The George Mossey Show: Happily Ever After: AfterShow S8EP17 #90dayfiance

  • 2 months ago
The new season of 90 day fiance: happily ever after S8EP17 podcast! Join George Mossey & Kara for the #90dayfiancetheotherway #podcast
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00:05Welcome everybody
00:07Mr. George mossy show. I'm George mossy. Guess what Cara and D are both back
00:13Tonight, so it's kind of reunion. It's been a hot minute since I've had the whole team together
00:18so we're gonna talk about episode 17 of
00:21happily ever after after show and
00:24We have two more episodes after this one before we get to the finale
00:30And the four-part tell all bonjour
00:34Hello geek in the kitchen. Yeah, the four parts. Hello guys, so
00:42So just to give y'all an idea of
00:45What we're in for so just because we're gonna be ending this season soon
00:49Doesn't mean that we're gonna be stopped like stop talking about it cuz it's how long they're gonna be there. Hey, hi
00:56How are you?
00:59I'm good. I'm good
01:03I'm so excited. The whole team is back. So this is like a little reunion. Yeah
01:15How are you, I'm good, how are y'all doing? Oh, we're good. We're glad to have you back. I'm glad
01:26It's been um
01:28It's been interesting without you. You know, it's it's like we I'm so accustomed to both of your opinions and both of your energy
01:34So it's like when we we mess with the dynamics sometimes it gets a little weird, right?
01:45Yeah, I feel like y'all feed off of each other right I feel like you feed off of each other so
01:49It's just it's just interesting. It's interesting because I feel like you guys you bring a lot, you know to
01:56Discussion. So when we separate you or I don't have you it's it's a weird vibe, right?
02:01Like oh and appreciate Gina for stepping in last week. Yes
02:04Um, she's yeah on top of her and she stepped in which was really nice. It was fun to have her on
02:10She also wanted to tell me tonight to tell you guys that she was honored to even be considered, you know
02:16It's a step in for you guys
02:19Good. Well, I
02:22Can my place when I have to leave again so she can take my place again
02:28Thank You Gina for um for stepping in and so I want to I want to talk about
02:34Lauren and Alexi because there's a
02:37Conversation on Twitter. Well, they want me to call it X
02:39But I still call it Twitter where people are saying that Alexi is not being very supportive of his wife's hopes dreams aspirations
02:48Her idea of a lifestyle of her house, so I wanted to get your opinion on that is it Alexi's job to
02:56Be a cheerleader her words not mine a cheerleader for his wife because he he feels like he's he's always been that
03:04But he also feels like they should be making these decisions together
03:08Not just she wakes up one day and decides to do something and he's supposed to do like a little cheer and do a spin
03:13And half his pom-poms in the air ready, right?
03:16Like how do you guys feel do you feel like he's overreacting or do you feel like it's more of a cultural thing because we have
03:22To remember where he's from and you know women and how women are treated and whether or not women make their own decisions or not
03:28You know, we have to remember his culture and how he was brought up. So I'm going to get your idea on that
03:32Well, first of all, I think he needs to get an adult size teacup before I can
03:40Cuban coffee, that's how I drink coffee in Cuba
03:46He doesn't want a cheerleader, but he drinks like this
03:51The meanie was that he's such a giant that that was a normal-sized cup. That's what they were saying on
03:58Twitter they were like, that's a normal-sized cup. They're like, he's just like a hundred feet tall. So I thought that was hilarious
04:04I just can't take him serious first of all, but they're the most boring freaking couple and she just pisses me off
04:11Through the whole thing. She pisses me off. She it
04:15It's net she never takes a second to ask how he's doing or how he's feeling
04:20It's always I want this and I need you to do this for me. It's never I thank you for taking on so much
04:28Thank you for being that it's I need you to be I want you to be I have you have to be it's never ever
04:35How are you? Thank you so much for stepping up. Thanks for being such a rock
04:40It's never like that and her she's just such a self-entitled
04:45Person it just it I just can't they're so freaking boring
04:51Yes, they are
04:52My tweet earlier was me trying to stay awake during their sex even when they were fighting it. They're just boring, right?
04:59It's like this meme of this little girl in her high chair and she fell asleep and she hit her head on the high chair
05:04Woke her up. That was me. I was like gosh like just somebody slapped me a few times. I stay
05:11Interested in this boring nothing this storyline that we're lost in with these two and not no offense, right?
05:18Like I feel like they're both probably decent people more so him that
05:23Probably right. There's a possible
05:26When it comes to selling entertainment to me, there's nothing there
05:30Like their storylines are crazy and there's the surgery and then somebody said to they were like
05:37She's really inconsiderate based on what was going on in his life
05:40so I want to bring that up to because
05:41The surgery him working a full-time job taking care of his kids a lot of a lot of people say that's not fair to say
05:47to complain about but he's also going through a lot of emotional stuff with his
05:51Family and the war because it directly affects where he's from and where his family lives
05:56So a lot of people are saying that she's really insensitive to the emotional turmoil going on inside because he's a man
06:02you know men don't walk around and just say how worried they are and how how
06:07Affected they are by things but this is clearly something that's gonna affect him internally and very deeply
06:13Because he's literally in Miami. He said he's like I'm in Florida
06:16Like on vacation and my family is going through literal hell
06:21And he's like that that has to make him feel a certain type of way and a lot of people like you said
06:24She just looks at it as well. This is what I want. I don't know. I don't care what's going on with you
06:29I don't care you feel I want bigger boobs and I want to get a job and I want to do all these things and
06:33She pissed me off to tonight because she was like
06:36I don't want to sit around the house and just do nothing with my life
06:39And I was like since when is being a wife and a mother doing nothing with your life
06:46Like when did that happen?
06:47Like I understand that women are able to wear many hats and do many things
06:51But when is being a good damn mom
06:54Doing nothing with your life. It really pissed me off and I felt like really
06:58Disrespected and I'm not even a woman. I was like how disrespectful of you
07:02You know a lot of women sacrifice a lot to be a good mother and raise good human beings
07:07And you're just gonna say that that's doing nothing and that's amounting to nothing. It really ticked me off. Yeah
07:13Well, I don't know. I mean, yeah, let's let's go back just a little bit
07:18Okay, now you remember a couple of seasons back whenever they were on there
07:24Alex didn't even our Lexi how you want to call his name. I don't know how you want to call him
07:30He didn't even want kids. He gave in because she was begging him to give her a baby then
07:39Then the the little baby was freshly out of the womb and she was ready to get pregnant again
07:45And then that was freshly out of the womb then she wanted to get pregnant again
07:49I mean, he's given her everything that she's ever asked for and
07:55Not one time out of every season that I've seen them in not one time
07:59Have I heard her tell him thank you or even give him any kind of praise of anything he does for her
08:06Yeah, absolutely
08:09He's one of the few that came over here on a k1 and
08:15Starting a family and goes to work every day Kobe does it to Kobe doesn't to he came over here
08:20You know Kobe could easily get away with not doing anything
08:24He came over here to a decent family that is accepting that doesn't require him to do anything
08:30And he and I feel like Lauren doesn't like you said
08:34She doesn't appreciate how good she has it because how many times have we watched these?
08:38Situations where they bring a person over here and the person comes over here and they're just here for whatever you can give them
08:43They're not trying to take care of you. They're not trying to make you happy
08:46it's just whatever they can get out of you in the amount of time that they have until they bleed you dry and I
08:52Feel like she really doesn't appreciate
08:54You know, he's a decent guy. We don't ever hear of him cheating on her. There's never any
09:00Issues of them domestically. They're a good working couple and I feel like she doesn't appreciate
09:07The catch that she received right like she went over there and she kind of she threw a
09:13Fishing rod and just caught the first guy. She thought was cute over there and brought him over here
09:17Things could have turned out a lot worse, right?
09:19Like she didn't know very much about him other than he was a cute tour guide on her trip, right?
09:24Like if she brought him all the way over here things could have turned out really bad. You know, we've seen that situation with um
09:30Jeffrey from the earlier season, you know, he wasn't a good guy, right?
09:34Things could have turned out a lot worse for her
09:37They turned out really good and I feel like she I I think when I think of Lauren the first word that always comes to
09:42Mind is entitled, right?
09:43Like she's just very entitled and I don't I don't like to call people that because I don't know their situations and how she was
09:49Brought up, but I just feel like she just expects everything and doesn't feel like she has to do anything in return
09:55It's just it's what she's supposed to get and people like that, you know, they never really understand what they have until they don't have it
10:05I've been saying from the get-go that she's a real sepulchre. She is a selfish the
10:11Selfish person I can't get my words out selfish person and a car
10:16We need to go get a surgery done from her doctor because I have never in my lifetime
10:22That I've seen people have any kind of surgery the woman had 20 surgeries at one time. No bruising. No scarring
10:30No, nothing girl, we gotta make an appointment with that doctor
10:35Be in our bikini the next day. I mean, you know, I'm just saying
10:46Saying and now she's saying she might want bigger boobs as y'all see that in the next
10:53In the next
10:59Like what is she talking about? I think it's the other ones she wasn't wearing a
11:05Bra like a bra bra. I think she was maybe wearing a
11:09Like a what do you call them?
11:10I'm like a sports bar or something because when you wear a sports bra, it doesn't like support the support the twins
11:17You know what? I'm saying? And after she had this so-called surgery
11:21Then she wants to put on like a regular bra would make them like she had
11:25Surgery, but not one time. Did we see a scar on her?
11:31chin because apparently she had
11:33Surgery here, right? Not one time. Did we see anything back here? And this was even after
11:40Supposedly she healed from the the surgery. I mean she's walking around like
11:46She ain't even had surgery and then the day she got out of surgery
11:51She ordered regular food. You can't do that for the first 30 days when you have that kind of surgery. You're on a
11:57complete liquid diet
12:00Food no nothing for 30 days
12:04The math ain't math and okay
12:07I don't know enough
12:10About these surgeries to know but I do think that
12:13It's really odd that she doesn't look different because even when Darcy and Stacy used to get surgeries and then they would come back on TV
12:20They looked visually different right like physically they did not look the same. Honestly, they kind of look like two different people all together
12:26So I'm really confused at how and she called them fat transfers and Alexi said it too
12:32He was like, well, we're the fact that I come from somebody else, you know
12:36You can't remove fat that doesn't exist to put it somewhere else and I think you know
12:41She might be falling into that that slippery slope of you know
12:46surgery like Darcy and Stacy and Chikina, you know, all these different people that have fallen into the
12:53What do you call it never-ending?
12:59Yeah, and that's I think we talked about this before and that's a mental thing
13:03Yeah, you know and I think that it's weird to me that doctors would let you have a surgery go under the knife knowing that
13:09This is a body dysmorphia issue. They should send you to a
13:14Therapist or psychiatrist first, you know, I feel like the medical system is very flawed if you have enough money in your pocket
13:21They'll do whatever you ask, but they don't want to help you
13:23Yeah, because if the doctor really wanted to help you he would say well
13:25I will refer you to a psychiatrist first to see if you can't get to the bottom of your
13:30Dysmorphia issues because whatever I changed on your body is not gonna make a difference
13:35You're never gonna change what's in here, you know, we can we can change anything physically, you know, we you know, we've seen
13:42Nikki Exotica went from male to female, you know, you you have to always fix what's bothering you here
13:49the outer the outer is not a full picture and I think that doctors really need to do better and
13:56You know just stop taking people's money and try to help them, you know
14:01I think it's I thought that they had to take a vow to always to help people and make sure they they do what was
14:06Best for the patients and I just don't feel like that's what happens. I feel like they take the money and they're like
14:10Oh, you got 20 grand whatever you need
14:12I got and they don't think about what's gonna happen after and how it's gonna affect them mentally. They just take the money and run
14:20Exactly. It's awful
14:22so a three-hour car ride and
14:25Patrick and Thais and John and Carlos and they're all supposed to be bonding on this trip and
14:31It kind of didn't work out because well John is bonding really really well with Carlos, right?
14:36Which is really interesting because they can't understand each other and I was like, well that might be why you know
14:40Because Don isn't the easiest person to get along with we learned that with Isis friends
14:45So I was like maybe him not understanding anything that comes out of his mouth is why they get along
14:50Right because I was like it's very possible that if Carlos understood him and understood what he was saying
14:56He would hate him too, right?
14:57Like most people that come in contact with John that wouldn't be since we watched the show didn't like him at first
15:03So I was like, it's very possible. But Thais is really scared of water. So she was walking on this bridge and
15:09She thought she was gonna fall in and it was very
15:12It hit home for me because you guys know that I could drown in a bathtub that was only half full
15:17So I was very it touched me closely because I was like, oh man see Thais
15:21I feel you when she walked on it and it started tilting
15:24That would have been enough to give me a stroke because I don't even if the water is like knee deep
15:30I can drown in it. So I was like, I totally understood.
15:34There's literally three adult males that can save you so
15:38Yeah, you know what though cuz like when I go to like places where there's lifeguards on duty
15:43It doesn't make me feel any better. Yeah, doesn't make me feel any better
15:45Like I just feel like I would be the one person they weren't looking at while I was drowning, you know, I don't know
15:52I just I just
15:53Really really wish that I could swim right? I remember my mom told me the story when I was little
15:58She said she took me to the YMCA and the swimming guard threw me in the water
16:03And you know how when you're little they just kind of toss you in right?
16:06So he tossed me in and I got out and I went up to him and I punched him
16:11And yeah, and then we were banned from the YMCA so
16:17You we can't go back because you chose violence instead of learning how to swim so now I never I never caught I would
16:25Choose violence if somebody threw my kid in the water
16:27Well, I guess this is how people do things now. You have you ever seen the tick tocks?
16:32They literally take the little baby and launch them in the pool. It seems like cruelty to me
16:36Like I actually felt like my life was in danger
16:39So I felt like I had to go back and punch that guy. Yeah, I had to I was only like three or four
16:53Me and Cara don't need to show up nowhere George, you know, you're gonna be
16:57You're gonna be spending money on every one of them credit cards
17:04We don't need to go and cause any any scenes back this was a long time ago
17:15Take him in tonight there. Well, I'll just go and explain to him that I cannot take George on a Disney cruise
17:22And it's your damn fault. It is I am so scared
17:26I am so so Scott Cruz if I can't see land mass like if all I see is water. That's that's a stroke
17:37Destroyed me, okay, so
17:39The the situation with Patrick and Carlos every time Patrick offered to do a activity with him
17:45He said no
17:46and I'm trying to figure out if Carlos really just doesn't want to jet ski or if he's just kind of given Patrick a hard
17:52Time because he didn't ask him for the blessing beforehand. I couldn't free
17:58He doesn't like him he can't stand him that's why
18:05Patrick is like the most non threatening. It's funny because he's a really huge guy, right?
18:10Like he's big he looked like he could be intimidating, but he's literally a massive Teddy the guy, right?
18:20Did you see that
18:23His leg brace is
18:25Designed to bend at the knee. I have the same one because I have a bad knee
18:30It is designed to bend not too far
18:35But it makes you bend your leg because you cannot keep it straight or you're gonna have so much more physical therapy
18:43Once the healing is done because now you've trained your leg not to bend. So this guy is walking
18:49Entirely straight leg which if they wanted him to do that
18:53They would have casted him up not put him in a brace. So I can't even take him seriously
18:58Watching this he I just can't I can't these people are so freaking boring
19:03This is why they brought John on because John is the only form of entertainment with this couple. Yeah
19:10Very true
19:12Very true
19:14When they were getting ready for this three-hour trip
19:17I'm pretty sure the producers are the ones that made sure that John was gonna get in that car Patrick was like
19:21Oh, yeah, I'm gonna bring him because it's bonding for him
19:24And I'm pretty sure the producers are like, well, we're not paying for the trip
19:27Yes, Patrick goes like I'm pretty sure there were there were rules and regulations and that's like no
19:32They were like if you're not gonna bring John on the trip, you know
19:36Then we're not filming it because we don't we don't have the time or the patience to edit something out. Yeah, right
19:42Like we don't have the time and patience to literally edit something that doesn't exist
19:46There's nothing going on and you know, Lauren and Alexi. I love them, too
19:51But again, this is it's beating a dead horse right there. There's nothing
19:57Entertainment value in there and you know Patrick and Thais are in very much a good relationship. They're well off financially and
20:04Pulling out of nowhere to create a problem
20:07It's getting old, you know, like it's getting old like if people don't have real problems, you know, let them be on
20:15Diaries or let them be on something else
20:18So I apologize. I'm not trying to flag anyone down for oh, I just have a horrible fly. Oh
20:25Oh, yeah
20:30There's one that's been flying follow me around my house to which I just oh
20:34I want to talk about
20:35Kobe and Emily in this Cameroon thing because we've kind of been talking about this earlier in the season and
20:41It did come up. Remember we were talking about how we think that it's important that Kobe's kids are
20:47Exposed to Cameroonian culture. Well, he agrees and he wants to move there for a year or two, which I think is an excellent
20:54Excellent idea, you know, I think that that trip was just a tip of the iceberg of all the different
21:01cultural things
21:02Traditions foods all the different things that his kids should be
21:07Exposed to but Emily made a good point
21:10I know y'all don't want to hear it
21:11But she was like they're really young and they're not gonna really grasp a lot of that at this age
21:16I totally agree with Emily
21:18I know I disagree a hundred percent disagree with her. Yeah
21:24I think that they need to move in a couple of years. I think no
21:29No, remember
21:31No, I
21:33Was really young when I went to Mexico with my dad I was really really young
21:39So the younger they are
21:41The more they're going to be able to pick up on the language pick up on the culture and it does stick with them
21:47It actually does and they do remember years old
21:52Do what now even under two years old? Yes. I was
21:57When I first went over there
21:59Well, if they say they're like a couple of years then yes Scarlett, you know, she'll understand but I think they said Coben is like
22:06Three. Yeah. Well when I first went over there, I was I was around five years old when I started going over there
22:18I in my opinion, I thought that would be better, but I've also never had to adapt to a different culture myself
22:23So, I don't know
22:27Do it before they go to school because and the reason why I'm saying that is because it was hard on me
22:35Because I would have to whenever I started school
22:39Depending on which one I was with I would have to go to school in Mexico or to go to school here in the u.s
22:45So it's better if they let them grow up in
22:49Cameroon up until it's time for them to go to school go back over to the u.s
22:55Because Kobe was saying they could build a house they could buy a house that would be amazing
23:00They could go back come back over here at the States
23:03Let them go to school and then during their summer break go back over to Cameron that way they're in both places
23:10they're getting the
23:13Education that they need but as the same time they're able to bring both cultures together
23:19Does that make sense and they're small enough where kids at that age children's brain is like they're like what I call elephant brains
23:27They're sponges. Yeah, so I mean it's a whole lot easier on it was
23:32But there were so many different elements to this so you can move over there you can buy a house
23:39You can build a house. What are you gonna do for work? I'm gonna work. What kind of work work?
23:45Well, what kind of work are you gonna do to provide for the family? Well, I'm gonna work
23:49There's literally no answers
23:51So what is Emily gonna do just be a stay-at-home mom and in an area that she doesn't even understand the culture
23:57She's learning that I think it would be a disaster
24:00I think if they have the savings that they say they have they should put a down payment on a house here
24:07or buy a house here and
24:11Make the summertime thing in Cameroon in my opinion I
24:17Don't think I don't know I don't think that
24:22Emily would adapt well to living in Cameroon
24:25Like the first thing that came to my mind was I'm trying to picture her there a long term, right?
24:30Like they were all there
24:32They did a really good job because they knew and in the 14th day
24:35They were gonna get back on the plane to go home
24:37but like I'm trying to picture Emily adapting to culture in Africa, and I just don't know if
24:44She would make it right like Emily reminded me a lot of me like I'm a very um
24:51Entitled person like I have expectations of things and I have like I told y'all before I have no survival skills
24:57I can't swim. I probably can't start a fire without a match or a lighter
25:02Like I don't know how well I would adapt to that type of culture and I feel like Emily is the same way
25:07I mean don't get me wrong Emily's family lives on a farm. So she she's got more skills than me actually
25:13But like I still don't know if I could see her there for two years. Remember when I'm Ariella
25:18Was like, oh, I'm gonna move to um to Ethiopia and I'm just gonna stay there forever and within like six weeks
25:25She had figured out a way to go back home and never come back
25:28And I feel like I feel like Emily would probably end up that way too. I could be a hundred percent wrong
25:33I could have misread her but I just feel like she's so used to getting her way all the time
25:38Yeah, and being the Queen her her world. I don't know if she would make it in Cameroon. I agree
25:45That's the only thing George you you're correct because in Cameroon
25:49That's why I think that she is so against it because she won't be able to
25:55Have full control over the man over the marriage because in the United States is her way or no way and in Cameroon
26:02It's gonna be his way or no way and she doesn't want to give up that control that she has over the marriage
26:09Exactly. Well, yeah, and I think he's gonna have a lot of support in
26:14Cameroon of him being in charge the the 14 days that they were there
26:18He caught hell from so many different people for not controlling his white wife, you know
26:24Like they were just they gave him hell. It's such a short amount of time
26:27so imagine living there and she's trying to control everything and they see that he's gonna have to try to
26:32Live up to the expectations of his family and his friends and all the people there
26:36I just feel like it would be a disaster and I feel like her
26:39Her parents said it best he was like they're in a stable good loving relationship now
26:44Why mess that up and I feel like moving there would mess it up
26:47I feel like the dynamic would change and they would re-evaluate things and they could break up
26:51like honestly, I feel like that type of
26:54Life changing event moving to another country for someone who's not ready or willing to adapt
26:59I think that could be the end of the relationship. Yeah, I agree
27:04So me too
27:06Me ma brought Michael home, right and I'm not gonna lie. This was like a really
27:12Wholesome moment like seeing her grandkids
27:16React to him. It really really made me realize how long and how how much of a journey?
27:22This has been for her and her family for Angela cuz I was like, you know, we watch it and we're like
27:26I don't know why she's with him and we you know, we have our preconceived issues with it
27:30Especially with Skylar too, but watching the way that her granddaughters and and everybody reacted to him really made me think
27:38How did we end up?
27:40Where we are now because it really does look like
27:44They loved each other at one point because remember I was questioning that I was like
27:48I don't think he ever loved her and I don't I don't think that this was ever real
27:51But I'm beginning to think y'all were right
27:53I think it started out as an issue
27:56I'm gonna use her to get to America and he started to get along with her and like her and they built a bond and
28:02A rapport with each other and I think that he was gonna try to make this work
28:05I don't know when he got here. I just got a different vibe
28:09You know
28:09like I didn't get that scammer vibe from him and he brought
28:13Presence for the the grandkids and he was like they were crying to see him
28:18He was crying to see them and just it got me in a different place when I was viewing that scene
28:22It was different for me, but the only thing Angela could focus on was proving Skylar
28:29Yeah, she wanted to prove to Skylar that it was a real relationship and it's like that's the least important thing
28:35You know
28:36The real important thing is you brought a man to Georgia that you don't trust
28:39That you said with your own mouth was doing shady stuff and you have to keep an eye on him
28:44You have to keep an eye on him that you don't trust what he's doing
28:47You don't know what's going on you brought him here
28:49Worried about is I just want her to see that he's really here and it's like that's that's so unimportant for the situation
28:56So Angela keeps saying in her tick-tock. She's like you got to keep watching. You're gonna see so much more crazy
29:04Behavior and actions from Michael as you keep watching. Well, there's only two episodes left
29:08So I'm beginning to wonder and it kind of looks like he got there at Halloween. Did you see the Halloween decorations outside?
29:13Well, they said it's the best Christmas gift ever so
29:18Yeah, that was Christmas tree only in the inside and there was like a clown outside. So I was really confused
29:29Our house nobody in that house clean so let's talk about how let's talk about Angela's house
29:35So that was a nightmare. It gave me anxiety right because I mean looking at Angela I can see her as
29:43Someone that doesn't probably keep a super clean house, right? You get that too. You get that vibe, right?
29:48But when I saw her
29:51Right, right and I saw like she has a refrigerator chest for so on so, you know, I just I have expectations, right?
29:58I feel like they'll be empty soda cans everywhere
30:00I feel like they'll be cigarette butts everywhere and I feel like the floor probably needs to be swept in about all the time
30:06But her room was just a lot for me because she knew that they were gonna be filming
30:10I would have had Skylar in there or something like I don't know like I'm first of all
30:14My room would never look like that
30:15But if it did the level of anxiety and me to get it clean
30:20I wouldn't be able to leave the country
30:22You know how you have like you're gonna go out of town and you I'll clean my house before I go out of town which
30:27People are like, why are you doing that do it when you get back?
30:29Because I can't is it weird that I would be worried if somebody broke into my house and they saw it dirty that I would
30:36Is that weird
30:39I'm not coming home to a dirty house. I don't want it. I don't want to have to work it on my house
30:48The fact that she packed her luggage and left lift left the house like that was just a whole nother level, right
30:55my house has to look like
30:59Literally, you can ask anybody who knows me personally
31:03George you haven't been to my house yet, but you welcome any time but literally my house
31:10Looks like nobody lives in it
31:12That's how clean my house has to be you walk in my house. You take your shoes off
31:19No one is allowed to walk in my house with their shoes on I will have a full-blown panic attack
31:26If you walk in my house with your shoes like hey
31:35I'm kind of like that too, right?
31:36Like I have a lot of people I have Airbnb vibes with my house
31:40But I have pictures on the wall like of like me your house. So I know I love your house George
31:48It has to be clean all the time right and I have um
31:50I have like robots that I have that they make every so many hours. They're sweet. They'll mop
31:57They'll do it like it's just I grew up. Okay, so we don't waste too much time this I grew up
32:02My mom was a hoarder
32:04so there was like junk in our house all the way up to the ceiling like every room every
32:09Everything like every part of the house
32:11So when I got my own place, it was super super important for me because I had like that mental trauma
32:16That my house always has to look
32:19Presentable at all time no matter what so if somebody shows up at my house unannounced cuz like when I was younger
32:24I had friends that would try to show up at our house and I couldn't let them in
32:28Yeah, because wait look so like it's like that trauma for me. So it's so important
32:34So like if if something happens like I have a cat and she knocks something over
32:37I have to go and clean it right now
32:39Like probably she knocked something over right now
32:41I would have to go off camera and clean it right now because that's how traumatic that is for me. Yeah
32:46So Angela on TV with her room looking like that Angela. What are you doing?
32:50Like seriously like it's crazy
32:53I mean
32:54I get that she was there for a month and she was packing and she probably didn't have a lot of time to prepare but
32:59Come on, seriously, you got to keep your yeah
33:03I mean at least call somebody in if you didn't want Skyler to know that he was coming at least call somebody in the freaking
33:09Go and clean your house. I mean, that's just that's just nasty. That is poor
33:17I don't know
33:19It's crazy to me what people will do on TV, right?
33:22it's wild because I noticed a lot of times I watch a lot of these other shows people will
33:27Film a show on in an Airbnb just so they don't expose what they really live like and I understand that because some people they
33:34Don't have the best living condition
33:36So they'll film their whole season or whatever in an Airbnb just so you don't have to see
33:40You know what their living situation is, which oh I want to talk about
33:45Rob and Sophie because I don't know how this came about
33:49but I'm leaning towards team Rob even more and
33:53Which I never thought I would ever say because I think Rob is such a dickhead sometimes
33:57But I was watching him at his birthday party in Kansas City and Sophie's living with her girlfriend
34:02Hey, right and K made it very clear in this episode that she loves her would love to marry her
34:06So we know what's going on
34:09That case been banging that head up against the headboard
34:17Apparently every night so what got me tonight
34:21Sophie had the audacity to call Rob on his birthday to say happy birthday and then say I love you and
34:28Forcibly wait for him to say it back knowing that she doesn't love him. And then I was like, this is not just
34:35Using him for a green card. This is like mental manipulation
34:38I was like at this point she hasn't seen she moved out a month after they got married. She's been living with her girlfriend
34:43She literally he doesn't even know where she lives. He went to go talk to her to break off their marriage
34:49He didn't even know where to find his wife
34:51but the fact that she thinks that she can hold on to him and
34:55Manipulate him and play with him and he's he's such a simple guy, right?
34:58Like he's super simple and it's easy for you to manipulate somebody like Rob and I feel like she's taking full-on
35:04Advantage and I don't know how this ended up being that I'm on his side
35:08But I want him to break off this marriage and send her and her mom back where they came from
35:11Because I feel like at this point she is using him blatantly using him for a green card and of all the people in the
35:18World, I don't want that to happen to rob all people, right?
35:21Because at this point I feel like he really does love her and I'm also wondering did he ever really cheat on her or was
35:27This all part of her plan to get him away from her
35:30So it'll be easier when she gets the green card to cut him loose. I
35:34mean, I
35:36Don't know. I can't with them anymore. He didn't mean it
35:39He didn't mean it she in online, but he never admitted she in line
35:50I don't care. It's still cheating. Yeah
35:59It's convenient that all this bullshit has led up to this right why didn't he end the marriage sooner?
36:06He didn't end the marriage and tell this woman was all over him. He was very attracted to her
36:12She was very attracted to him. Now. He's thinking about it
36:15He got her phone number and now he's gonna end the marriage because he banged her head up against the headboard
36:22So do you think that do you think he's worried that she was gonna find out and that's why he's ending the marriage
36:30Well, I still think the marriage needs to end regardless though because at this point are they really married
36:36He doesn't even know where she is. I get this point. She belongs. I agree. She belongs to the streets, right?
36:41She's a sneaky link. She belongs to the streets. He doesn't know where she is. He doesn't know how to get a hold of her
36:46They're not married
36:51Before the tell-all and he knows it
36:57They're gonna bring this the the little bar the the bar girl because I mean she was working at the bar, right?
37:06And and of course, it's gonna come out. They're gonna invite her
37:09So it's gonna come out that he banged her head up against the the headboard. So I mean
37:16I'm totally okay with that though, because who is he being faithful to she's literally living with her girl
37:21Yeah, like I do not I don't support cheating or homewrecking or lying
37:26But can he really cheat on somebody who left him seven eight nine months ago and move them with another person?
37:34Together that's not cheating. Yeah, you're not together. You're not cheating. So
37:41Actually, he didn't even cheat on her if if he did, um, you know do something with that girl
37:47He didn't cheat on her because they're not even together. I think they move together
37:51Don't even think they live together a full month after they were married. She moved out within that month and never came back
37:57Oh, so sunshine
37:59Once he met that girl he remembered he's not the problem and Sophie is I think that that's true
38:04I think when he realized that he was being faithful to someone who doesn't even love him
38:08I think that's when he realized I have to end this
38:11He's like, I know that this bottle-service girl was probably put up by the producers
38:15But he it probably crossed his mind like why should I feel bad?
38:20Yeah for a woman giving me attention so I can be faithful to a woman who's sleeping with another woman probably right now
38:25Yeah, you know like why should I have any?
38:28Negative feeling about me for not doing anything wrong and I feel like that's probably and you're right to car because we're two episodes
38:35Left they're gonna be back for the last resort
38:38They have to be broken up in this season in order for the last resort to make sense
38:43So it has to be released at some point and like you said that tell all this
38:48Bottle-service girl is gonna show up and she's gonna spill all the tea and she's gonna say
38:52Oh Rob was with me and he came to my apartment and we've been seeing each other because you know
38:57That's gonna be the fuel for that last resort. Yeah
39:02Why Sophie thinks that she's the only one that
39:06that is even for Rob because she said to not that
39:09She wasn't worried because she's the only one that is for Rob that no other woman's gonna want him
39:15She's the only one that understands him and she loves him, but she he just pisses her off. Yeah
39:22Yeah, I saw that she was drunk too and you know, yeah the drunk feelings I always stick with the drunk feelings
39:29And I don't know. I don't know
39:32Sophie specifically, but I'd feel like Sophie likes women more than she likes a man
39:36I get that vibe from her and there's totally nothing wrong with that
39:40Yeah, I guess it is bad if you're married to a man and trying to convince him otherwise
39:44But I feel like she's happier with K. She wants to be with K
39:49She wants to be with K K clearly wants to be with her, you know
39:53If that's how they both feel why is Rob a part of this triangle if he doesn't want to be right?
39:59Like I don't understand
40:01I mean
40:01I do understand why she's holding on to him because the past the paperwork and process has to be complete
40:06Before she can cut him loose. I get that I get that
40:09She doesn't want to go back to England. Her mom doesn't want to go back
40:13You know because she's been here ever since the wedding and never left like they clearly have a plan and it's to stay with
40:19They are and Rob, you know, if K was the person in charge of that visa, that's different
40:24But Rob is the signer on that visa
40:25So Rob has to be dragged along and kept in the picture as long as possible
40:31For this green card and and it's just making her come across as such a sneaky horrible
40:37Liar like this whole season like when I saw her getting ready to go out with her girlfriend
40:42And then she's like, I hope Rob isn't like out doing whatever he wants my goal
40:46Why not all you're out doing literally whatever you want right now that why not
40:51So Rob's at the club, right? It's late at night, right?
40:55Cuz you don't go to the club during the day in the dark
40:58It's late at night. What kind of a wife calls at the end of the night and says Oh, happy birthday. I love you
41:05Yeah, like 2 a.m. Yeah. Yeah, like 2 a.m. I
41:09Don't know. I don't know what kind of wife isn't there?
41:12Right because that that's that was the whole thing because I was like if you loved him
41:17even if he didn't invite you you would still be there because that's your husband and
41:22You would make sure that you would spin because she's like, oh this is his first time taking a trip without me
41:27And I'm like, it's not your first time taking a trip without him. I can guarantee you that I can guarantee you that
41:32I guarantee you've been doing whatever you want to do for this whole nine months that you've been separated
41:37but the idea of him doing whatever he wants is pissing you off and it's that that um
41:43Double standard with her that gets to me because I was like so you get to just go do whatever you want
41:49Literally sleep around on him and everything. But if he even looks at a girl's boobs online
41:54He's a horrible human being like I don't know how I ended up being team Rob
41:58But I support him in this at this point. I support him
42:01You're just a sneaky little liar trying to get you and your mom a green card. I'm kind of pissed off
42:06Yeah, I'm team Rob all the way I said it last week I said it the week before I am team Rob
42:14I know
42:15Right, cuz this is not where we started any of us, right?
42:18Like I'm really he irked me like to the point where I couldn't stand him at this point
42:23I feel like as a man, it's my responsibility to stand with him
42:28I stand with Rob at this point because he's been lied to cheated manipulated used
42:33Fraud defrauded like all these did like I feel like as a man
42:37I should stand with him on his side because this isn't fair for anybody
42:40I don't care if it was Rob or anybody like no person should be put through what he's going through
42:48He called her to tell her that he was outside she hollered at him and said why are you haunting me?
42:53Why are you talking to me? Like you pissed off at me? They all the dudes said was I'm outside. Yeah, that's all
43:03That's her form of manipulation. She's been manipulating him since the beginning and I think that he's so
43:09Rob is a puncher to this damn
43:14And it doesn't take a lot to get in his head and manipulate him and I think that she's mastered
43:19Controlling him and you know, you got to watch out for the manipulators and the master manipulators
43:24Those are the ones you really have to look out for it. They don't look like a threat
43:28They don't look intimidating but their mind games is what makes them so dangerous
43:33Yeah, and she is really proven that she is so dangerous. Yeah
43:38hundred percent
43:39So man, well started crying in this episode right because his mom needs something on her arm
43:44Like an IV or something for $300. Isn't it ironic that every single day that the Sun comes up?
43:52Manuel's family needs $300, right? Like I was really thinking about this tonight. I was like damn
43:57I wish I could have been born into Manuel's family because I would just call Manuel every day for $350, right?
44:02But I wouldn't have to go to work. I wouldn't have to deal with anything
44:04I would have to do any of the stuff that I have to do because Manuel would just send me all of Ashley's money
44:08And I'm not discrediting that his family or his kids might need things
44:14I believe that but I also think that he is
44:18He's playing her. She is a sucker and those fake-ass tears and that BS that he's feeding her
44:25It's like anytime that he thinks the money is gonna run dry. The whale is running dry
44:29He comes up with another way to manipulate her, right?
44:32He's like, well, I'll just cry or I'll say it's my mommy or I'll say it's it is she falls for it every single time
44:39She's like such a sucker and again a clairvoyant, which should be able to see through
44:46Crocodile tears right like she should be able to see Oh Eileen says I think the $300 is child support Oh week
44:53That's not like no child support in Ecuador $300 will be for the whole month because that's 300 US dollars
45:02First of all, we already know we already know
45:06That no, he didn't send his wife. No money whenever they were in New York or Newark or wherever the hell they were
45:14whenever he left with Jonathan because he went to go he gave her money and he banged her head up against the
45:20Headboard because she's in and she's right down the road from him
45:24So wait, the wife and the baby mama two different people are same person
45:32So same person so his kids mom is the woman that is it probably they always do a FaceTime
45:39So that's probably why Ashley's never physically saw or spoken to the kids, right?
45:43Cuz she was like, I don't really know his kids
45:45I don't really know the baby mama because she would probably be able to tell that the background or whatever
45:50They're not in Ecuador
45:52You think that's what the situation is because if you know because I always have to remind people
45:57She said that they knew each other for 10 years
45:59Ashley and Manuel knew each other for a full decade and she doesn't know anything about him. She met and that is
46:04She never went to his parents house. She never went to his
46:10Exes house. She never met his children whenever she was over there. This woman knows nothing about him
46:25English yeah, that was another thing because I was like if someone is um
46:29Used to speaking English regularly and then you ask them to pretend they speak no English
46:34it might you might be able to tell because one thing I have learned with people who um
46:39Are have English as their second language when they're talking regularly in English all the time
46:45You can hear like you might say a word in Spanish every now and then or they'll be speaking Spanish
46:49But also mix in an English word
46:50So I was like that might be why she can't speak to her because she might not speak full
46:56Spanish or full Portuguese or whatever all the time and it would be pretty obvious that she's not there
47:02I don't know this whole situation with him
47:05I feel like he's a really good manipulator to him and Sophie are gonna be fighting for the award for manipulator of the season
47:11Right. I feel like they're definitely it's a heads race between the two of them who can get the most out of who?
47:18By lying and manipulating and I feel like it's gonna be a really close a close battle between the two of them and Ashley is
47:24She just makes it so easy for him. He doesn't really have to I don't know if he's like a master manipulator
47:29He doesn't try as hard. I feel like a Sophie. It's not hard to trick Ashley
47:34right, you just you you literally put your hand in the water and dribble the water over her head and tell her it's a
47:41Thunderstorm and she's like that's her. It's a hurricane, you know
47:45like she literally has no clue what's going on around her and I feel like the reason why she's
47:50put ten years into a relationship with probably a married man because remember he said that his youngest kid was like
47:5612 and they've been together for like well, she's known him for ten years
48:00That means that he was he's been with the baby mama pretty close in proximity to when him and Ashley were together
48:07So that that's also questionable to why were why did he have a kid with her within recently?
48:12And then he was talking to Ashley
48:15It's it's very interesting to me. And the fact that she hasn't questioned any of it. It confuses me
48:20I don't like if you're living with someone if you're dating someone or you're all the way across the country
48:27If you're with somebody for ten freaking years
48:31You've either seen their kid talk to their kid written their kid sent their kid a gift
48:36What accidentally called in the kid answered?
48:39There's some you're right there's some way or you were on FaceTime and the kid wanted cereal
48:43You're gonna interact in some possible way
48:47Because it's impossible to literally hide a human being from another human being
48:51I mean don't get me wrong you can but it takes so much work
48:55Right to make it as though someone doesn't exist, but she knows they exist
48:58But he's still purposely keeping them from her like in my opinion if I have to send the money every month
49:03We need to have a conversation like we need to talk regularly
49:07We they shouldn't know my name and what I look like you want my money
49:11You should know at least what I look like we should at least talk about school and how things are going
49:22Well, I mean he thought that she was not gonna give him no more money
49:26So he had to come up with a game plan overnight since he had to sleep on the couch
49:32To to be able to draw her back in to you know to get her right where?
49:39Right where he needs her once again, so he come up with his huge lies and his mom sick with her arm
49:46That she has to take shots, so you mean to tell me each shot is
49:51$300 in Ecuador are you see that's what it's not even that much in the United States
50:00Insulin for like $70 right like that's crazy. Yeah, it's crazy, so
50:07Did you also really?
50:09Realized that he told her that he was
50:11They every time she gave him money that he was putting in the account to say yeah
50:18Saving all that money
50:20Then why doesn't he have the $300 of whatever it is that he needs to see him cuz that's his money
50:28That's his money. He's saving that for himself his family. Don't get any of that money his family gets
50:34Ashley's money I noticed that too cuz I was like you're saving this cuz you you're worried about the way she spends
50:41Which I mean that's understandable. She's in debt a lot, but why don't you spend?
50:47some of your money to your family because you get the your placement in those statements your money your family your
50:54Responsibility he doesn't want any of his money going to his kids or any his money going to his family
50:59Ashley's got to figure out a way to do that so that's even and she didn't catch on to that either
51:03Like Ashley doesn't catch on to things very quickly because I've been like okay, so I gave you a thousand dollars
51:08You put it in the bank and held on to it
51:10So you just asked me for three hundred dollars take it out a thousand dollars that you took from me
51:15You know like be like she doesn't catch things. She'd or she doesn't want to I don't know if it's um
51:21Love love that she sees you know and and she's blinded by the bullshit. I don't know what it is
51:26I don't even understand cuz in my opinion. I don't know how to say this nicely
51:32Man well kind of looks like a dog uh-huh like right I like it
51:36I'm trying to understand like I get that you know everybody has their thing
51:40But I'm just like even his sad puppy eyes are just like you're gonna give this man thousands of dollars with that face
51:47like really
51:48That's crazy to do
51:51Where she had Ashley's hair was down the front of it was down and somebody said it looked like ground beef
51:58Yeah, I'm through like this. Yeah
52:06It's so realistically accurate yes
52:10So Oh Jasmine says that
52:14Gino does not want to be intimate with her which we've had this conversation before and
52:19She said that she can't be in a relationship with a man who can't be intimate with her which I?
52:23Understand that part, but I don't understand when I was thinking and listening out loud to them
52:28Was he said that her arguing with him makes him turned off not in the mood
52:33Which was the opposite of Ashley and Manuel though whenever they argue?
52:38That's when they're they're turned on so I was thinking has he never heard of makeup sex
52:46Well right if they are you all the time that usually leads to that passionate
52:51Intimacy and I'm beginning to think if she's like I married a man that has
52:56Different needs and I'm like what is what is she trying to say right because I feel like
53:02So what she's trying to say she's alluding to his porn addiction and masturbation
53:07Because that's been coming up a lot lately. Yeah, all yes all he wants to do is masturbate
53:13See I don't I don't understand or believe that
53:17Because if you have a woman a beautiful woman living in your house that not just living in your house
53:22But you spend a lot of money to put in your house like to keep her happy. He flew her to Miami
53:26He has her in this weird strange pageant that probably
53:32Yes, probably not legit, and he's put he's going through so much to keep her here and happy
53:39The only payoff in it for him is other than
53:42Having her their companionship would be intimacy right so I'm really confused as to why he's not
53:50Interested in her and he said something tonight that pissed her off
53:52He was like I used to love you or yeah root it to the point where I thought things would get better
53:57I used to want to be with you again, and I think clear as more you go
54:03Yes by the day. It's like you're getting up here by a day
54:05And we've been hearing a lot of people saying that about Jasmine throughout the season there
54:09They feel like she's gorgeous, but her her personality and her attitude make her on
54:14Undesirable yeah and to hear it from her husband on TV was kind of interesting because you know lots of people have been saying that
54:20They were like you can be extremely beautiful, but be super super ugly
54:23Yeah, and I think Gino is alluding to that
54:26He's like I thought I wanted you because you were beautiful and now that I have you I realized you know the ugly person
54:31Inside yeah, and I think that you know, but they're also leading in hey PRB. They're also leading into their season of
54:39What do you call the last resort so something has to happen between them it's for the last resort season to make sense
54:46So I'm assuming that in the life. Did you guys see that yeah?
54:51The rumor should booty said that they're filming the single life separately with different people
54:56Do you what is your arm reaction to that? Do you believe that do you think that that's true?
55:00They haven't been posted or seen together recently at all
55:03Most a lot of stuff you know I'm posting pictures with a new woman and then um
55:10then and I seen today um that
55:15Jasmine posted with one of the guys from
55:20Jersey Shore, and I commented on that and I saw him. Please do not do please do not ruin your reputation. Yes
55:27He's on Vinny's podcast Vinny from the Jersey Shore
55:31Which was I haven't seen the whole thing, but I've seen snippets of it. So yeah, there's
55:38Reputation I
55:40Mean, I don't think that there they would be dating right? I don't I feel like that would well now
55:45Have you have you have you have you never watched Jersey Shore? Oh, I have I did not okay
55:51Vinny if Vinny thinks you're a sexy woman Vinny's gonna want that
55:59Date that or different right like I feel like he would he would dip it
56:04How does that say he would he would dip it and leave it or something or something like that?
56:09Vinny has not had some of it. I'm not saying that Vinny's not stupid
56:14But I'm gonna say he's had it and he's probably said it was it was okay
56:18And he's moved on to the next thing, but I don't think he turned around and he said what is happening with that ass
56:24You know
56:28Yeah, he's probably gonna be like you need to go get a refund for that
56:33It's just it never really panned out and never even doubt. It's just kind of chunky and all the wrong
56:41it's just chunky and all the wrong places and I don't know if
56:45They do touch-ups or like a 90-day guarantee or what? Like I don't know how these work. I don't ask this work
56:51Hey, Michael, I don't know how it'll work. I just know that
56:54Jasmine needs to see somebody just to even it out make it at least right, right?
56:59They're supposed to be round even a natural one is round, you know, that's a better acid as missing
57:04I sound super weird. But um, do you know I'm Aaliyah from love in paradise?
57:10Her ass was like
57:11Ridiculously round and then you look at Jasmine's and you're like that's a real ass compared to a fake ass crazy, right?
57:18And Aaliyah male to female still has more than Jack man, it's like God has a sense of humor, right?
57:25He has a very good sense of humor because that's weird
57:31He had no no freakin
57:33Nothing done to that but because it's like it goes flat and then it's like like her ass is sitting on her back or something
57:41I don't know
57:44It's like
57:46It's got major cellulite going on
57:50Yes, like chunky ravioli. It's like yeah, it's
57:55Yeah, it's cheese. That's that's what I'm looking for. So
58:00Yeah, it's I don't know. I don't know what the deal is with that. I don't know
58:04Can get a refund or a touch-up or whatever Aaliyah wants to ruin that beautiful. She does
58:08I don't know. I don't know why it was perfectly fine
58:11But this was the problem with these these surgeries and stuff
58:14They take something perfectly fine and they destroy it Darcy and Stacey
58:18They destroy it right like you take something that looks great and you change it too much and then you lose sight of what you
58:24Were trying to do. I think we're gonna get cut off because we've been on for an hour. So we're gonna end here
58:28Um, make sure you're following on both Michael's car and DD. They're tagging this video. We're gonna come back tomorrow
58:34We're gonna talk about the other way and I'm probably milf manner
58:38So make sure you follow me on all social media platforms at George Massey George Massey calm
58:43You make a podcast type in the George Massey show. Thank you for joining us
58:46I'm glad to have the dream team back tonight. Everybody. Have a wonderful night and we'll talk to our release
