The George Mossey Show:Before the 90 days: AfterShow Ep6 #AfterShow

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The season of 90 day fiance: before the 90 days Episode 6 aftershow! Join George Mossey & Gina for the #90dayfiancebeforethe90days #90dayfiancetheotherway #podcast #recap #90dayfiance #90dayfiancenews #90dayfiancememes #90dayfiancé #90dayfiancehappilyeverafter #90dayfianceBeforethe90days #90dayfianceBeforethe90daysnews #90dayfiancebeforethe90dayspodcast #90dayfianceTheOtherWay #90dayfianceNEWS #90dayfiancePodcast #90dayfianceMemes #90dayfianceRecap #georgemossey #georgemosseypodcast #entertainmentNews #entertainment #realityTV #realityTVnews #realityTVPodcast #explore #ExplorePage #exploremore #90dayfiancehappilyeverafter #realitytvnews #georgemossey #theGeorgemosseyshow #tlc


00:05Body welcome happy Sunday night 90-day fiance Sunday night
00:11We're gonna talk about before the 90 days which aired I watched it on TLC go tonight
00:19Last when I was in Texas, I watched it on TLC go and there was no commercials
00:22But I watched it on TLC go tonight high wheels and there was commercials
00:28So, yeah, I'm trying to figure out a way to watch it without commercials
00:31I have not been able to so if anyone knows send me a DM because
00:38Talking about episode 6
00:41of this episode
00:43Before the 90 days episode 6 so let's get um, Gina in here. Hey, hi
00:49How are you?
00:52I'm good. So I'm pretty um
00:55Pretty excited about this episode. It was pretty crazy, right?
00:59Like I feel I feel like Renee is really showing us her level of crazy tonight
01:06so I definitely gonna say and also I've noticed a lot of
01:11Tiger Lily scenes tonight, you know, she's been really insufferable to me, right?
01:16Like I don't know what it is about her. She just really irritates me
01:19I don't know if it's I don't know the fake voice or I don't know what it is about her
01:25But she just yours and it's hard for me even take her seriously because Tiger Lily isn't a real name
01:30so I feel like she has like a video game character name and I'm just trying to like take her seriously and then every time she
01:36Opens her mouth. It gets more and more absurd
01:40everything I
01:41Just want to say
01:43Stfu like please just go away get off my screen. Like I'm done. I'm over it. I
01:49Feel the same way. Hey, like she's giving me such like and I told you this before
01:54I was like, I don't think that it's possible that she's really that dumb
01:59But I'm re I'm retracting my statement cuz okay
02:04So tonight we were watching and they were going to Petra, which is a beautiful city
02:09Um, one of the seven wonders of the world. I googled it. It looks amazing
02:12I've never been and they were going there and he wanted her to be ready in 30 minutes, which in
02:17Tiger Lily's defense
02:19I don't know many women any any women honestly that you can say
02:24Hey, we're gonna leave and take photos and go somewhere be ready in 30 minutes. That's not a thing
02:29But again, Adnan is new to women right? He's selling to us that he's a virgin. He's never really had a girlfriend
02:36So he doesn't really know how women specifically work. So he was under the impression
02:41It was gonna take her 30 minutes it in turn took four hours now
02:45Let's get real because I had this poll on on Twitter a lot of women said four hours is completely
02:52Unacceptable and outrageous you agree with that, right?
02:54it takes me literally an hour to get ready for work like I wake up at 545 out the door by like
03:02650 and I will still have breakfast or if I'm in a hurry or if it's Monday
03:06I'll take my breakfast to go but he he claims to be a model
03:11I'm sure he's modeled with male and female models before and he knows it's a process
03:19Yeah, I mean being a model
03:21He should know that like when you're getting ready for a photo shoot and you have makeup people artists there and hair when they want
03:29A certain look it takes time to create a look right like a model will show up
03:34But then the photographer or whoever will have a certain look or style
03:37That they want that person to portray and that takes time and you know giving a woman 30 minutes to get ready
03:43Like I can get ready in 30 minutes. If you take my phone away, and I really really work at it, right?
03:51I'm going to the grocery store
03:53Well right over to the gym
03:56Taking pictures, you know or anything like that
03:59Cuz sometimes it takes me like 20 minutes just to figure out what I want to wear cuz I'll like try on
04:04Things and then I don't like the way it looks and then I found something else and then it's like a process
04:09Right, so I know that I need to give myself more time
04:12So Tiger Lily, I guess wakes up whenever they wake up because they partied the night before and again when you're gonna be up late
04:20Drinking you don't really plan early X drink because they're Muslim. They're not supposed to drink
04:27Well, I'm pretty sure they were drinking
04:29I'm just saying like like like from what I've seen in the past. They don't drink alcohol. I
04:38Don't buy that. I'm pretty sure that
04:49Well the way they rolled the way that they rolled out of bed I've been there I know what that's like
04:55That's that's a hangover
04:59The way that they rolled out of bed
05:01I was like they had a few drinks
05:03So the excursion in itself with a lot of people on Twitter also said why would she get?
05:07Ready four hours worth of getting ready and makeup to sit in the car for like four or five hours
05:12Which was another thing that I was wondering as well
05:14Why did why did it matter what she looked like if it was gonna take them so many hours to get there?
05:19Like I didn't understand that as well
05:21And can't you get ready in the car like remember we were watching the single life this past season and Chantel
05:26She got a date with the guy
05:28I don't remember his name and her
05:30Squad got her ready in the van because the place was like three or four hours away
05:34So they literally used that time to do her makeup her hair or weave whatever she needed to do
05:39I was like so why did they just want to sit in the car and look at each other when they could have used that?
05:44Time like I'm a person that maximizes my time
05:47I like wouldn't get ready in the car because his brother was there and so her
05:52Changing clothes and whatever you she wouldn't be able to do that. Well, I mean just like hair and makeup
05:58I feel like you can make up in the car, right? Like I felt like
06:04Curlers or like, where are you gonna plug it?
06:08Didn't we talk about this didn't wasn't
06:11someone using a curling iron on the airplane or in the airport or something because weren't we talking about battery operated curling irons or
06:22Yeah, yeah, like I feel like in 2024
06:25There's no reason why you should be wasting four hours in the car looking at each other. You could do so many other things
06:30They're dumbasses. They didn't bring in a freaking
06:34voltage converter to like to charge it. Oh
06:41You're right. You're right. Okay, I get it. I get it and I just felt like
06:46Another thing that was really irritative to me tonight was Tiger Lily's
06:51Use of the word double standard right because I think if you look up
06:54Muslim or Islam in the dictionary, you're pretty much gonna get the gist of the double standard, right? Like it's not a new religion
07:01It's not new to anybody. It's not new to us. Like we've been watching 90-day fiance for a long time
07:07so I'm trying to understand how she managed to marry a man who's a Muslim and knows zero about it because she's
07:16Criticizing it as though she feels like well, I don't like that about your religion religions aren't negotiable
07:21I don't know if a lot of people I was raised in a religious cult, you know
07:25There was a lot of crap in the religion. I didn't care for I didn't have the right to just go in and nitpick and
07:31Criticize the stuff I didn't like you take on a religion as a whole and when you marry someone whose religion is their whole life
07:37You know as a Muslim man, I think we've said this before their personality revolves around being a Muslim
07:44They don't have like likes or dislikes or personalities
07:48It's whatever fits into being a Muslim man. And you know, she's like, oh, well, he gets to wear his shirt up on him
07:54Like well, yeah men don't have rules
07:57That's why have you ever heard a man on any show or anywhere in the world complain that they were a Muslim?
08:03No, you know why because they live it doesn't affect their life in any way. Their life is not altered in any way
08:09They don't change anything. They don't have to limit themselves. They don't change how they dress
08:13They don't change what they eat the everything that they want to do
08:16I mean, I guess the drinking part in the sex but no sex before marriage. That is a negative downside
08:22Right, like that is a negative downside, but I've never heard any man say that I'm a Muslim
08:27But I'm gonna leave this religion because I don't like it. I've never heard that
08:32Yeah, I don't know her voice just annoys me she sounds like Minnie Mouse
08:41Think it definitely is
08:44Her voice that you're to me. I don't know and I want to believe that she's acting stupider than she is
08:50and I think that's what annoys me the most because she's just like I don't understand why
08:57You definitely have to understand that he doesn't have rules and you do that's literally like anyone who has even like
09:05Remotely heard about the Muslim religion. You know that women are
09:10Oppressed they're told what they can't do. She's like, well, I don't want to wear like a plastic bag or a garbage bag
09:16And I was like, well, that's kind of the whole purpose of like the job and you literally the only thing in in some
09:23Countries where they're really really strict. You can only see the woman's eyes
09:29Literally every other part of her is covered and now she's in Jordan, right?
09:34She's in their country and she's you know, she's like, well, what's wrong with my outfit?
09:38And I'm like, well, you should be aware of your surroundings, you know, like you're not you're from Texas
09:43You're from America, but you're not in America. You should be very respectful of the surroundings where you are
09:49Don't just say oh, well, I'm American. I can wear a shirt that has cleavage because I think it's okay
09:53That's not where you are. And I think we saw Angela too, right Angela would go to Nigeria
09:58She's like I'm American and it's like that's irrelevant
10:01Where you are because you have to respect the land and the rules where you are at
10:06Specifically because yeah, everybody does different things
10:09But I think it's super disrespectful to go to another person's country and try to do your own thing and just say well
10:16No one had told me I didn't know that pick up your phone and open the Google app and just
10:22Google what is it? What is life in cold like in Jordan, right?
10:28What people wear what people should do what people shouldn't do and I told you I think I
10:34Said on your Twitter that
10:37Quick quick quick thought I was in late in Como in Italy. I went to a church
10:41I was wearing it like a maxi dress
10:43It was long it would show my shoulders and my girlfriend was wearing bike biker shorts
10:48With like a see-through top and a t-shirt, but because she was had her shoulders covered no problem for her for me
10:54I had to get one of those like shawl thingies from them and I'm like, but I'm Catholic
10:59How is this I'm like, oh
11:01But I didn't know the church I was going into because it was just a tour and like we were able to do whatever
11:06So my defense, I'm a research person if I would have known we're going to that church. I would have researched something before
11:12Oh, yeah, you were going to visit in like a tourist capacity, right?
11:18Like it wasn't well, yeah, and you don't you can't really plan ahead for everything
11:22No, right, like you don't know everything that you're gonna experience you can at least be proactive
11:27But yeah, you didn't know that you needed to wear something covering your shoulders, you know
11:31And I that's one thing but marrying you weren't marrying someone there, right?
11:37Like I feel like that's a huge commitment and then she's like, well, how will these rules apply in the u.s?
11:42His religion is not location specific. I've said this a million times
11:46I said this with Nicola and Mahmood because she's like, well, what about when we get to California? I'm like Nicole
11:51He's a Muslim
11:53Everywhere right like it doesn't it doesn't change with the zip code or area code that you're in
11:58This is just who he is and you don't like Muslim practices and Muslim men
12:02You probably shouldn't marry one because they're not gonna change the way that they feel based on the location that they are
12:10Maybe she would just be like, oh, he'll be more westernized because we already know she's
12:15She's dumb as a rock. So maybe
12:18There's not
12:19There's not many very many westernized Muslims, right? Like I feel like they they take their religion pretty seriously
12:26You know, like there are people who are are more Muslim than others, but the core of it
12:33It's pretty clear, you know, because especially with the men because again the men don't really have to change much
12:38It's the women that have to change a lot. So they have no issue enforcing the rules because they're just an enforcer
12:44they don't really have to change anything because I said I said this before in another podcast if I had to pick a religion to
12:49Be in I would pick Muslim, right? I would pick Islam because I I would be treated like a god, right?
12:56And I enjoy being treated like a god. I don't know who doesn't you know, I don't think that I would dislike that
13:02But if a woman was looking to pick a religion, I would discourage that
13:07You know
13:07Like if she I really would want her to be sure and understand
13:11What she would be giving up because I feel like men and women should be able to live equally and I know that that's not
13:17The the preaching and practice of that religion
13:20But I just believe that if overall I mean I hate to agree with Tiger Lily
13:25But if a rule applies to one it should apply to the other
13:28But in in her in the defense of the religion that's never been the case and if you would have did a quick little search
13:34You know literally just read one little Wikipedia page. You wouldn't do that rule
13:40to men
13:42And it's crazy. Well, okay. I want to talk about Chitty's visits to the eye doctor
13:46So he hadn't been to an eye doctor in 10 years
13:49Does that surprise you?
13:50Because he said that he's been praying that there would be an innovation in medicine and science
13:55That he would be able to regain his sight and then we find out that he hasn't actually spoken or seen a doctor in 10
14:00Years, how would you know about the innovation if or do you think when do you think blind people who are?
14:07Permanently blind don't need to go to the doctor. Yeah, I was I was kind of surprised that he hadn't been to the doctor
14:14I I think they do but I think I like if they're blind
14:18They do need to see routine like get routine checkups. Make sure
14:22You know, it doesn't have other complications, right? But again, I'm not an eye doctor. I'm not a medical professional
14:30Professional but with that being said like it could be like
14:35Medical I'm not sure about the medical conditions in Nigeria, but we've seen in other African countries when
14:43What's her face from New Jersey or what not gave birth in that delivery room? Anyways, it probably is
14:51Westernized standards such as North America or European standards
14:55So there could be something out there that can fix his eyesight. It's just that there's not enough studies where he lives
15:02I'm pretty sure right because they they said that in the left eye. I believe it's glaucoma, which is not
15:09What he thought it was
15:10Well, I think what he has in this right eye is different from the left because he had I don't remember what he said was
15:15In the right eye, but she said that she saw signs of glaucoma in the second eye, you know
15:20That is something that
15:22Cataracts, okay. Yes
15:23So glaucoma was in one and cataracts were in the other which are you surprised that it's two different things going on?
15:30Because again, he did tell us it happened at two different times
15:34So I was surprised that two separate issues were happening in his eyes and they happen at different times. It is really
15:41Odd the whole situation is just really odd to me. Yeah
15:45Well the fact that she took off her tinfoil hat when they did and brought him there that that you know
15:55Wonky but
15:57Yeah, I think just because their medicine is not as modern as ours
16:01I think like I think my dad had cataract eye surgery and he's fine
16:07We do laser I like like laser eye surgery
16:09So people don't wear glasses anymore like there's so much in bath and balance meant in the Western world
16:15Like I said before so I just think there's something out there that can't help them, but it could like I said
16:22It could be because there are two different things that are going on
16:25So you would have to do one operation on one thing or fix one thing and then
16:30Wait, see what the results are to that and then do another thing
16:33But the doctor did say that it would make him lose an eye basically
16:39Well, yeah, that's scary when I heard that I was like, that's not really
16:43Mmm, that's not worth the risk. Yeah, but well what the one thing that I was hoping for that when they were delivering the information
16:49I was like, well, what if you could just restore vision to one eye, right?
16:52Right if they can just restore even partial vision to one eye that would be a huge a huge success
17:00But another thing I was scared of when he said he hadn't been to the doctors for 10 years
17:04But you know when when you go to the doctor, they always tell you early detection of anything is key
17:09So I was like what if there was something that could have been done?
17:12But he waited too long because doctors always tell us the second you see or feel
17:18Something tell us because you know with cancer and other serious issues the earlier you detect it the more likely they're able to
17:25To help you and I think I'm waiting 10 years could it could be bad, right?
17:30Like maybe there was things that could have been done, but he might have waited too long
17:34It could be also a money issue as well. Like not being able to afford to pay to see the doctor as well
17:43That's true. Yeah, so it's expense
17:46Expensive and and I think a lot of people don't realize like here you could go get a
17:53Retail job and make 12 to 15 dollars an hour doesn't work out like that over there
17:59You're not gonna in that that's a skill list job, right? That's just an entry-level job
18:03They don't have that option in Nigeria and other countries where you could just go get a cashier job making 15 bucks an hour
18:10That's not a thing
18:11So it's very possible that he just couldn't afford to go because Renee was like what you haven't went in 10 years
18:17I'm gonna take you which again? I thought that was great. Mm-hmm
18:20But then she said when she found out that there wasn't much hope she was like, oh, well
18:25I'll be the brighter person in your life, you know, like I feel like she
18:29deep down
18:31Doesn't want him to be able to see and that really bothers me
18:35Because I feel like she you know how people have like a weird fetish
18:39Like some people are into only Asian women or they're only into blonde
18:44Women or they're only into women with really big breasts
18:47Like I feel like Renee has this weird fetish that she needs him to be blind
18:52And I think that's the weirdest thing. I've never heard of anything like that
18:55But I feel like the relationships strongest foundation point is his eyesight not being there
19:03Because every time she mentioned that she's like, oh I did him being blind
19:06I wouldn't be here if he wasn't blind this wouldn't work
19:09And then when she got the news with him and the doctor's office, she's like, oh, well, you know
19:14I'll be the shiny light feel like like she it was like a relief to her
19:18And he wasn't gonna be able to restore his eyesight and I just feel like as someone that you
19:22Want to be with and love you should always wants the best for them
19:26And if him getting his eyesight is the best for him. She should want that, right?
19:32Exactly, but I also think maybe she's just saying that so then
19:37Like he does he already knows that she's an ugly person inside and goes over the the Rockets
19:44So him having that eyesight will be like, okay. She is in fact the Lulu
19:50I see it like get away from me. You're a psycho
19:54You're talking chickens. I don't see your action. So
20:00He is beginning to see that remember when she was talking about her chickens and she's like, oh they have personalities
20:04They talked back to me and he gave her it's funny because he can't see but he gave her the weirdest
20:09Look the look on his face. He was just like right
20:13Like and I was like even a blind man can see this lady is not okay, right?
20:17I guess I was like look at him looking at her like she's crazy
20:20I can't even see her because this is how we've been looking at her since we've seen her on the show
20:25We've been looking at her like is she for real, you know, like and I think that he's beginning to see well
20:31She took aim at Victoria on this episode right his chitty sister, and she said that she had a weird
20:38Intuition years ago that she was gonna have major issues with someone's sister
20:42And she feels like this was something that she knew years and years ago was gonna happen
20:46How do you feel about the intuition, you know?
20:48I've had um deja vu where I saw something that happened like I had a time
20:53Do you think that's the same thing or you think she's just a little?
20:56Aliens probably came down and told her and
21:00It's been like that since then so
21:04Well, I was worried for Renee when she started
21:08Speaking recklessly about Victoria in her house. She's like, well, I always look angry right looks a man
21:13I was like see that's not the way that you speak to a woman in her house at her table
21:18After she cooked for you and she's been nothing but hospitable to you
21:21After she cooked for you and she's been nothing but hospitable to you
21:25It's like I would hate for Victoria to drag you across the floor
21:29You know what? I was like because I feel like this is where we're going. She's disrespectful
21:32She's rude and she's like, oh, I feel like she doesn't like me
21:35But she she probably doesn't right like after you snapped at her at the event at the market
21:40And you the way that you treat him the way they're always screaming and oh, I want to ask you this though
21:45Victoria asked if they were intimate if they had had sex at the dinner table
21:49So, how do you feel about that because she felt like that was something disrespectful
21:53To ask how do you feel like culture aside?
21:56Is that something that you would ask like would you ask if your brother and your girlfriend were intimate?
22:00I don't even want to know I don't even want to know
22:06No, that that's really not a topic of discussion to discuss at the dinner table
22:11And I ain't bringing that ish up and neither is my brother. So we will leave our personal relationships
22:19Outside of any conversations that we do have
22:23I but she's just the over protective sister because
22:28It's like almost like her son like because she's been taking care of him, right? Yeah, so
22:34but that's a little bit of a boundary that should not be
22:39Should not be discussed or brought up
22:42And it was that was my one gripe because you know, I love victoria
22:46I think she's very kind very hospitable and you know, putting your guard up is very important
22:51You know, I do have a sister and you know, she's dated some weirdos. Okay, so let's just be real she has so you have
22:58To put your guard up, you know when you love someone you just have to sometimes it comes across as rude
23:02It's more so like you said, it's just being over protective, but sometimes people bring weirdos around and you're like
23:08No, this isn't gonna work. You know, like this this weird person is not gonna work in our family dynamic and I think that
23:14Victoria is also with shitty being like someone that she's like you said a caretaker for this is like her son
23:21Right her older son that she takes care of because let's be realistic. He can't go out and do things on his own
23:27So she's taking on that role so she would need to trust renee fully for renee to take over that role
23:34Because like for instance if if she has a son right victoria has a son she wouldn't trust renee with her son
23:40She doesn't even like her so it's this exact same thing
23:43She looks at chitty as just her older bigger son
23:46And she needs to know that she can trust renee renee said that she eats hot pockets and canned soup and read food
23:52So this this is an american thing, right?
23:55You know it is
23:57We don't always cook from scratch and you know in countries like africa. Nigeria lagos. Ghana
24:03They cook everything from scratch this and it's like a cultural recipes. So that's a pretty big concern
24:10You know because I think this came up with emily and kobe when he was moving to the u.s
24:15He was like i'm really worried about the food like what will I eat because culturally, you know people from different parts of africa
24:22Their food is very cultural based
24:24Right the things that they eat the things that they cook. Um the recipes they use so I think that
24:30It's very
24:31Interesting that renee's like oh, I don't really know how to cook. So, okay. So question for you. Is it a deal breaker?
24:37So say you're dating someone you find out that he can't cook
24:41Is that a deal breaker for you or are you gonna look past it? Because like for me
24:46I can cook from the I grew up in louisiana. I know how to cook creole
24:50So you don't need to cook for me. I can do that for myself. So, how do you feel?
24:55it's not really a deal breaker, but um if you're gonna
25:00Want to eat your fast food and mcdonald's and whatnot. We're gonna have a problem and that's not gonna work
25:06So i'm gonna stick with my healthy food
25:09but like you need to learn how to cook something at least like
25:13You gotta rule me somehow like with a romantic dinner once in a while or you know
25:18make it look like you pulled a missed out fire and just got the food catered in like
25:24I think that but and also cooking is like from the heart and I think that
25:30It's a form of love. So when you are able to cook for people, I think that it's a bond
25:36That's why families still eat together, right?
25:37My family will all fly and go together and eat on thanksgiving knowing that we don't get along because eating together builds the bond
25:44You know with those people. Oh, so I want to talk about food because sunny made some curry
25:50For vea when she arrived in durban and she wouldn't eat it. She wouldn't even taste it
25:56So I want to talk to you about that because you know a lot of people in a lot of cultures
26:00You know when they cook for you
26:02It is customary that you eat the food that they cook and it is considered extreme
26:07Disrespect to not eat the food that they prepare for you because again
26:11They cook it if through love is to show acceptance is to show. Hey, you're a part of my family
26:15I want you to enjoy the things that I enjoy
26:17How do you feel about her just rejecting his food not even trying?
26:21Crazy, she doesn't know what she's missing
26:23so curry is great whether it be asian curry like from like china or japan like
26:30Or like indian curry, it's all made differently obviously, but like you said there's a lot of love that goes into making food. So
26:38It's heartbreaking like i'll go to other people's houses try different foods
26:43And i'll be like i'll try it and I will be honest with them because this is me
26:47We're coming and we're talking to i'd be like
26:49It's i'm not it's not for me, but thank you so much. I will not be eating any more of it
26:59Would have ate like
27:01Some of it like for real like okay. So somebody just brought up the snails
27:04We're gonna get into the snails next I would have ate some of it just to be kind
27:08But okay, if somebody served me snails, i'm not gonna lie to you. I'm not gonna eat. Oh, I can't I can't do anything
27:15I don't I don't eat things that still look like okay
27:19So, you know like octopus or you know when people order the fish and it still looks like a fish
27:24It still has eyes. I can't do that. Gina. I can't do that
27:28I feel like it's looking at me and like a snail or a frog
27:33Oh george you're like
27:36Like a 16 year old boy
27:39How can you not eat frog legs? I'm like a 16 year old boy when it comes to my food
27:43I'm super picky and I don't want to try anything especially if it still looks like it did when it was alive
27:49frog legs taste like chicken
27:53Okay. So yeah, i'm from the south. I'm creole, but i've never had frog legs. Um, but okay, so I used to eat pig feet
28:01When I was younger my parents eat that too. Yeah pig feet pig tail pig lip
28:06I used to eat that but younger when I was younger. I was way more adventurous, right?
28:11Like I would eat weird stuff but like now as an adult when he was eating when niles was eating the snails
28:16I was like wow. Oh, so I couldn't do it. What does it taste like? Please tell me what is it?
28:22How it's cooked it depends on how it's cooked because you can have them fried
28:26Like all like not in the shell and they're fried in like an egg wash and like battered
28:32And some like chili oil on the top
28:35And then is it chewy?
28:37Like yeah, give me an idea. Is it chewy?
28:40I haven't had them in so long because like whenever I eat them, I don't eat them here
28:44but I eat them when I go back home to port when I go visit portugal because you can get them in buckets in the
28:50Summertime like huge buckets and they're already coming like they're already pre-marinated with like garlic and wine
28:56And you just reheat them and like my friends and I will devour that and have beer with it
29:02But we're not talking about the big guys
29:03We're talking about like the little tiny little ones because the other ones they taste like really fatty
29:08But the small ones I think right because there's no bones. It's just like yeah gooey, right? Yeah
29:15Even my little cousin my little cousin in eighth grade
29:17She's in eighth grade now
29:18But she tried it when she was five or something like that or six
29:21when she went there and she liked them too, so like just stick it out with like and like a
29:26knitting like a needle and then just
29:28Suck it back
29:30Well niles tried it and I was very proud of him because you know, he's not very open
29:35You know like to new situations and social situations. So I thought he did really well
29:39First of all, he did really good with his trip, right? He did really well
29:44I am very
29:46I was so happy. I'm like, oh he made it
29:49He's there. He overcame his fears and like whatever like he accomplished everything
29:55Like yeah, we also learned tonight that he's not a virgin. That wasn't used to me, right?
30:00I didn't know, you know because I know he said that he's not he hasn't had a lot of relationships and he's not
30:06You know big on opening himself up to people like that
30:08So we did figure out that they're not a he's not a virgin which I was a little surprised good for him, right?
30:14Like I feel like good for you guy. Like you are definitely making
30:19Being in your situation a little more understand understood for people like me, right? Like I was just like, oh, okay
30:26so I want to get your um
30:28Idea on their first meet because they looked giddy and happy and touchy-feely. How did you feel?
30:34Do you feel like this is a legitimate connection?
30:36Because you know we were talking about this before and we were a little skeptical about matilda
30:42So I want to get your idea of the first meeting their interaction and what you thought about I don't know
30:47i'm kind of on the fence with it because a person can like
30:52A person that they know what they want. They're going to play the role
30:54They're going to play the part until they want right?
30:57So what she wants is a ring on her finger and getting out of there and going to the united states, right?
31:02So she's going to play up to it, right?
31:04So she's going to show that love and affection and whatnot, right? So if she is acting
31:09Bravo, she's doing a really excellent job and
31:13Tiger really needs to learn a thing from her
31:17She looks like she likes him. But again, i've seen broadway shows
31:21And they've convinced me of lots of things, you know, like so
31:24Like you said if she's acting, you know, because she's like she's she said when she was getting ready
31:29She's like i'm gonna call him daddy
31:30He said he wanted me to call her daddy and I was like also she is she's playing up
31:36The situation so that you know that made me think about it because she was telling her friend
31:40And I was like, why are you telling them what you're gonna do?
31:42It made me think of you know, look at her like so why are you telling them what you're gonna do?
31:47and it was a lot right and I just i'm really worried about him because I feel like
31:53He's so
31:54Vulnerable right and being in a new place
31:58Um flying for the first time leaving the country for the first time and doing all that he's doing and then he has the stress
32:04Of because he's afraid of her, right? I don't know if you figured this out, but he's afraid of her
32:08he's scared to tell her that they're not actually getting married, which i'm worried about because
32:13What if your brother told her she's got a temper?
32:21I like to say
32:23Any woman can have a temper based on the way that you act and treat her
32:27Right, like if you treat a woman badly
32:30The nicest kindest sweetest woman in the world can have a temper because you have to treat women the way that
32:36You know, they should be treated but the fact that she's got a hot temper
32:40That's a little scary for me
32:42And I know it's scary for niles because telling a woman who's already planned a wedding and told people to come
32:46Hey, we're not going to get married. I can only imagine how that i'm assuming items will go flying across the room
32:52They'll be screaming, you know, and I don't know how he's going to be able to tolerate those type of interactions
32:58Right, like that's not you know, he controls the interactions that he has because of his his situation
33:04So, I don't know how he's going to deal with you know, dealing with an angry woman, right?
33:08Like that's that's not easy to deal with you piss off a woman and you have an angry woman coming at you
33:12That's not an easy situation to be in
33:15No, that's a like run for the hill situation, but he's got nowhere to run because he doesn't know
33:21The location like he's not familiar with it
33:25I don't know. I'm worried. Um, oh and and matilda's brother was also there and he was telling him some expectations
33:33So I feel like everyone is just very pressuring
33:36of niles and i'm
33:37Again, it's normal when you meet a woman's family. They want to they have their reservations too, right?
33:44Like the brother has his reservations
33:45He wants to make sure that the woman
33:47Or his sister and the man that his sister is considering being with is gonna be good for her and I get that
33:53But I just feel like this is a lot to put on him
33:56Right in the beginning. He just got there
33:58Right there. There's not a lot going on
34:01You know because I think that they're not gonna have sex the first night is what he said. Isn't that what he said?
34:06Yeah, I don't buy that those scenes
34:10In the bed. I don't know
34:13I mean
34:14If he has self-control because actually vea said the same thing right vea was like no
34:18We're not gonna do anything the first night
34:21What did he say? She's like, oh, I can't no you can't join me in the shower
34:26And she's just like oh, I can't help thinking about rory at the hotel
34:30that's because
34:32Banging him like in the states. That's why you're just stringing poor sonny along
34:38The poor guy he put rose petals on the bed. Like he has a very different
34:44Idea of what's gonna go on and what type of relationship this is gonna be and I just feel like
34:50He didn't even know what foreplay was
34:51So I feel like when he realizes that rory is there in the situation that he's in
34:57I don't think it's gonna go over well, right? I feel like he's this little innocent kid
35:00He's like, oh, I thought you meant we were gonna play cards. I was like, oh my gosh, she is gonna destroy him, right?
35:07the poor thing when he
35:09Said cards i'm like
35:13No, ally ally said she was on top of yeah
35:15Matilda was on top of him and I think well, I think it's pretty clear that niles is excited about her
35:22He said at the airport like don't film below the waist
35:26You know, he was excited, you know to see her and then to be with her. So yeah, I think her being so
35:32Open and and on top of him like, you know, it is what it is like on the crowd
35:37And I think that she knows that that attraction is there she can play that um to her advantage
35:43She knows that you know, he just flew across the world for a woman that he thinks is beautiful, you know
35:48And she is beautiful. So it's it's not hard to convince a man
35:52You know to be intimate with a woman. He thinks it's beautiful. It's not difficult
35:55That's why there's so many issues with men these days and cheating
35:58It's not difficult to convince a man do something like that. So oh, so I want to talk about
36:03Brian and ingrid because we watched them tonight and things are kind of
36:08Looking up. Oh, so there was a story that went out. I think alexa pomegranate posted it. Um
36:15That the his ex-wife the one that hired the men to attack him and shoot him
36:21She actually got seven years in prison for that
36:24And then I think one of the men got arrested and then the other man didn't get arrested
36:28So so we're finding out now a little bit more
36:32About that and then tonight brian said oh well
36:34I feel like my punishment for selling drugs was you know, I had to give up my hands and my legs
36:40and I feel like
36:42As he goes on and he tells more of the story. I do have a little more empathy
36:47I do feel a little bad for him because you know, there's plenty of drug dealers that still can walk, you know
36:53Like so I don't think that he deserved what happened to him. I don't think that he's an amazing human being either
37:00Like i'm kind of on the fence like I don't think that he's just this amazing guy, but I also feel like
37:05He definitely his punishment didn't fit the crime, right?
37:09Both car and I have said he's overplaying this whole like woe is me
37:15Right, and this is what happened. He's overplaying it to his advantage
37:20To make women feel sorry for him like every situation he puts himself in
37:26So it's just like no I you know, you put like you get you put your hand in the cookie jar and you got caught
37:32like, you know
37:36Like we all know what we all know as human beings
37:40We all know the pros and cons to
37:47The straight and narrow life. We all know what the pros and cons. Oh, yeah
37:51You decided to go right
37:53You decided to go that life and take that life. So, you know, you know what the consequences were to that. Yeah
37:59You're right. I mean I grew up in the rougher part of baton rouge and you know
38:04There was two paths you could take right you could go to school
38:09And go to college and do what you do better and I what my path was leave
38:14I just want to leave and then there were I have kids that I grew up with
38:19That are either in jail or dead
38:22You make your own life choices
38:24But you have to make you right the choices you make and we knew I knew what choices and what roads would end up where?
38:32So he did he chose this this life
38:35And you know now he feels bad about his choice and I I don't want
38:39Like I don't that's why I don't like to play god. I don't want to be the one like I couldn't be a jury or a
38:43Judge, I don't want to be the one to choose how people are punished
38:46I don't like to do that like because I don't I feel like he got his punishment and it's harsh
38:51you know, and he's looking at it as I don't know if this was what I should have gotten but it's like
38:56If you make your choices and your choices lead you to a certain place
39:02You made your bed now lie in it. Well, right
39:06You have to own the choices that you make and I think that he's a
39:09really good
39:10person of
39:12Narrative control like he only tells you just enough information
39:17Make you feel empathy and sympathy for him before he he lays on the real information
39:23Like what he wants you to feel bad or to have a soft spot
39:28For him and that's when then once that soft spot is developed. He starts dropping information on you that you know
39:35Most a normal person will run the hell away from but he's made that little soft blanket
39:41For himself and then he's like, oh well, they won't run because they'll feel bad
39:46I don't know. I think that he's definitely manipulating ingrid
39:49and i'm just i'm worried because I just from last week, I didn't like the way he
39:56He showed up at her house
39:58And like let himself into her family and meeting her child when she had already said she wasn't ready for that
40:04I just feel like you have to respect people's boundaries
40:08And that was a boundary that she set and when I saw that he wouldn't respect her boundaries
40:12I was like see that's an issue for me, but we know why he did it, right?
40:16You know why he did it so then it would be an opening
40:20For her to start talking to him again
40:22And well, yeah
40:25the more space she took
40:28The less likely that things were going to continue and go forward and he knew that and a lot of times this is what um
40:35Manipulators do you notice when you're with a narcissist?
40:39They want to limit communication with outside people because outside people can tell you hey, you know
40:45It's not normal that he tells you what time to be home. It's not normal that he
40:49Doesn't let you have your own bank card or he doesn't let you drive like they those outside
40:54Interferences will get you can get through to the person. So the more
40:59They can control who's there and how they are perceived the better
41:03So he wanted to make sure she didn't have too much time alone to think about it in her thoughts
41:10Exactly because when you're at home by yourself, are you with your child?
41:13You're watching your tv show and you're just letting things marinate in your mind
41:17That's the best possible time to make good decisions because you think back from the beginning and you're like, it's not normal
41:24Like well, why you're just going over the things in your mind and he knew the longer
41:29That she had to let things marinate in her mind the less likely that they were going to move forward
41:34So he had to interrupt that personal
41:38Time that she had to think and that's what people do when you want to manipulate someone the less time that they have to think
41:43About a situation the better because you can manipulate a person who hasn't had a chance to think about it
41:49Oh, but I don't I don't know about most women but for me my mind is running a mile a minute
41:54like i'm like like
41:56My mind's always running it's like the hamster in the hamster wheel
41:59It's always going except when i'm sleeping, but it's always on the run. It's always going so
42:04I mean
42:06I think well the way
42:09That's for sure. Well, I think he purposely blindsides her with lots of information at a time and then
42:15Like inserts himself
42:17And so she can't think about it
42:18She doesn't have time to react because as soon as he told her the first bit of information
42:22He's like I feel like you're judging me and I feel like he keeps on so she doesn't have any time
42:26Because before she could process it he wanted to make her feel bad
42:30For the way that she felt and I was like, well give her time to process. She's allowed to feel angry
42:36Um betrayed like people's feelings are their own and they need to be able to own them
42:41And that's another thing that
42:43Yeah, that's what manipulative people do they tell you how you're supposed to feel and that was something that I had to learn
42:50Younger like people will be like well, you can't get mad and i'm like, but I can
42:54Like well, you shouldn't be mad and i'm like, but I should I I get to decide if i'm mad or hurt or angry
42:59You don't get to decide that for me. I think a lot of manipulative people they control people's feelings
43:04Because they're like, oh well
43:06He's giving me gareth vibes from sister wives. Not like or what? Oh gary
43:13He's giving me that and i've said it from the beginning. He's been to brazil 30 times
43:19And probably only twice as a tourist every other time was as a sex tourist
43:23Right, like exactly everything about him. It's just so
43:27Out there and I just I don't know. He he rubs me the wrong way and it's like
43:32I I have empathy for him just because he's a human being
43:36And I don't want anything
43:38Like what he's going through to happen to anyone because I was raised, you know in the church
43:41And I just believe that everybody is good. It's to some extent somewhere deep down, you know
43:46So I I don't want him to to feel like he can't find love
43:50But again, we we found out online the other day that he was 26 years old on his third wife
43:57Did y'all hear that?
43:58He was 26 years old on his third wife
44:01And the second wife is the one that is hired the people and it's like
44:05What are these women? What are you doing to these women?
44:09That one of them thought that it would be helpful to just end you you're like
44:12How are you treating these women at such a young age?
44:15See, it's not us. It's not the women's problem because it's again three times engaged four times
44:22It's a him problem. Not a woman like not the women that he's with problem. It's a him problem. He's got issues
44:29All these women are different. They're from different places. They're from different walks of life. The common denominator and issue
44:36Is brian?
44:37They all found out after being with him that he's someone that they don't want in their lives
44:41That's the common denominator and I feel like he doesn't take responsibility
44:46I feel like when he tells his story
44:48He's like, oh well
44:49I feel judged and I feel like they don't fully understand me and I was like
44:53But they would understand you better if you were actually honest people can't understand what they don't know
44:59You would have to tell them
45:01It's all about him me me me me me. Yeah
45:07Like what I can do what I can't do validate this
45:11So so speaking of all about me, let's talk about lauren real quick so
45:16Lauren, um dropped the bomb on faith. We knew that he had gonorrhea and then he said I want to get your opinion
45:23He said i told her I was sleeping with people but english is her second language. So she thought sleeping in the bed with people meant
45:30Sleeping and it was lost in translation. Do you buy that? Do you buy that?
45:34She didn't know what that meant because that is a term in our
45:38Language we put two and two together and we say i'm sleeping with that person
45:43That actually is not what that term means. So, how do you feel?
45:47If he knows that english is not a second language like english is a second language for her
45:52He should have been more specific
45:54But like by sleeping with this i'm sleeping with this x and x person
46:00Which means that I like he could have gone into more detail with it
46:05Like in case so do it wouldn't get lost in translation
46:09Basically, and then she would know is she expected to know a certain slang that
46:15Like north america uses absolutely not
46:19Like she's busy. She doesn't have time to watch tv and watch movies and whatever. She's busy
46:25my issue is
46:27If you're in a relationship with someone
46:30You should be open and honest if you're sleeping with other people because I know there's people that are in open relationships
46:37Polyamorous relationships non-monogamous relationships, but the one thing they don't do is sleep with people behind each other's back
46:44They know
46:45You know, you might not necessarily text them and say hey i'm about to sleep with someone
46:49But i'm pretty sure it comes up in conversation. Where were you last night?
46:53Oh, I was with this person
46:54Like I feel like it's not something because if you're in an open or a non-monogamous relationship
46:58There's no reason to hide it
47:00Right, and I feel like communication is the only thing that would make those types of relationships work
47:06And I feel like lauren
47:08He said from the beginning. He doesn't believe in monogamous relationships, but for some reason faith doesn't know that
47:14I feel like if you if i'm gonna if i'm trying to date somebody
47:18And they were just getting to know each other. I think it would be very pertinent information for me to say. Hey
47:24We'll be dating but i'll be dating people other than you
47:27I think that's something that you should get get out of the way early because everybody's not okay with that
47:33Right, like everybody is not okay with sharing right? Yeah. No
47:38Like I don't know he could have been more specific when he's like
47:41This is what i'm looking for in an open relationship, which means this but did they meet on a dating profile?
47:47Wouldn't that have the information on there?
47:50Is what i'm?
47:51Oh, that's a good question
47:53I don't know i'm not on a dating profile
47:54You're right when you open up a profile because i've seen screenshots of scott's profile and ed
47:59they do they do put like, um, if they're gay or bi or lesbian or
48:05Polyamorous that is stuff that's listed on the dating profile
48:08So yeah, we should ask for a screenshot of what his dating profile looks like
48:12But again, I have to I have to stress
48:15English is a second language to faith. What if she doesn't know what non-monogamous means?
48:21But wouldn't there be depending on the dating app wouldn't there be like a little question mark right beside it
48:26Or then you can like put it into like your phone to see what it means
48:32Yeah, there's a translator yeah, there's a translation for it. Oh like
48:39Someone just commented that
48:43Ingrid and her friends are sex workers and that's something that brian said
48:49That's interesting. I mean, okay, so he goes to brazil, um frequently
48:55and I know some people frequently, um travel to countries where
48:59Um prostitution is easy and affordable
49:02But I don't know. Do you get that vibe from ingrid? I don't get that vibe from her
49:07I don't know because wouldn't she be living more of a more in like a bigger city and more of a lavish lifestyle
49:14She was
49:15In the country how many yeah customers would you get living in the middle of nowhere, you know, you know the most
49:22The most successful sex workers live in like big cities like la, um, new york vegas where the clientele is big
49:30You know, you have so many people visiting you have so many people, you know that are here today gone tomorrow
49:34So that's easy, you know easy new clients
49:37airports are near airports like in san paulo or like
49:42Like san paulo brazil or brazilia or whatever near an airport hub
49:50Jay quesado says that this was on reddit
49:52Okay, so I gotta go on reddit and catch up because I didn't see that i'm interested in seeing that but I have to
49:57Raise my eyebrow a little bit because I know things between brian and ingrid are probably not great
50:03And I always say this all the time, you know exes rarely have anything positive to say about each other
50:08So it's very possible like i've been watching um
50:11Sophie and rob going like sophie has been like saying that rob is gross and doesn't shower. It's like when people
50:18Want to be rid of someone or they want to break up with someone?
50:20They always have something bad to say and i'm like well if a man didn't shower regularly what will possess you to marry him?
50:26It's weird exactly
50:28So it's like so I always never anything positive to say about exes. Let's be honest people
50:33Right, so when people are no longer together or we know things are going north or south
50:38I just wonder when they say these things how how much of it is anger versus truth
50:44Right because a lot of times when people break up they always say these horrible things like calling someone a sex worker
50:49It's pretty mean, you know if they're not because she's a mother right like that would be a mean thing to
50:54to insinuate
50:56But you know big deal over the whole
50:59like his past lifestyle
51:02Like they kind of go hand in hand almost right like well wait, do you think because okay look
51:09He's been to brazil over 30 times. Do you think that he was going to brazil?
51:13to visit sex workers
51:16Do you think that that's why he frequents the area?
51:19Possibly possibly because when you land depending on where you're coming from you'll land from in a major airport like in sao paulo or rio
51:28or whatnot and
51:30Yeah, if he goes there in carnaval
51:32party time
51:34I mean, he definitely said that he loves being there and he loves the women there, right?
51:38Like we know this this is from his lips to our ears. We know that he has said he loves one there
51:44He goes there frequently most of his ex-fiances and a couple ex-wives were from there. We know that he frequents that place
51:50so for him to say
51:52She's a sex worker, you know, that doesn't
51:55Doesn't make it true, but it also makes you wonder
51:59Is this why you've been frequenting?
52:01Brazil as much as you have because there's lots of different places that you can visit and there's women everywhere you go
52:07Or is it that the women there are more open to a man in a wheelchair?
52:12Right, like there's a lot so him saying that i'm not gonna just jump and believe that that's true about ingrid
52:19It actually makes me feel like there's more questions about him
52:23Because if she is a sex worker that means that you knew ahead of time and you were dating her
52:27So that makes me want to think that you were dating other sex workers in brazil as well
52:31So it kind of like I know he's trying to deflect but it just makes me ask more questions about him in the end
52:36Maybe she was on it like a sugar baby website. Nope
52:41So alexa pomegranate posted
52:44Um that he was driving as an uber driver and he vented about it to a customer. Oh, I gotta find the video
52:51I didn't I didn't know we gotta find it. I got
52:54Gotta find the video. So, okay. So I guess alexa. I'm gonna send her a dm so we can find the video
53:00I want to talk about that. So if he was talking to a customer in uber that means he's back here
53:06Because he drives uber here. So that means he's back here. So that must mean
53:10It's not much going on with him and ingrid. Oh, and did you see there's two new couples? We haven't met yet
53:15I know I was just like because I sent you the picture of them like wait, who are these people?
53:20Yeah, there's
53:22Well, we
53:23I feel like we have so many different couples. We're shooting back and forth with now
53:27So that makes me wonder maybe something between two people isn't going to work out and then they'll they'll
53:33Transition off and then we'll we'll transition into the two new couples. Both of them are from florida
53:39So we got a lot of florida representation this season
53:42There's already veil who's from florida and then I believe the two additional couples are ones from florida as well
53:48So, yeah, I feel like there's a lot of florida representation this season which is interesting, you know, I think um
53:53That's because no one is working out. Oh, yeah. So yeah, I mean, I believe that I think that
53:59a lot of these like the rory and sunny and
54:03Situation, I think it's gonna blow up
54:07Yeah, I think it's gonna blow up and he's gonna tell her to take her ass home
54:11I think I kind of feel that way and you know
54:13Because we've seen a little bit of the preview from the beginning he's like screaming and he's like how dare you bring this man here
54:19So I feel like that might actually be him like telling her to get back on the plane and go home
54:24And things are not gonna last very long. I mean, we're only on episode six. There's probably like 18 episodes
54:30Yeah, I mean technically if we're lucky we won't have to hear ever again
54:38This episode was good though. Okay, so we're gonna come back and talk. Um tomorrow
54:45the other way
54:47Which is um good news george to evacuate tomorrow. Don't go to disney. No, we're not in evacuation
54:53And actually disney is still open on the under an hurricane. That's a whole nother thing
54:57But okay, so we're gonna come back tomorrow and we're gonna talk about the other way and I love a mama's boy
55:02And I think thousand pound if you guys are a fan of thousand pound sisters
55:06Um, the slanton sisters are back this week. I believe on tuesday if you guys want to catch up
55:11I know that tammy's really skinny now. That's cool
55:14And oh and a thousand pound best friends are going to be back at some point this week
55:18I don't remember which day maybe also tuesday. I'm not sure but we'll be back tomorrow. Um
55:24and we're gonna be talking about the other way and I love a mama's boy, which i'm already hooked on and then
55:30Thank you, um everybody for joining. Oh make sure you're following my co-host. Gina. She's tagging this video
55:36Um, I have a date that didi will be back. It's less than a month from now
55:40So i'm very very happy that didi
55:42And actually car was gonna join us tonight, but she had to work late
55:46So car would have been here, but she'll be here tomorrow
55:48But yeah, didi will be back in less than a month. I'm excited for that
55:51Um, make sure you're following gina
55:52She'll be tagging this video and she'll be on all social media platforms tags as well
55:55Make sure to follow me on all social media platforms at george mossy george
55:58It will get your pocket type in the george mossy show. Thanks for joining us. Everybody. Have a wonderful night. We'll talk to you soon
