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The new season of 90 day fiance: the other way after S6EP17 I love a mamas boy podcast! Join George Mossey Instagram.com/GeorgeMossey Twitter.com/GeorgeMossey
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00:00What is up, guys? What's up? What's up? What's up? I'm George Masi. It's the George Masi
00:09Show. Y'all, we're going to be talking about this episode of The Other Way that aired.
00:13We're going to talk about I Love Obama's Boy, too. So we got some more corona and inky,
00:18and we're going to get into that. We're going to wait for Gina to come in so we can get
00:24started. But yeah, we're going to get into this episode. It was a shorter episode, so
00:28we're going to try to break this down and get this episode figured out. Oh, wait. Gina's
00:37here. These kids are beautiful. Oh, I love your name. That's beautiful. Get Gina in here.
00:47I think I accepted. How's everybody doing? It's Monday. How's your Mondays going, everybody?
00:54How's your Monday?
00:56It's Monday. House is not flooded, so it's good.
01:00It's still flooded?
01:01No, my house is not flooded. But there's a lot of flooding. You saw. I sent you pictures.
01:07Yeah, I saw. That's crazy. It's bad because you got more flooding than we did and we had
01:11a hurricane. That was horrible. I thought it was winter. Why is it raining?
01:17It's fall. Yeah, they don't clean the street cleaners. Don't clean the streets. Only once
01:26a year.
01:27That's scary. That's really scary. I can't swim. So the idea of like high water is like
01:34my worst nightmare.
01:36So like mountains. We have mountains. So a lot of that debris.
01:41That's so scary. That's so scary. So we're gonna get into the other way. And then maybe
01:46if we have time, we'll talk about the love of mama's boy. But we're gonna get into the
01:50other way because we got some scenes with Inky and Corona tonight. And I wanted to get
01:56into that because she wanted to talk about the situation with him talking to other girls,
02:02right? So she brought up tonight that she's not on his social media. And I want to get
02:07your opinion on that. Because if you're in a relationship with someone, you should have
02:12them on your social media because you're not hiding anything, right? So if somebody
02:17because remember, Shekinah and Sarper were going through this earlier in the season or
02:22maybe that was last season they were on. He didn't want to post her on his social media.
02:25You remember that like he didn't want her her picture anywhere near his social media.
02:30And that's fishy to me. You know, like if you're in a committed relationship, people
02:34should know you're in a committed relationship because Corona's thoughts were, well, what
02:38if he was going out on the weekends and actually talking to other women, right? Like in presenting
02:47himself as a single man. And when you're on social media, and you present yourself as
02:51a single man and you're in a relationship, I think that that's kind of shady. You know,
02:55like, I think that if you're going to be in a relationship and you're monogamous, I mean,
02:59I guess that's a weird word to use because people are so open to these, like some people
03:04have open relationships or whatever. But if you are dating someone, you should at least
03:07claim them. And you know, like she kind of said, she was like, you should post a picture
03:12of me so all of the women on your page know that you're not just open for business. You
03:17know, so I felt like, but again, I feel like Corona is in Iceland. And she's in a relationship
03:26and I kind of feel like she's in a one sided relationship because I really don't feel like
03:31Inky's in a relationship with her. I feel like this is just something that he's doing
03:36for fun because he was like, Oh, I don't want to get married. Marriage isn't a real
03:40thing here. And then her counter was your brother's married, your parents are married,
03:44like everyone around you is married. So I really just feel like this is something that
03:48if this is even a real relationship, which I don't believe, but I don't feel like this
03:51is something that he ever was going to take seriously.
03:53I honestly think that with everything that has transpired, like what was going on with
04:01it. He doesn't want a relationship. He basically made that clear. But yeah, he like, she sent
04:09him the picture of what kind of ring she wanted. So like, I don't know, they're kind of wishy
04:13washy. At the end of the day, like, she knows what she wants. He doesn't know what he wants.
04:20But didn't they say everyone in Iceland's related. So the females that he was talking
04:24to at the club or at the bar, or technically his cousins or some sort of like, there's
04:30some sort of relation there.
04:32Yeah. Somewhere down the line, they're related in some way. I mean, I just think that her
04:39intentions were never clear of what she wanted. Because remember, she's soft partnering. So
04:45she never actually told him what she wanted or what made her upset. She shielded him.
04:51And then when she got to Iceland, she was like, you should take this more seriously.
04:54I gave up my career for you. And he's like, why would you do that? You know, like, well,
04:59possess you to give up your career for me. Why would you think that your career is not
05:02as important as this relationship? Because I don't blame him. I think they've only known
05:06each other for five months. If this is a real relationship, what's the purpose of him proposing
05:11to her or saying we should get married? No, that's crazy. They literally haven't had sex.
05:16I think she said four times in a year. And then she said that she broke his penis.
05:20And I don't know if that's a thing. You know, it's really odd. So I was last night,
05:25I was watching Lauren would know. Well, I know Lauren would definitely understand this better.
05:31But I was watching sex sent me to the ER. It's some show on TV. And I've seen some episodes.
05:38So you know, so really weird last night. I was watching it randomly while I was editing videos.
05:45And somebody said that they broke their penis on the show. So when they said this tonight,
05:50it was really funny because I was like, Oh, wait, I just saw a show and this guy,
05:54he had to get like stitches. Like so it was like, bad. Like and then the nurse said that
06:00they didn't think he was gonna be able to have a kid anymore. Like it was serious. So I was like,
06:03I didn't even know that you could break it. Now that's like, you know, the new fear unlocked.
06:08Like now I have this new fear unlocked. Now I'm like, Oh my god, what if it breaks?
06:13Like now what are we gonna do now? Like I'm so scared.
06:16I don't know, you would think after this long, it would likely healed by now. But I guess it
06:25depends on doctor's orders, right? So, but there are other things that can you can do at the same
06:31time. Instead, in lieu of, that's what Corona was saying. She's like, he has fingers, he has a mouth,
06:40he has hands. So you know, the lack of intimacy, I think it's a dead giveaway that he's not as
06:46serious as you think he is towards you. Yeah, I just don't think he has any, like,
06:53Oh, she's here. Great. Like, I don't think he has any actual attraction to her. Because if he did,
06:58it would be a different story. Because by doctor's orders, he would say, I can't protect like I can't
07:06do anything like that. But I can do other things. So obviously, I don't think he's attracted to her,
07:12because if he was, he wouldn't bang her, but he would do other things.
07:16Well, do you think that he's unattracted? Okay, so you know how there's this weird phenomenon
07:22where the more available and open and accessible you are to people, the less people want you?
07:29Do you feel like she makes herself too accessible? She's too easy.
07:33She flew over there, she gave up everything, she threw away her whole life for him.
07:38Do you think that that's a turnoff? Because I've heard people say, the more you do for someone,
07:43or the more you make yourself available to someone, the less likely that they're going to
07:46want to stay with you long term. Like, do you feel like maybe if she made it a little more difficult
07:51to be with her, he would have a little more interest? Because you know, men like to chase
07:55things, you know, like they like to chase women, like to chase their dog or their pet around,
07:59they like to chase things. We watch football, they're just chasing a ball around the field.
08:03Like men like to chase things. So I was like, maybe for him, it's just like, you're too
08:08accessible. Right? You gave up everything too easily. Yeah, I would have to probably agree
08:15with that one. You got it on the nose. Like, it's like, oh, this was easy. She ain't gonna go
08:20nowhere. She gave up everything to come here. I never told her to do that. She did that on her
08:25own. Well, yeah, this was all this was all on her. She she gave up her midwife school
08:32opportunity. She gave up her life. She moved. He didn't even put a ring on it. You know,
08:35like for some women, they don't even consider the relationship serious until there's a ring
08:40on their finger. You know, like it's like she that's how you prove to some women that you're
08:45serious about them. You put a ring on their finger. You show that effort that you want
08:50that person to be in your life. She's just a girlfriend at this point, which I think is crazy.
08:55She moved. They seem more like roommates than a girlfriend. Well, yeah, because they would be
09:00banging if they were they would be banging. Like if you fly like 30 hours to see someone,
09:05they should bang you just as a thank you. Right. Right. That's just a thank you for
09:10your efforts. You know, like for you sitting on the plane for that long for me,
09:14you're getting banged. You know, like that's just a gift. That's just being respectful
09:19of the person. So, yeah, I think that at this point, I'm really buying into that storyline
09:23where this was all an act and they were two friends that thought it would be funny to be
09:28on the show. Did you see you've seen that online, right? Yeah, I'm buying into that. Honestly,
09:34I don't see a relation like a romantic relationship. I don't see chemistry. I don't see
09:40connection or bond between them. They just look like two friends that that joke around together.
09:45Like, that's all I see. Like, honestly, I don't know what type of tell all we're going to have
09:49if all these couples are not even together. I don't know. But you know, I'm all about the new
09:56people. Sometimes when they don't get along or they broke up, it's more fun because they're
10:02saying exactly. They're saying meaner things about each other. So sometimes it's a little
10:06more fun. Also, we met Angel tonight, who is Tata's sister, her closest sister. Well,
10:13used to be her closest sister. Now she's like a sister that they had to block on social media
10:18because she was causing shit online. So apparently, she had told Tata's parents that
10:26James was abusive towards women or he treated women really bad. Something really vile and
10:31horrible to lie about, right? Like she made up the story that he treated women in the US really bad.
10:37And she admitted when she arrived that she only did it because she wanted to get back at him for
10:44stealing her sister from her. She knew it wasn't true. She knew that she didn't have a friend in
10:49the US. She wasn't being fed any actual facts. She just didn't want the relationship to proceed,
10:56which I think is pretty crazy, right? Like to say that you have never met this person,
11:00and you hate this person, and you're lying on this person, and then to come there.
11:04And when she was talking in her interview, she was like, I just don't trust him. And I was like,
11:09well, the only liar in this situation so far is you. You've admitted to being a liar,
11:14a backstabber, a betrayer. You've done all this. And of all people, you're trying to hurt your
11:18sister, the person that you say you love. And she's like, I just don't know if he's a good guy.
11:21And I'm like, well, he's better than you. You've actually went out of your way to destroy your
11:26sister's happiness, and you're more worried about him, you know?
11:29Yeah, I think maybe there was some, because Tata's the youngest, right? So I think there
11:35was a little bit of jealousy there, possibly, with her getting the opportunity to leave the
11:39country, go to the United States, make a better life, right? But at the end of the day, like,
11:46you're basically, if you backstab your sister, you can backstab your mom,
11:49you can backstab your dad. Like, you are not a good person. You are not a good human being.
11:54Like, I would be like, you're dead to me. Thank you. You're not coming to this wedding.
12:02Like, yeah, I read your tweet about like, if you don't accept the wedding, then don't come.
12:08Like, that's the thing.
12:09Oh, yeah. Okay. So I do believe that they broke the cardinal rule. When you're getting married,
12:15and there's people, I told Cara this too, like, if you're getting married, don't invite people that
12:20don't respect your union to your wedding, because you're just asking for trouble. If these people,
12:25or this person in particular, like Angel doesn't want you in this relationship,
12:29then they have no reason to be in the wedding. They shouldn't be there. They shouldn't celebrate
12:34something that they don't want. So the fact that they're inviting her, I think it's a bad idea.
12:39Because it's just like, why would you bring someone into your good energy, and then they're
12:45bringing bad negative energy into the vibe. And I just feel like she's definitely somebody who
12:51owes them an apology. And you know, the whole time that she was there, I didn't see that. I
12:57didn't see an apology. I didn't see any remorse. I didn't see her say, you know what, I was wrong.
13:01I didn't know who he was. I shouldn't have made up. No, I didn't see any of that. I just saw her
13:06still being kind of rude. Right? She was kind of rude. Tata's older siblings having a head on
13:12their shoulder. And because they basically grew up together and have the same type of personality,
13:17probably. That's a problem, basically, because of the two younger ones. They have the same
13:23personality, the same mentality. And that's a, that's a problem. So, but at the end, I was
13:29scratching my head a little bit and correct me if I'm wrong. But some of Tata's siblings wear the
13:37hijab and are fully covered. Well, you have Angel, who's also like, come from a Muslim family.
13:44She's wearing like a crop top.
13:48No, I saw that.
13:51Hold on a second.
13:52I also question, they look a little different. Because I was like, they're like different
13:57complexions. And they have different features. Because I was like, do we need to call Mari?
14:01Because I was like, this is a little weird. You know, I was like, I'm not saying that they're
14:05not siblings. But I was like, we could do a real quick DNA test, right? Just to be sure.
14:10Because I was like, does the dad or the mom need to have a conversation with everybody real quick?
14:15Because, you know, when you see, because like, for instance, my brother and sister,
14:20they're way, way lighter than me. I'm the darker one. My mom is dark. My dad was Creole. So he's
14:27like white. So like, I came out dark, my brother and sister came out light. So they told me the
14:31whole time when I was younger, they're like, you're adopted. You don't look like us. You're
14:34adopted. And I didn't realize till I got older that I just looked like my mom. Because I was
14:38just like, I don't know. She don't look like her sister. So I was like, maybe mom has something
14:43to tell them, you know, like maybe. Features change. My brother used to have blonde hair,
14:49blue eyes. And I thought I had a sister, like, and he's my middle brother. And there were pictures.
14:54I'm like, who's that? It looks like a girl, blonde, curly hair, green eyes. Now it's just
14:59like brown hair. So people's features do change. But like, I presume, and I could be wrong,
15:06like maybe not in Indonesia specifically. But I know with a lot of Muslim cultures,
15:10you could have more than one wife. Oh, yeah, that's true. You're right. That's true.
15:15That's very true. Could be a different baby mama. Yeah. Well, we only met one mom. But maybe that's
15:22because that was Tata's mom. That was the only mom we needed to meet during filming. You know,
15:27that's pretty true, too. You know, because it raised my eyebrows just like, huh, Angel looks
15:32a little different. So maybe that also could be, you know, with Tata being the youngest, maybe
15:37she's a little jealous of how she, you know, I'm the youngest. So my siblings, they didn't like
15:43that I got more than they did. Because, you know, as people have more kids, and they go get older,
15:49and things get better, your financial situation improves. You know, so my brother and sister,
15:55they didn't really like me because I didn't have the same life that they did. Things got better
15:59for us. So maybe that could also be an issue with Angel, too, being an older child, you know,
16:04they may have been part of the struggle. But you know, they didn't always live in that big castle,
16:10right? Like they told us the story of how they worked really hard, and they built that business
16:15from the ground up. And I think I read somewhere that the dad actually worked for an actual banana
16:20chip company. I read the same article. Yeah, yeah. And he got hurt and then left the company,
16:26started his own company. So yeah, they didn't always have this big, beautiful castle home
16:30and this business. So maybe that could be also part of Angel's anger, because she was a part
16:35of the struggle. You know, because we go through stages in life, you know, there's a lot of struggle
16:40in the beginning, and then we seem to come out on top later in life. Maybe Tata came out, that's why
16:46she's a little more entitled, right? Like she feels like-
16:48I don't see that much of an age difference between them.
16:51No, you're right. They're probably a few years, four or five years. But I mean,
16:58who knows? It could just be an envy of a sibling rivalry, you know, whoever. So John and Jojo had
17:05a FaceTime call with, I think her name was Donna, who is Jojo's mother. And I really needed her to
17:13ask the right questions. She didn't ask the right questions. And you know, I think what really
17:19caught me tonight, no matter what people ask Jojo and Sean, they never can produce answers.
17:26Have you noticed that? They're like, well, why did you do this? Why didn't you tell anyone?
17:30What's your plan? And they always are just looking like deer in headlights. They never
17:36have an answer. And I think that's what's frightening to me, because they're not 17.
17:41You know, these are parents with children who are adults who should have a plan. Even if you didn't
17:46have a plan, now that you've told your children and you're moving forward, why haven't y'all
17:52actually had a conversation and come up with a plan of what you think is the right thing to do
17:57moving forward? Because every time they tell another person, everyone has a million questions,
18:01and they get zero answers. And I think that's what's really scary. You know, as parents,
18:06they need to have a plan. They have to have something that they're going to have definite
18:11for these kids. Kids need a definite plan. And they're just like, oh, we never thought about it.
18:16We don't know what we're going to do. We don't know where we're going to live. We don't know
18:18what's going to happen. And it's like, well, when are you going to figure that out? You're married.
18:22You know, like, when are you going to decide what you're going to do with your life?
18:27They act like children, and they're going to be treated like children. So basically,
18:33probably Joe hasn't told her mom everything. Because if her mom knew, besides the part that
18:41they got married, he lives at home with his mom. He doesn't work. He has this. Her mom would have
18:48a million other questions. Why aren't you working? Why do you still live at home with your mom?
18:53Why do you have custody of your dog? She would ask those questions.
18:57Well, that was my main gripe, because she didn't ask. But you're right. She would have asked,
19:02I think, if she'd known. I think that Joe is sheltering. She's kind of like pulling a Brian,
19:07you know, from before the 90 days. You only give people enough information
19:12to make the situation look good, or to some safe face in the situation. Like,
19:17she knows she can't tell her mom. He doesn't work. He lives with his mom. He has no life plan. He has
19:22no goals. He's not striving to be a doctor. He's just a face tatted guy that she likes.
19:27Right? Like, you can't tell your mom that, you know, like, because your mom's gonna be like,
19:31oh, so what is well, actually, Donna did ask. She's like, well, what do you bring to the table
19:35that, you know, my daughter doesn't have here? And I was like,
19:38it's not a good question. Right? It's not a good question for a mom to ask. Because at this point,
19:43it's just that he's only bringing that he's not bringing like, he doesn't even have a house for
19:48her to live in. He doesn't even have his own toilet to piss in. It's just that it's the
19:52eggplant he's bringing. And you know, the fact that she's digmatized at her age is crazy. You
20:00know, I thought that, you know, at a certain age, women grew out of the idea of just
20:04wanting that, right? Like, I feel like she's going for a midlife crisis. And this is her
20:09midlife crisis. She has to know that there's so much more in life than just getting
20:16dignitized by a face tatted guy. Right? And that's that's like a vacation thing that you do.
20:22You go on vacation, you meet a face tatted guy, you have sex, and you come back home to your
20:26family. You don't marry the guy. Right? Like, you don't go over there and marry your fling
20:33and then try to implement your fling into your life. I think that was her issue. I get a woman
20:40at her age wanting to experience something like that. I totally understand. But yeah, go over
20:45there, bang him, and then come back home to your kids. Right? Like, you don't marry the guy. You
20:49know, you don't marry the escort. I still call him an escort. I have no proof. I have no proof.
20:54We don't have proof of that.
20:56This is completely a legend. I don't know that he's an escort. I just feel like he's
21:00probably an escort. Because I just don't get it. I don't get I mean, I'm not a woman.
21:04He was! He was taking that money and he wouldn't be living in a room with his mama.
21:09Well, yeah, if he was a good escort, you're right. He would have his own house.
21:12So maybe he's not, right?
21:14You've seen all the comments from these women that they're vile. These women
21:19want him like on some of the comments. I'm like, oh my god.
21:23Well, you know what's funny? I was talking on a podcast last night. And a lot of women were
21:29saying they feel the same way about Bosia from the other way. Because they're like,
21:34oh, he's so good looking. And I was like, well, he's a liar. He doesn't have a job.
21:37They're like, oh, it's okay. It's okay. And I'm like, well, you can't just say a guy's
21:42good looking and give him a get out of jail free card for being a loser. Right? Like,
21:46I think a lot of women, you know how they say men think with their penis and not their brain.
21:51Sometimes I think women think that way as well, because there'll be a complete
21:55loser guy, right? Like complete loser, nothing going from it whatsoever. But his face or his
22:01abs or his body will change the whole perspective. For women, women will be like, oh, no, it's okay.
22:07Because I was on the one podcast. And the girl says she's like, well, you know,
22:11maybe he's good and bad. Or, you know, maybe he hasn't found himself yet. And I was like,
22:14and you gonna wait around for that? You're gonna wait around for that?
22:17His mom can't put up with that BS? What woman's gonna put up with it? The mom wants him out of
22:24the house. That bozo guy, she wants him out. So who's to say that he he's a catch?
22:33I think a lot of women consider a catch, not how much money you have, or what kind of job you have.
22:39But sometimes they look at it as what you look like. And, you know,
22:43isn't that great looking? Is what we need to hop on a plane and go to like other places?
22:52I think a lot of people don't travel enough. They don't they don't get out enough. Because
22:56you're right. A lot of times we'll, because you know, we'll be watching the show. And we're just
23:00like, so where do you live that this is the best person that you could find? You know, like,
23:05that's, that's because that's how I kind of looked at the bozo situation. Because I was like,
23:09what part of Orlando is she in that this is the best she could do? You know, like,
23:13and same with Sean, it's like, what part of Staten Island is Jojo from that this is the best that she
23:19can do? And I'm not saying that Sean isn't good looking. But you have to have other qualities.
23:25You know, especially he's a dad, you know, so he not only needs to be taking care of himself,
23:30he needs to be taking care of his daughter. And then he went and married this woman,
23:33who's is he gonna take care of her? Like, is he going to accept any responsibility? Because
23:38your face tattoos and your abs only can go? Have you ever tried to pay rent or mortgage with a face
23:43tattoo and abs? They don't accept it. They won't take like, no ever tried to buy a car, you just
23:49walk up to the car dealership and be like, this is my face. What can I get that we like, get the
23:54hell out of here. But we we accept money, you know, and I think a lot of times women are just
23:58like, oh, I can fix this person. You know, they're good looking, I can fix this. This isn't that
24:03serious. This is something that I can work on. And I don't think you can.
24:08No, there's no turning back with that.
24:10Well, they're married. And the best thing that they should do is get divorced and move on. Because
24:16they've been married for two years. He had two years to get his own place, get a job and show
24:22because like, say for instance, Joey and her other son went over there and they liked him.
24:26They liked Ireland. And it was Ireland, right? He's in Ireland. Yeah. They liked Ireland. And
24:32they wanted to move there. He's not ready. There's nowhere for them to go. So he had two
24:37years to prepare a place, you know, for him, his daughter, her, her kids. And so in case when the
24:43meeting did take place, they had somewhere to go. But he didn't even get ready for that. Like
24:46they're still because even if things worked out, where are they going to live?
24:49Well, Joey ain't even talking to his mom. So
24:53Well, that says a lot. He's not even talking to her. And I don't blame him.
24:58I don't either.
24:59His mom is acting like a 17 year old girl who has a crush on the boy at school.
25:06And she's basically abandoning everybody. You know how you have that one friend,
25:12I had a friend in school. And we were best friends. And then they they started dating
25:17someone and then ignored everybody. Like nobody else mattered. And while they were dating this
25:22person, and then then all of a sudden, when their relationship fell apart, they wanted to come back
25:26in our clique. And we're like, No, we're good. We're good. You remember, you remember when we
25:30didn't exist? For you, you and your girlfriend, like you can go back and talk to her like we're
25:35good. You dogged us. And I kind of feel like that's kind of how Joey feels. He's like, No,
25:39I don't need to talk to you. I wasn't a part of your decision. When you decided to marry a
25:44face tatted guy from Ireland and not tell anybody. Right? Like that is completely on you.
25:51Like, oh, so Vivian was asking some questions, and she was prying
25:57Lily for information. And we found out that her and Josh haven't had sex in seven months.
26:04And they're supposed to be getting married. So a lot of people on XR are saying that
26:08they have questions about Josh. Because they're like, well, what's going on with Josh? Do you
26:13think he really wants to be with her? Do you think he's actually trying to, you know, be with her for
26:16the money? Because we learned recently that Vivian is a high paid actress in China, and she's the one
26:24that purchased that house. So that's kind of why she's so involved in who lives in the house,
26:31because it's her house. And I mean, even if she bought the house and put it in her mom's name,
26:35it's still she bought it. So she's a little more worried about who is this man living in this house
26:41who is not going to work or who's not going to do anything. He's not who doesn't actually care
26:45about my mom. And you know, it's I'm beginning to wonder, too. What is Josh's intentions?
26:52You know, like what, because, you know, he got there. And he was like, Oh, there's a time
26:56difference. And I was sick. I think he said he had COVID when he first got there. There's all
27:01these excuses. And I don't know, I feel like if you really wanted to make it happen, you would.
27:08I just feel like, you know, it's weird that you would move across the world for someone,
27:13but you don't even want to be intimate with them. That's a weird situation for me.
27:17I think, and I've said this before, and I'll say it again, I don't, I think it's that the power
27:24trip role, right? Like I and I've always said that, right? Maybe like, okay, she, he can't
27:32support her. He brings nothing to the table. Right? Like, he can't plant. Yeah, besides an
27:40eggplant. But, but then the thing is, if she belittles him, and there could be that language
27:47communication, the best thing that this couple has together is their communication with each
27:51other. When they get into arguments or disagreements, they actually talk about it
27:55versus other couples. But in this case, I think when she belittles him, saying stuff about money,
28:04I'm always paying for everything, what person wants to hear that, especially a person that
28:10you're in a relationship with, you don't want to hear that negativity, because it's just gonna
28:15blow down your self esteem, and you're not gonna want to be with that person. Right? So I don't
28:21know, I think they need to actually see a sex therapist. And maybe that will flourish.
28:26That's true. You know, we this isn't the first time we saw this situation. Jasmine and Gina
28:32were in this exact same situation. He will not have sex with Jasmine, or at the time he wouldn't.
28:40And it was exactly what you said. It was demeaning her saying, she literally said on national TV that
28:47he was bad in bed and her ex was better than him. So you know, men have performance anxiety.
28:53You know, and when they when they constantly hear that their performance is less than par,
28:58difficult to perform, you know, like if you were a singer, and every time you were about to go on
29:02stage, someone backstage was like, go out there and sing, even though you know, you can't, you
29:07know, eventually, that gets into your head, it bothers you, you start to believe things that
29:12you know, aren't true. Because you can't bother Milli Vanilli, so you know. I mean, no, it didn't.
29:19It didn't. The ironic part about that is the voices that they were using for them weren't
29:24even that good. They should have just used their own voices. Like that was my hope, right? Because
29:29I was like, the voices they were using weren't even like, amazing. So they could have just used
29:33their own voices. Right? I don't understand that whole situation. And then I also saw a video
29:40off topic, they could sing. Yeah, which made it even more weird. Why didn't they just let them
29:46sing? What the hell is going on in this world? Okay, so hold on, there's something else we have
29:52I did want to sorry, I didn't want to quickly bring up the fact that the daughter felt so
29:56comfortable talking to the mom about, you know, I like, my mom would like, punch me in the face.
30:05That's too much detail. I don't need to know when the last time you had a plant was, I really don't
30:10need to know that. Well, I think the relationship is more than mother daughter. I think they're like,
30:16best friends, basically. And that's great to have. But you need to set boundaries as well at the same
30:20time. I think because okay, so I had a really good friend. She said growing up with her mom
30:27was really difficult. Her mom was super, super strict. We actually grew up in the same cult,
30:31religion or whatever, just in different parts of the country. And she said, but as she became an
30:35adult, her and her mom were like, best friends closest ever. Because I think parents are really
30:41hard on their kids, they want them to be successful, they want them to turn out a certain
30:45way. But then I think with daughters and moms, especially, once the daughter becomes like a
30:50woman, and she gets married, and she has kids, I feel like the mother is so much more open with
30:56the daughter. Like with fathers, you don't really hear fathers and sons talking like that. Right?
31:01Like, you never really see that, but you don't have the show. I'm a daddy's boy, and it's son
31:06and their dad rubbing each other's feet, right? You're never going to see that. But I think when
31:10it comes to women, you know, especially when their daughters become grown, and you know,
31:15they're making their own decisions, and they're living their life, it becomes like a friendship.
31:19You know, because even with my mom, my mom was super strict. But like, now that I'm grown, and
31:24we have conversations more of a friendship, I'm not like scared of her. You know, because like,
31:28growing up, I was more so scared of her than anything. But like, now it's like a friendship,
31:31it's a different type of relationship. But no, you're not wrong. I'm not, we're not talking
31:35about sex or anything like, we're not doing that. It's never going to happen. And I think,
31:39you know, her daughter asking that question, it was weird. Because I was like, Oh, y'all are in
31:45a virgin again. Like, because she hasn't gotten any. I was just like, Oh my god,
31:50this is not happening. Y'all are in a very close situation of a good place to have that
31:56conversation. You know, but I think that her daughter is more invested because the life that
32:03Lily has, like Lily has her own like spa, and she sells her wellness products. I'm pretty sure
32:08Vivian financed that. She's a big name actress. We actually, they posted a picture of the INMD.
32:17She's got like major blockbuster movies, like not one or two, like five. I think so.
32:25Shows too, I think.
32:27Yeah, she's like a big deal. It's not like she did an extra in a movie, like she stars in movies.
32:35So I think that she's interested in what's going on with her mom because she, you know how we have
32:40big families or big name families, like he is at first Kim was the big name, right? And then
32:44everybody else was beneath her. Like now they're all equal. But I think now in this situation,
32:49Vivian is Kim, and everyone else hasn't gained their stripes yet. So Vivian is kind of
32:56micromanaging everybody below her. And her mom happens to be one of those people. And she's just
33:01like, Well, I don't approve of this guy. So you shouldn't be with them. And she feels since she
33:04funds the family, you know, if you can buy your family a five story house, you're in charge,
33:10right? Like if somebody bought me a five story house, they are they are in charge of me,
33:14they're gonna tell me what I can and can't do. So I think that that's kind of where Vivian is.
33:18She's just like, No, he doesn't love you. He's using you. He's trying to get into the family
33:23money. And she might actually be right. Because keep in mind, we didn't know about the family
33:28money when we met him on the show. No, we had no idea that it was this. We thought that
33:34Lily was successful. We didn't know that these people are millionaires.
33:39To believe it, like, right from her own success. And then as slowly as things started to unravel,
33:46then we realized, Oh, maybe the money came from family. Well, maybe it came from the daughter.
33:52So there's different orange peels that are peeling right now.
33:56Yeah, yeah, I think that we're learning a lot more about the dynamic. And it could be
34:02Josh is like, he saw a really good opportunity, right? Like, I don't know, like, I believe that
34:07first, that he just really loved her. But now that I know that we're talking millions and millions of
34:11dollars, and he's got it made, like living in a house with five floors and an elevator, you know,
34:18I might consider it too. Right? Like, just I might consider that too. So if I was if that
34:23opportunity fell into my lap, there's a there's a possibility.
34:28I don't know who wouldn't take that opportunity to be honest.
34:32I would love to have a house that has more floors than the last hotel I stayed in.
34:37Like, I just, I don't have any issue with it. And if the only thing you have to do is bang your wife,
34:45that is not asking a lot, right? That's not asking a lot. That's almost like asking for nothing,
34:51because you should, you should be doing that anyway. So it's like, it's not it's basically
34:55like you're not even asking for anything. You should be doing that anyway. So if somebody wants
34:59to suck it up, princess, get her done. So you can stay in that house.
35:03Oh, yeah, somebody wants to move me out, you know, wherever you are, and you have a five
35:07story house, my DMs are open, let me know when I should leave. I can pack now. Just let me know.
35:11So book me a flight first class, please. Oh, I want to talk about the Mama's Boy episode because
35:22Josh, Janelle and Tina and the kids went to Tampa to see their new house, which was,
35:28it was beautiful on the outside. It was like gutted on the inside. But you know, when you
35:32are remodeling, there's not much to look at. But the issue is, it doesn't have enough rooms for
35:39Tina and Tina feels that they need to build. Oh, that's too bad. No.
35:45Well, she's like, well, you should build an in-law suite for me, which would cost,
35:50okay, so they're already $100,000 into their renovation, right? So an in-law suite would cost
35:57about another $40,000 to $50,000. And also, keep in mind, their backyard has a big ass pool,
36:04and then like a deck, so they would be cutting into their recreational area.
36:09No, that's just going to diminish the value of the home if they sell it.
36:14So who fills in a pool to add an in-law suite? This is Florida. People want the pool,
36:21right? You don't fill in a pool to add an in-law suite. You don't, because they're adding a tiki
36:26bar. You don't knock the tiki bar down to put it in. This is Florida. This is what people do.
36:31They entertain in their yard. So they're adding value, like you said, to the home. And she's like,
36:36well, where am I going to go? And Janelle's like, take your ass back to New England. You know,
36:40that's where you got to go. You can sleep on the couch when you visit once a year. You can sleep
36:45on the couch, or there's an air mattress. We ain't doing this. No, no. Well, isn't that really big
36:50house that they all live in, isn't that hers? Because I remember in the beginning, Janelle
36:55said that they all moved in with her. So that really massive house, like she has all that space.
37:02That would be exciting, the idea that I have a full house, and then I would have the house to
37:05myself. I would be excited. If everybody wants to move out, I wouldn't have an objection. But I
37:10think that she has like that fear of empty nest syndrome. You know, some people, you know, it's
37:16because she's a single parent, you know, her husband passed away, I believe. So I think that
37:21she... She's a single mom. Yes, but her kids are grown up. There's no mothering to do.
37:28No, there's no mothering at all. There's no mothering at all. They're very grown.
37:33There's no mothering to do anymore. Her kids got kids. So the mothering, like she could be a good
37:39grandma. But again, grandmas don't need to live with you. Be a good grandma. I went to stay with
37:44my grandma every summer for six weeks in Mississippi, at her place. So my mom got a six
37:50week break every summer. And my grandmother spoiled me. Oh my god, I had bedtime snacks.
37:56I got to watch Batman at 10 o'clock at night, which was completely unallowed in my household,
38:03because we were in a cult. So I had like the best life, right? It was like the best world.
38:07So every time I would go to Mississippi, it was amazing. I had the best grandmother in the world.
38:11She never lived with me a day in her life. Doesn't change the fact that she was the best
38:15grandmother I ever had. Exactly. So I think that she definitely, I mean, and if she does want to
38:21be close, sell that big ass house in New England and buy a house somewhere in Tampa near them,
38:27and drive over there. Exactly. That's not asking a lot, right? You can still see them.
38:31You need to set the boundaries and have the house at least 30 minutes away.
38:36So she doesn't just pop on in and don't make a key for her.
38:40Oh, you know, like Kelly building the house right in their backyard.
38:45Yeah, no.
38:45So she can hide in the bushes and look in the window. So speaking of Kelly, Matt and Kelly
38:50are going into business together. Well, they think, she thinks they're going into business
38:54together. Matt actually might be getting cold feet. And they're both going to be real estate
38:58agents. They're going to go into a brokerage together. And, you know, Matt is actually
39:03getting cold feet. He thinks maybe this, this is not the direction you would go when you want to
39:08set boundaries. No, because once you start mixing business with the relationship, there's not really
39:14going to be any boundaries because they already live together. Basically, they're going to be
39:19well before this job, they also work together. I think it was in like a call center. So they
39:24already were spending that much time together. But once you start signing your name on business
39:28contracts, you're kind of linked for life. And the only one who can get you out of that is a
39:32court, right? Like a court, like once you sign and you go into business together, you're kind of
39:37stuck with each other. And if he really wants to break the cycle, he's gonna have to not go
39:45into business with and he's got to move out of her driveway. Right? Like there's no way,
39:50imagine bringing a girl home that you really like, and you have to get her past your mom,
39:56because she's so nosy. She's gonna want to know what you're doing. Like this is why
40:01there's no grandkids because Matt has no chance of getting a woman past his mom to his bedroom.
40:07There's no chance. She ain't allowing it. There is a phrase that we use in Portuguese. You got
40:13your friends and your friends. And then you have contracts and contracts. You don't mix the two
40:17together. You never mix business and pleasure. You never mix family and business. Like you never
40:23involve different families, like families, units and businesses. You don't mix it because it just
40:30ends up being a disaster.
40:33Well, that's kind of how you lose family sometimes.
40:37Also, we got a revelation tonight from Nyla, Shahid's girlfriend. So she did admit, okay,
40:44so Dia, I don't like to side with her much, but she was like, oh, she's a gold digger. She's going
40:49to use my son. So Shahid had that conversation with her at the winery. And she admitted that
40:55she wants to be a stay at home girlfriend or wife, and not work, not pay anything, not do anything.
41:02So I get that this dynamic works for some people. It's an old fashioned dynamic. But in some
41:10situations still to this day, it does work for people. Like a man will go out and work,
41:15the wife will have the kids in the house and they work. But I do think a healthy relationship,
41:22it builds less stress when it's not all piled onto one person. You know, because say, for instance,
41:27all the bills are on you, it's everything is on you, and then you get sick. And now what? Now,
41:33you're both in a bad situation, nobody has anyone to count on. So I do think that being in a
41:40relationship with two incomes is smart. You know, and I think that it's gonna be hard to spoil a
41:48woman when, because let's be honest, he doesn't have any money. Because we watched today, his mom
41:56lock his debit card while he was at the winery. And I think that, you know, that's out of bounds.
42:04He does have a job and I get that he lives in his mom's house. I get it. So she feels that she can
42:09control spending to some extent. But I feel like locking the card, because say for instance,
42:16because Nyla didn't have her wallet with her. So say for instance, she was being petty and
42:20she didn't answer the phone when he called, and they had already eaten the food.
42:24That's not what's going to happen.
42:27She wasn't gonna pick up the phone call like, oh my god, they're gonna have to do dishes.
42:31Well, I don't think they do dishes anymore. I think they call the cops.
42:35Like, I don't even think you can do dishes anymore. At least here, like no, they call the
42:40cops. So I was like, I think that Dia, she wants him to save money. But she said something tonight
42:48that was really interesting to me, because she was like, well, you choose to spend time with her
42:52over me. And I don't like that. And I was like, so do you not like Nyla? Or do you not like that
42:58he spends time with her and not you? Because I think there's a big difference between those two.
43:03You know, if he, he can't spend all of his time with his mom, if he wants to eventually have a
43:08healthy marriage or relationship. But if his mom is jealous of his girlfriend, because she made it
43:15seem like she hated her because she was a gold digger, and she was no good for him.
43:18All I do see that he's expected to pay for a lot, you know, and she does work. You know,
43:25she said in the one episode that she was a teacher. And before that, she was a bottle service
43:30girl. She works, she has her own money. She just doesn't want to use any of it in the relationship.
43:35And I know when you're first dating, it's very customary. I would never go on a date in the very
43:40beginning and ask a girl to pay. I'm going to pay for everything in the beginning. But like,
43:44once you become serious, I do think that it's okay to share things like if we go out on a
43:51Tuesday, I'll pay, we go out on a Friday, you pay. Like it goes back and forth. And I don't
43:55think that that's ever going to be a thing for her. I think that she's a princess. And she wants
44:01to be treated like a princess. And I don't know how that will work for a guy who doesn't have very
44:06much money. What he should be doing with that money that his mom allows him like on a weekly
44:12or daily allowance. I don't know if it's a weekly or daily allowance. He should open another
44:18account in his name and be shoving that money and not so that he has a nice like little cushion
44:25there. But at the end of the day, he's telling his mom everything bad about her. He's not telling her
44:31the good stuff like when they talk. That's the thing. So obviously, it's good. She's gonna look
44:37at her like in a negative in a negative point of view. Because he's omitting maybe the good stuff
44:45that she does for him or whatnot. So obviously, his mom's gonna have like a bad taste in her mouth
44:51with him with her. Yeah, I always tell people never confide in someone that is close to your
45:01relationship. Okay, so I remember I had a close friend, they were married, they're not married
45:06anymore, thank God. But the person was cheating on them. And then like, had a woman in their house
45:13while she was at work and all this. And you know, they were not getting along. And then Thanksgiving
45:18comes around. And we're all invited to a place and they're there together. So everyone at the table
45:25is looking at this guy like, I can't believe this guy's here. We all hate you. Because she kept
45:31telling us all of the issues going on in their relationship. So we all hate this guy that we
45:38don't even know. Like we all hate this guy because of what she told us, but that she worked it out
45:42with him. Well, they eventually got divorced. But at that time, she had worked it out with them.
45:47They're back together. They're living together. They're not talking about the cheating and the
45:51woman in the house. And we're all sitting at the table like, are you serious? Is he really here?
45:57And that's kind of like what she's doing, or what he's doing with his mom.
46:01Hey, Diva Speaks. He's telling her all of the issues that they have. And then when they talk
46:07about it and move forward, Dia doesn't. Dia remembers it and she's taking score and keeping
46:13count and remembering that, oh, this girl did this to my son. She lied to him. She yelled at him. She
46:19did this. She made him feel bad. So now we're looking at all of the negative things that she's
46:25ever done. Yeah, she's pretty petty. I mean, petty, I get it. I'm a very petty person.
46:33Oh, I am.
46:35That's why I think I'd get along with her. I'm pretty petty.
46:38Yeah, I think that, you know, we would get along. But my thing was, though, like when she's with
46:44Jerome, her and Jerome have been together for eight years. So I guarantee you, when she goes
46:50out on a date with Jerome, Jerome doesn't expect her to pay. Because he was like, Mom, I need the
46:55money because we're going out on a date. And he was like, she's like, is she going to pay? It's
47:01like, you wouldn't expect, Jerome wouldn't expect you to pay. So it's very petty. You know, because
47:07it's like, if you were out with him, and his mom locked his card, and he's like, you would be
47:12really upset. But since it's someone else, you know, it's okay for you to do this. But it's not
47:17okay, because this is your son. You're hurting your son in the process. And it's like you can
47:22hate someone. But when your hate transfers to your own flesh and blood, you know, that's a
47:28level of petty, you need to rise above. Like, that's embarrassing. Can you imagine he's in this
47:33expensive winery? You know, this is where people take their wives for a 50th anniversary. This is
47:39not a place where you just go and order a $2 drink, and his cards declined in front of everybody.
47:45And his mother did that. Like you imagine your mom is out there humiliating you in public,
47:50like I will be so angry. Oh, yeah, definitely.
47:56Yeah, well, we're gonna wrap for tonight. We're gonna come back tomorrow, not tomorrow,
48:03probably Wednesday, because A Thousand Pound Sisters comes on. So we're gonna cover some of
48:09that because there's like a lot of inner family issues and turmoil going on that I want to talk
48:13about. And I think one of the sisters is like moving out of Kentucky, if I'm not mistaken,
48:18she's in Florida now, which I was a little surprised by. So there's like all this drama.
48:21Everyone's coming to Florida. Everybody's going to Florida.
48:25You know, at some point, Florida is gonna be full of guys. Like, I don't know where anybody's gonna
48:29go. Like, Josh and Janelle and Tina and everybody, everyone's coming here. And I'm like,
48:36I don't know where everybody's gonna go. Because they're like building houses and building houses.
48:40And eventually, the alligators aren't going to have anywhere to live because there's gonna be
48:43houses everywhere. They're gonna just start coming in your house. Right? Because we have to have
48:47somewhere for the alligators to go. And eventually, they're just going to be in your pool.
48:50Because there's nowhere for them to go. All right, so we'll be back on Wednesday for A Thousand
48:56Pound Sisters. Make sure you're following my co host, Gina. She's tagging this video. Actually,
49:01in two weeks, Dee Dee will be back. So I'm really excited for that. She set a date. So we're gonna
49:09have Dee Dee back. And we're gonna talk about something that she was working on that I'm really
49:14proud of her for. So when she gets back, guys. Yes. So we're gonna tell you, everybody what she
49:21was working on and give you links to how you can watch it. And I'm so proud of her. All right,
49:25so make sure you're following. I know, I'm like, Dee Dee, I'm so happy for you. So make sure you're
49:32following Gina. I'm tagging her in this video. Make sure you're following all social media
49:35platforms. At George Mossey, georgemossey.com. Anywhere you can get your podcast or stream
49:40music, type in The George Mossey Show. It will come up there. Thank you guys for joining us.
49:45Everybody have a wonderful week. And we'll talk to y'all soon. Bye!
