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The new season of 90 day fiance: happily ever after S8EP21 tell all no limits P2 podcast! Join George Mossey Instagram.com/GeorgeMossey Twitter.com/GeorgeMossey
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00:04Is what's up? Hi everybody
00:07Sorry, I'm late it is
00:10It has nothing to do with the storm
00:12I was just late like usual, but we're gonna be talking about part two of this tell all my voice sounds like I'm getting sick
00:20I don't know what's going on with that, but we're gonna um, we're gonna check in and talk about this tell all and
00:28Break this stuff down. Hello, everyone
00:31DD and car should be here in a second actually cars already here. I don't know where DD's at
00:42Dreamless tonight it was not on any streaming service. So I hope I really hope everybody was able to even watch the show
00:50Because at this point hey
00:55How are you I'm okay, how are you I'm good I'm good this we didn't get any of the storm here
01:02So we're good to go
01:09It missed us, but it's like headed straight for DD
01:12So I'm sorry about that and she also has some issues watching the show tonight, too, which I don't know what's going on
01:20I don't know why they won't
01:21Stream it. I know that um
01:24Apparently they're under new ownership. So I guess they've been purchased. I don't know. Somebody was trying to explain it to me
01:31They're like there's they're not the same company. They were a year ago. So I
01:39Don't know I don't know what's going on with it, but for some reason they want you to watch the shows live
01:44It's like it's 1995 and they want everybody watching TV and it's like I don't understand
01:50The purchase they want you to purchase it now each one they want you to pay for it now
02:01I'm gonna be canceling my HBO max because there's there's no way
02:06That I'm gonna pay them any additional money to watch what they used to offer me for free
02:10I mean not for free. It was included in my in my subscription now, it's not but okay
02:15We're gonna get into part two part two was a little all over the place
02:18So, I don't know where y'all want to start. I don't know if you have notes
02:21I have my notes are kind of all over the place because literally it was in the house
02:25It was in the green room. It was in those on stage. There's just stuff from every angle
02:30So what do y'all want to jump into we can jump into anything? My notes are all over the place, too
02:38Let's talk about um that um our best which friend watches porn
02:51Wasn't surprised because she was the same person that was getting it on in a public bathroom. No
02:59Surprised I'm surprised that she said that she watched it more than manual and Gino. Yeah, that's what surprised me
03:08Why are you surprised by that I'm curious
03:13We all know Gino is obsessed with it
03:15And we all know it is obsessed with it and if she's this high career woman that has all this stuff going on
03:23How can she watch it more than they do?
03:26So wait, is there like a double standard where women are not supposed to be watching porn?
03:32Like is that like a thing?
03:33Like is it weird that women are watching it or is it weird that women are watching it more than men?
03:38It's weird that they have as much sex as they do and she watches it more than he does. That's yeah
03:46If you have time to watch it all the time
03:49In I don't know if this is accurate, but I use I believe that people watch porn in replacement of sex
03:56They're not having that's just my thought process
03:59So it would be weird if she says that they're having sex as much as they are
04:03That she would find the time to be watching it and she didn't say that they watched it together either
04:09Which is also kind of more than yeah
04:12Because I was like well as a couple maybe they watch it together and that you know
04:16It's a spicy avoid a spice things up get ideas. So you don't fall into you know
04:22The same thing or be bored, but she didn't say that she didn't say that they're watching it together
04:25She said that she rather watch women. Yeah, she is obsessed with women's boobs. She said it he did
04:34How do you?
04:35So, how do you explain that because that that's that's a whole nother thing in itself because we know Sophie is probably also obsessed with
04:42Women's boobs. We're gonna find out more about that next week when Kate takes the stage, but do you?
04:49Anything that's obsessed with her whether it's a man or a woman
04:52He likes in a heartbeat. Yep
04:55Or can bring her to the United States, right?
04:58Like that's very attractive in a living being I've noticed with Sophie to like
05:04See as funny because she said something on the arm at the
05:09Confessional room she's like I'm not looking forward to
05:12You know our time on the tell-all and I was like, oh, yeah
05:16Because that would mean you would have to take responsibility and answer to what you've done all season and one thing that we know
05:22Well, she blocked me on Instagram
05:24but one thing that we know is that she doesn't like to
05:27have to take any accountability for anything she did or explain anything to anything that she did and
05:32You know at the tell-all that's kind of the one inescapable place because on Instagram you can just block people
05:37You don't have to answer them
05:39But when you're they ask you a question on the tell-all
05:41It's pretty consummary that you have to give them an answer, right? Like you have to say something. You can't just ignore it
05:48I feel like this is gonna be where she has to try to make
05:51Make it make sense of what she's been doing for the last two and a half years because this isn't just one season of these
05:58People right like we've been watching them for two and a half years and she's made it pretty clear that
06:03She doesn't want to leave Rob, but she doesn't actually want to be with Rob
06:07Which is the most confusing thing that I've ever tried to unravel
06:13Because you don't want to be with someone but you also don't want to break up or divorce them
06:17Where does that leave you in America?
06:21Agree, right and someone right exactly it leaves you exactly where you want to be in a country where you're not allowed
06:27Right, then it leaves you exactly where you want to be and it's like I'm trying to understand
06:32How she's got to make it make sense because I was like, well, I'm wondering if she has like she wrote it down
06:37you know she has a story that she's gonna try to sell us or is she gonna just wing it because I was like
06:42Anybody with any type of common sense, which a lot of people that don't have it
06:48Especially at this tell-all but anybody you can't you can't tell me this story and make it make sense because none of it makes sense
06:53To me, it's crazy. Yeah
06:55Yeah, I agree. So on the topic I want to know why Gina's watching his ex
07:03Yeah, his ex Lindsey Ryder. So yeah, so apparently his ex is a porn star. So it's not like his ex
07:10Absolutely, beautiful. She's very beautiful. So for people who didn't know she's a very well-known porn star believe it or not
07:18And she has videos like these aren't homemade videos that he made with her or she sent to him. These are professional videos
07:25So, I don't know if people were following that because people were like, well, how does he have porn videos of his ex?
07:30This is her. Um
07:32Occupation she does on this type of videos for a living for money
07:37So it's not like he had like saved the videos on his phone
07:40But again, it doesn't really make it any better
07:44Because this is a realistic person that you could call or text or
07:49Apparently she lives in Michigan you could go see so it makes it a little worse because remember we're talking about this with Rob and
07:54Sophia a season ago where we were like, well doesn't matter if it's just random girls and they're like, well
07:59No, it's just a random girl that he can call text or actually have a relationship with because at first when you hear
08:07Oh, it's a porn star. You're like, oh well porn stars don't interact with people
08:09This is a person that he had a relationship with in some way shape or form
08:14Lindsay has one online and said that the relationship was no more than an arrangement like in her opinion
08:21It was an arrangement, you know how he met Jasmine on like a site for sugar babies
08:26It was kind of type of arrangement, but still, you know, I think that and okay
08:32So did you notice after the tell-all they went back to the house and Jasmine was like we should try to go on dates
08:39And we should try to work it out. And then Gina went in to kiss her and she gave the most
08:45Disgusted look as though someone was trying to assault her when he got close to her face
08:51And it just it was really weird to me for someone who claims that they want sex from this person so badly
08:58Her reaction gave me call 9-1-1. I don't want this person near me. Isn't that what you got to?
09:08150% sided with Gino on this. I totally get why I mean ish is Jasmine beautiful from afar
09:15Yeah, absolutely to look at and never hear
09:19She is gorgeous
09:20but two minutes in a room with her and she is a
09:23Ugly human being and the shit she says the way she belittles him and puts him down. It's awful
09:30It is just awful. So I get why he doesn't want to sleep with her. I get it
09:37Understand too because whenever you being like abused like that mentally you don't want to have
09:42Any kind of sexual contact with your partner at all Robin Sophie both kind of took
09:49Gino side on that they were like, well when somebody belittles you to that extent is actually Rob said it to Michael, too
09:56He was like if somebody was speaking to me and treating me the way that Angela treats you I would have to leave that situation
10:02There's no chance that I would have any type of relationship and it's the same way with Gino and even his family doesn't understand
10:09it it's like he's sick of being belittled and
10:13emasculated and
10:14Insulted but and then at the end of the night after the person does all of those things to you
10:19They want you to lay down with them
10:21like can you imagine like can you imagine because it's like
10:24How I can't fathom
10:26Someone who would say or do the things that she does him because I would have to be someone that hates me
10:31Right the way that she talks to him and about him only comes from a place of hate
10:35Yeah, the things that he says are below the belt. They're horrible. They're mean they're
10:41Despicable and then at the end of the night after she makes you feel that small
10:45She's like, so are we gonna have sex or not?
10:47You're like no
10:48but you're the last person on earth that I would want to be an intimate with the things that you say because in
10:54In the back of your mind, you're like, well if the person is attractive with that, that's so
11:00Irrelevant because when you think about
11:02Like when I think about a person that I absolutely hate or somebody that hates me or says horrible things to me
11:07The last thing on my mind is us being into them
11:09I hate that person and they've they've hurt me and they've done horrible things and said horrible things
11:14The last thing I ever want to do is to be intimate with that person
11:17I don't I don't even want to see them right? Like I don't want to see them. I don't want to interact with them
11:21I don't want them in my house. So the fact that they were like, oh we slept in the same room
11:26They're doomed
11:28They need to stop cut the bullshit and I know it's it's important that they have to keep
11:32Pretending that everything is gonna work out because there's a season of another show that and you know
11:37It has to make sense
11:38But it's I I don't believe that when they arrived at this tell all that they are together
11:44I don't believe that I also don't believe that Rob and Sophie are together. I believe and he says he's gonna say it next week
11:51He's like, I'm in a marriage where I've been friend-zoned and he's he nailed that he is in a marriage
11:57He's married to a woman that wants to be his friend
11:59That is literally the situation that he's in and he needs to divorce her and send her back to where she came from
12:05Yeah, that's exact hurt him out hurt him out
12:08they both need to go back to where they came from and
12:10they used him and they preyed on him and I feel like Rob was an easy target and
12:16He's now paying the price of being an easy target and I feel like they they saw him
12:21They were like, oh, he doesn't know what he's getting into
12:23He would be somebody that we could easily manipulate and that's exactly what happened. I
12:28Feel bad for Rob. I I truly feel bad for him. He is stuck between a rock and a hard place
12:33Well, yeah, I do Oh speaking of porn before we get too far off subject Liz revealed something crazy tonight and
12:42She they were discussing
12:45Her intimacy with Ed, which was a lot but she was like, oh
12:51of stepbrother and
12:55Storyline of porn and I was like, whoa, this is getting really weird
13:00Right, like and I don't and I think Ashley said it too. She's like, I don't judge anybody's kinks, but that's so weird
13:07That's a weird kink. That's not right. That's a weird kink because that's like related into wait stepbrother
13:13That's not related related, but it's close enough to being related to make it weird, right?
13:18It's weird because it's it's dabbling into that that area and I think that
13:25They're both spewing hate at each other at this point, you know, cuz they're their exes they hate each other
13:30They want to move forward, but I don't know
13:32I feel like Ed calling his sister and trying to get his sister to explain the situation
13:37It's all overkill and I don't really understand what he thinks he's gonna prove because every time he opens his mouth
13:43He proves to us that he's an ass
13:45So I was like you can call your sister your mom your cousin your aunt you could call Jesus Christ himself
13:51No matter what they tell us we see you
13:53Yeah, we've heard you and we've saw the way you treat women not just her women in general
13:59Like we're not gonna take your side
14:00You could literally call the Pope and the Pope could be your spokesperson
14:04And I'm still gonna side with Liz because I've seen you acting ass, right?
14:09Like it's not like I've not seen it and she's just making stuff up. I've seen it. I have proof
14:16About can we talk about how Liz was talking what they were over there talking with Ashley and
14:22She said that she had that when she had to be intimate with him. She had to get on top and that
14:29tired like
14:33I've got to watch my words cuz I got people in the house tonight, but
14:39Back to the Viana sausage, I'll just put it that way like how
14:44Well, she said there was there was a lot of difficulty with intimacy with him
14:48But that was one of the things she said and she said he would get tired
15:01Because I think Jasmine was like I need you to explain to me like anatomically how this works
15:06She's like I'm not even trying to be funny
15:08But she's like I just need you to like tell me step-by-step with diagrams
15:12Like how did this even work? Because I don't even understand it
15:18Right and not even watching the flower episode like
15:26After having a flower episode we needed it like out of my eyes just a little bit like how when where like why
15:34It was in the back of my mind that it had to be good in bed because I never could figure out why these
15:42There's no way. I there's no way
15:49How do you explain these women well, he made a comment tonight that he was like, oh well
15:54She wanted to take me for all my money. That's what she was in it for. I don't believe that bullshit either. She was
16:00She worked her way up from server to manager to co-owner of a restaurant
16:05Yeah, she doing just fine for herself, but she was in a shitty abusive relationship before it
16:11So Ed comes in talks nice loser says all the right things
16:15So she developed feelings for it that it has nothing to do with him being good in bed
16:20I guarantee the first time they slept together. She was like, oh shit. I got to figure out
16:26Well, I can't imagine sorry I keep having flashbacks of the flower
16:41I don't think that Liz ever went into this thing
16:44Like before they had sex like this was gonna be mind-blowing right? Like I don't think that that was ever an expectation
16:51You know, I'm assuming she went into it with zero
16:55Expectations, you know, cuz that's the best way to go into that type of situation. So if anything does happen, that is pleasant
17:08But rewind to the beginning where she met him on a on a Vespa none
17:18With it, excuse me, it's super smoky here so I can't breathe
17:25On a Vespa with a dog in a backpack in his almost tiny home. I mean, what what was his house like 500 square feet?
17:34So she was
17:36She wasn't after his motorcycle. She wasn't after his little dog like
17:41There was nothing there
17:42so it had to be all words all words that he was saying that sucked her in because I
17:49guarantee nobody ever
17:51Prior to knowing that he's been on 5,000 seasons of 90 day
17:58Nobody looks at it and goes god that guy's gotta have so much money. Well, no, oh
18:04He said something too. I don't remember who he was talking to in the house might have been Patrick
18:09but he was like foreign girls are much more appreciative or
18:14Something on lies. He's like they appreciate you more than American girls
18:18And I was like, so you're basically saying you pray on girls from poverty from poverty parts of the world
18:24That depend on you and you you buy their affection
18:29You basically promised them something that they couldn't have on their own
18:32and so you're basically admitting that you pray on people that
18:36That need to be taken care of and then you convince them or manipulate them into being in a relationship
18:42And I guess he realized the hard way Liz is not a foreign girl
18:45You know at some point Liz finally took all that she could take now granted
18:50She has a lot of baggage like you said from other relationships
18:55It took her longer than it would have taken you right like the real but it she finally was like I mean
19:02If I was a waitress and Ed came in I would pass him off to a different server. I would
19:09Really so you wouldn't even do it for like the $50 tip you were just like
19:13Fuck that
19:15No, Amy million dollars, and I wouldn't know you that's just then
19:24But but on happy no, I did get my wish
19:28Remember, I told y'all last week that I was hoping that Jason would be in the house
19:34Yeah, I didn't get my wish
19:36So, thank you
19:39So it made sense for Jason to be in the house and it was nice to see and Jason said it too
19:46He's like she's never had anyone to defend her and stand up for her on her side. So every time Ed tried it
19:53Jason was right there. He was like, I'll get all up in your face
19:56He's like if you want to keep coming at her come at me, you know, and Ed was a lot more quiet
20:02You know, he removed himself from the situation
20:04He would leave the room because he knows he's not gonna go tit-for-tat with a man
20:10He would go tit-for-tat with a woman
20:12But he knows that there's no chance that he's gonna go tip for tat with Jason it and Jason basically shut him up
20:16He was like look
20:17You're going to shut up and stop disrespect and he literally and literally walked in another room with his wine and shut up
20:25It literally worked and I was like see this is exactly what?
20:29Liz always needed and now that she has Jason it's gonna rub off on her and she's gonna learn
20:34You know what to take and what not to take from people and I'm just happy to see
20:40Her her self-worth so high up right because she literally won't even fight with him
20:46She won't raise her voice. He's literally in her past because she had every opportunity to get mad start yelling start cursing
20:54She was just like I don't I don't entertain this little man, right? She's like I don't entertain him. He's not my issue
21:00I don't care and I'm just happy to see that
21:02She sees that her self-worth is so much more and she was lowering herself, right?
21:07She was lowering her standards to be with his dude
21:10her comment when Jason walks up behind her and she looked up and said now I finally have a man that I can
21:16Figuratively look up to what right?
21:19and see she doesn't even have to go, you know below the belt like he's going like
21:26Trying to belittle her and parenting and all that. She doesn't even have to do that
21:29She just has to state the obvious and we can all see it. Oh, so Lauren told us I missed this
21:34I don't follow Lauren on social media, but apparently she did an interview and she said
21:39This to every person when we do interviews who's the person in the 90 universe you love who's the person that you don't?
21:45Her answer was Ed Ed
21:48Retaliated in another interview and he said that she was a bottom feeding
21:55Bottom feeder and the lowest of the low the lowest of the low so they kind of went at it in person and
22:02Ed was like, well, you shouldn't have said anything about me. This is just me defending myself and
22:08How do y'all feel about this interaction because notice that?
22:12Men have said Ed was their least favorite person Ed hasn't retaliated
22:17But since it was a woman and in his defense, he was like, oh, well, you're a chauvinist
22:22You love women and hate men and I was like, I don't think that that's a real thing
22:26I don't think that there's a female version of a chauvinist and I was like, first of all women have lots of reasons to hate
22:33Men, so I don't think that that word even applies but his reaction was oh, well you hate men
22:39So you always come after me? I was like, well, couldn't we say the same thing about you? You hate women
22:43You're always having issues with women. Like it's literally the definition of a being a hypocrite
22:48Right literally only says and talks shit about women he never picks fights with men that whole time he was in the house
22:55He didn't have anything to say to Patrick. He didn't have anything to say to Rob
22:58He didn't have anything to say to Kobe had no issues with any of the men in the house
23:03But all of the women and if you'll see next week in the hot tub
23:06He's asking if any of the women that he referred to as bitches
23:10We're gonna stand up for him and it's like I'm tired of him in the way that he treats women and again
23:17The network seems to be very condoning of his behavior, right?
23:20Like no one is ever calling him out and one thing that pissed me off tonight
23:25I'm getting ahead but I kind of felt like they were trying to a so
23:31assassinate Kobe's character tonight
23:33They were coming after him saying that he was sending money to an ex or still in love with an ex
23:39I was like, so why are we coming after Kobe and his character?
23:41But Ed gets to sit on the stage and nobody's assassinating his character for all the things that he's done for all these years
23:47All right
23:47Like you're taking a genuinely good guy and you're trying to drag him through every ounce of mud that you can find
23:54But you let this guy sit on the stage and nobody's saying anything about him and his behavior
23:58It kind of rubbed me the wrong way. I was one of those girls that sat there and cried with Kobe that
24:03He's the most genuine guy that I have ever seen on the show that guy comes
24:10Full heart like and it just pissed me off that they were trying to set him up
24:15They spent a whole segment and a half trying to assassinate this man's character
24:21And I was like, he's literally the most decent probably other than Patrick guy in the building, right?
24:27Like it doesn't get any more decent than this man
24:29And you're gonna spend a whole segment and a half trying to make him being a liar a cheater a piece of crap
24:35Sending money and I was like, I hated that
24:38They had the audacity to spend that much time on him, but nobody wanted to assassinate Ed's character
24:43Yeah, right like Ed is safe. Like nobody's gonna bother him
24:46Nobody's gonna question all this nasty stuff that he said to Liz but then the last 20 minutes
24:51Nobody's gonna even bring that up. But since Kobe is a good guy. He takes care of his kids
24:54He married his wife when she got pregnant. He bought moved out of his parents house
25:00He's done all the things that he said he would do let's go after. Yeah, right like that really pissed me off
25:05Yeah, me too. Oh, so, um pajama mama said what's a bottom feeder? So that term comes from?
25:12Okay, so, you know like in the ocean there's like, um bottom feeders and I think they're like shrimp crawfish
25:20Basically that term comes from like roaches
25:22Right like roaches or rats, but like when I was growing up in Louisiana, we called them bottom feeders
25:27They were like crawfish shrimp
25:30Crabs like the bottom of the ocean, but it also applies for like, you know bottom feeders in the world. Yeah
25:37because like roaches and rats would also so basically he was saying that she was
25:42Insects or the lowest of the low that you could be in in the world is basically what he was trying to call her
25:50First of all
25:52if a
25:53Man come after me and was saying those kind of words and my partner sat there and did not even
26:00Stand up to whoop his ass or even try to defend me
26:04We would be signing divorce papers, but not before I would kick his ass first
26:08so I I was thinking that too right and the only thing that went through my mind was
26:14Because I did see I was like waiting for them to cut to Alexi and he was in the room and I was like well
26:19Maybe Alexi is like I know that she can handle it on her own and she don't matter
26:24It don't matter a man that is not gonna stand up for his woman
26:28I know I gotta watch my mouth
26:30But I mean that is that's lower than low if a man cannot stand up for his woman
26:37Especially when another man is attacking her then
26:41He's lower of the load in my opinion. I was thinking it too. Like I'm not gonna lie
26:47I was thinking I was like, where's where's Alexi because they were sitting next to each other
26:51They're like in each other's face and I was like see this is where I would get in between them
26:55Absolutely, you know like cuz first of all a man should not be that close to a woman yelling at her
27:00That's unacceptable and I would get in between I'm like, hey, you're not gonna talk to her that close at that tone
27:06You know, I just I didn't agree with that
27:08But I was like well
27:08I know there are some women in the world who don't like
27:11When men come in and try to be captain save her like there are some women who are very independent and they're like
27:17Well, let me handle it. And if I need you out, I'll call you so I was like
27:21Maybe they have that type of relationship. I don't know
27:26No, so I don't know I don't know I'm not like I said, I'm not a huge fan of Lauren or Alexi, but
27:34The pants in the relationship, we all know that yeah
27:39But at the end of the day because if another woman was going after Alexi Lauren would have jumped in
27:45Oh, so why can't let's jump jump in and I wish somebody would tell my man
27:53That he can't jump into somebody is trying to disrespect me
27:57Which I mean my partner would already know don't don't even worry about it
28:01But still they better jump in anyway, whether I can take care of myself or not
28:05You better show me that respect. If not your ass gonna pay for it when I get done with them
28:11Well, I think you I think you answered it. You said that Lauren wears the pants in the relationship
28:17So I think Alexi doesn't necessarily feel that he has to step in because Lauren wears the pants
28:24She's the one that handles everything. She tells him what to do
28:26So he doesn't feel that he needs to defend her because she's the one that he probably has to defend himself against
28:34Doesn't matter
28:36See, I think and in this day and age there's different types of relationships now
28:40And there's a lot of relationships where the woman is the one that you need to fear
28:45Right, like it's not the guy like you remember back in the day if you like get into an argument with a woman
28:50You have to look over your shoulder cuz like her husband is gonna come out of nowhere and knock you out
28:54Like I feel like now
28:56the relationship
28:58Hierarchy is different. Like I feel like a lot of times the woman is the one that you need to worry about
29:03She's the one that it's she's the one that makes the money and she's the one that is badass
29:07And she doesn't need anybody that she's gonna knock you out herself
29:11And then her husband might come and help her later on and I think a lot of times these relationships of newer relationships
29:17That's how they are. Now. My husband's
29:19House digging the hole like he knows I got right exactly
29:23He's like, what'd you do? How do we fix it? Right? Like it's an after the
29:27Type thing and I think a lot of times we expect, you know
29:31Oh a woman's getting into an altercation a man has to come say it's 2024
29:37Women are not depending on men to come save them anymore women are able to handle things and you know
29:42Maybe the man will go bail her out, you know, like he'll go bail her out after all this stuff goes down
29:46But she's gonna handle her business and I feel like Lauren. Yeah, I'm Judy. You're right. Lauren's a New Yorker, you know
29:52I feel like Lauren is tough. She might come across as a little LA. Okay, but
29:58Lauren is tough. Come on. I
30:01Completely disagree because we literally watched her start bawling as soon
30:07I mean
30:08She's so nosy
30:10She has to go and get in tell Michael what to do and she's trying to solve everybody else's relationships and blah blah blah
30:15And then Angela raises their voice ten octaves and Lauren's crying. It's all my fault. It's all my fault. Shut up
30:23Shut up
30:25Well, yeah, I did think that that was ridiculous. First of all, how could it be your fault?
30:29They hated each other before you got here, so it can't be your fault, right?
30:32Like they've hated each other for months. This is don't make a situation
30:38Car mean you need to go show these women how to handle a man
30:41I would love to
30:43So I want to ask you all what y'all think of this out of context statement that Angela threw at us tonight
30:50She said Michael said that all women are stupid completely no context
30:55She didn't tell us the type of conversation they were having that type of argument. They were having she didn't say who he said
31:01Well, she said he said it to her daughter
31:02But we don't know why and then the women that weren't listening when she said it the first time she walked by them in the
31:08house and said hey stupids and
31:11Then when they reacted they're like, oh, well, I didn't say it Michael said that all women are stupid
31:16So, how do you guys feel like do you feel like Angela is trying to plant seeds about Michael?
31:23and I feel like since since they've arrived she's been trying to get people to build a
31:31Understanding of who Michael is and what he's about and I feel like the best way for someone to show their true colors is to
31:37You know, I was always taught, you know, if a person is a bad person
31:42It's only a matter of time before everybody realizes the type of person that they are. You don't have to do any
31:48Damage control or to go and damage their character bad people do that on their own
31:53It only takes a certain amount of time for you to see their true colors
31:56And I feel like if Angela had any worry about people liking him
32:01You know if he is the person you say he is people will see that, you know
32:05so I don't understand why she feels it's her responsibility to
32:10assassinate his character and
32:13Anytime that he is building a relationship with anyone or talking or having a conversation
32:18She takes it as a direct threat
32:21to her which is really interesting because it's like if you're the victim like if you
32:25Say for instance, you're telling your story or writing a book. You're the victim in the story
32:29You're gonna tell the story or if there's a movie documentary, I'm gonna watch it
32:32I still get to make my own
32:35observation and opinion
32:38Over what happened even because there are people who have documentaries out that are saying they're the victim's health gypsy rose is one of them
32:45She swears up and down. She's a victim in that situation
32:48Most people think she is a lot of people still think she's not we all get to make our own
32:54Observation and Angela feels that we don't have that. Um, we don't have that
32:57We are supposed to believe he's a horrible human being because she said so and that's just not how it works well
33:06Like I always say the guilty dog bark the guilty dog always barks first
33:14From the jump this poor guy has already paid his price
33:17He's paid his dues let him live a happy life in America
33:20Go Michael team Michael shut the hell up Angela get her off the freaking TV get her off TLC be done with this hot mess
33:28She's an abusive human being she doesn't give two shits who she's talking to if someone's not there
33:35Sucking her ass, then they're the enemy but the second
33:40Angie Angie, you're the best blah blah blah. Okay. Come here beautiful Queen
33:45The only thing Angela's ever said that I've ever
33:49Agreed with was tonight when she took that fucking tiara off and said I'm not a queen damn straight. You're not
33:57mean, I I don't judge people for
34:02Reacting emotionally in tough situations and I think that her reactions
34:09Show me that she's been hurt
34:11But if if you have been hurt by someone you can leave the person
34:16Divorce the person you can cut ties with the person because the one thing that really confused me tonight
34:21Geno said it too because you know, it's like I don't think I can move forward with Jasmine
34:25I was like, but you won't cut her loose and it's the same shit with Angela and Michael. She's like, well, I can't move forward
34:30He's a liar. I shouldn't have brought him here. I was like cut him loose even Michael said he's like send me back
34:36You do not get to keep me here and make my life a living hell
34:41Just because you're hurt if you don't want to be with me if you don't want to move forward to me if you can't forgive
34:47For whatever you're holding against me you have to cut me loose and I think that on this show tonight
34:53Especially cuz Gino and Jeff it's the same exact scenario. Do you know it's like I don't want to be intimate with her
34:58I don't want to forgive her. I don't look at it. Anyway, let her go. She is not
35:06Right that so you they can't let the person go because the checks are being written and they're only gonna be cashed if you
35:13Stick with the story and it's like we're watching at home
35:16Like well, if you don't want to see them
35:18They don't even sleep in the same room
35:20Do you know tried to kiss her and she made it look as though a cockroach was crawling near her face?
35:25That is literally the way she reacted to her husband trying to kiss her. You clearly hate him
35:31So move on be be and did you notice she was like, oh, well when he was watching those videos of his ex
35:39I was in Florida. We know what she was doing in Florida. Remember?
35:42Yeah, she was with someone else this was you remember the stories were all over the block
35:48She was with someone else in Florida
35:50So I was like, so yeah
35:51He was watching videos with his ex you were in Florida with somebody else
35:55Like are you gonna fault him for that you picked up and left for months and you were staying with someone else
36:02You know, I know we can't say the person's name, but you were with someone else for a while and then I'm assuming
36:08TLC made some calls and they said oh we're gonna do another show with you
36:11Then y'all had to work it out, right?
36:14You have to get back your stuff
36:16Move back in because they're gonna want to see y'all living together when they started filming and that's exactly what went down
36:23She's just there
36:25It's all it's just such a shit show. These people are so
36:29Overrun and overplayed that it's like you almost see everything that's coming the fact that Gino and Jasmine are no longer together
36:36That's music to my ears and the fact that Angela and Michael are no longer together that's music to my ears
36:43Unfortunately, we still have another season of Gino and Jasmine, but I think we're done with Michael and Angela finally
36:49Hopefully Michael gets put on single life and Angela gets put on a cliff. I mean I
36:55Wouldn't be sad either way. They're gonna
36:58Wind up bringing them back. We already know
37:01I mean they gonna wind up bringing them back because they're the ones that brings the drama and that's what everybody wants to see
37:07They don't want to see boring people
37:17Angela has
37:19more than one daughter
37:20both of her daughters were on the show at one point and then one was removed from the show because of you're right about the
37:26Incarceration, but yeah there she has more than one Skyla is the only one that you'll see on the show now
37:33Yeah, so Goddie won't be back on the show after some stuff that went out
37:37Yeah, actually if you want to know what went down Google Angela Dean Mari Povich show
37:42It'll give you basically everything you need to know
37:45So it'll tell you the ages of everybody involved in everything and you'll understand why why that happened?
37:51But yeah, she yeah, she was married before and you know, we touched on that
37:55I think that her past relations. I think your past relationships dictate what your future relationships are gonna look like
38:01And you know, I think that she's been in chaotic
38:05Relationships and I think in her mind chaos is the way love is supposed to work
38:10And you know, we've watched lots of people who behave that way Nicole and mock mood. They they love the chaos
38:15There's just some people and Jasmine Jasmine is just obsessed with chaos
38:19I feel like I love the chaos and I love the drama
38:22What I don't love is the outright abuse
38:25Angela is abusing Michael every single second
38:29She has she's controlling everything. He says everywhere. He moves get out of my house
38:35You don't get too far away from me. You stay where I can see you that she's treating
38:40She's abusing him so bad on national television
38:44This is a book. Did you hear her comment tonight?
38:49He said why are you yelling and she said because I pay taxes, yeah
38:54No, she said because I pay taxes something you don't bitch how dis I'd like you can't just
39:04How achieving gonna tell him in front of everybody and not she told him get out of my house that's not her house
39:13It's not even
39:15Their way to and you know that statement made it seem to me
39:21um, I could be wrong that
39:24They back whatever she does
39:26Because if she thought that she could stay get out of my house as though she and the network are one
39:33Entity it makes me think that she can do whatever she wants in a backer, right?
39:38Because DeeDee if I go to your house and I get into an argument with someone and I say get out of my house
39:44DeeDee, you're gonna look at me and say you get out of my house. You can't tell people
39:53Say that but if you weren't you yeah, I would say that
39:56All right, you'll be like you don't get to make decisions of who can be in my house like you it's not yours
40:02So if that statement made the fact that she felt comfortable saying it and they aired it
40:08Makes me think that she can do whatever she wants and she hasn't had to answer to anybody. That's what I really believe
40:13Well, you know
40:14What well, you know what? I would
40:17Love to see
40:20Take her
40:21Her to court for spousal abuse because he has the evidence. It's everywhere
40:28She cannot say
40:29That she never abused that man whether it was um, whether they paid her to do it or not
40:36You see what i'm saying? It does not matter
40:39That man
40:40Went through a lot and the way that she's treating him in front of everybody. I mean, come on
40:46That man would would make a living off of her if he were to take her to court for spousal spousal abuse
40:53Well, there's there's a clause in the immigration law where because do you guys remember eve and muhammad?
41:00Um, there were some voice notes or whatever that got released and she was being like verbally abusive
41:06I want to say that you could hear her hitting him. This is all alleged
41:09Um in the in the voice notes and he actually was able to go to court
41:14And he was able to stay here, but he did not have to be in a relationship with her
41:18He didn't have to have ties with her because you know, he proved that
41:22The the relationship he was in was abusive and there is a clause
41:27More than enough footage. He's got like what 50 years of footage of of this abusive
41:34nasty human
41:35attacking him
41:37He doesn't
41:38Really need to prove anything because he's on a spousal. Yeah, so once once he got here
41:44He's he could stay when you're on that k1
41:48You yeah, right when you're on that k1 before you get married
41:52They can send you back and the abuse I think happened right before even muhammad to get married or right around the time
41:58They got married before any paperwork was filed. So all he had to do was prove that it was unsafe
42:04For him to be in that environment and he was granted, you know
42:07They basically told him you could stay here and you don't have to be with this person, but they're still legally responsible for you
42:14so whatever
42:16issues that he incurs with
42:18Assistance, she's still gonna have to pay but that clause has been in place for a while now because a lot of people
42:23They come over here and the person doesn't see them as human or equal and they're abusive
42:29and they they talk to them like they're below them and they make them feel like
42:34They they have to accept it. They're like, well, what are you gonna do?
42:37Where are you gonna work who's gonna take care of you and they make the person feel like well
42:41I have to accept this I have to be in this abusive relationship. Where else would I go?
42:46You don't have to accept there's actually laws to protect you from this very thing
42:51Because a lot of people come over here and especially from third world countries
42:54and unfortunately the americans sometimes make them feel like
42:59I'm i'm gifting you the gift of life
43:02And you have to worship me no matter how horrible of a human being that I am
43:06Right because we're kind of seeing it right now. It's literally what we're watching right now
43:09They're like you should just be kissing my feet simply because I brought you here and it's like
43:14Nobody forced you to bring anybody here, right?
43:17Even angela because even alexi said it tonight
43:19He was like if you brought him here and you had all the information you had you kind of deserve what's going on right now
43:25Because you did it you made that decision stop making it seem like michael is the problem
43:30Michael would still be in nigeria if you would have left him there
43:33But you did
43:35And you brought him here because you had something to prove
43:37And you wanted to continue your journey on this show
43:40And you did it for all the wrong reasons and now you're you're reaping the rewards of a bad decision, right?
43:47Like this was a bad decision on her part
43:49And now she's blaming everybody but herself for a decision that she made on her own. Nobody made her do it
43:54nope, I mean
43:56We see we see michael doing his tiktoks in his lives in his nice clean house in texas
44:05He's living his best life and I hope he thrives. I hope he does
44:10Nothing, but amazing things and welcome to america. Michael. You earned it more than yeah
44:19In the 90 day fiance world
44:22Michael worked for that green card whether it was a scam or not that boy
44:27He worked for that dream daughter. Whoa
44:31The latest live I think was michael and kobe
44:35That were live on tiktok and I know you guys saw this but actually let's go even further. So last week, um,
44:42not angela
44:43Jasmine and michael took a selfie at the tell-all jasmine posted the selfie said I hope you find happiness
44:49angela commented
44:51Underneath another person's post and called jasmine a piece of shit
44:55Because she posted a picture with michael which this is very standard practice guys when the people film these tell-alls a lot of times
45:02This is the first time that these cast members are interacting in person. So they take lots of pictures. They make selfies. They do reels
45:09They go out after
45:11You know, they they they build relationships. So this isn't anything because jasmine even had to go live and was like
45:17Nothing is going on. You know, I don't know why you know, she would be upset
45:20He's a fellow cast member just like she's like I took selfies with everybody that was there
45:25We made videos, you know
45:26We were bonding as friends in person because they don't get to they're all in different parts of the country guys
45:31They don't get to see each other as frequent as you think
45:33And then kobe and michael went live the other day and she reposted that and called them both fake yeah
45:41What what's really interesting is she's declaring war on anybody who?
45:46Acknowledges michael as a human being I guess like that that treat him like a human being right and it's like
45:53It's gonna be a really tough life
45:54If you're gonna just be spending all your time declaring war on every person who says hi to your ex
46:00Like can you imagine like you're like gatekeeping your ex and you're like, oh this person liked their picture
46:06So now I need to call them a piece of shit or this person did it and it's like
46:10I wish this bitch would call war on me
46:15Bring it on
46:20Down the road from her so remember when
46:24Um, michael first opened that instagram and I think kim followed his page and she went on live and started threatening kim and
46:31It's just been a uphill battle with anybody who acknowledges michael as just being a human being and it's like
46:39It takes so much energy to try to get someone to hate someone with you, right?
46:44Because I i've had it happen to me so many times
46:46I have a friend they call me they're like guess what this person did to me and then they tell me the whole story
46:51They're like you should save it and i'm like, well, why do I have to get involved?
46:55In your fight like we didn't get it and it's like
46:59I don't and you know, you're not always getting the full story
47:01There's always like three sides to every story the truth the lie and then the police report, right?
47:06There's always three sides to the story, right?
47:07So you don't know what you're really getting and it's like so now i'm supposed to like
47:13Defriending people on behalf of other people and it's like i've never been that person if the person did something horrible to me
47:20Absolutely, we're never going to speak again
47:23But I also give people the benefit of a doubt because let's say they did do something to you
47:28What'd you do to them? Yeah, right like i'm not getting the full story because I was like
47:33Well, they've never done anything like that to me. So what did you do?
47:36Right, like I need to know the whole side like don't just tell me
47:39Oh, well, they said I was this so you should hate them. What'd you say before that?
47:44You know when you see those viral videos and you get the the 15 seconds of the person fighting
47:50But we don't know what happened the first 15 minutes prior
47:54But got them triggered
47:56We just know that they did what they did and it's like I feel like that's kind of what's going on and I don't know
48:00How she's gonna ever find happiness if she's always gatekeeping
48:05Everybody that interacts with him, right?
48:08Like I don't understand how she's gonna live a full life if her whole life is dedicated
48:13To trying to ruin his you know, like if you if it didn't work out
48:16You have to accept that it didn't work out and move on
48:19You cannot spend your whole life because even patrick said it or somebody said on the show tonight
48:23They're like she's gonna have a heart attack
48:26Just at how angry she walks around he walks in the room and her whole demeanor is anger
48:33Yeah, and hate it and it's like if somebody has that type of control over you you have to let that go
48:38You can't live your life like that
48:41Yeah, I agree
48:44Oh, so I want to talk about ed referred to liz as old
48:48so I had some people on twitter explain it to me and break it down to me because obviously liz 31 at the time of
48:53Filming is not old ed is old like if we're going to get old ed is the older one in the situation
48:58He meant it as she's old as in
49:02Been around the block and everyone's had a turn. He's basically calling her loose
49:08and she was like
49:11second or old sloppy
49:13Seconds that he doesn't want he was basically saying that jason is getting something that he had kicked to the curb
49:19So, how do y'all feel about that? Because it kind of pissed me off because I was like ed
49:23You're like twice or eight. So you've probably been with way more people than she has she has so are we really shaming a woman?
49:30That you once claimed that you love because now she's happy with another person. He's literally
49:35They got nothing bad on liz. So he he's grasping at straws
49:39That that's all that's it. Yeah, it's all
49:42It's all it is. He's jealous because
49:45Jason's with her and he's not and he knows he can no longer treat her the way he's always treated her. Well, yes
49:52Jason is giving her a new self-worth and even ed said it. He's like, yeah, she's got jason and he's you know
49:58He's good-looking. He's attractive and I was like so he knows
50:03He can't be what jason is to her no offense ed, but you can't be that
50:08you know like jason is not only does he treat her better than you but
50:13Physically, he's better than you. So right like he
50:17Also, I want to say
50:19really quick
50:21This comment taryn her ex is named jason. So she's all yeah. Fuck jason
50:25That's not she's not talking about the jason we're talking about just so you know
50:28Oh different jason. Oh, yeah, this jason is j-a-y
50:32He's a good
50:34He's a decent jason
50:36Yeah, he's a good guy. We like him. We like him around these parts. We like him around the parts. We all know
50:43We all know that tour big ed up whenever especially whenever jason picked her up over and threw her over his shoulder
50:50And took her to the room
50:52Y'all know that tour big ed up. He had to try to come back with something because he don't got nothing on her. Yeah
50:59So really quick before we run out of time. I want to go back and touch base on this angela thing
51:05And her anger and the way she talks to michael, okay
51:09Skylar comes out and she says mom is not happy mama hasn't been happy mama this mama that
51:15all I can see with this whole shit show is
51:19Angela yelling at michael in that house full of children
51:26Yeah, that's messed up all those kids couldn't wait for him to be there and now grandma is the devil on steroids
51:34That's horrible. Well
51:36Yeah, because the children won't and will not understand
51:41Any of the the grievances she has with michael, right? Like they don't understand cheating. They don't understand voice notes
51:47They don't understand any of that. They just know that they spent seven years getting to know this man over the phone
51:53He arrives
51:55And now their whole life is completely torn upside down now that they're screaming there's yelling there's probably things being thrown around
52:01Their whole life is completely upside down now and now they don't know what to do because you know children
52:07They don't they don't know whose side to take. They they just want everybody to get along, you know children don't have the
52:13The understanding of why people are arguing why adults do the things that they do
52:17They just know that they want things to go back to the way they were when michael was all the way in nigeria
52:21Their grandmother was happy. They just want it back to where it was and you're right. Those kids are going to be traumatized
52:28But however this went down like if imagine what we saw in the house
52:32With cameras there imagine what went down with no one else around these children
52:37Right the kids saw it, you know with the screaming the yelling the pushing
52:42The she took his bag and literally threw it out of her room
52:47These kids have already lost their mom. They have already lost
52:51Every single one of them. None of them have a father which is why
52:56Mima is raising them then mima
52:59Brings random guy from a different country and it's all nothing but chaos
53:05Those kids have to be
53:07I I just feel so bad for those kids
53:09When is somebody gonna step in and put an end to that?
53:12Somebody needs to step in and put an end to that
53:18That's that's the main people that are that are gonna suffer in this
53:24This whole thing
53:25It's it's been a lot for me
53:30the way that
53:31Michael tries to explain do you also get
53:35The feeling that he's scared to tell us anything like whenever people ask him a question. He seems really um
53:43Scared to really explain anything because I was like, I really feel like he has a lot to say
53:49But he's like looking over his shoulder and he's always wondering like well what's the consequence of me telling people
53:55What's happening? Because everybody's like michael. How are things going? How do you feel? What's going? He never has an explanation
54:02And it's it's interesting because angela has an explanation for everything
54:07She you don't even have to ask she'll walk in the room and just tell you how pissed off she is
54:11She's gonna give you an explanation whether you want it or not
54:14But when we try to understand what's going on with michael and his side
54:18He won't say anything and I don't know if it's out of fear
54:21I don't know if he was told don't you say like I don't know what the situation is
54:27But I feel like if he was able to tell what he's going through more people would understand it better
54:34You know and I feel like I mean most people feel like regardless of what he's going through
54:38They're still on his side, right?
54:39Most people have taken the leap and said I don't care if he's scammed or not
54:43I'm still on his side. Most people have actually taken that stance, but it still would help if he was able to give people a little
54:51um insight, I don't know on how things right I take his side 1 000
54:571 000
54:58Yeah, me too. I'm i'm with i'm with carl on this one. Um, maybe
55:05They were going through a divorce. I mean they're going through a divorce
55:08maybe his lawyer is telling him to stay quiet about certain things or
55:14um, tlc offered him, um,
55:17Uh job as on the single life and he doesn't want to we call that thing get in the nda
55:25I I hope he's on the single life
55:28I hope so man, that would burn her ass to the ground
55:35Oh, I think we're running out of time have we been on for an hour
55:39I don't know we're gonna run out
55:40All right, guys, so we're gonna come back tomorrow and we're gonna discuss hopefully tomorrow because there's a hurricane headed for dd's house
55:46So everybody make sure we say a prayer for dd and in her area because I guess it missed us
55:51But it's going to georgia. So that's that's something we gotta be worried about
55:54So hopefully fingers crossed we'll all be here and with internet so we can go on tomorrow so we can talk about the other way
56:01and um forbidden love
56:03Um, if y'all have been watching it came on tonight after 90 day and then there's a new
56:08um pillow talk they're gonna pillow talk this show and then
56:11So we'll be back tomorrow to talk about that. Thank you for joining us tonight
56:16Um, make sure you're following my co-host car and dd. They're tagging this video
56:19Make sure you're following me on all social media platforms at george mossy george mossy.com
56:23Anywhere you get your podcast type in the george mossy show
56:26Um, everybody have a wonderful night and we'll talk to you tomorrow. Bye
