Assassination Classroom S01E22 - Hindi

  • 2 weeks ago


00:16May have to murder Nga up link is a jokey house kill you
00:22Yeah, we know but oh
02:07What do they have? Yes, I take it. I'm supposed to get the odd me go. Marla. Charlie
02:12Ligin, who's that? I think it's a it's a good nip at by
02:16No, no, don't make it go broke. Nah, hold on
03:48You have such a high fever.
03:51How did you get here in this condition?
03:54Oh shut up.
03:55If you want to take care of anything, then focus on it.
03:59Listen to me Nagisa.
04:01Taking his life is not going to help us.
04:22Why am I not scared of you?
04:23Guru Sensei, Nagisa has removed the stun gun.
04:28I can see that you are very eager to use that knife.
04:33I am very happy.
04:35Maybe you don't know that I have some other special treatment.
04:38And if you don't come to me with the intention of taking revenge,
04:41or your friends come in between us,
04:44then you will have to say goodbye to them forever.
04:47Karasuma, it would be better if you stay away from all this.
04:52It takes about a month to make this medicine.
04:55And this is not enough for everyone.
04:57But this is your last hope.
05:01Karasuma Sensei.
05:03Don't you believe that if Nagisa has any chance of surviving,
05:07then there is no hesitation in shooting.
05:11He always knew what was going to happen.
05:13But today he doesn't know anything.
05:15This is one of the most dangerous situations we have ever faced.
05:19I can also tell you that Nagisa is in danger.
05:23Even though we were able to defeat those three killers in our own way,
05:27but that situation was different.
05:29But now the game has turned completely.
05:33Even though Nagisa tried to turn him into a murderer.
05:42What happened?
05:43What happened?
05:44Don't you want to kill me?
05:49Takao has a completely different man right now.
05:52He wants to fight.
05:54Even though he has lost his mind,
05:56he is still a soldier.
05:58His defense ability can fail on any surprise attack.
06:05His training, skills and experience are amazing.
06:14It is impossible to defeat him.
06:15On top of that, a child is fighting him.
06:17This is not a national mock exam.
06:19This is not a contest.
06:21He can't defeat that demon at any cost.
06:24What's the matter?
06:25You got tired so soon?
06:27Look, we haven't even started yet.
06:32I think it's time to give you an answer.
06:37In my dreams, with this knife,
06:39she becomes a painful image.
06:41When she trapped me with a smile,
06:44I felt like I was completely shattered.
06:48But believe me,
06:49I will never make that mistake again.
06:53I will cut your hands and legs.
06:55And after that,
06:56you will neither live nor die.
07:00Karasuma Sensei,
07:01please shoot him.
07:02Otherwise, he will kill Nagisa.
07:06No one will come between him.
07:08Can we still leave him in his condition?
07:11I am ready to take part in this fight.
07:15You don't know because you never come to practice.
07:19But Nagisa is safe.
07:22She still has a chance to save herself.
07:26Was this the same technique that failed?
07:30But still,
07:31it didn't look like that.
07:34When I was in a difficult situation as a murderer,
07:36I used it to find my way.
07:40But there are certain conditions that must be fulfilled.
07:43And you have to fulfill these three conditions.
07:48you should have two weapons.
07:52you should be facing an expert.
07:55And third,
07:56you should be afraid of killing your enemy.
08:03This is what I wanted.
08:08Takaoka Sensei.
08:11Will you be my guinea pig?
08:16What are you doing?
08:18An attack that kills someone instantly
08:21is not necessary to kill immediately.
08:23Of course, it depends on the condition of the assassin.
08:26But any assassin can do this job.
08:29But in reality,
08:30such situations may never happen.
08:33when your target is an air-tight defense.
08:37But this technique can create all the conditions for murder.
08:40So be careful.
08:42It prepares you for every situation.
08:46And how do I prepare for this situation?
08:49Take a step forward.
08:50As fast as you can.
08:52Show as much courage as you can.
08:54And scare him as much as you can.
08:57I won't let you go.
08:59It's time to drop the knife.
09:03The closer you get,
09:05the more the target will focus on the knife.
09:08Take that focus away from the knife.
09:10And the moment you do that,
09:12he won't know what to do.
09:40An assassin
09:42won't ignore those few moments.
09:44Very easily,
09:45pull out your second blade
09:47to attack.
09:52This kid...
09:56defeated me again.
09:59I can't believe it.
10:14Kill him, Nagisa.
10:16Give him a tight slap on the neck
10:18and shut him up.
10:19So that he remembers this slap for the rest of his life.
10:32He taught me to be thirsty for blood.
10:35Some people who are thirsty for blood
10:37do wrong to themselves.
10:39And it's important to have friends
10:41who stop you from doing wrong.
10:43The pain of defeat.
10:45The fear of real battle.
10:47I've learned a lot from this man.
10:50He did terrible things.
10:52But forgetting that,
10:54I thought I should thank him
10:56instead of learning from him.
11:01And it felt like I...
11:04To thank him,
11:06I'll have to keep a smile on my face.
11:09Don't you want to die at my hands?
11:13This face...
11:14will torment me
11:16until I die.
11:20Takaoka Sensei.
11:22Thank you very much.
11:33I'll never forgive you.
11:43We defeated the boss!
11:50We did it!
11:51We did it!
11:53We did it!
12:03We did it!
12:09Very good.
12:11Are you okay, Nagisa?
12:14You handled everything very well.
12:17I didn't believe what was going to happen next.
12:19Now I feel relieved.
12:22I'm fine too,
12:23but what do we do now?
12:26the treatment we got from Takaoka Sensei
12:28won't be enough.
12:31We have to get out of here as soon as possible.
12:33I've called a helicopter.
12:34You guys stay here.
12:36I'll get that poison-giving man.
12:39But you guys
12:40don't need any kind of treatment.
12:43You thought
12:44you'd get out of here alive,
12:46didn't you?
12:48We defeated the man
12:49who hired you.
12:51So now you guys
12:52have no reason to fight.
12:54I'm feeling much better than before.
12:56And this student is very strong.
12:58If you listen to me,
12:59stop yourself
13:00before someone else gets hurt.
13:04Don't you understand that...
13:07Our contract doesn't say anything
13:09about taking revenge on the boss.
13:11And besides that,
13:13as I said,
13:14you guys don't need any kind of treatment.
13:17I gave him an ordinary infection,
13:19not a virus.
13:20It's just food poison,
13:21but it looks like a real virus.
13:23It'll stay in his body
13:24for the next 30 hours.
13:26But then it'll be less effective
13:28and the poison will go away.
13:29Now, this is what
13:30our boss told us to use.
13:32If we had used it,
13:34you guys would have been
13:35in a lot of trouble.
13:37Before using that virus,
13:38the three of us
13:39talked about it.
13:41Our boss gave you
13:42an hour's time.
13:43We thought
13:44we could hand over
13:45without the help
13:46of a dangerous virus.
13:49it was enough for you guys
13:50to feel that
13:51your life was in danger.
13:53So that means
13:54you went against his orders?
13:55You can do this
13:56even if you get his money?
13:58What do you think?
13:59If you think
14:00we'll do anything
14:01for the money,
14:02then you're wrong.
14:03No doubt,
14:04we'll do anything
14:05to make our client happy.
14:07I'll blow this antidote
14:08right in front of their eyes
14:10and they won't be able
14:11to do anything.
14:12I'll be so relieved
14:13to see their helpless eyes.
14:16But we knew
14:17there was no way
14:18to treat you.
14:20Either we'd become
14:21the murderers
14:22of a group of children
14:23from an innocent
14:25or we'd betray
14:26our profession.
14:27This is what we came to
14:28with peace of mind.
14:30Which path would be
14:31more risky?
14:34And that's why
14:35I'm sorry to say
14:37none of you
14:38will die.
14:39Give this medicine
14:40to the patients
14:41and tell them
14:42to rest.
14:43The medicine will
14:44definitely work.
14:45They'll feel
14:46even better
14:47than before.
14:48Once I see
14:49those students
14:50get better,
14:51I'll be sure.
14:52And I want
14:53to stop you
14:54from questioning
14:55for a while.
14:56You have
14:57a week to do that.
14:58Then we'll have
14:59to start
15:00our next task.
15:03What's this?
15:04You won't come after me
15:05to take revenge,
15:06my friend?
15:07After what happened,
15:08do you really
15:09not want to kill me?
15:11No, I don't kill
15:12children to take revenge.
15:15I'll wait for the day
15:16when someone
15:17will attack you.
15:20you'll have to be
15:21capable of
15:22becoming a target.
15:23Always remember
15:24my advice,
15:26If you want
15:27to die at my hands,
15:28then kill me.
15:30Then I'll tell you
15:31what it means
15:32to mess with
15:33a helpless
15:42Those weapons
15:43saved our lives.
15:45They gave us
15:46all kinds of warnings
15:47and told us
15:48how grateful
15:49we were to them.
15:52This is Karasoma's message.
15:54It's a signal
15:55that everyone's gone.
15:57I want to go
15:58and see the sea
15:59under the mountain.
16:00Will no one come
16:01to drop me there?
16:04And that's how
16:05our mission
16:06to enter the city
16:07was accomplished.
16:08Because no one
16:09in the hotel
16:10was capable of
16:11catching us.
16:13Your friend?
16:15Thank you
16:16for explaining
16:17to me that time.
16:18I was going
16:19to take the wrong step.
16:21One less student
16:22would make it
16:23very difficult
16:24to kill that octopus.
16:29I'm sorry.
16:31We returned
16:32to our hotel
16:33where everyone
16:34was waiting for us.
16:35And then we
16:36reassured them
16:37that they would be fine.
16:39After the fight
16:40that night,
16:41we fell asleep.
16:42And when we woke up,
16:43the next day
16:44was evening.
16:53will be a memorable day
16:54for us.
16:56I'm glad
16:57we're safe.
16:58You were in
16:59a lot of danger
17:00last night, Nagisa.
17:02I'm sorry.
17:03You're constantly
17:04in trouble these days.
17:05We're very worried
17:06about you.
17:09Good morning
17:10or good evening
17:11is what I should say.
17:12Are you feeling
17:13okay now?
17:14Yes, I'm fine.
17:15What's the matter?
17:16Everyone looks
17:17like a school today.
17:18It's just us here
17:19and it's very comfortable
17:20and we're just starting
17:21the day,
17:22so we'll have to
17:23stick to this jersey.
17:24What do you mean?
17:25I heard that
17:26Koro-sensei is there.
17:28he's in his
17:29absolute defense form.
17:30So until he
17:31gets back to normal,
17:32we can't kill him.
17:34is still involved
17:35in this fight.
17:36It seems like
17:37he never gets tired.
17:38He's amazing.
17:39I agree.
17:40Sometimes I wonder
17:41if we'll be able
17:42to be as good as him
17:43in 10 years.
17:44Who knows?
17:45Professor Beech
17:46may not look good,
17:47but he's amazing.
17:48And that killer
17:49who met us
17:50at the hotel.
17:51After years of experience,
17:52he's learned
17:53to be so cunning.
17:54His ideas
17:55about his work
17:56and people like
17:58are people
17:59we don't want
18:00to be like.
18:01Not at all.
18:02We want to be
18:03like the people
18:04we like.
18:05And we leave
18:06the people
18:07we don't like
18:09Maybe growing up
18:10is the difference
18:11between right and wrong.
18:17Should we attack?
18:21we already know
18:22the answer to this.
18:26You guys
18:27had to put up
18:28with so much
18:29because of me.
18:30But you've done
18:31a good job
18:32in fighting
18:33the virus.
18:34I'm proud of you.
18:36Good morning.
18:37How are you?
18:39I must admit
18:40your tentacles
18:41are better than
18:42your clothes.
18:43Good morning,
18:45Come on,
18:46let's enjoy
18:47the rest of our trip.
18:49we're going back
18:50tomorrow, Koro-sensei.
18:52What are you saying?
18:53I haven't enjoyed
18:54as much as you did.
18:55I was mostly
18:56in my defense form.
18:57We didn't enjoy
19:02I don't get a chance
19:03like this every time
19:04to enjoy
19:05with my students.
19:06What is this?
19:07You said
19:08we shouldn't waste
19:09even a second.
19:12Okay, Karma.
19:13Wait for me.
19:14I'm coming.
19:16I think this is
19:17the right opportunity
19:18for the Himalayas.
19:19Would you like
19:20to take a shot, Nagisa?
19:21We should spend
19:22as much time
19:23as we have.
19:25I'm ready.
19:28Let's go.
19:29I feel better now.
19:31I want to join
19:32you guys.
19:33I don't want to.
19:35Here you go.
19:41Don't forget
19:43Me too.
19:48Are you going
19:49to kill me?
19:51They saw us.
19:53is right.
19:54This is why
19:55there are summer vacations.
19:57I'm coming too.
20:02we're going to
20:03have a fire show.
20:04Don't play with me.
20:06We'll have fun.
20:07What should I do
20:08with this octopus?
20:09Mr. Karasuma,
20:10should we start
20:11getting ready
20:12to leave?
20:14Let's go.
20:15Wait for me.
20:18you're not doing
20:19the right thing.
20:20If you're going
20:21to the beach,
20:22take me with you.
20:23What kind of swimsuit
20:24is this?
20:25It's so hot.
20:26Shut up!
20:27Mr. Karasuma,
20:28what do you say
20:29if we leave
20:30the kids here
20:31and go to the beach?
20:32That's a great idea.
20:34You're such
20:35an idiot.
20:36How dare you!
20:37You guys
20:38have become
20:39very rude.
20:40Don't argue with me.
20:41Is this how
20:42you treat me?
20:43I'll show you.
20:44You handled
20:45everything well.
20:54E for end class
20:55means assassination class.
20:57And we're the killers.
20:59And our target
21:01is our sensei.
21:06So, you're here, kids.
21:07Good morning, class.
21:09The second term
21:10full of hard work
21:11has begun.
21:12To study
21:13and to kill me, too.
21:14This is the assassination class
21:15of Koro and me.
21:19Another day.
21:21A new beginning.
21:41I'm sorry.
21:42I'm sorry.
21:43I'm sorry.
21:44I'm sorry.
21:45I'm sorry.
21:46I'm sorry.
21:47I'm sorry.
21:48I'm sorry.
21:49I'm sorry.
21:50I'm sorry.
21:51I'm sorry.
21:52I'm sorry.
21:53I'm sorry.
21:54I'm sorry.
21:55I'm sorry.
21:56I'm sorry.
21:57I'm sorry.
21:58I'm sorry.
21:59I'm sorry.
22:00I'm sorry.
22:01I'm sorry.
22:02I'm sorry.
22:03I'm sorry.
22:04I'm sorry.
22:05I'm sorry.
22:06I'm sorry.
22:07I'm sorry.
22:08I'm sorry.
22:09I'm sorry.
22:10I'm sorry.
22:11I'm sorry.
22:12I'm sorry.
22:13I'm sorry.
22:14I'm sorry.
22:15I'm sorry.
22:16I'm sorry.
22:17I'm sorry.
22:18I'm sorry.
22:19I'm sorry.
22:20I'm sorry.
22:21I'm sorry.
22:22I'm sorry.
22:23I'm sorry.
22:24I'm sorry.
22:25I'm sorry.
22:26I'm sorry.
22:27I'm sorry.
22:28I'm sorry.
22:29I'm sorry.
22:30I'm sorry.
22:31I'm sorry.
22:32I'm sorry.
22:33I'm sorry.
22:34I'm sorry.
22:35I'm sorry.
22:36I'm sorry.
22:37I'm sorry.
22:38I'm sorry.
22:39I'm sorry.
22:40I'm sorry.
22:41I'm sorry.
22:42I'm sorry.
22:43I'm sorry.
22:44I'm sorry.
22:45I'm sorry.
22:46I'm sorry.
22:47I'm sorry.
22:48I'm sorry.
22:49I'm sorry.
22:50I'm sorry.
22:51I'm sorry.
22:52I'm sorry.
22:53I'm sorry.
22:54I'm sorry.
22:55I'm sorry.
22:56I'm sorry.
22:57I'm sorry.
22:58I'm sorry.
22:59I'm sorry.
23:00I'm sorry.
23:01I'm sorry.
23:02I'm sorry.
23:03I'm sorry.
23:04I'm sorry.
23:05I'm sorry.
23:06I'm sorry.
23:07I'm sorry.
