Watcher -Ep12- Eng sub

  • 2 days ago
00:00:00Translated by
00:00:27What happened?
00:00:28Did you kill yourself, or did the lawyer shoot you?
00:00:34The lawyer?
00:00:38You killed yourself, and I was shocked.
00:00:43Is that how you're going to do it?
00:00:46Or are you going to insist that I killed you?
00:00:49I asked because no one knew what was going on inside.
00:00:53All I got from the gun was your fingerprints and the lawyer's.
00:00:56I also got gunpowder from the lawyer.
00:01:02Did you clean up?
00:01:17You're here.
00:01:19Why are you here?
00:01:21You're not arguing, are you?
00:01:23Didn't I decide to be in charge of this case?
00:01:27Yes, the chief investigator contacted me.
00:01:31He said he was going to kill himself and involve all the prosecutors in this case.
00:01:38By the way, are you going to bother lawyer Han Tae-joo again?
00:01:45Didn't you do it because you were in charge?
00:01:54I just want to help you.
00:01:57I'm just saying I want to help you now.
00:02:09What did you talk about with the chief investigator?
00:02:12He said it was unfair that the drug trafficking case was turned upside down.
00:02:15Are you going to do a drug test?
00:02:18I'm reviewing it.
00:02:20It's going to be hard to just cover it up because it's gotten so big.
00:02:24After the drug test, the local prosecutor was drugged, drugged, and the police investigated.
00:02:30That's how it's going to go around.
00:02:33Please tell me the exact situation when the chief investigator died.
00:02:40I'm out of my mind right now, so I can't remember.
00:02:44I'd like you to go to the hospital first.
00:02:46Let's start with what we remember.
00:02:51All right, that's it.
00:02:56Lawyer Han Tae-joo is having a hard time.
00:02:59Do it later.
00:03:04You must have been very surprised today.
00:03:09Let's go to the hospital first.
00:03:17Let's go.
00:03:29Can I trust you?
00:03:32I trust you to have a hard time without a warrant.
00:03:35Are you making fun of me?
00:03:47May I ask why you helped me?
00:03:50I'm not helping you.
00:03:54It's a corruption investigation.
00:04:07I've always thought there was something in the police.
00:04:11There was some kind of flow that I couldn't understand.
00:04:17Every time, Mr. Park always jumped out of the middle of the flow without telling me.
00:04:22The police race torch went under Park Jin-woo.
00:04:28Is it a one-shot?
00:04:30Or is it trying to catch Mr. Park's tail?
00:04:35That's why I put Cho Jun-hyun on it.
00:04:37That's right.
00:04:39Is that why you said you'd help us?
00:04:45I can't just do it.
00:04:47At the top, I think this is an opportunity to hit the prosecution.
00:04:54Let's convince him that what he's doing doesn't help the police.
00:05:01Let's go.
00:05:05Have you heard of the Chamber of Commerce?
00:05:09Chamber of Commerce
00:05:11It's a police elite meeting.
00:05:13You're imitating the prosecution, aren't you?
00:05:15It's a boy's business meeting that was suspended early.
00:05:18That's why it's the Chamber of Commerce.
00:05:19They asked me to help.
00:05:21Let's get rid of the crime together.
00:05:24What's your name?
00:05:28If you have the power, you have a private organization.
00:05:31Is it a one-shot?
00:05:33Or is it trying to catch Mr. Park's tail?
00:05:35That's what the Chamber of Commerce is like.
00:05:38There's a rumor that each police unit is selected and managed.
00:05:46It's Park Jin-woo, a former police officer.
00:05:49It's just a card you throw away.
00:05:50You're the only one who doesn't know that.
00:05:53You're not the chief, are you?
00:05:55He's the most popular of his colleagues.
00:06:02Why would I be here?
00:06:09Oh, by the way.
00:06:11Mr. Cho Soo-hyun
00:06:12Can I stay here?
00:06:14All right.
00:06:29I'm sorry, Mr. Lawyer.
00:06:33I was watching you after I was instructed by the chief.
00:06:38I know.
00:06:41I was happy that a good person was watching me.
00:06:44You knew that, too?
00:06:46All right.
00:06:48I thought everyone knew.
00:06:50All right.
00:06:53Wow, I don't have anyone to trust.
00:07:01Lieutenant Jang's gun
00:07:04I took it from Kim Jae-myung's neighbor.
00:07:07If it's a suicide,
00:07:09It's related to the murderer.
00:07:10It's related to the murderer.
00:07:12Look at it that way.
00:07:14He could be an actor.
00:07:19Do Chul-kwang
00:07:22I heard there was a third party at the scene.
00:07:24Did you find any clues?
00:07:26There were two bullet holes at the entrance of the office.
00:07:29It's Han Tae-joo's shot.
00:07:32I'm checking if there was a third party there.
00:07:35Was there no blood?
00:07:36What came out of the scene
00:07:38It's just the chief's blood.
00:07:40It's just the chief's blood.
00:07:46When the lawyer comes back,
00:07:47I'll organize my schedule and call you.
00:07:50I'll take good care of it.
00:07:52Take care.
00:07:56Do you manage customers until this day?
00:08:00What about the lawyer?
00:08:01Don't worry.
00:08:03I'm talking to the investigator and the team leader.
00:08:08You took it from the surveillance team.
00:08:10Where's the blood here?
00:08:11There was blood here.
00:08:13Did the surveillance team take it?
00:08:21I don't know about that.
00:08:25You're speaking formally all of a sudden.
00:08:26When did I speak formally?
00:08:35I'm sorry.
00:08:47Was it a turtle?
00:08:50Please tell me what happened.
00:09:05Not that.
00:09:09A murderer in the business community.
00:09:11He's a cop, too.
00:09:14I'll tell you what I know.
00:09:16The blood exchange
00:09:18How do you know?
00:09:34Chief Ji
00:09:36I talked to the business community.
00:09:38It's a police elite meeting.
00:09:41They wanted to get rid of the crime together.
00:09:46Did you see the killer's face?
00:09:50I thought you were more interested in the actor.
00:10:02I'd like to know who it is.
00:10:04I don't know.
00:10:35You shot the killer, didn't you?
00:10:38I saw blood on the scene.
00:10:43It's because of me that it's so big.
00:10:47I'm sorry.
00:10:50He's a good guy, but he's alive.
00:10:54You could've caught the other guys.
00:11:05Chief Ji
00:11:16You said you were going to the hospital, and you were here.
00:11:20Yes, I'm here, so I feel a little better.
00:11:26Chief Ji
00:11:30You gave me the office.
00:11:32I gave you a chance.
00:11:35Did you choose the chief?
00:11:40You have to make a choice, too.
00:11:42What choice?
00:11:44I was shot in the killer's lawyer's office.
00:11:49He's the one who killed Jaemyeong and tried to kill Yeong-gun.
00:11:53If you secure blood and search the police database, it's all over.
00:11:58And if he confesses everything,
00:12:01He's the easiest person to take responsibility for.
00:12:05He's a high-ranking police officer from Chungkyung, who's been in charge of investigation and briefing.
00:12:12I didn't get shot.
00:12:17All I got was the chief's blood.
00:12:26You said it was an opportunity to give the prosecution a fatal blow.
00:12:31What's wrong with the chief?
00:12:33But what's the fatal blow?
00:12:35The chief is dead.
00:12:37Is it a drug fight?
00:12:39You have to give it up.
00:12:42It wasn't the drug chief's own crime.
00:12:48All right.
00:12:50Think about it.
00:12:52The door is still open.
00:12:57Make sure you go to the hospital.
00:13:01All right.
00:13:22Is that what you're doing?
00:13:26All right.
00:13:34Are you all right?
00:13:35Are you hurt?
00:13:37Take a break and go.
00:13:48Get rid of that blood.
00:13:52We need to secure that blood.
00:14:02I'm sorry.
00:14:20Even if the surveillance team takes it,
00:14:23The blood was damaged.
00:14:24I'm sure there's no DNA that fits the database.
00:14:28You said you were interested in the police.
00:14:32Whether it's a drug or not,
00:14:34I'm sure you've been waiting for the prosecution's fatal blow.
00:14:38Is that why you shut it down first?
00:14:41Don't worry, Chief.
00:14:44If I meet a murderer,
00:14:46I'll ask you who you want to catch.
00:14:52What the hell are you thinking?
00:14:57I've been using other people too much.
00:15:00I shouldn't have done that while ruining others.
00:15:05I'm going to try my best now.
00:15:07Until the end.
00:15:27What are you doing?
00:15:31An airplane with a total weight of 120 kilos.
00:15:33Air Force Department Aircraft
00:15:35Through Air Force Air Force Record
00:15:39Air Force Air Force Record
00:15:41From 100m to 5.15 a.m.
00:15:44Air Force Department Aircraft
00:15:47It's been a long time.
00:15:51The courier's name is on the board.
00:15:57Mr. Hong Jae-sik
00:16:00Look in front of you
00:16:04I'm sure there was a blood stain there
00:16:07It's a gold-plated gunshot wound
00:16:10You really didn't see it?
00:16:11I don't know
00:16:12Ask the surveillance team
00:16:14I told you to look in front of you
00:16:18You're here
00:16:19Wait a minute
00:16:20Mr. Hong Jae-sik
00:16:27Hey, where did you see that?
00:16:31There was a gunshot wound on the floor of the car
00:16:3399% pure gold
00:16:34It's a jackpot product
00:16:35It's a waste because it's mixed with garbage
00:16:43What's the jackpot?
00:16:44No, he gave it to me
00:16:46He said it was some kind of garbage
00:16:49He said the police left it inside
00:16:55Is it whale cleaning?
00:16:59It's almost all antibiotics
00:17:00There was a little bit of filopon in there
00:17:02Excuse me, sir
00:17:03Since you're from the surveillance team
00:17:05Is it possible that the drug addict burned his belongings
00:17:07and the filopon came out?
00:17:09Drugs are oxidized when burned
00:17:11so the ingredients are not detected
00:17:13Then where did it come from?
00:17:18Kim Jung-seon is dead
00:17:19Do you still bring drugs?
00:17:23I don't bring drugs
00:17:27Park Chung-geun?
00:17:30I told you I wouldn't say anything
00:17:46Are you going to drag me around and die again?
00:17:49Are you going to give up?
00:17:50I know you're worried about the order and the background
00:17:53You don't have to do that this time
00:17:54I'm just going to get everything for you
00:17:57I don't need a legal witness
00:17:59I just need to talk here
00:18:01What's a witness?
00:18:02I'll do anything you want for a business deal
00:18:05If you want, I'll make you a document
00:18:09Look at that
00:18:10I'm even filming a video
00:18:12Video witnesses also have legal power
00:18:21Are you good at talking?
00:18:34Are you really going to do a business deal with a witness?
00:18:37Both are illegal
00:18:40Don't worry
00:18:42We're the only ones who know what's going on here
00:18:45I'm not telling you to tell me your name
00:18:47I just need to tell you the situation
00:18:50I told you then
00:18:52We don't bring drugs
00:18:54If you get a spam text and make a phone call
00:18:57We tell you where the drugs are
00:18:59We sell them
00:19:01We put the money in the can and send it somewhere else
00:19:07We don't know
00:19:08We only sell
00:19:10We're in charge of collecting money and laundering money
00:19:13We're in charge of everything
00:19:25Kim Joong-San
00:19:40All three of them died within two months
00:19:48Kim Joong-San's drug sales
00:19:51And Hong Sung-Jin
00:19:53Because there's an illegal network hole
00:19:56He's making money with a can
00:19:58And Jung Woo-Yeong
00:20:01He's laundering money with a house redevelopment project
00:20:04It's a drug distribution business
00:20:05That, too
00:20:08He distributed drugs to three organizations
00:20:14But where do they get the drugs?
00:20:17He only sells them
00:20:19He can't make them in Goryeo Clinic
00:20:22He can't make them in Goryeo Clinic
00:20:32Min Young-Ki, Chief of Staff
00:20:37A drug addict
00:20:47Tang Seol, who disguised himself as a suicide
00:20:53Why on earth
00:20:56did he kill Min Young-Ki, Chief of Staff?
00:21:15A drug in the prosecution
00:21:17There's a drug in the prosecution?
00:21:26There is
00:21:31We're done talking, should I let you go?
00:21:34Is there a drug in the prosecution?
00:21:36A drug?
00:21:38Oh, a drug for a convict?
00:21:41It's literally a drug for a convict
00:21:44It's a confiscated item when a drug addict is arrested
00:21:46A confiscated item that's passed through
00:21:48If you add them up, it's about 300 kilos a year
00:21:51You can't keep those drugs
00:21:53So they're disposed of one at a time
00:21:55It's done by the local government
00:21:57but it's usually left to the local prosecutors
00:21:59Especially the drugs caught at the customs
00:22:01are kept in the prosecutor's storage
00:22:04The disposal method is small
00:22:06The disposal location is
00:22:08a secret
00:22:12So he stole the drugs from Goryeo Clinic and sold them
00:22:16That's right
00:22:18Prosecutor Min Young-gi
00:22:19was released on parole in early last year
00:22:21And he was convicted of drug trafficking in May of last year
00:22:24He killed the gangsters at the Goryeo Clinic
00:22:26and created a drug distribution system
00:22:28It all matched up in the fall of last year
00:22:31The prosecutor
00:22:33changed the drug disposal location to Goryeo Clinic
00:22:36And he stole the drugs from there and distributed them
00:22:40Then why did the Goryeo Clinic kill the prosecutor?
00:22:43He'd need the drugs to sell them
00:22:45The police would've planned to
00:22:47use the drug distribution system as a police operation
00:22:50And the lawyer Han Tae-joo
00:22:52would've planned to kill the prosecutor
00:22:54and distribute the drugs together
00:22:56So they're planning to use the police operation
00:22:57to steal the drugs from the crime scene
00:23:03Chief Cho
00:23:05Ask the chief to find out
00:23:08when the next drug distribution meeting is
00:23:11You're the closest to the chief among us
00:23:15We're not close
00:23:16We'll be at the Goryeo Clinic
00:23:18so call us
00:23:19Chief, I'm really not close to him
00:23:21I'm too scared to even look him in the eye
00:23:27You can't just barge in here
00:23:30I thought the investigation was over
00:23:32Something else came up this time
00:23:34The drug
00:23:36The police here have a drug
00:23:39It'll be out when the investigation is over
00:23:44Here it is
00:23:45I found it
00:23:50Why did you leave it inside?
00:23:52Who told you to do this?
00:23:54Is this a part of the investigation?
00:23:56I don't know what you're talking about
00:23:58Who is it?
00:24:00Just say thank you
00:24:01I came to help you
00:24:02Hey, Chief Cho
00:24:04Did you find it?
00:24:05The drug distribution meeting is this week
00:24:06I don't know the date
00:24:13The police are burning drugs, right?
00:24:15When is it this week?
00:24:17Why are you acting like this when you know that?
00:24:19I have nothing to do with this
00:24:21I think I spilled a little bit of the drug
00:24:22What are you saying with that?
00:24:24I'm going to make it easy for you this time
00:24:26You have to do what we tell you to do
00:24:29Use your head
00:24:32Hey, don't worry
00:24:34I'm just going to burn it for real
00:24:38I'm going to make it easy for you this time
00:24:56Oh, it's not taken off yet
00:24:57Wait a minute
00:24:59That bastard
00:25:03I imagined what he would do when he saw me
00:25:08What did he say?
00:25:09He's like a fool
00:25:11Didn't you hear the gunshot?
00:25:36Oh, hello
00:25:38Okay, I'll be right there
00:26:22Yes, sir
00:26:25Yes, sir
00:26:36Thank you
00:26:39That's it
00:26:42The drug disposal is complete
00:26:49Thank you
00:26:50Yes, thank you
00:27:00Arrest him for violating the drug control law
00:27:02Arrest him
00:27:09What is it?
00:27:14What are you doing?
00:27:18Arrest him
00:27:23He's probably over 10 kilos
00:27:25Take everything
00:27:39Arrest him for violating the drug control law
00:27:50This morning
00:27:52At Seyang Police Station, Gwangsu
00:27:54We received information that the drug that was supposed to be disposed of
00:27:56was being distributed on the market
00:28:00This is not enough
00:28:08This afternoon
00:28:10At Seyang Police Station, Gwangsu
00:28:12The prosecution
00:28:13took the drug that was supposed to be disposed of
00:28:16and under the protection of the prosecution
00:28:18obtained information that it was being distributed on the market
00:28:20and confiscated the smuggler
00:28:22It's much better
00:28:23How is it?
00:28:25It's okay
00:28:27But we have to catch the one who killed Kim Jae-myung
00:28:31I told you so
00:28:36What is it this time?
00:28:38I heard that the prosecution obtained evidence
00:28:40that the drug was being distributed
00:28:42The prosecution is going crazy
00:28:44They're congratulating us, right?
00:28:46But it's too late to change the ship
00:28:49The ship is sinking
00:28:51I came to help you today
00:28:54Should we just go?
00:28:56Tell me
00:28:57If we continue with this press conference
00:28:59you're going to be humiliated
00:29:02We should've checked
00:29:04if there was anything wrong
00:29:10Stand in line
00:29:11It's not here
00:29:21He must be bluffing
00:29:23He doesn't know
00:29:25What should we do?
00:29:27Check if there's any evidence
00:29:43It's not a drug, it's a carcinogen
00:29:45What is it?
00:29:46It's an animal excrement
00:29:52Send the reporters
00:29:53to the Goryeo Clinic's investigation room
00:29:55But the reporters have been waiting for 30 minutes
00:29:57What should we tell them?
00:29:58Tell them we're not ready
00:30:00The prosecution is going
00:30:01Should we just let them go?
00:30:03Just let them go
00:30:05That's up to the person in charge
00:30:11I didn't know you'd do this to me
00:30:13I didn't know you'd do this, either
00:30:16I was giving you enough work
00:30:19Are you stealing drugs?
00:30:20Yes, work
00:30:22I sent a bunch of thugs
00:30:23to suck my blood
00:30:26And this...
00:30:27I don't know what's going on
00:30:28Even the prosecutors say they're giving up drugs
00:30:30so I'm just letting them stay
00:30:32There was a space in the parking lot
00:30:34I was trying to save my energy
00:30:35when I was burning something small
00:30:37I was going to throw away
00:30:38the rest of the drugs and the animal excrement
00:30:40but the class president came in
00:30:52I'm sorry
00:31:12be honest
00:31:15Who told you to do this?
00:31:18Did the prosecutors really make you do this?
00:31:20The class president made me do it
00:31:25What are you going to say if I answer you like this?
00:31:28Let's just stop being police officers
00:31:31The class president doesn't care
00:31:32unless it's something he's good at
00:31:49I'm sorry
00:32:06I've been using other people too much
00:32:09I shouldn't have done that
00:32:10while ruining others' lives
00:32:13I'm going to try my best
00:32:15until the end
00:32:22I'm going to meet Mr. Park
00:32:25I'm going to threaten him with the blood I got
00:32:28so take care of the rest
00:32:40Ms. Jo
00:32:42You set up a camera
00:32:43when you were monitoring our team, right?
00:32:46I cleaned it all up
00:32:48I'm serious
00:32:49Give it to me
00:32:56Where are you going to put it?
00:33:11What should I do?
00:33:13It must be hard
00:33:14for you
00:33:15You're the one
00:33:16who's going to get hit
00:33:18You're doing well
00:33:19with the investigation, aren't you?
00:33:21I think you're trying to prevent me
00:33:23from getting in the way
00:33:24of committing suicide
00:33:25or murder
00:33:28That must be hard
00:33:30Why are you so confident?
00:33:44I'm sorry
00:33:54It'll be fun if this goes on the news, right?
00:33:58This guy
00:33:59How long has he been hiding here?
00:34:01About 10 minutes before we went in
00:34:04He's not a rat
00:34:05He sneaked into someone else's office
00:34:07and stayed still for 10 minutes
00:34:14I'm sorry
00:34:20I shot him with a bullet
00:34:23and I paid for the murder
00:34:26Of course, there was no problem with the evidence
00:34:28The blood was secured
00:34:30and everything was filmed
00:34:34At a time like this
00:34:36if you send this to a geneticist
00:34:38at the Prosecutor's Office
00:34:39he'll be very happy
00:34:40The killer
00:34:41If there's a possibility that it's a cop
00:34:43he'll be even happier
00:34:45What do you want?
00:34:47Just tell me who it is
00:34:48You'll find out soon
00:34:51I'll kill him for you
00:34:54I don't know who it is
00:34:57but if you do
00:34:59are you going to kill him alone?
00:35:03I'm not alone
00:35:04Should I help you?
00:35:08Is that important right now?
00:35:11Your life is important
00:35:14I'll think about it
00:35:17Hurry up and think about it
00:35:19I have a meeting with the Prosecutor's Office at 5 today
00:35:41It's Park Jin-woo
00:35:43Han Tae-joo's driver has been arrested
00:35:45On what grounds?
00:35:46He's going to get a knife or something
00:35:48Put him in jail
00:35:59Park Jin-woo was very flustered
00:36:01I'm going to meet him soon
00:36:03Are you ready?
00:36:04I got a text from Mr. Park
00:36:05and set up a hearing
00:36:07at five nearby airports
00:36:10I know who he is
00:36:11and you know who Park Jin-woo is
00:36:14We know each other, right?
00:36:26Mr. Park is leaving
00:36:31Mr. Park is leaving
00:36:34Would you like to come with me?
00:36:36I'll stay here for a while
00:36:38I'm going to the Prosecutor's Office at 5
00:36:44If you change your mind,
00:36:46you can talk to us
00:36:48If you want to hand over the case to us
00:36:50or if you want to catch the culprit
00:36:53Have a good day
00:37:20Go with Detective Cho
00:37:22What about you?
00:37:24I'll join you later
00:37:39Mr. Park?
00:37:43Why didn't you answer Mr. Park's call?
00:37:45He was very angry
00:37:47He's busy
00:37:48I'll call him
00:37:50He told me to solve the case
00:37:52and bring him a solution
00:37:54about what happened
00:37:58Mr. Park?
00:38:00I'll solve it
00:38:01so go on your favorite social media
00:38:03Go on your favorite social media
00:38:08It's nice to hear that you're being honest
00:38:28Mr. Park, I just got arrested
00:38:30They say I have an illegal weapon
00:38:33Since you're a lawyer,
00:38:34can you talk to them for me?
00:38:38I need to take a look
00:39:03Come on
00:39:34This is
00:39:35a permission from the government
00:39:38Why do you have this
00:39:39when you're not going to attack the police?
00:39:43Because there are
00:39:44a lot of bad guys in the world
00:39:50What are you doing?
00:39:54The boss
00:39:55told me to take a look
00:39:58Get out
00:40:04Get out
00:40:23What's this?
00:40:24Hide-away knife
00:40:27It's a weapon
00:40:28for protection
00:40:31Try it
00:40:51Is this
00:40:52how you use it?
00:40:54It's nice to hide it
00:40:57Why do you have this?
00:40:59Don't you know
00:41:00there's a murderer
00:41:01among the police?
00:41:29I'm sorry
00:41:30I'm sorry
00:41:31I'm sorry
00:41:32I'm sorry
00:41:33I'm sorry
00:41:34I'm sorry
00:41:35I'm sorry
00:41:36I'm sorry
00:41:37I'm sorry
00:41:38I'm sorry
00:41:39I'm sorry
00:41:40I'm sorry
00:41:41I'm sorry
00:41:42I'm sorry
00:41:43I'm sorry
00:41:59What are you doing?
00:42:01Talk to me
00:42:56Why didn't you come to the kitchen?
00:42:58Stop talking nonsense and tell me now.
00:43:02I'm not going to protect you in business or anything.
00:43:05You said you don't have a family or connections.
00:43:08I'll stop the case with the case.
00:43:10That's the best for the public.
00:43:13There are a lot of cases in our country, so it'll be over soon.
00:43:17What are you talking about?
00:43:20Han Tae-joo.
00:43:22Where is he now?
00:43:37What did he say?
00:43:38The lawyer is in danger.
00:43:40He's in the police station.
00:43:41Look, he doesn't think he'll get caught there.
00:43:45I'll call the team leader.
00:44:02I'm watching, so don't worry.
00:44:06Lawyer Han is going to meet the turtle alone now.
00:44:23You should have done this earlier.
00:44:26Don't hurt anyone else.
00:44:29You and I, just the two of us.
00:44:33What do you think?
00:44:35Isn't this better for you, too?
00:44:47Who will it be this time?
00:46:25This wasn't something to hide, it was something to reveal.
00:46:29There's someone I hate.
00:46:31There's someone I want to kill like crazy.
00:46:36What are you going to do? You're bleeding a lot.
00:46:39Now I can't even pretend I'm not hurt.
00:46:43No matter what I do, you'll get caught.
00:46:48Come on.
00:46:55Come on.
00:47:11Hey, I don't know what you said up there,
00:47:15but you're a card to throw away.
00:47:18If you kill me and take the video,
00:47:21they'll send you to a foreign country.
00:47:24It'll be all gone.
00:47:26Innocent bastard.
00:47:28No way.
00:47:30You're either dead or caught.
00:47:32It's one of the two, you psycho.
00:47:42You're out of medicine?
00:47:45you've been wearing a mask all your life,
00:47:47and you cut people's fingers.
00:47:49How can you be sane?
00:47:52Everyone will soon find out how crazy you are.
00:47:56I did the right thing.
00:48:02Hey, Turtle.
00:48:04Be honest with me.
00:48:07You feel like an orgy when you cut people's fingers, right?
00:48:11I was really scared of that.
00:48:16You'll be scared.
00:48:40Are you okay?
00:48:42Are you okay?
00:48:45Please close your eyes.
00:48:46I'll end this. Just once.
00:48:47No, it's too dangerous.
00:48:50Then I can't do it either.
00:48:56I'm sorry.
00:48:57But this is my job.
00:48:59What a bad person.
00:49:13I'm sorry.
00:49:21Take off your mask.
00:49:24You think I'm a monster?
00:49:26Take it off.
00:49:28A murderer who kills people and likes to cut fingers.
00:49:38Do you think that's why you became a cop?
00:49:43Come here.
00:49:54It's not you.
00:49:59Who else is it?
00:50:01I got rid of
00:50:06things that don't look like people.
00:50:12Let go.
00:50:18Who are you?
00:50:27I killed a good cop.
00:50:35It's not you.
00:50:38You're too young.
00:50:40You already caught him.
00:50:43Detective Kim Kang-uk.
00:50:46I was right in front of you. Why don't you know?
00:50:49There's a senior cop named Oren.
00:50:53There's one thing he always asks during work.
00:50:57Where does humanity come from?
00:51:01Where does humanity come from?
00:51:06From a practical point of view,
00:51:09People can't do anything without a thumb.
00:51:12You must have felt it, too.
00:51:15But if a turtle dies like that, there's no revenge.
00:51:20That's why you pretended not to know.
00:51:28Detective Park.
00:51:30What are you doing?
00:51:36Detective Park.
00:51:45Where does humanity come from?
00:51:52You have to shoot three bullets.
00:51:59You have to shoot three bullets.
00:52:10Let go.
00:52:12You're my father.
00:52:21Young-gu, don't do it.
00:52:39Young-gu, please.
00:52:40Please don't do it.
00:52:43Don't do it.
00:52:47It's not worth it.
00:52:49Don't do it.
00:53:10Don't do it.
00:53:20Don't do it.
00:53:40Don't do it.
00:53:41Don't do it.
00:53:42Don't do it.
00:54:03The murder weapon was used in the ripper.
00:54:06The gangsters who were buried.
00:54:07Chief Kim.
00:54:09And my brother's blood came out.
00:54:14But there was no blood between you and your husband.
00:54:24I know.
00:54:27It's someone else's doing.
00:54:31Should I have stopped it?
00:54:36Thank you for giving me a chance.
00:54:40You made the opportunity.
00:54:43Electric shock.
00:54:47I'm sorry about that.
00:54:51You didn't come in while you were watching outside.
00:54:54That's enough.
00:54:57I've been waiting to catch the murderer.
00:55:00You don't have to thank me.
00:55:03Then we're helping each other.
00:55:07As always.
00:55:14But I don't know what to do now.
00:55:18Take a break and think slowly.
00:55:23And you can leave now.
00:55:33Did you take out the ring?
00:55:52What are you doing here?
00:55:55You're looking at the scene of the case, right?
00:55:57What about Han Tae-joo?
00:55:58He'll recover.
00:56:00What about your subordinates?
00:56:04The surgery is over.
00:56:06The child is allergic to drugs.
00:56:09I'd like to ask you what happened.
00:56:11I don't know if I can hear you.
00:56:14You didn't know?
00:56:18Chan was a really nice guy.
00:56:20Young, smart, and kind.
00:56:26You told me then.
00:56:27You're going to change the world.
00:56:32How can you be alone without changing the world?
00:56:37Your subordinates are all in trouble.
00:56:40The guys who became police after seeing you.
00:56:42It's all ruined.
00:56:44Like we were ruined by Jae-myung.
00:56:47What can I do for you?
00:56:58Check it out.
00:57:10I'm sorry.
00:57:30There's no more.
00:57:33It's always like that.
00:57:35There's nowhere to go when you go up to some extent.
00:57:38You have to keep looking ahead.
00:57:43I know you're in the lead.
00:57:48I don't know if it's the last time before retirement.
00:57:52It's over now.
00:57:55It's not even a recording.
00:57:58You always dig up the trap and put people in here.
00:58:02No, there's no need to record.
00:58:07What are you talking about?
00:58:13I'm telling you to match the novel you wrote.
00:58:17Let's say there's a private organization in the police.
00:58:20There's nothing, but let's say there is.
00:58:25A boy's business meeting made by angry elite police after seeing the release of criminals.
00:58:34If there is such a thing.
00:58:37Wouldn't you guys take care of it?
00:58:40I can't let all the smart juniors out.
00:58:43Who's the boss?
00:58:46If there's such an organization and no one knows.
00:58:50How do you know who the boss is?
00:58:54It's run by a small organization.
00:58:57You know the person you recommended.
00:59:02Aren't you the boss?
00:59:08Why? Don't you think you're the right person for the business meeting?
00:59:12You know Han Tae-joo is deliberately flirting with the criminal.
00:59:17You waited to catch the criminal when he showed up.
00:59:20It didn't matter if Han Tae-joo died or not.
00:59:24You did.
00:59:28You made me and Jae-myung meet like that.
00:59:37I can't help it because I'm trying to catch you.
00:59:49Chief Jang.
00:59:53It's what you want.
01:00:00Something was found in the car.
01:00:02It just came out of the National Forensic Service as a filler phone.
01:00:07Are you messing with your family?
01:00:09No, I'm messing with you.
01:00:13You're not the kind of person to carry drugs in your car.
01:00:17Where did you get the medicine?
01:00:19Didn't you burn something?
01:00:23If I write a little more of the novel I'm writing, I'll take it back in advance.
01:00:30There will be a place to write it later.
01:00:38I'll be right back.
01:00:50I'll be right back.
01:00:55I'll be right back.
01:01:07I'll be right back.
01:01:19You pretended to be a good cop, but in the end, it's evidence manipulation.
01:01:26Do you really think you're righteous?
01:01:35Why should I be righteous?
01:01:37Do you have to kill each other to be righteous?
01:01:41I'm just going to do the right thing that I'm not ashamed of.
01:01:45You were sentenced to 15 years in prison for doing the right thing.
01:01:50What right do you have to judge me?
01:01:57You'll apologize to me when you find out you made a mistake later.
01:02:13Are you sure you're okay, sir?
01:02:21You're under arrest for violating the drug control law.
01:02:23After some time, everyone will know that what I did was right.
01:02:37It's different from a guy like you who manipulates evidence as you change your mind.
01:03:08I like it here. It's cozy.
01:03:12What do you think?
01:03:21Thanks to you, the history of the prosecution was right for the first time.
01:03:26Prosecutor Park Jin-woo of the Minyong Foundation.
01:03:28We're going to hit each other.
01:03:32You can't shake the judicial system of Korea with this.
01:03:38Why don't you apologize?
01:03:41If you have it, you should put it in.
01:03:45In the secret investigation team.
01:03:49I'm looking for my father-in-law.
01:04:07Oh, lawyer.
01:04:34Sir, please watch the bathroom.
01:04:53I heard you're quitting the corruption investigation team.
01:04:57It was an unofficial torture anyway.
01:04:59I don't know.
01:05:03Can you shake it off now?
01:05:06I don't know either.
01:05:08Is it good or bad?
01:05:12Is this what I wanted?
01:05:16I thought everything would change after revenge.
01:05:21I was thinking about killing you.
01:05:24I just need to pull out one line over there.
01:05:30Don't do that.
01:05:32It's a waste of Young-geun.
01:05:37Because of my mom.
01:05:40Kim Kang-ok and Park Chan-hee can't be the culprits.
01:05:44We're not the same age.
01:05:47Kim Kang-ok was in the police force, and Park Chan-hee was in middle school.
01:05:52It's not over until we catch him.
01:05:57Then I'll go first.
01:06:06Thank you for stopping me then.
01:06:16I want you to take a break.
01:06:22See you sometimes.
01:06:53You have a guest.
01:06:55You said you'd take a break.
01:06:57You're close to him.
01:08:02Is he your ex-husband?
01:08:04I don't have anything to do anymore.
01:08:06I know from the atmosphere.
01:08:08Don't do anything.
01:08:10There's a gap in the middle until Kim Jung-san died two years ago.
01:08:13There could be one more killer here.
01:08:15Someone we don't know could be the killer.
01:08:17Kim Young-geun.
01:08:19You saw the turtle.
01:08:2115 years ago.
01:08:23Don't you remember who it was?
01:08:24If you want to live, you have to do what I tell you to do.