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The new season of 90 day fiance: the other way after S6EP12 podcast! Join George Mossey Instagram.com/GeorgeMossey Twitter.com/GeorgeMossey
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00:00Hey guys, what is up? Happy Monday. We're going to talk about The Other Way tonight.
00:11I haven't watched Mama's Boy yet. I don't know if it actually aired yet. We're going
00:15to talk about The Other Way tonight. Unfortunately, Cara and Deedee are still out, but Gina is
00:22back tonight to help us out with the chat. And yeah. Oh, what's up, Josh? Josh and I'm
00:33not thinking about it. You guys weren't on tonight, James and Tata. They were not on
00:42tonight. We're going to have to see them and catch up with them next week. Let's get, hey.
00:47Hello, happy Monday. How are you? I'm good. How are you? I'm good. I'm getting sick. I
00:55actually think I might have COVID. I didn't take the test yet. But I have the symptoms
01:00and I was like, Oh my god, you know why? Because I'm feeling freezing cold all the time. And
01:07you know, I'm in Florida. So there's there's no cold here. So I was like, I'm pretty sure
01:10I probably have COVID. I'm gonna take the test later and then figure it out.
01:14And I Love the Mamas boy is on Discovery Plus right now. So just an FYI for you.
01:20Oh, it's on streaming. Okay, perfect. You know how I need to watch my stuff without
01:25commercials. So yeah. Oh, so we're on episode 12 of The Other Way. We're like halfway through
01:31the season basically. And we got a, well, I don't know where I want to start. Well,
01:37I kind of want to start with this Dempsey and Statler debacle. We got some of it. Hey,
01:44we got some of it last week, and then we got more of it today. And I wanted to get your
01:49opinion on something because it kind of seemed to me that Statler was pretty clear that she
01:55needed Dempsey to calm down and give her some space and she wouldn't do that. And when somebody
02:01says, Hey, I can't have this type of conversation with you right now. Isn't it fair for you
02:06to respect that person's wishes and give them the opportunity? Because it was a high, high
02:12anxiety situation for Statler because you know, if you were talking to me and I was like, you know,
02:18I can't swim if I was on a boat, or if I was in water, it wouldn't be a good headspace for me to
02:23have a serious conversation. So I really feel like Dempsey wouldn't let up and wouldn't give
02:29her a second because there are times in life where we just need a moment. And you know,
02:33it's not wrong or mean or rude or nasty, depending on how you do it, to ask for a moment. And I just
02:40felt like Dempsey wouldn't give her two seconds, you know, she was just like, Can I just have like
02:46two seconds, 15 seconds, 20 seconds, just not have a serious breakup type conversation while
02:54I'm at such a high emotional state and level. And it made me feel like Dempsey is a little
03:00selfish, like she only wants to have a conversation when she wants to have a conversation. And the
03:05fight literally made no sense because she kept saying, Well, I want to enjoy life and I want to
03:10be happy. Well, guess what? Everybody is not happy every moment of every day, right? Like we go
03:16through ups and downs, even people that don't have like depression, we still have our moments, you
03:21know, so I really felt like she was putting a lot on someone that already had a lot of emotion and a
03:28lot of things to handle at that moment.
03:32Um, I think with like, like, Statler told Dempsey, and again, like last week's episode or the week
03:40before, or whatnot, like, just leave me alone. I just need some headspace. And she kept pushing and
03:45pushing and pushing. And I kind of understand maybe Dempsey was there to like, kind of distract
03:51her from the whole situation. But it's like you want to distract her by not bringing up conflicts,
03:58you want to distract her and be like, Hey, let's play a game on our phones or something like just a
04:04distraction mechanism. Like, let's play this crossword together. So she's not thinking about the
04:11situation. But again, it was probably something that was eating inside of Dempsey as well. Like
04:17this conversation need to be had but not when Statler's on a boat, having a panic attack, having
04:24anxiety attack, it is not a conversation to be talked about. If you want to calm her down a little
04:30bit, there's other means to do so by just doing other things distracting her from the situation
04:37itself. Versus prying for the information just keeps poking and poking and poking and poking until
04:44she's like, Statler lost it and was just like, that's enough. Like I've had it. Right. So and I
04:50think Dempsey, she just goes, she's just like a wall, like wallflower just goes with the flow,
04:55whatever. Right. So
04:57if somebody asks you to like, give them a moment, and you see that they're in distress, what is your
05:04reaction? Do you give them the moment? Or do you try to calm them down?
05:09My reaction would be like, Okay, I'll give you a moment. Just know that I'm, I'm here. Like, like,
05:16I'm over here, if you want to talk about it. Or if you want to de-stress or, like, or do something about
05:22it, like, I'm over here, I'm gonna leave you alone. Right. So I've had to remove myself from
05:27situations where I know the words that I'll say, will hurt somebody. So I've had to physically remove
05:33myself from that situation. And because I care about that person, I'm not gonna, because of my big fat
05:40mouth, I'm not gonna talk to them on what I'm thinking, because I just need to cool down as well
05:46at the same time.
05:48Yeah, I felt like the situation could have been de-escalated just by respecting boundaries. Right?
05:56Well, Donna said she would have pushed her off the boat. Well, we wouldn't have done that. But I feel
06:01like, I feel like the situation didn't have to escalate with it. And, you know, Statler, one thing
06:07that I will say about Statler is she's a straight shooter. She's straightforward. She doesn't always
06:11say it in the best way, the kindest way. But she does say exactly what she means and how she feels.
06:17She told her, like, hey, stop talking to me, get away from me. Like, it came across as rude, but I
06:23don't consider honesty to be rude. Sometimes honesty is just honesty. Like, if you really need
06:30someone to remove themselves from the situation and give you some space, I think, and they're not,
06:35they're not receptive to you asking over and over. I can't even, I lost count how many times Statler
06:40asked her to leave her alone. You know, like, you just have to learn to respect boundaries. You know,
06:46I felt like I saw a different side of Dempsey. Remember, I kept saying, I was like, I don't see
06:50Dempsey as this evil person who's stealing all her money and tricking her. But I saw a different side
06:55tonight, because she ignored completely that Statler was in distress and somehow still made it about
07:01her. And when people, when people can do stuff like that, it makes me think of them differently.
07:06Because you can ignore that someone is going through a distressful situation, and still somehow
07:13shift all of the blame and error on them, knowing that you're ignoring and not being accommodating
07:19to them. It makes me think, you know, you might have a selfish, self-centered side to you, because
07:26it wasn't about her. And they could have had this, Statler said it, we can have this conversation on
07:30land. We can literally, because they were going to be in the van for five hours, I guess, from that
07:35location, they had nothing but time to have a conversation. Why did she feel the need to force it
07:41on her in a moment when she told her that she, that was the last thing that was going to help her?
07:46Yeah. Like, there's like, obviously, there's like, two pages to Dempsey's motives, I believe. And I
07:57think Cara and Didi had mentioned it too. Like, she's portrayed as one thing, but could be something
08:04else on the other side of that page. So I think her true colors are coming out. So where it's all
08:12about her and her needs and her wants and just in general, right. So if you have like a sensitive bone
08:20in your body, you'll know like the person is in distress and don't be like, I'm gonna leave you
08:24alone. So I'm gonna walk away from the situation. I'm not gonna push for more information. Come talk
08:30to me when you want to talk to me. And just be mature adults about it.
08:34Knowing someone is not the way to get your point across, right? Like, especially someone who's
08:38already upset. It's like, I call it poking the bear, right? So the bear is already pissed off. And
08:43then you're just like poking and poking and poking. The bear is gonna maul you, okay? You're not
08:47gonna get, you're not gonna get the reaction you want. So I want to talk about Sarper because this
08:52episode, he decided to get rid of the bottles, the liquor bottles that had meaning, meaning of
09:00women to him, that he kept in the front room of his apartment, you know, that was something that
09:05she kind of didn't particularly like. So he decided to get rid of the bottles. And I guess the one
09:10thing that irritated me, everything about him irritates me, but the one thing that irritated me
09:15tonight, was he decided to do something when she wasn't receptive to just seeing it his way and not
09:23holding him accountable. And I think when you're a narcissist or you're abuser or whatever, you're
09:30closed minded to changing until you feel like they threaten to leave you. Because the one thing I
09:37noticed when he went to therapy, he kept saying like, Oh, well, I get really angry and uncontrollably
09:41angry, if she doesn't love me enough, or if I think she'll leave me. And I was like, well, she has the
09:46choice to leave you, you know, she has that option that's always there. And I know that narcissists,
09:52people and abusers, they don't believe that you have the choice to leave. They believe that they
09:56have the choice to make you stay. And I felt, I feel scared for her. Like, I feel like the situation
10:04that she kind of is in where she's trying to normalize his behavior, because she's like, Oh,
10:09well, going to therapy in Turkey is emasculating, and it's going to make him seem weak. And I was
10:15like, Why are you trying to normalize and make excuses for a person who ripped your hair out of
10:22your head? You know, like, I really want to believe, because she's like, Oh, well, I'm standing my
10:27ground, and I'm not going back to his apartment. I was like, standing your ground would be getting on
10:31a plane and leaving, right? Like standing your ground would say, Hey, you don't have the right to
10:36get angry and put your hands on me or rip my hair out of my head or take my phone away. Imagine
10:40she's in Turkey, right, with nobody there that she even knows. And he's going to take away her phone.
10:46So she has no way to actually communicate with anyone. That's really scary. Right? Like, who
10:51would she call for help if she doesn't actually have a telephone?
10:54The producers would have to jump in. But we all know how that goes. But you know what the
11:01nicknames, everybody knows who, like what I call them, Beavis and Butthead. So, like, yeah,
11:09bravo for going for therapy and whatnot. But the fact that she couldn't even smash two glass
11:14bottles, and you go to the gym, like what is wrong with you? Like the bottles weigh nothing. Like,
11:18what is wrong with you? Why do you like why are you a weakling? And just the fact like, it is a
11:25small progress, like, you know, going to therapy is a small progress. But the fact that he told her
11:30like, oh, like, he doesn't have, like, honestly, like, oh, he gets like, what did he say? She said
11:41something. Like, he gets mad when she has an opinion. That's what it was. And everyone should
11:47have a free like a voice. Right? So he gets mad at that.
11:52What irritates me is he blames everything goes back to her. Everything stemmed from her. He's
11:58upset. His actions were justified, because she makes me upset, or she doesn't make me feel she
12:03loves me enough, or I don't feel like she appreciates me enough. Everything is because she
12:07did something to him. And it's about him, right. And I think people who always, when he when she
12:15met with him the first time last week on the show, and they're sitting at the table, and the
12:19first thing he says is, you don't feel sorry for me. And I was like, so see, now I know what we're
12:25dealing with. Because why would anyone feel so I was like, literally, you're the last person on the
12:30planet that I would feel sorry right now. Like right now, there's so many people who want to just
12:34throw you in jail for what you did, right? That's where you belong. And then the fact that he thinks
12:40that he could sit there and make her feel bad for being upset with him after what he did. It's just
12:46scary for me, because there's a lot of women in this exact type situation, who decide to take the
12:51man back. And then that was the last time they're alive, right? Like, that's the last time that they
12:56have the chance to tell the story. And it's just really scary. Because men like that don't change,
13:01they don't get better. You know, they don't stop their behavior, their anger issues don't go away.
13:07This is not something that's going to get better with time, it's only going to get worse. And then
13:10the less you hold them accountable for, and the more you let them get away with it, the worse the
13:15situation is going to get. And it's like, but she doesn't want to hear anything from anyone. Nobody
13:21can tell her that he's wrong. Nobody can even have any type of, any type of get through with her. She's
13:29just like, oh, well, in his country, you know, it's always a normalization of the behavior. And it's
13:36like, if you're not bothered by the behavior, then just say you're not bothered by the behavior and
13:40you accept it. It's scary, but you're in control, right? She's the only one who can decide if she's
13:46going to be abused, or treated the way that she's treated. She's the only way. She's the only person
13:51that can make that decision, right? Her own sister won't talk to her anymore, because she made that
13:55So it's making excuses for this butthead. And it's just annoying. But we already know he's, well, not
14:04spilling the beans. But I'm sure a lot of people have seen pictures roaming around that. Yeah. But I'm
14:10honestly convinced that he has copies of those names and phone numbers at his mom's house. He
14:16would like he's
14:18so the destruction of the book. So you think there's like another copy?
14:26of course, there's another copy, George. What if this doesn't work out? He needs a quick booty call
14:31when he goes back to Turkey. Like, hello.
14:35I mean, it was interesting that he decided to get rid of the book, right?
14:40He would never part with that book. He's been with that book for years. That is
14:45bad guy.
14:47He claimed that getting rid of the book was always part of the plan. But he said that about the wine and
14:53the liquor bottles, too. And I think that he's one of those people who will actually do something when
14:58there's no other option. Right? Like, you know how people will compromise for the person that they're
15:03with. They don't have to ask, they'll just compromise. I feel like he doesn't compromise. He'll do it if
15:09there's no other option, because he's trying to get her to come back to his apartment.
15:13He's got copies of those names and phone numbers. He's made copies of it. It's at his mom's house. She
15:18can't find it. She's not going to go running through his mom's house. He's got copies of it.
15:23I mean, I don't think that you're wrong. I definitely think that he's very, he's, I don't know the
15:32night. I don't want to say anything mean. But like, he's such a, I don't want to keep saying narcissist,
15:38but like, there's he has this certain thing about him where he is always going to be the victim. And he's
15:45always going to be the one that you need to feel sorry for. And I just can't. Okay, you know what, let's
15:51move on. I want to talk about Sean and Joanne because they finally came clean to the kids and Noel.
15:58Actually, Noel, I actually like a lot, actually. So Noel went to the pub with Sean and Joanne, and she
16:04went and she asked some questions, right? She didn't ask the most important question, because my
16:08first question would have been, why don't you have a job? She didn't ask, you know, but she did ask right
16:13away. She's like, Are you a murderer? Like, are you a crazy person? And that's good, you know, to ask,
16:19but I have watched Dateline, you know, and a lot of documentaries, and typically, they don't tell you,
16:26unless they're about to murder you, right? So I understand that she was trying to get that out of
16:31the way, which, you know, usually, when you find out a person is an axe murderer, they're axe
16:36murdering you, right? Like, that's usually when they find out they're like, if anybody can keep a
16:40secret, it's axe murderers, right? Crazy psycho people like that. But she was asking the right
16:44questions, but they decided to tell everyone together. And the kids reaction was about what I
16:51would expect, right? Like, when you have a young kid, especially age six, and then there's an eight
16:57year old girl, a six year old boy, an 18 year old boy, they were all pretty shocked. But it was more
17:02so the portrayal of it, right? Like, because your parent is like the person that you're supposed to
17:08be able to trust more than anyone in the whole world, right? Like, your parent is that person
17:13that, because I think Joey said it perfectly. He was like, she always says to me, you can tell me
17:19anything, right? And I love how he used her words against her, because I feel like the best way
17:25to get through to someone who hurt you is to use their own words. And she's like, she says,
17:30oh, whatever you're going through, I'll always be there. I'll be there for you. You can come to me.
17:34And then for almost two full years, she withheld this information from him. And then he was like,
17:39congratulations. And the sarcastic congratulations, I think was the most hurtful thing.
17:44Because you could feel that it was through sarcasm and satire, and he was so angry.
17:50And I think Sean and Joanne realized then that this was their selfishness, right? And they hurt
17:58the people that they love the most with it. And then what really didn't make any sense to me
18:04was why didn't they just tell everyone when they got married? What would it have hurt?
18:09Like hurting them now or hurting them two years earlier? What's the difference if you're gonna
18:13hurt everyone, right? I don't know. Like, honestly, like what her oldest son said is,
18:21he's got more common sense. And they put, both parents put their own needs before their children's
18:28needs. And it really should have been children's needs versus their own needs first. And the fact
18:35that, which I don't get, and maybe you'll jump into it, is with the ESTA, he overstayed his
18:41visa. But he had so, he missed Ireland so much. How do you overstay your visa? I honestly think
18:47he was with another MILF, and then thought that they were going to get married. And that's how
18:52he overstayed the visa by 180 days, over 180 days, and overstayed his visa. And that's why he can't
18:59come back to the US for three years. Because that's the way the ESTA works. Like, it's between,
19:06if you stay over a year, you can't come back for 10 years. For the ESTA, it's two years from the
19:15date that you've applied, it's valid for, or until your passport expires, whichever one comes first.
19:24Wow. I mean, I did wonder that, because he overstayed the visa, but he didn't say that
19:31he was with Jillian. That was the first thing, because I was like, well, wait, y'all have been
19:35together almost three years. So if you overstayed the visa, excuse me, that means you were in the
19:40US. Who were you with? Right? Like, who were you with? If you weren't with Jillian, because if you
19:46were with Jillian, she could have introduced you to everyone. Right? So and you made it clear that
19:52she's only come to visit you. So what were you doing in the US? And I think you nailed it. I
19:56think he was there. And I think that he's a green card digger, like a gold digger. I feel like
20:03he's trying to place himself in a situation with a MILF. And I think the MILF situation,
20:09you know how some people are attracted to older women? I don't think that's the situation with
20:13them. I think he's attracted to women who have their financial situation together. And right,
20:18a MILF, a mother who is single in order to be dating, it has her financial situation figured
20:23out. And I think that he squats into people's lives that have their financial situation. He's
20:30squatting in his mom's life. He's living in our house still. He's got Joanne, who she still hasn't
20:35told us how much money she's sending him. But I'm assuming it's a lot. Right? Like, I'm assuming
20:39that because why would what would be the need to get married and keep it from everyone? Why
20:45wouldn't you tell your mom if you love her and she loves you and you plan on being together?
20:49Why wouldn't you tell your mother and your daughter? It doesn't make sense to me unless
20:53your mother has seen you with other women locally. So if you were to tell her that you were married
20:59Mom's in on it too. The mom's in on it. His mom's in on it too, probably because why would she be
21:05like, okay, take my granddaughter to like, go go play house for a little bit. The mom's probably
21:10in on it too. She's got something out of it. So you think that this is like a family style scam?
21:17Yeah. Really? See, I think it's odd that the whole time that they've been there.
21:24We haven't interacted with the mom. This is really strange, because we're meeting the daughter.
21:30He's meeting her kids. People are aware she told her mom, his mom is still completely out of the
21:36picture, which I find really weird. Because, you know, if you're married, and you're in the same
21:40town as your new mother in law, it would only be normal. Like look at Tiger Lily at Adnan,
21:46she had only been there a couple of hours, few hours, she was already meeting his mom.
21:51No, it's pretty normal that you're going to interact with her. And they've been there this
21:54whole time. But there's not even a conversation of her meeting his mother, which I think is really
21:59weird. This is where he lives. So my first thought was she didn't know, but maybe you're right,
22:05maybe she does know. And she doesn't want to be a part of it. Because this is just another
22:10number or another woman that he brings over. This is like a normal situation.
22:15This is a normal job for him. It's like nine to five. But the fact like Joanne said, oh,
22:22to the kids, like, for the next preview, like, oh, we're going this is going to be the home front.
22:27No, it doesn't work like that, sweetheart. Because probably the father of your children
22:33have parental rights. It does not work like that.
22:36Well, she also made it seem like the child didn't have a choice.
22:40Like, you can't take that. I'm sorry. You can't take one child's life from the US
22:48back into Ireland. It's something new and foreign to them.
22:51Well, a mother's response would be like, what do you think? You know, where do you think we
22:57should live? Like, that's what a mother would normally say. You don't say, oh, well, we will
23:00live here. You know, as a mom, you usually don't dictate. I mean, sometimes you have to tell your
23:06kids, like, no, and yes, like, no, you can't eat an entire cake. But, you know, when it comes to,
23:10like, living in another country that you've only been to for like five minutes, you don't usually
23:15say, well, this is where you're going to live. You at least let the child think that they have
23:19a say in it. Right. And oh, another thing I was wondering, if you overstay your visa,
23:25that's like a strike against you. So what if they were to apply for not a K-1 because they're
23:31already married, but a spousal visa and say his overstaying disqualifies him? Because, you know,
23:36there's different things that you do that can disqualify you from a visa.
23:41I don't think because I only researched what was called the ESTA and what was the called another
23:48visa, like kind of like for business pleasure and travel. So I don't think because they'll be
23:54able to see the history. Right. So I don't think that visa, a spousal visa would work. Like you've
24:01already applied for this visa, you overstayed, you're going to have to wait.
24:07Okay, so but after he waits the three years, you don't think it will be an issue when he applies
24:11for the spousal? He'll just he'll have another mouthful around his wrapped around his finger,
24:15it won't be too bad. So wait, you do you think that it was never an option for him to leave?
24:20You think that this was a scam where she sends him money? She goes to visit him and then he sends
24:26her he ships her back home. So she's the only one that's really pushing. You're gonna we're gonna
24:32move here. Yeah. So you think that that's a pipe dream that he's whispering in her ear? And that
24:37keeps funny fun. Okay. So that's why the visa situation. He's just bringing it up now because
24:42it's irrelevant. It's irrelevant. They can't do anything about the visa. And he's not going to
24:47want to do anything about the visa. Like he's not gonna he doesn't work in Ireland. So he's not
24:52gonna work in the US. So you know, and she's not gonna have that. She's gonna be like, nope.
24:58Well, I think the only other thing that made me scratch my head was they've been together three
25:04years. And the ban is for three years. And it kind of looked as though it overlapped. Did you catch
25:12that? Because I was like, well, if you're banned for three years, and the ban is still active,
25:16and you've been together for three years, I mean that you were you were in the US
25:20while you were talking to Joanne, but you didn't go and visit Joanne or is my math off?
25:26No, your math is not off. Basically, he said it was three years, but we don't know when this was
25:31actually filmed. Right. So right, right. We don't. Right. But they don't necessarily know the numbers
25:37to when it was filmed. But if you overstay your welcome by a year, on that visa, it's 10 years.
25:44So he could be just saying three years to make it sound like, okay, yeah, three years.
25:50Oh, I see what you're saying. Right. Because he's never, it doesn't matter. He's never going to use
25:55a visa because he's not going to leave. I see. She would need to see paperwork, right? Like,
25:59and I think a lot of times people don't ask for proof. It's their own fault, right? It's their
26:03own fault for not asking for proof. They just they hop on a plane on these pipe dreams and
26:08think that things are going to work out. And, you know, the fact that he just brought up the visa,
26:12obviously, she knows something about it. But the fact that he just brought it up on the show
26:16was really interesting to me, because they made it seem like if the kids gave their approval
26:20right away, they were going to start the visa process. So it's weird. Now that they got that
26:25off the table, they're like, Oh, yeah, we can't even apply for a visa right now. Anyway, he's
26:28because I think it's gonna be with that. I just think it's, it's not it's gonna get declined
26:34because he's already he's already has a ban from entering the United States. But again,
26:40I'm Canadian, I don't know how the US law works.
26:43Look at how many times Michael got denied.
26:47All those types of visas and still to this day, we don't know. He definitely never came over here
26:52and overstayed. And he definitely had never been here before. And they still kept denying him over
26:57and over and over. He got denied for the K-1. He got denied for another visa. And so the fact that
27:04he came over here and overstayed, I'm wondering if he's probably blacklisted from getting a
27:09spousal visa. Anyway, they're very strict, right when it comes to strikes and mistakes.
27:17So I'm like, huh, you already did something and you got banned for three years. So when
27:21you go and run that new visa application, you know damn well,
27:25your ban is going to show up. They can see everything, everything. So the person is
27:31going to deny it. And he probably knows that, which is crazy. He probably knows that because
27:36he's probably tried it already. And these women who think, oh no, we're going to be together.
27:40He's going to come live with me. We're going to start a family. He knows that he's never
27:43going anywhere. He's just taking these wire transfers as they come, telling these women
27:48whatever they want to hear. And then when the woman finally figures out what he's doing and
27:52stops talking to him, he moves on to the next Joanne, right? And he starts the process over.
27:58And it's like, can you imagine? This is so complex. It would just be easier to get a job.
28:05At this point, this is so complex. It's just wild to me what people will go through to avoid
28:12taking care of themselves. Because for me, this is so complex. And then you have to remember all
28:17these different women. And then if the women have children, you got to remember the children
28:21and their names and all that. It's so complex.
28:23You probably got like a spreadsheet, PDFs going on, like each file folder.
28:28I mean, I've watched Love After Lockup and there was this one lady
28:34on there and she had like a board on her wall of all the inmates she was talking to, their name,
28:40their age, what time they could make phone calls. So he probably, you would be surprised what people
28:47do to stay organized in their weird little scams, right? Because I think she was talking like four
28:53or five inmates at once. But she had like a board on the wall. And this is probably what he does at
28:58his house. That's probably why she's not allowed at his house. There's probably in his room,
29:02there's a spreadsheet on the wall with all the different women and a photo and then little
29:07string hanging from the photo.
29:08Now the wheels are turning, George. Now you can go outside of the cookie cutter box.
29:13What country she's in, how many kids she has, how much money she's good for,
29:18how frequently she's good for that money. Like, I guess if you really organize it, it's possible,
29:24right? Like for me, it would just, it would be hard. It would be hard. Like, honestly,
29:29I'm not a good liar. So it would be hard for me to keep up with so many different people telling
29:34so many different lies, because I'm not a good liar. I remember, I barely remember the truth.
29:38So remembering a lie, it would be a lot of work for me. So Josh and Lily were on tonight. And
29:50there was an issue where, so in China, it's customary, traditional that men initiate intimacy.
29:58So women don't initiate intimacy. And we found out tonight that Josh and Lily have not been
30:04intimate since he's arrived, which I think is really weird, right? Because remember,
30:09we were having this conversation about him being a kept man, you know, a boy toy, basically. And,
30:14you know, that's basically your only job, right, is to take care of the needs of your wife,
30:20your woman. And he's not doing that. And he made some excuses. He said that time difference,
30:25he had a cold. He's been tired. How do you feel about these excuses? Right?
30:32I think it's just, and I know he goes on your live sometime to like, I know he sometimes is
30:37present. I don't know if he is now. I think it's basically he's in, I think he's really
30:42intimidated by her. Not because she's forceful or anything like that. Just because of the fact that
30:50she's the breadwinner, right? And his ego drops, right? Like, I can't do anything. I can't support
30:57anything. So his ego probably drops. And like, like, he's not. It's not like he's not attracted
31:05to her. But it's kind of like the Gino Jasmine situation where she like Jasmine would always be
31:12like, on on Gino all the time. But in this situation, it's a little bit different. Because
31:18because of the fact of, I think it's more of an ego thing, right with him, right? Like,
31:23he's not being the breadwinner. He can't really do anything like, like, she's, and I'm not,
31:30I don't know what happens behind closed doors in their house that has an elevator.
31:37It could be that she's making him feel because when they went out to dinner, she's always bringing
31:42up the money issue. And like, he just can't support that lifestyle. And so it makes someone's
31:48like a man's ego go down more not wanting to be intimate with somebody that they love, right?
31:56I didn't think of that. But it makes sense. Because it makes your confidence lower.
32:02Like you're a little more confident. And I hate to say it, because it's kind of sexist. But when a
32:06man knows he can, he can pay for dinner, he can go pick her up in his car, and he can take her
32:11out to a concert or to a movie, and he can pay, it makes him a little more confident.
32:16Exactly. He's basically dependent on her for everything and anything.
32:19Right. So yeah, I can see that. And technically, she can reject him in many different ways. And
32:25for a man, egos for men are much more fragile. So if he did initiate it, and she rejected him,
32:33he would probably cry, right? Right? Because men are really fragile. So I can see the lack of
32:40confidence because he doesn't feel, you know, because when a man is confident, he shows up,
32:44he picks her up, he takes her to a nice dinner, takes her to a nice movie, maybe brings her
32:49flowers. You know, he shows the dominant side, like, hey, I can take care of you. And it makes
32:55him a little more confident. But when you show up, you know, and she picks you up, basically,
33:00she's buying your dinner, she's giving you a place to say she's taking you to the show.
33:06It does feel a little weird, right? I know we need to cut these boundaries between men and women
33:12and the sex sexism stuff. But it still feels different. You know, when a woman is taking
33:17care of a man, it's not natural, especially for men, men feel emasculated a little bit.
33:23And but he's got to get over it, because there's a five year period that he can't work.
33:27So he's got to figure out a way to find his confidence, because it's clearly not,
33:31it doesn't bother her. Because if she was disgusted by him, she would have easily said
33:35tonight, cool, we're not doing it. I don't want to, but she clearly wants to, it doesn't bother
33:41her that he's not able to provide anything. She still wants to feel desired, you know,
33:47in the relationship. And I think that they do have really good communication. They do, right?
33:51I feel like of all the couples, they communicate well, they tell each other what bothers each
33:58other. And then they leave the door open for resolution, like a lot of the other couples.
34:05They don't have that communication. And when they do have a conversation,
34:11they're yelling at each other, you know, and it's to the point where there's no
34:15constructive resolution. There's just two people screaming like Statler and Dempsey,
34:18they don't have any communication. They just scream at each other and get mad.
34:21You know, in their situation, it's possible for them to make it work. I just don't know
34:27how long it will work. Because in my opinion, how long is she gonna want, you know, someone,
34:33and I hate to make it seem like men are devalued based on their income or whatever, but
34:38how long is, like, for both of them, is this arrangement gonna work? Because even married
34:44couples, you know, they both contribute in some way, right? Like, the man might pay the mortgage,
34:50but the wife might pay other stuff or pay car notes or clean the house or cook or help raise
34:55the kids and alleviate some stress. Like, I feel like everything is always on her. And I'm like,
35:01how long is that really gonna last? You know, like, how long is she gonna want to put up that
35:05five years is a long time to commit to saying, Oh, you can just sit around the house, and I'll
35:10take care of everything. That's a long time to commit to that. Yeah, definitely. Like you
35:16mentioned, like, they, they both have great communication skills, despite there being a
35:20slight language barrier, they make it work. And he has, like she listened, they both listened to
35:26each other's feelings and emotions when they express them. So at first, like Cara, I thought
35:33he was a man child, right? Like, once he moved to like, once he actually moved to China, and like,
35:40they started showing another side to him. I'm like, Oh, I do like him. I do. Like, I do like
35:46him. I don't have any issues with him. So I just think, I don't know, it's a toss up, like,
35:53because they haven't really gone depth in depth with the with this storyline. Right? Same with
36:00like, Inky's and Corona, they haven't really gone too deep into both of their storylines.
36:07They've focused on the three other couples. So you're right, we don't know what's going on,
36:12because we saw a preview that they had to call off a wedding, and then we saw nothing about it.
36:18And with Inky and Corona, we literally have only gotten like a couple of episodes of them.
36:24Like, it's very strange. You know, when that happens, I wonder how much footage they have,
36:29you know, like, did it fall apart early? And you know, because that's what happened with Debbie
36:34and what was his name? Debbie and Osama. They didn't have a lot of footage because she got
36:40there, she showed his colors really quickly, and she got her stuff and she left. So they didn't
36:44have a lot. So I think they introduced her on like, episode seven, or eight. And then by episode
36:5210 or 11, the whole story had concluded. What is up, Mark? How are you? Are you back in the US,
36:58Mark? You've been gone for a minute. But yeah, I feel like they concluded. So it's making me wonder
37:03if this situation with Corona and Inky fell apart faster than they thought. And same with
37:09Josh and Lily. So there was some stuff going around because apparently, in China,
37:16Instagram is banned.
37:18Yeah, I think TikTok too, from what I've read or heard.
37:23So people are asking a lot of questions because they said that Josh obviously is very active on
37:30Instagram. So they were like, if you're active on Instagram, and you're in a country where Instagram
37:33is not allowed, you're not in that country. So yeah, so I was like, huh, that could be I mean,
37:42I know that people use VPNs in order to the system.
37:48So watch yesterday's episode. Hi. Yep. Don't care.
37:53I don't, I'm not convinced that he's back here. I think the one thing that I would be more
37:59convinced if someone saw him, right? Because it would be really hard for him to just stay in his
38:03house or stay in his basement for months at a time. If he was back, somebody would see him. Remember
38:08when Michael got here, and within like 10 days, somebody got a picture of him at Walmart.
38:13You're like, so a lot of people are like, oh, he has to be back here because he goes on Instagram
38:16live. And he's on Instagram, you know, at times where it would be really late in China, but it's
38:22like a normal time here. So like people are reading in between lines. I'm not exactly sure.
38:27Hey, Lori, I'm not exactly sure if he's here or not. I want to think that he's
38:31not. But I'm not sure. Oh, before we move on, there was a video that TMZ posted.
38:38Oh, God,
38:39a big ad getting engaged. So I wanted to get your reaction on that real quick, because
38:45I don't know who the woman is in the video. But the caption said after 24 hours of courting.
38:52So I wanted to get your, your opinion on that. What the hell is that?
38:58I don't know. I told you in the car, like, when you sent it to me, I'm like, Oh, my God,
39:03are they? And then I'm like, why does he look like he woke up in the Philippines with the
39:07toupee on his head? He needs to go to Turkey and get hair plugs. Like, honestly, like,
39:12it looks like that scene when he's in bed and wakes up in the Philippines with rope,
39:17like with rose, telling her to brush her teeth. That's how his hair look.
39:21It did. Well, what Mark said that he sold the video. That's a legend. Mark,
39:26how would we know? I mean, it did seem I don't want to say staged.
39:31Well, it does sound like something he would do. It does. Like, let's be honest,
39:36he would sell it to TMZ to make money because there is no not God willing. There is no more
39:4390 day for him. 90 day nothing. Hopefully. Good God. Hopefully. No single life. Hopefully,
39:48hopefully, hopefully. After Liz, I feel like this should be a pretty like, you know how there's
39:56all this evidence of who he is in a relationship through this Liz relationship. I would think that
40:01there aren't a lot of women that are entertaining him at this point. But I never I never cease to
40:09be amazed how many times there's a woman who's willing to be with a guy who has a really bad
40:14reputation, you know, because he's a TV star or a basketball player or, you know, they're they
40:20overlook a lot based on that, because I still to this day, I'm confused as to why Liz was with Ed,
40:26I'm very confused. She seems like there's nothing wrong with her, you know, mentally or physically,
40:31she seems like she has common sense. She seems like she has knowledge. And still to this day,
40:37I've been trying to put my hand on what was happening. And I still don't understand it.
40:42I still don't.
40:43I love Liz. Like she's been on Shibuti's Twitter space. Like she's an incredible person makes time
40:51for everybody. So I do love Liz. I just think maybe she was just blind and wearing a tinfoil
40:57hat. That's the only thing we can only learn from our mistakes. Unfortunately,
41:02she needed more than one. Sorry, Liz.
41:0513 times. Actually, I think I broke up 13 times. But I don't I don't kick people for their mistakes.
41:12I like to congratulate them for their progress. And I think that her being in a more healthy
41:17relationship with a more stable person who treats her better. I like to congratulate that rather
41:22than kick her, you know, for all of the stuff she put herself. Yeah, I don't want to be the
41:27one. By all means. I'm not she's like physically fit. She's like working out to just like Ashley,
41:33right. But Liz probably did it the healthy way. But like, she's been working out taking care of
41:40herself and putting herself first, which she never did with it. Then made her he didn't allow
41:46he didn't allow her to put herself first. He made her walk away from her job. He made her walk away
41:50from her family. I'm just like you said, I'm happy for her. Also, Mark says TMZ pays for this stuff.
41:55That is true. Mark. I remember back in the day. I had a video. There's a story. My gosh,
42:01I'm aging myself. There's a story of Matthew. Can't remember his last name now. But it was a TV
42:08star. And he got into an altercation with a bus driver and punched the bus driver.
42:14And I had a video of him right before. Right before that, like I was I was downtown and he
42:22was downtown. And what was it? He was on Lost. Do you remember the show Lost? I recall Lost,
42:30but I can't. I think it was Matthew something. I can't remember. But anyway, I had a video. Well,
42:38I had a picture. We were outside the same hotel. I was outside the Ritz Carlton. He was outside
42:42the Ritz Carlton. He was waiting on his car. You bougie. The Ritz? Is that bougie?
42:50More than what I can afford. That's for sure. Okay. And well, hold on. I'm gonna try to find
42:57this dude. I was about to find him too. I was just like, hold on. Okay, continue with the storytime.
43:03Matthew Fox. Okay, so Matthew Fox. And we were outside. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He was in Party of
43:10Five. Oh, that's where I recognize that name from. Party of Five. So I remember he came out of the
43:17hotel. I came out of the hotel. I was waiting on my car. He was waiting on his car. And I noticed
43:21him and we took a picture together. And I was like, Oh, I know who you are. And he's like,
43:25okay, cool. So let's take a picture. And then like, less than an hour later, he got arrested
43:30for like punching this lady bus driver in the face. A couple hours later, and TMZ was like,
43:36hey, you have a picture because I posted it on Twitter. They're like, delete it and we'll pay
43:42like a whole bunch of money for the picture. So I remember that. So you're right, Mark,
43:46they absolutely do pay a whole bunch of money. I can't remember like specifically how much it was.
43:52But it was more than $500. I remember that. And they were just like, you just delete it.
43:58And then we're gonna post it. And then they ran like a bunch of stories
44:02about it because apparently he was drunk and he got on a bus, a party bus, but it wasn't his party
44:08bus. It was the wrong party bus. And the driver tried to get him to leave and then he wouldn't
44:13and then she pushed him and then he punched her and there's like a whole bunch of stuff.
44:16But I just remember like they paid me for the photo. And I thought that that was the weirdest
44:23thing. But apparently they do this stuff pretty normal. So now that that has been said,
44:27Ed probably did do that. He probably had the video done, staged it and then sold it for probably
44:34thousands. You know, this is Big Ed, this isn't me, this is Big Ed. Probably thousands of dollars.
44:38And that girl is probably just somebody that he gave a couple hundred dollars to to be in the
44:43video, right? Because I can't imagine any woman in her right mind with self respect and love would
44:52want to be engaged to him, right? Like I don't understand. And again, to each his own. I don't
44:57want to tell anybody who to love or whatever. But I just don't see the value in being in a
45:02relationship with that guy. No, no, no.
45:05Like I said, it's all for clout. He's not getting any money from anywhere. And Mark is right.
45:11TMZ pays for this stuff. They pay for everything. So all tabloids do, since God knows how long
45:18they've been doing this for. They pay for pictures, they pay for video footage. So
45:23he wanted to make a quick buck.
45:25Yeah. And he did. And like you said, if this is the end of the 90 day era for him,
45:31this is probably what he's going to be doing now.
45:33Oh God. There's going to be more fake Ed postings on TMZ.
45:38We know that he's not going to get a job, right? We're fully aware that Ed is past that point,
45:45right? Like we've seen a lot of GoFundMe's popping up lately. Well, apparently a lot of
45:49people are past that point, right? Like a lot of people are just like, oh no, I need some money.
45:53I'm going to post a GoFundMe and ask everyone.
45:55They think Michael can do it. So they're jumping on that ship, on that bandwagon,
45:59thinking everybody else is going to feel sorry for them and give them money.
46:02So I mean, it's funny. We were talking about this the other day. This isn't new because we
46:08were going down like the list of GoFundMe's and how far back it goes. It goes back years
46:13of the cast members doing it. Michael's is by far the most successful. I mean,
46:20I think Devin had one back in the day for her son who had cancer and that one did really well.
46:27But again, the cause, it just made sense, right? You're going to help anybody. You're going to
46:34help a toddler who was unfortunately fighting cancer. Like it just made sense. So I think that,
46:40because we were going through the list of all the different ones and I was like, well, Michael's was
46:43the most successful. I was like, when people really were asking for genuine help for things,
46:47like for instance, Devin, she really couldn't afford it, right? She was a normal girl who was
46:53on a TV show and then she wasn't on the show anymore. And cancer can be hundreds of thousands
46:58of dollars to pay for treatment, right? And I really respect St. Jude and I try to give them
47:04as much as I can because when they take the children, they never send the parents a bill.
47:07Can you imagine trying to save your child's life and then also worrying about money at the same
47:13time? There's only so much stress that you can allow in your body at one time, right? I can't
47:18imagine that. Well, thankfully, Canada, you know, healthcare. Yay! One of the perks. We don't have
47:26that. We don't have that at all. America is a lot more advanced because you have to pay for it for
47:33medical, like a lot of studies and everything come out of America. So a lot of people will
47:41travel to America and pay that hefty price to get whatever treatment it is. Really? So Canadians
47:48will appear and, really? That says a lot. Or if the waiting list is too long or what have you,
47:56a lot of Canadians will do that. They'll go to find a specialist who can do whatever
48:01and do whatever it is and then they'll pay out of pocket.
48:06Wow. I mean, I remember when I was in Ohio, there was a place called the Cleveland Clinic.
48:12And there were people who would travel from everywhere just to go to the Cleveland Clinic.
48:17And I was like, oh, this must be a good hospital. And then I talked to a lot of people and they were
48:21like, it's the best. And I was like, really? In Ohio? Why would that be the best? But apparently,
48:28there are people who would find all from all over the world, because there were surgeons and
48:31specialists that work there that you couldn't find anywhere else. Like if you need a specific
48:36specialist, they would be there. And I was like, oh, that's crazy. You would think that
48:40there were people all over but there wasn't. You had to go to them. All right, so we're gonna come
48:46back maybe tomorrow. I think I don't know. I'll let you know. Because I Love a Mama's Boy comes
48:53on premieres tonight, which I have not watched yet. So we have to talk about that at some point.
48:59So maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after. I'll let everyone know.
49:04Maybe the day after because if you've got COVID, you're-
49:08Right. I don't know. I have to take the test. I had the test and then I didn't have time to take
49:12it. But I feel like I probably do because like right now I'm really, really cold.
49:17You need a lot of R&R and you want to be on camera.
49:23Yeah, I do. I feel sick. I probably look sick.
49:26No, you don't look sick, but it'll get there within that time frame.
49:31Yeah, it's because I'm in Florida. I shouldn't feel- why would I feel cold? That was like my
49:35first clue that I was sick. I was like, I turned the air conditioner off and I was like, I think
49:40I'm sick. Because it's Florida.
49:42I sometimes get sick too during this time of year, but I'm going through like hot,
49:47like an air conditioned office to like hot outside or warm outside and then back in
49:53inside, outside, inside, outside with the air con and stuff like that.
49:57So it's just like different trees are blooming here. Like so it could be like allergies as well.
50:04So yeah, but it's that time of year again.
50:09Yeah, I'm the only person I know that can get sick. It'll be 100 degrees outside and I'll have
50:13a cold. I'm the only one. It just happens to me.
50:19All right. Oh, yeah. Donna says Kobe is team Sarper. Yeah,
50:22Kobe has been team Sarper for like the longest.
50:26I'm sorry, Kobe. I like you, but no.
50:28He and I don't see eye to eye on that whatsoever. And hopefully as the season goes on,
50:33he can see, you know, why that is, you know, because Kobe and I agree on a lot of stuff,
50:38just not that. Definitely not that. All right, guys, make sure you're following Gina. I'm tagging
50:43her in this video. Kara's under the weather. So say a little nice prayer for her so she gets
50:48better soon. And Dee Dee will be back soon as well. She's going through some family stuff.
50:52So as soon as she comes back, I can't wait. And thank you for joining us. Everybody have
50:56a wonderful Monday night. Make sure you're following me on all social media platforms
50:59at Joris Mossie, jorismossie.com. You'll get your podcast type in the Joris Mossie show.
51:03Everybody have a wonderful night. We'll talk to you soon.
