The George Mossey Show: The Other Way: AfterShow S6EP15 #90dayfiance

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The new season of 90 day fiance: the other way after S6EP15 I love a mamas boy podcast! Join George Mossey & KARA for the #90dayfiancetheotherway #podcast
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00:00:04Is hello welcome
00:00:07Happy Monday
00:00:10We're gonna talk mama's boy and the other way
00:00:15Car is gonna join us tonight, which is awesome
00:00:18I'm a little distracted guys like we have this massive storm coming and it's kind of making me nervous. Hey, Gina
00:00:26It's kind of making me nervous. I'm not gonna lie
00:00:28Um, y'all know I can't swim so the idea of like a hurricane
00:00:34Hitting here and like flooding everything. It's kind of scary. So a little distracted right now, right?
00:00:40So let's get Cara in here so we can get started because there was a good arm
00:00:44There's a really good episode on tonight of the other way and we're gonna get into that. Hello TJ Diva speaks
00:00:53How are you
00:00:56I'm good. I'm good so far. I'm good so far. I'm still above water. So I'm good
00:01:03I'm stressed out right like they're making this seem like it's gonna be a big deal
00:01:07and you know what I used to live in Ohio and
00:01:09every time it was gonna be a blizzard the new the news made a big deal and
00:01:14Sometimes we wake up the next day after they closed down the whole city and nothing happened. So yeah, just hoping that
00:01:26I'm hoping that it's just not as bad. I know for the coast. It's gonna be bad, right?
00:01:31It's gonna be better. It is what it is, but I'm farther away. So I'm just hoping everyone is
00:01:39Thank you, all right, so we're gonna talk about the other way right because some stuff happened tonight I want to get into
00:01:47Where do I want to start? I think I want to start with oh, yeah, Joanne and her kids Joey
00:01:53And Sean so her son Joey is kind of pissed right and his reactions
00:01:57He's a passive-aggressive person, right?
00:02:00Like he's not a confrontation person
00:02:02But he showed his mom that he was upset by saying he wants to leave and he's he's really questioning
00:02:07You know like well, where does this leave me and your son and our lives and I think that that's a pretty valid
00:02:15Question, you know, I'm not gonna be nasty right like they were dragging Joanne tonight on Twitter on X
00:02:21They were dragging her through the mud. They were mopping. They were painting with her face. Like they were really taking her
00:02:29Right and I know that love makes people crazy and it makes them make decisions that are not
00:02:37that are not fully thought out and right but
00:02:41Everyone is just like at this place where they're like you have children and you know, and I say this a lot
00:02:47You know a mother can have many hats, you know, once you become a mother
00:02:51That's not the only thing that you are, but it's a big part of who you are
00:02:55So people are in this spot where they're like what kind of person who has like an eight-year-old son, you know
00:03:00We're leaving Joey out of the equation for a second because Joey's 18
00:03:04He was hasn't grown but he's 18, but like we're talking about her other son
00:03:08like where is her mindset that she's just willing to abandon this child for a
00:03:14Unemployed boxer who lives with his mom, right?
00:03:17Like they're just they're trying to fathom and I get that love is crazy, right?
00:03:22We've watched this show and we watch a lot of people they seem to fall in love with people that we can't figure out
00:03:28What they see in that person and I'm just at that place to work. What's so great about Sean?
00:03:33I'm just trying to understand it's her responses
00:03:37I know love makes you stupid but her responses when he said
00:03:42Okay, so where does that leave us and she said well, I'll be coming back and forth to New York
00:03:48Well, what if something happens and I need help?
00:03:52So essentially in this kid's mind, he's thinking he's gonna have to raise the little brother then she says
00:03:58Oh, you don't have to raise him. So I'm like, okay, that's good
00:04:01And then she says there's plenty of friends of family. So you're you're just bailing and hoping that family steps out
00:04:10Yes, she's basically saying it's not your responsibility but somebody's she's like your grandma your dad your aunt, you know
00:04:17She's basically delegating this authority. You know, we saw this with Shekinah, right?
00:04:21We see we've seen this isn't the first time we've seen a mom, you know
00:04:26Choose herself over her kids and I think that there's nothing wrong with choosing yourself. It's when you're choosing a man
00:04:31I think that's what gets underneath people's skin because your kids
00:04:35You know a man will never understand the bond between a mom and their child because men can't birth children
00:04:41It's like men love kids
00:04:43But at the same time men aren't bonded the way women are when you see a mom
00:04:46Choose a man over her flesh and blood that she brought into this world
00:04:50It kind of makes you judge her and I know it's a double standard, right?
00:04:54Because we don't judge men as much for doing this because my dad did it
00:04:57He left me and my family made another family left that family made another family and he just kept doing it
00:05:02We don't seem to judge men as much for it, but I don't know people on X
00:05:06They were just like what kind of mother are you?
00:05:08You know and Joey had a really good comment when he said everyone has to work around your schedule and now you're leaving
00:05:16It's like rubbing salt in the wounds. This kid is very hurt by this. He's handling it really maturely
00:05:23But he's pissed
00:05:26rightfully so I
00:05:28Think that he's he's like handling like a man right like men don't know how to put their emotions into words, but
00:05:36With him the fewer words. He gives her the more piss you can tell that he is
00:05:41He doesn't know how to say it, but he's basically saying
00:05:44Well, what about us you chose a life you decided to make a life for yourself and it's in another country
00:05:49And we're just supposed to sit here and be without you and I think that that's a really hurtful thing
00:05:56Maybe if she would have discussed it and they would have talked about it ahead of time before she married him
00:06:01So I feel like the fact that she married him. It's just basically a saying I don't care what you think, right?
00:06:10Cuz she's like, oh we can talk about it and Joey's just like well, what's there to talk about?
00:06:13You've already done it. You've made a decision and it's a lose-lose
00:06:17He's like I either lose you or I say I don't want you to do this and you lose him
00:06:22And then you're pissed off at me and now we're not gonna have a good relationship because you're gonna look at me as the person
00:06:27Who stopped you? Yeah, I'm doing what you wanted to do. So he's right. There's no positive
00:06:32There's nothing positive that's ever gonna come out of this
00:06:34Somebody's gonna get hurt and I don't care how she spins it
00:06:37These kids have to be seen if she does move there and leaves them here
00:06:42She's literally going to help Sean raise his daughter. So she's just
00:06:48Picking up another family. Sorry. Hopefully the family steps up and can raise you but yeah, but also
00:06:55They have no plan
00:06:57Cuz Sean doesn't even have a place like for him for me if this was really gonna work
00:07:02Sean should have had a place for them to go of his own
00:07:05Yeah, he doesn't even have any work like he didn't plan anything
00:07:08You're you're thinking of taking in a woman and her two kids. You don't even have your own home
00:07:12Yeah, you don't even have a job
00:07:14Like how are you preparing a place for them to come to you to make them feel safe you live with your mom and your
00:07:2030s. Yeah, you know and another thing that bothered me
00:07:24Everyone is now aware including Bella, but he didn't bring anyone to meet his mom. Yeah
00:07:30He's still keeping all of this a secret from his mom. Who's clearly a big part of his life. He lives with her
00:07:36So it's like I still don't know how real this is
00:07:40Right because if you look at it Sean isn't really compromising anything he doesn't have to leave
00:07:44He doesn't have to uproot his life. He doesn't have to leave his daughter
00:07:46He doesn't have to do anything that he doesn't want to do. The only person that has a compromise and lose anything is Joanne
00:07:53Right, he doesn't have to do it. Nothing in his life will be inconvenienced whatsoever if this works or if it doesn't yes
00:07:59He's literally in a win-win situation
00:08:02If he if it doesn't work, he still has Joanne to be his sugar mama because you know, that's what's going on
00:08:08No, that's what she hasn't said it but I frickin know I know for a fact she's sending this man money
00:08:13I don't know how much I don't know what he's telling her. He needs it for but I know for a fact
00:08:18He's sending she's sending him money
00:08:19And even if it does work
00:08:21She's gonna come over there and she's probably gonna put him in a house and take care of it either way
00:08:26He's gonna win right? There's no there's no losing in this situation for John and now he's getting paid from TLC on top of it. So
00:08:34Oh, you're right, he's getting like a thousand dollars an episode now to be on a show I just
00:08:40This was this is hard for me because I don't want to drag nobody. I don't want to make anybody feel bad
00:08:44I don't kick people while they're down right like you get tackled. I'll help you up
00:08:48I'm not gonna kick you down, but she's really it's a fine line between
00:08:53Shitty human being in making bad choices, right?
00:08:57Like and she's like skating right on that line and it's just it's hard for me because I'm just like you gotta know
00:09:03That your eight-year-old needs you absolutely nobody
00:09:06Nobody should have to explain that to your son your mom your best friend your brother
00:09:10Nobody can explain it. So you just have to know that makes you a good person and you can't just say oh, well
00:09:16You know, whatever you want to do. Your kids shouldn't have to choose having a mom or not having a mom
00:09:26This is your step sister and your stepdad and this is another country
00:09:30You have one week to decide if you want to move here
00:09:34They don't even know anything about the country and first of all
00:09:39Did she discuss did she discuss it with their dad? Did she?
00:09:44Did she tell the dad I'm married to someone in Ireland. I'm thinking about uprooting our children and
00:09:52Moving them over there. She all she said was you've got your dad and your grandparents and blah blah blah
00:09:58So dad's in the picture
00:10:01But I
00:10:02Hate to say this. I
00:10:05Think that her plan is she's gonna tell the dad and the dad's gonna say well
00:10:10You're not taking my kids and then she gets to get out of jail free car
00:10:13Yeah, she's gonna say well, I would bring you with me, but your dad refuses
00:10:17Yeah, and then she's gonna be like it's out of my hands
00:10:22Because your dad won't let me take you and then she's gonna make it look like well
00:10:25I would have been there for you, but you're and she's gonna use their dad as the scapegoat
00:10:29Yes, I feel like that because I don't know any dad because you know, we saw this with um, Rachel right Rachel water
00:10:37She was raising a child and she everything she wanted was in the UK
00:10:41And since she was raising a child with someone that she wasn't with
00:10:45It was his decision if he wanted to say yes, he could say yes
00:10:48He wants to know he could say no and he said no he wanted to be a part of his child's life
00:10:51Most dads do right? So I think she knows deep down
00:10:55This is bullshit. Dad is gonna hear what she wants to do and he put you know
00:11:00They're probably not even on good terms
00:11:02Usually when someone is divorced, you know, and and they have kids and they're sharing cuz they're they don't want to help the other person
00:11:08Yes, right. They only want to help their kids. So he's gonna hear this story
00:11:13First of all, he's gonna drag her for it, which he should
00:11:16So my other thought on that is if the daddies in the picture
00:11:19Which it sounds like he very much is
00:11:22She was probably getting child support and or alimony or spousal support of some sort and now
00:11:29Because they got married in Ireland, but it doesn't show in the United States
00:11:34So he was probably paying for the last couple of years and she did. Oh
00:11:40Okay, and she was taking that money and giving Sean yep, I feel like that's what Tiger Lily was doing
00:11:47She's taking
00:11:49That's a whole nother thing
00:11:51But that's probably true because you're right you can get married overseas and because you know in the u.s
00:11:56If somebody gets married that stuff shows up like just like if you if you're getting child support and a guy
00:12:03Switches jobs to another job the county or wherever he lives that information is eventually it's gonna show up
00:12:10You're gonna be able to see that because if you're getting taxes taken out that it's gonna be reported
00:12:15But she didn't have to worry about losing her money because and you know, I was wondering why it was a secret
00:12:20You know, that might be part of her ex-husband found out about it. He would have stopped
00:12:26You know, he would have filed a motion two years ago
00:12:29Hey, if she's in a relationship with another man that other man can take care of her
00:12:33I don't need to take care of her anymore. And maybe that was one of the reasons why she didn't want to tell anyone
00:12:39III that's exactly what I think under there's
00:12:42so many
00:12:44layers to this story and again
00:12:46I won't drag nobody
00:12:48But I just I feel bad for the kids right the kids are because I'm like I was a kid
00:12:54Right, and I would have never wanted to make a decision at 8 or 18
00:12:59Hell, I'll just be real 8 or 18 whether or not I wanted my mom in another country or not
00:13:04Yeah, I don't want my mom in another country now
00:13:07Like this it's because if I need to see her if I need if something happens that she needs to see me
00:13:12You know 30 hours on a plane might not be enough time
00:13:16There's something right and you don't you can't get there when you have kids in school
00:13:21You know when the school calls and they need to talk to the mother or the father. How are you gonna get there?
00:13:25Yeah, you know because that's I was
00:13:29No, you're not well
00:13:30So you are not sometimes when the kids get in trouble at school the parent has to come in physically
00:13:35You know to handle that and the kid can't come back to school till they talk to someone
00:13:39So you can't raise a child from another country actually kind of can't do it
00:13:46When there's a whole entire ocean between you guys well, right you're like time zones and they actually
00:13:52Isn't it a whole different day there? I don't tomorrow
00:13:56I don't know what Ireland is, but I know the time zone is significant
00:14:00Yeah, it might not even be today. It might be tomorrow. They're like you're not even like in the same time
00:14:05Time zone. Okay, so I want to talk about
00:14:08She kind of cuz she's having her third nose job done
00:14:11I wasn't surprised. It wasn't those job number three were you I thought it was probably more
00:14:16I I thought it was number two, honestly, but I
00:14:20Dying when the doctor said that her nose is droopy
00:14:25Yeah, I mean the doctor I feel like the doctor
00:14:30Is very honest
00:14:32You know and I hate to say this because this came up on the show and Sarper said something that resonated with me
00:14:38Which I'm very embarrassed about he said that you're gonna keep having these surgeries and you're eventually gonna just turn into
00:14:45Every other girl because and he's made up the point that he made
00:14:49It's weird coming from him because he does the same thing
00:14:52But he was like you get lost in these surgeries and then you look all you all look the same and it's true
00:14:59These women they have the surgeries and they look like a puffer fish. Yeah, right
00:15:03They got puffy lips puffy cheeks puffy. Everything's puffy
00:15:07yeah, and I said this on Twitter because I was like
00:15:10I really hope that she kind of
00:15:11Gets ahold of herself during these surgeries because a lot of people online feel like she's kind of already looking sort of like a drag
00:15:19Queen absolutely, and it's crazy because we've seen the pictures of her years and years ago
00:15:24This isn't her first time on TV first time doing this
00:15:27She's very pretty and I think she's at that threshold where if you do anything else
00:15:33You're gonna start looking like you are from another planet, right? And you know, oh, she's got she's kind of there now
00:15:39He said that really pissed me off is he's like she doesn't need it. She's beautiful just the way she is
00:15:51Well, yeah, but he also weighs her
00:15:57Beautiful just the way she is
00:15:59He also remember at the tell-all she had to call him on FaceTime to show him what the food choices were at lunch
00:16:06So he could approve it. Yeah, but she's beautiful the way she is, right?
00:16:10That is just my god. Okay, so the doctor said so surfer says how long is the surgery?
00:16:19So he immediately goes to oh my gosh, it's three to four hours and his brain starts spiraling
00:16:25He says she's gonna be unconscious for three hours I
00:16:29Guarantee, he's trying to figure out a side piece. She's gonna be unconscious. She won't know she'll think oh there
00:16:36So he won't need to be there. Yeah. Yeah, that's that's interesting that you said that because the nurse said no sex for
00:16:44It was 30 days, right? Yeah, and then that changed almost instantly. So like a week or something
00:16:52No, she kind of said what it so the nurse explains the blood pressure and making your nose bleed and all of that stuff
00:16:59She kind of says what if I'm not doing the work? What if he does all the work and the nurse goes?
00:17:04Oh, you'll be fine then
00:17:06but do you think that she's
00:17:09Acting this way because she knows how do I put this nicely if she's not giving it to him?
00:17:14He's got it. Do you think because first of all if the doctor tells you don't have sex don't have sex
00:17:20Right, like they tell you that for a reason but what and I know my doctor's office. Is this that gives you?
00:17:30Post-surgical advice you can't do this. Well, what if I did it this way? Okay, then you're fine
00:17:36Well, I'm assuming that this is one of those like
00:17:41Doctors, I don't want to say dr. Miami because he's a real doctor, but you know, I mean like one of those
00:17:46Hollywood doctors
00:17:50Yeah, right as long as your payment is approved at the front
00:17:56Whatever you want goes right? I feel like it's one of those doctors or you know when you go to Mexico
00:18:01Okay, so, you know when you are trying to go on dr. Nisar didn't show he makes you lose like 150 pounds on your own
00:18:07But if you go to Mexico
00:18:09You just pay and if your payment is approved up front you do whatever you want
00:18:14I feel like it's one of those situations. I don't I don't want to like say he's not a doctor
00:18:19I think he's a doctor. Yeah, but I think morally he's not like the type of doctor
00:18:25Yeah, I would want operating. I mean just just I was like, I need you to have some morals
00:18:30And he also said something that was weird too. He was like, we'll do our best and I was like, no, no
00:18:35No, don't don't do your best. Don't kill me. You know, there's a dead like I need you to do more than your best
00:18:40You know when I hear somebody
00:18:42Screwed up or whatever. They're like I really tried my best. So no I that that statement scares me a little bit coming
00:18:50Because I've heard of people dying on the operating table. This is not something so don't do your best do your absolute
00:18:56Yeah best work, right? I don't give me I need you to convince me that you know
00:19:01What you're doing and that didn't convince me at all
00:19:03The other best part of it is that she can't brush her teeth for a week. Yeah, that was crazy, right?
00:19:10Brush my teeth like in the morning and then at night. I have a really bad arm teeth hygiene younger
00:19:16I had like a lot of cavities. So like when I got older I started taking care of my teeth
00:19:21So the idea of not brushing my teeth is just crazy
00:19:24It would it would bother me like if I don't brush I could feel perhaps if I don't like I can feel it
00:19:31So it's like if I don't do like I don't know that was really weird for me
00:19:34But I mean I get you know, it's close to the area you could
00:19:39Maneuver in a way that causes you to make something worse. It is what it is. Yeah, but I think that
00:19:46The reason why she was so eager to stay in Turkey was because of the cheap plastic surgery
00:19:52I don't think it's because Harper lives there. I think it was more so that oh, yeah
00:19:58He lived there and also there's like a dime a dozen of surgeons who?
00:20:01Will do whatever you want as long as your payment goes through right? Like I feel like that was that was like
00:20:06Reason number one. I agree a hundred percent on that. All right, so James and Tata were back and
00:20:13James has been there for six months. They're broke. They're also having a second wedding, which is something that broke people don't typically do
00:20:22I'm confused to remember when um, Lily was like, oh, I'm super broke
00:20:27and then they would go out to eat or
00:20:29Then they would go to the spa and they're half they have a five-story house with the elevator and I was like y'all are not
00:20:34Broke people you're confusing me. So James is saying that the wedding cost fifteen hundred US dollars
00:20:40But like in the the Philippines, that's probably equal to like what ten grand
00:20:45it is
00:20:47fifteen million
00:20:50751,000 rupiahs. Holy crap. We're in millions. So yeah, this is a big a big way
00:20:56Freaking banana chips. Do you have to sell?
00:21:00Well, they're not selling banana chips remember he's not even doing that right, but how did her dad get rich Oh
00:21:08So I'm an agent, but I'm assuming all the kids were doing it for free
00:21:12Like I think they all were all hands on deck
00:21:16And I think that's how how they were able to because you don't have to pay anyone your it's all in the family
00:21:21It's a lot easier. Let's talk about what they make there. So
00:21:26she said
00:21:27She is a
00:21:29Data scientist, right? Yes. I thought wow, that has to be a really good profession
00:21:36Especially because you can only do it
00:21:38You know the way and blah blah blah
00:21:41So I looked it up the average salary for a data scientist in Indonesia is eight million
00:21:49600,000 rupiahs, which is equivalent to $50 a month and
00:21:55And US dollars and US dollars, oh
00:22:00So that's like
00:22:03Bucks a month
00:22:05But how many hours would you have to work like that's a salary. That's that's a monthly wage for a data scientist
00:22:13Oh my god
00:22:14So I understand why James says it's probably time to go back. I
00:22:18Understand that even let's be real
00:22:21Freaking crying all she does is cry. Well
00:22:24I think that she's very contradicting like she said she was she's like
00:22:30Oh, we can't just sit around my parents house and not help them and help pay
00:22:33But then also anytime James brings up money and how they need to make money. She starts crying. It gets pissed off
00:22:39So it's very confident. He is very
00:22:42Adult trying to be very responsible. He's like I'm the man. I need to take care of you
00:22:48I need to I need to be self-sufficient
00:22:51He's he's very adult she is very teenager well
00:22:57Yeah, I think it's I think he's
00:23:01She's never had the responsibility
00:23:03He said it tonight too because he was like you just don't like to think about the financial side of things
00:23:07And I think it's not that she doesn't like to she just never had to you know
00:23:11I think she's the baby of her family first of all, so that's that's always gonna make it difficult
00:23:16You know to mature being the baby because they get whatever they want, you know you I came around as the baby, too
00:23:23So what the struggle was behind the family so they were doing better and like for her family
00:23:30They're doing really well, and I think she came around when the family started doing well, so she never saw struggle
00:23:35She never had to think about money. It was yeah, and I think that
00:23:40She's under
00:23:41The impression that she can't leave in dope wait. It's Indonesia, right?
00:23:45Yeah, Indonesia because America was making her sick. Did you hear that she said tonight?
00:23:50She was like being in America made me sick, and I was like
00:23:59Said that they went to a lot lots of lots of lots of doctors
00:24:02Yeah, no one understood what was going on which I don't believe right like I go to my
00:24:09Physician if I have an issue, and if he can't understand what's going on. They refer me to a specialist
00:24:14Yeah, and you know I had issues this year actually where I had to go to several specialists, but you know I want to say
00:24:22Three or four visits. I knew what was wrong right and
00:24:27If I was in Indonesia, I would have already known what was wrong
00:24:32It's I think that she just doesn't like the u.s.. Which that is her that is her God-given, right?
00:24:39We can like things and dislike things that is our right as a human being but she doesn't want to just say that I
00:24:45Think that she wants to have like an excuse because she's like well
00:24:48I gave him three years in the u.s.. So and he's been here six weeks
00:24:52And he's not giving me the same amount of time so I think that she suffered through
00:24:56Three years in the u.s.. Which I don't even know if it was a suffer
00:25:00I mean I get being away from your family and your friends and being in a country where you don't feel connected
00:25:05You know she know she might not have saw a lot of people that look like her talk like her to speak her language
00:25:10So I get the connection, but I don't even know if she was like suffering because she didn't really work
00:25:15You know her jewelry, and and she also said something interesting. She's like when we were in the u.s.. All you ever did was work
00:25:21I don't think that she understands
00:25:24Somebody has to work. Yeah, I think that she's under the impression that you can just live
00:25:30Yeah, this somebody has to work
00:25:32You know and some families they find a good medium the man wants to work the woman wants to work or somebody works full-time
00:25:38Somebody only works part-time. You can find a medium, but I think that in her mind
00:25:43Working is not something she likes
00:25:45But she also doesn't like it if he does it because she feels alone, and I get it in the u.s..
00:25:50You know she might not know as many people as she did she grew up in the Philip in
00:25:54Indonesia so there's childhood friends cousins family. There's more people I get feeling alone
00:25:59But if someone's not making any money
00:26:01Yeah, life cannot go on right like I hate to say that but it's like your life will it cease to exist as you know
00:26:08It if somebody's not going to work right and also James had another very good point about her dad
00:26:14Well, he said her dad's controlling and intrusive which he may or may not be but he says you cannot have a love life
00:26:22living in your parents house like
00:26:24Can you imagine moving to another country with your wife in the same house as your parents and
00:26:31Trying to be romantic at any given time when you never know if the dad's gonna barge in just cuz he's bored
00:26:38See that is impossible
00:26:40Okay, so when I was growing up my mom. I don't want to use the word crazy
00:26:46I'm gonna use the word helicopter parent so look my mom was super nosy like I remember my brother
00:26:53He would not talk to her right and he's done stuff that he got in trouble for she took the doors off the hinges of
00:27:00our rooms
00:27:01So she could just see what we were doing
00:27:04So like when you said that like the idea of me trying to bring a woman
00:27:07Into the house about there was no door on the end like there would be no love life period
00:27:13Because there's no door like my mom didn't the fact the only time we could go in a room and close the door was the bathroom
00:27:19Yeah, like my mom was just so
00:27:22Into whatever we're doing because my brother and sister, you know, they gave her a hard time, you know
00:27:27They made things difficult for her. So she really really kept super close
00:27:31I and I think that for him they're still I mean they've been married for what two years three years
00:27:37it's not a new relationship, but moving to a new country and
00:27:42Trying to reconnect with your wife
00:27:44Haven't they've been married for like five years. Oh
00:27:47Was it five? Yeah, I think they've been married for a while
00:27:52Because she did say well probably four years because she did say that they got married
00:27:59Their wedding was a COVID wedding. Oh
00:28:02Yeah, 2020. Yeah, and nobody could come. Yeah. Yep. You know that yeah 2020 COVID wedding
00:28:09So yeah, I think and she said she gave him three years
00:28:11Oh, yeah, you're right because didn't they get married and then he came back to the u.s
00:28:16Yeah, and then she eventually when her visa got approved she joined him here. Yeah, you're right
00:28:22So yeah, and then they had three years and I think Florida they were in and then Connecticut somewhere over there, right?
00:28:31She hated it which I get you know being in a snowy state
00:28:35It's not fun because I don't think it snows in Indonesia. So that's a really big adjustment
00:28:41Yeah, first one. I remember when I left Louisiana went to Ohio. I never really adjusted to being cold on time
00:28:46I didn't I hated it my body. So in Oregon, we're in the type. We're in the layering season
00:28:52So yesterday morning when I got up, it was 17 degrees
00:28:55so you dress for winter and then when I got home it was 87 so
00:29:04That's a thing you just
00:29:06Yeah, you just peel your it's layering season. Most people have summer winter spring and fall we have
00:29:12We have summer and then we have layers and so extreme though, that's like it's terrible
00:29:21Warm in the morning and as it started the day goes on you just start taking a shirt off
00:29:25Yeah, or gotta say like I don't know how I would dress. I would just wear everything I guess
00:29:30Yeah. Oh, wow. That's I was I don't even know the last time I wore a hoodie here
00:29:36So that's just so extreme like oh I got excited because it's starting in a couple weeks
00:29:41It's the low is gonna be like in the 60s and like that's a really cold here
00:29:46So I was like, oh man, I could like we're a hoodie outside
00:29:50Degrees is all week this week. Hey, but our lows are like bring your plans in lows
00:29:57hmm, oh so
00:30:01Jared and Lily went out and they went to this place and they tried some Chinese food
00:30:06Jared had a conversation with Lily, which I thought was interesting because Josh and Lily have been trying to talk about this
00:30:12Money situation for like four episodes or so, maybe five they haven't gotten anywhere
00:30:16Jared was able to get some info out of Lily. So she said that she wants him to feel more
00:30:23Grateful and appreciative of the things that she does. It's not that she cares about how much money it is
00:30:28It's more so like you should be more grateful that I did it and it made me think
00:30:34Is that okay in America because when you're married that's kind of like how you would make your child feel like if your child need
00:30:40Needed something and it costs a lot of money. You're like, you know, I love you
00:30:44You know your mom or dad loves you because I did this you're like, that's not what you do to your husband
00:30:48He's a grown adult. So I feel like that's still a negative
00:30:52Trait, you know to make somebody feel like well every time you do something for them
00:30:56They have to like kiss your feet up, you know and say thank you for all you've done for me your royal highness
00:31:02That's no thing. I always say do not ever ever ever
00:31:08Do anything for me if you ever hold it over my head once
00:31:13See, I'm the same way. I'm gonna say wait, I tell people
00:31:16Um, if you do something for me, don't expect anything in return. Yeah, and then I'll do the same
00:31:21I just want to help or do it because I want to because I've had that situation actually with family members
00:31:27Where they did something for me and then like down the line, they're like, oh I need
00:31:33$5,000 remember when I did this for you and I'm like, yeah
00:31:36Okay. So yeah, I want people to know like hey
00:31:40Favors for me are not favors
00:31:42I just want to be a kindness of the heart like if you need it ask me and I'll do it
00:31:46But like I'm not gonna ever text you and say hey remember last year when you needed this and I did it I need this
00:31:53Like I hate that. Yeah, I really wish that people would stop the trend of you know
00:31:59Cuz I think a lot of people they look at it like we have each other's back
00:32:05You know if we need anything whatever but they take it to the point where they make you feel bad if you don't help
00:32:09Yeah, I think that's where it gets to me
00:32:11I think Josh isn't used to that either, you know
00:32:13Cuz when you get married and you're unable to work, you know, you already feel like you're a burden
00:32:19Yeah, and then every time she does something for him. She's like, oh by the way
00:32:24Thanks to you. I just had to pay this or hey, thanks to you
00:32:27You know, I don't have any more money and I remodeled this house for you
00:32:31So now I'm sure then it's like eventually I would just leave like honestly
00:32:36Every single episode this far. She's brought up money somehow some way somehow
00:32:41How much to spend on food or in the house or this or that and then she says she feels unloved well
00:32:46Obviously, he doesn't want to show you affection. You're too busy kicking him while he's down, you know
00:32:51You you brought up how much he spent on him. He felt like shit and then you're like, oh, I don't know
00:32:56Why he's not loving on me. Well, well, he's too busy over there, you know wiping his tears
00:33:01They haven't even had sex
00:33:03since he's been there and I think the reason why is because she makes him feel like
00:33:08He's a guest in his own home, I guess is the best way to put it like he's he's a
00:33:13uninvited guest in the home and he's a burden and he's a
00:33:18He's a what's the word
00:33:20Can't think of the word and but he's basically causing her issues because he's there I feel bad for him
00:33:27I like Josh and I like Lily, but I don't like them together. I think she makes him feel
00:33:33less of a man than he then she needs to
00:33:36That's so funny I said the same thing yeah on Twitter
00:33:40I was like, I like them both, but I think that they don't belong together. And I think I think you're
00:33:45190% right? They're nice people apart. Yeah, but to make a relationship or marriage work. It's never gonna work
00:33:52They're never gonna be able to see I know even if Josh had a job
00:33:57Even if he had a job in China, he wouldn't make as much as Lily and I'm still gonna do the same thing
00:34:03She's gonna make him feel bad because he'll be whatever he brings home. She's gonna say I
00:34:07Make four times as much as you yeah
00:34:09And if you made more I wouldn't have to do that
00:34:12Like it's always gonna be a thing and I don't know if it's a cultural thing because I know in their culture in China
00:34:18Men are supposed to take care of women and I think maybe she has this power complex because she's a woman
00:34:24Yes can do a man's job
00:34:26And I don't know if she's like rolling with that and she feels like you know
00:34:31Some people have this one great quality about them and they just always talk about it. I feel like maybe this is her flex
00:34:37Yeah, he's like I'm a rich woman in China, you know
00:34:40That's not a common thing and she always has to remind people that I did this I did this not a man
00:34:46I did this and you know good for her
00:34:48Yeah, I think it's amazing for for women to be independent and and do what people said they couldn't I think that's amazing
00:34:55But I think after a while she's gonna keep nibbling at Josh's balls until they fall off and then he's just gonna be like
00:35:02I'm done, but we're all done being a masculine, right?
00:35:07She's a rich woman or if she's a part of a rich family, well, yeah
00:35:13Yeah, we did talk about that. Yeah, we did and I remember I told you the daughter is in blockbuster movies
00:35:19So I'm beginning to think her family's rich
00:35:23Because I think Josh said on Twitter or somewhere that it's like and over there is like $15 for a massage and
00:35:30She does like
00:35:31Massages and and beauty products and lotions and oils. I don't think she bought a five-story house doing $15 massages
00:35:38I think that the daughter's rich and maybe there's other people, you know, cuz sometimes it's like a Baldwin situation, right?
00:35:45Like everybody in the family has a bunch of money, you know
00:35:48I think maybe they're just all rich and it's not necessarily her money
00:35:53It's family money and and she's making it seem like she's an entrepreneur, right?
00:35:57But you know, she's using her family's money to keep up the appearance of being a rich person. Yeah, I think
00:36:05Thank God we had those Statler and Dempsey though I wasn't oh, yeah, so yeah, they weren't on tonight and
00:36:12Yeah, you're right. I didn't miss them. I didn't miss them. You know, I feel like it's the same shit every day with them
00:36:17so yeah, we we didn't have them and
00:36:20It was okay. Oh, so I want to talk about mama's boy a little bit because we I watched this episode tonight and apparently
00:36:28Shahid was getting his 13th cavity filled. That's a lot right? Like I'm 13 though, right?
00:36:34I know when I was younger I've had like one or two cavities at once and my mom thought it was just awful
00:36:39But I was like, wow 13, that's kind of crazy
00:36:41So he's getting his 13 Cali the cavity filled and he's one of those people
00:36:45my mom told me about these people when I was younger where they eat one piece of candy and they get a cavity because I
00:36:51Used to think it was a myth cuz I was like, I'm pretty sure you can have a piece of candy
00:36:54Cuz my mom was like, oh you shouldn't be eating candy. You'll get cavities
00:36:57There's people who can't eat candy because they literally get cavities all the time. She's that guy. Yeah, so apparently
00:37:04Nyla's buying him candy and at first I thought maybe he was diabetic because the way that they were talking about
00:37:09Him having candy it seemed like detrimental to his life. Yeah, but he's not
00:37:15He just gets cavity and they had I absolutely cannot with this mom
00:37:20She pisses me off way bad. I just so no Nia for you. You're not a Neal. You're not a Neal fan
00:37:27No, wait D. I think her name is D. Yeah. Yeah. Yes
00:37:31So she eating and takes money. She said that she took money out of his account
00:37:37Before and then he would go to spend money and the card would decline
00:37:40Yeah, so that's kind of wild to me because he's what if he or leave your kids money alone
00:37:47He's a grown-ass man. If he can't figure out how to spend it, right?
00:37:52That's on you as a parent for not teaching them how to grow up
00:37:57Well, he lives in her house
00:37:59So any habits that he has I'm gonna go ahead and say he learned them there
00:38:04Yeah, right and not being responsible for yourself or having to be responsible for anything is it's enabling
00:38:11You know because she was like calling Nila enabler in this episode and I was like see I don't agree
00:38:16I feel like the only a neighbor I'm looking at is you like you you put him on a pedestal
00:38:21You worship him and you let him do anything. He wants to do except date
00:38:26it's the one thing she draws the line with she won't let him date and
00:38:31She's making it impossible for him to create relationships outside of her and his relationship
00:38:36And I think that is that's the worst thing that you can do because I don't want to sound morbid or whatever
00:38:40But we don't get to keep our parents forever
00:38:43Right. So the only strong relationship that he's ever had in his life is with his mom. What happens after that relationship?
00:38:49How is he ever gonna have a healthy relationship with anyone if she doesn't allow them to yep?
00:38:56So she's feeding him like cake batter
00:38:59Off the bowl off the beater off her finger
00:39:02I almost lost it right there, but then she started flossing his teeth and smelling it. I
00:39:09Cannot with that
00:39:11That I'm not a fan of Nila not a fan
00:39:16But I do feel sorry for her for having to deal with this shit show like
00:39:22Also, I don't know. I
00:39:25Have never been able to look at my kid and go okay, we're going to the dentist I
00:39:30Around here. We have to make appointments. So well, yeah, and it was also like around Thanksgiving where they had Thanksgiving dinner
00:39:37So I was like, who do you know that you can't get a dentist moment?
00:39:40I remember I needed a root canal like emergency. I had to wait three days in pain
00:39:46Like I don't know anybody that I can just walk into the dentist office when I go
00:39:50Literally just had to go and sit in the emergency room until 4 a.m
00:39:55Because she couldn't get a dentist of my art her dentist appointment was set so far out
00:39:59She was there till 4 a.m. And they finally got her in for an emergency extraction the following day
00:40:04But that girl went through hell just to get into a dentist and yeah
00:40:12So Gina the reason why that had to happen is because he had a winery date
00:40:17Scheduled and she had to derail
00:40:20Why don't and keep in mind?
00:40:21This is the second time that she derailed the winery date because if you remember correctly when nylon arrived
00:40:27They were supposed to go on a winery date that following morning and then she forced him to go on a family outing
00:40:35Yeah together. So this is the second time she literally sabotages any type of outside relationship or anything that he's doing that
00:40:42She's not a part of which I just don't agree with and you know what Josh in?
00:40:47Tina his mom. I think their relationship is toxic, too
00:40:51But she still allows Josh to do things. He has a wife
00:40:56He has kids and they only have Friday night dates, right? Like if it's not Friday night
00:41:00She doesn't go and insert herself into his life. I have the hardest time
00:41:05Being mean to your moms in general, but I can't
00:41:11From the pit of my soul
00:41:14So Tina you can't stand she is the devil
00:41:23She definitely has strong hatred for Janelle, right
00:41:28I feel like and I was looking at the scenes tonight and I was like
00:41:31Is it jealousy or is it hatred because I was like a fine line because she was asked basically telling her she was dressed too
00:41:38Pretty. Yeah to be in her own home. I was like, well, what does that mean?
00:41:43Well, what is she supposed to wear?
00:41:44she's supposed to wear a muumuu because she because she's like you have kids and I'm like
00:41:48What does that have to do with how she dresses around her own house?
00:41:51And I think saying to her how she mumbles under her breath. She does that all the time
00:41:57Constantly mumbling about her that just everything she was saying. I'm thinking
00:42:02Dear Lord, if this was my mother-in-law, I would be in jail without a doubt. I would be in jail and divorced
00:42:10Whoa the poor I'm trying to understand why Janelle won't leave. Yeah, I saw a
00:42:17Picture from the outside of the house when they started filming their scenes. The house is nice
00:42:22You know, I don't know if it's like a rich people's situation and she's you know there for the Louis bag
00:42:28But I mean she didn't get the Louis bag
00:42:30Their mom did but I don't know like why she puts up
00:42:33With living with as I like to refer to her as monster in law
00:42:38Remember that movie monster with JLo and every time I think of a bad mother-in-law situation
00:42:43I remember that movie and that was like the best
00:42:45portrayal for me of what it's like to live with the mother-in-law that wants your demise and
00:42:50I feel like because she spewed hate in her words because she was like I was her first and she was like
00:42:56He's here because he will always be here with me
00:42:58He doesn't want to be anywhere you are. He wants me like everything that she said was so hateful
00:43:02Yes, this is the mother of your grandkids, you know, like so the way that you speak to her because she's like
00:43:08Well, why are you here? Why would you say that? Because if she left she would take your grandkids with her
00:43:14So, why would you say something like why are you here?
00:43:17Like she's just so hateful and I think you nailed it that she's the devil because a real grandmother
00:43:25Wouldn't talk to the the daughter-in-law that way the person that birthed the grandkids
00:43:30In my experience
00:43:32grandparents love their grandkids and they wouldn't do anything to sacrifice the relationship with their grandkids seems like to me she if
00:43:40Janelle got on a plane and took the grandkids and went back to Florida. She wouldn't bat an eye
00:43:43She wouldn't cry. She wouldn't miss them. And I think that that's pretty messed up
00:43:48My son and I are very very close. I'll help him with anything in the world, but I love my daughter-in-law
00:43:55I think she's fantastic. I have so much respect for her
00:43:59I would never ever insert myself into their marriage or
00:44:03Into like if I even if I needed a place to stay I might spend the night there if I was like passing through or something
00:44:10but I cannot imagine I
00:44:14Just the thought of even going into my son and his wife's bedroom much less going through her closet
00:44:23To just help me. I just can't I cannot with this one
00:44:28Most like market territory, right like she goes in and takes things and then when she confronts her
00:44:35She basically is like and so the Sun the Sun is just like oh, you know, it's not that big of a deal
00:44:41It doesn't matter what the item was. The situation is you should feel safe
00:44:47Where your items are in the house and people aren't stealing them and using them and destroying them
00:44:51But you should feel safe in your own
00:44:53Period in the discussion
00:44:55but he did he did stand up for Janelle in this episode which he didn't do before and he did call Ed who was a
00:45:01Ex of Tina's in the past and set up a date on Friday night, which was their night. Yeah, I usually do
00:45:07So he's growing a pair, right?
00:45:11And I think that that's so important, you know, because when you're married you have kids
00:45:16I think I think I said this before you it should be an equal
00:45:20Relationship, but again, your wife should always be your top priority
00:45:24Because he is responsible for the life and well-being of your children and you right like that's her bow that she took
00:45:32She's gonna take care of you, you know moms don't take vows
00:45:35They it's an unspoken bow, but you need to take care of the person that birthed your kids, right?
00:45:40So you always have to make her a priority. So I don't know how
00:45:44Much of a foot down he's gonna put because I know that if his mom said
00:45:50Pick me or her or he's gonna pick his mom
00:45:52Like I know that how it's gonna go it and I think that nobody should ever have to be in that situation
00:45:58I think he put himself in that situation. Yeah, right because
00:46:02First of all when he met I don't know if you noticed when he met Janelle. He was like, oh
00:46:07She lives in Tampa. I lied and said I was gonna be in Tampa and then he was like
00:46:14So I booked a ticket. I pretended I was gonna be then I kept going back and forth then he got her pregnant
00:46:21She didn't really have a choice, right? She didn't have a choice. He kind of trapped her
00:46:26I hate to use that word, but he did he
00:46:29He flew to Tampa knocked her up after lying and saying oh, I'm in Tampa all the time. No, he's not Eli
00:46:35Then she had said like she say take one for the team and move to Boston or to Massachusetts and now she's stuck
00:46:41No family, no friends and she's living with Satan, right? She's literally living with Satan
00:46:48She just wants to go there without the mom. Leave the mom
00:46:53Right there where she's at. Well
00:46:56moms are supposed to visit on the holidays and on the kids birthdays and everything like and
00:47:01Florida's a perfect vacation spot if the mom is in
00:47:04Massachusetts, it's a beautiful place. You can take grandma to the beach
00:47:07You can take the kids to Legoland like it's a perfect situation
00:47:12But the mom needs to understand that at 60 years old. She's not gonna have her son's living with her for the rest of her life
00:47:18Yes, she needs either to find a new man or become independent and I know it's hard
00:47:23You know the older you get and the more dependent you become on people
00:47:26It's hard, but she I think she has to start putting Josh's
00:47:31Happiness ahead of her own right because you know as a mom your kids happiness should be more important yours
00:47:37And I feel like for her she would rather be happy and Janelle be miserable and it's also like also a competition
00:47:43I get like it's a competition
00:47:45She likes the fact that Janelle is unhappy and that's pretty toxic to me like when she got that Louie bag
00:47:52She was like guess who doesn't have a Louie bag like it's almost like a competition and that's unhealthy y'all are all family
00:47:59Right. She's terrible. She's just terrible and I hope that her Louie bag gets stolen when she goes out with Ed
00:48:09Janelle should take it out of her room and just use it right that would be fair right go in her room ruin it and
00:48:16Yeah, go go out when it's raining or snowing fall throw it in the ground didn't say
00:48:21Oh, I didn't even know this was important to you. Yeah, I had no idea
00:48:24It was just in your closet isn't that what she said, but I do believe in in playing people's game
00:48:30And I think that would be a good game play play her play that game with her and see how she likes it from the
00:48:35You know, it's crazy to me
00:48:40Hold on there's one other P. Oh, yeah, Tash and
00:48:47And chase. Yeah. All right, so two weddings
00:48:51Tash is getting married in Italy. So these people have money first of all, they got money and not only that it's a destination wedding
00:48:57She expects between 45 and 60 people to show up. Do you know how many times I get destination wedding invitations that I throw in the garbage?
00:49:05All the time you got me. I am NOT flying to Cancun to watch you get married. We barely talk, right?
00:49:11So they have money so she's shopping. So Tash is shopping with her mom
00:49:16This was like something that her mom wants to do and Laurie decided that she needed to be there to make sure chase like the
00:49:21Dress so I don't know how much that is relevant. I don't know of men
00:49:27Like liking the dress. I think men are just happy that the woman is okay
00:49:30I have so many different feelings on this one. Really? Yes, because I
00:49:37Actually feel like Laurie should have been invited to this dress fitting
00:49:42Really? I I got invited to my daughter-in-law's my best friend got invited to her
00:49:49Anyway, it's it's been
00:49:52but also because that's a wonderful experience, it's one of the most beautiful things and
00:49:58Chase is an only child. So she doesn't have daughter. So she's like taking her in
00:50:04I don't feel like Laurie is a
00:50:08overbearing pushy
00:50:09like crazy mom so far all she's done really is hang out with chase in his childhood bedroom when he came to visit and
00:50:18Go to the wedding dress place
00:50:20Now as far as her trying on the dress a little bit out of line
00:50:24And the only reason I say a little bit is because she she made the comment that she's getting married, which we all knew
00:50:31Yeah, the the bridal gown people are the one that said do you want to try on a dress push this on her?
00:50:38So she's like
00:50:41Yeah, so she did
00:50:44Try it on one dress. It's not like she took up the whole day
00:50:47She still included Tosh in her. I said yes picture like
00:50:53This mom is not that overpowering
00:50:58Well when you put it like that compared to Dia and Tina and Kelly
00:51:04She's not the worst of the worst. I agree with you. She can be way more first of all
00:51:10They don't even leave in the same state. So
00:51:12Tash has her own house. Yeah, she has her own space
00:51:17So she has a life outside of Laurie. So you're right. You're right. I mean it could be much worse
00:51:22My daughter-in-law, she didn't have to invite me. She absolutely didn't have to invite me, but she did
00:51:30Well, I would now I have a son and a daughter so I get the best of both worlds
00:51:35I was very blessed that way, but the fact that she invited me it made me feel very special
00:51:42I I just sat back watch her let her pick her dress
00:51:48Enjoyed every moment
00:51:50It was wonderful, so you you wouldn't have said like my son wouldn't like that never you just kind of
00:51:57It was just like an observation. You were observing. I was just there and I was honored to be there
00:52:03Okay, I would be like, oh his eyes would only like this or he doesn't like whatever
00:52:09I wouldn't have inserted that but I don't think it's out of line to to invite this soon-to-be mom-in-law
00:52:16I just I don't I mean you're not wrong because don't um when you get married
00:52:22Like one side is supposed to pay for the wedding dress the other side supposed to pay for the reception
00:52:27so like you're supposed to
00:52:30Get together and talk about and do these things together
00:52:33And I think the whole purpose of it is because you're joining these two families
00:52:37So y'all need to start making decisions and doing things together. I get that
00:52:40I think that a lot of times with women
00:52:43They want they want moments to themselves, yeah, and I kind of feel like that's what Tasha Tash and her mom
00:52:49They're like, this is our thing
00:52:50This is something that we wanted to do and you know when you're marrying someone else you're marrying another family
00:52:56So I do think the right thing to do was to include her. I think that it didn't help that
00:53:03They don't like her
00:53:06Because I feel like if they got along or if they didn't know each other well, you know, it might have been better
00:53:10But since they've been dealing with her for a while and they all have a bad taste. Yeah in their mouth about her
00:53:15I think that the situation went the way that they wanted it to go
00:53:18They wanted her to be annoying and she annoyed them, you know, but I think that her trying on a dress
00:53:25She should have said hey hold that for hold that for me and I'll come back. I don't think that was great
00:53:31I don't I I don't think that was great
00:53:34I'm not saying that was a good idea, but I'm also saying that it wasn't her idea
00:53:39It was literally the salespeople
00:53:44Well, yeah, because they're just trying to be a steal because remember Tash didn't find nothing she liked
00:53:49Yes, they were pouring wine and they wasted probably a good hour hour and a half made no Commission whatsoever
00:53:55So when they saw that Lori might take a bite, they were like, yo, yeah
00:54:00You want to try this on just five grand try it on, you know, they don't care either way
00:54:04They want to make their Commission because at the end of the day, they're not volunteering their time, you know
00:54:09Like they're not pouring the the wine for free
00:54:13So the salespeople could care less how anybody felt they just wanted somebody to buy a dress
00:54:19And I just think she said I just said now I'm good or she said said save it for me
00:54:26I'll come back when I'm doing this for me. Yeah, and then what a bit nice. She should have invited them to hers
00:54:32I return favor
00:54:34She shouldn't have tried it on she should have just been like I'll take a business card and I will definitely come back
00:54:40Yeah, cuz she's getting married first. So, you know, I get I get the the urgency. Yeah of her situation
00:54:48see so I see it from both sides because
00:54:50Obviously the destination wedding is like months and months out right and Lori's wedding is like six or four six weeks away
00:54:56It's just quicker. So I get it
00:54:57I understand the urgency of everything but when you're dealing with women and weddings and dresses and reception
00:55:04And and what do you call it invitations? I know women can be very very
00:55:09Particular I used to watch bridezilla. So you remember the show bridezilla?
00:55:12Yes, and I know that you do not mess with a woman that has to do anything her wedding the reception the dress
00:55:19Anything the shoes she will knock you to hell out, right?
00:55:22I'm very careful and I just think that you know, I think that it wasn't as big as it was
00:55:28It wasn't a big situation. I just think that when women are getting married they need to be the princess in the room
00:55:33Yeah, anybody that anyone that looks like there were in a tiara in the room with them is the enemy
00:55:39I think that's just what happened. Yes, I agree. So oh, yeah, so last week we saw that Matt was doing
00:55:47Speed yeah, he brought Kelly with him. We didn't get to talk about it. They went on this week, but
00:55:52He was meeting women which seemed to be going well
00:55:55And then Kelly would insert herself and scare them away
00:55:58And I think that Kelly it reminds me of Tina in a way I feel like she's kind of
00:56:05intimidated by the idea of Matt having an outside relationship with a woman and I think that that's a toxic situation because Matt's like
00:56:1330 something years old. I'm
00:56:15Single I live with my mom in her garage area. He's like, why is this my life and he's realizing?
00:56:21She's the problem right because he's dated lots of women
00:56:25None of them ran away screaming until they met her right in fact like and I know she loves her son, right?
00:56:31Like I know Kelly loves him, but I also think Kelly's obsessed with him
00:56:34No different right because you know Tina's obsessed with her twins
00:56:38I think when you're that's with your kids and you love your kids
00:56:42That's where the line gets crossed and then you start like closing
00:56:46Situation doors for them like you see a woman and you see that the woman is great and they might get married
00:56:52So you start being a complete bitch to her to get out of the picture and I think that's where things, you know
00:56:58Start to get crazy because I really wanted Matt
00:57:03To work out with Devin remember the end of the last season
00:57:06He was Devin and things were really positive and he had ended that relationship with Brittany and that was bad
00:57:12And then Devin she was more mature. She had kids. She had more going on
00:57:16I thought I was gonna work out and then he didn't give much of an explanation
00:57:19he just said she texted and said it's over and I was like
00:57:22Wonder how much it had to do with Kelly. Yeah, right like he didn't tell us but I know it has something to do with
00:57:27Her, right? Yeah, I don't know. I feel like he's in a lose-lose situation
00:57:32Well, he's gonna have to get married and be in a good relationship
00:57:36He's got to lose the relationship with his mom. You can't have both and move off her property
00:57:41Yeah, because again, you can't move a woman because we're watching this with Janelle and Josh and Tina
00:57:47You can't move a woman on into your mom's house or onto your mom's property. Yes, it's just not gonna work
00:57:51Right, like last season when he had her over and mom just comes walking in and look I can through the window
00:57:58Do you remember she was looking through the window?
00:58:01Tore the whole bush out with her quad
00:58:03Like you can't do that. You just can't do that
00:58:06It's scaring the women away because women don't want to feel like they need to be in competition for love
00:58:13Absolutely, because they need
00:58:16Stability and they need to feel wanted and not that someone could come and take the person away from them
00:58:23I think that that's how the women feel in his life
00:58:27because Kelly is always going to get the last word and
00:58:30When you're in a relationship no matter how many times the guy says he loves you his mom can say no you don't yeah
00:58:36And then he's got like no woman wants to be in the situation where somebody else decides the fate of her relationship
00:58:42And that's really what it comes down to Kelly decides who stays and who goes
00:58:47So no woman is gonna be in a situation where Kelly gets to decide that no one is crazy
00:58:52Nobody's gonna give that that like if you don't feel stably wrong
00:58:55What if they move in with him things are going great and then one day Kelly's like this is my property you have to leave
00:59:00Cuz she knew that this is literally her property. She could call the police and kick you off her prop
00:59:06This is literally how much power she has
00:59:09For any woman yeah, yeah, so if he if he's able to cut the cord and
00:59:15Get a relationship, you know, but sometimes this is good though
00:59:19because Kelly might look at it as I could lose him completely or I could let go a little and
00:59:25Be in his life where he allows
00:59:27because I've seen this situation play out different ways like some people they
00:59:31Their daughter or son marries when they hate and then they cut them off or they marry someone they hate and then they say
00:59:36I'm gonna
00:59:38Insert myself in their life where they allow me. I'm just gonna not see. Yeah, I'm not gonna cause chaos in their life
00:59:44I don't have to agree, but I also don't want to ruin our relationship and X them out of my life forever
00:59:49So Kelly will probably have to learn how to love him from a distance
00:59:54and just be a normal mom show up on birthdays and Christmas and Thanksgiving and 4th of July and
01:00:00And no one not to show up. Yeah, right
01:00:03That's gonna be the key and I think that's gonna be the hardest thing for her
01:00:06you're not supposed to be there all the time right and that's why you don't have a grandbaby yet because it's impossible for him to
01:00:13Make one because you're always there, right?
01:00:16Like you're always it's not possible for you to have a grandbaby if you don't let him have one
01:00:20Shows make me so grateful that my daughter found a great husband and my son found a great wife
01:00:25Like I couldn't be happier. Yeah, and you didn't scare them away
01:00:29Right, like you did your part as a mother and you were accepting and loving and now everybody is in a healthy place
01:00:37You see them. You don't have any
01:00:40Animosity or issues or anger or fighting and it's it's nice
01:00:44Like I said, I love watching the shows that make me feel better about my life
01:00:47Yes, right because I was like man could be way worse, right? It could be way worse like
01:00:53Thousand-pound best thousand-pound sisters comes back this week. Oh, yeah. I saw that. Yeah, you're right. I think on
01:01:00Tomorrow wait tomorrow, right? I think yeah tomorrow. I'm definitely. Oh, is it today? No, I missed it
01:01:08It's either tomorrow or Wednesday. Oh
01:01:10Wednesday, okay
01:01:12I'm gonna watch that I'm obsessed with this land sisters and her Tammy is really skinny and I heard she's dating because you know
01:01:19Last season her boyfriend passed away
01:01:22So like I know or husband right right president. So yeah, I want to catch up with this land
01:01:27She's I know the last season they were on they were in Florida and they I remember. Um, what's her name?
01:01:31Amy punched her sister. You remember that like you got crazy. So yeah, I'm excited for them to come back. I think thousand-pound
01:01:39Best friends is back to yeah, y'all watch that when I know they're still following their weight-loss journey
01:01:44I think it's a couple weeks for that one. Oh, that was
01:01:48Not back yet. Okay good. I don't want them all to be back at the same time. I need time, right?
01:01:52Yeah, but like watch everything. I can't watch everything at once
01:01:55Yeah, like I hate it when there's like 30 shows on at once and I feel like I can't keep up. Yeah me, too
01:02:00All right, so we're gonna come back Sunday fingers crossed. I have power and I'm not like floating
01:02:06Yeah, that so we'll be back on Sunday so we can talk about before the 90 days
01:02:12Also, I have a date for DD to come back
01:02:14She told me, you know, what day it is a really really excited less than a month from now
01:02:18We will be all reunited after all this time
01:02:22It's been forever
01:02:24The gang will be all back together and we can do all this together again, which I nothing that I want more
01:02:29I miss you guys whenever you aren't here and thank you to Gina. She's been filling in
01:02:35During this time. She's awesome. Thank you. Oh, make sure you're following my co-host car. She's tagging this video
01:02:40I'm following all social media platforms at George Massey George Massey calm
01:02:44Anybody get your podcast type in the George Massey show. Oh and on Friday. Um
01:02:48Shibuti and I will be doing the 90 if you don't say Fridays if you want to listen live
01:02:52It's on Twitter or if you get if you want to listen to the replay, it'll be on Spotify and Apple Music on Saturday
01:02:59Everybody have a wonderful week stay if you're in Florida like me stay very very safe. Be very vigilant and
01:03:05We'll talk to y'all really soon. Okay
01:03:07Sending love and prayers. Love you. Love you. Bye
