• last week


00:00Previously on The Apprentice.
00:14All these great inventions started out as someone's crazy idea.
00:19First they picked products of the future.
00:23Then had to sell them to trade.
00:24Evermoreness is the best thing I've seen today.
00:27Team leader Chris charmed his way to a hot property.
00:33While pitching it, Liz kept her cool.
00:35This is a fantastic opportunity for you guys to take the lead in something which is so
00:42But the scramble for sales...
00:43Orders are orders and they're in your book, okay?
00:45...tipped the rest of his team into turmoil.
00:47I just basically closed that deal.
00:50You didn't.
00:52Running the other team, Jamie bet on hardware.
00:55Our company has ambitions and our ambition is to be your supplier.
01:00But couldn't control Melissa.
01:01We don't sell garden tools.
01:03If you were looking to launch yourselves into that market...
01:07We're not.
01:08In the boardroom, sales mounted for both teams.
01:1210,000 baby grows, that'll be £99,000.
01:17But Chris came out on top.
01:20That is a record for this boardroom.
01:23For Melissa, the future looked dark.
01:25The feedback I had is that you were very annoying.
01:30She became the fourth casualty of the boardroom.
01:33You are not performing in the way that you claim that you can.
01:37You're fired.
01:38Well done, ganging up on me.
01:41Horrible people.
01:42Now 11 remain to fight for the chance to become the apprentice.
02:01Stella speaking.
02:02Hello, this is Lord Sugar's office.
02:04Lord Sugar would like you to meet him at the Fashion Retail Academy.
02:07You must pack an overnight bag.
02:08The cars will pick you up in 45 minutes.
02:13Fashion Retail Academy.
02:15Pack an overnight bag.
02:17Oh, fab.
02:18OK, cool.
02:19How exciting.
02:20It's our first little road trip.
02:22First fashion Milan, something like that.
02:24My wife would be pissed off if I was going to Paris.
02:27Oh, that's so ridiculously optimistic.
02:457am, London's Fashion Retail Academy,
02:48where fashion-conscious youngsters learn to turn rags into riches.
02:53Fashion is the most boring thing in the whole world.
02:55It does nothing for me at all.
02:57And the fact that you can sell a piece of £2 worth of cotton
03:00for £100 plus, it's like selling magic beans.
03:10Good morning.
03:11Good morning, Lord Sugar.
03:13Now, London is one of the most fashionable cities in the world
03:17and a hotbed of talent for young, up-and-coming designers.
03:22And so this next task is selling the collections
03:25of some of these young designers to the public.
03:29Now, tomorrow, I'm giving you each a prime retail space
03:32in the Trafford Centre in Manchester.
03:35You're going to stock your shop with two fashion labels
03:38that you think are going to sell to the mass market in Manchester.
03:43The team that makes the most amount of money in sales is going to win,
03:47and the team that doesn't will lose,
03:49and in that team, one of you will get fired.
03:53Now, because this is a fashion task,
03:56I'm kind of looking around, trying to be a bit fair here.
04:00I'm going to sort the teams around a little bit.
04:02So, Liz, come over to this team here.
04:08And Stuart, you pop over to this team.
04:12Liz, you're going to be the team leader of Synergy.
04:15And Paloma, you're going to be the team leader of Apollo.
04:19Everything clear?
04:21Yes, sir.
04:25The Trafford Centre, Manchester.
04:28With over 230 stores, it attracts over half a million shoppers a week
04:34and even boasts its own TV channel.
04:37Tomorrow, each team will get an empty retail unit
04:40where they must open their own fashion boutique.
04:43Today, they must decide what to sell.
04:47For project manager Paloma, it's straight down to business.
04:51So, who is a fashionista here?
04:54I'm looking at you two ladies.
04:56What about you, James? I love it.
04:57I'm a retail guru, Paloma.
04:59My background is obviously marketing, advertising, PR,
05:02but also a very famous professor of retailing, taught me retailing.
05:07Hopefully, I can add some sort of retail inspiration here.
05:10I love retailing.
05:11I intend to make millions in the future out of retailing,
05:14so this is the perfect territory for me.
05:16Retail is all about creating, like, a hive of honey
05:20and getting people to the honeypot.
05:22People buy with their eyes.
05:24It's all about seduction, retail seduction.
05:26OK, fashion labels.
05:28Leading the other team, investment banker Liz.
05:32There's some really different stuff here.
05:33Like, we've got recycled clothing, we've got vintage clothing.
05:37You know, we've got a real good selection here.
05:39I absolutely love fashion.
05:40For me, clothing is a big part of my personality.
05:43However, retail is very difficult.
05:46I'd much rather be buying the clothes than selling them.
05:48I just don't do fashion.
05:51My wife buys my clothes for me.
05:53OK, the most important thing from the last task that we learned
05:56is be professional, be interested, love the product,
05:59even if you don't love the product,
06:01and just make sure you get home the point
06:03that we want to represent them.
06:04I'm just going to have a look at the map to see where we are,
06:06because we're positioned...
06:08Team Apollo, 122 Regent's Crescent.
06:10Ah, OK.
06:12Retail spaces have been allocated,
06:14but each team can pick a separate promotional area.
06:18I used to work at the Trafford Centre, actually,
06:20so I know it by the back of my hand.
06:21From real experience, I know that point there,
06:25it's close to where their store's going to be,
06:27and it's always a hive of activity.
06:30So if we can get Central Peel Square,
06:31it's definitely, definitely the place to be.
06:35Hi, this is Team Apollo.
06:37If we can have a promo area at Central Peel Square,
06:41that would be our preference, that's Central Peel Square.
06:44And your name, please?
06:44My name is Alex.
06:46I'm absolutely blessed that Alex has lived in Manchester
06:49and has worked at that shopping centre before.
06:51I personally have never been to Manchester,
06:52so I think having that on-ground knowledge
06:54is going to be so beneficial for us.
06:55I'm so confident, I'm so pumped up.
06:58I can't wait.
07:01Armed with a list of up-and-coming fashion designers,
07:04both teams split up.
07:07I'm not a big knowledge of Manchester.
07:11Every time I go up there,
07:12I always just feel that I've gone back
07:14a couple of years in London.
07:18I don't want to offend the Mancunians,
07:19but they're always a step behind Londoners.
07:22Because, no, no, you go to clubs in Manchester,
07:24you still have to wear shoes.
07:29First stop for Paloma's team,
07:30funky streetwear brand, Cassette Player.
07:33We call the brand Future Primitive,
07:36because it's always very tribal influences
07:40and always very sci-fi, very future,
07:43very graphic, very cartoon.
07:47That's going to be coming on for grand retail.
07:51Oh, okay.
07:52If we could sum up your vision,
07:54how would we sell that?
07:55Two, three words would represent just you.
07:58So, Future Primitive,
08:00cartoon couture,
08:03and luxury streetwear.
08:08Personally, on the street,
08:09I wouldn't wear any of that stuff.
08:11Our best seller is the ribbon dress there.
08:15Oh, goodness, that's lovely. Beautiful.
08:17Can we have a 12?
08:17Oh, wow, it's got a big zip.
08:19Liz and her team check out upmarket label, EG.
08:24What's your range range?
08:25What type of girl are you marketing these clothes to?
08:27It's the affluent, strong, powerful,
08:31but sexy and feminine woman,
08:33you know, all wrapped up into this sexy parcel.
08:35It's brilliant.
08:36Where does the pricing start and sort of finish?
08:39Prices range up to around 450 pounds
08:41for the sleeveless jacket at the end there.
08:43How much are we?
08:44Yeah, we just went to the luxury women's wear.
08:47The stuff is amazing, beautiful.
08:48I mean, it would sell itself,
08:50but the problem is it comes with a designer price tag,
08:52which for me, you know, the price is a huge concern.
08:56We need to keep an eye on the price.
08:57Low end, I agree.
08:58Under a hundred pounds is our ideal.
09:00We'll have a two-week after.
09:02Yeah, good luck.
09:04With project manager Liz going for a budget boutique,
09:07Age before beauty.
09:09Absolutely, sorry.
09:10Jamie and Stella hit their next appointment.
09:13This is a very much vintage-inspired product,
09:17just off the high street in terms of price point.
09:20Oh, I love that.
09:21Really great color.
09:22We was out looking to find something like this,
09:24so I'm very excited.
09:26You know, the price range, the style,
09:29everything, it's really, really good.
09:30Ethos and what have you, yeah.
09:32Vintage label in the back.
09:35Onwards and upwards.
09:36Silk dresses like this one will be 55.
09:39Again, that's very affordable.
09:40Nice and affordable, yeah, absolutely.
09:42And then the max will be around 65.
09:44Also chasing low-cost labels,
09:46the other team drop in on max C.
09:49I don't think there's any question whether or not
09:50we'll be looking at this brand, it's completely for us.
09:54Alex is our retail guru.
09:55He knows Manchester very well,
09:56and we've got the absolute prime spot here.
09:59Yeah, we've actually got a promo area
10:01in one of the highest footfall areas in the shopping center.
10:04So this is going to be a great opportunity
10:06to really spread the word about this fantastic brand.
10:10Thanks so much.
10:11Yeah, we look forward to doing business with you.
10:12We look forward to it.
10:13Thank you very much indeed.
10:14Agreed, a budget range for Paloma.
10:16What's the herbs?
10:18The clothes are great.
10:19It's exactly what we thought it would be,
10:20you know, the young contemporary.
10:21The right price point.
10:22Yeah, they've got the right prices.
10:24So that's a really, really good meeting.
10:26So guys, we're on our way to see now Licorice,
10:29which I know that we all talked about
10:31being one of our favorites.
10:32Oh yeah, absolutely.
10:34But the trendy brand of sparkly party dresses
10:37has also caught the eye of Liz's team.
10:39This is sequin pieces.
10:41Oh wow.
10:42They're all silk and beaded.
10:46Can I try them on?
10:47Yeah, sure, let me try them on.
10:47I love that.
10:48I'd love to try one on.
10:49This is the winner.
10:50I love that.
10:51Oh wow.
10:52Almost worn in the office,
10:53because that looks nice with what you're wearing
10:55at the moment.
10:57I love it.
10:57It's really soft, actually.
10:58And also, we're targeting the kind of younger,
11:00who wants fabulous dresses to wear on a night out.
11:02We've kind of given you a bit of a party package.
11:05It's all the sequins.
11:06I can't believe how affordable it is, actually.
11:08I couldn't think of anything that would go down better
11:10than your range, to be honest.
11:12We'd absolutely love to represent you.
11:14Of course.
11:14Well, thank you.
11:15Thanks for coming.
11:16Absolute pleasure.
11:17It's expensive.
11:18It was the price.
11:19It looked really expensive.
11:19The price, and actually the quality of it
11:20was just really good quality.
11:21You've got to think, if you're going in there,
11:22and you pick up one of them sequin jackets,
11:23you wouldn't think twice about paying
11:26I agree.
11:26And so, it's easy to sell.
11:27Come on.
11:29I hope they liked us.
11:31Next, to check out the sparkly dresses, Paloma's team.
11:35We have some sequin pieces.
11:36They're all silk and hand-beaded.
11:39And a couple of printed dresses.
11:41This piece here was picked out by Pink.
11:45Young, girly, fun.
11:48Definitely fashion-forward.
11:51This one's from last season.
11:53This was the one that was snapped up by Pixie Geldof,
11:55which say she was very much a licorice girl.
11:59Right, so.
12:00Might be worth you actually having a little try on.
12:03These do.
12:04The clothes look so much better on.
12:05I mean, this is a little biker jacket.
12:07That's awesome.
12:08It looks great on you.
12:10Kind of young.
12:11What are the sort of price at, retail?
12:14There are some pieces here going £70 to £85.
12:18We'll be in touch.
12:20We'll be in dialogue today
12:21and wait to hear back from you.
12:25I love that collection.
12:26It's amazing.
12:27It's lovely.
12:27You can buy every piece probably.
12:28Every piece.
12:30To be fair, I think that the other team
12:31will go for this one as well.
12:33Yeah, probably.
12:34Do you think we've done enough to convince them
12:35that they should go with us?
12:36Well, I think so.
12:37What more could we have done?
12:38What more could we have done?
12:39Don't be cocky.
12:39I know.
12:40Don't jinx it.
12:41No, no, no.
12:42I'm not jinxing it.
12:43I'm not tempting fate.
12:45Both teams want the sparkly dresses.
12:48So, the designer will decide.
12:51Yeah, hi there, Emma.
12:52It's Paloma calling from Apollo.
13:04Oh, that's a real shame.
13:13That's a tough one.
13:15So, we didn't get licorice.
13:19The decision for them was really based on,
13:20you know, Liz could resonate a lot better
13:22with the clientele.
13:23So, that was the decision.
13:25So, anyway, let's talk soon, huh?
13:30Do you think they've made a mess of the licorice pitch?
13:33It's left it.
13:35We haven't got it, have we?
13:38In need of a replacement, Paloma's next stop,
13:41eco-friendly fashion label,
13:43Eco-friendly fashion label, Junkie.
13:46We're the absolute opposite to fast, disposable fashion.
13:50We recycle everything.
13:51I think it's commonly known now as upcycling.
13:54Topping 300 pounds for one garment,
13:57they turn old business wear into high fashion.
14:00Goes well with the lipstick, doesn't it?
14:04I feel really stylish in this, too.
14:05It's great.
14:06And I mean, this retails at 100?
14:08These are, we've joined the sleeves together
14:10from the jacket.
14:11They're pretty good, I guess.
14:12I love it.
14:14What do you think, Karen?
14:15It puts a different spin on a traditional vest.
14:17Very nice.
14:17You know, let's say you had a big meeting or something,
14:19but you wanted to be a bit different.
14:21You could zip this hood off.
14:24Look at that, it's a whole new look.
14:25That's awesome, actually.
14:26I think it's absolutely amazing.
14:27It makes it a bit more, as you say, corporate.
14:29Yeah, that's very, very cool.
14:32Guys, that just completely exceeded my expectations.
14:35I thought it was awesome.
14:35I'm really, really glad to actually get rid of that.
14:38I would totally wear that.
14:39I would wear that.
14:427 p.m., the team's head north.
14:47Those spangly dresses,
14:49when you put them on a mannequin in the window,
14:51they're just gonna like, be bam.
14:54Alex, quick question for you.
14:55We're just looking at the promotional area
14:57that we've secured,
14:58or that you secured earlier this morning.
14:59Central Peel Square, and that's below where their store is.
15:03It'll be an opportunity to sort of steal their thunder,
15:06if you like.
15:06Okay, Alex, I tend to disagree.
15:08You know, my initial reaction was that it didn't make sense
15:10to have promotional activity right outside our competitors.
15:14I know Central Peel Square, you know, is a prime location.
15:16It's one of the busiest sort of thoroughfares
15:20in this sort of center,
15:21and hence, you know, it would be a great place to be.
15:24All right, Alex, I can only take your word for this,
15:26because you are the expert in that mall,
15:27and you've worked there before,
15:29and you know it inside out.
15:33Might've been an error on Alex's part there.
15:38So, she's just completely put the spanner on you then, hasn't she?
15:41No, what she's done is highlighted the fact that you've made a mistake,
15:45so that she can blame you if anything goes wrong with the element now.
15:49So, just be wary of that, yeah?
16:01Before turning in for the night,
16:03a chance to check out their fashion choices.
16:05This is all made from recycled, feel this, recycled suits.
16:09Every single item is always unique to every single one, so...
16:11I suppose it depends who's died that week, really,
16:13doesn't it, so they can get on the show.
16:14It's not how I imagined.
16:15Look at this, that's how they do.
16:16Hang on, what does that say on the label?
16:17No less than 300, bloody hell.
16:19I mean, look, that's all made out of cuffs, isn't it cool?
16:21A dress is never worth 300 quid.
16:24Recycled clothing, you know, just, oh, isn't that what tramps do?
16:28I'm not convinced it's the way forward, actually.
16:35Saturday, the Trafford Centre, two hours before doors open.
16:43Oh, fabulous.
16:45Oh, wow!
16:47Oh, brilliant.
16:49I like it.
16:51Bloody hell.
16:53I like it.
16:55OK, so, before ten o'clock, as I see it,
16:57these are the things that need to be done.
16:59So, we're going to have a look at some of the things
17:01that are going to be done.
17:02We're going to have a look at some of the things
17:04that are going to be done.
17:05These are the things that need to be done.
17:07Paloma has branded her boutique WUM.
17:09When people walk into a shop, they immediately walk in
17:12and they turn to the right.
17:14Do they? Yes. OK.
17:16Men's there, women's here. But men's...
17:18No, but hang on, there's more shop space here.
17:20Just pop these out. That's it.
17:22Also taking shape, Liz's shop, The Collection.
17:26We need one of the sparkly ones in the window, to be honest.
17:29I want one of each range.
17:30You've got to be careful it don't look like a jumble sale.
17:33Stupid, cos that over there looks like a grandma's shop.
17:38Oh, shit!
17:42Oh, no.
17:43Right, who's got the time, please? Anyone?
17:45Yeah, it's ten minutes till store's open.
17:47OK, come out, show us.
17:51God, I can't believe I'm wearing this.
17:54Guys, enough with the back chat, all right?
17:56I think you look good. Yes, it's all right.
17:58You look quite gritty. You look very warm.
18:00It's a bit of a winter piece, I'd say.
18:02Whereas mine really has no time wear because it has a hood and it's a suit jacket.
18:12The shop is now officially open. Is it?
18:14So we are waiting for customers, I think.
18:16Hi, there. We're here for one day only.
18:18Brought London labels to Manchester. Please have a look.
18:21The bigger ones are 40, but the smaller ones are 35.
18:24Apollo's shop looks really good.
18:26It looks like a proper boutique. It fits in well with the environment.
18:30And actually looks like a proper enterprise.
18:32They're here to do business and it looks like it.
18:34Hello, I've got something I really must share with you.
18:36What's that?
18:37But the team's retail expert, Alex, spots a problem.
18:41From here, and I'm being really honest with you,
18:43it looks like an empty shop. It looks like a shop with no merchandise.
18:46So what do you suggest?
18:47From here, we need people to be able to see the racks of clothing.
18:51Alex, I need solutions, OK?
18:54The thing is, we're a clothes retail.
18:56If people can't see them, they're not going to...
18:58Then they block the whole store off.
19:00We're going to have to rearrange it slightly.
19:02Guys, can I just say something?
19:04Let's focus on getting customers in and we can worry about that later.
19:07Customers will only come in if they can see merchandise.
19:09Alex, I don't want to intellectualise the layout.
19:11Let's just get customers in and then we can move it accordingly.
19:14We're going to struggle to bring people in if people can't see the merchandise.
19:18Alex is really doing my head in.
19:20I think he's wasting his time and our time trying to reorganise the shop,
19:25when actually he should be helping us drive in traffic and make some sales.
19:28I'm finding him a bit of a liability at the moment.
19:31People will only come in if they can see merchandise.
19:34There's merchandise.
19:36The floors are filling, but at the collection, Liz still isn't ready.
19:40Stella, can you...
19:42What's the deal, Liz?
19:45And an unopened shop prompts a visit from the centre's manager.
19:49How can I help?
19:51It's now 20 to 11. The store should be open by now.
19:55Every other store in the centre is open.
19:57Apologies for that. Let's get it done.
19:59Come and have a look round, guys.
20:01Actually, do you know what? I'd buy this. Would you?
20:04It's nice.
20:05A wee bit short, but...
20:06Very nice.
20:08You're going to have to whip your bra up.
20:10I'll just lay your dresses out for you here.
20:12Please feel free to take a seat and it'll be ready in just two seconds for you.
20:15Paloma's one store. Business is brisk.
20:19That's lovely.
20:21Laura pushes their low-budget, high-street dresses to younger customers.
20:25Wow. Look at you guys. Beautiful.
20:28Is that OK?
20:29See if I can find you a changing room as soon as possible.
20:31Wow. Holy smokes. Look at that.
20:35Focusing on the pricier recycled range, Paloma...
20:39This is all made out of old ties.
20:41..and Chris.
20:42Wow, that looks amazing.
20:44And that's all got boning. Look at that.
20:46It looks like it was built for each of us. It's fantastic.
20:49It really shapes your figure well.
20:51I really like it. I think it looks fantastic.
20:54Very imaginative.
20:56But at £300, no-one's buying.
21:00Just going to flip out in a minute.
21:02I'm getting the feeling that it's just too expensive.
21:08Madam, would you like to have a look at our clothing range?
21:10We're here for one day only. They're from London.
21:13Over at the collection, the celebrity party dresses
21:16are failing to spark the expected interest.
21:19Oh, my God.
21:21What am I actually supposed to do when I'm in here?
21:26Just wave at people, smile, laugh, joke.
21:29Be creative, Stella.
21:31Come in, girls.
21:33Come in, come in.
21:34Guys, come in and have a look. We're here for one day only.
21:36I mean, this looks really good on.
21:38And if you're in it somewhere with, like, nice spotlights
21:40and a candlelight, it looks fantastic.
21:42Well, am I supposed to just sit here looking beautiful?
21:45Behind me, you can see Stella
21:47wearing a very short sequined emerald green dress,
21:51waving at people from a window.
21:55Amsterdam? Maybe. But not in Manchester.
22:00More conventional, on the floor directly below her shop,
22:03Liz's promotional stand.
22:05Excuse me, guys, can I just give you a quick leaflet
22:07about one of our stores upstairs?
22:09It's only 50 yards away. It's well worth a look.
22:11It's that way.
22:12Hey, guys, come in.
22:14Take a look around.
22:15Just up the top of the shopping mall up here.
22:17Do you want to try one on?
22:18If you don't mind taking a seat for a couple of minutes,
22:20then we'll get you in as quick as possible.
22:23Brilliant. Thank you very much.
22:27On the other team, Chris and Laura are on the hunt
22:30for Alex's promotional stand.
22:32How far away is it?
22:33It's, like, a ten-minute walk away.
22:35On the other side of one of Europe's largest shopping centres.
22:39This is pointless. We can't send people and say,
22:41by the way, there's a ten-mile walk up there.
22:43There's a really good shop you should visit.
22:45No, no, he's a complete muppet. I don't know why he's...
22:47Like, we can't. No, seriously.
22:48Ours is another mile down here. Oh, my God.
22:51He really screwed this up.
22:53No way.
22:55That's our stand.
22:56Oh, crap. We're screwed.
23:00Alex, Alex, what have you done?
23:02It's a bit of a cop-out, this one.
23:04No, Alex has balls up quite a lot in this task, I think.
23:07Where else have you done that? Apparently.
23:09Oh. I don't know.
23:11Hi, girls. Hello.
23:14Alex claims to be an expert on retailing,
23:16but actually, you know, he's chosen the wrong location
23:18for the promotional area.
23:20You know, I entrusted him with that because apparently
23:22he had worked here at the Trafford Centre,
23:24he's from Manchester, and he assured us that he knew
23:26what he was talking about.
23:27But I'm really finding him a hindrance.
23:29Let's see if I can attract some of his attention.
23:32Hi, guys.
23:33Exclusive designers for one day only.
23:36Check it out.
23:37Do you like this dress?
23:39Hi, guys. What do you think of this jumper?
23:41Do you like this?
23:42Not really.
23:43Well, have a look at the store.
23:44Like I say, it's upstairs, on the upper mall,
23:47all the way to the other side towards Debenhams,
23:49opposite French Connection.
23:50It's just on your right-hand side, next to Accessorize.
23:52Have a look.
23:54How about we tell people our store opened today
23:56and we've got Fern Cotton and Alicia Dixon in the store?
23:59Because that's a lie.
24:01Surely we could be doing a lot more to generate excitement.
24:04Let me have a look into that, maybe.
24:09Come in.
24:10We're basically representing two fashion designers
24:12with some really nice gear here.
24:13You have a look, and I'll leave you to it.
24:15And, Mum, what about you?
24:16Are you going to spoil yourself today?
24:18At the collection, attracting the over-30s,
24:21their vintage-inspired range.
24:23Wear it over jeans.
24:26Spoil yourself. Have it. Get it.
24:27Are you a big dancing queen? Do you go out at all?
24:30All the time.
24:31All the time? Well, there you go, then.
24:33While younger customers go for the glitter.
24:35What do you reckon?
24:37I think that's got your name all over it.
24:40Charming my mum.
24:42I think Synergy's got its product mix absolutely right.
24:45They're attracting young girls shopping
24:48for their Saturday night out for glitzy dresses,
24:52and I think they're on song.
24:54Have a great day. You can take that one.
24:56All right, cheers.
24:57Upstairs on Peel Avenue, we have got a unique fashion store
25:01that's here for one day only.
25:03Paloma's One Store.
25:05From marketing man Alex, another idea.
25:08A commercial on Trafford Centre TV.
25:11This is really exciting. You're here for just one day only.
25:13It's very exciting, and it says it in our name. We are one.
25:16I spoke to one of the centre managers
25:18to see if they can give us any sort of promotional opportunity,
25:21and I secured a slot for a promotional video
25:24to be played on the big screen where the food court is,
25:26so that's a great piece of publicity for us.
25:29Every single piece in this range is made from recycled fabrics.
25:33The ad will play every 15 minutes for the rest of the afternoon.
25:37Make sure you visit one upstairs on Peel Avenue today only.
25:48Peak time.
25:50Both teams push for sales.
25:55I don't speak very well, only a little.
25:57I don't believe that you wouldn't have maybe a little bit more than 40 in the bank.
26:01Probably maybe even just creep into the overdraft or something, you know.
26:05The store's called The Collection. It's just up there.
26:07It's on the first floor. Hi, girls.
26:09You're going to go for the green one? Yeah.
26:11Really gorgeous.
26:13Something a bit more sequin-y.
26:15OK, nice front. Black leggings underneath.
26:17Or actually, either of them. You could go with nothing underneath.
26:21No leggings or jeans.
26:24Given that the promotional area that we had has just been absolutely rubbish for us this morning,
26:28we've really got to start shifting the recycled gear.
26:31Come on, let's go.
26:32There we go, sir.
26:34I think the zip adds to the detail on the garment.
26:37It's a lot I want to spend on a waistcoat.
26:39Do you know what, though? It's 100% wool.
26:41I know. It's 100% wool.
26:43I mean, it's a suit jacket, essentially, but with a built-in hoodie.
26:46I mean, that looks hot. That's smoking.
26:48That's totally smoking.
26:50I'll walk around there and I'll think about it.
26:52I'll be chasing you. Thanks, mate.
26:54All right, take care.
26:56Well, you know, you win some, you lose some.
27:01Upstairs is a brand-new store, and it's here at the Trafford Centre for one day only.
27:05I'm going to go and find out what it's all about.
27:08At the food court, the commercial.
27:10This is really exciting. You're here for just one day only.
27:13It's very exciting, and it says it in our name. We are one.
27:16We've got some beautiful men's jackets that are made from a suit material.
27:19Oh, no. Oh, no.
27:25I love it.
27:26We need to get selling, sod this. Let's get a move on.
27:29Get down here quickly if you want to have a look.
27:31Come on, let's get selling.
27:33It's unique fashion, and it's here for one day only.
27:43Back at the one store, Chris has a potential taker for the dress made from old ties.
27:53It's pretty amazing, eh?
27:56As we say with all of these stuff, it looks so much better when it's on than it does in the hanger, you know?
28:02It looks very nice, doesn't she?
28:06She'll fall asleep in your dress as well.
28:10It's a duvet.
28:13If it's something you actually do think you'll want, my advice would be probably try and take it now.
28:19The thing is, you will be the only person who ever wears this dress.
28:23Well, yeah.
28:24Because no one else is meant to wear it today.
28:26No, not at all.
28:27You're not the first person to try it on today.
28:30You are the person who's looked best in it, I'll have to say.
28:34Okay, yeah.
28:35Yeah? Brilliant.
28:36How's that?
28:39You're taking it?
28:40That's £599, yeah.
28:44Where's the price list on that?
28:46That's £300 for that one.
28:50It's gorgeous.
28:52Well done.
28:54It's brilliant.
28:55There you go, there's a little carry. There we go.
29:00Chris, you're not just a pretty face, mate.
29:03You're a good salesman too.
29:04£478 in one sale, that's the amount.
29:06And I don't know if you remember, but I was also a winning PM from last week.
29:16The collection.
29:18What's going on?
29:20What's going on?
29:22The sparkle has faded, and so have the customers.
29:26Come on, ladies, do you want to come and have a look, see what we've got?
29:28We've got some totally fresh new lines.
29:30The other team, Apollo, snatched the promotional opportunity to have their video shown on the Jumbotron.
29:39What a lovely thing to happen.
29:41Thousands of people saw it.
29:42What have we done?
29:43What have we done?
29:44We've popped a bunch of flowers on the counter.
29:46That's about it.
29:48When we're asking these people to come in the store, they don't know what they're getting.
29:51Do you want to come on in, have a look, see what we've got?
29:53Is there anything like a marketing strategy we can put into place and push it?
29:57Yeah, I do agree, we need to shout out and get some buzz and some people in.
30:01Are you going to come and have a look?
30:02Come and have a look, see what we've got.
30:05Hi, we're presently in the Trafford Centre in Manchester.
30:08We're selling your products.
30:10I just thought maybe as a way to entice extra buyers and to really push those sales,
30:13I wondered if there's any way we could lower the prices at all.
30:16Okay, so what are you suggesting then?
30:19Girls, you'd look lovely in this.
30:21It's 20% off today.
30:22It's designer wear from London.
30:23We're off 20% off selected items.
30:25What about yourselves?
30:26Guys, designer wear, 20% off.
30:2820% off for one day only.
30:30Reduce the price.
30:31It's just about being vocal, getting people in and just getting them to try on the clothes.
30:3520% off now, guys.
30:36You know, we've really got to keep pushing.
30:38Girls, girls, these will look absolutely gorgeous on you.
30:4120% off, we're only here till 8 o'clock tonight.
30:43You won't find this anywhere else in Manchester.
30:45It's a selling style some don't like.
30:47Come and have a look.
30:48We've got some gorgeous clothes.
30:50I'm a bit worried that shouting at people is a bit market-like.
30:53What do you want me to do?
30:56Jamie just came up to me and said that Chris and I are being like market traders,
31:00and I've not seen Jamie pulling anyone in with his posh la-di-da voice,
31:04so really I'm pissed off that he's even had the cheek to come to me.
31:11Half an hour till stores close.
31:13Clear and sell.
31:14All stock must go tonight.
31:15Just come and have a look.
31:16Straight through on the right-hand side.
31:17Straight through, ladies.
31:18That's it.
31:19Hi there.
31:20You waiting to pay?
31:22That's where you want to have a look.
31:23Everything's got to go tonight.
31:24We're closing down.
31:25I think I'm running out of space in here somehow.
31:26Everything goes tonight.
31:27Thank you very much, sir.
31:29This is the last one now.
31:30You're 20% off selected items.
31:31We're nearly out of the pink sparkling dress.
31:33It's done so well.
31:34It is a bargain for a sequined dress.
31:3620% off!
31:37Jamie, another one for 52 as well.
31:40That's the last one.
31:43We are going to shut the shop.
31:45One minute.
31:46We've got to close the shop.
31:48Try it one more time.
31:4960, 65.
31:50Come on.
31:51Well done, guys.
31:54I feel rigged.
31:56That's it.
31:57End of trading.
31:58What a day.
31:59What a day.
32:11Time to face Lord Sugar.
32:32You can go through to the boardroom now.
33:08Well, the task, just to recap,
33:11representing some fashion designers.
33:14How do we get on? Let's start over here.
33:17Good team leader? Yes.
33:19What happened?
33:21First of all, I wanted to step up and be project manager.
33:24You didn't step up, did you? I appointed you, right?
33:27I would have stepped up had that not been the case.
33:30Retail is something that I was interested in anyway
33:33and I felt that being with this team,
33:35I had a very strong team going forward.
33:37It looks to me as you exclusively went for female fashion.
33:41Is that right?
33:42We came to the decision, out of the ranges we saw,
33:45the sparkly dresses, party dresses for Saturday,
33:47would really go down well in the north of the country,
33:50so we thought that really fitted well.
33:52Feedback coming to me from Nick was
33:54that they didn't reckon your shop looked that great.
33:57And on top of that, I understand you opened late also?
34:01Yeah, we did open slightly late.
34:03Well, not slightly, it's 45 minutes late, yeah?
34:06Yes, no, that did happen. It was a case of we opened late,
34:09but therefore we just had to push forward as soon as we'd opened.
34:14Estella, I understand you were a live model for a while in the window,
34:17is that right? Yes, on Sugar.
34:20Yes. Nick told me that,
34:22reminiscent of some of his trips abroad in Holland.
34:28All right, OK.
34:31Now, Apollo. Yes.
34:33Paloma, I made you team leader. Yep.
34:36So, good team leader?
34:38Yeah, good. Yeah, it was good, yeah.
34:40Good? OK.
34:41Your stuff was not only ladies' clothing,
34:45but there was some men's stuff tuned towards men, yeah?
34:48Absolutely. Chris made a really good comment
34:50in that he did feel a little bit uncomfortable selling women's clothing,
34:53and I really had to respond to that. You done all right.
34:55I heard he sold a 300-pound lump... He sold brilliantly.
34:58A 300-pound dress or something like that.
35:00Made of ties. That was a hard sale. I don't know how he pulled it off.
35:03Don't sound too bad to me.
35:05Yeah, you did pull that one out.
35:07Of course, Alex, you're from Manchester, aren't you?
35:09I am, in fact. I used to work at the Trafford Centre.
35:12Right. Really? Really.
35:14OK, so that was the reason why you jumped in first
35:16and got your promotional pitch first, was it?
35:18Cos you knew it like the back of your hand, yeah?
35:20Well, you know, we wanted to strike while the iron was hot,
35:22we wanted to secure the best locations.
35:24And that was down to you, was it?
35:26I gave him that role. Gave him what?
35:28I gave him the role of choosing the location.
35:30He mentioned that he had experience in the centre,
35:32that he'd actually worked in a retail shop within the Trafford Centre,
35:35so I thought he was probably best placed to do that.
35:38Unfortunately, though, Alex, it wasn't the best location for the promotional pitch.
35:41It wasn't, but the rest of the team had every opportunity to also look at the map,
35:45so I put forward my idea, but I didn't force them,
35:47so they had every opportunity to correct me.
35:50We did, we did. So what happened?
35:52Do you know, the man that never makes any mistakes
35:54never normally makes anything, you know?
35:56Well, I made a mistake and I admitted that.
35:58OK, all right, fine, fine, fine, OK.
36:02All right, so, time to see how we got on.
36:06Karen, how much money did Apollo take?
36:09Well, Apollo took £3,223.43.
36:17And Nick, Synergy?
36:19Synergy came in with £3,760.37.
36:28Well, you've won by £500, basically, over your competitors, so well done.
36:34I've got a treat for you.
36:36I'm going to send you off to the Royal Windsor Racecourse.
36:40I've got you a kind of an executive type of box there
36:44and a champagne reception.
36:46So, have a good time.
36:48Thank you. Well done.
36:50Apollo, you're lost, so I'll be bringing you back in here
36:55where one of you will be fired today.
36:58OK, off you go. Thank you very much.
37:02Oh, my heart!
37:04My heart was going...
37:17The odds of us getting to the final are 5-1.
37:21And to win, it's 10-1.
37:28£2 on the nose, greener.
37:31£2 on the nose. He loved it on the nose.
37:34They're coming down.
37:37Come on, number four.
37:39He's there, he's there!
37:41Come on, number four!
37:44Come on!
37:52Cheers to success. Keep it up.
37:57Well, guys, we lost.
37:59I just don't know what else we really could have done.
38:02When I think about product selection,
38:04I mean, we didn't get one of our selections,
38:06so we went with the next best option.
38:08Do you not think some of the recycled collection
38:10was a little bit expensive?
38:12I mean, I wore it myself and I thought it was great,
38:14but genuinely, it was too expensive for a pop-up store.
38:17The only person that I find 100% responsible
38:20for the failure of the task is Alex.
38:22And not just for the promotional stand, you know,
38:24he's good at public speaking,
38:26but actually in terms of having, you know, common sense,
38:28business common sense, I don't think there's much there.
38:30I feel pretty gutted because it's a narrow defeat,
38:33but we all tried really hard and we did a hell of a lot of things
38:36better than they did. You know, we secured the screen.
38:38Our store looked about ten times better than theirs.
38:41I think the branding was right.
38:43To me, the promotional area was a wasted opportunity for us.
38:46I think Paloma will blame myself, actually,
38:48regarding the promotional unit.
38:50You know, I admitted to Lord Sugar that I made a mistake,
38:53but I think Paloma has met her match and she will be fired today.
39:09Hello? Can you send them in, please?
39:11Yes, Lord Sugar.
39:14You can go through to the boardroom now.
39:34Right, I think we'll start off with the product itself.
39:38Now, quite clearly, the reasonably priced party dress product
39:44was the hero of the day. Both teams wanted it, yeah?
39:49It was Paloma, Sandesh and Chris that went and pitched
39:53to the supplier of that, yeah? Yes.
39:56And that designer decides not to go with you, OK?
40:00The supplier's feedback was that she felt that you yourself
40:06were the wrong image and that you were going to project
40:09the wrong image for her products in Manchester.
40:12I think it's because Sandesh and Chris and I turned up to the pitch
40:15wearing suits, which we weren't quite prepared for,
40:17so she looked at us and thought, well, these guys look corporate,
40:20that probably swayed her decision.
40:22At the end of the day, it seems like they projected
40:24quite a professional image, but when we got the feedback
40:27for why we hadn't won that one, I think we were all quite perplexed.
40:30Shocked. Shocked, did you say? Yeah, I was shocked.
40:33Sandesh? No, I was really shocked when she didn't go with us.
40:36I personally, especially, conveyed a real passion for fashion.
40:41Would it help you to know that she said of Synergy,
40:45they had more confidence, they were more extrovert,
40:48they had greater sparkle, and she felt that they would understand
40:53the Manchester market rather better than you?
40:55Mm. Well, you lost it, didn't you?
40:58Because I looked at the figures for the other team
41:01and they basically sold a lot of that stuff.
41:04They sold £1,000 more than you did on your big seller.
41:08Yeah. Well, it was the winner, wasn't it, on the day?
41:11So you didn't get the right product.
41:14From the sales numbers, the recycled clothes, they were expensive.
41:18I mean, there was no question of it.
41:20I mean, I know you managed to sell an item for about £300,
41:24but that represented over a third of the sales
41:27of that particular range of product, yeah?
41:30It wasn't the greatest of choice as the second item.
41:33But to be honest with you, Lord Sugar, I genuinely don't think
41:36we had an issue with the product. You don't have what?
41:39We had an issue with the product.
41:41I mean, yeah, it would have been ideal for us to get the party dresses,
41:44but we missed out by selling four dresses here.
41:47But the thing is... Four dresses with a little bit more of a sales effort.
41:50It's not the four dresses I don't think is the issue.
41:52A little bit more sales effort and I think we could have actually closed this.
41:58So, Sandesh, you know, I've spoken about you in the past.
42:04Picture I have is you get busy, busy, busy, but actually, what do you actually do?
42:08On this occasion, I mean, first of all, I was...
42:11I had creative input on the first part of the task.
42:14Obviously, I get involved in pitching, I got involved in meeting the designers.
42:18You didn't get the party dress stuff, did you?
42:21We didn't, but I was very adamant that I wanted that collection
42:24because I knew it would sell to the market that we were aiming for.
42:28Well, we all know that. We know that.
42:30For whatever reason, we didn't get it, but I thought I was really enthusiastic about it.
42:33You were enthusiastic about it. What else then?
42:35I was given the responsibility by Paloma of making sure pricing was all correct,
42:39making sure the store looks good.
42:42I think Sandesh did a really good job. She helped me out with the buying.
42:45She's got a finger on the pulse on what's relevant and what's now.
42:48I needed her support with that.
42:49She did very well with pricing and making sure everything was ready in time for trade.
42:52And she sold, so she did pull her weight.
42:56Now, Alex, I understand that you feel you're a bit of a retail guru.
43:02That is correct.
43:03I heard that you was actually standing around, you know, with a placard,
43:08like those blokes do in Oxford Street, saying the end is nigh.
43:11Part of the time...
43:12A bit like you were walking around a boxing ring, sort of going round.
43:15I didn't know that.
43:16One day only.
43:17We sent a lot of people to the shop.
43:19From Manchester, know the traffic centre.
43:22I did make a mistake in choosing the promotional location,
43:25but I must admit I was perhaps a little over-eager to book as soon as possible
43:29because I wanted to make sure we could maximise our opportunities.
43:32That was a good idea, to jump in first,
43:34but you need to jump in and get the right place first.
43:36Also, remember, I secured a fantastic two-minute video on the giant screen,
43:40and that was to thousands of people in the food court,
43:42so that was a good thing to do.
43:45Was that played about three or four times during the course of the day?
43:48Four times an hour, actually.
43:49Every quarter of an hour it was played.
43:51So I think that more than makes up for the mistake that I made.
43:53No, it doesn't make up for it at all.
43:55You've got a lot of excuses, Alex.
43:58A lot of excuses.
44:02Well, it's that time, Paloma,
44:05for you to tell me who you're bringing back into the ballroom.
44:08Yeah, I think, well, Alex, I think it's a given
44:10not just actually for the promotional stand,
44:12but for a number of other reasons.
44:14Oh, right. Well, I look forward to hearing those.
44:16And to be honest with you, it's been really difficult
44:18because everybody really did pull their weight on the day.
44:21So I can only base this decision on, I guess, you know,
44:24as a candidate overall who I think is, you know, going to come in with me.
44:29And I've chosen Sandesh.
44:33OK, well, you three go back to the house.
44:43Paloma, interesting choice.
44:46You're encroaching upon my area here, yeah?
44:50In other words, you're bringing Sandesh back in here for observations.
44:53That you have made about her in the past weeks.
44:57Have I understood that right?
44:59Well, yes and no. I mean...
45:01Well, yes or yes. I mean...
45:04Step outside and I'll call you back in shortly.
45:15How bizarre, really. I mean, she's doing my job for me, you know.
45:19She's, like, consulting me, this one.
45:22Smart, but arrogant.
45:24She's very smart, absolutely, yeah.
45:26Again, with the Sandesh, I mean...
45:28You know, Sandesh is good at logistics.
45:30You know, she was very good at organising the shop, merchandising.
45:33But, you know, I understand you're looking for someone with strategy.
45:36You have to think about that.
45:38The finger has been pointed at Alex.
45:40I don't know whether that's because they simply don't like him,
45:43whether he has a way of rubbing people up the wrong way,
45:46or whether it actually was him that may have caused the problem in this.
45:50And that's what I've got to go and find out.
45:55Yeah, can you send the three of them in, please?
45:57Yes, Lord Sugar. You can go through to the boardroom now.
46:17Paloma, you've brought Sandesh back here.
46:20Can you explain to me, what did you bring her back here for?
46:24It was hard, I think, on this specific task
46:26to really pin something on Sandesh.
46:30Is that like a detective story?
46:32No, well, listen, I, you know, as I said, on this task,
46:36you know, she actually did perform.
46:38Now, overall, as a candidate, you know,
46:40and I would look at the sort of people that I was working with yesterday,
46:43I would say that she's probably not as strong as some of the others.
46:46And I think that, you know, yeah, there are times
46:48when she does hide behind a lot of the menial tasks,
46:50but in terms of really putting herself on the line,
46:52I haven't seen a lot of that.
46:54So that's why I brought her back in here.
46:56It would be, you know, highly unfair to dismiss someone like me,
46:58who I think I'm a very strong candidate,
47:00and let go of somebody who, you know,
47:02I believe hasn't actually really stepped up to the mark yet.
47:05So, basically, you're kind of saying that she don't do much, then, really?
47:08She might have done something on this task,
47:10but don't do much generally, is that right?
47:12Well, that's a harsh word. I wouldn't say...
47:14Well, I'm very simple, you know, I like to simplify things.
47:17In terms of, you know, relative to other candidates.
47:19Relative to other candidates.
47:20What have you got to say about that, Sandesh?
47:22The thing is, the fact is, in this task, Paloma was calm for once.
47:25She didn't aggravate everybody.
47:27She wasn't destructive to the team environment.
47:29But generally, as it goes, in all previous four tasks, she has been.
47:32And she'll take credit for other people's ideas.
47:34I think I come up with a lot of good ideas.
47:36I don't think I hide at all.
47:38I'm a strong candidate, I can assure you.
47:39I don't need to hide behind anyone.
47:41Actually, I think you'll find that Paloma's been a lot more destructive,
47:43and she has been constructive.
47:45Whereas I do not hide behind people, I just tell the truth.
47:48Sandesh, I'm getting a kind of a picture emerging here
47:52of what went on in this task.
47:54And there's a strong argument being put
47:57that because he chose a promotional site somewhere,
48:01the whole bloody thing collapsed because of him.
48:03Would you agree that that's the case?
48:06I do think it was that.
48:07Just because of that one promotional area?
48:10Well, it wasn't just that.
48:11That's what I asked you, and you said it was.
48:13No, but also, Alex was scaring away customers.
48:15He was scaring away customers.
48:16I really do think he was.
48:17I believe I'm being used as a scapegoat here, you know,
48:20due to the error made over the promotional area.
48:22What I want to stress is the promotional area
48:24could not make or break this task.
48:26Can I please rebut that?
48:27If I can just carry on, please.
48:29On Saturday, there were over 100,000 people in the Trafford centre.
48:32Thousands of people were passing our shop every hour.
48:35So the footfall in itself should have been sufficient
48:38to bring the required number of customers into the store.
48:41Also, I managed to secure a TV ad running for three minutes.
48:45Laura did that, by the way. Laura did that.
48:47I did that. I rang up and secured that.
48:49Laura, Laura.
48:50Excuse me.
48:51Aaron was witness to this.
48:52Would you please allow him to finish?
48:53She was the actress in the video, but I secured that opportunity.
48:56It was playing several times an hour, every hour.
48:59Well done.
49:00So I do not buy the story about the promotional area
49:02making or breaking this task. I just don't buy it.
49:04All right, Alex, you did not sell, my friend.
49:07You were terrible. You shied customers away.
49:09How come everybody else just got it?
49:11Got what, exactly?
49:12They all hands on deck.
49:13The minute they walked onto that floor,
49:15they just knew what to do, instinctively.
49:17I spent five years as a supervisor in retail.
49:19You were just talking it up.
49:20I knew exactly what I was doing.
49:21You were intellectualising the layouts.
49:23I got sales figures out of that show that I was selling,
49:25and I sold a hell of a lot of the fashion libraries.
49:27All I got was the theory about how to lay out a store, Paloma,
49:30because you should put things to the right,
49:32because people's eyes go to the right.
49:33All I got was theory from you.
49:35You were a bit of an irritant the whole day as well.
49:37I mean, you should have seen Stuart.
49:38Every single person that spoke to him came in.
49:40What have you got to say about this, Alex?
49:41It's not an Alex hate campaign.
49:43It is, isn't it?
49:44It's not.
49:45Paloma clearly, she said to me, Alex, you're very good at this.
49:47I want you to be at the door and drum up business.
49:49I never said you were good at that.
49:50You were terrible at drumming up business.
49:52You were shying people away.
49:53And also, let me finish.
49:54How would you know?
49:55You were inside the store.
49:56I was watching you.
49:57I was watching you.
49:58Well, I don't think you were watching very well.
49:59I was watching you well.
50:00I think you're lying your face off here to protect your position.
50:02You were an irritant.
50:03They all said it to me.
50:04I was a very friendly, very successful salesperson.
50:06Can I just point out that Alex did sell five items,
50:09but Sandesh only sold five items as well.
50:14Nick, from what I've heard,
50:16you've followed him around a few times.
50:19A simple question.
50:20Irritant or not irritant?
50:24Sometimes a bit over effusive.
50:27That's as far as I'd go.
50:29He's not totally irritating.
50:34I see.
50:37You're giving me a bit of a dilemma here.
50:40Because on the face of it,
50:42I've heard nothing else but Alex this and Alex that.
50:46And that's what worries me.
50:49I've been around in business long enough
50:52when I feel people ganging up on somebody.
50:55And sometimes there's no smoke without fire.
50:59And sometimes there's not.
51:01Particularly when people are covering their own arse.
51:04Very easy to point the fingers at certain people.
51:10You know, I get the feeling, Alex,
51:12that you do rub people up the wrong way.
51:17And Sandesh, you know,
51:20just a few moments ago,
51:22you showed me your true colours when I asked you
51:25how could this whole task fall down
51:29because of some little promotional area?
51:35You know, what does that tell me about you?
51:37Because whatever he done,
51:39it cannot be that one little promotion area
51:44caused the failure of this task.
51:47Cannot be.
51:52Paloma, you are very cool.
51:55And I think you've shown me in this boardroom
51:58that you don't take no prisoners.
52:02And I think it's the manner in which you don't take no prisoners
52:05that maybe is concerning me.
52:10Can I say one last thing?
52:12Yes, if you wish to.
52:13I'm going to just say to you that, you know,
52:15I've got a very good track record
52:17in generating large profits for big organisations.
52:20And I want to do the same for you and I can do the same for you.
52:23Contrast that to my candidates here
52:25who don't have an exceptionally good record
52:27in drumming up a lot of business, negotiating...
52:29How do you know? How can you say that?
52:31You don't know anything about me.
52:34You know absolutely nothing about what we've done in business.
52:37You don't even know my business background.
52:39You can't just guess things like that.
52:41You don't have negotiating skills, Alex.
52:42It's just what it comes down to.
52:43You're just a negative, negative person.
52:45No, you're a communicator.
52:46You're just here to down talk...
52:47You're a presenter.
52:48You're here to present.
52:49I'm not a presenter.
52:50That is not what I'm about.
52:52Look, seriously, this is the first time I've worked with you.
52:54You were irritating.
52:55You're more of a hindrance than you were a help.
52:57I'm being honest. I'm shooting from the hip here.
52:59You mean you're protecting your position?
53:01No, I'm not.
53:02You're not?
53:10Alex, you sound like a disaster.
53:20I think you've been set up, personally, as the lackey.
53:29You may be bloody useless, I don't know.
53:31But I'm going to give you another chance to prove that you're not bloody useless.
53:36Thank you, Lord Sugar.
53:47Paloma, I don't like your last outbursts.
53:52And for my 40 years in business and my gut feeling,
53:55I don't like what I've seen across the table here today.
53:58You've talked yourself out of this.
54:00If you'd have shut up a while back,
54:04it may be someone else going.
54:08Paloma, you're fired.
54:21There must be something wrong with me today.
54:23You purported as useless.
54:26You purported as doing naffle.
54:32Get back to the house, the pair of you.
54:34We'll see you on the next task.
54:35Thank you, Lord Sugar.
54:36Thank you, Lord Sugar.
54:46Paloma showed her true colours at the end,
54:48and that is not the type of person, quite frankly,
54:51that I want in any organisation of mine.
54:54In any organisation of mine.
55:21The key reason why Lord Sugar got rid of me tonight
55:23was because I got a little bit too lippy in the boardroom.
55:25Because, you know, obviously in terms of my performance,
55:28you know, overall, I've been a strong candidate,
55:30and I think he's known that.
55:31So I think it's his loss, to be honest.
55:38To be honest, if I had to choose, I'd say Paloma,
55:40because I think she, three tasks in a row,
55:42she's cocked up something.
55:45And action.
55:46Oh, my God.
55:48And action.
55:54Come on, Alex.
55:56Welcome back.
55:57Alex, can you give us some kosher love?
55:59Kosher love.
56:00The thing's got very personal in there,
56:02and I mean very, very personal.
56:04Why, what happened?
56:05She said that, you know, I was an irritant,
56:07that I was awkward with people.
56:10She said that?
56:11Yeah, she said, I'm no good at business,
56:13and all I am is, like, a sort of presenter
56:15who can sort of sound good.
56:19One job.