• 2 months ago
The new season of 90 day fiance: the other way after S6EP6/forbidden Love EP3 podcast! Join George Mossey Instagram.com/GeorgeMossey Twitter.com/GeorgeMossey
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00:00Up everybody, howdy. Welcome, I'm George Mossey, George Mossey's show. We're going to be talking
00:1390 Day Fiance the other way today. So hopefully you guys are ready to talk some 90 day with
00:20me. Waiting on DeeDee to get here. Kara won't be here. I'll explain in a second why she
00:27won't be here. We wish she was here but unfortunately, Kara won't be here tonight. Let's get DeeDee
00:42in here so we can get this going. How are you? I'm doing good. How are you? Better than
00:52you. You had a hurricane. You look fine, but it's like you had a lot going on today and
00:58yesterday, right? Yeah, it got intense. I thought my house was gonna blow away there for a couple
01:04times. That's really, really scary. Crazy. I'm sorry. Kara would want to be here. But
01:13unfortunately, you know, there's a large, what do you call it? Uncontained fire near her. Not
01:22near her like that she's in danger, but it's near her that they turned off the power. So
01:28unfortunately, she can't be here because there's no power and there's no internet, but she really
01:33wanted to be on tonight. So next week, we're gonna have to revisit so we can get all of Kara's
01:38insight on what happened this week. But DeeDee and I are gonna try to take it and you know,
01:44I'm sure we'll miss all of the stuff that Kara needed to add in because you know, Kara has her
01:49own little twist on everything. But I want to talk about, hold on, I want to start with,
01:57who did I want to start with? I knew what I was doing and then right at the last minute,
02:01I got a phone call and I forgot. Oh, Statler. So Statler was back this week and she arrives
02:08in the UK and she was not excited, you know, about anything. I wasn't gonna say about van life,
02:15but she also wasn't really excited to see Dempsey at all after two months. And is it me or do you
02:22feel like Statler arrived already checked out of this? Like, I feel like she had already given up
02:29on this relationship before she got there. And I feel like she's just one of those people who has
02:34to follow through, right, with what she said she was gonna do. And I feel like she showed up
02:39because her word is important to her. And she didn't want to be there. She actually is disgusted
02:45at the fact that she's even there. But I feel like she showed up. And you know how, DeeDee,
02:50when you and I go out and somebody does something that pisses me off and my face gives it away,
02:57and you're like, George, fix your face. Like, that's kind of how Statler was like, because she
03:02was like, I'm excited. And then Dempsey was like, okay, your face doesn't know that. Like, you don't
03:07look excited. You look pissed. So I feel like she went over there and she was kind of like,
03:12I know this isn't gonna work out, but I already made the promise, right, to do it. So I'm just
03:17gonna follow through. And it's really making me wonder though, because is she only doing it
03:24because Dempsey wanted her to? Because you know how we're watching the other way, right? So people
03:28are moving, you know, countries for people that they love. But is she only doing this because
03:34Dempsey wanted her to do it? Is this not, I was under the impression that this was a mutual
03:39decision. But the more we watch this season, it sounds like Dempsey decided she wanted to live
03:45in a van and travel. And then Statler is the one funding it. Like, that's kind of how Statler is
03:51telling us the story. So obviously, there's two or three sides to this, right? Like, we don't know
03:56everything that's going on behind the scenes. But I don't know, like, it just seems to me that
04:02Statler would be happier in Texas, living the life that she was living before all this started.
04:07And it's like, in my opinion, break up before you sell your stuff, or like sell your car or move or
04:15let your apartment go. Like, there is no reason why you should throw away everything for somebody
04:21that you kind of like, kind of dislike, right? Like when she got there, it kind of looked like
04:26she was more irritated at her and the situation and she wanted to see her, you know, after two
04:33months, you know, like James and Tata, for instance, after a month and 10 days, they rented a hotel
04:38just so they could annoy each other. Right? So I mean, how do you feel about Statler in this
04:44situation? I feel like she is definitely mentally checked out. I don't know if it's just the trip,
04:50or like living overseas, or if it's like, the whole relationship, but she's definitely not
04:55checked in, right? Well, if you if you want to go back just a little bit, whenever her and Dempsey
05:01first started dating, she had already made plans to move in with Dempsey without Dempsey even knowing.
05:09Then when Dempsey gets over there, she falls madly in love with Dempsey. And then Dempsey
05:16finally gives in and tells her she can move in. I think it is what it is. Statler was just
05:23in love with the fact that someone was actually in love with her, that she wasn't thinking before
05:31she agreed to all this. And I think it's starting to hit home that she had to sell everything. She's
05:36the only one that's going to be working. She's the only one that's going to be paying, you know,
05:41for them to live. Then they're going to be living in a 20 foot van. I mean, yeah, traveling all over
05:50the place. I mean, I don't think she realized what she was agreeing to until after it was too late.
05:56And now it's starting to, everything's starting to fall on top of her now. So she's like, wow,
06:02I should have, you know, better choices. Yeah. Hey, hey, my bestie is in here. Hey, Kim.
06:09So yeah, I think that I think my one tweet last night was if uncertainty was a person.
06:14It was, um, it was Statler, right? Like, she's standing on her decision. She doesn't stand on
06:19the decision she made. She can see that she made an awful, awful choice. And it's like, I get it.
06:25She's told us that being an adopted child, she always feels like she has to do a little more
06:33for people to love them. You know, that's like a, that's a trauma response because,
06:38you know, I won't understand what that's like, you know, and adopt being an adopted child.
06:41I'll never understand the emotional, um, the emotional impact that has on you. But, you know,
06:48as an adult, she said that she feels like, hi, geek in the kitchen. She feels that she has to
06:53go out of her way for the people that she's in a relationship with, in order for them to not leave,
06:59you know, because she was like, my own parents, you know, the people that should have, that are
07:03obligated to love me, didn't. So she's like, well, I have to do whatever people expected me in order
07:09to be in that relationship. And I think that Dempsey maybe possibly took advantage of that
07:15aspect of her trauma, because Dempsey's super- I really do. I think she did. I think Dempsey's
07:21taking advantage of Statler. I mean, in any way she can, because, I mean, I've been watching
07:27Statler too, like on her lives and stuff. So, I mean, I'm starting to understand where Statler
07:32is coming from. And whenever, whenever they first come out, we thought that it was Statler and not
07:40Dempsey. But now watching it and listening to both sides of the story, I think it's more Dempsey
07:46than it is Statler.
07:50See, I want to believe that Dempsey is a decent person, right? But the way Statler tells the
07:57story, it really does make me feel like, huh, she knew that, you know, you went through that trauma
08:03as a child being an adopted person. She knows that your past relationships, you were paying
08:08their rent. You were doing more stuff for them. And she might've taken advantage because she was
08:13so excited. She's like, oh, aren't you ready for this band? And Statler's like, no. Like, this is
08:17all you. Like, none of this has anything in me written about it at all. She's like, this is all
08:22you. This is what's going to make you happy. And Statler's just kind of along for the ride. And
08:27no, let's be real. Living in a tiny-ass band with someone that you barely even, I don't know,
08:34Statler didn't even look like she liked her at this point. Like, she's so annoyed with everything
08:40that she did for her. But I will say this, you know, no one put a weapon to Statler's head and
08:46told her that she had to do any of this stuff for anyone, right? Like, she is a big girl. She's an
08:51adult. And she made some bad decisions that she doesn't stand on, right? Like, we've all did it.
09:00I've made decisions. And then after I looked back on it, I was like, man,
09:04who raised me? You know, like, that was really dumb. I should have thought it through. But I mean,
09:09once you fall in love with someone and you think that you're ready to change your entire world for
09:15that person, and then that person turns out to be somebody that you don't even recognize, you know,
09:21it's hard for you to stand on those decisions. Speaking of decisions and recognizing stuff,
09:27Sarper's ex, Nora, talked to Shekinah. Shekinah had a chance to confront Sarper about what this
09:35girl said. So Sarper, his original lie, I don't want to say that, that's not fair.
09:40His original story is that Shekinah is the first woman that he ever said I love you to. And then
09:45Shekinah dropped this bomb on us last night. She might have said it before. I don't know,
09:50she talks a lot. But she was like, you texted me three days after we met and said I love you.
09:56And that really stood out to me because he was like, Oh, well, before you Shekinah, I'd never
10:01told another woman that I loved her. And I was like, three days after their first booty call,
10:06right? Because it was like a one night stand. He texted her and said, I love you. And she was like,
10:12that seems like game to me, right? Like, that's what a guy would do to reel a girl in to get her
10:18back in bed quick. And I think that Sarper has told women that he loved them, but in a game
10:27player type of way. And I think this is, I don't want to be Team Sarper or anything, but I think
10:32Sarper really does love Shekinah. So this is the first woman that he said I love you to and he
10:40meant it. But I don't think that he's intelligent enough to decipher that to get the information to
10:48make her understand that. I think Sarper was telling girls he loved them all the time.
10:53Because literally, when he met Shekinah, he was like, Oh, yeah, I just wanted to have sex with
10:57you. I don't want to date you. I don't want anything from you. I just want to sleep with
11:00you send you back on your way to LA. No big deal. He's literally three days later texted I love you.
11:06Then she said when she came to visit months later, he was like, Okay, now I really want to be in a
11:12relationship with you. Now I'm being exclusive to you. And she was like, I thought we were being
11:18exclusive this whole time. So literally, you've been banging other people. Like I think that,
11:23but I really do believe though, for real that Sarper, the first person he said I love you to
11:29and meant it was probably Shekinah. I do believe that. But I don't know if he has the words in him
11:39to get that point across. Do you do you disagree?
11:43I disagree with you because he don't love nobody. He he he's lying that woman because first of all,
11:50first of all, he let her go. Well, I'm not gonna say let but she went to go visit her or see his
11:56ex. Okay. She had been begging him for a couple of months to buy her a vanity is what she said.
12:05Okay, when you are fixing to catch somebody in the wrong doing and they just automatically up
12:12and do it, especially if it's a man, they guilt. You're not wrong. You're not wrong. Because think
12:21about it when a man did something wrong. What does he show up to the woman's house with flowers,
12:27candy? Yes. One of her favorite things because not every not all women like flowers and candy,
12:36but you know, some with some form of a present or if you want to get technical, it's a peace
12:44offering. It's please don't beat me up when I arrived because I know what I did was wrong.
12:49That's what men do. Men are very transparent. When a man did something wrong. He's gonna start
12:55I'm complimenting you. He's gonna buy you something. He's gonna want to take you
13:00shopping. He's gonna things that you've been telling him for months. All of a sudden,
13:04he's booking that cruise that you were talking about. Because men know you were like,
13:09well, she knows that I screwed up. Now it's on me to fix it. Right. And I feel like
13:13the still the look that he gave when she said, Nora reached out. It was still I stand on that.
13:20It was sheer terror. Right? Like it was terror. Like, it was the you know how if you walk into
13:25a room, and you think someone is dead. And then when you walk into the room, the person is standing
13:30in the room alive. That was the look that I felt like he gave when he saw that it was Nora. And I
13:36was like, so what you did to her? Because I was like, so why are you so nervous? Because but then
13:41he did admit in the confessional, he was like, you know, the old me, I didn't care. You know,
13:45how anyone felt, you know, I did what I wanted to do. I didn't care about their feelings. And I was
13:49like, well, you got to own that. You know, like your your past can come back to haunt you. If you
13:55treated every woman that you encounter, like she didn't matter. You know, there is a possibility
14:00that some of these women are angry, pissed, bitter, unhappy, sick of your shit, you know,
14:05so when when you post it, and it's funny, because he would not post it kind of for like a whole year.
14:11And he knew when he posted it, all the women that he treated like garbage, we're going to be like,
14:17oh, so now you're ready to settle down after you ghosted me, and like 500 other people. So
14:23it's only fair that these women are able, you know, to vex you, right? Like, I feel like if
14:29you treat somebody like they're garbage, it's only fair that when you're ready to settle down,
14:34they treat you the same way. Right? Like, I feel like he thinks that they're not entitled to their
14:38feelings. And they're not entitled to tell Shekinah what happened. Not that I think it matters. I
14:44think Shekinah is gonna be with him regardless. Right? Like, I don't think Shekinah is like,
14:49the sharpest tool in the tool shed. So I feel like even with all of the information given,
14:56she'll still marry him. Right? Like, I feel like she'll still do it. Because for some reason,
15:00Shekinah is convinced that she's won the lottery. Because Sarper decided to stop banging other
15:06women and just bang her like she's she acts like she got the Powerball number. And she's like,
15:11one in a million woman that he chose. And I'm, I'm not convinced that Sarper is even
15:17100% faithful for a person who's been with 25 quotes 2500 people, it'll be very hard for me
15:23to believe that you're in a relationship now and you haven't slipped up once. Right?
15:29We all know whenever she's in the United States with her daughter that he is out doing whatever
15:35it is Sarper does. And if she was as smart as she claims to be, whenever she whenever she told
15:44him about Nora, Nora, Noro, however you pronounce her name, his mouth drop to the floor. He turned
15:51as white as a ghost. His facial expression by their self told on him. She didn't just by that
15:58she didn't even have to go see her. He told on himself right then and there. I always tell people
16:05your reaction is more than you don't have to say anything. It's your reaction. I guess that's the
16:10best way to say it like the way you react to an allegation about you. They don't need to run a
16:17background or ask around. It's your initial reaction to something that someone says that
16:22you did is going to give you away. It's so transparent. You know, and I mean, there are
16:27people who can lie without flinching, right? There are people who, who are able to play it off and
16:32make it seem like they're telling you the truth. They don't seem to react, but he reacted like,
16:37Oh crap. Like of all, because it seemed like of all the women that was like the one who didn't
16:42want her to talk to. Cause he was like, he could have, she could have talked to anybody. Why does
16:46it have to be Nora? You know, like, why does it have to be her? And she didn't even say like,
16:51let me be a hundred percent here. She didn't even say anything really, really terrible.
16:55In my opinion, I thought things were going to be way worse. Right. When she met with her,
16:59I thought it was going to be like, he's verbally abusive or he does this. Like,
17:04I thought it was going to be really bad. She didn't say any of that. She just said that he's
17:07a liar. And he ghosted her instead of being a real man and breaking up with her, he just stopped
17:13calling her. But he admitted that he was like, I just cut off all communication. You know,
17:18if things get too serious, I just cut off all communication. I was like, but you expect love
17:23to come your way. You expect karma is not going to find you and knock on your door and ask you
17:27where you've been. You know, like Nora is karma. That's literally when you treat people that way,
17:32because I always tell people, you don't have to like, love or marry anybody, but you have to be
17:37man or woman enough to tell them to their face that you don't want to be with them anymore.
17:41Right? Like ghosting people is literally the lowest, most disgusting thing that's ever been
17:48created into the dating world. You know, when did we stop being accountable for ending a
17:54relationship? And then the worst part about it is people will be dating people that are local,
17:59and then you go out and see the person, and then they act like they don't know you.
18:03Not only do they act like they don't know you, they act like they don't see you,
18:07because they don't want to fess up or be accountable for them ghosting you and not being
18:13mature enough to say, hey, this isn't going to work. I don't want to be with you. And it's like,
18:18this is all women, especially women, need to hear. If that woman, Nora, would have heard
18:25from him, he would have called and said, hey, you know what? Things are moving faster than I
18:29thought. I don't want anything serious. I thought that this was just for fun. Like,
18:33I don't want to waste your time. I'm sorry. You know, I know that you'll find somebody,
18:36you're beautiful, whatever. She wouldn't have had anything to say now. She would have said that he
18:41was an admirable person for speaking up and saying, look, I don't want to be with you.
18:46But the way that he handled it, now he's got all these women waiting for that one shot of revenge.
18:52And it's like, when you treat people that way, you got to be expecting revenge from all these
18:56different angles. Riley, me and you fixing to have problems. What do you mean you don't
19:04think Sarper is a liar? Lord and mercy. Riley, Riley, Riley, you said, I don't believe he's a
19:14liar, but he's slick. What's the difference between a liar and slick? In my opinion,
19:19being slick- It's the same thing.
19:21Right? That's my opinion. If you're slick, that means that you tell people whatever they want to
19:28hear to get your way. And if I'm not mistaken, that make you a liar, right? Like, I'm pretty
19:33sure being slick makes you a liar because that means that you stretch the truth and you tell
19:38people whatever they want to hear in order to get your way. And I know Sarper, that's the definition
19:43of Sarper. He tells Shekinah, as well as probably all these other women, exactly what he thinks they
19:49want to hear. He's literally a politician, right? He tells people whatever they need to hear to feel
19:57comfortable in that situation. Yes, women, as long as he tells the woman, oh, you're beautiful,
20:05you're pretty, I love you. I can see a future with you. Women are all about those, you say that,
20:11you're moving in the right direction, you're going to end up in her bedroom. But the problem
20:15is he's a liar. And all of these women that he's used the same exact tactics on, they all have
20:21something to say about it, right? Because he's not actually sharp in the shed either, right? He uses
20:27the same tactic on every woman. He even used it on Shekinah because she's caught him. She was like,
20:32you told me you love me three days after we met. What do you mean you don't tell people you love
20:36them? You clearly do. Riley, it's the same thing. If you twist the truth, you're still lying.
20:48Twisting the truth is lying. Also, omitting things that would change the way people make
20:55decisions is lying. Absolutely. So if you omit pertinent information from a person,
21:03in order to manipulate the way they make decisions, you're lying to them. Because if
21:09they had a different version of the story or the truth, and they would have made an opposite
21:14decision of the decision you manipulated them to make, that means that you're a liar. Because
21:20information is needed in order to make good, intelligent decisions. So the way people are
21:27nowadays, they'll omit the information that you need to make an intelligent decision. So you'll
21:32make the decision that they want you to make. That's being a liar. And it's also a form of
21:37manipulation too, because you're not necessarily lying, you're just not giving them all of the
21:44information needed. And especially when it's character traits about you, you're basically
21:50shaping the way they think of you through manipulation. You're not telling them who
21:53you really are. Riley, Sarper does not look, no, Sarper is ugly. I'm sorry, but Sarper is,
22:04he's ugly. He is a plastic, I don't know what you want to call him, but there is nothing nice
22:12looking about Sarper. Nothing. Sarper is what you call, you nailed it. I think you said plastic,
22:19right? Plastic, where if you catch Sarper right when he woke up out of the bed, before he spent
22:2745 minutes to two hours doing his hair and doing his face, Sarper would look nothing like what he
22:33looks like now. He's one of those people that are plastic. You have to catch them after they get
22:38ready for the day, after they get their face done, their hair done, to look a certain way. Plastic
22:43people, it's very scary when you see a person just normal, right out of bed, you almost don't
22:49recognize that person. And I think Sarper has mastered, so has Shekinah though. Some people
22:54feel, so yeah, Riley, you're right. He looks 3D printed. That is 100% accurate. He doesn't look
23:01realistic. I think when we first met Sarper and Shekinah on the one season they started on,
23:07we called them real life filters. Isn't that what we called them? Because they kind of look like
23:14people, if filters walked around in real life. You know how when people use a filter on their
23:18photo and they look perfect, that's how they look, but like in real life. And it's really
23:23interesting because you know that they both had a crap ton of work done, right? It's very obvious
23:29they've had a crap ton of work done. I don't knock it. If you want to do your surgery,
23:35especially in Turkey, you're going to get a huge discount. If you want to look a certain way,
23:39I think it's important, but you nailed it, Dee Dee, because he's ugly on the inside, right?
23:46He can change the way that he looks on the outside. He can change the way that he treats
23:52people. But on the inside, deep down, he treats people really bad and he lies to people and he's
23:58a manipulator and he's ugly. And ugliness is something that comes from within. Really,
24:04really beautiful people are ugly on the inside. Some people just don't have that inner beauty
24:10that's needed. They treat people like they're disposable. And I feel like Sarper has been
24:15treating people like they're disposable this whole time. And that's why he's ended up where
24:20he is now at 43, 44 years old, no serious relationship. The kid that he does have,
24:26he can't find. This is literally his doing, his decision making, his making it seem as
24:33though people are disposable. And this is karma coming right back at him.
24:39Yeah, definitely. Riley, you trying to butter me up now? Okay, I see what you're doing.
24:46So what do you think about this Josh and Lily situation where he thinks that she's not in love
24:57with him? Because he said that he would call her texts and she doesn't pick up, right? Let's be
25:02real, Lily is a business owner. She has a job, she's busy. And he's like, well, and she plays
25:07badminton with a bunch of dudes. So he's like, Oh, I just feel like I'm not important in her life.
25:14Now I'm going to say this, unbiased, I would feel a little insecure because Lily is a independent
25:24woman who doesn't need a man whatsoever. She could take care of herself. Her happiness comes from
25:29herself. Her income comes from herself. Her house has an elevator in it. I would also feel a little
25:35insecure like, well, what am I bringing to the table? So in that aspect, I can understand the
25:41insecurity. I would feel insecure because men, being simple beings that we are, we need to feel
25:48that we are bringing something important to the table. And usually when in a relationship, men
25:53want to be the provider. Because when you're the provider, you're the highest of the hierarchy,
25:59right? Because housing, feeding, taking care of people is the most, it doesn't get any higher
26:06than that. You're literally the highest in the hierarchy. You can make decisions. People tend to
26:11conform to what you say. What's the word? They kind of obey you, right? When you make those
26:20decisions. So I understand why he feels like, well, what am I going to bring to that table?
26:26Because who's to say she doesn't wake up one day and says, Hey, I want to date somebody else.
26:32She can do that. She's rich. She doesn't have no kids. There's no reason to keep him around.
26:39And it makes me think about it from a different aspect because men look at it as a way to be
26:45insecure. But imagine the woman in that situation, like the woman who she's taking home,
26:51she's staying home, taking care of kids, cooking, cleaning, not working. Then she feels that she
26:56has to need to make herself more desirable to the man to make sure that he doesn't just wake up one
27:02day and say, Hey, I'll just start a new family. Imagine how that makes a woman feel. So it kind
27:07of made me look at it from two different aspects. So I was like, I get it because men,
27:12the only thing men really need to feel secure is to be needed for something, right? You got to be
27:18needed for something. Just like women, they like to feel loved. They need acknowledgement of love.
27:23They need reassurance. Men are even simpler than that. Men just want to be needed for some reason
27:30in that woman's life. And that's all he needs. He's super secure in that. But he doesn't have
27:35that. She doesn't need him at all. She's been, at her age, she's been totally happy and fine
27:41without a husband. So I kind of understood it. So I mean, how do you feel? Do you feel like he
27:46should be insecure? Do you feel like he should just, you know, he should deal with the fact
27:50that she's independent and learn how to live with a woman who can take care of herself?
27:54He needs to put on his grown up pants and just get used to the woman that he married is a very
28:01independent woman. Yeah, I mean, I mean, these days, we were just talking about this. Was it
28:09Sunday night? This time this day and time a woman don't need a man. If a woman is with a man is
28:15because we want to be with them. It's not because we need them. And a lot of men, I mean, and a lot
28:20of men that that was the word I'm looking for. They're not the they're not the alpha and the
28:27omega anymore. So and that right there hits them where it hurts. I'm trying to explain it,
28:36but I don't know how to explain it. No, I understand. I understand men need to feel
28:41like they're the dominant control, not control, the dominant power in that relationship. And now,
28:49like you said, 2024, you know, a woman, well, let's put it back to the 1950s, a woman would
28:55move out of her mom's house and dad's house into a man's house when they got married. And she
28:59depended on that security from a man. In 2024, men are moving out of their parents house into
29:07a woman's house because she's more secure than he is, right? Like, that's kind of the
29:13shift that we're living in now. Like, we don't really see independent men as much as we see
29:19independent women. Like we've shifted a lot. And I think that, you know, for men, they don't really
29:25know where they stand in the relationship. They don't know their purpose. You know, men need a
29:29purpose. And usually it's paying the mortgage. It's buying groceries. It's, you know, back in
29:35the 50s, a man would give a woman an allowance. You know, this is how far we've come, right? And
29:40now women are given men allowances, right? And I think that this whole situation with Josh,
29:45it would be an interesting shift for me. Because, you know, I like to have my own and do for myself.
29:52But, like I told y'all, if there is a Lily who wants to slide into my DMs and move me into her
29:57house that has an elevator, I would like to hear from you. Like, I'm not saying I couldn't conform
30:03to that. I feel like I definitely would like to be the prince of the castle, right? Like, I'm not
30:11against it. First of all, thank you, Mark. Thank you very much. It got interesting. I'll just put
30:19it that way. I'll text you later. But first of all, if you're going to be a kept man,
30:27then why are you going to be crying? I mean, why are you going to cry if you're being a kept man?
30:33Because being a kept man is scary. Just like being a trophy wife is scary. Haven't you heard
30:41the term where he trades her in for a newer model? Like, I feel like it still applies even
30:48for the kept men. What if she decides that, you know, 44 is too old for a kept man? She wants to
30:54do 34. That's scary, right? Like, if you don't have a job, you don't have an income, you're
30:59depending on every single aspect of your life from this person. And this person can wake up one day
31:05and just decide, eh, I'm good. I don't need you anymore. Because literally, this is the position
31:11she's in. She doesn't need anybody. I've seen her house. She doesn't need anybody, right? Like,
31:15she could definitely wake up one day and just decide, I'm going to be single, or I'm going to
31:19try dating a 22-year-old, right? Like, this is literally what women, trophy wives fear every day,
31:28right? Like, that's just that fear where, that's why I think it's best for relationships to have
31:33a balance. You know, I feel like you should bring the same amount, 50-50, to each other,
31:39and then you build together. Because I feel like if one person brings everything and the other
31:42person is just there taking, how long do you really think that relationship is going to last,
31:48right? From both sides, you know? Like, I feel like if there isn't any compatibility and like,
31:55equality between the two of you, I really don't feel like it's going to happen.
32:02He said that he sold his house, and he got a little money. And he did try to help with the
32:09wedding suits, like the clothes for the wedding. But yeah, it seems like she's broke, and he's
32:15broke. So yeah, that's my whole thing, too. It's like, how long is that relationship going to work,
32:21you know? He can't work. If he sold his house, and he's already broke after helping with the wedding,
32:28then he didn't sell his house. He sold a bedroom or something. I mean,
32:34they're only inviting 30 people.
32:38Maybe he sold his house right after he bought it. I know if you buy a house, I think you probably
32:45shouldn't sell within the first 10 years of your mortgage, because you'll probably be really close
32:49to being upside down. So maybe he bought it, and then within a few, four or five years, sold it.
32:54So then he only got maybe $10,000 after he paid off the loan. That's my, I don't know him, though.
33:01I could be 100% wrong. Maybe I'm wrong, and he just didn't make very much money off the house.
33:07I don't know. But I know that when you sell a house quickly after you buy it, because they're
33:13adding in your interest into that mortgage. So when you sell it, you're going to owe more than
33:18originally what your mortgage was, so you're not going to have a big amount left over.
33:24That don't make no sense. Their relationship don't even make no sense to me, to be honest
33:29with you. It don't. I don't get the attraction. You know, like, I don't understand what attracted
33:37her to him. Like, I don't understand it. I don't understand her. I don't understand her
33:41personality yet. You know, I've been trying to like get to know her a little better throughout
33:45the episodes. I don't know what makes her tick. I don't know what made her want to get an American
33:50man, you know, because her culture is very strong. And I think my first thought, though, for real,
33:58hey, Shelley, my first thought was she didn't want to marry a man from China because men in
34:03China don't want to be with a woman that independent. Because, you know, in their
34:08culture, the man is always supposed to take care of the woman regardless of the situation. And I
34:14think that her level of independence is very threatening to a man of her culture, right? Like,
34:21I feel like he's not going to conform to her being the shot caller, the one who decides, hey, Kelly,
34:27the one who decides how much money is going to be spent, how much, like, I don't think her
34:32culture, a man in that culture is going to conform to that. And I feel like that's probably why she
34:36ended up with an American, right? Because in America, we're very open to different types of
34:40relationships. But is this going to work?
34:43But seeing a woman, like, seeing a woman with that kind of independence,
34:48even here in America, that would make a man feel very small.
34:52Yeah, it does. No, you're right. In all cultures, it does. But there's a lot of guys
35:00in our country, like, I see it all the time, the girl goes to work, he stays home. There's this
35:05guy on TikTok, he posts about it, he stays home and play video games while his girlfriend goes to
35:10work. And then she brings him lunch on her lunch break, and he like, don't do nothing. And he's
35:16so like, so we're way more open over here to that type of situation. And again, it's more so
35:22what's up with the girl that she's letting him do that, if anything. But again, I try not to
35:26judge people, right? I try to let people live their lives the way they want to live their lives.
35:30But it's just like, why you got to go to work all day long, and he get to play video games all day
35:34long? Like, who hurt you? And how bad was it that you think that this is a good situation, right?
35:39Like, what's going on?
35:42Oh, no.
35:44So we watched Forbidden Love. And oh, wait, before we end this, I want to talk about this
35:51$700 a month car payment that James has. I guess they bought a car that broke down,
35:57and they didn't get it fixed. And then when they left Maine to go to Indonesia,
36:02he's still making $700 payments on this truck or car. I don't know.
36:07What do you think? Okay, so how many banana chips do you think they would have to sell
36:16to make $700 US dollar to send back to the US on a monthly basis? Because he dropped this bomb on us
36:23last night that they have to continue making payments on this car, trucks, whichever,
36:29$700 a month while they're over there. That doesn't work. But I was like,
36:35how much money do you get in Indonesia for selling? Like, I don't know if they have a
36:43minimum wage, actually. I don't even think they have one. I think that you just make what you
36:47make. But I will say this, her parents, Tata's parents' house is massive. Like it had pillars,
36:55it had like several floors. So I'm beginning to think that her family is making a lot of money
37:02on banana chips. Like remember, I was knocking it earlier in the season. I was like, how much
37:05money can you really make on banana chips? I know Indonesia is a very poor country. We saw a lot of
37:11people from Indonesia on the show in the past, but her family doesn't seem to be struggling,
37:17right? Their houses, it looked like a hotel. My first thought when they pulled up, it looked like
37:22a hotel. And I was like, whoa, these people, this is why she wanted to move back. The life that she
37:28was living in Indonesia. Because you know, the first thing that I thought of was, why would you
37:32want to leave the US to go back to Indonesia? Usually you struggle in Indonesia. They're not
37:37struggling in Indonesia, like at all. Like they are definitely, they're living good. But have you
37:42noticed in these other countries, especially European countries, there's always insects and
37:46bugs in the house. What's up with that? Did you see the spider? You see the spider on the wall?
37:53Did you see the lizard? Oh my gosh, I would have freaked out. I would have freaked out.
38:00Brandon and Mary, when they got to her place, and there were spiders everywhere in the house.
38:06And it's like, why is it that they can't keep the bugs out? Like, I'm so confused.
38:11I guess the whole thing is open. I mean, like, even say, like in Mexico,
38:18all the houses are open. They're like, open. Like, there's hardly any doors. There's hardly
38:25any windows. The whole thing is just open. It's just open. Yeah, I can't do the open. Oh,
38:31it has to do with the climate. Yeah, they're not your, oh, they're not your usual Indonesia.
38:36Exactly. They have a lot of money. But the downstairs did look like a store. It did look
38:42like a storefront. And I think maybe they're selling banana chips out of the storefront.
38:46Like, I don't know. But they're doing really good. So it just, it crossed my mind. I was like,
38:51how much, like, let's say to make 700 US dollars just to send back, that would probably be like,
38:57$40,000 of their money, right? Like, it seems, because remember, when we were talking about
39:03Brandon and Mary's store, and she said that she was making like, $1.79 a month profit from the
39:09store or something crazy. And I'm like, so how would you ever pay for anything ever? Right?
39:14Like, I don't get it. Well, first of all, let's talk about, he said he wanted to go over there
39:21with $10,000. Yes. But he spent $8,000 to fix his car that he's still paying on.
39:32Right. So he had no money when he came over. The math ain't nothing. What happened to your car
39:38that you had to spend $8,000 to get it fixed? The most I ever spent to get a car fixed was like
39:463000 something. And I had to replace like, a transmission. Like it was like something very,
39:52very major. The only reason why I did it, I really loved the car. And it was paid off. And looking
39:59back, I should have jumped it. You know, I shouldn't have never done that. That was stupid.
40:03I could have purchased a whole car for what I did. But I wanted to keep that car because it
40:07had like sentimental value to me. But then like, probably a few years later, then the whole engine
40:13went out. And then I was just like, oh, shit. Like, what a waste of my money, right? Like,
40:18I literally screwed up. But I don't know. Like, if a car needs $8,000 worth of repairs,
40:24that car is not going to see any money from me. And if he did owe money on it, I mean,
40:32I'm not saying screw the loan company, but I probably am not going to continue paying on
40:38a car that doesn't work. Right? Like, I'm sorry, I'm not like a car guy.
40:42There's no way. There's no way I would pay that much money. He never said what happened to the
40:51car. He just said that he had to get it fixed. The Diva was asking if it was an accident. He just
41:00said he had to get it fixed. He had $10,000 saved. That would have lasted him for two years
41:06in Indonesia. But he had to spend $8,000 of it. Either he's lying or something else happened to
41:12that $8,000 because why would you want to pay $8,000 on a car that you're still paying on?
41:19And then you got to have $700 a month that the 2000 you went over there. Yeah,
41:27the math ain't math. He's lying about something.
41:30Yeah. You're probably right. I learned from Judge Judy, if something doesn't make sense,
41:36it's usually not true. Right? That's usually the consensus that I got from Judge Judy. She was like,
41:43if you tell me a story, it don't make sense, probably ain't true. Because if you tell it to
41:50me and it doesn't make sense, you're probably making it up. And if you had to make it up,
41:53you're lying. So it's not going to be a realistic story. Also, I want to talk about
42:00this Forbidden Love episode real quick. So we were watching Elmer and Lindsay, who's pregnant,
42:07by the way. And she put parental controls on Elmer's family because he's not Amish. He was
42:16Amish, and now he's no longer Amish. And apparently, being an Amish male,
42:23they have a lot of struggle with technology, pornography, and staying faithful, I guess,
42:29as part of their, because they were very deprived of normal things. And I guess he said when he was
42:3818 years old is when he realized that sex existed. I can't even imagine, right? Like I was raised
42:44deep, deep, deep in the church. And I knew about it way before that, right? Like I was very
42:48surprised. But I wanted to get your opinion on parental controls on your husband or boyfriend.
42:55Like if you had to take away his privileges on his phone, is that relationship worth staying in?
43:06No, I'm not gonna be with anybody. I don't care how long I've been in the relationship. I don't
43:11care how much I care for them. If I've got to put parental control on yourself, it's over.
43:18Well, he will continually lie to her face, right? Because she'll keep asking him,
43:24are you watching pornography? He'll continually lie. And excuse me, he said that lying is a
43:30normal part of his response. Because in the Amish church, anything that you did could get you shunned
43:37or thrown out of the church. So they just lie about everything. Do you think that that's an
43:44excuse though? Like is it an excuse? Because he's not really Amish anymore. Is it an excuse to just
43:48look at your wife in the face and lie to her and then just say, oh, it's my religion?
43:53Yes, he's just using that. So I guess she'll be a lot more lenient. You know, like their friend,
44:01how his wife is lenient or was lenient on him. If you have to keep asking your partner, whether
44:10it's a man or a woman, to not do something, you have to keep asking them over and over and over
44:16again, then they don't respect you. They don't, you know what I'm saying? You about to just call
44:20it quits. Because if you have to ask them to do something more than one time, it ain't even worth
44:26the fight for. Well, she already pregnant. So again, because she's like, well, it's too late
44:33now. I'm pregnant. I'm like, well, she did say she wasn't scared to be a single mom.
44:38So she did, because I was going to say, you're probably going to be a single mom.
44:41Because if he's not ready to give up porn, how is he going to be ready to be a father? You know,
44:46like, because being a father, you have to be ready to sacrifice compromise. You know,
44:51a lot of people say the day your child is born, you turn into a different person.
44:55You know, you have to kind of retire the person you used to be and everything has to be about,
45:00you know, that child, that family that you're building. And I just don't think he's ready.
45:04And again, he's pretty young. You know, she picked a younger guy. He's a lot younger than she is.
45:09And I think that that plays a role in it as well. It's not just that he used to be Amish. I think
45:13that, you know, for his age, he's just discovering sex and now he's married. You know, and I always
45:20used to say, like, if you are in a bad relationship, or you're in a bad marriage,
45:25the first thing you should do is go out and explore. You should explore your options. Don't
45:30go from, and like in his instance, don't go from not knowing sex existed to being married. You know,
45:36like, go out and do a lot of stuff, right? Like, I need you to experience everything. So when you
45:42do try to settle down, you don't feel like you're missing out. You know, that FOMO feeling where
45:47he's like, oh, well, I just, you know, got her pregnant. Now I'm married. Now, I don't know
45:51if I could have ended up with someone else. I could have dated around. You know, like, I don't
45:56understand why people are so quick to jump into things when they haven't explored anything. You
46:03know, like, especially if you've never been in a serious relationship, your first serious
46:07relationship shouldn't be a marriage. Your first serious relationship should probably be a one
46:10night stand. Right? Like, you should try something first. You don't even know if you like it. You
46:16don't even know if you like marriage.
46:17Right, all the flavors of the Kool-Aid.
46:21Right, exactly. You don't even know if you like being married because you've never done anything.
46:25Like, I wouldn't go to a restaurant and order octopus. And like, I would eat it off of somebody
46:34else's plate first, right? Like, I'll be like, let me taste that real quick. Let me see if I
46:38actually want that. Like, you have to go and try all types of different things before you actually
46:43commit to one thing for the rest of your life. And I mean, I know marriage isn't forever anymore.
46:47But it's like, don't go committing to people and stuff when you're not even sure if you like it.
46:53Like, marriage is something that you should talk to people about. Like, get examples from people
47:01and research. Like, I feel like people are getting married just because maybe their religion wants
47:07them to, or maybe because their parents got married early. And it's like, it's a bad,
47:11that's a bad decision in itself. Like, you should experience things on your own. Don't just do it
47:16because other people did it first. He got his first vagina and lost it, then found porn. Wait,
47:22how did he lose it? She's still there. Actually, she said that he sits in his truck and watches
47:28porn and doesn't come in the house. Like, actually, he found the first one and he's neglecting it.
47:34Right? Like, it's even worse. Like, you would think he would be obsessed with her more than
47:39he's obsessed with the phone, because it's a real living one right in front of him. Right? And it's
47:44like, he's more obsessed with the fantasy. Yeah, because she has to beg him to have sex with her.
47:51Which is crazy for somebody who only learned about sex when he was 18. And he's no longer
47:57interested in it. Because, and I think that this is a good definition of addiction to porn. Remember,
48:03we were talking about that with Gino. And I was like, I don't think he's really addicted. I don't
48:07think Gino is addicted to porn. I think Gino is just sick of Jasmine shit. Like, I think this
48:12situation, he's really addicted to porn. And he's, he has no real expectation of real life intimacy,
48:20because he's so into the addiction. I think this is a true display of that.
48:26Yeah, yeah.
48:28Donna, Donna say he's missing the sheep. I really hope that he was not, but he they made it very
48:34clear. And so did his friend that there's relations with animals. And that is so, so
48:41disturbing. Like, I don't know.
48:44Very disturbing.
48:47Yeah, it's kind of scary. But wait, who else was on this this week? Unforbidden Love.
48:56The, I'm still learning their names, because I'm still trying to, I mean, I like it, but I'm not
49:02really paying attention. The one that her sister called her husband a terrorist, they were on there.
49:07Yes, they were on, I believe his name is Mohammed.
49:11And the other one that she's supposed to be converted into a Jew.
49:16Yeah, yeah, yeah, Eli and her. Okay, so, so, oh, so with the girl who, I believe they're from
49:24Iowa, or is it Missouri? I think they're from Missouri. And she wanted him to go to meet her
49:33sister for her birthday, or whatever. And she thought it'd be a good idea because they haven't
49:37spoken in two years. And the sister refuses to apologize for using the word terrorist. She
49:44claims that it wasn't, she was calling him one. She just said it out of context. Like, I don't
49:53remember how she said that she said it, but she refused to. She refused to apologize. How do you
49:59feel? Do you feel like she owes him an apology? Because he feels like he owes, she owes him an
50:02apology for using that word. Do you feel like calling anyone of that religion is that word
50:08is completely unacceptable? Do you feel like it was just, it's like calling someone out of their
50:13name or calling a racial slur? Like, how do you feel about that?
50:16Yes, she owes him an apology. I mean, you know, just because each culture is different. Each
50:24culture is different. Each culture, whether you're American, you're from another country,
50:30each culture has their own flaws. And just because you're of that culture doesn't mean that you're
50:37the same as what your culture does. So why are you going to, why are you going to call somebody,
50:45like in this case, why did she call him a terrorist?
50:50Yeah, he's done nothing to lead anyone to believe that he would engage in any type of
50:56terroristic behavior, right? Like he's done nothing. She just did it based on the fact that
51:02he is a Muslim. And I think that's, it's so terrible because generalization of cultures
51:09is something that we are so guilty of in the world. Like we look at one person of one culture,
51:16and people want to characterize that one person as the whole culture. And I understand that their
51:24lack of understanding of the Muslim religion, I think it's playing a big part in this,
51:28because he used the word obey. And you know how, oh my gosh, remember when Angela
51:33heard the word obey? Like Americans do not respond well to the word, she needs to obey her husband,
51:41to that terminology. But I think that in their culture, a woman has to obey her husband, you
51:48know, like that's part of the religious part of their culture. And like he said, for instance,
51:53she's not ever allowed to walk out of the house, half naked. Most men in America would agree with
52:00him, right? But since he's a Muslim, they look at it as he's controlling her. And it's like,
52:06I know that it's hard for Americans to look at it that way, because we're at a point now where
52:11we are allowing, and we should have always been allowing, women to express themselves however
52:16they want, however they want to dress, however they want to look, however they want to carry
52:20themselves. We're no longer telling women that they have to cover up, or they have to
52:27carry themselves a certain way. We're to the point now where women are allowed to just express
52:32themselves in whatever way that they want. So hearing those type of practices, it almost seems
52:39like, oh, well, he's just trying to control her, he's trying to make her property, or he's taking
52:45ownership of her. I understand the concern, but she's married and she's happy. And if she wanted
52:52to leave, she had every opportunity to leave. He said that he would send her back home to see
52:59her sister alone all the time. So if she wanted to get out of this relationship,
53:03she could have just got on the plane to go back to her family and never came back.
53:06So she's clearly not in danger, right? She had every opportunity to leave. He always avoided
53:13seeing her family up until this time where they went out together, and he wore the full
53:19Muslim man attire, which she thinks was a really bad idea. Because she was like-
53:26I think that was a bad idea. Because when you're walking into a small town, especially,
53:31like they said, it's nothing but, how can I say, American people, white people. I mean,
53:39in little small towns like that, the majority of them are going to be racist. The majority of them.
53:46So when you're walking in there dressed in a, I think they call it a throbe,
53:53dressed in the throbe with the hairpiece and everything, that right there, I mean,
53:58it's a wonder that it didn't start, you know, some problems in the restaurant. I mean,
54:05that was a little bit over the top. He shouldn't have did that. And I don't think he controls her.
54:13I think if anybody does any of the controlling, she seems more like she's controlling him.
54:25How so?
54:27Because, I mean, he, whenever, like he didn't even want to, he didn't even want to have to
54:35go to her sister's. Okay, well, she pretty much put down an ultimatum for him to go.
54:42Right. You're right. You're right. His initial response was, I don't ever want to be in contact
54:49with your sister ever again. You're right. And then all of a sudden, he's on an airplane,
54:53and they're in front of her sister. So you're right. If anything, she's the one making him
54:58conform to what she wants. Because if I don't want to see somebody, trust me, we're not going
55:03to be in the same place. You can't pay me. There's not enough money in the world for me to be around
55:08people that do not like me. I have no interest. And I also have no interest in trying to convince
55:14people to like me. So that's the most exhausting thing in the world, trying to prove to someone
55:20that I'm a likable person is something that I'm never going to do. If you can't see that,
55:26if my actions and character traits don't stand out to you, then I don't want to be around you.
55:32If you think after all the things that I've done, that I'm a bad person, or I'm a hateable person,
55:38I want you to live with that, and stay away from me with it. I don't want to be a part of it.
55:43Well, like I always say, your perception of me is none of my business.
55:47Exactly. It's like, if people don't like you, you don't like me. And the last person who cares is
55:55me, right? Wait, so an E. Scott-George collab is off the table? Absolutely off the table. Yeah,
56:03absolutely. Definitely. George knows I would show up at his, I know where he lives. Okay.
56:10I will show up at his house and we would have problems. Okay. I'm still waiting on my apology.
56:16Like, I'm still waiting on my apology. I sound like her sister on the show, right? I'm still,
56:21or I sound like Muhammad on the show. I'm still waiting on my apology. I didn't get it yet. So
56:25I'm not like, I don't hold grudges. No, I lied. I do. I lied. I'm sorry, y'all. I lied. I do.
56:31I hold grudges. So if he was to apologize, then there's like a 14% chance I might
56:36forgive him. Like 13 or 14%. It's very low.
56:40Zero chance, George. Zero chance. Zero chance.
56:43It's very, very low.
56:45Made me go to Florida, George.
56:49I highly doubt that he would even apologize. I think that accountability is something that
56:53he lacks. So I'm not even waiting on that. I feel like that'll never happen. So,
56:58oh, somebody says 2%. Okay, let's go with 2% chance. 2% chance. That's good, right? Isn't
57:04that like condoms, 2%? It's pretty low percentage, right? Like, let's stick with the lowest of the
57:10low. All right, so we're gonna wrap up. We're gonna come back Sunday, hopefully, right? Because
57:16there's been a lot of weird, strange mother nature issues. But hopefully all of us will be back, me,
57:23Deedee, and Cara on Sunday. So we can talk about The Other Way, part three of the tell-all,
57:31No Limits, Happily Ever After. We're getting more into the Angela and Michael saga. There's
57:36gonna be a private investigator who is gonna release some info, supposedly, about Michael.
57:41Also, Michael announced he's not suing Angela. The rumors are not true, in case y'all were
57:46wondering. He is not suing her. But we're gonna come back and talk about that. And then Monday,
57:51fingers crossed, everything goes well. We'll be back to talk about The Other Way, Forbidden Love
57:56with all three of us back together. Thanks for joining us tonight. Make sure you're following
58:01Deedee. I'm gonna tag her in this video. So if you're not following her, you should be. Make
58:05sure you're following me on all social media platforms, at George Mossey, georgemossey.com,
58:09anywhere you get your podcast site from The George Mossey Show. See you guys. Yes, I'm looking
58:13forward to Sunday as well. More drama. I'm all for the drama. All right, guys, everybody have
58:18a good night. We'll talk to you really soon. Bye.
