The George Mossey Show: The Other Way: AfterShow S6EP8 #90dayfiance #thegeorgemosseyshow #news

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The new season of 90 day fiance: the other way after S6EP8/forbidden Love EP5 podcast! Join George Mossey & Kara for the #90dayfiancetheotherway #podcast
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00:00Body, what's up? We're later today. We're usually a little earlier than this, but we're
00:11here. We're going to get started. We're going to talk about some The Other Way. We got episode
00:16eight of The Other Way, and we're going to talk about some Forbidden Love. So we're just
00:23waiting on my favorite ladies to arrive, Cara and Deedee. Hey, Diana, happy dog, welcome.
00:31Happy Monday. Cara's here. Let me invite Deedee, because Deedee doesn't get notifications from
00:39me. Did y'all know that Deedee doesn't even have notifications on for me? That's rude,
00:42right? It's kind of rude. Hey, Tina. Hey, Lisa. Cara's here. Cara's joining. Hello.
00:57Hi. How are you? Good, how are you? I am good. I'm good. Oh, Gina's here. Tina's here. Where's
01:06Deedee at? Slacking. She said give her two minutes, and that was four minutes ago. Yeah.
01:13We're going to transfer the late all the time title to Deedee instead of me. Like, I'm starting
01:18to get a little better. I was supposed to be late, and here I am. What's up? Right,
01:24you're here. Hey. Hello, how y'all doing? We're going to make you the Mariah Carey of
01:29the group, because you're late all the time. I'm not, it's not me anymore. I think it's
01:33going to be you. I had a Monday today. I'm struggling. It's bad. It's been a day, right?
01:42A lot of stuff was crazy today. But okay, so The Other Way, episode eight came on. We
01:48were spared Sarper and Shekinah tonight. They weren't on, which was nice. But I don't want
01:55to like celebrate bad things. But it did appear that they're breaking up next week. So that
02:02would be awesome. Because you know, I'm sick of watching them. They're boring. I can't
02:05stand them. They make me like, you know, like something gets underneath your skin. And it's
02:10like, it's making you sick. I feel like every moment that I have to watch them, I'm getting
02:14sicker and sicker, right?
02:15Yep. That's how I feel every time I see Angela.
02:19Well, we're getting really close to the end with Angela too, because next week is part
02:24five of that tell all. And you know, a lot of people are saying this is probably going
02:28to be the end of the road for Angela, right?
02:31Yeah, but then I heard Skyla is coming on. Supposedly, Skyla is going to be on, what's
02:38called Single Life.
02:39Yeah, that's the rumor going around. But guys, I have a friend who's going to be on this
02:46season of the Single Life that they're filming. So I'm going to get info ASAP on whether or
02:53not that's just a rumor or not. I have a friend that has been casted. They're going to, they
02:58haven't started filming yet. So I'm going to get some info as soon as I can get it to
03:03see if that's a rumor or not. Because I don't know, I want to say it's probably a rumor
03:09because honestly, let's not get too off subject, but Skyla has been on the show for years and
03:14she doesn't even have a storyline. I don't know anything about her. I don't know like
03:17where her hopes are, her dreams, if she's dating, if she's engaged, if she has kids.
03:21Do you have hopes and dreams living with Angela?
03:25There could be hopes and dreams to move out, right? Like there could be something going
03:30on. But okay, so let's jump into the other way. Let's not get, because we could go on
03:34and on with this happily ever after crap, right? But tonight, we were watching James
03:40and Tata. And she explained to us why she had to kiss her mom's feet. So apparently
03:46in her culture, in Indonesian culture, if you feel like you've done something wrong
03:49or wronged your parents, it is customary for you to apologize. And then as you're asking
03:55for forgiveness, you kiss their feet, which, you know, it's a little, it seems a little
04:00extra. But like when I was thinking about it, hey, Kim, hey, Bestie, if I pissed off
04:05my mom, like I would probably go out of my way to try to get back on her good side. Because,
04:11you know, I grew up in a very Christian, very strict household. So if you pissed off your
04:16mom, you had to make sure that you fix that pretty quickly. Because you know, where I
04:19grew up, you had to go pick out your own switch, you know, what they hit you with.
04:24So you know, you don't want your mom to be pissed at you for very long. So I kind of
04:28was like, no, I get it. I get it. You kiss her feet and ask her to forgive you so you
04:33can move on so you don't have to worry about getting beaten the next day, right? Like that's
04:37how I was.
04:38I really liked them in the beginning. But tonight was just too much. It was too much.
04:45She is, she's a very manipulative person.
04:50Are you getting vibes from her, from Mary vibes? Like, do you remember Brandon and Mary?
04:55I hate to compare her. But like, as I'm watching her and getting to know her and watching her
04:59have her little tantrums, she's giving me like pretty strong manipulative Mary vibes.
05:05Like I feel like
05:06She's not as bad as Mary, but she is throwing temper tantrums like Mary.
05:11Well, yeah, she has to get her way. And then she apologized to James in front of her parents.
05:16But then when they got back to the hotel, she still yelled at him. Yeah, like she wanted
05:20her parents to think that she was being respectful, you know, of her husband and making sure that
05:25they weren't upset. But then as soon as her parents weren't there,
05:28She didn't just yell at him. She got flat nasty with him. Like, got mean, gave the look
05:34like shut up, or I'll cut you kind of look. And I just I can't, I can't.
05:41Well, he said it. He was like, when you start cursing at me, you know, that's when I shut
05:47down. And that made me think like, this isn't the first time that you know, she talked to
05:51him that way. And I'm thinking, see, she seems so nice and sweet, you know, and then as we
05:55unravel, you know, we start to see her, you know, a little more of her each week. I was
06:00like, I don't know, man, she's really kind of giving me Mary vibes. And she's never been
06:06okay. So when they moved to Indonesia, he was really worried about money. And she's
06:10never been worried about money. And I thought about it tonight. And I was like, well, she
06:14lived with her parents, her parents are doing really well. By Indonesian standards, she
06:18left Indonesia to go move with James in Maine. And he was doing really well, because he was
06:23working with a family business. So you know, there's a lot of, you know, there's a lot
06:27of perks with working with the family business, you can take off more time than usual, you
06:30can ask for money, you can, there's different things. So money has never been her responsibility.
06:36So now I'm kind of understanding why, you know, they had this argument, because James
06:40is like, I'm here in a foreign country with people that aren't really my family, you know,
06:44by marriage, they're my family, they have no obligation to take care of me. I'm worried
06:49about what I'm going to do for money. And she's just kind of like, you know, whatever,
06:53who cares, as long as I'm happy, and I get to stay here. That's not really a concern
06:56of mine. And I kind of felt like he's the adult in the relationship. And he's trying
07:01to keep his responsibility as an adult. And she's never been the adult because remember,
07:06when they were in Maine, she's like, I don't like it here. Let's just move to Florida.
07:09His job was in Maine. So she definitely doesn't really care about responsibility and who's
07:15going to take care of bills, who's going to pay what, that's never been her issue. And
07:19I think that's going to be the demise of their relationship. Because you can't, I mean, I
07:23know you need at least one person to be fully responsible in a relationship, but it helps
07:28when both people have some responsibility, right? Because James feels like, well, it's
07:32all on me. I have to determine how to take care of myself. I have to navigate this relationship
07:36with her parents. I have to navigate the relationship with my family, because I keep deserting them
07:40and abandoning them. Everything is on him. And I feel like at some point, he's just going
07:44to feel like, is all of this worth it? You know, I'm screwing my relationship with my
07:49family over. I'm screwing over my job. I'm screwing over my sense of stability, all so
07:54she can be happy. Is it all worth it? You know?
07:57And she keeps saying, the parents will pay off the car. Okay, well, that's nice. And
08:03that's great. Whatever. Let's do that. But do you not need money to live?
08:07Well, right. That was my point too. Like, the car is like, honestly, let's be real,
08:13I would just stop paying.
08:14We're not even worried about the car. The car is in the United States.
08:17Right. And if they don't pay on it, what are they going to do? Come to Indonesia and
08:21get them? Like, that's not even really a worry. So that debt is so irrelevant. Like, honestly,
08:27unless they are actually coming back to the US, I wouldn't even care about that. Yeah,
08:31that is so irrelevant to your well being and your financial situation right now. But that
08:36just shows she just doesn't care. Like money has never been an issue for her. And it's
08:40never gonna be an issue for her because he's like, I don't want your parents to pay and
08:43she was just like, you know, okay, cool. You pay it then. Like as long as she doesn't
08:48have to pay it. She doesn't really care who pays it as long as somebody pays it. And I
08:51think that's going to be the issue in that relationship.
08:53Yeah. Once the car is paid off, how far are you going to live on your 18 cents a month?
08:59Hopefully she doesn't want like new shoes or something.
09:02Well, I don't understand, like how they move there with no plan whatsoever. Like I get
09:08it coming to a foreign country, you probably can't go online and apply for a job and get
09:14there because you're, you don't even speak the language, you have to find a place that,
09:17you know, has somewhere where you could work where there are other Americans or people
09:21who speak it. I get it. There's some things you can't really do until you get there. But
09:25I would never in a million years, I wouldn't even move an hour away without a plan, right?
09:31It sounds like when we get there, we're selling banana chips for my family. And that's great.
09:38So in his mind, it's, I worked for a family business here. I did very well. And it's probably
09:45going to be the same thing. It wasn't until the last minute when he realized that those
09:50are going to have to be commissioned sales. And then it wasn't until he got there that
09:55he realized that the freaking bananas are like 12 cents a pack. So even if you sold
10:00a million packs, you didn't even make a dollar today. Like that's a lot to take in.
10:07It's a lot. And I would just get on a plane and go back home. Like, honestly, I feel like
10:12he did this to compromise with her, but he's already compromised enough. When he left the
10:17family business the first time to move her to Florida, because she just didn't like Maine,
10:22that was his compromise. And I feel like she's out of compromise favors. You know, like when
10:26she was like, I want to move back to Indonesia, then I'll be like, so bye. You know, like,
10:30I can't, I'm not gonna uproot my life for you again. Like I've done it once. You know,
10:36his family's probably gonna not talk to him after this. Like if this relationship doesn't
10:40work out, it's some pretty damaged friendships and relationships that he's left behind because
10:47his brother said it. He's like, so you're screwing us over again. He's like, so you're
10:51basically telling us two days before you get on a plane, that you're not going to come
10:54back to work. He's like, this is not the first time that you've screwed us over. And you're
10:58burning bridges, people that you're going to need in the future. And it's like, he might
11:02not have anything to come back to.
11:05Yeah, it's gonna be their own damn fault.
11:10So Joanne told her mom that she was married for two years, she was in a relationship for
11:15three. And her mom reacted pretty much the way that my mom would have reacted, might
11:20have smacked me in the face. So her mom was really pissed off, right? Her mom was like,
11:24I feel like, especially as like a Jersey, you know, Staten Island mom, you know, Italian
11:29mom, it was very betraying for your child to do something like that behind your back.
11:34But she made a really good point, though, because she was like, what do you know about
11:38him? And what does it say about him that his family doesn't even know? Like, you're hiding
11:44him from us, but he's also hiding you from them. And that's really interesting, because
11:49when people get married, because even she was like, oh, people elope. She's like, well,
11:54even when people elope, they come back and they tell people, right? Like, this is something
11:58that you want to share. Like, I could never in a million years expect to get married and
12:02my family not be there. I would never hear the end of it. Like, I would literally burn
12:07bridges to the point where I would stop being invited to things because that would be the
12:11ultimate betrayal to my family. So her mom was pretty on point with the way that she
12:18reacted because she was just like, the way that our relationship has been, I wouldn't
12:22have judged you. She's like, I just wish that you would have been honest. Now she's like,
12:25I don't know if I even know who you are. You know, like for the past three years, you're
12:29like a different person. You're not my kid. You're just some random person who keeps secrets.
12:34And her kids don't know. His family doesn't know. It just sounds really sketchy, right?
12:40Like it's really weird to me when people do this.
12:42Wait, what?
12:44It sounds like a scam.
12:46Well, elaborate on that because I was gonna get to that. Okay, so what do you think is
12:53going on with him? Because we know that he's like an MMA fighter and everything. But what
12:57do you think is infatuation?
12:59Well, if he is hiding her from his family or the marriage, then that right there is
13:06telling me that's a red flag. He married her to get the green card. And we've already how
13:12many times if we didn't sing this, even though it's supposed to be the one of the spouses
13:20is moving to another country or whatever. But it always ends up with they only married
13:26him to get the green card, then they move back to the United States.
13:30Yeah, yeah. So, okay, that's a good point. Because we watched this with Ariel and Benjamin
13:37and Sarper and Shekinah are doing it too. They make it seem like they want to be with
13:41the person in their country. But then the actual master plan is they're going to get
13:46married and then bring them over on a spousal visa. So you think that maybe Sean is trying
13:51to get over here and then because it's weird that he has a strong infatuation with a much
13:57older woman who's got like two kids, one's already grown. Like I'm not saying that she's
14:01not beautiful. But it seems like a couple that it's mismatched. I don't know. It's just
14:10it doesn't look like she would be his type. So I was like trying to figure out what put
14:15these two together, like what made them want to get married so quickly. And I think DeeDee,
14:19you're on to something because they got married really, really quick after they met. And you
14:24know, when people make split second decisions, there's usually ulterior motives underneath
14:29those decisions. People don't usually wake up and say, hey, let's just go get married
14:32right now. People don't typically unless you're really, really drunk, right?
14:36For me, he said, I like milfs. So my brain goes to everyone on milfs manor. And then
14:43they show her and she looks like none of them. So well, no. Yeah. Yeah. She's a very
14:49is she a freaking millionaire that she can just afford to go there for a month and come
14:55back for two weeks and then go there for a month and come back for two weeks and go there
14:58for like that's going to get expensive. Just as she kind of she, you know, has to travel
15:04to see her daughter. That's a lot of miles on her credit card. What do you call them
15:09cards that you get all kind of miles? Oh,
15:13airline miles, airline miles. It's like a rewards card. I I've gotten free flights,
15:20though. Like it's legit. Like if you keep flying, you do get free flights.
15:23You have to fly a lot to be able to go freaking month. Oh, no, I'm not getting free stuff all
15:31the time. It's every now and then. Yeah. So do you think it's because she is doing well
15:37with her business because she's a she's a psychic card reader and she does it online through Zoom?
15:43Do you think it's because she has a decent amount of money and he sees a target?
15:49All of these card readers do just ask Ashley. She's got a million dollar business.
15:54See, I don't know. I don't know how much I believe that. Like I do have a really close
16:00friend, though, who is a psychic, a clairvoyant, and she does really well. Like we were talking
16:07about I don't want to put her out there, but we were talking about her finances and she was able
16:11to buy a car, very luxury car with cash. And I was like, legit. Well, yeah, she's predicted a lot
16:20like she's actually solved crimes. Yeah. Like found found missing people like yes,
16:26she's been used by police departments and stuff like that.
16:28How many of those true crime things or anything legit do you think Ashley and this woman and
16:36what's her face have all done? Well, nothing that I know of. You know what we should do?
16:44We should get a reading from Ashley. I just want to see just to see if she's any good. Right. And
16:50then maybe like share clips of it or something like I don't know, because it is hard to tell
16:56if people are legit or not. Like my one friend who's a psychic, she we were doing a Zoom called
17:03podcast. And in the middle of filming, she was like, is there somebody in your life? It's a
17:08woman, blah, blah, blah. She passed away. And I was like, yes. And then she even gave me like a
17:14year. She's like she passed away. Something unexpected. And I was like, yeah, 2016 brain
17:18cancer. And she was like, super legit. And like, we were not even on the subject of we were
17:23literally doing a podcast. And she was just like, there's someone communicating with me. I just want
17:27to say it. And I was like, Whoa, you're legit. You know, like, I would love to do that. And
17:36I think that if Ashley had my screen name, she couldn't even tell me my name.
17:42Really? Really? See, I mean, I'm gonna reach out to Ashley, I'm gonna be like, look, we want to we
17:48want to do a reading, you know, and it doesn't necessarily have to be live. But I would love to
17:52record it just so we could go back and watch it. Right? You can't charge that much, right?
17:57If she's legit, I'll apologize.
17:59Me too. I don't think she's legit.
18:01She's not legit. She is not legit. Because if she was legit, she'd know all this stuff was going on.
18:07All this stuff was going on. Like this new person, if she was legit, if she was psychic,
18:12she would already know what's going to happen.
18:16Exactly my point.
18:18Like my friend, she was telling me stuff all the time. I just don't want to listen
18:22because I'm hard headed. So it bites me in the butt sometimes. But she's legit.
18:28I already know what happened before it happens.
18:31Well, yeah, I was gonna say sometimes I just want to
18:34go out and do what I want to do. And if it doesn't work out, that's like my lesson. Okay,
18:39so I remember I was going on a yacht for a Christmas party and I was leaving and we got
18:47caught in traffic. There's like a parade and I texted my psychic and I was like, Hey, I'm in
18:52Orlando. I have to be in Tampa to get on this yacht. Am I going to make it? Because I was stuck
18:57in traffic and we weren't moving. So she was like, Hold on, let me get your picture. She got a
19:00picture and she looked, she's like, I see you in water on a boat. So I drove. And the boat was
19:06supposed to leave at 1130. We arrived at 1148. And we walked right on the boat. And right when
19:14we walked on the boat, they pulled the anchor up. And it drove away. And I was like, Whoa,
19:20you're so legit. I was like, and then when I asked the girl on the boat, she's like, Oh, yeah,
19:24we were late because the captain had an emergency and he had to run and get something. We were
19:29going to leave on time. But for some reason, if Ashley was legit, she would know that Manuel's
19:35married. She would know all kinds of things. And yeah, she's not legit, but I would love
19:42to have a reading. And if she's legit, I'll apologize and eat my shoe.
19:48Yeah, let's do it. Let's do it. Let's set it up. Let's set it up. I'll go to her website,
19:51see what we got to do. I don't know if she'll do it for free. We can pay, whatever. I just
19:56want to see. I just want to ask him just like, look, just tell me everything that you see.
20:00And I'll tell you. Well, I won't tell her, but we'll do a live. We'll unpack it on the podcast,
20:05just to see how accurate it is. Because you're right. She didn't predict rain in Florida in
20:12hurricane season. That was not on her radar for her wedding, which you don't even need to live
20:17in Florida to know that during hurricane season, it rains every day for like 15 hours. So that's
20:22like something that we all know, right? So yeah, I definitely want to spend a little time on that.
20:26So yeah, let's try to set that up. Okay, so Dempsey and Statler were driving in the van
20:31in London, super cold there, and they couldn't figure out how to use the heat. Statler did seem
20:37a little more enthusiastic about the van today. Like she was in more of a let's try it out and
20:46be happy mood. Like she was kind of in a resting bitch face mood when she got there. She was really
20:51you know, like when you get to work on a Monday morning, that was Statler. Like she was just like,
20:56I'm here. It is all you're getting out of me. I am here. And she seemed a little better today.
21:02So I'm interested in seeing how things go wrong. Because you know, I'm trying to really feel out
21:09and predict where things are going to go wrong. I thought maybe living in the van was going to be
21:13the issue. But I think it's probably going to be finances that are going to like break the camel's
21:20back. It's going to make things fall apart. But I'm just curious. You know, living in that close
21:24quarters with anyone is very trying. You know, like living with someone in general is hard.
21:30Sharing a bathroom can be hard. Sharing a hotel can be crazy. Living in an apartment where y'all
21:35share like a kitchen, that's enough to make you despise another human being.
21:40When they were staying in her little tiny house, there was problems.
21:45Yeah, it's funny, because Statler, she makes it seem like she's such an easygoing, fun person.
21:51But I feel like Statler is such a, what do you call it an introvert? Like, I feel like she
21:57definitely would be alone all the time if she was given that opportunity. So it's really weird that
22:03she would choose to spend every waking moment with another person. When I feel like she's that's so
22:08not who she is as a person. Like she's such an introvert. I feel like she probably enjoys
22:14spending time with people like an hour or so a day. And then she likes to go back into her shell,
22:19you know. And a lot of people are like that. Some people, oh, wait, introvert and OCD. Oh,
22:24yeah, you're right. She is introvert and OCD. And those are very serious things to mix, right?
22:30OCD would be really hard in such a small space, too.
22:33She said she has ADHD, so.
22:35Oh, it's ADHD. Yeah. So we watched the van scenes and there was no conflict with them
22:44tonight. So I don't want to spend like a whole bunch of time on that. But I want to talk about
22:48this Catwoman suit that Corona was wearing to the flea market. So she got, okay, so they're
22:56in Iceland. It has ice in the name. She puts on this Catwoman outfit to go to the flea market.
23:01And Inky says, you look stunning. And then she kind of gets mad and she's like, I was expecting
23:07more. And I'm thinking, stunning means that you stopped me in my tracks. And I'm done like a deer
23:15in headlights, right? Like I felt like that was a decent enough compliment. And I don't know,
23:20I feel like when people like force compliments out of people, that's like a pet peeve of mine.
23:25Like, I get it. You want to be reassured that you look great. But also she was dressed like
23:31a hooker going to a flea market in Iceland. There's ice in the name. There's ice literally
23:37on the ground when they walk outside. And I'm just like, he probably should have said,
23:41what the hell are you wearing? But in the kindness of his heart, he was like, oh, wow,
23:46you look stunning. Now I'm going to have to explain to everyone why you're dressed like a
23:49hooker. You know, but he still gave a compliment. So she, I don't know, she rubbed me the wrong way
23:53with that because I feel like he actually was nice about it. Because I would have said, hey,
23:58we're going to the flea market. Can you not dress like a hooker? I don't want anyone to
24:01offer you $20 as we're looking at stuff. You know, like, I probably would have said something
24:05like that. Absolutely. I know, that's right. And what she had on was like a fishnet.
24:13It definitely was. I mean, that's what kind of, I mean, and then all the twins was almost
24:19hanging out. I mean. I know, you could totally tell her bra size is a 36 long.
24:24Yeah, they were way down. It was, it was a lot for me because I was just like, if this,
24:29and this also, this scenes tonight made me question why they're together, too. Because
24:34I was just like, I'm trying to understand what Corona and Inky have in common. And you know,
24:40I get the opposite to track. I get that, you know, I get it totally.
24:43We got the spoiler about it, though. We already got the spoiler.
24:47Yeah, we got the spoiler. And I feel like he is, I said this before, he's a,
24:52I said this before, he's a easygoing, I get like surfer dude vibes from him, like
24:57smoke a joint. He's just happy that someone is not related to him, that he can be seen.
25:02Yes. Yeah, you know, this is his first real relationship, right? And I feel like,
25:09either way, he's gonna be happy, even if his relationship lasts a month,
25:12it's a month longer than his last relationship, right? So I feel like he's finding the way,
25:17I feel like she's expecting so much, but gave him so little, right? Like, because she was like,
25:23oh, well, I didn't tell him how serious my schooling was. I didn't tell him that I want
25:27to be a midwife. I didn't tell him any other things that he does to irritate me. But then
25:31when she got here, she was like, don't irritate me. And I'm like, well, he doesn't know what
25:35irritates you because you didn't tell him what irritates you. So now you're like setting the
25:39standard of what he should and shouldn't do without actually handing, it's almost like giving
25:44somebody an exam, but you never actually went over the coursework first. You're like, here,
25:49take this test and let me see if you pass it, but you haven't actually taken the course, right? So
25:53he doesn't even know what she likes and what she doesn't. And she's like, just so you know,
25:57if you fail this test, I'm gonna leave, you know, and he's like, okay. He's like, yes, literally,
26:04either way, he's like, okay, you know, whatever, I don't really care at this point. And I feel like
26:09she's more invested in such a small, minuscule relationship, right? Like, I feel like he's
26:18never proposed. He's never went over a future with her. He's never decided, like, he didn't
26:24say he wants to get married. He didn't say, you know, what he wants to do. Like, do we know what
26:29he does for a living? Because that's what I was trying to figure out tonight. Because I was like,
26:32what do we know about him specifically? And I couldn't come up with anything.
26:36I don't.
26:39I haven't heard anything. I mean, by watching the episodes, I haven't heard anything.
26:43It's just confusing. It's like, we probably know as little about him as she does, right? Like,
26:48I feel like we're all in the same boat. Like, we're all up in a canoe with no paddle. Like,
26:52I don't know anything about him. But I think she doesn't either. And I think that's why it's all
26:56going to explode in her face because she didn't do any real, any real research. You know, like,
27:02the clothes that she packed to take to Iceland shows the amount of research that she did
27:07before she died, right? Like, that's how much research she did.
27:10Well, anybody that can eat a shark that has been underground for four months has got issues.
27:25I don't understand that. Because he said they bury it for months, then they dig it back up,
27:29and then they eat it. How is that?
27:32They bury it for two months, then they dig it up, and then they hang it for another two months.
27:40It's fermented.
27:41How do you not die from eating that?
27:45It's fermented. So when stuff ferments, it turns to alcohol.
27:50Oh, I understand. So it's kind of like, when they put like, when they pickle stuff.
27:57Right? Okay. I get it now. I get it now.
28:00Have you ever had kimchi?
28:04It's a fermented cabbage. It smells horrific, but it's really good.
28:10My dad had a, yeah, my dad had a friend from South Korea. And every time he'd visit,
28:15he'd bring us his kimchi. And I mean, you can buy it in the grocery stores and stuff here.
28:20It's not, is not nothing like the authentic stuff. But as a kid, I thought that was the
28:25most horrific thing in the world. Because first of all, it's a vegetable. Second of all,
28:30it tasted like ass. But then when I, as I got older, I tried it when I got older, and it's
28:35really good.
28:36Okay. I'm gonna try. I'm gonna see if-
28:40But it's hard. You have to be able to handle, I'm one of those people, I'm like, weird about my
28:45milk, but I'm also weird about smells. So if it smells bad, I won't eat it. So I literally have
28:52to hold my breath eating it. Because once it's in my mouth, and I'm chewing it, it's good.
28:56If I don't smell it first.
28:58See, I was like that growing up. Like, if someone was cooking pork chops, and there's
29:05other smells that people would cook, and it just smelled really, really bad, I wouldn't eat it.
29:09It's like making like egg salad or potato salad or whatever. The smell, you open the fridge,
29:15and it smells like a big fat fart. It's, you know, but the salad's so good.
29:20It is. You're right. It is. I actually love egg salad. But yeah. Yeah, I'm gonna try it. I'm gonna
29:25go to the store. I'm gonna try it. I like to try new things. But I'm gonna, I have like, the ear,
29:31the nose plugs. Like the little things. So I'll use that. And I'll try it.
29:35That's important.
29:36So Corona's gonna be trying to meet Inky's parents. And she's a little nervous, because I guess she
29:43doesn't know anything about them, which is also interesting. Because she's like, I don't know
29:46anything about your mom. I was like, see, these are all things that I would have wanted to get
29:51out of the way before I packed up and moved to another country, right? I feel like she doesn't
29:55know anything about him or his family. And she's more worried about if they're gonna like her,
30:00because they don't see black people. And I was like, I don't think it's that big of a deal
30:06that you're black. I think it's more so that you're the first woman he's ever brought around.
30:10That is.
30:11And you're, right. Right. Like, I don't think being the black part,
30:15because she's like, well, what if they're not, like, open to me being black? And I was like,
30:19I don't think it's that. It's more so that they're gonna not be open to you being weird,
30:23or annoying, or not a good match. You know, parents, just because-
30:27Or the fact that you're dressed the way you are coming in to meet the parents.
30:32Right. That could be an issue, too. And she was like, oh, they touched my hair.
30:36So I have this funny story, right? So when I was in the ninth grade, I went to an all-white school.
30:42I was the only black person at the school. And my third day, I was sitting in like the
30:48foyer part before classes, before the bell. And there's like a couch. So I'm sitting on this
30:53couch. And there's like four white girls sitting on the couch with me like around. And they're all
30:57like, oh my god, your hair is so- and they're like, touching my hair. And they're like, your
31:03skin is so cool. Can I touch it? And the teacher came out and they were like, girls, can you stop
31:07touching him? So I kind of remember like that. It was like in my mind. And I remember that because
31:12she was like, they were touching my hair. And I was like, well, it's just because they weren't
31:15used to that. You know, they're not used to- because the one girl was like, it feels like
31:19carpet. And I was just like, that's so offensive. But I'm just going to let it slide because you
31:24probably haven't seen a black person recently. You know, like, that's so offensive, but it's
31:27totally fine, right? I'm not going to get mad. That's crazy. Yeah, so-
31:33My question about this whole thing, I know I've said it before, but is this not 90 Day Fiance
31:41the other way? Why are there three already married couples?
31:47Well, yeah, because how do you- how can you move to a country without being married yet? I know
31:53that there's laws. You can visit any country you want, right? But you can't like just move there
31:58without being married or being employed. They're, you know, not married-
32:02Why are we watching a 90 Day Fiance show, and they're already married? That takes away so much.
32:09Yeah, it's- I feel like, like I said, they've been loosening the rules a lot. And they're
32:15just basically just accepting people because they think their stories are interesting,
32:20and then just putting them on whatever show they have room. That's kind of how I feel.
32:23Yeah. And because, you know, we saw Ed and Liz on Happily Ever After, and they weren't married.
32:30And they were both American. And like, I feel like they're just kind of switching the rules up.
32:36And it's like, whatever they want to do now. You know, I know we're a decade into the franchise,
32:40but I still feel like the rules should still apply. Right? Like, oh, wait, the spinoff isn't
32:45so much about the K-1 visa for the USA. Well, yeah, the other way is not about the K-1 at all,
32:51actually, because I don't think the K-1 applies in other countries. That only is a USA visa,
32:55right? Right. It's more so about people that went overseas on vacation and fell in love and got
33:01married. And now they're packing up their life. And we're supposed to be watching them get engaged
33:06and then get married. That's where it all started. Right, right. Yeah. Because that's the whole
33:11premise of the 90 Day Fiance franchise. We're watching the beginning of the relationship.
33:16And I guess if you want to be funny, the beginning of the end, right? The calm before
33:20the storm, while they still get along. That's where we start the story. And then we watch the
33:25chaos as it ensues. Literally. But yeah, I definitely feel like we are watching a different
33:35show from when the franchise started and the spinoffs started. We're on a different level.
33:42That's why when I was watching the UK version that just ended, it gave me such good, like,
33:47deja vu of what the show used to be. Right? You did watch it. Right? It made you feel like you
33:55were back with the David and Annie and Russ and Paola. And it was real. And I felt like now,
34:02compared when I was watching the UK when it was on with Happily Ever After, I was like, it's like,
34:06I'm not watching the same franchise. It's not the same. These are not real people,
34:11right? And no offense to any other customers. But it's just the stories are so produced.
34:18Yeah. And it's like, I know that you're in relationships or whatever, but I feel like
34:22they're giving you storylines, and then you're working with those storylines. And I understand
34:26that's how television works. But I just miss the premise of two, well, one American and one foreign
34:34person falling in love and then just a normal person, right? They didn't look like a model.
34:38They didn't have an Instagram account with 10,000 or $50,000. Just a normal person going
34:42through a weird situation. And then we all got in on it. I miss that.
34:46Right. Now, I love Josh and Lily. And I think that he had, first of all, I felt sorry for him
34:55this episode, because the sister said, he asked the question, how did you feel when she came to
35:02America? And the sister said, you know, we were worried, but Lily translated it as we do not
35:07approve. So he was sitting there like a deer in the headlights, like, oh, shit. I didn't know that.
35:15But he had such a good answer when she said, I'm concerned about you being here and not working.
35:24He was the only one that has ever said, well, you're right, I can't work, but I can garden.
35:31I can clean the house. I can do this and I can do that. I can take off half her load. Nobody else
35:37ever says that shit. They're always just like, well, I just can't work because I'm here. So
35:42that's the law. Well, look at Jasmine. She's, that's not even on her radar. A job isn't even
35:49an option. When they were talking about that at the tell-all, because they were like, oh, yeah,
35:52the work papers are important. And Jasmine was like, that's not really the important part. The
35:56important part is so I can go see my kids. Like work, getting a job was never on her radar. That
36:00was never a thing. So Josh is definitely, and I think that this is taking a very emotional toll
36:06on him because he never wanted to go and be in her life and be a burden to anyone. And I think
36:12that that's bothering him emotionally, you know, because most as a man, you know, most men enter a
36:18relationship and they want to improve the life of the person that they're going to be with. Not
36:23necessarily want to take care of them, but you want to help improve their situation. So like,
36:28I also feel like a lot's been taken from him because he says in the beginning,
36:33I sold my house and I have a little left. He's never given us a dollar amount, which he should
36:37not have to. He doesn't owe that to anybody, but everybody just assumes that because he sold his
36:43house and he doesn't work, that he's just a bum on the street. Everybody that I've seen that all
36:48over the place. This guy doesn't work. He blah, blah, blah. But we don't know what he's got.
36:53Maybe he went there with a couple million dollars in his pocket. We have no idea.
36:57Well, yeah, he, yeah, he had a good job in the US and he just stopped working. So yeah,
37:03everyone isn't like Ashley, who has like negative $500,000, right? Like everyone isn't like her.
37:10He could have been saving and had a really good, you know, financial situation before this. Oh,
37:15and Josh says that I can also work, but I have to find a company to sponsor a work visa, which is
37:22really hard. Okay. So he, he could apply for a job and find a job, but then that company would
37:27have to agree to sponsor that visa that, yeah, that's probably really difficult to do because
37:32it probably would cost the company more money to do that than to just hire a local. So the company
37:37might be turned off by the idea of what we would have to go through a little extra work and money
37:42to do that when we could just hire a local person and not have to go through all that.
37:46So yeah, that, that would make it a little more difficult, but he, I think it's five years. He's
37:51got to pass the five-year mark before he could just go out and get a job like a regular local
37:57Chinese citizen. And that's a really long time, you know, even if he had $100,000 left over,
38:03$100,000 isn't going to get you through five years, right? Like that's crazy to even assume
38:09that might get you through two, you know, but it's crazy to even think that he would be able
38:13to take care of himself. But I'm worried about him meeting her family because I just feel like
38:19their culture, you know, and we were, I was watching Forbidden Love and I guess cultures
38:23are so strong, you know, especially with religions and countries, they're not going to accept him not
38:29being able to work and they're not going to be understanding that it's not his fault. Because
38:33I feel like they're going to look at it as what the culture says you're supposed to do it. But
38:37you have to hold people accountable for the things that they can change. And I can't hold someone
38:43accountable for something that they literally couldn't change if they wanted to. Like if he
38:46really wanted to, he couldn't change it. So and I worry about that because being over there in a
38:51country where you're the only American person for miles, and you know, you feel like the only person
38:58in your section now, you're alone. It's really hard when people are saying nasty, harsh things
39:03to you, you know, you don't really have anywhere to go. It's really scary. Like the idea of it is
39:07scary to me just to be alone in a country by myself, and not have support outside of like
39:12the family. Like that's crazy. That's terrifying. That is absolutely terrifying.
39:18I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, right? Like, I know that I'm an independent person,
39:23but I love some support every now and then, you know, like, I would love to hear or have a little
39:28bit of support, somebody that I could call just in case something goes wrong. I need that, right?
39:32Like I need that. So the idea that he's over there all by himself, he doesn't even speak the language,
39:37right? Like, that's just a terrifying situation.
39:40I can't rely on the stupid translator apps, because he could say, which way is west,
39:45and it will say, Wicked Witch of the West, and that's what he gets. I mean, you know,
39:52it literally, you just can't rely on them.
39:54Yeah. And we noticed this too, though, when it comes to translating, even people,
40:00when they're translating their own English to their own language, they translate very differently,
40:05because we were watching that, and we'll see what they say in English. And then when
40:09they'll translate it to their family or whatever, it's not the same thing. It's sometimes harsher.
40:14Yeah, just like tonight, when the sister said,
40:17we were worried about you, and it came out as they didn't support it.
40:21Well, right. Right. Not supporting it and not understanding it are two different things,
40:26right? Like, and you have, it's all in the one statement, it's lost in translation,
40:30it's all in, it's not what you say, it's how you say it. And I think that when you're
40:34losing things in translation, it's just a recipe for disaster, right? That's how so many fights
40:39start. Also, if you guys watched Forbidden Love, there was a new episode yesterday,
40:46and we were watching, I think Linza, she went to her boyfriend's church, well, fiance, and,
40:56which was a lot, right? Like going to a church when you're a Muslim is very strange,
41:00like to go to a Pentecostal church, because they have so many rules against the Pentecostal,
41:07she said, they're against rituals, like ritualistic things or anything that could be
41:11comparison to the religion of Allah. And Mr. Johnson, who is a retired pastor, he came over
41:18to the house where Linza was, because she was under the weather, and he offered to anoint her
41:24with oil, which is, you know, Didi, for us, this is totally normal behavior. We grew up in the
41:29church, this is completely normal. You know, when someone is ill, or they get there's someone
41:33within the church with cancer, we do this all literally every week, somebody was getting
41:37anointed. So this was totally normal. But for her, she felt like it was an ambush, you know,
41:42and I was thinking that because I was like, well, it was totally normal for me, I grew up in the
41:46church, I wouldn't have thought anything differently. But for someone who wasn't a part of
41:50it, you know, because after I left that religion, I started to see on the outside how those things
41:57look to everyone else, you know, and I was like, Oh, yeah, it would be strange if you walk up to
42:02someone and start rubbing oil on their forehead and speaking in tongues, that would be very strange
42:07to other people. And I think that the way that he offered to show her the oil, and then went on and
42:15started doing it was crazy, right? But he didn't ask. Like consent is a real thing. And it doesn't
42:20have to do with just have to do with sex. It has to do with everything right. And I feel like her
42:24consent is very important in that situation. And he just started doing it. And I was like, see,
42:28that crosses the line for me. Because, you know, if she's a Muslim, there are strict things that
42:36she needs to follow. And, you know, she could actually be disowned by her church for practicing
42:43ritualistic practices. And he just was like, yeah, this is it. She's like, because he's like, I'm
42:48going to show you, then he pulls it out and just starts doing it. And I was like, see, that's an
42:52issue for me. Even though I'm very familiar with it, I know what it's all about. If anybody just
43:00walked up to me and started putting oil on my face, we're going to throw down.
43:05Well, yeah. I mean, it's all about consent. You know, and I understand that when you're a part of
43:12a certain religion, you believe it. And you believe that because you know, and the church I went to,
43:17they believe that God could heal the sick, you know, like they could heal. Because there were
43:21people, let me tell you this, there were people in my church that had cancer, and they wouldn't go
43:26get help because they believe that God was going to heal them of the cancer, right? And people
43:31passed away. And so I get that people believe things and, you know, faith is something you
43:37can't see. But I also believe in modern medicine, too, right? Like I know that there are things that
43:44you have to go to the hospital for, because there's cases sometimes where parents have been
43:48arrested, because their child needed to seek medical attention, and then it was against the
43:54religion, and then the child ended up getting worse or passing away. And then those parents
43:58had to be charged with a crime. And it gets weird, because it's like their religion, they didn't
44:03believe, but it's like that child's life could have been saved, if they would have took those
44:06steps, but they let the religion cart, you know, get in the way. And it really, it's really scary
44:12to think that. So the idea of either one of them converting to another religion, I think,
44:18it's not feasible. And I think that he is really deep, like, he said it, he was like, my family
44:25would probably disown me if I converted to Muslim. And then obviously, her family and religion would
44:29disown her if she converted to Pentecostal. So I think it's probably best for them to call it quits.
44:36You know, like, I hate to say that, but it's religion is, well, yeah, it's such a serious
44:42thing for so many people. And they take it to, you know, like how, you know, there's a priority
44:48list. Like if you're a mom, number one in your priority is your kids, you know, then you know,
44:52your job, your family, you know, and I think for some people, religion becomes number one
44:59on their priority list, even over their kids, or even over their job or over their family. And I
45:03think that's where, you know, people can't see eye to eye, you know, like, I believe in God,
45:08I believe in religion, but also, my traumatic experience in a cult makes me, it's not always
45:15going to take precedence over common sense. Right? Like, I have to draw that line. Like,
45:19if I need to go to the hospital, I should go to the hospital. Right? Like, you have to use
45:24common sense as well as your faith. Absolutely.
45:28Yeah, I mean, that's why, that's why God made doctors.
45:33Right, right. Like, if we didn't have doctors, you know, then that's one thing, but we are all
45:41made in the likeness of a higher power. And if there are doctors, that means that we are made
45:46in, they're made in the likeness of God. So they're ordained to do that. They have the talent
45:51to do that. And I think that no religion would tell you not to do something to save someone's
45:56life. Right? But I think a lot of these books were written a long time ago. Right? And I feel
46:03like they leave a lot to being literal, instead of, you know, think back, okay, so this book was
46:10written hundreds of years ago, you have to remember, we didn't have modern medicine,
46:13hundreds and hundreds of years ago, or 1000 years ago. So you have to remember,
46:16there's like a bunch of stuff left out of here that you need to read between the lines. Right?
46:21And I think a lot of people take it seriously, because we were watching the, what was her name?
46:27Hold on, let me grab it. I have my names here. Ashley, so we were watching Ashley,
46:33she had a meeting with her husband, Muhammad's brother, Abdul. And we actually found out some
46:38info that she got pissed off and broke a PlayStation. And he said, she broke 12 TVs.
46:44Now, she denies that she broke 12 TVs. Who owns 12 TVs, Didi? What is going on? Like,
46:50how would you have that? You would have to go to Walmart and just start knocking
46:53all the TVs out. How would you break 12 TVs? Yeah, they go buy a TV. She gets mad. She breaks
46:59it. They go buy another one. She breaks it. Like, why are you making this woman so mad?
47:05She's breaking all the TVs. Where the hell are you working that you can buy a TV every Friday?
47:11Right? Like, I had so many questions. I had so many questions. And I was just like,
47:17and then she said that Muhammad locked her out of the house and wouldn't let her back in,
47:22which I thought was pretty crazy. And then she broke a window to get back in the house. Because,
47:26you know, she's a mother, her daughter was probably in the house. I don't fault her
47:31for breaking the window. If you share a home, who is one to tell the other they can't come into the
47:36house? Right? Like, it's both of your home. And I was like, it's crazy to me that the brother is
47:43saying that she's wrong for breaking the window, but his brother's not wrong for locking his wife
47:47out of the house. Like, it's wild to me how they're picking and choosing, you know, what's
47:52okay and what's not. And that was what was bothering me. Because obviously, you know,
47:56they have expectations out of her when you're with a Muslim man, especially Muslim men,
48:01because the women are the ones that have all the rules and regulations, right? Like the men are
48:06able to live freely, and dress freely and do as they please, as long as they pray, you know,
48:11and do their things that they do. But I don't understand how they were all pointing everything
48:18on her. They were doing some stuff that was wrong, too. Right? Like, especially
48:23locking her out of the house. And where was she supposed to go? Was she supposed to sleep outside?
48:29Like, I was just really confused. I was like, so where was she supposed to go? Because her family
48:33is a plane ride away. She moved here to be with you. So you're locking her out of the house.
48:38Where did you expect her to go? And her child is in the house with you. I'm surprised she didn't
48:43call the cops and have you kicked out of the house. Right? Like, that's exactly what I thought.
48:46Because I was like, you should have actually got kicked out of the house.
48:50Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
48:51And they would have had flat tires on every one of the vehicles, too.
48:55Yep. You see me breaking the house windows, one thing, wait till you see your truck.
48:59Right. Like, it's just this situation. It's really interesting for me, because she,
49:07I don't know, she says she wants to take steps to be a part of the religion, but I don't think she
49:11does. I think that she realizes that it's going to be too much of a life change. But she's too
49:18deep, right? She's married, she has a child, you know, and then their families can't see eye to eye.
49:23And I think that they're in too deep. They're either going to have to just accept each other
49:27for who they are, and move on. But I think as a Muslim man, you know, we've been watching
49:32for a long time, Muslim men don't accept you for who you are when it comes to their religion. If
49:37you become their wife, you must conform to the rules of the religion. It's just they don't
49:43really, oh, thanks for stopping by, Josh. Yeah, they don't really compromise.
49:47Bye, Josh.
49:47And one thing that I noticed about the responses, it's really aggressive when
49:56you don't agree with something of their religion, they kind of get really aggressive with you.
50:00And they're like, he, Muhammad said something a couple episodes ago, where he was like,
50:05she, she's a disrespectful woman, and I need to teach her a lesson. And I was like, well,
50:10that's kind of like a threat. You know, like, I don't I don't really like the idea that you feel
50:15like, because she doesn't agree with you or want to do something that you want to do. She needs to
50:19be taught a lesson. She's not a child. Right? She's not an animal. Because you know, with an animal,
50:24he pees on the floor, you have to teach the animal the lesson, hey, you can't pee on the floor.
50:28She's a person, right? Like, she's a human being. This is not how you, you reason with a human
50:33being, you have a conversation, you don't take her because he's like, I'm gonna take her set aside
50:37and talk to her. And if she gets crazy with me, I'm just gonna have to tell her off and scream
50:40at her. And I'm like, see, that draws the line for me. You know, like, because she doesn't have
50:44to agree or conform to your religion. Yeah, y'all jumped the gun and got married and had a kid
50:50before you had the real conversations. But she doesn't have, she's not obligated to conform to
50:55your religion. Because it's it's an obligation for you. Right? You should have you should have
50:59thought about that before you put a baby in her. Right? Like you're it's we're way we're way past
51:04that. Right? Like she that is too late now. Yeah, I agree. That's what that's what's so aggravating
51:12because every it's like, men and men and the women they are going into getting another getting a
51:22spouse in another culture. And they never do their own they they never do their homework on that
51:30culture. And then they want they both want each other to to to become whatever religion they are
51:39instead of having a happy medium. Yeah. Why do you why do men or women think that their spouse
51:48has to be whatever their religion is for it to work? And it's crazy how often that happens.
51:56Yeah, well, when I was in that cult, it was very rare that anybody was with somebody that wasn't
52:03a part of our religion. So it's it's interesting to me that so many people of these different
52:07religions are dating just outside of the religion. Because when I was in that cult,
52:11that was pretty much unheard of. So we never really had any issues with people not wanting
52:15to conform. Because if you were dating, well, first of all, we didn't date in that religion,
52:20you just would get married. But if you married someone, they were always a part of it. You know,
52:25so you you didn't go shopping around for a husband or wife just anywhere. You know,
52:29you could go to other churches that were a part of it and meet people. But you didn't just go to like
52:34the mall, like they're doing now just pick up someone and then just say, Hey, I like you,
52:39let's date. And then, by the way, you need to get baptized or you need to convert. Like that's crazy.
52:45That's crazy to me. And it's really, it's so much extra work. I think I said this last week,
52:49I was like, there's so much extra work to put on top of trying to make a relationship work is
52:53trying to change a person, right? Like, I feel like making the relationship work.
52:57Respect each other and respect each other's religion. That's, that's all that matters.
53:03Oh, so I want to talk about Lindsay and Elmer real quick, because they tried to sneak attack
53:08his parents back in Michigan on the Amish, what do you call it like an Amish compound? Well,
53:15they drove into town and they made the mistake of going into the general store. So you know,
53:20the Amish, it's a small community and everyone talks. So they got ratted, they got snitched on.
53:25So people saw them. And then they went to warn the parents that he was coming. So apparently,
53:30if Elmer even goes on his parents property, they can be shunned by their religion, which is Amish,
53:37which is not just their religion, it's their whole lifestyle. They can be shunned even for
53:41having communication with him because he left the Amish. So now they're like, going to their house
53:49unannounced, which I think is so crazy. Why would you go and risk what they want to do? Because
53:54yeah, you don't want to be Muslim anymore. Or I'm sorry, you don't want to be Amish anymore.
53:58But why would you go into their property and risk getting them shunned from what they still want to
54:03do? Right? Like they should be the ones who accept your invitation. You shouldn't just go
54:08there knowing that it's not acceptable to do that. And I kind of blame Lindsay for that because I
54:14feel like she's the one that's pushing it because the whole time that they were in Ohio, I'm sorry,
54:19in Michigan getting ready to go, he looks so scared. Like you could tell that this was not
54:24something that he wanted to do. And he knew that this was not going to end well.
54:28Yeah. I'm totally shocked by this. She is forcing this on him so much. I get that he is,
54:36that he made the choice to leave, that he made all the choices that he made. And I get that
54:43he misses his parents. I also understand, you know, feeling like both sides of the family
54:50should be a part of the baby's life and blah, blah, blah. But if my husband's family doesn't
54:57want to be a part of it, that's up to them. That's up to them. Plain and simple. I'm not
55:03making anyone be a part of my child's life. If you don't want that joy, then get out.
55:08It's a privilege. Exactly. It's a privilege. If you don't accept the privilege of being there,
55:15then you're making that decision on your own and it's your loss. Right? But I didn't like
55:22they were going there knowing that they weren't welcome. I was taught never go anywhere that
55:28you're not welcome. I don't know. It just seemed so disrespectful. A mile in the snow too. It was
55:40just a lot because I was like, y'all are sneaky. And first of all, camera crew, they said at the
55:48friend's house, they don't want a camera crew on their property. And then they're going to do it
55:51anyway. It was just, it was just so disrespectful to me. Right. And I was like, if you ever want
55:56them to, to accept you, this is not the right way to go. I would have started with writing them some
56:01letters and just opening the communication through mail. Right. Like I think showing up at their
56:08house is only going to make this worse. Right. But also back to going, being a part of the
56:14child's life. I understand wanting that, but do you really want your child to be influenced by
56:23this type of people where they have sex with animals? And like, I mean, there's a lot of
56:29things that they, if they accepted it, there's a lot of things that they could try to teach your
56:37kid that you don't necessarily want your kid to learn ever. You're right. That's true. There's a
56:43lot. My kids have gone their whole life without ever thinking about having sex with an animal.
56:50Right. So yeah, you're right. That is a lot to subject a person to a child too. Cause you're
56:57right that if, cause you're right. If they want to be a part of their child's life, they might
57:01want the kid to come stay with them for a week. And then now they're being subjected to a type
57:06of lifestyle that, you know, you wouldn't want your child to be left unsupervised in. So yeah,
57:12I totally, I mean, she knew he was Amish when they got married and he said it too. He was like,
57:18you knew I was Amish when we got married. I don't know why you think that you can change an entire,
57:22you know, community and religion just based on how you feel. You know, this has been going on
57:27for hundreds of years, even though you don't like it, you know, this is how they live. This is how
57:31they live and they're not going to change because you don't like the way it makes you feel. You
57:35know, like, it's not about you. You're not even Amish, you know? Absolutely. All right. So we're
57:40going to wrap up. We got like two, one minute left. Oh wow, that's fast. We're going to wrap.
57:45So we're going to come back on Sunday for part five of five of the Happily Ever After tell all.
57:51And so I heard through the grapevine that Angela took a swing at Kobe. So I didn't see it in the
58:00preview, but I heard from somebody who was present in the room when that argument took place. So I'm
58:05thinking that's when we're going to see that full scene is next week. So we're going to have a lot
58:09to talk about because that's crazy in itself. So we're going to come back and talk about that next
58:14week, as well as episode nine of The Other Way. And then I think the week after we're starting
58:19before the 90 days. So we're just, we're jumping right in. So make sure you're following my co-host
58:24Kar and Deedee. They're tagged in this video and make sure you're following me on all social media
58:27platforms at George Mossey, Anyway, get your podcast typed in the George
58:31Mossey show. Thank you for joining us. Everybody have a good night and we'll talk to you soon.
