The George Mossey Show: The Other Way: AfterShow S6EP7 #90dayfiance #thegeorgemosseyshow #news

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The new season of 90 day fiance: the other way after S6EP7/forbidden Love EP4 podcast! Join George Mossey & Kara for the #90dayfiancetheotherway #podcast
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00:05Guys hi welcome George mossy show
00:10We're gonna talk the other way
00:12Episode 7 I had to check twice to make sure it was really that many episodes in
00:17So we're gonna talk the other way on some forbidden love chat tonight
00:21Hello everyone
00:23Didi will be here. Cara is not feeling well, so she won't be here tonight, unfortunately
00:30Um, but didi will be here. So we're gonna get into the
00:34other way and forbidden love
00:37Saga tonight. I was kind of shocked though. I realized that we were seven episodes in
00:43I've been good. Thank you. Workout mama maniac or workout maniac. That's what I need to do is work out. Actually, I'm doing good
00:51I was surprised that we were seven episodes into the other way because
00:55we just met Sean and Joanna tonight, which is weird because
00:59we're seven episodes into the season and
01:03So long time it's a long time. Oh, look who decided to join us Didi has arrived
01:14Hi geek in the kitchen hi Nikki hi
01:21Ginger hi Myra. Hi. Dinky to girl. I love these these usernames. By the way, I love these
01:27I'm having issues with my phone. I don't know
01:31Yeah, I'm like, where are you? Where are you? Where have you been? I don't know where you are
01:35I'll threaten you and then I'm like, I
01:39Was like, oh didi will be here in a second, right?
01:45we watched
01:47Well, I want to start with the other way though
01:49If you don't mind, I don't want to get into forbidden love just yet
01:51so we're in episode 7 of the other way and we finally met Sean and Joanne and
01:58Their story is really interesting for me like this one, you know, we got stabbed or we got Dempsey
02:04we got Inky and Corona, but this one is interesting because
02:08they're already married and
02:11She has two kids and her kids don't know that she's married and she wants to move to
02:18Ireland and she has a six-year-old
02:21So I want to get into that because I have so many questions about everything and she's Italian
02:26You know Italians are very very family oriented, you know
02:31Like you don't make decisions without your family when you're you're born Italian, you know, you're very family oriented
02:37So her mom she's gonna tell her mom on the next episode that she's been married for two years
02:43So I was gonna ask you I know you're not Italian, right? You're not Italian
02:47But if you were to get married
02:49Would you not is it an option for you to not tell your family your kids or anybody in your family until you're ready?
02:56Or or do you think that your family would need to be the person to approve that?
03:01Or do you feel like you could do whatever you want? Like I just want to get your input on that
03:06Do whatever I want, but you don't
03:10If I feel like my family needs to know I'll tell them and if I feel like that it's none of their business then
03:15I won't say anything. Okay, so you don't feel like you need your family's blessing to make no
03:21Okay, don't be my family's lesson for nothing
03:25Interesting, but I have to we have to put into context that you don't have a six-year-old
03:31Because she has a six-year-old son and you know her 18 year old 18 is not grown right like 18
03:38They still need their their parents, especially at that age of all ages
03:42But you know the idea that she would leave her sons to go and move to
03:48to Ireland, it's just
03:51Now I don't want to do that. No
03:53Well, that's why I don't want to judge anybody because I know everyone's situation is different and there's there's factors
03:59We know and then there's factors we don't
04:02But it just seems really ironic that she married somebody two years prior
04:07so that means what her son was for her youngest was four at the time and
04:12then she's
04:14considering moving so far away and she said that she
04:18Would spend a month in Ireland and then two weeks in the US, which I don't know
04:25I'm not like a world traveler, but how expensive would it be to travel back and forth that frequently?
04:31I'm pretty sure a flight to Ireland isn't like 55 bucks, right?
04:34I'm pretty sure it's like thousands of dollars because I think about a week to get here
04:39And then what you're gonna do sleep a couple of nights then go back
04:42Yeah, the whole story is just and also her oldest son. He was like, what would you do?
04:48She has the oldest son. He's 18 years old named Joey. He's like, what would you do or
04:52Hypothetically speaking if I don't like him, we don't get along. He's like, would you choose?
04:57You know him over me what I have to deal with the fact that this is the person you chose and she
05:01Replied no, I wouldn't put you in that
05:04Predicament, but hasn't she already but actually she already has
05:08She's already chosen them she's already chosen that man over her children
05:13Well, see I didn't want to say it but you're right her her
05:18Marrying him and not telling anyone especially her children because even her son said in the in the confessional
05:24He was like I would like to believe that me and my brother are the two most important people in her life
05:29He said that and I was like, I don't know if you really are bro, because she didn't
05:34She didn't bring you into that like when I when I was raised my mom was single a single mom and
05:41She did date a little not like crazy
05:45But like she did but she also like brought the person around, you know, and we got to meet the person
05:52They usually were a part of the same like religion and stuff that we were so it wasn't like she was dating like just anyone
05:58But she was pretty open about it. Like we were able to meet the person
06:03See them at church go out to do things
06:06I want to say sometimes a guy took like the whole family on a trip like we would all do things together
06:12So it's just interesting to me that she has like it's almost like a secret life
06:17Right, like it's like the secret that she's like this. She's a bigger lie
06:23Well, yeah to be married for two years
06:26It's like you're living a double life because you have two kids in a family a mom, you know an Italian family
06:32You know, I know on Sundays you're always together right? Like you always have family dinners
06:38You I know a lot of Italian people and the idea of doing this
06:42it would cause a complete uproar in their family right like it would cause a complete uproar like everybody would see you as a
06:50Traitor, you know like cuz family is so important when it comes to an Italian family. So it's just wild to me that
06:58She married somebody two years ago never told anyone kept it a secret and then she's secretly planning behind her family's back
07:05To move to another country without giving anybody advance warning, especially her kids
07:10I feel like of anything
07:12I know that her mom is gonna feel entitled to that information, but her kids should have been entitled to that information first, right?
07:18Like well
07:19Well see like even when they get over there
07:23What what is she supposed to tell her children if they don't like you know, what what is it?
07:29What is she supposed to say? Well too late. We're already married. You're you ain't got a choice but locking whoa after she
07:36After she told them that if she didn't like if they didn't like him, you know, she would always put them first
07:43well, no, she didn't put them first whenever she married the man two years ago and
07:51She's saying well you I hope you like them, but if they don't like them, she's pretty much gonna say well tough beans
07:59You know, he's your stepdad
08:03Putting your children first, that's not putting your children first
08:06it's not and I know that see I learned when I was a teenager that I
08:13Was not the decision maker of my mother's happiness because I remember when she would date I was like the
08:20Anti a stepdad kid like I didn't want any man around but you know DD
08:25I was the biggest mama's what you would ever find in life, right?
08:28Like so I was like seeing these men as like direct competition from my mom
08:34So I I totally get that but I also learned, you know as a teenager like yeah
08:39She's my mom, but she's also a woman and she is entitled to be happy outside of me
08:45But I just love that. My mom made me a part of it
08:49You know, like I I was able to she didn't just go and get married and say look we're married
08:54He's moving in get your stuff out of the closet, you know
08:57Like it wasn't that type of situation and I kind of feel like that's kind of how she did it
09:01She was just like yeah, I love y'all
09:03You're my kids, but I want to be happy and I'm gonna do what I want to do
09:06It's like you don't have to let people make decisions for you
09:08But you can also put them in in the decision process and it makes them feel like they're their voice is is being heard
09:17Because I feel like it would really hurt me if my mom went and got married behind my back and told me after the fact
09:22I feel like I wasn't being heard. I wasn't a part of her life, you know
09:26And with the younger your kids are the more they need to feel like they're a part of everything and I feel I feel for
09:32The six-year-old, you know, cuz the 18 year old he's he's grown not really but I feel like if anybody's gonna be okay
09:38He might be okay the six-year-old losing his mom to go to another country. He's not gonna be okay
09:44That is such a detrimental on part of his development having your parents around it. He's already dealing with
09:50Divorced parents that's enough stress on a child
09:54That's that's actually too much stress on a child to start with so adding anything else
09:58Like putting a parent in Ireland half of the time. It's just really gonna be detrimental to his his childhood
10:05Well this relationship don't even not only this relationship but other relationships in the 90-day, you know fiance world
10:14why would you do that if you have children that are still in school and
10:20you have
10:2250-50 custody
10:24wait and
10:26You're on spot with your ex-spouse
10:29Why would you go to another country and get married and then want to?
10:37Move over there like it doesn't it doesn't make no sense
10:41It does I mean, well, she said that she would never
10:46Try to take the children with her and she's like, well, I would never want them to you know
10:50To take the kids away from their dad, but I was like, well, what about you?
10:54You know, you're taking yourself out of the equation, you know, and it's like this is just crazy
10:58Oh and also she's a psychic medium and I feel like we've been getting a lot of psychic mediums and clairvoyance
11:05In the 90-day universe in the ironic word. She said something really
11:09She said something really funny. Hey bestie
11:13She was like I didn't realize that I was doing a reading for Sean and that we were going to end up together
11:19I was like ain't you a psychic shouldn't you have realized that like I'm so confused when psychics say stuff like that when they're like
11:25Oh, I couldn't you know
11:27I didn't really see this coming and I was like isn't the definition of your job to see when she said
11:33She was a when he was a medium and eggs that
11:38Extraordinary, whatever that word is they use. I was like, oh lord, not another freaking Ashley
11:43I mean, come on and Kimberly the other Kimberly. Yeah
11:49We're getting a lot of them on the show and you know, I'm open to that
11:53You know, I did a whole podcast series with a clairvoyant psychic and it was interesting
11:57I'd like to see things from that perspective. But also I
12:01question sometimes when people
12:04self proclaim
12:06to be that because I was like some people are psychic and clairvoyant and then I think some people like
12:11Ashley they like the idea of it and then they just decide that they're a witch or they're
12:17Clairvoyant or they're psychic or they're a medium you can't really decide you ought to be born with it or not
12:21You know you either you you got the gift or you don't and when she said that she was trying to read
12:27Do a reading on Sean and she couldn't figure out, you know his energy and I was like, I'm not really me a
12:34Psychic right like I feel like cuz she was like, oh, well, we just ended up talking all the time and it surprised me
12:39I was like, well, it shouldn't have nothing should surprise you as a psychic
12:42Everything should like whatever's gonna happen tomorrow. You should be talking about it today, right?
12:46And that's the whole point of being a psychic. It should not have actually surprised you you should have figured it all out. I
12:52Mean if you say you a psychic, I mean
12:55You're supposed to know is your kids gonna be okay with it. Is your ex spouse gonna be okay with it?
13:00Is everything gonna turn out? Okay, like I mean you should already know these answers
13:06Right, right like psychics don't have to go through situations the way we do because they know the outcome before they start
13:13So she should have known marrying him without telling anybody wasn't gonna blow. Well, she shouldn't have done it
13:19I feel like they should have got engaged
13:22And then worked on the relationship and then she should have been because also she didn't include her sons in her wedding
13:27Like I don't know
13:29If like if my mom was to get married and I was a kid and she didn't include me
13:33I would feel really like a certain type of way
13:35Right, like I would feel like you didn't even invite me like I wasn't even by like I'm not important
13:40Let me my kids would not let me hear the end of it, right
13:46Don't ask it like you had a whole wedding and I wasn't there not only what I wasn't there
13:51You didn't tell me you didn't give me the option of going
13:53You didn't even like include me as though I don't even exist
13:57Like I would have to hide like if I did something like that. My mom would come for me
14:02She would literally I would have to hi I would have to leave the country
14:05I would be they she'd have a manhunt to smack me across the face for doing something like that
14:10She was she didn't raise me like that
14:12So I already know if I did something like that's up to anybody in my family. I would be a wanted man
14:17They will be like, oh wait till I wait till I see you. I'm a smack you
14:21Then your face gonna be slapped on a milk jug, right?
14:25They're gonna have me on the news. Have you seen him $500 reward? We need to smack them up
14:31Bring him to be alive so we can smack him. That's exactly how she would do me
14:35But I like I like the the drama. I'm good with the drama. Oh, we didn't get on
14:41Josh and Lily, so we didn't get on Josh who's in China with Lily and they're in the elevator house, but we did get Corona and
14:49Inky on this episode and I want to talk to you about this term
14:54Partnering so basically Corona has been soft
14:58Partnering her
15:00it's gonna say fiance, but
15:03her boyfriend
15:04Inky and she hasn't really been giving him full information on things in their relationship
15:10She wants to soft partner him, which I guess the best way to describe it is she's withholding information and omitting information
15:18So they don't fight. So it seems like they have a more
15:22Smooth relationship that they have because apparently she told him tonight that if she didn't pass this nursing exam
15:29She was actually gonna have to leave and this was the very first morning that they arrived
15:33She did pass it, but she wants to go to I believe pin is Penn State, right?
15:39Which is a program that she got accepted in to become a midwife
15:44And actually I learned recently that a midwife is basically a doctor
15:48This is a really really good job like a midwife is like on the level of a doctor and
15:54She's been accepted in a program. They only take 10 or 15 people out of 10 to 15,000 and
16:00She's been accepted and she is for some reason in Iceland and not
16:05accepting this this role at the school, which I
16:09Don't know. I don't know how to explain it
16:14She basically
16:16threw away her life dream because she said the only goal she ever really had in life was to be a midwife and
16:22She went over to Iceland to be with him in it. I don't know if he's like, what's the word?
16:29like not
16:32Personable like do you get the feeling that he's not really excited about her or do you think he's just not a
16:38Personable person like I'm never getting the enthusiasm out of him when he's on on screen
16:44Like he looks like he would be good if she was there or if she was not or is it just me?
16:51Yeah, yeah, that's the that's what I'm getting like he's like, um, I'm like I'm blend person like okay, whatever
17:00Like he's good either way like if she would have came cool if she didn't cool
17:06Like I feel like he's good either way and I feel like he didn't really have to do much to get her there
17:11He didn't have to put a ring on her finger. He didn't have to convince her of anything
17:14She kind of threw away everything and came to him and maybe that's why he acts that way because he find he kind of feels
17:21Like she's obsessed with him
17:23You know how you meet people and you see a relationship and you can tell that one person is way more into the other person
17:30Yeah, it's not
17:32I feel like she's way into him and he's he could go either way like he thinks she's okay
17:39She's fun to hang with but if she was to get back on a plane and never come back
17:43I don't think they were that yeah
17:46After like it's either way like he's having a good time. He didn't have to do anything extra to get her there
17:51She's there. She gave up her dreams for it
17:53He's still living his normal everyday life and nothing is really gonna change if she stays or goes and
17:59There's a story floating around on Instagram, so if y'all want to know what's going on with them now
18:04I'm not gonna talk about it yet because I don't I don't want to talk about the outcome of anything first
18:09But if y'all want to know what's going on with Inky and Corona in the future
18:12There's a story floating around that a lot of the bloggers have posted that gives you well, it tells you everything
18:19It gives you an idea of how their relationship turned out and and what what went down with them
18:24So we're kind of we're gonna stay away from that right now because we're only on episode 7
18:29I think there's like 24 episodes. So there's no reason to ruin anything yet, right?
18:35Just 24 only 24
18:42Like Christmas I feel like we're gonna be watching this and oh my
18:46God, thanks. Give it you know, it's fine
18:50I mean, I like the I like the one-hour episodes, but I do feel like right when it starts to get good
18:56It just ends and it leaves me hanging but it's fun
19:01So I want to talk about these banana chips because we watched
19:05James and Tata's parents do a banana chip lesson
19:09I thought I knew what banana chips were because I've had them at the store before it's like the crunchy chips
19:14This is not the same thing that we eat over here because they were putting cheese on it
19:20And I was really confused with what it was. So this has to be like an
19:25Indonesian dish
19:27it's not like the same type of banana chips that we buy like at the store because I was watching them make it and I
19:33Was like this isn't what I thought it was
19:35But what really shocked me was they made like four packages and then the dad was like this would be four
19:42Dollars and that was crazy because they were there was a pretty complicated complex
19:50To put these banana chips together. They like put them on the thing. They put cheese on them
19:55They baked them they bagged like it was a pretty drawn-out process
19:58So imagine doing all that work in the retail or the profit is four bucks. So that was pretty
20:05Pretty eye-opening, you know, because he's pretty successful his house kind of looks like the Indonesian White House
20:12So he's doing really well. So the idea of how many banana chips they're packing out a day
20:20It makes you wonder but they were really
20:23Accepting of Tata and James telling them that they were moving here and they even said that they were gonna help them
20:31With their debt because apparently they owe
20:33$15,000 on a car that doesn't work and
20:36Her parents were like, oh, well, we're gonna help you settle this debt. Just don't ever take out another loan and
20:42things kind of disconnected because James wanted her to
20:46Not just translate in this conversation. He wanted her to
20:52Contribute to the conversation and then they kind of there was a really big disconnect
20:56Because she felt like they were burdening her parents her birth her parents kept saying that they weren't they were like, you know
21:02You're our kids. We're gonna we're gonna deal with whatever issues you have
21:05We took on that responsibility and then James was like, well, I want you to tell them, you know
21:10I don't want it to just be a conversation between me and your parents and then things kind of took a weird turn
21:16Right, like Tata started like crying crying like funeral crying
21:20And then the dad was like you need to kiss your mom's feet and things just kind of
21:27Weird like what?
21:29Okay, why did he why did she have to ask her mom for forgiveness?
21:34And then why don't you have to kiss her mom's feet like what?
21:39That threw me off. I didn't understand what was going on because the mom kept saying you're not a burden
21:45I'm not upset and then he was like, well ask your mom for forgiveness. I was like, but she just said she wasn't upset
21:52I didn't understand
21:53What was going on and the kissing of the feet? I was like, maybe he having a getting into an argument with
22:01Her husband in front of them. Oh
22:04Yeah, that could be yeah, they were arguing in front of them. You know, no, they don't know they are you and if they're speaking English
22:10Maybe like tone and body language
22:14I've noticed that when I don't speak a language of someone I can tell if they're like having a friendly
22:22Conversation or not based on my tone and body language because I've noticed that but I don't know
22:26I have no idea why she needed to apologize why she need to kiss her her mom's feet and James was just as confused as
22:32Everybody else because he was like, well
22:34I'm not sure what happened. He was like, I thought we were going into this conversation together
22:39And I do think that he was right. I don't think they were ready to have this conversation
22:44I think that they weren't on the same page. They didn't really
22:48Have a plan, you know when you want to break some news to someone like hey, we're moving to your country
22:53We have no money. We want to live in your house. We also want in on your business
22:57You know, that's a lot to drop on someone all at once the day after you arrive, you know
23:02So I think that they were pushing their luck and then after that fight
23:07We saw in the preview that Tata is now like gonna sleep at her parents house and leave James at the hotel the hotel that they
23:14Got specifically to be intimate in because they didn't want to do it in her parents house. So things are looking kind of rough
23:21Already for them. They just got there and you know, I told you right before he left
23:25I was like, I don't see him making it very long in
23:28Indonesia, you know, I think that he's gonna get over there
23:32He's gonna realize that the way to make money and the opportunities of how much money you can make are just gonna be too low
23:38Their expenses alone for one month
23:41In the US is $700 every month for a car. No, that doesn't work
23:46So I have a question if you have a debt for a car you owe $15,000 on a car the car doesn't work
23:52Would you keep paying on the car?
23:54Which or would you like let the car we've already had this conversation. No
24:00Because even even if the car is broken you can still like sell it to like a jump yard, right?
24:05Yeah, it's something I mean and then they still have like a car. No, it's not even paid off and it doesn't work
24:15You know, there's all these apps now there's an app called Toro
24:19Where you can like rent your car to people so they could if the car worked
24:24Because I was thinking this for Statler because remember Statler didn't want to sell her her car
24:28And I was like she could put that car on Toro and if she has somebody to manage the account
24:33she could you know people can rent the car on the app and then they pay you directly and
24:38Then they pick it up and drop it off or whatever in there
24:42You just need someone to manage it
24:43Clean it put gas in it for the next person that car can actually make you money while you're in the other country
24:49And I think that hey, Kobe. Hey
24:52Riley, I think that would be smart for them in that situation, but it doesn't work
24:56So it does them no good and I was like, I don't tell people to make bad financial decisions, but don't pay
25:04$15,000 for a car that doesn't work, right? Like I think that's just
25:08Common-sense one-on-one. You got it. You got a bite that loss and you know
25:15Move forward, you know
25:16Like if you if you have a loan and the parents the parents are like you should never take out a loan and I think that
25:23And that's really good advice
25:25But in the real world, you know, if you want a car the MSRP on a car can be 30 to 40 grand
25:32Everybody just doesn't have that alone. Sometimes. It's just a necessary evil when it comes to you know, the
25:38economy and
25:40With inflation and everything alone is just something that you can't really wait Riley says DD co-signed for my next vehicle
25:49Not a chance Riley not a chance
25:53Do not start
25:55DD has actually told us that she wouldn't co-sign for her own husband like she like there is no
26:05Right, so I agree with you though
26:07Like I know you and trust you but like co-signing for me
26:11That's just such a personal thing right like I've co-signed for people in the past and I got burned
26:19So it's just so personal for me. I just I just don't want to do it
26:24I would rather buy the car in my name and then let them use it and then they pay me directly
26:31That way if they stop paying me I could just go get the car
26:35Right, like if it's in their name, then I'm screwed, right?
26:39I would I would be one somebody else's car. That's what they like. That's what they want. You don't like it. You didn't want it
26:46I know I know like that's just the only way that I don't even make sense George
26:51The only way you would get a co-sign out of it. I'm just saying that's the only way you're gonna get a co-sign
26:55I mean, it's like it's impossible for you to get a co-sign out of me
26:58I wouldn't get a place in someone's name
27:02Like I'm not doing any of that like I've learned my lesson early in life that
27:07Money and wait, I'd only co-sign for George and Jamal and Riley. Oh Kim. Thank you. I'm on the list
27:14I made the list. I feel so good. And you know, I'm good for it. I'm good for it
27:18Can I pay all my bills but even being like even with my best friends?
27:23We we don't do like to finance stuff like we don't like that
27:27I feel like friendships are always gonna get
27:30Sideline when it comes to finances, I just don't like it. You know, it's just I don't like to mix money and friendship
27:36You know, I feel like that's all the awesome business thing. But okay, so we're gonna move on and talk about
27:42Stadler wait a little wait before we move on. There was one thing about
27:47Inky and Corona that I forgot there was like a bun day
27:51So I was really confused. I thought they were talking about like hamburger buns
27:55So apparently a but it's like a national holiday your parents. Thank you for eat and then they sir
28:02Yeah, and then they take you to a bakery to get like the bun is actually like a stuffed donut
28:08They actually looked really good, right? It looked like a filled donut. It looked really good. It was a really strange
28:15Holiday they even had like a special little paddle to spank people in like he had the paddle and it was just
28:21It's really fun to learn about these different traditions in different country
28:25Can you imagine if we did that in America?
28:27You just were sleeping and somebody comes in your room and starts spanking you with a paddle
28:30Then they want to take you to buy a donut
28:32This is the crazy is it like that just sounds like the start of a movie that I probably wouldn't want to watch
28:38It's just weird
28:40Sounds like a fistfight to me
28:43If you smack me
28:45Especially when I'm sleeping. We're probably gonna have an altercation like for real
28:49I don't I don't even I know I got spanked as a kid like when I was younger not older
28:54So like I don't even think I would like that
28:56Like I don't even think I like that like honestly, I know some people are into that I don't think I'm into that
29:00I don't think I'm into that
29:06Let's talk about this van
29:10Saw the van and she was a little relieved. So I want to get your reaction to the van
29:16We saw the inside of the van. It has a shower
29:18Remember we had this conversation about the shower because I was like, how do you take a shower?
29:22I take like three showers a day. I live in Florida
29:24So like if you go outside for more than two minutes, you're drenched in sweats. You have shots
29:29I was like, how does that work? The van has a shower?
29:32Whatever. What were your?
29:34Thoughts on this. Could you DD live in this van for more than 24 hours?
29:43It's a no
29:45No, no, but still it was nice. It was converted nicely
29:51It had like a little sitting area it had like a little kitchen I was thoroughly surprised
29:58Based on the fact that it's a van. I thought it was really nice because we're trying to get to my kids and
30:06We're trying to talk me into getting something like that because you know, I do a lot of traveling out to California and other places
30:14You know, I take my car and I get sleepy
30:17I pull over in a rest area or a truck stop and I go to sleep in the back of my car
30:22I mean, that's just how that's how I am
30:25They want me to do something. I mean, I'll get a hotel but I'm talking like if if I'm like really exhausted
30:32I'll just pull over and just go to sleep. You know what I'm saying? It doesn't matter to me. So
30:37There is no way possible. They've been trying to get me to get one. No, I can't no
30:47Probably wouldn't be able to sleep in it
30:49Like I remember when I was younger my I went on school trips like we went like to Virginia
30:56Florida Chicago and we took like those chartered buses. I couldn't sleep on them. Like I was comfortable. I was fine
31:03I just couldn't actually fall asleep and it was really hard for me
31:06So I don't think that I would be able to sleep in a van
31:09But I mean for like a long drive road trip type situation. I might be okay
31:15Right, you know, I don't like long drives so I would have to be in some way
31:20George Priya, you were having a meltdown from from Orlando to Tampa. You were having a meltdown
31:30Driving from my house where I live all the way to Los Angeles, California. Oh, no, there's no chance. I wouldn't do that
31:39No, that's that's not of the question. I mean like a couple of hours. I could probably deal with it like like yeah, Riley
31:47I can't stand driving. Yeah, Riley says he can't sit. I don't like driving, but I also don't like being a passenger
31:51I'm love Robin. I love it. See it's not
31:56Fine flying is like if cars could fly I would just fly my car in there. I don't like the idea of
32:03Red lights and traffic and how long things take like from here to like
32:09The good part of Orlando it takes like forever, you know, like that's that's like, you know
32:14When we were in the car driving to Tampa, I was like, oh my god, this is so far. What are we gonna do?
32:21It was a lot for me, so the baby it was not that far
32:27My god
32:29It was far it took us like two hours, you know, that was a skip and a half like I could do a rock
32:35I mean, that's that's how fast we got
32:38alone to like
32:41Arkansas in two hours like that was crazy like we were all we were still in the same state DD
32:46That was wild. Like why were we still there? Okay, so the the van situation
32:51We we kind of know what's gonna go on because Statler went online and spilled everything
32:56but I was just looking at
32:59When she arrived how she actually reacted to the situation
33:03Do you feel like a lot of people are saying that Stanler is the type of person?
33:08That will commit to something that she doesn't want to do and then complain about it. Do you feel like that's true?
33:14Is that an acumen? Is that an accurate?
33:17Representation of what she did like we know that she doesn't want to do it
33:20We know that she's not happy
33:22But she committed to it and then she's gonna try to make herself the victim in the end
33:26Do you feel like that's kind of what she's doing?
33:30Sort of kind of yeah, but remember we've already had this conversation
33:33Remember when her in DMC whenever she flew over there for to see Dempsey
33:39She's the one that wanted to move in with Dempsey the day she got there. Yeah
33:45okay, so for
33:47Dempsey to agree to all of this. She had to agree to do the van life
33:54Right because they were gonna live in that little
33:57tiny home. Yeah funny because
34:01She acted like that was gonna be a problem. Do you remember she was like, oh
34:05I don't want to live in this little tiny home in the middle of nowhere and I have to use the bathroom in the woods
34:09Now she's living in a tiny little van, you know
34:12And she was actually pissed off at how small and I guess the little tiny home didn't have heat
34:18Isn't that what she said? It didn't have it
34:21Yeah, so now she's committed to something else step below
34:26What she would have been doing and again DD how long is sustainable for van life?
34:32You can't do this for the rest of your life
34:34I've never heard of anybody that moved into a van or an RV for the rest of their life
34:38This is a temporary situation right like I don't know anyone who sold their house and moved into a car or a van
34:44That's not a real thing
34:47Well, I'm not someone who sold their house and they travel in the RV all the time
34:52but I mean
34:55They're retired. They owe their older. You know what I'm saying? But somebody like
35:00Dempsey and
35:03Statler or someone like me or you or someone our age. We wouldn't be able to do it
35:07There's no way possible the older generation like the retired people like loves to travel
35:13Yeah, maybe but the younger generation. No
35:17Then I mean no
35:19Cuz you're you're gonna find into like a little 10-foot area. There's no way possible. Yeah, you wouldn't
35:26Know they're not gonna work for me. I remember back when I was younger. I'd spent time on tour buses
35:33Like tour buses that people used to go on tour and I was claustrophobic with those
35:39And I don't know if you've been inside a tour bus. They're pretty nice and they're spacious but like for me
35:45For a long period of time. I couldn't deal with like
35:50Not being in the motion of it also made me like sick. You know, it was just too much
35:55But for some people, you know, there's a lot of artists that they live on tour buses almost their whole life
36:01You know, like I've seen people who've toured out of ten years seven eight nine of those years and they're they're totally fine
36:08I just I can't see that for me and it's just weird cuz Dempsey and Statler like you said, they're young
36:14so to think that you're gonna want to live in a van for the rest of your life and this is this is what you
36:19Want to do because what if they want to travel to another continent and travel that continent?
36:25You have to put the van on a boat
36:27Cuz that was another thing because they were like we want to travel the world but I was like the world is separated by water
36:31Most places there's a large body of water that you would need to cross
36:36So how exactly would you travel the world with a van, you know, like I feel like it's very um
36:42It holds you it holds you to one continent, right?
36:46expensive if they want to do that because I have to put it like on a ferry and then they would have to buy a
36:50Plane ticket the flyover to wherever it is
36:53Unless it's one of those fairies that they can ride over with the vehicle you add that up. I mean, it's gonna be expensive
37:01Especially depending on where they want to go
37:05Expensive and it's been Sadler the only one working here. Yes, and then she's been $20,000 debt with her job
37:14She's the only one still working Dempsey. I know that she sold her tiny home and her car
37:19So I'm assuming that even though she's not working
37:21I think she probably has money to contribute in some way
37:25but dims are
37:26Sadler's the only one that actually was able to keep her job and I think she had to because she took out a loan against
37:31The salary of the job
37:33So I don't think it's an actual option to quit when you owe your job money
37:38Right, like so I don't think that they'll let you leave when you owe them money
37:42I don't actually I don't know a lot of jobs that will give you a loan. I didn't know that jobs were also banks
37:47So good for her for having that decent job that actually gave her a loan because if I asked for a loan
37:53They would tell me that we're not a bank, you know
37:56Like that's not what we do if you want if you want money you go to the panel
38:01Problem. Hey, like cool you need money cool. So
38:05Doesn't involve us but cool, you know, you should head to a bank and figure that out, you know
38:10But she she managed to get her job to give her
38:13Thousands of dollars so now I don't think it's even an option even if she decided to go over there and want to do band
38:18Like full-time she's not allowed
38:21To quit her job because she owes the job money and you know
38:24I feel like she's stuck in many many ways and I feel like all of this is
38:29Because she committed to something that she really didn't want to do and you know
38:35I think it's important that people stand behind their decisions and I think it that okay. I take leave until next time
38:42Aggravate you later DD. Oh, I guess
38:45Riley's done aggravating you tonight
38:49Bye Riley, I'll see you next time
38:52well, I'm interested in more on the Statler and
38:57Gypsy saga, even though we know where it's going. But okay, so I want to talk more though about this
39:05Forbidden love episode so I want to talk about
39:09This Ashley and Muhammad thing because we were talking about them last week and
39:14He actually Ashley's sister and Muhammad had a conversation at this zoo
39:19I kind of like a petting sanctuary and he said something really interesting to me. He was like I
39:26Need to teach her a lesson
39:28Because he called her sister ignorant and disrespectful and she wouldn't own up because he's like well
39:34She doesn't like me and you know in my culture women have to respect men and I'm thinking like
39:40She's not your culture though, you know, like what is it?
39:43What did it become a requirement for her sister to get along with him?
39:47you know, like I have plenty of family members they married someone and none of us like the person and
39:54We don't care
39:55you know like it's not a
39:56requirement for us to like the spouse or person that you chose and we don't have to respect their culture if we don't want to
40:02Because we didn't marry them, you know, like you do because you married them and you accepted them for who they were
40:08We didn't they just happened to marry into our family
40:11And I think that the way that his approach towards anyone that's a non-muslim is very aggressive
40:19You know, he's just like oh well
40:20you need to understand my culture and you need to know what this means to me and each he tells her how to dress and
40:26I'll be and who he should talk to and if he actually mentioned that he didn't want
40:31Actually to talk to her sister anymore and I was like, well that would have to be her decision
40:36You know, like if she wants to cut off her family, she would have to decide to cut off her family
40:42You know, you don't get to decide that but I guess in that culture the man gets to make those decisions. I just think that
40:48when you're
40:50Marrying into the Muslim religion and you're not a Muslim
40:53Especially if you're a woman you really need to do your homework
40:57Because their religion the rules and regulations of that religion it really only affects the women
41:03You know, like the men are able to to do as they please dress as they please
41:09They don't really have a lot of rules to follow and it seems like it becomes the man's
41:14responsibility to
41:17Micromanage the women of their religion and hold them accountable
41:21Which is also really scary too because I feel like the women are always under fire for anything that they do wrong
41:26they're always being watched like under a microscope and that's that I can't imagine what that's like and we saw it also with um,
41:34What's her name?
41:36Eli and
41:39Lori and she's in trying to become an Orthodox Jew, which is like a step up from being Jewish
41:46you know, these are like the
41:48Old-school Jews, so they have like a lot of different rules and regulations, too. And I
41:55Know that religion is important, you know, and you know, I was raised in the church and stuff and I understand that
42:01but I also feel like there should be a line between religion and real life if that makes sense, like I feel like
42:09You shouldn't have to sacrifice who you are
42:13To be a part of a religion, especially one that you didn't choose
42:17Right, like so for instance, um Eli bought Lori a Star of David necklace, which is the basically the
42:26Representation of being a Jew, you know being Jewish that is like their cross
42:30Right like that that is their symbol that you are proud of your religion. She didn't wear it because she hasn't fully
42:38Converted because she was like, well, I don't really feel like I should wear it. I'm not really actually Jewish
42:43How do you feel about that? Do you feel like she should have worn it?
42:46Do you feel like that was a correct statement? Do you think that because he was a little offended that she didn't wear it
42:51So do you think that she should have wore it?
42:54No, if she wasn't comfortable wearing it then no
42:58That's her opinion. That's how she feels if she does not feel comfortable wearing it then she shouldn't work
43:06hands down
43:07And if he got a if he got upset about it, well, no, well, that's his problem
43:11See my issue with Eli like I don't want to get personal but he said that in his story he left his religion for
43:2115 years and he drank he tried drugs
43:24He got tattoos he you know rebelled for quite a while
43:28Then he went back into the religion and now I feel like he's holding Lori more
43:33Accountable for being an Orthodox Jew than he held himself
43:37And I think that bothers me because I was like, well you want her to cover up like they live in LA
43:43It's really hot and he wants her to to wear hoodies and and pants and skirts and all this
43:49so she's hiding everything to go to the gym and it's like
43:53You're holding her more accountable to your religion than you hold yourself, you know
43:58And I feel like you're responsible for yourself and yourself only so if she is not
44:04Wearing the right attire then that's between her and the higher power, right? Like I feel like there shouldn't be
44:10Accountability from him or from your husband. I feel like it works that way in the Muslim religion, too
44:15Like there's always accountability from your husband or another person
44:19It should just be between you and whoever you're worshiping, right?
44:22Like I feel like everybody shouldn't be able to judge you in your religion
44:25I mean I get that I get there's all kind of different religions
44:30Everybody has their own religion
44:32But if you're gonna be with somebody no matter what culture they are if you're gonna be with somebody
44:39That's not as the same culture or same religion as you y'all gotta have a medium ground
44:45Don't say well if you want to be with me, you got to do this. You got to do that
44:49You got to act this way. You got to talk this way. You got a dress this way. No
44:54You know what? I'm saying like
44:57Like the like the the Pentecostal
45:01Guy and his girlfriend
45:03Okay. Well, why who is his dad just tell to tell a high pronounced name Lynn Linda Linda
45:13That she's not gonna get in the heaven because she's Muslim
45:17Who is he and I
45:21Grew up in a costume. Okay, my my dad was a Pentecostal preacher. Okay
45:28they don't dress Pentecostal a
45:32Pentecostal wife and husband is always dressed to the teeth. The wife can not by no
45:39You have to wear long dresses or skirts long sleeves
45:44The turtlenecks, oh, I mean you can't the only thing they want to be showing is your face your hair cannot be short
45:50You cannot be wearing jewelry. I mean none of that. Those are they are not true
45:57Pentecostals true Pentecostals live exactly to the teeth. So how is he going to go and and judge?
46:05Her when they're not living to the teeth of a Pentecostal the same as Eli
46:11How is Eli going to judge on his girlfriend because she's not this hot like
46:19Becoming a Jew. I mean come on and the the other the other dude
46:24I forget their name, but I mean like why it doesn't make no sense. It does not make no sense. I
46:32didn't like how
46:36His dad was like, oh well the only thing that can save you from hell is God, you know
46:41And because he knows in certain religions, they don't believe in God specifically or they don't believe in Jesus specifically
46:48I just felt like he was
46:49He was sectioning her off and attacking her personally
46:53Yeah, like that was unfair because I believe that we should respect everyone's beliefs
47:00Even if we don't like it or believe it, you know
47:03What people believe is what they believe and we are not supposed to discredit or or tell someone that what they believe is wrong
47:10We can have an opinion
47:12But I don't feel like because I felt like he was like literally telling her in the church
47:17She was gonna go to hell, you know, and I experienced a lot of that growing up in my religion
47:22They were like if you do this, you're going to hell if you do this, you're gonna do it
47:25It was always what we couldn't do and where we were going and I was like
47:29I feel like that's that's a little too harsh when you're trying to win someone over
47:33No, that's that's one thing too. That's why a lot of that's
47:40How do I call them?
47:44Never you're going to whenever you're going especially not to a Pentecostal church
47:48I like going to Pentecostal churches because I have fun there. You know what I'm saying?
47:52I mean, they're fun churches
47:54The only thing that I have against them is they want to pressure you into
48:00like you got to make a choice right now like right and see that
48:06They're not supposed to do that they are not supposed to do that
48:10See that is exactly how it was when I was growing up
48:13It was that how many people that they could get like at the end of every sermon
48:17They were like if you want to give your life to Christ right now come up, you know
48:20And they would do like immediate baptisms like and it was like I never understood it as a child
48:26Like why specifically they were always pressuring people like if you were visiting the church
48:31They would literally come to you and try to pressure you the first day you came
48:36To try to get you to get baptized and then as I got older
48:39I realized that like specifically the church that I grew up in once you get baptized you have to
48:46Show your paycheck stubs
48:48To the like Treasury Department of the church and then you have to give them a certain amount of money
48:55No a church here in my hometown. That is just like that
49:00You can if you are a new member you have to show them your check stub
49:05You have to give them 10% of your check stub
49:11If you don't have a job and if they get and they help you get a job
49:16You have to give them up to 30% of your check weekly
49:26That's when I realized that I was in a cult is
49:30When I got my first job, I was like 16 years old and I was a member of the church
49:36I was forced to be baptized when I was a baby and
49:39The my mom was like, oh you have to take your check
49:42To the church and I was like why I would take my check to the bank and that was when I first realized
49:50I'm in a cult. I didn't realize it, you know, cuz I was a child
49:54But then I realized and I was like, well how much and then I was like, well how much she's like
49:59Oh, yeah to give 10% of this before taxes and this is like every dime you make, you know
50:03You need to tell them and I was like this doesn't seem right and then I realized why they were so gung-ho on
50:09Getting new members because that's more money more people that are donate out
50:14they say donating but more people that they were taking money from and
50:18That's when I realized like oh, no, I have to get out of this
50:22I was like, I don't want to be a part of this if this is definitely not what religion is supposed to be
50:27Right, and I feel like when they pressure you it has something to do with money
50:34And it's not that they are super super gung-ho on saving your soul like they try to make it seem
50:41More members equals more money and I hate that. I really do hate that because I do believe religion is such an amazing
50:48Therapeutic thing to have in your life, you know to believe in that to know that there's a higher power
50:53Someone you can pray to and talk to I think that's so important
50:56But I feel like a lot of religions they take that out of it and it's just all about money
51:01This day and time it's nothing it's about the money. That's all they care about is the money
51:07Yeah, you know, there's no more. I don't care what?
51:11What religion what culture that you are?
51:14these the priests the pack the pastors the
51:19Reverence whatever you want to call them. They're not in it for the they're not in it for the right reason
51:26They're only in it for the money these days
51:28Because how is it that the pastor the pastor Reverend preacher whatever you want to call him
51:37They live in in a mansion
51:40Driving brand new vehicles and the ones that are having to donate is barely making it from day to day
51:46I learned that too. I remember the pastor lived so far away from the church
51:52And then I realized I was too young to understand him, but I realized he lived in a good area
51:56We all lived another I
51:58Didn't realize it because I was too young to understand it because I was like well
52:02Why is the pastor's house so far away from everything and then I realized in his car was always nicer than everybody else is in
52:08The parking lot and I was as I got older I started to realize it was like well
52:12This man only works three hours a week, you know, he only preaches three hours a week
52:16I was like, so how is he doing? So well, and I was like we were giving him the money
52:21Like that's what I was like. Oh my god. This is a cult
52:24In one but now that I know I want to get out like I have to get out like I just need to run
52:30but these I mean these women and these men they go over and they get
52:36their partners from other countries and other
52:42They cannot force someone into their religion if they are serious about their religion if they actually live day to day
52:51By what their religion is no matter what religion it is. Then that person is gonna see
52:58Hey, that looks like and you know, that that looks like something I would be interested in let them want to
53:05Get into that religion by their self
53:08You don't force somebody to get into a religion just because they want to be with you
53:14All right, you can say hey, look I go to this church. I've been doing this my whole life
53:19Do you want to visit and see what it's all about? You you can present the information
53:23But you can't be like well if you want to be with me
53:27This is who you have to be an Orthodox who are you have to be Muslim?
53:30That's crazy, you know, and if you feel that way like I always say this about Muslim men
53:35I was like if you want a woman to conform to your religion just find a woman
53:40That's already a Muslim and you don't have like there's so little effort to put in she already knows and understands and respects
53:48What you expect of her like why do you go and find someone so far
53:51From what your religion is and then try to change them
53:55It would be so much easier, you know
53:56Like if you're shopping for clothes and you know
53:59The type of clothes you want you would go to the store branded of the clothes you want shop for a wife
54:04Within the Muslim community and you wouldn't have so much work, you know on the outside
54:08It's almost like they get off on on converting and doing the work
54:11Like it's almost like that's like a prize like they took a worldly person and they convert them
54:16And it's like you get like a gold medal, right?
54:18Like it's like they want to put in the work in my opinion. I would rather have take the easy way out
54:23I would want to find somebody who already is a part of it. Then we can just coexist together
54:28I don't have to teach them anything. I feel like that's so much work
54:32It is it is I mean you have to if you want someone like, you know
54:37Like like we just said if you want somebody to be in your religion you have to tell them about it
54:43You know say, you know, hey, I'm Christian or I'm Muslim or whatever have you you know, this is how I live
54:49This is my lifestyle if one day you are interested
54:53We can sit down and talk about it, but never force your religion on nobody
55:00Never that's the quickest way to get blocked
55:12Want to join because I want to join period, you know, cuz I was already forced in religion when I was born
55:17I was forced in so you're not gonna convince me. I would have to convince me
55:21I'm the only one who's gonna be able to convince me to do it. So don't even try that
55:25Alright, so we're gonna wrap. I think we only have like a couple more minutes left, right?
55:30I think we've been on for an hour. I think so. Yeah, we're gonna wrap up
55:34We're gonna come back and talk about the part four
55:38Oh, wow, we're on part four of the tell-all right because we just watched part
55:42Yeah, so after part four, so there's only two more parts left
55:45Then we're gonna come back next week Monday to talk about forbidden love in the other way
55:51On Friday, I'm gonna be doing a live with Kelly Mac from Milk Manor season 2 that will be fun
55:58So make sure you guys tune in for that. Um, I'm gonna post some promo for that also Cara
56:04Get better as soon as possible so we can have you back. She's under the weather tonight. That's why she wasn't here
56:09So everybody say a little prayer for car. Make sure she's doing better. So we want to have her back
56:13Immediately and also follow on DD. She's tagged in this video
56:17Follow me on all social media platforms at George Masi George Masi calm in reach your pocket second the George Masi show
56:22Thanks for joining us. Everyone. Everyone. Have a wonderful day and we'll talk to you all really soon. Bye
