The Apprentice UK S05E09 (2009)

  • 21 hours ago


00:00Previously on The Apprentice.
00:14You are going to rebrand the town of Margate.
00:17So it was off to the coast for some sun and sand.
00:20I want to throw a ball up, I just want to catch it.
00:22Are you trying to win an award?
00:24Ignite played family favourites, Empire went for the gay market.
00:29Are you a man or a woman now?
00:31You know, don't you, darling?
00:33James kept his cool, snapping the boys on the beach.
00:36Not too much suggestive licking, please, guys, we're not doing a porno.
00:40But family photos for Yasmina left little room for manoeuvre.
00:44Sorry, but is there any room for text on that?
00:46Where do you think the heading's going to go?
00:48And she lost it with Lorraine.
00:49The leaflet backs up the poster, honestly.
00:51Please stop shouting at me, Lorraine, please.
00:55Team leader Deborah was deaf to advice.
00:57I really feel like you're totally not listening to my point.
01:00Leading to an empty pitch.
01:02I'm a bit confused because it just looks not finished.
01:05I would call it work in progress.
01:06That's not the completed product.
01:08The sun came out for Ignite,
01:11while Sir Alan poured scorn on Empire.
01:14Can you get your act together and tell me
01:16who's responsible for the lousy, rotten posters?
01:20Lashed for lacking creativity,
01:22Mona became the eighth victim of the boardroom.
01:26Mona, you're fired.
01:30Now, seven remain to fight for the chance to become The Apprentice.
01:46Is it that hard?
01:52Good morning. Sir Alan would like you to meet him
01:54at the University College London Hospital in Euston.
01:57The car's will be outside in half an hour.
02:03Babe, you've got to get up, you've got half an hour.
02:09The message I got from Sir Alan last week was that
02:12he wants to see a little bit more of me.
02:14So, to a certain extent, I'm probably skating on thin ice.
02:17And he's probably waiting for it to crack.
02:25A hospital appointment with Sir Alan has got them guessing.
02:30We are going to do a one-day-off. We are going to stay in London.
02:34If you have an idea of what you think it might be,
02:36go for the most extreme opposite of that
02:38and you'll be closer to what it actually is.
02:40I want you to try as many mouth-to-mouth resuscitations as possible.
02:44Team with the most liked people at the end wins.
02:46Happy resuscitating.
02:50Towering over London's Euston Road,
02:52University College Hospital.
02:56Home to London's latest maternity wing.
03:14Good morning. Good morning, Sir Alan.
03:16Now, you may be wondering what you're doing here.
03:19It doesn't take a rocket, Sir Alan, to get you here.
03:21It doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out
03:23what this next task is going to be about.
03:25It's obviously something to do with babies.
03:27I have arranged a stand for you at the baby show at Ells Court.
03:32But prior to that,
03:34you're going to interview various suppliers of baby equipment.
03:39You're going to choose two products
03:41and then you're going to get onto your stand and you're going to sell them.
03:45Now, it's very simple.
03:47The team that sells the most is going to win
03:49and the team that doesn't will lose
03:51and in that team, one of you will get fired.
03:53All clear as far as that's concerned?
03:55Yes, Sir Alan.
03:56So I'm going to mix the teams up a little bit.
03:58Ben and Yasmina, come over here to Empire.
04:04And Howard, move over to Ignite.
04:07Now, I've made it quite clear over the course of this process
04:10that a team leader should be the most experienced to run their team.
04:15So, as far as these teams are concerned,
04:18I'm going to choose the mums and dads.
04:20James, you're going to be the team leader of Empire
04:23and Lorraine, you're going to be the team leader of Ignite.
04:26No excuses. You've been there, seen it, done it,
04:30so you should be able to guide your troops.
04:32Everything clear?
04:34Yes, Sir Alan.
04:35OK, good luck. Off you go.
04:44The baby show.
04:46Over 10,000 price-conscious mums, dads and future parents
04:50on the hunt for that bargain baby product.
04:55Tomorrow, the busiest day of the show,
04:57each team gets a stand to sell from.
05:02The one that makes the most money on its chosen products will win.
05:09But today's job, pick two winning baby products to sell at the show.
05:16I've actually been to the baby show in the past.
05:18And what kind of things, as a mum, when you went to that show,
05:21were you looking to go and purchase or were you just doing your research?
05:24For me, I went to buy baby furniture for my daughter's bedroom,
05:27but I remember coming home with all sorts of bits of goodies
05:30and I ended up buying items that I didn't necessarily go to buy.
05:33Impulse purchases. Impulse purchases.
05:35My first instinct would be to go for a high-end product
05:37that's perceived as a niche product
05:39and then to back that up then we could go for, you know...
05:42An impulse. impulse purchase, yeah.
05:44We've got to think like pregnant mothers, haven't we?
05:46We've got to think like pregnant mums.
05:48Let's just quickly map out where we want to go.
05:50With suppliers spread across London,
05:52the teams will have to split up to see them all.
05:55Is there a different way, just looking, is there a different way of splitting this?
05:58Someone does north of Kensington, someone does south of Kensington.
06:01I'd rather have one team that focused on list A
06:04and one team that focused on list B.
06:06I don't think it says that each sub-team has to go...
06:08I know it doesn't, but I'd rather we did it that way.
06:10I'm going to disagree with you here.
06:12I think you're going to have to go and bite the bullet
06:14and go on the geographic thing.
06:16I'd rather not be in it. I do appreciate it,
06:18but I'm going to stick to my guns on this one.
06:20My focus today is about getting the product right.
06:22Timing is secondary, obviously it's important,
06:24but it's not as important as getting the product right.
06:28All right, we'll give you a call if we think of anything else.
06:30Yes, OK. All right, we'll see you later.
06:32The teams have six hours to visit the suppliers.
06:37Out of the 2pms, I'd rather work for the rate than for James.
06:40Yeah, I agree.
06:42You can imagine him offending all the young mums.
06:44Yeah. How many people is James going to ask,
06:48when's it due?
06:50When it's not, yeah.
06:52One thing that's really important about when you're breastfeeding
06:54is the mother needs to be happy.
06:56Cos if she's a little bit anxious,
06:58there's something in nature which switches off the tap in her breast.
07:00James, I didn't know I had a tap in there, mate.
07:02You know the left one's hot and the right one's cold.
07:05London's exclusive Holland Park.
07:09James and Yasmina are here to see the latest home birth pool.
07:13This is our product.
07:15Birthing pool.
07:17Takes about the same amount of time it would take you
07:19to fill up four bathtubs in your house,
07:21so you can time that with your hot water system
07:23in terms of how to fill it up.
07:25Which way am I in? It doesn't matter.
07:27It's usually that way, isn't it?
07:29Well, you can kneel there if you want.
07:31Or you can kneel on the floor, absolutely.
07:34Don't touch me! Don't touch me!
07:36Do you mind if I touch you?
07:38You're OK? You're OK?
07:40OK, so a partner might be back here giving some massage this way.
07:42You can do different massages, can't you?
07:44The kind of massage that women really like in labour
07:46is kind of sacral massage, so right down here.
07:48How does that feel?
07:50The sacrum's the triangle bone at the bottom of the spine, isn't it?
07:52Oh, you are really good.
07:54You've gone to classes.
07:56But that whole point you made about the guy sitting around,
07:58I would have given anything to have a PlayStation with me
08:00just to kill a bit of time.
08:03I look at Walter and say, oh, my God!
08:05Only half an hour's passed.
08:07So how do you take the water out when it's finished?
08:09When it's finished, you have a few options, OK?
08:11You've got the free option, which is bale, right?
08:13And remember, there's a liner in here too.
08:15We have a disposable liner, which means no-fuss clean-up.
08:18This is only £84.95.
08:20I know, I'm looking at your face when you say that.
08:23Yeah, I thought you were going to say it was £300.
08:25Exactly. When people come up to it at the baby show,
08:27we've sold at baby shows before.
08:29In fact, the last baby show we sold at,
08:31we took on £5,000 in revenue over a three-day period.
08:35So we expect that you would have a very successful day.
08:38It's almost too good to be true.
08:40They sold £5,000 worth over three days at the last baby show.
08:44The market size of people who want to go into it
08:46is probably a lot smaller than some of the other products we'll look at.
08:49But the fact that we know they've sold so many...
08:52And that could be the eye-catcher.
08:55In South London, the other half of James' team,
08:58Deborah and Ben, have come to see a protective head cap for toddlers.
09:03What are you doing?
09:04You can't really put a price on protecting a child's head.
09:07There's over half a million head injuries in the UK alone
09:10for a zero to four-year-old.
09:12It's nearly like a scrum cap, isn't it?
09:14I'm really surprised.
09:15But it almost means for you, you can put this on him
09:17and just let him go and play and know that he's not...
09:20I know exactly what this product is because I have the adult version.
09:24With ears. For rugby.
09:26I personally think if I was to have a kid,
09:28I wouldn't want to stick a flipping head guard on them. No.
09:31You know, I want them to get cuts and bruises.
09:33The human race has survived for millions of years without them.
09:37What is it?
09:38It's basically a head guard made of high-density foam
09:41and they won't be able to hurt themselves by banging their head.
09:44On the surface, it sounds like cod shit
09:46because you do want your kid to have the occasional scrape
09:49and to get bumps and stuff.
09:50That's exactly what Ben said.
09:53Project manager for the other team and mum of two, Lorraine,
09:57is off to view a buggy with a difference.
10:00All right, this is the take-off first chair. Right.
10:03OK, let's just start by folding it.
10:07Really easy fold.
10:08In one hand, you did that, didn't you?
10:10Yeah, one hand.
10:11So, basically, it's ideal for getting on the bus, train,
10:14even goes on the aeroplane.
10:16Really, really simple to unfold.
10:18And that's completely unique for a push chair.
10:21Honestly, I'm really impressed with it. It's really good.
10:24And when you're actually putting it back out again,
10:26it's just lift it up, unclick it, is it?
10:28There's the red button on the side, which you just push down
10:33and it kind of... it does it itself.
10:36Yeah, literally.
10:37And then it's two movements, like that and like that.
10:40You can see how heavy it is. It's not heavy at all, is it?
10:44I love it. I love it, love it, love it.
10:46Really, I buy it.
10:48Here's the burning question.
10:50With the economic downturn,
10:51people are going to be looking for value for money, as you know.
10:54So I wanted something a little bit more juicy that I can give them.
10:58Real juicy.
10:59I mean, I think we can take it down possibly another £10 to £135.
11:05£135, is that the absolute lowest you'll go?
11:07Absolute lowest, yeah.
11:08And you'll give the bag for that as well?
11:10Yeah, that's the bag as well.
11:12Well, that's fantastic. I'm really happy with that.
11:14OK, thanks, Lorraine.
11:15Thank you. Bye, now. Nice to meet you.
11:21For the rest of Lorraine's team, Kate and Howard,
11:24shoes for tiny tots with high heels.
11:28These are the shoes.
11:29These are two of the different styles that Heelarius do.
11:32On the back, you can see the other different styles that they do as well.
11:36They're very, very soft, see.
11:38And who would...
11:41And who would buy this product?
11:43I think it would be young, snazzy mums sort of thing.
11:47You either love them or you hate them.
11:49I've had so many people say to me,
11:50God, they're disgusting, they're awful.
11:52And then I've had some people say,
11:54wow, they're fantastic, they're brilliant.
11:56My personal opinion is that they're pretty vulgar.
12:00I just didn't like them.
12:02It's a no from me for that one.
12:04It's a no from me.
12:10I'm going to want the next product, you know.
12:12We're going to the rocking horse.
12:13I'm so going to want a rocking horse.
12:15Thoroughbred hand-carved toys for parents with deep pockets.
12:22Are you Toby?
12:23I am.
12:24I'm Debra. It's lovely to meet you.
12:25Hi, Debra. Nice to meet you.
12:26All of our horses are made to order.
12:28This particular one is made out of English oak.
12:30OK, and the one behind you...
12:32English oak.
12:33English oak.
12:34Yes, English oak.
12:35And this one is made in tulip wood, which is a European poplar.
12:38That's real horse hair, isn't it?
12:40Have a go.
12:41When Mark and I are selling them,
12:43we encourage our customers onto the horse.
12:46How well known are you and your brother?
12:48Well, we are known as the best rocking horse makers in the world,
12:51and we have taken them all over the world,
12:54and they sell to kings and queens everywhere.
12:57These are absolutely stunning,
12:59and I can imagine they come with a very big price tag.
13:02Well, the one that you're sitting on would cost you about £1,500 plus the vat.
13:07Come and have a ride. Come and have a ride.
13:09I'll have a ride. You've sold it to me already.
13:11He's sold.
13:12Very comfortable, isn't it?
13:14Who needs a real horse?
13:16Oh, no, you don't have to muck it out. You don't have to stable it.
13:18And I'm 14 ounce too.
13:20It'll take twice your weight.
13:22That's fantastic.
13:25His stuff's absolutely amazing.
13:27Yeah. These really were gorgeous.
13:29You only sell one?
13:32You've wiped everything else off.
13:33Yeah, basically you'd have to sell 200 worth of those head things
13:37in order to sell one of those horses.
13:40Back at the birth pool, Lorraine's turn to dip into the world of doing it naturally.
13:46It's actually quite small, isn't it?
13:48Lean forward and lean over the side of the pool.
13:50You'll see what I mean here.
13:52If you lean forward, what you're doing is you're opening up this space here.
13:57Find on yourself, find your coccyx way back in here.
14:01Can you find that bone with your hand?
14:04Yeah? And with your other hand, find your pubic bone way down front.
14:08Like this.
14:11Okay. Yeah, you don't want to do this, but that's okay. I'll do it.
14:13It kind of feels good, actually.
14:15And then if you just tilt forward like this, you'll find that those two bones open up.
14:20The next ingredient is your ability to wiggle and move around a bit.
14:24It's very easy to change positions to do exactly what your body's telling you to do to ease the pain.
14:30Yeah, it's very nice.
14:37Next, for Kate and Howard, the protective head cap.
14:41Ten years ago, my little girl was one and she was learning to walk.
14:45She fell over and banged her head quite badly.
14:47I rushed her to Accident and Emergency.
14:50When I got home, I wanted to make sure that this didn't happen again.
14:54What's it actually made of?
14:55It's made of a high-density impact foam.
14:57It's really nice to see, obviously, children here wearing the product.
15:02What kind of incentive could we offer? What kind of discount?
15:04£15.99 would be the special price for the show.
15:08He's happy as Larry, isn't he?
15:11Obviously, it's all about playing on the guilt factor of,
15:15God forbid, I don't buy one of these,
15:18and then my six-month-old falls over and bangs their head.
15:22On my newly-laid marble floor?
15:30I have a feeling it's strong.
15:32It is, it is strong.
15:33Final chance to see the last few products.
15:37So, if the baby bangs its head, it's not like banging it off wood.
15:43Before deciding which two to take to the show.
15:46What's yours called, Howard?
15:50Push this bit forward, yeah?
15:52OK, that's really quick, isn't it?
15:54Right, we'd better shoot.
15:56Thank you very much. Cheers.
15:58I'm going to go through the two that I'm favouring, OK,
16:01which is the push chair that I've seen this morning.
16:04We know about that one, yeah.
16:05And the birth pool in a box.
16:08Lorraine, just before you go any further,
16:10we did some sums and only 2% of women are having babies at home.
16:14Absolutely right, and I've gone through the statistics,
16:17it's actually 2.2% on the overall UK statistics.
16:21Is it going to be enough for us to sell tomorrow and smash the other team?
16:24I think not.
16:25I've got to say, I'm going to go on my instinct on this one.
16:28My instinct tells me...
16:29The buggy, the buggy, the buggy.
16:31OK. OK, all right.
16:32I think now we know that you're going with a higher-value item.
16:35Harriet and I both said that we liked the thud guard.
16:38I'm happy with that, you know, we're great salespeople.
16:41If anybody can shift that pontoon tomorrow, it's going to be us.
16:44Yeah. Yes, Lorraine.
16:46Hi, guys.
16:48On James' team, Ben and Deborah are betting on the horse.
16:52If we sold one of the horses,
16:54we'd make something like £2,328.50.
16:57What's their second choice?
16:59What was your second choice?
17:00I wouldn't choose any of them. I've got to be honest, I wouldn't.
17:03I wouldn't put my kid in a cradle, I wouldn't put high heels on a six-month-old
17:06and I probably wouldn't pick a headguard that they'd pull off.
17:08Right, but, Deborah, let's just say there were two products in the world
17:11and you had to sell one of them, otherwise somebody shot you.
17:13Which one would you pick?
17:15I would seriously go with the rocking horse, though.
17:17I'd be gutted if we couldn't get that.
17:19But we need a second choice, Deborah.
17:21If you're asking me for a second choice out of everything,
17:23the thud guard probably fits into the safety element.
17:25But, please, let's get the rocking horse.
17:27Your number-one choice is a maternity bath.
17:29Correct. Yeah.
17:30Cool. So what's your number-two choice?
17:32Well, basically, we just went to see the pushchair.
17:34It's a collapsible pushchair and it's very nice.
17:36And you can get it on a train or you can get it on hand luggage on an aeroplane.
17:39That sounds brilliant. So why don't we like that?
17:42All it was was a pushchair that folds differently.
17:45So imagine having a laptop that folded differently.
17:48Would it make you buy that?
17:50The other decisions on the other ones are up to you, but, I mean, you've seen them, we haven't.
17:53I need to make this call. Cheers.
17:55OK, bye. OK, bye.
17:57I think that's a big mistake.
17:59A birthing pool for 80 quid.
18:01How many people are going to rock up and go, yeah, I want a birthing pool?
18:10So, basically, this is the handle.
18:13Back at the penthouse, the buggy and Lorraine are squaring up for a fight.
18:19Hang on. There's a knack, there's obviously a knack to it,
18:23which Lorraine has on her tail.
18:26Hang on.
18:30I thought I'd broken it. Is something wrong with this?
18:33If you'd just broken the prototype.
18:35I think I might have done.
18:37Wait. God, this'll be good, isn't it?
18:39Trying to get this done on demonstration tomorrow.
18:41Jesus Christ. Hang on.
18:44Oh, I'm losing my patience.
18:46It's all right. Just collapse it back down if you can.
18:48I think Lorraine's made a good choice.
18:50I don't know how well researched it is.
18:53I think it's a good product.
18:55I think you'd be able to really smoothly set it up and put it down.
18:59Right, so, Lorraine, with this, you put it on your head and that's it.
19:07Next door, Ben and Deborah unveil £1,700 worth of wooden horse.
19:14What size is that?
19:16Can people negotiate with us on this? No.
19:18So we're going to have specific prices for specific horses and that's it.
19:22If that doesn't pull through, which is quite likely, then that's it.
19:25That's what we're in the boardroom with.
19:27What we've got to think of, out of 10,000 people,
19:29is the one person who sees that and thinks,
19:31£500 deposit.
19:33If I could give you one sort of pep talk for tomorrow,
19:36sell the bloody rocking horse.
19:39That's all we've got to do tomorrow. I'm going. Yeah.
19:50The morning of the show.
19:52Feeling very confident.
19:54It's just a case of taking two or three more people out of the competition.
19:58And then we're on the final furlong.
20:01We could sell one at 9.30, we could sell one at 5.30.
20:04Somebody there will buy it. It's just a case of when.
20:09I've just got to worry that the other team have chosen
20:12the £2,000 rocking horse.
20:14I'm concerned about that.
20:16Because one bloody sale and the loan is out of the bloody water.
20:26Earls Court Exhibition Centre.
20:33I think this might be ours. Wow, guys!
20:36Sir Alan's got both teams' prime sights.
20:39All they've got to do is set up and sell.
20:46Yeah, slowly, though. This is going to take half an hour.
20:49Do you want me to do it?
20:51Pushchair test track. We don't have a test track.
20:54That is cool.
20:55Lorraine's team checks out the competition for their buggy.
20:59There's nothing like ours.
21:01Well, I'm not worried about any of these. What about these?
21:05Take-off, that's ours.
21:07That's the brand, yeah. Has it got our model there?
21:10Oh, please, God, it hasn't got our model.
21:12Yeah, look.
21:14Oh, it has.
21:16What price have they?
21:18I thought we were the only ones selling them.
21:20We just need to know what price they've got.
21:22I doubt they've got £135.
21:24We don't know.
21:26Not good news. No.
21:28Right, well, we need to go and get set up anyway,
21:31so let's go and get our stuff.
21:34Oh, f***!
21:36Disappointed that our product is literally sitting behind us,
21:40which has completely thrown me.
21:42You know, I should have thought about the fact
21:44there's 200 independents that actually have access to it.
21:47That's exactly what's happened,
21:49and independents turned up and exhibited,
21:51and obviously they're promoting the price.
21:53So my concern right now is that, you know,
21:55they've got leeway in terms of what they can negotiate,
21:58and we haven't.
21:59I can't believe she didn't ask if anyone else would be selling it.
22:02Do you know what, though? If we lose, we've got a reason.
22:05We've got an excuse.
22:09Oh, Christ.
22:13Doors open.
22:16Seven hours to make as much money as possible.
22:19Are we in the markets? Why are we pushed here, sir?
22:22My brother was breached and my mum says that the midwife
22:25literally just had to get inside, turn him round and pull him out.
22:28It's mum's peace of mind, this is.
22:30Rather than being concerned about the shop...
22:32Oh, I don't like it.
22:34He literally...
22:36With selling underway, it's the buggy versus Lorraine.
22:40Round two.
22:42Try again.
22:44Move it forward.
22:47And with one... Push it back this way.
22:51Is that OK?
22:52Hang on, let me just check and see that it's...
22:54One second, sorry.
22:57Something's stuck. One second.
23:00Underneath, here, this needs to go back up in there
23:04cos I can't collapse it otherwise and it's completely jarred.
23:08Oh, I know.
23:10Sorry, because it wasn't locked originally before we collapsed it.
23:13There's no point us demonstrating to anyone cos we just look like idiots.
23:17This pushchair looks to me like the most complicated thing,
23:19whereas in fact, of course, done properly, it's the simplest thing
23:22with a great selling point.
23:24She's making a complete horlicks of it.
23:26Do you know how to recline?
23:28That's what I'm looking for myself, actually.
23:30I'm trying to work it out.
23:32How did you do that, sir?
23:33Just push from the bottom.
23:34Oh, fantastic, thank you.
23:35Very helpful, thank you very much.
23:37And then that's the slide out.
23:38Thank you for helping us.
23:39I'm glad you came along now rather than at Hop Hospital this afternoon.
23:42I'll think about it, thank you.
23:43Brilliant, thanks, guys, thanks very much.
23:45We just don't look professional when people ask,
23:47how do you recline it, and then they have to show us.
23:50Doesn't look good.
23:52Spotting the hefty price tag,
23:54punters are steering clear of Deborah's horse.
23:58I don't know where to take the price tags off.
24:00Is that putting people off straight away?
24:03Do you think we should take them off?
24:04I think so, yeah.
24:05I want to get them chatting first.
24:06I want the kids to...
24:07Because people would be scared to touch the thing, you know?
24:10I think that's the big thing.
24:11A lot of people aren't sitting on them.
24:13The Rocky Horse starts about £1,700 and goes right the way up.
24:18The Rocky Horse starts about £1,700
24:20and goes right the way up to just over £4,000,
24:22so market-wise it's right at the very high end.
24:26Lunchtime, busiest part of the day.
24:30Do you fancy taking one home for the discount?
24:33Yeah, shall we go for it?
24:34Go for it.
24:35Yeah, excellent, all right.
24:37The birthing pool, discounted to £76, is pulling in mums-to-be.
24:43And you can obviously use it in the build-up to labour as well.
24:46It feels good.
24:47If I just take you over to my cashier.
24:49I want one as well.
24:50OK, one second.
24:51As you bend forward, the distance between your cubic bone and your coccyx
24:54gets wider, so your sacrum,
24:56which is that big triangle bone at the back of your spine,
24:58that lifts up to allow...
25:00It's like the lid's open so the baby can jump out.
25:04With several thousand protective parents under one roof...
25:08This is your peace of mind purchase for today.
25:10Just learning to walk, crawling around,
25:12obviously you can't have eyes in the back of your head.
25:15That's cute.
25:16At £16, there's a ready market for the toddler hard hat.
25:23There we go.
25:25I'll take it.
25:26It's very nice of you.
25:28No cards, OK?
25:29Yes, both.
25:30My colleague over here will actually take your payment for you.
25:32I'm surprised he's OK with it.
25:34He loves it.
25:36And you don't have to worry about this, you don't have to worry about your pram.
25:38Just ten seconds to put it on and then you can just sit back
25:40and just make sure he's in the room.
25:43There you are, that's lovely.
25:46Thank you so much, there you go.
25:48Hi there, could I interest you in our rocking horses?
25:51On the other team, still no rocking horses sold.
25:56Hi there, would you be interested in our rocking horses?
26:03Excuse me, could I interest you in our rocking horses?
26:08Come on, Ben, get that rocking horse sold.
26:12I'll try my hardest.
26:14I do feel the pressure's on.
26:16We still haven't sold any rocking horses but we're pushing it quite hard.
26:19All we need to do is get one horse sold.
26:21That's it, one horse.
26:23All right, one, two, three, go.
26:29Hello there.
26:30Round the corner, Lorraine's team has finally wrestled the buggy into submission.
26:35Special price today, £135.
26:38You like the hood?
26:40What colour would you like, orange?
26:42Actually, we think we might go with gold.
26:44Perfect, there we go.
26:46All in there, all the instructions, everything is in there.
26:49Thank you so much.
26:51Gold, good choice.
26:53Brilliant, that's fantastic.
26:57It's getting better, I've sold a couple of buggies
26:59and there's much more interest.
27:01One of the buggies I sold was to someone who I spoke to for a long time this morning
27:04and then they came back later on this afternoon
27:06but I want to speak to these guys before they go.
27:08What do you think, guys?
27:09We're taking deposits today at £350.
27:13One hour to go.
27:15Still no sale.
27:17But without price tags, the rocking horses are attracting attention.
27:21But they're £1,762 for this one.
27:25They don't come cheap, do they?
27:27They don't come cheap, but then again, you're not just buying a rocking horse, are you?
27:31This is an investment that goes down through generations.
27:34It's a lovely product.
27:36He likes to sit on the horse when he doesn't want to sit on it.
27:38An adult can sit on it with a kid.
27:41You could try, don't you?
27:43It's all lofty.
27:45If my son won't sit on it, I can't buy it.
27:47And they're handmade hand-carved, so they're quite expensive.
27:50That's about £1,700.
27:52You can get a different colour in this for just over £2,000.
27:57I have to say, I don't think we'll be buying one that's just over £7.
28:01Win or lose, I don't mind, as long as I sell the rocking horse.
28:05Because it's me and Ben who really kind of pitched the fact we wanted it.
28:10Fantastic product, great for travelling, taking to Paris.
28:14In the market for buying a new pushchair, anybody?
28:16Do you want to come and have a go?
28:18Having mastered the mechanism, selling the buggy hits another problem.
28:22We came and had a look at this before, and we did say we thought we'd seen one that was the same.
28:27It is the same, but it's £35 cheaper.
28:32I don't know if you can sell this to us for less than £100.
28:34Unfortunately, we can't. We are including the carry bag with it, which would usually be a £15 accessory.
28:40And have they got the range of colours?
28:42Can I finish this one, and then you go and deal with that?
28:44Yeah, sure.
28:45Because I think what happens is he wants to see you.
28:47Yeah, OK.
28:48Hiya, I'm so sorry, we can't maneuver on the price, I'm so sorry.
28:51We've got a set price that we agreed with the baby show when we came here.
28:54It's not our fault, it's just the price that we agreed.
28:59People have obviously had the opportunity to look around the exhibition.
29:03Anyone that was interested in this earlier will have noticed it on the other hand,
29:06and probably bought it from there.
29:08So we've probably been doing a great sales pitch this morning,
29:10and now lost loads of the sales that we thought we'd get coming back.
29:16Fifteen minutes to go.
29:19As mums and dads head home...
29:21Which one was it that you thought you liked?
29:23An exhibitor is after a rocking horse.
29:26That one is so neat for kids.
29:28He doesn't want to get up here.
29:30But he wants £200 off the price.
29:33High quality oak.
29:34If she really, really wants that colour, and it's really, really worth it,
29:37is it worth it to you to pay an extra £214?
29:39She's not paying for it.
29:40If everything's worth it, you're not paying for it.
29:42Come on, Debra.
29:43Come on, Debra.
29:45My arse is like that at the moment.
29:47It's puffed.
29:48Seriously, £1,500 is more than worth it.
29:52I'll come work for you for a day.
29:54Tell him I'll come work for him for a day.
29:56I've got 34 staff.
29:57No, no, no, excuse me.
29:58I'll come work for a whole week for £214.
30:03You can't haggle over the price.
30:04There's nothing we can move, so...
30:05Is he haggling?
30:06I think so, but there's nothing we can do on price, so...
30:08Literally, you'll pay my wages for a whole week?
30:10No, genuinely.
30:11Can you do it at 15 minutes?
30:12I can't.
30:13It's dead. It's dead.
30:14Oh, no.
30:15It's dead.
30:16It's dead.
30:17It's dead.
30:18It's dead.
30:19It's dead.
30:20It's dead.
30:21Oh, no.
30:22Honestly, guys, I'm doing the best I can.
30:24If you don't want it, you don't want it.
30:26I'm offering you the best I can.
30:29Take care.
30:31Very good effort.
30:32Right, let's get this stuff packed away.
30:36I feel like I've backed a horse that's died.
30:38I feel like my football team's just lost.
30:40I feel like I've just been dumped.
30:42It's that kind of ain't life a bitch feeling.
30:48For the babies, bedtime.
30:51For the teams, the boardroom.
31:16You can go through to the boardroom now.
31:45Good afternoon.
31:46Good afternoon, sir.
31:52Well, a very interesting task.
31:56I sent you out to the baby show.
31:59Lorraine and James, I made you the team leaders.
32:03Let's start off with James and Empire.
32:06How was your team leader? Was he any good?
32:09If I'm being honest, I didn't think there was much improvement since last time.
32:13There really wasn't much control at all.
32:15Right, OK. Let's hear what you got up to.
32:18OK, so, Alan, on the first day, we had to decide on which products we wanted.
32:22I split our team in two and we chose a rocking horse and a baby birth pool.
32:28The price of the rocking horse was what?
32:31Between £1,700 and just over £4,000.
32:34£1,700 to £4,000?
32:37Depended on the size of the rocking horse.
32:39Picking a high-ticket-value product is a risky strategy, no?
32:43It is, but, to be honest, we didn't have much of an option.
32:46The feedback I got from my other two, Deborah and Ben,
32:48who looked at the other three products in that category,
32:51weren't able to choose a single item in there that was good enough.
32:54I have to say, you guys were very keen on the rocking horse,
32:57and that was discussed on the phone, but we felt the helmet just wasn't going to tie in.
33:01High heels, we just weren't keen on full stop.
33:04And the cardboard cot was very expensive.
33:07So you got the rocking horse and the birth pool. So how did the birth pool come about?
33:11Birth pool was a spin-up between mostly two items,
33:14the pool and the pushchair.
33:16Having looked at probably 1,000 different pushchairs for my son,
33:19I kind of can see that there's two real types.
33:21There's one which is the main investment,
33:23and there's a second one which is like a travel pushchair,
33:25and this product fell into the latter category.
33:27The leading retailer is around about £80 for that,
33:30so I didn't particularly want to go in with something that was a new brand
33:33that no-one had seen before that was double the price.
33:36Now, Lorraine, good team leader or not?
33:39Yeah. I think overall, yes.
33:41Yeah? Yes.
33:43Any regrets you came across a few weeks ago, Kate?
33:45No, I thought Lorraine was much, much better,
33:48taking on board feedback from people.
33:50There was no conflict.
33:52She was decisive when she needed to be.
33:54She listened to everyone's opinion, so I think she did a much better job this time.
33:57And you chose in the end...?
33:59Chose the pushchair. Yeah.
34:01And we chose the safety helmet.
34:03Right. OK.
34:06They took the helmet.
34:08I think as part of the bigger strategy,
34:10we decided that we'd try and have one high-value item
34:13that we would focus most of our efforts on selling,
34:15and then another cheaper item that might be more of an impulse purchase.
34:19And so we thought that,
34:21because Lorraine felt quite passionately about the pushchair,
34:23and we also thought that it would be a good product,
34:25that the two would complement each other quite well.
34:28You thought they wouldn't sell?
34:30I didn't think it wouldn't sell full stop.
34:32I just thought it was going to be a hard sell overall,
34:35and that if you're going to allocate a lot of time trying to sell one of those,
34:39you may as well try and sell a rocking horse.
34:42And then you chose the pram, is that right?
34:44Chose the pushchair, yes, I did.
34:46I mean, I liked the pushchair.
34:48And you didn't think the pram market is a pretty full market?
34:50It absolutely is, and, you know...
34:52Did you check whether that same pram was being sold in the exhibition also?
34:55I have to say I didn't, no.
34:57No. Didn't you think it was a good idea to find out?
34:59Yes, in hindsight, of course it is, yeah, but I didn't.
35:02But, I mean, I did negotiate on the price.
35:04Did you find out afterwards, while you were selling,
35:06whether it was being sold somewhere else?
35:08No, unfortunately we did.
35:09And what was it being sold for?
35:11And what were you trying to sell it for?
35:17OK, then, let's hear how both teams did.
35:23Margaret, can you give me the rundown on the Empire figures, please?
35:28Well, Empire's total sales were £722.
35:33And Nick, for Ignite,
35:37total sales of £1,660.89.
35:42Well, there you are.
35:44Your buggy and your helmet won the day for you.
35:48A win, good win.
35:50Seems like you had a good team leader, you picked the right products.
35:53So your treat is you're going to go off to the National Portrait Gallery,
35:58where you'll be meeting the famous cartoonist Gerald Scarfe,
36:03and he'll be drawing a caricature of each of you.
36:08OK, so, well done, off you go, and I'll see you on the next task.
36:12Thank you, thank you very much.
36:23Right, James and the rest of your team,
36:26I think you know the drill now.
36:28I'd like you to go off, have a chat amongst yourself,
36:31you'll come back in this boardroom here,
36:33and one of you will get fired.
36:51Hi. Hello. Welcome to my humble studio.
36:53Very nice it is, too.
36:58I'm so sorry, Kate.
36:59I'll forgive you.
37:06Is it a bit Tony Blair-ish?
37:08I think it is a bit Tony Blair-ish, yes.
37:13Champagne glass.
37:16Definitely for the rain. As always.
37:20The glasses are fantastic.
37:21They look great.
37:22That's really your signature look.
37:23Oh, yeah, very much so.
37:24Absolutely brilliant.
37:25It's fantastic.
37:26Well done, everybody. Cheers.
37:34In my mind, if you're a family,
37:36you always will have a need for a buggy,
37:38and you may have more than one buggy.
37:40But that's not your... It's true. They sell more than ours.
37:42I definitely think James should be fired.
37:44In fact, if James wasn't fired, I'd be absolutely devastated
37:47if it was anyone else apart from James.
37:50I cannot leave today because there's no reason for me to leave.
37:53I took on board everyone's advice.
37:55I made the best decisions in the time frame I had,
37:57and that's fact.
37:59100% of people in there need a buggy.
38:012.2% are interested in birthing pools.
38:04There's absolutely no way in hell I'm going home today.
38:08No way in hell. It's extremely important.
38:10I'm making it to the final, and I'm making it right into AMS1.
38:22Hello? Can you send them in, please?
38:24Yes, Sir Alan. Sir Alan's ready for you now.
38:42Right. You've rolled the dice on the products.
38:45James is the team leader.
38:47Enlighten me where you think the blame lays.
38:50OK, Sir Alan.
38:52They won the task because they sold more buggies than we sold birth pools.
38:55Right. And you didn't like the buggy?
38:57I will say, and if I had to make the choice again,
39:00I wouldn't have picked that buggy based on how it looked.
39:02That's bad news, isn't it? It's showing bad judgment again.
39:05That buggy didn't stand out for me as a great product.
39:07Everybody needs a buggy.
39:092.whatever-it-was percent are interested in a birthing pool.
39:13Everybody needs a buggy or two.
39:15It was 50 times the target market.
39:17The point I'm trying to make is I don't think the buggy was a better product
39:20in a better place than the birth pool.
39:22I think we lost because we didn't focus our efforts
39:24on selling enough of that birth pool.
39:26The horse was a distraction, then? I think it was, yeah.
39:29I think someone was infatuated with this bloody horse, if you ask me,
39:33and spent far too much time concentrating on it.
39:36That's where I'll agree with you.
39:38And it might have been... Was it you? Who else?
39:41No, without a shadow of a doubt,
39:43you're obviously directing that towards me,
39:45and I take it on the chin that I thought the product was very, very well made.
39:48In terms of us losing this overall task, though,
39:50if we'd have picked that buggy, which I said we should...
39:52No, but someone championed the rocking horse, right?
39:54To use a pun, really. That was you, right?
39:57Both Ben and myself turned around and said it was a good product,
40:00and it was a big risk. If we'd got one order, we'd have won.
40:03Can I say something, please? There was absolutely no discussion
40:06between the rocking horse and another product.
40:08It was literally, the rocking horse is the only product
40:11that we can possibly begin to imagine selling from those four products.
40:14Me and Ben told you all four products we'd seen,
40:16how much they cost, positives and negatives,
40:18and when you said, which is the best product, we said the horse.
40:21We said the thud guard would be a second option.
40:23And you said the horse because there was nothing else?
40:26James, your project manager, you could turn to me and say,
40:28that is too high risk, we're not taking it, we're going with the thud guard.
40:31You were already a pro horse before we'd even seen the last one.
40:33If everything else isn't... If there is no other option there...
40:36There was, there was three other options, James.
40:39James, did you agree with it or not?
40:41I agreed with it because there was, and I'd like to quote it almost,
40:45there is nothing else to choose from.
40:47I remember saying to you, if I put a gun to your head and said,
40:49you have to sell one of these, which one would you sell it?
40:51And you said, none of them.
40:52Forget the rocking horse, take it all the way out of the equation.
40:54No matter how many birth pools we'd have sold,
40:56we wouldn't have beat the other team because they picked...
40:58It's my turn to speak if that's all right. Forget the horse.
41:00OK, the reason why we chose the birthing pool, OK,
41:03was because the lady had already sold at many exhibitions.
41:06She'd proved to us that the product sold.
41:08But what sold more on the day? Push chair?
41:10No, I'm just asking... I'll tell you what sold more.
41:12Push chair or what we had on our stand. The other team beat us.
41:15I'll tell you what sold more, OK? The push chair sold more,
41:18but they concentrated their entire resources selling that push chair.
41:21I think the birthing pool...
41:22Debra, you're saying we shouldn't have picked the birthing pool,
41:24but if we'd have concentrated more of our efforts selling the birthing pool,
41:27we'd have sold more than nine units, which is what we sold.
41:29And how many birthing pools would you have had to sell
41:31to beat the other team on buggies? It wouldn't have worked out.
41:33It would have worked out, Debra. No, it wouldn't have.
41:35They beat us because they picked a product that everybody needed.
41:37The birthing pool was £76 as opposed to £130.
41:41So two for... So virtually got ourselves two of those to equivalent...
41:45But do you know what? Everyone who came up to us
41:47knew straight away that we were cheaper.
41:49You had a reduced price, yeah? Yes, yeah.
41:51That's why they bought them from you? Yeah.
41:53Right, you didn't have a reduced price on the horse, did you?
41:55No, exactly. We didn't.
41:57Who got nearest to selling a rocking horse then?
41:59Me. Debra at the end of the day.
42:01And what was the story there?
42:02The guy just wanted a certain type of wood on a horse
42:05that we couldn't offer for the price he wanted it.
42:07How much did he want to pay? £214 less.
42:10Right, about 1,500 quid.
42:13You know, when you two went off
42:16and spoke to the vendor of the rocking horses,
42:19you didn't negotiate with him, did you?
42:21No, we had a word with him. We tried to get him done.
42:23He wasn't prepared to move and he did say... Really?
42:26We asked him what special... Are you sure?
42:28Because before you answer that question,
42:30I want to tell you something. I always check up afterwards.
42:33Had they pushed you, would you have reduced the price by anything,
42:37by 10%, for example, and the bloke came back and said yes?
42:42So if that was the case, this £1,500 deal would have been done.
42:45So what was your special offer?
42:48Where was your reason for them to buy it today?
42:51There is a reason. They could just leave a deposit.
42:53They didn't have to pay the whole amount.
42:55They could leave the deposit in the run-up to...
42:57Leave a deposit anywhere. Leave a deposit on anything.
42:59The big offer of the product was the product itself.
43:02It offered more than what we thought the head guard offered.
43:05Why should I buy it now? Tell me why I should buy it now.
43:08Nobody else has got it there.
43:10Nobody else had it in the exhibition in terms of prams and competition.
43:13But the price wasn't special. You're missing the point, aren't you?
43:15I don't understand what you're saying. We didn't negotiate.
43:17You don't understand what I'm saying.
43:18You're trying to say, why do they need to buy it there and then?
43:20They could have gone and bought it later. Yeah.
43:22And the only reason they need to buy it there and then
43:24is because they see it and they can buy it.
43:26There was no other reason. You're right.
43:28If it's a better price than they've seen anywhere else before,
43:30then there was a reason to buy it, right?
43:32I think psychologically, £1,500 and £1,700,
43:35there's not that much difference in a shoe like that.
43:37It is to people who do their homework, you know?
43:39People are very price conscious, right? Very price conscious.
43:43That's why they go there, bargain hunting.
43:45Even though it's a high-priced item,
43:47they're looking to see whether there's anything special going on.
43:50And if there's nothing special going on, they won't buy it.
43:53OK, taken on board, but if you're...
43:55Will you tell me which two people you're bringing back in this boardroom?
43:59I'm going to take in Ben and Deborah.
44:03Right, no surprise.
44:04To be honest, Sir Alan, if I could, I would have taken Deborah in twice.
44:07Ben and Deborah. Yasmina, go back to the penthouse.
44:18Interestingly enough, this is the fourth time
44:21all of you have been in the last three.
44:24Yeah? One of you is going to get fired here
44:27and it's going to be on the basis of this task.
44:29It's going to be on the basis of what I've picked up and gleaned about you,
44:33about your temperament, your nature, whether you're truthful enough
44:37or whether you've got any business acumen, OK?
44:39So step outside there.
44:41Margaret, Nick and I are going to have a further discussion.
44:45I don't know how it didn't occur to them
44:47to ask for a special discount for the show.
44:50That's such a basic error.
44:52But then James didn't tell them to do that.
44:54They're saying that he didn't seem to organise them at all.
44:59Ben, he does think a lot more of himself than he actually is.
45:06I have a lot of sympathy with Ben
45:08if he had to spend a whole day with Deborah.
45:10She is definitely very, you know, overpowering, isn't she?
45:14She never listens. She gets the wrong end of the stick.
45:24Hello? Yeah, send them in, please.
45:27So, Alan, we'll see you now.
45:30Right, I'm not sure whether I want to go over ifs and buts and whats,
45:35but I want to give you the opportunity to discuss
45:39a few of the things that have been mentioned.
45:41And I think that's good.
45:43I think that's good.
45:45We've got some really good stuff here.
45:47We've got a lot to discuss.
45:49We've got a lot to discuss.
45:51We've got a lot to discuss.
45:53We've got a lot to discuss.
45:55but I want to give you the opportunity to convince me, if you like,
46:00as to why you should stay.
46:03Why shouldn't I fire you, Ben?
46:05The reason that you shouldn't fire me, Sir Alan,
46:07is because I've shown you that I've got raw business talent,
46:10I've shown you that I've got raw acumen.
46:12Let's stop there. Where have you shown me that?
46:15There are words, you know, it's easy to spew words out.
46:18I want you to back them up with facts.
46:20Absolutely. I've shown you that I can be a complete grafter,
46:24I've shown you that conceptually...
46:26No, no, no, you've done it again.
46:28You're telling me that you've shown me. I'm asking you where.
46:31Task one, I was out there, I was putting ideas across,
46:33I was showing that I could really graft,
46:35didn't mind getting my hands dirty.
46:37Task four, that's when I really showed you that I could sell.
46:40Really? That soup task, I was...
46:42Yeah, I really performed on that soup task when it came to selling.
46:46As we got on, treasure flakes,
46:48I showed that, again, conceptually, I can come up with things...
46:51Which is when you were Captain something or other?
46:53When I was Captain Squawk, I showed that I had no problem getting stuck in,
46:56and I haven't been trying to take people down.
46:58But what other qualifications have you got
47:00that you think are important factors that I should need to consider?
47:03Well, I think the things that are important to consider
47:06are that I can compete at a world-class level,
47:09I've had an honorary scholarship to Sandhurst,
47:11and that shows that I have leadership potential.
47:13That's some banging on about bloody Sandhurst again.
47:15But it shows I've got potential.
47:17I was in the Jewish Legs Brigade, Stanford Hill Division,
47:19trainee bugler, but it did make me sell computers when I got older.
47:22And, you know, when I went to university,
47:25I was straight into work whilst I was at university,
47:28so I wasn't wasting time.
47:30All right, all right, OK, OK, OK.
47:32You know, I've had the Sandhurst group here in this boardroom before.
47:36One of them couldn't cook a sausage on a baked bean can,
47:39so that don't mean anything to me, all right?
47:41James, tell me in simple, old-fashioned terms
47:45that I will understand what you think you're best at doing.
47:49I work in a very big organisation,
47:51and I've got to quite a senior level of management there,
47:53and I haven't got there through being a nasty guy
47:56who's just going to worm his way up.
47:58I make sensible decisions based on things such as
48:01how to go about running a sales campaign,
48:03whether something's a good deal or not,
48:05whether that's too expensive, you can't sell it,
48:07that looks like a load of rubbish, no-one's going to buy it.
48:09And the fact is you could put me into an organisation
48:11and half the battle is getting on with people.
48:13I really think if you put Deborah in your business,
48:15you'd have half the company on strike on the first day
48:17and the other half would be...
48:19Thanks for that. Thanks for that.
48:21I've got Nick and Margaret advising me on things like that.
48:23I'm just saying, I'd like to think that I'm easily shapeable...
48:27In these tough economic times that we have gone through
48:31in the past months, OK,
48:33I'm sorry to say that there's not much space
48:35for Mr Nice Guy, Mr Cuddly Cuddly Kissy Kissy Guy, you know?
48:39I'm not some little cogwheel in the business I work in.
48:41I play a major part. I've got a massive budget that I look after.
48:44I haven't got there through being a Mr Nice Guy and telling jokes.
48:47I get there through people who know that I make the right call.
48:50Deborah, highlighted by your colleague here already,
48:53it seems to me you don't know when to admit you've done something wrong
48:57and instead of admitting you've done something wrong,
48:59in that brain of yours, you are stepping one step ahead
49:02to try and talk yourself out of something all the time.
49:05In answer to that, every week I come in here
49:08and I'm trying to fight to work for you.
49:10And if I sat here and didn't think of why I should be here,
49:13I wouldn't have got very far.
49:15But I hope that Nick, yourself and Margaret will have noticed...
49:19No, they have noticed.
49:21One thing I can tell you, not your best fans sitting here.
49:24I've got to tell you.
49:26And there are times when I have to listen
49:28and there are times when I perhaps see some things different than they do.
49:31What I wanted to see out of you in this last nine weeks
49:34is A, that you've learnt from my criticisms,
49:37and B, some constructive stuff coming out.
49:40And all I can see is you alienating people, not the best fans here,
49:44and at this stage of the process, I don't need that aggravation.
49:47I'm not trying to aggravate anyone that I work with at all.
49:50I'm trying to get to an end goal.
49:52My personality might not be taken by everybody.
49:55I fully am aware of that.
49:57But in a business sense, I'm successful at what I do in the outside world.
50:00What have you been successful in the outside world at, then?
50:03I've worked for a FTSE 250 company for the last year
50:06and been one of their most successful salespeople on the entire floor.
50:09Because I'm passionate and I have no fear about going out there
50:12and getting what I want, and I understand for other people,
50:15sometimes that's a bit much, but that's who I am, and I'm trying very, very hard.
50:19Ruthless, do you think? No, I don't think I'm ruthless.
50:21I'm trying very, very hard to be taken from a piece of coal
50:24to the diamond you want, but I'm not somebody who's backing out of that.
50:27You're a Zircon at the moment, I can tell you. No diamond, that's for sure.
50:30Hopefully one day.
50:33Getting back to the task in hand
50:36and getting back to the selection of this rocking horse,
50:39I'm just trying to see if anybody's got the guts
50:42to actually stand up and say,
50:44yeah, I was a bit responsible for that.
50:47I think we're all partially responsible for it.
50:49No, I think I was responsible for thinking it was a brilliant product
50:53and conveying that to my project manager,
50:55but I did say to him there's a lower-risk option, which is...
50:58Debra, you really did it, and do you know what's wrong?
51:00No, I did, and Ben was with me all day.
51:02What sort of project manager would I have been
51:04if I'd have gone round and said,
51:07and there's nothing else, and I went, I'll tell you what,
51:09I'm going to ignore that advice, cos I've given you the mandate
51:11to make the decision yourself and the responsibility...
51:13No, no, James, we called you in the morning.
51:16You would have crucified me for doing that, Sir Alan.
51:19All right.
51:24I'm going to summarise now,
51:26because this is the end of the road for one of you.
51:31Ben, I think you think quite a lot of yourself,
51:36you over-hype yourself a little bit,
51:38your abilities and how good you are,
51:41but at certain stages of this process,
51:43I was seeing some quite bright shining light
51:46at the end of a long tunnel.
51:50Debra, I've expressed my concerns as far as your temperament is concerned,
51:54your ruthlessness.
51:56You're not coming across as a likeable person as far as I'm concerned.
52:00As I've said, Nick and Margaret, they're not your greatest fans.
52:04I'm not one of your greatest fans at the moment.
52:06I apologise, Sir.
52:08Yeah, I said I don't want to hear any more.
52:11James, yes, you are a very nice guy.
52:15We've had some fun and laughter from you in this boardroom,
52:18and I can understand how, where you've worked in the past,
52:21you must have got on very, very well with people,
52:24but I think that being just a nice fellow
52:29in the cruel, hard world of business,
52:32it may not be enough of a requirement.
52:38It's a very tough decision,
52:40and it's not a nice one for me, to be perfectly honest.
52:49But I feel that the light at the end of the tunnel...
52:57..has gone out, quite frankly,
53:00and I think it's time, Ben, for you to leave this process.
53:06You're fired.
53:07Thank you very much for the wonderful opportunity, Sir.
53:10OK, off you go.
53:24You know what you're all doing here, still?
53:26It's sheer bloody belligerence.
53:28I've got two people here telling me
53:30to kick your bleeding arse out the door,
53:33and I don't know what it is,
53:35it's just sheer belligerence, I think it is.
53:38Get out now, I'll see you on the next task.
53:41Thank you very much.
53:59I think it was kind of the end of the road for Ben.
54:02He'd done all right, actually, to get through to this stage,
54:05but I think it was the right time for him.
54:10The raw material's good.
54:12Yeah, yeah, yeah, it'll be all right, it'll be OK.
54:29So who's going to go? I just don't know.
54:34I'd probably be more surprised if Ben went than the other two.
54:38I think Deborah will go, guys.
54:40I think Sir Alan would have lost patience with her at this stage.
54:44I think that James would be the right person to go.
54:47I think Ben would be the biggest surprise,
54:49you know, if he got fired tonight.
54:54Who is it?
54:58Ben's got gold!
55:02You've got nine lives.
55:04Well done. Congratulations.
55:06You're not even looking at a dead person, are you?
55:08I thought you'd gone, James.
55:10Well done. Fair play.
55:12Oh, my God.
55:16I didn't want to go this distance, I wanted to go the full way,
55:20and I wanted to bloody well win it.
55:22I felt I could win it.
55:24I still am adamant that I'm better than James.
55:28I think I'm probably overall better than Deborah as well.
55:32I think if I'd got to the final,
55:34I really could have shown that I had a lot more to offer.
55:39One job.
55:41Now six candidates remain.
55:45Sir Alan's search for his apprentice.