George Mossey addresses the comments made by Scott #90dayfiance #ThegeorgeMosseyshow

  • 2 months ago
Addressing the troll . I just needed to take a moment to address the comments made about me over the passed day and clear up a few things. & Kara for the #90dayfiancetheotherway #podcast
#recap #90dayfiance #90dayfiancenews #90dayfiancememes #90dayfiancé
#90dayfiancehappilyeverafter #90dayfianceBeforethe90days
#90dayfianceBeforethe90daysnews #90dayfiancebeforethe90dayspodcast
#90dayfianceTheOtherWay #90dayfianceNEWS #90dayfiancePodcast @karadee76 #georgemossey #thegeorgemosseyshow #georgemosseypodcast #90dayfiance #90dayfiancé @deedeecasteel @karadee76
00:00So I decided I was gonna go live and just address this once, you know, because I was
00:12out yesterday.
00:13I had a lot going on.
00:15I was not, I don't like to react to things right away.
00:20So I was like, I'll give it a little bit of time.
00:23I'll decide how I want to respond.
00:26So I gave it like a day, right?
00:28I gave it like a day.
00:29I was like, I'll let this marinate a bit before I come online and, you know, because yesterday
00:36luckily when all this took place, I was out and I was not able to react.
00:43I was out.
00:44I was doing a bunch of stuff.
00:45Hey, Trisha.
00:47Hey, Judy.
00:48So that was the best thing for me because I think that immediate reaction probably would
00:54I was out and I saw it.
00:59My first thought was, well, let me go and react to this and, you know, I like to think
01:05before I make an action.
01:10How are you?
01:11I'm good.
01:12How are you?
01:13I am good.
01:14I'm good.
01:15I'm good.
01:16I feel like I'm in a good place today to kind of address this and talk about this.
01:24So I feel like yesterday, when I saw it, if I would have reacted yesterday, it wouldn't
01:30have been the best.
01:31I wouldn't have been proud of it.
01:32And you know, one thing about Scott is he reacts to things without thinking and you
01:37can tell he's never proud of it.
01:38Everything that he posts, he deletes right away.
01:41So I just kind of wanted to take some time, right, and let it marinate because I didn't
01:46want to come on here and just start calling names because I feel like he called me out
01:50of my name, you know, and I feel like I'm very respectful of people.
01:55Okay, so Melody said, bring us up to date.
01:57All right, so I'm going to start from the beginning, right?
01:59So every week, there is a Twitter space that Shabooty, if you're in the 98fiance meme world,
02:09you've probably seen something that he posted.
02:11His name is Shabooty.
02:12I don't know his real name, which is weird because we've known each other for many, many
02:17And he does a Twitter space, which is kind of like what I do here.
02:20It's like a live audio podcast on Twitter that we do every Friday and it's his entity.
02:28I am a guest on his, I'm a co-host, but I'm a guest every week on that.
02:33It has nothing to do with my show.
02:35I don't post any of his content on my website or anything like that.
02:38It's not cross, what's the word?
02:44It's not cross promoted, but it's definitely something that I like doing.
02:49I think it's fun.
02:51And so we were discussing all of the 90 day fiance stuff going on.
02:56We were discussing Scott, there's some stuff with Danielle and Angela, some drama with
03:03We were discussing that and Scott came up and Riley was on the Twitter space.
03:09We've had quite a few 90 day fiance people on the Twitter space like Sadler, Liz is a
03:15We've had Soulja Boy, Kimberly, my bestie has been on.
03:21We've had Cara, Cara from Cara and Guillermo, lots of people stopped by.
03:26So we're not necessarily enemies of the cast.
03:31I feel like a lot of the cast feel that they can come on and they can be themselves.
03:35So we were able to discuss things openly and freely.
03:42So hold on, Cara's here.
03:43I'm going to let Cara in real quick.
03:46All right, so I'm letting Cara in now.
03:51There she is.
03:57How are you?
03:58Sorry, I'm late.
03:59It's okay.
04:00It's okay.
04:01We're glad you're here.
04:03So yeah, people wanted us to bring them up to date because I guess there's some people
04:06who don't, they know what happened, but they don't know how this came about.
04:11So I was talking about the Twitter space.
04:13So apparently there were people on the space who screen recorded and posted it to Reddit.
04:18And that's how Scott got involved.
04:20So once it got posted to Reddit, I received a text message yesterday from him and I posted
04:27that on my story, you know, and I received some voice notes and he's calling me out,
04:32swearing at me, calling me out on my name.
04:33And one thing he did, he said that I was a two-faced backstabbing piece of crap, or he
04:40used a different term.
04:42And it kind of triggered me a little bit because if anyone who knows me and has had any type
04:47of relationship with me, friendship, working relationship, associate relationship, business
04:51relationship, they know that I'm not a liar and I'm definitely not two-faced and I don't
04:56lie or say things behind people's back.
04:59Like if I have something to say, I'm going to say it and a lot of the cast members know
05:02from the show, I say what's on my mind, you know, I tell people how they feel, if you
05:06do something stupid, I'm going to call you out, you know, but I'm not a bully.
05:11I'm respectful of people, I understand that people are human.
05:14And you know, it really irritated me that he decided to put me on blast because he sent
05:22me the text, which I thought was fine, you know, if you have a problem with me, you can
05:26reach out to me personally, and maybe we can try to handle that issue personally.
05:32But he sent me the text and then blocked me so I couldn't reply.
05:36And then he goes and puts out a video or something on his story, and then blocked me so I can't
05:41see that as well.
05:42And it's like-
05:45They've been going all day.
05:47Oh, okay.
05:48So it's just an ongoing situation.
05:50And it's like, if you really saw me as a friend, because he kept saying, Oh, I thought you
05:54were my friend.
05:55I thought you were my friend.
05:57I thought you were my friend.
05:58I feel like you would want to resolve the issue.
06:00He made sure that I had absolutely no way to communicate with him.
06:03He blocked me in every possible way, and then goes on rants and rants and rants about me
06:09over and over back and forth, which is interesting to me because the friendship statement bothered
06:14me a bit because we were friends on Facebook.
06:18And this is gonna sound really immature, but we were friends on Facebook, and he deleted
06:22me off of Facebook.
06:23And then he posted on Instagram that he didn't want anyone that wasn't his actual friend
06:29to be on Facebook.
06:30So he deleted me from Facebook.
06:32So in my mind, that was him saying that we're not actually friends.
06:37That's how I took that because he posted on Instagram, he's like, if you're not my actual
06:42friend, if I don't see you as a real friend, if you're just a fan or whatever, I'm deleting
06:46you from my Facebook.
06:47That's a personal thing.
06:48So he deleted me from his Facebook.
06:49So I took that as we weren't friends.
06:52I mean, I don't know any other way to take that.
06:55So the fact that he was offended that I didn't defend him, it's really interesting because
07:01I was like, well, where is my obligation to defend someone who doesn't even consider me
07:06their friend?
07:07And don't even get me wrong, I didn't say anything derogatory or negative towards him.
07:11I'm pretty sure everyone has heard the audio from what I said.
07:16I said a lot of things, but none of them, none of which were in a bully or in a hurtful
07:21way, or expressed in a hurtful way.
07:23I did say, I'll say this, when he does call and did call, I did stop answering the phone.
07:31Because he only calls you when you need something.
07:35And he doesn't call to see how you're doing.
07:37He doesn't call to check on you.
07:39He does not call to see how your health is.
07:42So okay, so I'm gonna reveal a little something on here that I haven't told anyone and not
07:46even Cara and Dee Dee know this.
07:47So in January, I was in the hospital for quite a while, and that was a health scare.
07:51And then I had another really bad health scare in April.
07:55Some tests came back, and some really abnormal stuff came back on the tests.
07:59And we have been running tests from April, May, June.
08:04I just found out in June, that it wasn't a terminal illness.
08:09We were under the impression that the illness was terminal.
08:12And we were just trying to figure out what stage it was in.
08:15So I actually went to the doctor in July, a couple weeks ago, and found out that it's
08:22not cancer at all.
08:24That's what we were pretty sure it was, bladder cancer.
08:28And so it just really hit me when Riley was like, you don't really care about anybody
08:32but yourself.
08:33Because during the time that I was helping him, I think I said this on the Twitter space,
08:37when I pulled some strings to ask to have him considered to be on House of Villains,
08:44I did that from a hospital bed.
08:46I did it for free.
08:47I didn't charge him anything, because he didn't have any money.
08:50And I do charge people for things like that, but he didn't have any money.
08:54I considered back then that he was a decent person, and he was a friend.
08:58And now that I'm looking back, that statement that Riley made in his video, he was like,
09:02you don't ask how anybody is doing, you don't care how anyone is going.
09:05There was a point in my life for a few months where I didn't know how much longer I thought
09:09I had to live.
09:11I was going through that, and I'm pretty sure the day that I got that news, we did a podcast
09:16that day.
09:17I really tried to put on a brave face, and pretend that everything was good.
09:22And now that I have the information that it's not a terminal illness, and it's actually
09:26something that's treatable and curable.
09:28So I just want to put that out there.
09:30I'm on a treatment plan now, and I'm on meds, and it's going to be fixed.
09:34And I'm very happy.
09:36Thank you.
09:38Thank you.
09:39Sorry I didn't get you around, George, so you can get us out of jail whenever you want.
09:44Well now I'm worried if you run into Scott, that's exactly what we're gonna have to do.
09:49Because apparently, he said on one of the videos-
09:51I'm gonna run into him, because you know I'm right down the road from you guys.
09:54I will jump in my car, I will go to Florida, and I dare him.
09:59I dare him.
10:00I double dare him.
10:01Triple, quadruple dare him.
10:02I dare him.
10:03I'm calling his ass out.
10:05He wants to come after me.
10:06Come on, you dumbass motherfucker.
10:08Come on.
10:10I just, I do want to say, I appreciate the support that I got.
10:15I got so many messages from people, and you know, people that I never even interacted
10:20with were saying, I don't know a lot about you, but I know if you have an issue with
10:24Scott, Scott's the issue.
10:26You know, and then I had a lot of supporters who were like, I've been listening to you
10:30for years, and he can describe you in any way he wants, but I'm not going to believe
10:35that I know you better than that.
10:37And I just really appreciate that, because at first, you know, it bothered me, because
10:41I was like, well, I don't want people to think that I'm that type of person.
10:44But after like the 10th message of people saying, no one ever thought that, it made
10:49me feel a little bit better knowing that whatever he said, nobody was going to buy that as I'm
10:54a lying, backstabbing piece of shit.
10:55Like nobody was going to buy that.
10:56And I think that anyone who knows me in any capacity, right, like, I have information.
11:03I could destroy lives.
11:05Like I have information, people give me information all the time, I could destroy shows, I could
11:08ruin NDAs, I could get people canceled.
11:11But these are my friends, and I'm not doing any of that.
11:13And I think a lot of people need to realize that I have integrity, you know, and I was
11:18raised with integrity.
11:20And I was raised that my word means something and I want to be trusted.
11:24You know, I want people to come to me because they feel comfortable and they trust me and
11:28I would never, like I know things about Scott that I haven't said, and I'm still not going
11:32to even though I don't care for him at this moment.
11:35I have text messages, I have mountains and mountains of messages and all types of things
11:39about him that I could just tell everyone, but I'm never going to do that.
11:42Because that's not how I was raised.
11:43It's not who I am.
11:44It's not the reputation that I wish to have.
11:48And to be really honest, I want to make sure that I bring up the topic of mental health
11:54in this.
11:55Oh, yeah, Kim, I did receive a phone call from my bestie Kim who was like, I just need
12:00you to say I told you so because, okay, I want to pull this up too.
12:05When I started interacting with Scott regularly, because he's been on my podcast more than
12:0910 times, you guys know, you were there.
12:12People reached out to me, phone calls, texts, even in person, and they were just like, please,
12:17please, please don't associate with this person.
12:21And my biggest downfall, I don't know what it is, is I try to see the good in people.
12:27I don't like to write people off.
12:30I want to feel that there's good in people, even when they show me that there isn't.
12:35And Kim called me yesterday, and she was like, I don't have a lot of time, but I just need
12:38you to tell me that I was right.
12:40And you're right.
12:41You're right.
12:42Bestie, you are 100% right.
12:43And, you know, a lot of people told me like, don't associate with this person.
12:46He's bad for you.
12:47He's bad for your brand.
12:48He's just a bad person.
12:50And I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt.
12:53You guys know, I was close friends with Josh Seder for a while, and I'm learning this lesson
12:58the hard way.
12:59And I think that this will be the last time that I put my trust in anybody that I know
13:06it shouldn't be there.
13:09Just like when I told you to say no to Kyle Gordy, there's a reason.
13:12But with that being said, I had Scott's back.
13:16I had Scott's back in the beginning.
13:19I befriended him.
13:21I talked to him.
13:22We've had lots and lots and lots of conversations.
13:25I'm still friends with him on Facebook.
13:27Probably not after this because he's got to know what a piece of shit I think he is now.
13:33This guy, I mean, he's been unhinged for a very long while.
13:37But him threatening you, him coming after you, I don't give a shit if he lives in Naples,
13:42Florida, or in his travel trailer in the Walmart parking lot like he usually does.
13:47But this guy talking shit on you saying that you're going to need to know these moves when
13:52we meet face to face, shut the hell up.
13:55If he's got beef with you, he can man up, he can go to you, he can have an adult conversation.
14:01But he said it himself, a scripted reality show, he said in one of the recordings, that
14:07you podcast on a scripted reality show.
14:10So when he's holding all this high and mighty, I beat up Pedro, that was obviously scripted.
14:17That was obviously scripted.
14:19So he didn't beat up anybody.
14:21He's a pansy ass bitch.
14:23And I'm going to be blocked here any minute.
14:25I'm waiting on the countdown.
14:28But that's fine.
14:29He'll just make videos about it because he's a child.
14:32This guy is, he's so unhinged.
14:34I don't, you can talk about mental health all you want.
14:37You can, whatever.
14:39But he was normal 18 months ago, according to him.
14:45You cannot tell me that he just developed mental health issues 18 months ago.
14:51That's not how it is.
14:54It's, see, when he reached out to me the very first time, it was like two weeks before his
14:59Love in Paradise season aired, which is, it's ironic because he reached out to me first,
15:04I didn't know who he was.
15:05And he reached out to me first and he was telling me about how he was going to be on
15:08the show, how he would like to come on the podcast, he reached out to me.
15:12So it's really interesting that, and even back then, I felt like he was very ambitious.
15:19But I think Riley, he called that out.
15:22He was like, there's a difference between ambitious and just ignorant, right?
15:25Like there's a difference between the two.
15:27And at first I was like, oh, he's just really ambitious.
15:29He wants to maximize this opportunity, you know, that he's going to be on TV.
15:34But as I look back, I realized that he was already doing media rounds before the show
15:41So I'm now seeing, you know, that's a little more than ambitious.
15:45You know, that's a little bit more.
15:47And I think what really, it hurts to know that his situation has gotten to this point
15:53because I know on Reddit, his family, his children, his close family have turned their
15:58backs on him.
15:59And it's sad because I can't imagine choosing fame over the people that, hey, Hannah, that
16:06you love.
16:07Hold on.
16:08He's not famous.
16:09So let's take that off the table.
16:12This jackass-
16:13He's nowhere near famous.
16:14This jackass is not famous.
16:17He talks about 90 Day Fiancé all the time.
16:19This isn't even 90 Day Fiancé.
16:21This is the Dollar Tree version of the Dollar General version of 90 Day Fiancé.
16:27Like this guy made it, somehow made it on the coattails of someone else on another spinoff
16:34of a show.
16:36So he's not famous.
16:38The only thing he's famous for is being on Instagram and making a complete ass out of
16:43himself 24-7.
16:44That's it.
16:45He's not-
16:46That's true.
16:47And it's really interesting.
16:50Not only that, not only that, y'all, he is also famous for lying, cheating, telling people
16:57he's homeless, telling people all these damn sob stories, going and asking for free fucking
17:03money because he's too lazy to get up his lazy ass and go to fucking work.
17:08Excuse my language, but I'm down pissed.
17:11I have never liked this low life piece of scum.
17:13I've never liked him.
17:14And I told y'all there was something about him I did not like about him.
17:18And this is what it is.
17:19And now this motherfucker done went after the wrong person, after the wrong people because
17:24I would like that motherfucker to try to call me out.
17:26I would drive my ass down there.
17:28I dare him to get in my fucking face.
17:31Come on, motherfucker.
17:32Come on.
17:33I dare you.
17:34I agree completely.
17:35I fucking dare you.
17:37This guy, he's such a pile of shit.
17:41He has nothing.
17:42Like, like you said, his whole family has turned to turn their back on him.
17:45Rightfully so.
17:46Can you imagine that being your relative out there on social media portraying themself
17:53like that?
17:54If anybody I personally knew was acting like that, you bet your ass I'd turn my back.
17:58I've never seen that person before in my life.
18:00Fuck that.
18:01Fuck that.
18:02Fuck him coming after you and saying you're going to catch these hands and all that shit.
18:07Him going after Riley, Riley's the most amazing, docile human.
18:13Like how can you even, I just, I fuck, I hate him.
18:18I hate him.
18:19It's what he needs to do is go get his fucking balls back from Lydia because he gave his
18:23balls to Lydia.
18:26Well, did you notice that in one of the videos he said he wanted to fight Riley, but he wanted
18:31to do it like publicly.
18:35He was like, let's, and it's always, it always ropes back.
18:38Riley would destroy that guy.
18:41Riley would fuck his world up.
18:43Plain and simple.
18:44All my money's on Riley.
18:47Riley said it.
18:48He was like, stop playing with me.
18:51He made it very clear because he was like, you're playing with me and it's fine.
18:54You know, playing in the playground is fine, but we're men and I will come down to Florida.
19:00You know, he was like, don't play with me.
19:02He's like, this is all fun and games on the internet until somebody shows up.
19:07And I just feel like he's really unhinged.
19:09And again, I definitely want to bring up mental health in this because I really do believe
19:13that, you know, his actions and decisions are probably in some way or shape or form
19:20a call out for help.
19:21I do feel like he, he's given up everything he, but in my opinion, he had a decent normal
19:28life before the show and he's traded it off for, I don't know what he has now.
19:33Like, I'm not even sure what it is.
19:35He can't even hold a job.
19:38He calls it a traveling respiratory therapist, but on the same token, he travels to one place
19:45and gets fired.
19:46Then he travels to the next and gets fired.
19:48So that's not a traveling respiratory therapist.
19:50That's not honorable work.
19:53I am not coming back.
19:54I have so much admiration for anybody in the medical field, anybody.
20:00I have so much admiration for them.
20:02Good job on what you do.
20:03Thank you for what you do.
20:05But don't say you do something because you did it once and you don't do it now.
20:11That doesn't make you the same person.
20:13And you keep trying to use that because that's the only kudos you could get.
20:20I don't disagree.
20:22I don't want to come on and bash, but at this point, I feel like he went on social media
20:28and he bashed you, George.
20:30He called you out.
20:31He called you a backstabbing SOB is what he called you.
20:36And so you give it right back to him because he's the one.
20:41He is the one that is the backstabbing son of a bitch.
20:44He is.
20:45He is the one that's come on social media since he's come on 90 Day Fiance World.
20:52He is the one that's always come on, begging people for money, making up all these lies.
20:57People try to be friends with him and then he turns around and then he makes it all about
21:01him that everybody's turned their back on him.
21:04When I know for a fact, George, that you've tried to help.
21:07You've tried to be friends with him.
21:08A lot of people on 90 Day Fiance has tried to be friends with him.
21:11I ain't never liked him and I told y'all I didn't like him and I never will like him
21:15because I can feed off people's energy.
21:17I know exactly when you a low life and when you're not.
21:20And he is one low life.
21:23I said it.
21:24I agree.
21:25I agree.
21:26Like I said, I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt.
21:31Dee Dee told me what a fucking idiot I am.
21:33I knew it.
21:34I knew it in my soul, but I tried to give this guy the benefit of the doubt.
21:40Dee Dee, you said all the way from the beginning that you didn't care for him.
21:44I remember because the first time we ever had him on the podcast, you were like, I'm
21:48going to be quiet because I don't like this person.
21:53I do remember that because the first interview we ever gave him, you were very quiet.
21:58You just didn't want to because you didn't want to say anything, you know, to stir the
22:05And I remember that.
22:06And it's funny because so many people told me they were like all the people and I got
22:09the same reaction.
22:10You know, when I became friends with Josh Cedar, I got phone calls, I got texts, I got
22:14face to face.
22:15I got people all the time walking up to me like, hey, stay away from this person.
22:19They're just not good for you.
22:21And anything that you have going on, they're going to be a negative impact on what you
22:25have on.
22:26And that's the same thing that I got when I tried.
22:30Like you said, I tried.
22:31So many people have tried to befriend this person and I think Riley, it burned him because
22:36he really did try to help him.
22:38And I think that's why it burned me too.
22:40I really had decent intentions with trying to help him.
22:45I called around, I got contact information, I got his name on a list of the people to
22:52interview for House of Villains.
22:55When they originally said no right away, I kept calling, I kept asking, I was persistent
23:01for free.
23:02I didn't get anything from it.
23:03I just thought, he asked me, I'm going to try to do this for him.
23:06And I did this from a hospital bed.
23:07I was sick at the time, right?
23:10And I just, I try to be a decent human being.
23:12So it strikes a nerve with me when someone says something so vile about me, when I'm
23:19not anywhere near that, what they're trying to tell people that I am, it really bothers
23:25me because I feel like I live my life a certain way.
23:28And there's so many things that I could have done or said, but I want to be a more respectful
23:35person with integrity and a moral compass.
23:38And I think that this really irritated me because yesterday, you know, I was out.
23:43You know what, I was out.
23:44I was at Universal.
23:45It was too loud because I was gonna go live then and I was out.
23:47But yesterday, I don't know, I probably would have got banned from Instagram if I would
23:51have went live yesterday and said how I felt because I was just really, really pissed off.
23:56So I needed a day, you know, just to process everything because I was just like, I'm trying
24:02to figure out what I did to you.
24:06You know, because if anybody listened to the audio, right, I don't feel like I said
24:09anything offensive about him in that audio.
24:13And I don't feel like Riley said anything offensive about him in that audio.
24:17And I think, you know, for somebody who tries so hard to be a famous figure, a TV star,
24:23you need to understand that part of that lifestyle is people having an opinion about you.
24:28But also, you have to be on a real TV show.
24:32Well, that helps too.
24:34That does.
24:36And you also have to not make videos of you writing the name of the network that gave
24:41you a shot.
24:42And then you using that piece of paper to wipe your ass.
24:46Like, that's like going to interview for a company.
24:50And the company looks online and there's videos of you urinating on the company's side.
24:55Which is why he's lost every single job he's traveled to.
25:00Which makes him a traveling respiratory therapist.
25:03Because he goes, yeah, I'm this great guy, I have all this experience, he shows up, and
25:09then they see this shit and they can't his ass.
25:11That just because you traveled from one place to the next, doesn't make you a traveling
25:17It makes you an idiot.
25:18It's what he does too, is he applies for these jobs, he gets on the bonus because they they
25:24give you what a sun on bonus or something, he gets that money.
25:28And then he just he don't even show up for work.
25:31That's what that's what kind of person that right there is what kind of person he is.
25:35He lies, steals and cheats.
25:38And he is just a disgusting low life piece of scum is what he is.
25:44So in my defense, I would like to say in the beginning, when I befriended him, and I defended
25:50him, I was defending, everybody was coming after his looks.
25:54He looks like the Grinch, he looks like a Whoville, Whoville character, all that stuff.
25:59I felt bad for him.
26:01I truly felt bad for him.
26:03I don't know why.
26:04But I did.
26:05There's, I make fun of people.
26:08I'm not gonna lie.
26:09I make fun of people all the time.
26:11And I know I'm not perfect.
26:13But I make fun of people all the time when they're over inflated.
26:16And they're anyway, I do.
26:19And I'm not sorry for that.
26:22Because I'm not because I'm an ass.
26:24But I felt sorry for him.
26:27Because there was that was literally who he is.
26:29He was born that way.
26:30And there was nothing he could do to fix it.
26:32Will I stop making fun of Big Ed?
26:35Absolutely not.
26:36But Scott, I had to defend because I felt like that was the only thing people were going
26:42after him for.
26:44Then everything else started unfolding.
26:47And then I was just like, okay, I I'm seeing more and seeing more and seeing more.
26:52But after this latest show, I just I can't with this guy.
26:56I cannot with this guy.
26:57Well, one more thing that was overshadowed.
27:00So yesterday, one of the interviews that he did was reposted where he said that he felt
27:05the 90 Day Fiance community had turned into a freak show, because they are now featuring
27:11LGBTQ trans cast members.
27:16Now it's interesting because I never noticed this interview, I never saw it.
27:19But it came out the same day, you know, yesterday as all this other craziness started.
27:24And that really triggered me a lot as well, because I was very happy to see when the franchise
27:30started to, I remember when Kenny and Armando were introduced, and they were going to be
27:35on the show, I felt like it was, it's very fair to represent all types, shades, forms
27:39of love.
27:40And I felt like 90 Day Fiance was last to leave the station with that.
27:47So the fact that he wants to call people a circus, or whatever he wants, whatever degrading
27:55terms that he wants to call people because of them being gay or lesbian or trans.
28:00It's just vile.
28:01He said, it's a vile.
28:03He said there was too much gayness on the show now, and I almost fell out of my chair.
28:08That is so vile.
28:10Who is he to determine what types of love is acceptable to air on television for people
28:16to see?
28:17Like at this point, when I saw that, that also triggered me a lot because you know,
28:22I have close friends that are in the LGBTQ community, and it bothers me a lot to hear
28:28unwarranted, unneeded hate for absolutely no reason.
28:34If you want to, if Scott wants to be straight, and he doesn't want to associate with the
28:36LGBT community, don't, but you have no right to say where they should or shouldn't be featured
28:42when they're in love.
28:44It pissed me off.
28:45And it just really showed me because you know, every time we heard from a woman that he's
28:49been in a relationship with, it always ended bad.
28:51Yeah, she had anything positive to say, don't get me wrong, nobody.
28:56Wait, when did he pretend to be bisexual?
28:59Someone in the comments said he pretended to be bisexual.
29:01When was this?
29:02Okay, anyway, yeah, I don't remember that.
29:05But I think what really irritated me the most was, you know, he seems to be very toxic in
29:12We saw the stuff with Lydia, I don't know how much of it was real.
29:15We saw the stuff with Liz, we saw the stuff with Sandra.
29:19And none of these women have anything positive to say about their interaction with him.
29:24And that also scares me because you know, with him being a public figure, you know,
29:29he's more accessible to women, you know, women might be in search of someone who has a little
29:35And you know, are these women safe?
29:37You know, are they gonna be?
29:39No, because all these other women, there's several copies of restraining orders out there
29:43on him.
29:44Like, there's actual restraining orders against him.
29:48So there's a lot of women that haven't felt safe around him, not just what we've seen
29:52on TV.
29:54But I just wanted to come on because I just wanted to address this.
30:00I'm not gonna really address it much after this.
30:03But I just wanted to say because I guess he has the right to say whatever he wants to
30:09He lives in a nicer area than me.
30:11And I guess I'm a loser because I do a podcast on scripted reality.
30:16But then he also said he's starting his own podcast tonight.
30:19You're a loser who does a podcast that owns your house, that is doing very well, and is
30:26hugely loved by so many people that-
30:30And you ain't had to buy none of your followers.
30:35You didn't have to buy any.
30:36I didn't.
30:38I'm against that, actually.
30:39I'm against it.
30:40Everybody loves you.
30:42Well, thank you.
30:43The only reason people follow him is because they can't believe what they're actually seeing.
30:49Like, is this person real?
30:52Or is it a bought, Cara?
30:54He does buy them.
30:56That is true.
30:57He bought so many, so, so many.
31:01We all know that.
31:02That was made very public.
31:04So he's got like 140,000 followers.
31:07He bought probably 100,000 of those.
31:09Yeah, because there's people who've been on multiple seasons of Love and Paradise who
31:14have 40 or 50,000.
31:18It's very strange to believe that he would bring that many followers.
31:23But again, I just wanted to come on here and address this because I felt like I have the
31:28right to speak out too.
31:30Like when you take my name and you drag it through the mud with lies, I also can speak
31:34out as well.
31:35Like, Riley had his chance, you know, he posted his video and, you know, I didn't want to
31:40sound as, you know, aggressive.
31:44But I definitely wanted to say, look, those things that he said about me are not true.
31:48And again, I want to also say, I really do want the best for him in care.
31:54Like if he was to get the help that he needed, I don't, even when I have an enemy, I don't
31:59wish anything bad on that person, right?
32:01Like if he was to get help and he was able to turn his life around, and he wanted to
32:05apologize to me in the future, I would be open to that.
32:09But like, until he gets the help that he needs, which I believe that he does, and again, for
32:14one more thing, when you say that someone needs help or therapy, that's not an insult.
32:18That comes from a place of love.
32:19And I think a lot of people know I was raised in a religious cult, and I was in therapy
32:24and I am in therapy to this day, you know, overcoming the damage, emotional damage that
32:31I went through in life.
32:32So when I say I want him to get help, that comes from a place of love.
32:35I want him to get better.
32:36I want him to rebuild the relationships that he tarnished.
32:40I want him to have a relationship with his family and his kids.
32:42I don't want anything bad to happen to him.
32:44I just want to put that out there.
32:45The only way he's going to get the help that he truly needs is to get the hell off social
32:52Plain and simple.
32:53He needs to stop reading Reddit.
32:55He needs to stop looking at his DMs.
32:57He needs to stop posting his everyday life.
32:59Nobody gives a shit that he, you know, eats seven pounds of protein a day and, you know,
33:05lifts a few weights.
33:06Big deal.
33:07Nobody gives a shit.
33:08But he's got to make it so much more than it is for the attention.
33:13He needs to step away from the negative attention that he's getting, because he's not going
33:17to be getting positive attention at all.
33:20At all.
33:22And if he doesn't step away, he's never going to get better.
33:27I agree.
33:28All right, so we're going to come back tonight and we're going to do our regularly scheduled
33:33after show.
33:34But I just wanted to come on and clear the air a little bit.
33:37And I want to thank Cara and Didi for being here to support me.
33:40First of all, thank you for everybody who supported me through this, because this was,
33:44you know, when I first saw what was being said, it crossed my mind, like, what if people
33:48think that I'm a liar?
33:50And then I got so much support and messages and texts and phone calls, and they were like,
33:55you know, you're that one person where if somebody was to call me and say that you
33:58did something horrible, I'd laugh, because I know you well enough to know who you are
34:03as a person.
34:04And I just want to thank everybody for that.
34:06It made me feel a lot better knowing that somebody can be out there saying terrible
34:10lies about you.
34:11And I'm glad that my character, it shows enough that people can see through the bullshit.
34:18And I just really appreciate that.
34:20Love to you.
34:21Love to Shabuti.
34:22Love to Riley.
34:25I love you guys so much.
34:27You know, we, every once in a while we get these, these bad people in here.
34:32It doesn't happen often.
34:33And often when it does happen, they're usually not on any show.
34:38It's usually just a troll.
34:39This one was a different level.
34:41And I can't even tell you all day at work.
34:44I was so fuming pissed.
34:46My boss probably thinks I'm sick because I made 700 trips to the bathroom today to check
34:50my Instagram, but that's okay.
34:52That's okay.
34:53Because I'm not going to deal with this shit.
34:56If he wants to come after you, he's coming after all of us and there will be hell to
35:02And I'm right down the road, George is all you got to do is call me.
35:06You know, I ain't scared to jump in my car.
35:08I will jump in my car.
35:09You don't have to wait for me to get a flight.
35:10I'll go to the airport and pick you up, Carl.
35:11We'll go whoop his ass together.
35:17I don't, I don't want to choose violence.
35:21You know, I don't want to, but me and Carl will choose it for you.
35:28Violence chose me.
35:29Me and Carl are always ready to throw hands, George, especially when, when it comes to
35:39You are our best friend.
35:40I mean, you, you've been there for me and Carl, like in our down times, like, you know
35:45what I'm saying?
35:46I mean, you, you've been a, an amazing friend.
35:48You're an amazing person.
35:49So why wouldn't we want to come on here and have your back?
35:53Why wouldn't we?
35:54You know what I'm saying?
35:56Like anybody that I can speak for myself and Carl, I think I can speak for you too.
36:02Anybody that's got our back, anybody that's got our back, anybody that comes in the comments
36:06as our friends on social media, they come after you guys, me and Carl got you.
36:11Y'all know we're about to throw hands.
36:13Just let us know.
36:14We ready.
36:15That's what we need.
36:16And then George has got his credit card ready because he knows he's probably paying us some
36:21money to get us out of jail.
36:23When y'all come hang out, I have to bring the black card because I just don't know what
36:30y'all are going to get into.
36:31I just don't know.
36:33I don't, I don't need the limits, the limitations.
36:35I have to make sure that y'all can get home that night.
36:40All right, guys.
36:41So we're going to wrap up.
36:42Thank you guys so much for joining.
36:43We're going to be back tonight for the after show for the finale of Happily Ever After.
36:48And then we're getting into the four part tell-all.
36:50Oh, five.
36:51Oh, is there another?
36:52Oh, shoot.
36:54Five part tell-all where they're going to be in the house for the two days before then
36:59the tell-all itself.
37:01So I'm excited about that.
37:02But we're going to wrap up the season tonight and then we'll be back next week with the
37:07Again, thank you for all the support and love.
37:09I appreciate you guys.
37:10And thank you to Cara and Didi for always being my dream team, my support system.
37:14You are greatly, greatly appreciated.
37:15And we're going to talk to all of you guys later on tonight for the Joris Mossie show
37:18after show for Happily Ever After.
37:20Everyone have a wonderful night.
37:21And I think the show is about to start anyway.
37:22So we got to get in there and watch this show anyway.
37:24Everybody have a good night and we'll talk to you soon.
