular.
40:58You know, Sharon had mentioned that this was her background
41:00and this is what she would love to do and she's been doing this,
41:02she's taught advertising, so I really was relying on some creativity,
41:05which I didn't get.
41:06Really? You've been taught advertising?
41:08No, I've been teaching advertising.
41:10Oh, teaching advertising, right.
41:12I see.
41:16All right, listen, folks.
41:18There's got to be a winner and there's got to be a loser.
41:25The winning team is Paul's team.
41:30Paul buries his face in his hands and breathes a sigh of relief.
41:35I think that his advertising campaign, in some respects,
41:39is mediocre.
41:43But I'm the client and they got nearest to what I'm advertising
41:49and I'm afraid to say that you didn't.
41:56I've got a nice treat lined up for you.
41:58You might know that this week is London Fashion Week.
42:01I've got you pole position seats right on the catwalk
42:04with a champagne reception.
42:07Go off and enjoy yourself. Have fun.
42:10Regretfully, you've lost.
42:12You'll be coming back in the boardroom shortly
42:15to discuss this in much more detail.
42:17As you know, one of you is going to get fired.
42:22Get in! Get in!
42:27Paul's team share a celebratory heart.
42:30Oh, my God, I thought we were dead and buried.
42:33Oh, guys, fucking superstars.
42:37I thought ours was better. I thought theirs was cheap with the magic.
42:40Now that's magic.
42:45Paul and his team are on the road.
42:48On their way to the fashion show,
42:50Paul's team get to see both billboards.
42:53Oh, look! Look! Those are the teams that I'm ad for!
42:57Oh, my God, look at this!
43:01Oh, look at that!
43:03Oh, my God.
43:07Now the teammates are enjoying the fashion show
43:10from their front row seats.
43:14There's no doubt in my mind that I'm going to win it.
43:17I'm definitely going to be his apprentice.
43:19I'm proving that I'm the best.
43:21There's no-one else there can touch me.
43:23Well done, everyone.
43:25Good effort.
43:29That's magic.
43:31That's magic.
43:33Neither of us deserve to lose,
43:35but, unfortunately, it's the way it goes, one of us has to.
43:38I'm just glad it weren't us and we're here sipping champagne instead.
43:41The losing team members are sitting in a cafe.
43:46While Paul's team celebrates,
43:48Ruth's team has time to reflect on what went wrong.
43:54Very disappointed.
43:56Yeah. Shit.
44:02You can lose the task or be beaten,
44:06and I think we were beaten.
44:08It's a tough call to decide who's to blame.
44:12I thought our ad was finished better.
44:16I thought it was more visual as well, but maybe I'm biased.
44:22I didn't think that.
44:26Ruth has made some fundamental errors on this task.
44:29She gets things done, but she doesn't always do the right thing.
44:32I think he's got no option but to fire Ruth.
44:37Ruth and her team wait apprehensively outside the boardroom.
44:43Back at the boardroom, the losers are about to face Sir Alan.
44:50Ruth looks down on her team, sitting in the leather sofas.
44:59Jenny, would you call them in, please?
45:06The team members take their seats opposite Sir Alan.
45:17Sir Alan looks up and down the line of losing candidates
45:20sitting in front of him.
45:22Do me a favour, folks.
45:24Watch my mouth.
45:26A, B, C, D, E...
45:32Am I speaking English?
45:35Good. No, that's good, because for one moment I thought
45:38when we were down there at Stansted I might have been talking in Russian.
45:42What has upset me about this is that the work and the effort did go into it,
45:48but you advertised the wrong product.
45:50What you're effectively advertising is the private jet service.
45:55Your whole campaign, to me, is talking about concierge service,
45:59service and service and service.
46:01You're selling an airline service, and it's got really nothing at all
46:05to do with what this card was supposed to offer.
46:09As I told you at Stansted, this card benefits the customers
46:13that normally use this kind of service.
46:16It would ring their bells if they knew that there was a card
46:19which would be a no-quibble way of accepting a booking for a flight.
46:23That's the point.
46:26I just will, while you're here, just for your benefit,
46:28critique a little bit some of the stuff that you've done.
46:30And let's run this TV advert again.
46:35I'll be there in a few hours.
46:37In fact, that's a concierge now.
46:40A look of a mild disappointment.
46:42In fact, that's a concierge now.
46:45A look of a mild disgust appears on Sir Alan's face
46:48as he watches the screen.
46:59The AMSR Platinum Sky Card.
47:01Your gateway to the world's most exclusive private aviation club.
47:05Let the world revolve around you.
47:09I did have a preview of that tape before.
47:11Nick actually gave it to me.
47:12When I first watched it, I thought he'd mixed it up
47:14with one of his other videos.
47:16To me, that looks like a 1970s porno movie,
47:18Debbie Does Dallas.
47:24Do you recognise that you have advertised
47:27the wrong feature of AMSR?
47:30Right, OK, good.
47:31And so, please, as the team leader,
47:33now tell me where it went wrong.
47:36OK, it went wrong at the Fat Fine stage.
47:40The message came back loud and clear
47:42that the concierge, when the guys went away,
47:44it did, sorry, Manny, it did very clearly.
47:46Not from me.
47:47I'm sorry, it did very clearly.
47:48I've been against it all the time.
47:49And that's why we drove the creative process along those lines.
47:51Manny, Manny, we had a number of points,
47:53but we did put the concierge in.
47:55I didn't.
47:56Manny, you did.
47:57I did not prioritise concierge.
47:59Let me just tell you, I was at the meeting,
48:01when they gave 14 points, key points.
48:04The 14th was a reference to the concierge.
48:07Yeah, maybe a fairway line.
48:08Oh, by the way, it does that also, just like...
48:10It's the 14th point.
48:11Just like on this...
48:12I've got them here.
48:13OK, Manny come back, and the statement that was made,
48:15and we all went, yeah, that's right, was the word...
48:17Not by me.
48:18I've not mentioned concierge at all.
48:21I'm thinking that what's gone wrong here
48:23is that we've had the wrong information
48:26either fed to the group or the group as a whole
48:30has gone in the wrong direction.
48:33Manny nods gently.
48:38You know what you've got to do now.
48:39I do.
48:40You know that one of you is going to get fired here.
48:42You know that you've got to bring two people
48:44back into this ballroom with you.
48:48So, you call it.
48:49Who's coming back in the ballroom?
48:50Manny and Joe.
48:54You two go back to the house.
48:55You three, I'll call you back in here later.
48:57The team members file out of the boardroom.
49:04Joe and Samuel share a hug.
49:08Cheers, lads.
49:11Take it easy.
49:14Surprise, surprise.
49:15Hello, lads.
49:20Joe's pacing the floor whilst Manny stares at him.
49:24Joe's pacing the floor whilst Manny stares into space.
49:32Nick to Sir Alan and Margaret.
49:35The guys that went to the briefing misled the rest of the team
49:38and from then on it was a disaster
49:40because they were tearing off down the wrong way.
49:42Well, she's let Ansel go.
49:43Yeah, why has she let Ansel go?
49:48Well, OK.
49:54Jenny, send the three of them in, please.
49:57Ruth, Joe and Manny head back into the boardroom.
50:04Ruth, why Joe?
50:07Because, to me, Manny and Ansel were the ones that people are saying
50:11came back and briefed them with the wrong thing.
50:13So, why Joe?
50:14During this test, this is the best test that I've seen Joe perform on,
50:17but she made knee-jerk reactions and knee-jerk decisions.
50:22You know, I've got no problem with people questioning
50:24or people saying, I don't like that,
50:26but to then say, there's a problem but this is the solution,
50:29but then to just go, actually, I don't like that and there's the problem,
50:32that's not going to benefit the team in that short time span.
50:34Sir Alan, that's a natural process that, you know, at the end of the day,
50:37I'm in here to make sure that we get the best ad campaign, OK?
50:40So, if there's some deliberation in my mind
50:42about questioning some of the decisions we made,
50:44I'll do it until I'm absolutely convinced that we've got the right thing.
50:47Let's have a break here.
50:50Manny, who, and I use this word in the politest manner,
50:54boasts on his CV about presenting himself in front of ego-crazed people,
51:00knows how to control them,
51:02helps arrive at a consensus of how to approach a business challenge.
51:06Now, did you help arrive at a consensus
51:09of how to approach the business challenge here?
51:12Tried many times, Sir Alan.
51:13Tried, and what happened then? You got suppressed by your team?
51:15Well, no, I mean, Ruth is a fairly autocratic manager.
51:19She gets things done.
51:20Sorry, put that in planning.
51:21Can I finish?
51:22Don't get aggressive.
51:23Just let me finish.
51:24Tell me what you mean by autocratic.
51:25If she's given a deadline, well, look in the dictionary, I've not time for this.
51:28If she's given a deadline, she will get it done.
51:31She'll get it done in the deadline.
51:33However, she's made some fundamental, massive mistakes on decisions on this task.
51:38She has?
51:39For sure.
51:40Well, you came back from the briefing
51:42and you made the fundamental error, as far as I'm concerned,
51:45in letting this lot go off on a wild goose chase
51:48advertising something that I didn't ask you to advertise.
51:51From talking with Daniel and Philip, it was clear to me
51:54that the key point here is that this is a win-win for both Amser...
51:58Oh, too late now, mate.
51:59Too late now. The photograph's been done and the TV advert's been done.
52:02And consistently, throughout these two days, and it's written on my work,
52:07I saw this as an analogy.
52:09It's like a concierge.
52:11I'm the only one who seemed to understand.
52:14You never got that point across in the group.
52:16It's on the...
52:18Can I just ask you a question?
52:20You said that I made fundamental errors in the decisions.
52:23The group actually made the decisions all the way around.
52:26I went to every single person and said,
52:28do you agree, do you agree, do you agree, do you agree?
52:31If you haven't got, and to put it politely, the balls to actually say,
52:35actually, no, I don't agree, and take some accountability for what you're saying,
52:38which in all the tasks I've been with you, you don't take accountability,
52:42you don't come across and say, actually, I disagree with that.
52:45You do sit on the back burner.
52:47Let me give you an example of the way Ruth makes decisions.
52:50We were trying to decide who should present.
52:52And I am a world-class presenter.
52:54I haven't been given an opportunity to show that.
52:57The thing is, Manny, is that when I first came across you,
53:00you gave the impression that you do this presenting for a profession,
53:04and yet they haven't chosen you as the presenter.
53:09It appears to me that they didn't have the confidence in you.
53:12Four weeks ago, in your first team, I had people like you calling in the anchor.
53:17And isn't it funny? Five weeks later, our time can change.
53:20You seem to have gone from anchor to wanker.
53:23But, Sir Alan...
53:24Manny, why do I get the feeling that you're very good when it comes to, you know,
53:28saving your own neck? You know what I mean?
53:30Well, I have to. Look at me. I've got no choice.
53:32Yeah, but, I mean, who then out of these three here should go, if it's not you?
53:36Well, it certainly shouldn't be Ruth. I mean, ultimately, she's made the decisions.
53:40Ruth, I want to hear from you why you think that the actual going off the rails, so to speak,
53:46wasn't your fault as the team leader.
53:49Right, number one, I wasn't at the fact find. I sent two people...
53:52It's not the point. As a manager, you send out your troops into the field,
53:56they come back, and you might be saying to them what I'm saying to you now.
53:59What the bloody hell was you doing for the last two hours?
54:02Because don't start telling me about concierges and service and all this nonsense.
54:07This is not what Sir Alan wants me to advertise.
54:10They actually came back, and the first point that money raised was the concierges.
54:14I didn't. I did not.
54:16So he thinks you should go. Who do you think should go out of this lot?
54:19To my mind, there's managers in life that bring out the best in people,
54:22and there's managers that either quash people or don't let them have the say.
54:30Here it is. Joe, I've got a very, very, very serious problem with you.
54:35You have been in this room how many times?
54:39And I'm...
54:40Three times in the past five weeks, OK?
54:42Look, Joe, I'm sorry. There's that message there to me that is causing me a lot of concern.
54:49The other side of my concern is you, Manny.
54:52My concern's about whether really you are my man.
54:58Also causing me a concern is about you, Ruth,
55:01is that whether you should be held responsible for the fatal error in this thing.
55:10I've come to the conclusion out of all three of you that, Manny, you're fired.
55:19Ruth, Joe and Manny get to their feet and head out.
55:22Ruth puffs out her cheeks in relief, and Joe and Manny embrace.
55:28Take care.
55:29You'd better look after yourself. Don't get yourself in there again.
55:37Manny takes his luggage and walks out.
55:45Doormen open a pair of glass doors, and Manny meets a waiting taxi.
55:57He opens the door and climbs inside.
56:04I don't think Sir Alan has seen the best of me. I haven't peaked yet.
56:07I haven't really shown what I'm capable of.
56:12You win some, you lose some, so it just hasn't rolled my way on this occasion.
56:18The taxi heads through the London streets.
56:22One job. Now nine candidates.
56:26Sir Alan's search for an apprentice continues.