The George Mossey Show: Happily Ever After: AfterShow S8EP15 #90dayfiance

  • 3 months ago
The new season of 90 day fiance: happily ever after S8EP15 podcast! Join George Mossey & Kara for the #90dayfiancetheotherway #podcast
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00:04The hi hi welcome
00:08Happy Monday
00:09or a day late, so
00:12Also, DeeDee is traveling today, so we're gonna be missing DeeDee unfortunately
00:18safe travels to DeeDee
00:20we're gonna talk about happily ever after tomorrow, we're gonna talk about milf manor and
00:27Love in paradise finale, which I just watched so hi poor cheese princess. Oh car is here perfect
00:39Happy Monday
00:41So we're gonna get into episode 15 happily ever after we're gonna talk about this pageant stuff
00:46We're gonna talk about Gino as a pageant coach manager
00:52How are you, how are you I'm good, how are you I'm good, I'm hot I'm tired of driving
00:59Oh, it's hot there. Yeah, is it hot? Oh, it was like
01:04Something today, you know
01:06It was 90. Oh
01:08That that is hot. That's like that's our cool your scorching, right?
01:14Yeah, like 96 97 we start using the word hot. Yeah, you know just 90
01:2091 we're like, oh I could do yard work today, you know, like we're like, oh, that's not terrible. Hi Eileen
01:25So, yeah, we're gonna talk about episode 5. I'm sorry episode 15
01:29We're not in 515 episodes in of happily ever after we got like five more to go
01:34I want to talk about Gino as a manager right because you know took on this role
01:40With Jasmine as her manager and she kind of feels like he's not genuinely caring about whether or not she wins
01:48He's more so worried about how hot the other women are and I wanted to get your opinion on this because I
01:54Know for a fact I learned from the Kardashians that Kris Jenner is a momager. Yeah, and she's very very
02:03She's the reason why her daughters
02:05Will shut how many of them are billionaires like I don't remember now like she's a reason why they're so successful and I know
02:11the key to success
02:14Doesn't always sound nice
02:16Friendly kind, um, it doesn't always sound like it's coming from a good place. Sometimes you really have to push people so
02:22In this episode, you know was like, you know, I think these other women are really
02:28Talented like I don't have a lot of confidence in you
02:30Like where do you think that he should have been coming from as I should he been a husband first and just being more supportive
02:35Or do you think it's it's necessary when you're managing someone to give them tough love. He was giving
02:41Constructive criticism he wasn't being mean he was just like this is what you need to do because let's be real he wanted to say
02:50Everybody was better than you. I looked it up. She didn't even place in like the top 20. She didn't even place
02:55She she didn't even make the list. Well, that's what I heard
02:59Okay, so I'm Portuguese princess sent me the roster for 2023's miss
03:05International world pageant sounds bootleg. I'm just gonna throw it out there sounds like but she was she didn't make the contestant list
03:13What does that even mean? How do you not make once you pay the fee?
03:17I thought you were a contestant like I'm not I'm not versed in
03:21The pageant world or whatever, but I thought once you paid the registration fee your name would least be listed as a contestant, right?
03:28I'm not versed in it either
03:29I have no idea how it actually works, but I do know that she didn't even make the list
03:35That's crazy. I mean there was some criticism when she went to rehearsal
03:40Also rehearsal kind of looked like it was in a like a closet where they got extra chair
03:44It looked really bootleg and like I don't I don't know
03:48we I saw that she booty did a little background and he said the last time that the
03:53President of the the pageant tweeted was 2018 and it was about the pageant. So the pageant hasn't been super active
03:59Yeah, doesn't necessarily mean it's not still happening
04:02But usually when you're doing something like this, it's gonna be on social media, right?
04:07Like I feel like I would share pageant dates pictures
04:11Contestants the winner, right, you know, I feel like there would be something from
04:162018 on
04:18I think it was all set up for the show
04:21So do you think that was even a real present because I'd never she walks in. She's like, hey everybody and everybody's like
04:30Didn't care
04:31Crickets and she also entered in as miss Panama, but she lived in Michigan. Is that is that allowed?
04:37Is it just like cuz again, I don't know a lot about this
04:40But is it just where you originate from you're allowed to enter in is that person even if you're not living there?
04:45I had so many any of these pageants work, but I looked up everything I could and she was on nothing
04:51So I think it was yeah for the show. That's that's the recurring thing. They're saying that she wasn't a part of it
04:57There's no it's weird because Jasmine is very vain
05:00She posts a lot of pictures and once an episode airs you're allowed to post anything from that episode
05:05So I was waiting for all of her pageant photos, you know when she participated in the pageant her sash, you know
05:12That's something that a lot of women would want to share, you know, especially Jeff Jasmine is full of herself, right?
05:17like she would want people to see that she did that and I didn't see anything about it and I was like
05:21Beginning to think this was a storyline just like the what costs like two or three thousand to bring my kids here
05:28So yeah, let's not do like and then they never talked about it again
05:32Like I'm beginning to think that this is all so I kind of like with Lauren and Alexi
05:37Right because we're like 15 episodes in and we still haven't really established a storyline with them
05:42It's just the war on that's going on that involves Alexi's family, which I don't want to say it's not a storyline
05:50But we kind of knew about this already and thank God his family is doing fine, right and and then her surgery, you know
05:57There's no real
05:58Conflict, there's no real issues that are affecting them specifically
06:03Yeah, I know emotionally Alexi is probably in another universe
06:07I can't imagine what that's like, right?
06:09Like you're living your life and hoping that a bomb doesn't destroy or wipe out your entire family and country
06:15Like I can't imagine how you would be able to fall asleep at night with that type of
06:19Issue and what kind of worried me in this episode. Is it safe to fly in and out of the country?
06:25I mean the war just started
06:28Like I don't even I don't know
06:30I was trying to put myself in the shoes if I was in another country and we were at war
06:36Would I fly home like you'd want to be home, but that'd be scary
06:40That's very scary because when there's bombs flying through the air, you know airplanes are targeted and you know airports
06:49Targeted in these types of situations. So that kind of worried me a bit, too
06:53He's like, oh, I'm ready to fly home and I'm like, is it a good time to fly home?
06:56And it's like I can't judge anybody because in that situation if my wife or my family or my kids
07:02Were wherever that was that I would want to be there so I can't judge anybody for that
07:06I would probably try to get to where they are too because you feel helpless when you're not there
07:11I mean, you know, it was me personally and it was my family over there
07:16I would be trying to figure out how to get my family here
07:20Yeah, that's who I got too because there is asylum you can seek asylum when there is a war
07:26Oh, so hold on Donna said that
07:28She was watching
07:30Lauren stories and Lauren is saying that the US is lying about the severity of the safety and what's going on in
07:38Israel and I kind of did see her talking about that on Instagram. She was saying how
07:44Severity of what they're showing us on TV of what they're telling us is going on. She said that they were there
07:49I think they're there right now. Actually, I'm watching her stories correctly, and she said that she feels perfectly safe
07:55You know, she doesn't feel like they're in danger anyone around her is in danger
07:58She feels like the US is really hyping it up
08:00And I wonder why that is like why are we hyping up something? That's if it's not terrible
08:06We see enough terrible things right in the world already if something isn't as bad
08:10Let's please tell it as it is, you know, like we don't need any more induced panic or fear because you know
08:17They're making us believe that
08:18Children are being hurt and killed every day over there
08:21And if that's not true, that's a horrible that's a horrible lie that we're keeping up and I wish they would stop, right?
08:26So I'm over the Lauren and Alexi story. I'm over their storyline
08:30I'm over them, but my heart did break when his dad was leaving and watching him cry
08:35You could feel his emotions and stuff. And that was the first time I ever was like
08:40Wow, these are real humans, you know what I mean? I mean, I think that every time I see
08:44Every time I watch these people
08:46Well, I'm lying. I don't think that about
08:50But no it that was the that was the most humanizing part of them. We'll say that
08:56Yeah, you know, I'm not like a fan of Lauren and Alexi like in general like I feel like they're probably super nice
09:02I don't know them but like they're probably decent human beings but like
09:06Entertainment wise you're right. There's not much bringing to the table. Like if you follow their Instagram, it's a lot of promotion
09:12It's a lot of product partnerships. You don't get real people. So you're right. That was a real emotion a real moment
09:18Yeah showing what he was like and you could hear it in his voice
09:21He was terrified like this could possibly be the last time I see him
09:25Yeah, you know you could see that and that was real
09:27So yeah, I mean I like that and like I told y'all I tried to watch their spinoff
09:32I got through like the first episode and I was just like nothing is happening. Yeah, no offense. I'm happy that they're
09:39Successful happy they have a beautiful family there. They have money. They're prospering. There's nothing wrong with it
09:45I'm happy for them, but I need a little lower, right?
09:48You know
09:48Like I have something to work with if y'all are both in love and you have a beautiful home and your kids are beautiful and
09:53Smart there's nothing going on. It's not a lot to work with. Yeah, I need something
09:59Absolutely, I mean it's a good place to be if you don't have problems enough to be on any of the spinoffs
10:04Right. I mean, it's a bad problem money-wise if you want to be an influencer on a reality TV star, but yeah
10:11There's nothing she's got a lot of different sponsors and all of that stuff for all that
10:17She has so many followers and stuff. She's not gonna be hurting for money
10:20So like yeah, she's got like a million and he has a lot too. So yeah, they're fine
10:24Oh, yeah, I want to talk about
10:27Cameroonian weddings because this was it was like one big reception and I just want to say that Dave who is Emily's dad is
10:35Like the best dad right? Like I feel like he and he embraced the cultural tradition of the wedding
10:41I felt like he had an open mind. He just was there to have a good time
10:44He wasn't taking anything literally
10:46He wanted to support his daughter and his son-in-law and I thought that that was really beautiful because you know in in
10:51America and some other countries to some people we see people struggle
10:56embracing other cultures and embracing other
10:58People or races and I just felt like it's beautiful to watch a bunch of white folks go to Africa and just be so
11:05Open to learning about their culture being a part of their culture and respecting their culture, right?
11:11Because we watch people like Ariella go to Africa and she had no respect for the culture
11:15She had no interest in learning the culture. She didn't want to be a part of the culture
11:18So it was a breath of fresh air to just watch Dave in general
11:23Like I know Lisa was trying but it was kind of hard for her
11:26But I know Dave was just like we're in Cameroon
11:28we're gonna act like we're Cameroonians and we're gonna enjoy this and the wedding was interesting like it was like a
11:35Celebration reception there wasn't like the real like
11:38Ceremony, that's the part of the way to skip right? I don't like the ceremony. I like where I get drunk and dance
11:43Yeah, so that's kind of where it started. So I was like man. I wish I was invited to this
11:48It are you there were drinks in hand at the beginning. Yeah, so that's my type of wedding, right? Hey, Jamie. Hi, Jamie
11:55Yeah, Emily was stunning she looks so beautiful like
12:01She was so beautiful. So beautiful. I would love to have a wedding like that
12:07Emily she looked great. Even the haters on Twitter. They were like
12:11Emily cleaned up nice like nobody had anything negative to say cuz they're like, okay
12:16Emily like my hair was on point
12:18I don't know if the the girls who did her makeup in her hair were a part of the wedding party or just like
12:24Somebody that they hired but they did so good right? She did. She looked amazing
12:28She danced the traditional dance when she entered in I just was I'm not gonna lie
12:34I was very very happy with everything in these scenes
12:36That's the respect of the two cultures because you know, we were watching other people
12:41Especially people who might happen to meet Muslim or not Muslim and we just watched so many rejections of culture
12:47And I just loved how how open and respectful each family was right Colby's family respectful of them
12:54They were respectful of Kobe's family
12:56I just felt like it was a beautiful sight because we see so many people
13:00Argue break up fight scream throw things over culture and that wasn't wasn't the case here and it just shows you that
13:07no matter
13:09People from Kansas can be very very tolerant and open and loving to anyone even in Africa and it just shows you that
13:16Regardless of what you turn on your TV and see on the news. They're really good people out there, right?
13:20They're really good people out there who respect each other and and love each other no matter who you are
13:24Where you're from what you look like, you know, it's beautiful and I'm glad that Valerie ended up showing up and you know
13:30Not being a dick. Well, we don't know for sure because we heard we haven't we heard the first part
13:37Yeah of his speech, so we don't know if it was going
13:40Yeah going left or right. It reminded me so much of drunk Charlie and Libby and Andre's
13:47Moldovian wedding, right? That was our first
13:50Unhinged wedding speech that we got in the 90-day fiance universe and it didn't go well
13:56But but the good part is nobody understood what he was saying. They were in Moldova, you know
14:00And only a handful of people there none of Andre's family
14:04I don't think could understand any of it
14:06but right in this situation
14:07Everybody can understand what's going on because believe it or not a lot of the people in Cameroon
14:12If not, all of them are bilingual and they all speak English and their native tongue
14:17So I thought that was also super interesting to learn, you know, cuz in some countries English is not as common
14:23But it seemed like everybody that they ran into in Cameroon
14:26I don't think Kobe's father specifically spoke both but most of the people like his sister everybody could speak some English
14:34Impressive. I don't even care that he only speaks French
14:37She said it's just I can tell that what he's saying is with love and it I mean you really could
14:44It really was it was I felt like that was the highlight of the season because you know, we're watching Angela and Michael, right?
14:52You know, we're watching we were watching Nicole and mock move like we were watching some pretty
14:56Toxic stuff so I felt like it was nice to have a little bit of positivity and actual love and respect
15:03Every now and then balances it out, right? So yeah, I'm not just watching trashy stuff all the time, right?
15:08I felt like it was a good balance. Yeah, I agree
15:11But yeah, I'm hoping to hear the rest of the speech
15:13I really hope that Valerie didn't show up to be a dick at their wedding because you know
15:17I've always said this to you and DD too
15:19I don't go to weddings that I don't agree with like I'm not gonna go and ruin your day
15:24I feel like that's so out of place and it's so uncalled for like I can and again I can love you as a friend
15:30and as a person but now not
15:32Not necessarily want to support what you're doing
15:35But I'm not gonna go there and make a negative scene on something that's supposed to be beautiful
15:40That's not my place to do so
15:41I hope he didn't show up just to be a dick to them because that would really piss me off
15:45You know friend or not, you know
15:47I consider myself really good friends of people and I didn't go to their wedding
15:50Because I didn't have anything positive to say and it's not my place to go and say anything negative, right?
15:54And they're still my friend. Yeah, I just didn't want to be a part of that and I would love to put this out there
16:00They're not married anymore
16:02So I was right, right?
16:03So I was right, but it wasn't my place to go and say anything like that in front of everybody
16:08So hopefully, you know
16:10He keeps it classy and he definitely doesn't ruin the ceremony because it was good vibes at the ceremony. Oh, I want to talk about
16:18Ashley's saging on man. Well because we got a scene of her staging him and then him
16:25Demanding that the $300. Okay, so we got a little more insight
16:28she gave him $1,000 right and
16:32He then took the money. She transferred it into his account
16:36He then took the money and changed his banking password
16:40So she couldn't have access to what he was doing, which is super weird
16:44But at the same time he his excuse was she just kept taking money out of his account
16:48I don't know if I believe him or not, but I
16:51Fight it. She was like, so that's why you changed it
16:55Well, yes, she didn't deny it but they are married right like I feel like it it's her money too, right
17:01I mean, he doesn't work. It's her money, too
17:03But I do think that if she's giving him money specifically for a specific reason like his family or whatever
17:09She shouldn't go in there and buy coffee with that money
17:11You know
17:12I feel like if you're going to
17:14Take it on because like Manuel said I don't like to agree with him a lot
17:17But he said you knew and I explained to you
17:20How important it is for me to make sure that my family's taken care of and while I'm here and cannot work you that would
17:27Fall into your responsibility and he made that clear before he got to New York
17:31He made it clear before he left Ecuador and she agreed
17:35So I do think that she's making him almost she's trying to make him feel bad for needing to help his family
17:42Which I think it's it's it's interesting that they need so much money in such a in a country where money goes so much farther
17:50Right. Yes. They're not in another country. I've said it all along
17:55They're here and money doesn't go that far thousand bucks. That's not even someone's rent
18:03Jonathan said that Manuel needs to come clean and tell her the truth
18:07He didn't elaborate but he said that it's very possible that he's sending money to his baby mama, which that's not uncommon
18:14They have children together. They oh and also Ashley thought they weren't communicating how to in the hell
18:20Does someone have multiple children with a woman and they're not communicating with her?
18:28Maybe maybe they don't talk regularly, but you still have to communicate to send the money
18:33Well, and she's your direct line of communication to your kids
18:37So it's impossible to cut her out of your life because let's be real if you treat a woman
18:43Negatively, and she's the mother of your children. She has the power to control when you can and can't if ever
18:49Yeah, see or talk to your children
18:50so you have to make sure that you keep not only those lines of communication open, but you have to be very respectful and
18:57understanding of her situation because she has that power and control right and
19:01The fact that Jonathan is selling man. Well out. He's like just tell her the truth. I'm really interested in knowing
19:08What Jonathan knows that we don't because he clearly knows because he said when they were in New York that
19:15Manuel was sending money and he was like tell her who you were sending the money to and he hung up on him
19:19Yeah, and I was like, okay something is going on but nothing to surprise us
19:24We knew that Manuel was up to no good right? He's too secretive. He he seems to want to
19:31Do all of the things behind her back changing the bank password?
19:34I think was really interesting because
19:36She was able to see what in where he was spending money and I think around the time that he changed it is
19:41Probably when he was doing things like sending money from New York because remember he asked at the dinner
19:47He's like, well, why don't you go back to Rochester?
19:49and I just stay here with Jonathan and I was like
19:52He's trying to do things behind her back and it made me think his actual family is in New York
19:58Because it's now Donna just said it before I did but I think Jonathan's got a thing for Ashley
20:05Wait, really the cousin likes Ashley so wait wait, then I have a question
20:11Do you think that Jonathan is actually being truthful about what Manuel is doing or is he just trying to get Manuel out of the picture?
20:17I think Jonathan knows what he's doing. And I think that he's
20:22Telling Ashley the truth. He's gonna be the good guy. I think he's got the hots for her
20:26I just I'm glad Donna said it because that's exactly what I was thinking
20:30For Ashley, that's kind of hard to fathom. Oh, I agree, right
20:35Kind of hard to fathom and don't get me wrong. Ashley's not ugly. It's just her attitude
20:41and like
20:42Yeah, it's her attitude for me. I'm just so turned off like I just and she's very shallow
20:49Right, like she's a very shallow person. Like everything is skin deep. Um on the on the surface
21:07Has to hear that cry when she cries
21:12And they have to be staged
21:14She's literally staging him all the time
21:17I think I'm like Ashley the only person that needs to be saved is you you have three degrees that you don't use in
21:22that you don't use in your apartment has off-street parking.
21:25Oh my God.
21:26Speaking of degrees, did you see the thing about Jasmine?
21:30Wait, what's the thing about Jasmine?
21:33The degree she supposedly has?
21:36Well, she has something, because she
21:37used to be a schoolteacher.
21:39And I think you have to have a PhD.
21:43A PhD?
21:45So wait, she has a BA in literature, a master
21:48degree in higher education, a master
21:50degree in pedagogue, master degree in educational dynamic
21:55and methodology.
21:57She has a postgraduate degree in diverse education,
22:02a technical degree in accounting,
22:06suggested by her mom, a PhD in education and research,
22:10and multiple seminars and courses.
22:13I'm going to send this to you.
22:16That doesn't seem possible.
22:17How can you have that many degrees?
22:18I know.
22:19She's not even 40 years old.
22:21I know.
22:22A master's degree takes like seven to eight years, right?
22:27That doesn't sound right to me, unless it's one of those,
22:29you know they have those degrees online where they,
22:32it's like a real world experience degree where it's
22:35not, it's not, I don't want to say it's not real,
22:37because I don't think that's accurate.
22:39Where she went on the internet, printed it off, and was like,
22:42oh, yay, now I have a degree.
22:44Yeah, and it's like, I've heard them
22:47say it's like real world experience with coursework.
22:50So like instead of going to school
22:51for like the full amount of time,
22:53they supposedly use some of your real world experience
22:57to knock some years off.
22:58But I don't think that's how degrees work.
23:00You know, I don't know.
23:02I don't want to knock anything, because I
23:03don't know if anybody might have one or anything like that.
23:06But I don't know, a PhD, I don't even
23:10know the amount of years you need, but that's a doctor.
23:13And I know that that's like at least 10 years, maybe 12.
23:17Yeah, and she's been filming for like five, for 90 Day Fiancé.
23:22Yeah, and she's a mom.
23:25And she was teaching for, she said
23:27she was teaching for many, many years too.
23:28So when would you have time to go to school full time
23:32to get that many degrees?
23:33That's interesting.
23:34Yeah, I want to see the list.
23:36Did she say this?
23:38Was this from her?
23:38Yeah, I sent it.
23:40I sent it to you.
23:44So if it's, OK, hypothetically, if this is true,
23:46that means that Jasmine is a lot more intelligent
23:49than we think she is.
23:51Or if it's not true, she's as intelligent as we think she is.
23:57So I don't want to say what, I don't know.
23:59So I don't want to say which one is what.
24:01But it would be interesting if we should be referring
24:04to her as Dr. Jasmine instead of Jasmine.
24:08But that's the thing.
24:09If she really had a PhD, if I had a PhD,
24:13I would want to be called Doctor.
24:16And she's so vain.
24:17There's no way that that's not, there's no way.
24:20I have friends, actually one of my cousins has a master's.
24:25Or what do you call it when you're an Esquire?
24:28I think what is, she's a lawyer, right?
24:31Yeah, and she put Esquire in her, as her title.
24:35Because, you know, she went to school for a long time.
24:37Well, Love in Paradise, the Dollar General version,
24:39we had Dr. April Carter, you know.
24:43Oh yeah, she's a legitimate doctor, practices medicine.
24:46Yeah, and if you put in that many years
24:48and that much dedication and that much money,
24:51you should be called by your title, right?
24:53Like, I 100% agree with that.
24:55If you went to school for that long,
24:57your practice in medicine,
24:58you should be referred to as a doctor or a PhD.
25:01You know, and I respect that.
25:03And people that I know who are,
25:04I respectfully use their title
25:07because I feel like they earned that.
25:09You know, they did a lot more school than I did, okay?
25:12They did a lot more school than I did and they passed
25:15and they stuck with it.
25:16And that's something interesting, I don't know.
25:19Now that you're saying it and I hear it
25:21and I'm saying it out loud, I don't believe it.
25:24Don't believe it, I just, I don't.
25:24Because if you had a PhD, she would,
25:27I feel like she would lead with that
25:28because people have always been.
25:30I totally agree.
25:32Yeah, people have always been calling her ditzy
25:34and everything and I feel like she would lead with,
25:36oh, I have a PhD, like,
25:38because that's a super good rebuttal
25:40for when people have something negative to say about you.
25:43It's like, oh, well, I'm a PhD.
25:45Like, I feel like that's something she would have led with.
25:47So we're gonna look into that a little bit more.
25:50Can you verify degrees?
25:52Now, now.
25:52I don't know.
25:53Now that's a, yeah, that's a question.
25:57Oh my gosh, did this really just happen?
25:59I feel like there should be like a website
26:01where you can verify degrees.
26:03Well, you know, there has to be
26:03because when you apply for a job,
26:05like say for instance, you apply for a job
26:07that requires a master's degree or a PhD,
26:09they need to verify that to make sure
26:11that you're in a position to do that job.
26:13Because let's say it's to be a doctor,
26:15you're putting other people's lives in your hands.
26:19So there has to be a way that they go and they verify
26:22these degrees are accurate, real, authentic.
26:26And, you know, oh, what's the transcripts?
26:29They can ask for transcripts.
26:30And I think those are like the legal document version
26:33of what you actually did.
26:35Her and Ashley both have a PhD.
26:38Girl, Ashley, get out of here.
26:42If Ashley has a PhD, I'm a doctor.
26:45Me too.
26:46I'm sorry, right?
26:47We're doctors.
26:48Let's start our residency, Cara.
26:50Let's just start residency.
26:51Now, if Ashley has a PhD in anything,
26:54I don't care if it's Harry Potter School of Wizardry.
26:58I don't care what it is.
26:59If she has a PhD, I'm a doctor, I'm a brain surgeon.
27:04I'm a brain surgeon.
27:05If she has a PhD, it's definitely a Harry Potter one.
27:08Harry Potter School of Wizardry, I would buy that
27:12because you could probably just buy it at the theme park.
27:14Oh, absolutely.
27:15I'm pretty sure, right?
27:16Like, I would totally believe that.
27:18Like, remember the fake doctor
27:19that killed people with fake trachea?
27:22I do not remember that, Tina.
27:25I did hear about that.
27:25Is this recent?
27:28No, this has been years ago, but yeah, it happened.
27:30That's horrible.
27:32How can you be a fake doctor?
27:33See, now I'm worried that people aren't being,
27:37aren't verifying credentials, right?
27:40Now I'm worried if I'm going to the doctor,
27:43is my doctor a doctor or are they like a Harry Potter wizard?
27:46Like, now I'm worried.
27:48Well, if you go to the doctor
27:49and they start staging your shit, then you know.
27:52Yeah, and they're wearing a cloak.
27:54Yeah, they're wearing a cloak and not a doctor.
27:58See, now we're gonna have to start checking.
28:00I'm gonna have to start double checking people now
28:02because now that makes me really scared.
28:04Oh, so Patrick and Thais were on for a hot second
28:06and John is the first person this season
28:07to get a drink thrown in his face.
28:09Funny, because I assumed it would be Michael
28:12on the receiving end of Angela, but it was not.
28:15Angela has not thrown anything at Michael this season,
28:19Like, that's interesting, right?
28:20It's not over yet, but I was like, huh,
28:23Angela's coming out to be the nonviolent person this season.
28:26Okay, I like the progression,
28:28but John got a drink in his face
28:30for calling Thais' friend a slut
28:32and then a son of a bitch afterward
28:35after she threw the drink at him.
28:36And I felt like watching this scene,
28:38I was like, believe it or not,
28:40we've gotten the most crazy scenes and action
28:42out of Thais, Patrick, and John than everybody this season.
28:47Even out of Nicole and Mahmood.
28:48Like, we've gotten more action, more aggression,
28:51more violence out of everybody.
28:54And I was like, who would have thought?
28:55Because Patrick and Thais are the two calm,
28:58most boring, relaxed, easygoing people ever.
29:02But I guess when you throw John in the mix,
29:04you never really know what you're gonna get.
29:07And I mean, oh.
29:08But John literally said,
29:10I called her a slut
29:11because I don't know very many words in Portuguese.
29:15Right, right.
29:16He was, he doesn't.
29:17And so how do you feel about that?
29:19Calling her a slut?
29:20Was that okay?
29:21Because Thais was like, okay.
29:22Yeah, it was totally okay.
29:24Shut your damn mouth.
29:25Absolutely, shut your damn mouth.
29:26You want to come at me, Nicole?
29:29She had a, yeah.
29:31She had that coming.
29:31She was trying to say that John's a bad influence
29:34and he was trying to encourage Patrick to cheat on Thais.
29:37I've never seen in any of the scenes that we got
29:40that he was trying to encourage him to cheat.
29:42I do think that Patrick and John together
29:47can be a little questionable.
29:50Like, did you notice that Patrick kept taking Thais,
29:52or John's side during the argument?
29:54And I was like,
29:55Patrick, remember where you sleep?
29:57You know?
29:58Right, but at the same time,
30:00he knew she was in the wrong.
30:03She's the one that painted John to be this bad guy,
30:06just like she painted Patrick to be this bad guy.
30:09She only told her friends the bad that Patrick does.
30:12So, John's the bad influence.
30:14So the friends already come in
30:16with a bad taste in their mouth.
30:17That's like me telling you this and this and this
30:20about this person, and all you know is my side.
30:23And then you get here
30:24and you automatically hate this person
30:25because of all the shit I told you,
30:27and none of it's true.
30:29I only told you the bad.
30:30I didn't tell you all the good that they're doing for me.
30:34Yeah, you right.
30:36This is all on her.
30:38All the bullshit, all of it.
30:39The dad does the best on her.
30:42Thais kind of does,
30:45she creates the problems,
30:47because the problems with her dad and the blessing,
30:49she created that problem
30:50by not telling him what she was doing.
30:52And then, you know, her friends,
30:54you know, like you nailed it.
30:55Her friends have a negative thought process
30:57about John and Patrick,
30:59and how else would they have that
31:01unless it came from Thais?
31:02They don't know them.
31:03They're in a different country.
31:05Exactly, so she's letting herself
31:10create these personas of people in her life,
31:13and then she doesn't go back and correct it.
31:15And I think this happens a lot though,
31:16because I have friends where she'll tell me like,
31:19oh, so-and-so is abusive,
31:21and he's verbally abusive, or whatever.
31:23And then we'll, like a month or two later,
31:25we'll all go out, and then they're all together.
31:26They're together.
31:27And I'm just supposed to forget,
31:29like, oh, things were horrible.
31:31You were screaming and cussing at her,
31:33and I'm just supposed to forget.
31:35No, there's no follow-up.
31:36Nobody told me like, oh, we're fine now.
31:38We're not fighting anymore.
31:39So now I'm side-eyeing this person.
31:42Because I remember, right,
31:44I remember what happened,
31:45but I guess they got over it.
31:47So why was I even brought into it in the first place?
31:49I don't know,
31:50because I didn't want to be a part of it in the first place.
31:52So now I have a grudge against a person I don't even know.
31:56And then she went on to defend Natalie
31:58through the whole thing.
31:59So that says even more about her.
32:02Like, she's just a shit starter.
32:03That's all.
32:05She's one of those,
32:06have you seen that meme,
32:07it's a little girl,
32:09and there's a house burning down,
32:10and she's like walking past it
32:12with the matches in her hand?
32:14You've seen that meme?
32:15That's Thais, right?
32:17I feel like there's a house burning down,
32:19and she's not calling 911,
32:20she's just walking away,
32:21and she's holding the matches,
32:22and she's just letting everything blow up in flames.
32:25I kind of feel like that's,
32:26because she's the creator of all the issues.
32:28But she doesn't do anything to cause a solution.
32:31She just starts the problems and lets everybody fight.
32:33She doesn't take any accountability for it.
32:36She doesn't say, well.
32:37It's always their fault.
32:37Yeah, she doesn't say,
32:38well, I told you he did this,
32:40but what I didn't tell you is how this happened,
32:43or whatever.
32:44She needs to take some accountability.
32:48Yeah, and I think that's what John tried to do last week
32:50at the dinner table.
32:52Like, your daughter's a liar.
32:56Figure out why your daughter lies to you,
32:57and then you won't be in this situation.
32:59Oh, speaking of accountability,
33:01so Sophie and her mom,
33:03because her mom is attached at the hip,
33:05it's with her, she can't do anything without her mom,
33:07went over to Rob's apartment to get her stuff.
33:10And Claire said something really funny to me
33:13when Sophie went to go get her stuff.
33:15She's like, I just want you to know, Rob,
33:17that I didn't have anything to do with this decision
33:21of Sophie leaving, or whatever.
33:23And I'm like, why are you lying?
33:25You literally have been encouraging her to leave him
33:28for like the past six months.
33:30It's like, since the day she arrived here,
33:33and never left, by the way.
33:35She arrived here to meet him for the wedding,
33:37and has never left.
33:38That's questionable as hell.
33:40Why are you still here?
33:42Then they were in LA.
33:43They moved to Austin.
33:44She follows them to Austin.
33:46She's in Austin now.
33:48And now she's like inserting herself in there,
33:50and then she's sitting there lying in this man's apartment.
33:53Like, this isn't, you know,
33:54I didn't have anything to do with this.
33:55I think that, you know, she just needs a moment.
33:58I was like, no, the reason why she's so confused
34:00and can't make one single decision on her own
34:02is because she was raised by you.
34:05Like, don't lie.
34:06That pissed me off,
34:07because I was like, the reason why she's so messed up
34:09is because of you.
34:10And then every time that she tries to do something
34:12on her own, you cloud her decision
34:14and her thought process,
34:15so she can't make any sound decisions.
34:18Everything is you in her ear,
34:20squiggling around, like confusing the hell out of her.
34:23Because if you've noticed,
34:24we haven't gotten one single certain statement
34:29out of Sophie this whole season,
34:30because she really don't know what she want to do,
34:32and she can't figure it out
34:33because her mom won't let her think.
34:35Like, her mom is so close.
34:36She's like inside of her head.
34:38She won't even let her think.
34:41But also, she said, Sophie said to Rob,
34:44I'm sick of you treating me like a child.
34:47And then goes outside and says,
34:49with her stuffy, this could be me,
34:52or this could be me.
34:54This is why you're treated like a child,
34:56because you act like a freaking child.
34:58So, gotta have your mom everywhere.
35:02You gotta communicate with stuffed animals.
35:04This is you, girls.
35:05This is all you.
35:07So, I'm 100,000% team Rob,
35:11and I never thought I would be.
35:12Yeah, I am too.
35:14I am too.
35:15I'm beginning to think that Rob isn't as much,
35:17I think he's a dick, like don't get me wrong.
35:19But I don't think that he's like the a-hole
35:21that they describe,
35:23because we were talking about this before.
35:25He's made changes, right?
35:27Like, she asked for a bigger apartment.
35:30He, you know, they had to move states,
35:31but he made it happen.
35:32She wouldn't even stay there.
35:33She wanted indoor plumbing.
35:35He got it.
35:36She wanted him to stop talking.
35:37I mean, I'm assuming he stopped talking
35:39to other girls online.
35:40We don't know.
35:41She won't stay there long enough for us to figure out.
35:43But it doesn't really matter what Rob does to change,
35:46because she's like, I need you to change.
35:47But then she disappears for months at a time.
35:50And I'm like, so how are you monitoring his progress?
35:53Like, you ask him to do something for you,
35:55and then you disappear for months at a time
35:57and go stay with Kay.
35:58And then she had the audacity in the scene for next week
36:01to be like, I'm worried about what he's gonna be doing
36:03on his birthday at the club.
36:05You know, he could be flirting with other girls,
36:07which he should.
36:09You've given, right?
36:10Like, since you've married this man,
36:12you've given him like 14 minutes of attention.
36:14It's been over a year.
36:16If he wants to go out on his birthday,
36:18which you didn't, you're not even gonna go.
36:20She wasn't even gonna go.
36:21She doesn't even care about him,
36:23but she doesn't want him-
36:24Living with her girlfriend.
36:26I mean, she's living with someone else.
36:32And she's my ex-wife.
36:33He's got the right to go out.
36:34Yeah, absolutely.
36:35And bang anybody he wants.
36:37Cause she's like, well,
36:38is he gonna respect our relationship?
36:40I was like, when are you gonna respect your relationship?
36:43And it's like, I hate that I'm on his side,
36:44but you haven't respected this man since the moment.
36:48It's like she got here and she brought her mommy here
36:51and she got everything she needed from Rob
36:53and now Rob is just basically trash.
36:55Like she's trash and she can't figure out
36:57the way to take the trash and detach it from herself.
37:00Like no matter what he does,
37:02he's sitting there looking stupid because she doesn't care.
37:04Cause she's like, when he gave her the-
37:05Yeah, I can't sit down for this,
37:07for any kind of conversation at all.
37:10Rob's very mature and very mellow
37:13and he's just trying to talk it out.
37:15And she's gotta escalate it every time.
37:17And then when she doesn't escalate it,
37:20Claire butts in and she escalates it.
37:23It's like a tag team, right?
37:25It's like a tag team.
37:26It's like she brings Claire there just in case
37:29she's not strong enough to be a dick to him.
37:33Cause when he gave her the teddy bear, the stuffed animal,
37:36she's like, no, I don't really wanna do
37:37what I need to do now.
37:38Because regardless of what he did or said,
37:41she still needed to do what she did.
37:43It's really, she comes across as really cold to me,
37:45but I feel like it was a business transaction,
37:48kind of like with Manuel and Ashley.
37:50Like she doesn't feel anything for Rob
37:52because there wasn't ever anything there.
37:54She needed a way to get over here.
37:56She found this sucker.
37:58And now she's like, well, now that I'm here,
38:00I don't wanna be around this sucker.
38:03So now she's doing everything in her power
38:05to be a dick to him.
38:06So he will walk away so she doesn't have to feel bad.
38:10But unfortunately, Rob is like chasing her
38:13like a sad little puppy, right?
38:14Like he really wants her back.
38:16He really did love her.
38:17And it's interesting because at first I wasn't 100% sure.
38:21Like when we first met him in the first season,
38:23I was like, I'm not sure if this dude likes her
38:24or if he's just a cheater who,
38:27cause every cheater has a pretty wife at home.
38:29So I was like, I wasn't sure about him,
38:31but I actually think he really does love her
38:33and she never loved him at all.
38:35And that's the vibe that I'm getting.
38:36And now that she's here
38:37and she got everything that she wanted,
38:39she's just looking for the way
38:41to detach herself from him.
38:42Yep, I agree.
38:44She's, I'm just 100% team Rob now.
38:49Oh, I saw a tweet last night
38:52and it said, every time we see Jonathan,
38:54he's 15 pounds heavier.
38:55Have you noticed, does Jonathan look bigger to you?
38:58Or do you think it's just the photo angle?
39:00Cause somebody tweeted it and they were like,
39:02when we first saw him at the beginning of last season,
39:05when they were on regular 90 Day Fiancé,
39:07he was really, really skinny.
39:09And they said, now compare, he's like bigger.
39:10Do you think that's true?
39:11Or you think it's just angling?
39:12I know when you're on TV,
39:13you always look bigger than you are.
39:15Right, I don't know.
39:16I haven't really paid attention to be honest.
39:18I looked at the tweet and I was,
39:21he was on the screen when I read it.
39:22And I was like, his face looks fuller.
39:25It's very possible.
39:26I was like, I don't know.
39:27But when he was on the FaceTime,
39:30the phone was below his chin.
39:32So there's angles on the phone where people look different.
39:36So I was like, I'm not 100% sure what's going on with that.
39:39But I think you're onto something with,
39:41Jonathan sees Ashley as a good opportunity for him.
39:46He's already here.
39:47So he doesn't need any green card or anything from her.
39:50But as relationship-wise, she will hand you money.
39:53And she's as minimal as-
39:54And she'll have sex with you literally anywhere.
39:57Anywhere, bathroom, car, train station, ditch, anywhere.
40:02So, I mean, it's a good opportunity for anyone, right?
40:06And I think that you might be honest
40:08because I think Jonathan looks at it as,
40:11Manuel is squandering a good opportunity.
40:14And I think he's like,
40:15well, if you don't want this opportunity
40:17that is being presented to you on a golden platter,
40:20I'll take it, right?
40:21You know, like, I'll take it.
40:22Like, if you want to walk away from this, I'll take it.
40:26Also, Manuel is not going back to Ecuador.
40:29So I throw that out there.
40:30Just like, Julia, I go Russia.
40:33And Yara, I go Ukraine.
40:35Nobody's going anywhere.
40:36This is just a tactic to get what you want
40:38and to get your way, which is totally fine.
40:40I think that manipulation, to some extent,
40:44makes sense in all relationships, right?
40:46I feel like people use certain things to get what they want.
40:50I think it's not healthy,
40:51but I think it's just a realistic part of relationships.
40:55But I don't like it when people threaten to leave
40:57when they're on a visa,
40:58because you have to remember
41:00that person paid thousands and thousands of dollars
41:02and made a lot of sacrifices to get you here.
41:04So it's kind of like a gut punch when you say that,
41:07because he's like,
41:08I'll just go back to my country and leave.
41:09And it's like, I don't like Ashley,
41:11but that was really a gut punch
41:12because she really did put a lot into this.
41:15She's literally just blindfully throwing money down a pit
41:19to be in this relationship with him.
41:20So I did feel like that was crazy.
41:21It is her fault.
41:25I don't feel bad.
41:26You don't get to be a witch and not see this shit coming.
41:30Come on.
41:31I tweeted last night.
41:33I was like, you don't even need to be a witch
41:36to see the scam that's happening right now.
41:38You just need to have like two working brain cells
41:41at this point, right?
41:43And have like, not even all common sense,
41:46like three or four of the senses, right?
41:48Just, you don't need to be a clairvoyant.
41:50You don't need to be a psychic.
41:51You don't need to be a witch.
41:52You just have to have a working functional brain
41:55to see what's going on.
41:57And I'm just like, can you imagine there are people,
42:00cause she has a business that maintains her lifestyle,
42:04where people are paying her for her psychic
42:07and witch abilities.
42:09And they're asking her to read cards
42:12and give them life advice.
42:14And it blows my mind.
42:16Cause I was like, should I just add like a witch side
42:19to my website and just start charging people
42:21how ridiculous amounts of money and tell them?
42:23All you gotta do is flip the cards and be like,
42:25oh shit, I didn't know that there was going to be
42:27a storm in Florida.
42:29Florida in hurricane season, right?
42:32I was like, if I can charge somebody $50
42:35to tell them anything,
42:36I'm just going to throw a tab on my website.
42:38Last month we had a million views on my website.
42:40Can you imagine?
42:41I was trying to pay people $50 to tell them
42:44like random stuff that I read off of a card, right?
42:47I'm going to sign up to get my PhD.
42:51You put up the link, I'll write up some cards.
42:55We'll both have our PhD.
42:58And Harry Potter school of wizardry.
43:01And it will be super simple.
43:02I live in the desert.
43:04I can literally send you pounds of sage.
43:07We're good.
43:09You did tell me that, right?
43:12We can bless our sage and then sell it to people
43:15and tell them that it's better than all the other sage.
43:18We got this.
43:19I'm totally down.
43:20And then with the extra money, we can go to casinos.
43:22That's like my favorite thing to do.
43:24I want to go to the casino and just blow money,
43:26but I'm not rich enough to do that.
43:27So this will be like a way to fund our habit.
43:30Yeah, sounds good.
43:32Apparently Ashley's funding her whole lifestyle
43:34off of giving people witchery advice,
43:38which it blows my mind
43:41once we hit that first million.
43:46Just like Ashley, once we hit that first million.
43:48Well, yeah, she said,
43:49well, what's going to happen when I make a million dollars?
43:52Is he going to be able to take half of it?
43:53And I was like, first of all,
43:55the government will take half of it
43:56because you owe everybody.
43:58So first of all, he's not your main issue.
44:01All the loans and bad debt that you have,
44:04those are your issue.
44:05Manuel will get whatever's left after that,
44:08which is probably nothing, right?
44:10Honestly, I don't think Manuel married Ashley
44:13and he was like, I'm going to marry her
44:14because she's going to be a millionaire one day.
44:16I don't think that crossed his mind.
44:18I don't think that crossed his mind.
44:20Like, I think he was like,
44:22she looks like a sucker enough to get me over here
44:26and fund me until I can start working.
44:29Like, I think that's what his thought process was.
44:32Anything after that was just extra, right?
44:34Like it's an added bonus.
44:35His thought process was she can fund me enough
44:37to get me there, to be with my actual family,
44:40with my wife.
44:41And then I can leave her.
44:45Like, I feel like that's, I feel like he didn't even.
44:47Jonathan can have her.
44:49Once I go to my wife and kids.
44:50Yeah, and I feel like Jonathan
44:52might actually treat her better.
44:54I feel like Jonathan,
44:55Jonathan is more respectful of a good opportunity.
44:59I feel like Manuel does kind of act like he's
45:01like from the Royal family a little bit.
45:03Like, I don't know if you get that vibe.
45:04Like he walks around like he's from the Royal family
45:07and he's like better than everyone.
45:08Oh yeah.
45:09And he's like, he's like,
45:10I don't know why she's fighting me on this.
45:11She just has to pay for me and give me this money and do it.
45:14I'm like, she doesn't have to do anything, bro.
45:15She could send you back.
45:17Like she doesn't have to do anything.
45:18I don't know why you over here acting
45:19like you're princess Diana's child.
45:22You know, like you're, you're acting pretty holy right now.
45:24Like it's not that serious.
45:26She doesn't have to do nothing for you.
45:28She could tell your family to, to go and deal with it.
45:31Like, I think that he definitely taking advantage
45:35and then he almost takes it too far
45:36to where he's like going to get cut off.
45:39Like, you know how if you're getting an allowance
45:41or a kickback or something,
45:42don't take it too far to get cut off.
45:44You know, just don't, don't ask for too much.
45:47Don't ask for more than you deserve.
45:49All he needed was to get here.
45:50Let's be real.
45:51He didn't need her money.
45:52He just needed to get here where the family is.
45:55That's it.
45:57That's yeah.
45:57His main goal was to be here with his family and without,
46:01and I think with his family already being here,
46:04he couldn't marry his wife already.
46:08Isn't that how it works?
46:10Because they were from the same family.
46:11But we also have to remember part
46:11of what we're not talking about is
46:13that he's getting TLC money too.
46:17Oh yeah.
46:18He doesn't have to have her money.
46:19He's good now.
46:20He got where he needed to be.
46:22He got paid for the first season.
46:23He's getting paid for the second season.
46:25I believe that they're going to be on the bullshit,
46:28whatever the last resort.
46:31Last resort.
46:32So a whole nother.
46:33Maybe that's why his demeanor has changed a bit.
46:38He's a little less tolerant of her in general.
46:41Like the way he talks to her now.
46:46I feel like we were tortured enough.
46:48When I saw the TLC pillow, did you see the scene?
46:51She was yelling at him on the couch
46:52and there was a TLC pillow behind her on the couch.
46:55And I was like, imagine being rewarded
46:57for ruining a show that I loved.
46:59I was like, how dare them give you gifts?
47:01I am so pissed that I'm watching you again.
47:03And then they're giving you gifts.
47:05Like way to tell somebody you did a great job
47:08when they came in last place.
47:09I was like, that pissed me off.
47:10I saw the pillow and I was like,
47:12why am I so triggered by the fact
47:13that they're giving her gifts?
47:14I like, and not kicking her off the show.
47:17I was like really triggered.
47:18I was like.
47:18Never ever in the history of the show
47:20have I ever seen TLC props in any scene except for this.
47:28I haven't either.
47:29I haven't either.
47:30Like, why is she not using her TLC coffee cup?
47:33She drinks a lot of coffee.
47:34Oh, and I think for Christmas this past year
47:37they got a TLC shopping bag.
47:40So I'm assuming it was somewhere in her apartment.
47:43But yeah, I was pissed.
47:45Cause I was like, how dare they give you gifts
47:47as though you're doing a good job?
47:49I was like, I am tolerating you because I like the show
47:53but how dare they give you the wrong idea
47:55and think that this is working for anybody.
47:57Cause it's, I'm so done.
47:59Okay. So we're going to come back tomorrow.
48:02Oh, so Dee Dee said that she can't be back this week.
48:05I guess she's traveling.
48:08So she's going to be traveling this week.
48:10So we're going to come back tomorrow.
48:11I can't wait because I really, really want to talk
48:13about this MILF Manor episode.
48:15It got good.
48:16It really, really did.
48:18Like guys, if you haven't been watching
48:20or if you've been bored, a lot of people have been told me
48:22it's boring.
48:23It got really good.
48:24Last night, I legit paused it
48:27because I wanted to go get something to drink.
48:29I was having such a good time.
48:31It started slow, but it picked up and it was good.
48:35Oh my God.
48:37Kelly is really making her way into the show
48:41and she's getting into her own.
48:42And I'm not against violence.
48:46No, I am.
48:47But if it does happen on the show, you know, it happened
48:50and there's nothing I can do about that.
48:51I'm against violence that hasn't happened yet.
48:54Like I can't change anything that's happened already.
48:55Oh, and we're going to talk about the season finale
48:59of Love in Paradise tomorrow too, which came on tonight.
49:01I know you haven't watched it,
49:02so I'm not going to comment whatsoever.
49:03So we're going to, I watched it right before this,
49:06but we're going to come back and talk about that tomorrow.
49:08So those two shows tomorrow.
49:09And then I'm going to text you tonight
49:10because we need to talk about
49:12some of the unexpected episodes.
49:13I'm going to see when you're available this week
49:15so we can do that too.
49:17Thank you guys for joining and staying here with us.
49:19So five more episodes to go, happily ever after.
49:22And then, oh, but next Monday, good news.
49:25We are jumping right in to The Other Way
49:28with almost all new couples.
49:30I mean, we got Sarper and Shekinah
49:32and Statler and Dempsey, but everybody else is all new.
49:35So try to focus on the good, right?
49:38And you know, when Sarper and Shekinah are on,
49:41you can go to the bathroom, you can get your snacks,
49:43you can get your drinks, you can fast forward,
49:45whatever you got to do.
49:46I'll pick one of all of the above.
49:48But I'm really excited for the season though.
49:51Cause the new season people are my favorite,
49:53but The Other Way is actually my favorite spinoff ever
49:56because I just like watching Americans struggle
49:58thinking that they can live like normal people.
50:00Right, that's just my favorite part because we can't.
50:03We are so spoiled.
50:04Even our worst rock bottom is not as bad
50:09as what people are dealing with on a daily basis overseas.
50:11So I'm excited for that.
50:12All right guys, make sure you're following my co-host Cara.
50:15She's tagged in this video.
50:16Follow me on all social media platforms
50:18at georgemasi,
50:19Anywhere you can spot us, type in the George Masi show.
50:22We're going to come back tomorrow night.
50:23I'll put on my story what time, I'm not sure what time yet.
50:26Like I said, we're going to talk about Milk Manor
50:27and Love in Paradise, the season finale.
50:30And then next Monday night,
50:31we will be talking about The Other Way because we have to.
50:34All right guys, everybody have a wonderful night.
50:37Talk to y'all soon.
50:37See you tomorrow.
