The George Mossey Show:Before the 90 days: AfterShow Ep7 #AfterShow

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The season of 90 day fiance: before the 90 days Episode 7 aftershow! Join George Mossey & Gina for the #90dayfiancebeforethe90days #90dayfiancetheotherway #podcast #recap #90dayfiance #90dayfiancenews #90dayfiancememes #90dayfiancé #90dayfiancehappilyeverafter #90dayfianceBeforethe90days #90dayfianceBeforethe90daysnews #90dayfiancebeforethe90dayspodcast #90dayfianceTheOtherWay #90dayfianceNEWS #90dayfiancePodcast #90dayfianceMemes #90dayfianceRecap #georgemossey #georgemosseypodcast #entertainmentNews #entertainment #realityTV #realityTVnews #realityTVPodcast #explore #ExplorePage #exploremore #90dayfiancehappilyeverafter #realitytvnews #georgemossey #theGeorgemosseyshow #tlc


00:00What's up, everybody? Hi. Happy Sunday. How is everybody doing? It's 90 Day Fiance Sunday.
00:12We are live. We're going to talk about Episode 7 of Before the 90 Days. Cara's going to be
00:19joining soon. How is everybody doing? I hope everybody had a wonderful weekend. This episode
00:27was kind of crazy, to say the least. This episode was a little wild. Also, if you're in Canada,
00:33I was told that today is Thanksgiving. So happy Thanksgiving to all of our
00:38people. Guys, it's Thanksgiving. I didn't know you got it before us. Thanksgiving is a good
00:48holiday because there's a lot of food. Cara's here. Let's get Cara in here. Cara, how are you?
00:56Hi. How are you? I'm good. How are you? I'm fine. I just wanted to mention the hurricane. I didn't
01:03lose any power. That's great. And I know because there's people that are in my area that just got
01:10their power back today. Wow. So I'm super lucky, right? Like I'm really lucky. But you know,
01:17the people that are going through their recovery and stuff, I feel so much for them right now
01:22because I know friends of mine, their houses were flooded and everything. But so tonight,
01:27episode seven, we saw Renee at her true character, right? Like I feel like we saw Renee at her true
01:37character and it was really, really ugly, right? It was a really nasty interaction. The way that
01:41she spoke to these people in their home, right? Like it just really made me think about who she
01:47is as a person, you know, the way and she said something weird. I have it written down. Something
01:54along the lines of when the earth began, it wasn't a program. Like she was saying really strange
01:59things. And I was just trying to understand what was going on. And you know, I know she believes
02:04in aliens. And I know she's not very religious. And I know that, you know, and I don't knock
02:11anyone. I remember Sam's dad from the previous season, you know, he wasn't religious. He believed
02:15in aliens and UFOs and all that, whatever. But the way that she was speaking to him, making his
02:21religion seem small, compared to her beliefs. It just, everything about the scene just showed me
02:28who she is, right? You know, when you look at someone, and then you look at them differently,
02:32because you can see into their soul. And I was like, you're just a really ugly, nasty human
02:38being the way you're talking to these people.
02:40She is a nasty human. Like, I'm so horrified by her actions. And the shit she says, like, you'll
02:49never see me again. Don't say that stuff to your blind boyfriend, first of all.
02:54Oh, I didn't even think about that. You know what, that was a really nasty insult to injury
02:59statement. You know what, I didn't even click that. Telling someone you'll never see me again,
03:05obviously, when they're blind is insult to injury. I didn't even catch that. But knowing her, she
03:10meant it in an ugly way. Right? Because she was obsessed with his eyesight, right?
03:17Yep. She's, she is the devil on another level. Like, you can see the evil coming out of her face
03:25when she's yelling at him. Also, another thing that really bothered me is good on Chidi's sister
03:34for defending him, first of all. But why are you screaming when you're holding that little baby?
03:43Well, I felt like, because I think her husband walked in on the situation first, right? And see,
03:50I, in my opinion, I think that they do. I'm going to agree with Renee on this. They look at Chidi as
03:55like a child who needs to be looked after because of his, his ailments. He can't see. And they worry
04:01that he can't take care of himself. So I kind of feel like they jumped up and ran to defend him. You
04:07know, but I did see the baby was there, you know, that that shouldn't have been done in front of the
04:11kids. But sometimes when you're in the moment, right, and you feel like...
04:15I get that. And I'm not even, not even so much on the mom, as her. You're screaming at this child's
04:22mom in front of this child. She has no class. This, this woman, she is the devil.
04:29Well, I just didn't like how she was talking to them in their home. And she kept saying like, oh, well, you
04:36know, you're a grown man, you can make decisions on your own. You don't need your sister's permission.
04:40And again, his situation is different, right? Like he can't just get an apartment and live on his own.
04:46That would be very difficult in the area. Like in the US, you can do that as a person who can't see.
04:53There's accommodations and ways that you can live your life without having help. But where he lives, like
04:59we saw the marketplace where he lived, him going out alone would result in him dying. Yeah, the
05:04dangers are just there. There's nowhere for pedestrians to go. There's cars everywhere. There's
05:08people everywhere. There's no lines in the street. You know, there's just craziness. So I think that
05:13she has zero sympathy for his situation. And she was just belittling him like, well, what do you need
05:20to talk to your sister for? I'm looking for a real man. So now he's not a real man. Yeah, because
05:25he needs to consult with his caregivers before he goes and runs off to a hotel with you. And it's
05:30like, yeah, he's an adult. Yeah, he's a grown man. But his situation is not the same as a grown man
05:35who could see, right, or lived on his own. And I feel like she didn't give him any sympathy or
05:41compassion for his situation. And that just made me feel like she's really cold. So like you're
05:48treating him like him needing help is an issue. But you knew that he needed help. You knew that he
05:53wasn't able to do these things on his own. And that was what attracted you to him in the first
05:58place. Because she said over and over, well, if you weren't blind, we wouldn't be together. And then
06:02she turned around and used him being blind as a reason why she didn't like him anymore. And I felt
06:07like it was just so hypocritical.
06:09It's more abuse TLC is promoting. Not only is this verbal abuse, but if this relationship did make it
06:16and we know, thank God it didn't. But if it did, the way she's in his face with her finger pointing and
06:22all that stuff, it would get violent. It would get physically violent.
06:26Did you see, um, Renee went and tried to get in Victoria's face and Victoria's husband got in
06:34between them. And again, Victoria's holding a baby. Yeah. So she wants to get in her face, put her
06:39finger in her face and escalate the situation, which I think is really stupid on her part. Because
06:45have you ever noticed when you go to other countries and you behave like an idiot, you normally end up in
06:49some foreign country jail that you can't get out of? Yes. It's not like the US where you go and act stupid or
06:55get drunk and get a disorderly conduct and they let you back out. That's not how it works. There's been
07:00people who went over to other countries and acted a complete idiot. And then they they were in jail for
07:04months. Yeah, it's not their systems are different. So for her to go over there and try to pick fights with
07:10these people and try to get physical with these people, it just shows me her lack of respect for
07:16countries, cultures, people in general. She kept saying, like, I, you know, I have a thing against
07:22sisters. Like, so what every sister, every woman that has a sibling is someone that you hate in the
07:27whole frickin world, right? But I've never heard anyone say anything like that before. They're like,
07:32you know that I have a thing against sisters. And I was like, What does that even mean? What do you
07:37mean? Again, sisters, we can't discount the fact that she is a mother. She has two very young
07:43children who are gonna see this shit and just be like, Oh my gosh, how embarrassing. But if she has
07:51custody of those kids. Now, dad, bio dad has actual footage of how crazy she is. So that may play in
08:01his favor.
08:01Well, oh, yeah, she's only setting herself up, right? Like I tell people all the time you want to go on
08:06TV and do something ignorant. I always bring up that Amber Portwood in Gary's story. She punched
08:13her fiance on TV while he was holding a baby. And they use that footage to put her in jail for a
08:19year. Yeah, like you want to go on TV and act stupid. And you think that it's all fine. It's all
08:24fake. It's up. No, you'll probably ruin your life. Right? Like has nobody ever never crossed Amber's
08:30mind when she was punching her fiance on TV while he was holding their infant daughter that she was
08:34gonna spend a year and a day in jail, but she did. Right? Let me because it's all the proof that you
08:39need. And a lot of people are saying that with Angela and Michael, they're like, all the proof that
08:42they need has been documented and edited and perfect. You know, it's just all you have to do is
08:48hit play. And it speaks for itself. So she went on TV and acting an idiot. And now she's gonna have to
08:53live with the fact that she made herself look like a psychopath on TV. And everyone's gonna believe it.
08:59And if she denies it, it's like, well, we have video. We see you doing it. Yes, she's gonna get I mean,
09:06she's already getting dragged all over the internet. She started the season with an Instagram
09:10that Instagram is no longer. Wait, the Instagram is gone. Yeah. I didn't notice that. When did this
09:17happen recently? Apparently within the last week because it's not there. So she's getting it. It
09:24only takes so long, right? Like a lot of people they think they're strong and they're ready for
09:28these shows and to be on TV and it only takes overnight people remember Brian, where everybody
09:33was like, Oh, Brian, he seems like such a good guy. And I feel bad for him because of his situation.
09:37And then we got to know him. And now we're like, scumbag. Yeah, you know, like, it only takes one
09:42episode. He's a piece of shit. Whoa, wait, before we get into that, I want to talk about Niles and
09:49Matilda. Because they did not have sex. I think we said we were talking about this last week. And we
09:55thought he was probably going to go through with it. They didn't. Matilda was a little
09:59disappointed. But he revealed to us that his last relationship was sexually driven. It was like that
10:05was the main aspect of the relationship. And it sounded like he was dating Jasmine. Because he
10:10had that he expected sex six times a day, which I'm pretty sure I'm positive Jasmine said that exact
10:17same thing. So I don't know if they were dating or not. But he said that it got to the point where
10:22it was there was no real communication. It was just sex. So I think that Niles is a very mature
10:27person. And I think that, you know, not jumping in the bed with a person the first day you meet them
10:31was good. But she was disappointed. Oh, and I want to talk about the dress shopping because they went
10:38over in Ghana and found an $80 dress. I thought everything over there was cheaper. Like I thought
10:44it was more affordable.
10:46What did they specify if it was US dollars or not?
10:50Well, she said dollars, because he was like how much in the US and she said $80. She's like, it
10:56will come out to be 80. I was like, that's crazy. Because we were watching Lauren in the Philippines
11:01and he was buying stuff for like 40 cents, right? So it was just wild to me because when we went to
11:07see him pick out a ring, he picked out a ring and it was like 3500 their money and $290 our money.
11:14I was like, see, that's way better. Because you know, in the US, you're not going to find a $290
11:18engagement. So I was like, so why is he buying a freaking ring when he doesn't want to get married?
11:23Okay, so my theory is to soften the blow. He I think he said this too. He's like, when I tell her
11:29we're not going to get married, if like the the consolation prize is an engagement ring, if she's
11:36less likely to knock the crap out of me, right, right. So I think that he's like, well, you know,
11:42when you take something away, okay, so I've seen this like at a zoo, like when they they want to
11:47take something from an animal, they take it away, but then they hand the animal like a piece of
11:51meat, or a snack or so it softens the blow. Not that she's an animal. That was just a weird, weird
11:58metaphor. But I just feel like when she has a wedding plan that over 200 people are supposed to
12:03be at. So when he calls that off last minute, a diamond, you know, a girl's best friend, I think
12:10that's gonna make it a little better. So she doesn't just tell them to get back on the plane
12:14and leave. That's that's my but I don't I don't think he realizes how far into the wedding
12:19planning she is. I think he thinks right now it's just talk.
12:24Well, I think that the wedding is planned. People are already planning. She said people are coming
12:29from sides of the family. That means that they don't live in this vicinity, the area that they're
12:33in. I don't think that calling it off is a good idea. Once you set a date, tell people to be there
12:38you send out invitations. It's not in your best interest to call it out. Not if he likes being
12:43alive, right? You know, women, women take that very seriously when they because even if he calls
12:48it off and says they're going to get married at another time, you know, she's gonna look at it as
12:53my family thinks that I got stood up or left at the altar. He doesn't want to marry me and no woman
12:58ever wants to, to have to live with that. Right? People say, Oh, remember, you invited me to your
13:02wedding, and then he canceled it on you. Like, I don't think that I think that he should have told
13:06her before he got on a plane. Because now that over 200 people are coming, I don't think you can
13:12cancel it a bit. You know, even if they're held at their house, you know, you can't tell people
13:17But his parents aren't on board. Like, I don't, I just don't feel like he's gonna go through with
13:23it. I just, I just don't.
13:26I think that he's giving into pressure. And I think that he wants to make her happy. Like he said,
13:33like tonight, he was like, when I saw the dress was $80. He said, my first mind said, there's no
13:38way in hell I'm buying this. And then he was like, Well, I don't want her to be mad at me. So I'm
13:43gonna do it. I think that I don't want her to be mad at me is going to influence a lot of his
13:48process while he's there. And I agree. And I don't know, I think he's gonna do something stupid,
13:54like honestly, because I know that he feels that she's the one and his last relationship didn't go
13:59the way he wanted it to and he's navigating differently. And I think that she's going to give
14:05him an ultimatum or get really pissed off or mad and he's gonna get terrified and he's just gonna
14:10give in. You know, because he's a people pleaser, right? He's definitely a people pleaser. He wants
14:15to make everybody happy.
14:16I just don't think it's gonna happen. I mean, he's a people pleaser. I think she's gonna scare the
14:23ever living shit out of him and he's gonna turn around and run back like he should. But I think
14:28that's what's gonna happen. I just can't see that he's gonna go through with it. I mean, he made the
14:33comment about, I hope that, you know, I don't know if she thinks all Americans are rich, but I'm not
14:40kind of thing. Didn't know anything about the bride price. None of that. He had no clue about a
14:45dowry. So like, I just don't think it's gonna happen.
14:52I mean, it could be a technicality because if he they have the meeting, she said the two families
14:56meet, and that's when they give the bride price in the list. And he doesn't have the money. Yeah,
15:01because I know they're not gonna allow the ceremony to go on without money in hand, right? I hate that
15:06they said they do that over there. Like, I don't agree with it at all. Like, it's a money in hand
15:10cash, cash over anything when it comes to these situations. We saw it with David and Annie. Yeah,
15:15you know, they really pulled strings because you know, David didn't have the money and they let
15:19David marry her and make payments. That's very
15:25God, what was their name? Akini and I can't remember his name. But he did a full on negotiation.
15:32They were like, you know, it's gonna be X amount of dollars. And he's like, Well, I don't have that.
15:37Will you take this much? Where David was able to like, make payments, essentially. But Akini's
15:44husband was literally bargaining through the whole thing.
15:47Well, they say that you can because remember when Emily and Kobe went through theirs, they said
15:52that the parents meet and it's literally a back and forth conversation. You're allowed to bargain.
15:58But again, it doesn't make you feel good. Right bargaining for your child, you know, it doesn't
16:03make you feel good. Like you feel like your child is worth the world. And then you have these people
16:07counter offering you, you know, a lower amount. It doesn't make you feel good. I can't imagine
16:11that that's a very comfortable conversation for anybody involved. Like, I would never want to be
16:16a part of that, like, oh, you offer this amount, then they come back with this amount. And it's
16:20like, this is a person that you both adore, right? Like both sides of the boat, you both adore this
16:25person. And then you're like, well, what's the lowest that you'll take? You know, like it makes
16:29sense. When I go buy a car, I enjoy negotiating. But when it's a car, it doesn't, you can't talk,
16:36it doesn't have feelings. I'm not gonna feel bad. It's not gonna yell at me on the way home.
16:40Like a person, I would feel so bad and wrong discussing a monetary value of a person. So if
16:48and she won't even give him an idea. And I get it, they leave women out of the situation,
16:52because Matilda's like, I don't know what they would ask for. And they said the same when we
16:57came with Emily, because Emily was like, how much? And he's like, well, women aren't present.
17:01You know, they're not a part of this. So she really doesn't know. And if they think he's rich,
17:06they might start really high, right? Like, I think that for Emily's, it was like, what,
17:11$60 or 60? I don't remember. It was something really low, right? I remember the bride price
17:16was really low. Right? Yeah. But I, I can't with the whole bride price thing. But I think
17:23I just don't think he's gonna go through with this wedding. I just don't.
17:27I hope he does it. It's an impulsive thing, right? Like, look at Tiger Lily, she impulsively married
17:33this man. And now she's, she's realizing, oh, shit, I married a complete stranger who I don't
17:38like. And it's like, but she has her moments too. Like Tiger Lily is like, pissed off and angry.
17:43She doesn't like him. And then like, she blinks. And then she's like, happy and smiling,
17:48even her friends, everyone's confused by her, her lack of stability on one feeling, like the
17:57whole time they were driving to Petra, she's angry, she's upset, she gets out of the car,
18:00she's upset. And then 10 minutes later, they're fine. And it's like, those are the people I worry
18:05about, because that means you're bottling things up. And you have to let things out. So if things
18:10bother you, and you never say anything, you never have a conversation, you never argue,
18:14you never yell, at some point, you're gonna blow up. And who knows what you're gonna do,
18:19right? Like, who knows what you're gonna do, you're gonna be at your.
18:23But also with Tiger Lily, if all it takes is putting her on a camel with the same eyelashes
18:29as her, and she's good, then I don't think you have any worries. But let's be real. So
18:35you bring her to the United States, or she comes back to the United States.
18:40And he's there, you got your his first relationship, obviously, quote, you know,
18:46the first time he's ever had sex, which I don't believe that. But first time he's ever had sex,
18:51he's madly in love with you, you have to go home to your kids. And then after the fact, you say,
18:57I didn't think about it. I never thought about it.
18:59Well, did you notice that she never brought up her kids either? Because he's supposed to be
19:05coming back to the US. I don't think he's ever like met them. Like, is she worried about how
19:10the relationship between her kids and him are gonna go? It was never even a conversation.
19:14Yeah. You have no idea if your kids are even gonna like this guy. I mean, for crying out loud,
19:20he's like, what, eight years older than your kids?
19:23Well, actually, yeah, when you put it like that, yes, he's basically their older sibling,
19:28when you put it like that. And I think that her blind hope worries me, because she's just like,
19:37oh, we have all these issues, but we love each other. And I was like, well,
19:40lots of people love each other. And things didn't work out. Like, I just think she's blind to the
19:45issues and the problems. And that might be why, you know, she had such a long
19:49unhappy marriage the last time around, right? Well, I think that it's like tonight. Okay,
19:55so they just get married. And then what, what is this their honeymoon, you take me to ride a camel,
20:00and then now I have to go back to the United States. And oh, shit, I didn't realize that
20:05when I go back to the United States, you stay here.
20:10Well, yeah, they didn't think about that. Oh, wait, someone's photo mom says she mentioned
20:15getting a new house for them to live in. She did mention that. But she said, I want to look,
20:20get back and look for a house for us to live in. So you'll have more space. She still never brought,
20:24I think what bothers me is she doesn't say how she's going to be implementing her kids into their
20:30life. Like usually a mom would be like, you know, the house I'm in now is just enough room for me
20:35and the kids, I'm going to get a new house so we can all live together. Like she omits them,
20:39almost like he doesn't know about them. And he clearly doesn't know.
20:42Almost like he doesn't know about them. And he clearly has to know.
20:45Like, there's no way he doesn't. But the fact that she just doesn't talk about them.
20:50It's weird. But you know, because they're going to be 100.
20:54She also said, we just got married, all this stuff. And we didn't even think about a spousal
21:00visa. Isn't that something that you would think about before all of this?
21:06Yes. Yes. Because
21:09literally, this is like, the most botched story that they've ever done. It's like,
21:15oh, we'll just throw this in here. And then you guys can get married. And then you can come back.
21:18And then we'll figure out how to get him to the United States. Oh, yeah. And then we'll
21:22introduce your kids. Like, none of that. I'm confused at all of it. And if he's here,
21:31not here, I haven't been able to figure it out. I've been looking online. I'm curious. I haven't
21:35seen anything. We know Sarper's here. We'll talk about that tomorrow. We know he's here.
21:39He's in Panda Express of all places. So but I want to talk about Vanga. I don't know if I'm
21:47saying her name right. Vanga, right? But she was introduced tonight. And she's with a guy named
21:54Boja. I read it as Bozo. But apparently it's not a Boja. He's not Bozo. He's Boja. And her story,
22:04there's lots of different layers to her story. Like I heard about her
22:08life before she got to the US and all of the things she went through. I think she's from Bosnia
22:14and living through a war. And her story is just insane. And then we found out that
22:20she's been a six year born again virgin. Like she has not been in a sexual relationship with anyone
22:25in six years. And then the last person that she was dating, she found out he was cheating on her
22:32by walking in and finding him cheating on her. Then we found out that Boja,
22:37while they were dating, just ghosted her, and then called her one day and said,
22:41I'm dating someone. And that was it. And then two months later calls her back.
22:45And it's like, oh, yeah, let's try it again. I'm not dating anyone. So I already feel
22:50like this isn't going to be a good situation. And then she calls him from the airport to say,
22:55hey, I'm about to start my 17 hour journey to Croatia to see you. He don't pick up.
23:00And I was like, this is wild. There's no way I would get on an airplane to go see someone that's
23:0617 hours away and they won't even take my call. There's no chance in hell. So I'm worried about
23:12her. Because I was like, man, 17 hours, he won't pick up the phone. First of all, he's a basketball
23:19player that lives with his mom. So I have like 500 questions. Because one thing about our NBA,
23:26they pay those boys a lot of money. The girls too, the WNBA, they pay them a lot of money.
23:29They don't need to live with anybody. So he's a 38 year old basketball player. And I'm beginning
23:34to think he just plays basketball at the local court. Yes, that's what that was. I was like,
23:39so wait, you mean to tell me you play basketball professionally, but you live with your mom,
23:43and then they showed him in the preview for next week. He looks like he was just at an outdoor
23:47neighborhood court. Yes. I was like, so I think that he's not being honest with her about a lot
23:53of shit. So then I was like, how much money is she sending him? That was like, you know,
23:57where my mind goes. It always goes straight to the money. I was like,
24:00what is he asking her for? Because this is a 38 year old basketball player who lives with his mom.
24:05Explain to me what you're asking from her and what she's giving.
24:10Yeah. But then she also says, well, we'll see if we click when I get there.
24:16Like, you don't even know if you click. He's already dumped you. You don't know if you click.
24:21The only thing this woman's missing is kids to leave behind to fit into this season.
24:26Yeah, you're right. This season has been a lot of people uprooting their lives for a pipe dream.
24:36Wait, what? She's in Orlando.
24:39Yeah, she's actually not far from me. Actually, we talked a little during the hurricane just about,
24:45you know, our prep and stuff. She's actually really sweet. But this situation that she's in,
24:52I have nothing like, what's the word? I have nothing hopeful to say.
24:58I'm not hopeful. Like I'm entering it with like, logics. And it's like, this isn't gonna work.
25:04And hey, Kena, I'm just really, really worried about her in general, because I feel like
25:11she's one of those people that would give anything for anyone. You know, like if someone asked her
25:16for something, she would give it without asking. And I feel like those are the people that could
25:19take advantage of the most. And I think that she's flying over there. And she's someone's Oh,
25:26Portia's Gina says, he's another Sean. Did you get that vibe? You feel like he's a guy who's
25:31been using women to get what he wants? Well, I mean, not only are we using women, but we're
25:36living in mom's basement. Like, come on. At 38. Yeah, 38. And it's like, if you're not making
25:43money as a basketball player, get a job basketball is a hot for some people. Like for me, basketball
25:48will be a hobby. No one's gonna pay me to do that. So you know,
25:52Sean's a fighter who lives with his mom. He's a basketball player lives with his mom.
25:58I mean, you can't take a hobby and say it's your occupation. Your occupation has to house you feed
26:04you and leave money in there in the bank for you to do things. And I think it's weird because
26:09usually Okay, so I don't want to get stereotypical. But 90 fiance. Typically, when it started out,
26:15it was sucker men, who were usually in a situation where a woman was trying to take
26:21advantage of them and get like a lifestyle. Remember Larissa? Everybody was like, Oh,
26:25my God, Larissa. She's trying to take advantage of Cole. Oh, my God. Got here.
26:31I am. I am watching. Did you watch it? I just had to ask you.
26:36Okay, yeah, I don't want to say what happened. But yeah, I'm two episodes in.
26:40And I am watching it. And Larissa. Yep. Yeah, Larissa. I'm very, she has not changed a bit.
26:49And she was. I know. She's really good. So yeah, I'm watching that. But it's funny. Hey, Armando.
26:55Kenny, say hi to Kenny. So I'm just really, um, hold on. We're talking about
27:02Vanja. Oh, yeah. So I'm really worried about her and the situation because we're watching this new
27:08era of like, dude scamming girls, which is not what we started out with when the when the series
27:15this series started. It was men who were suckers who were getting suckered, you know, and bringing
27:21women over here and then getting taken advantage of. Colt was a good example. Because when Larissa
27:26got here, she realized that Colt didn't have any money. She didn't know that. And she didn't
27:32realize that Debbie was going to be a part of the package and things blew up pretty fast.
27:37But you know, look at Anfisa. Anfisa came over and she's like, Oh, I'm gonna get
27:411500 a week allowance. I'm gonna get all this money. I'm gonna get all these green cards. So
27:45now we're watching the men assume the role of scamming the women and unsuspecting women
27:51looking for love are now the ones in that position. It's just an interesting, an interesting
27:58turn, right? This isn't gonna age well. No. No, you're right. This isn't. This is gonna look
28:04really bad. But okay, so yeah, Ingrid's friends met Brian, and they liked him for the most part,
28:12which is funny, because I said this on Twitter. I was like, Well, I liked him too at first,
28:16because Brian is a master at getting people to like him by giving you little to no information
28:22about him. So like, he creates this character of a likable, funny guy that he introduces to
28:28everyone. And everyone is like, Oh, yeah, Brian is Brian F. And her friends were like, Oh, yeah,
28:32we like him. We think he's great. And I was like, Well, yeah, I don't like him. But I know more
28:36than you. You know, I know more than you. So I have more information to go off of. So you'll
28:40eventually not like him either. So things were going well, they went back to the hotel, he gave
28:45her a massage, things got heated, he brought some lingerie. And then of all things, he didn't have a
28:51condom, which strikes me as really interesting, because he told her friends, Ingrid's friends,
28:57he's like, Oh, well, normally, I meet women, and we have sex the very first night. You know,
29:01that's the first thing we do to get it out of the way. You know, but we are taking our time. So I
29:05was like, so a guy who's used to having sex immediately after meeting people, comes all the
29:10way to Brazil with no condoms. The whole thing was just weird to me, right? Did you find that to be
29:16He literally said that it's every time he goes to Brazil, there's always a woman waiting. Like,
29:24yuck, I would I seriously just want to put him at the top of the hill and let go.
29:30Well, I'm beginning to think that when he comes to, well, the way that he told the story, it made
29:35me think this is a legend. This is just in my mind, I'm creating it might not be true. But he's like,
29:40every time I come to Brazil, I'm having sex with women. I was like, because remember, he called
29:44Ingrid a prostitute, a hooker in one of his videos that, well, he was driving someone on Uber,
29:51and someone recorded it. And he said that about her. And she responded, she's not, which I believe
29:56her. I don't think she is. I don't know her. But I just don't. I don't believe that. But I do think
30:01he goes to Brazil. He's been over there over 30 times. And I think that he goes over there and he
30:06has women that he's going to be having sex with. I think that it's lined up. He sets it up through
30:11some sort of app or whatever you do. And I think that's why he's there. So I think that it's
30:16interesting that he showed up there with no condoms. I think that that was a weird thing to
30:21say. And yeah, I know he used one for the catheter, but you can buy a box, right? Like,
30:26okay, so if he brought that lingerie for her to wear, what would you purchase with the lingerie?
30:32Condoms, right? Because what do you think is going to happen when you give her the lingerie? Like,
30:37we're not dumb. You know, like, the whole situation was just odd to me.
30:42Yeah. It's everything about it is so odd. But the fact that he got mad at her, because she said no,
30:50I'm just-
30:51Well, he said that she said, she was like, hold on, be patient, whatever. And then he
30:58jumps out of the room and leaves. And it's like, well, if she's not ready, or doesn't feel
31:03comfortable, then that's her choice. You can't get mad at somebody for how they feel. Feelings are
31:09something that we can't control. Right? Like people can have panic attacks, they can feel angry,
31:14upset, sad, creeped out. She should feel creeped out. Whatever feelings you have,
31:20you can't control them. They're a part of your body, your mind, you can't do anything about
31:23that. So the way that he treated her, it was almost like, she doesn't want to have sex with
31:27me. So now I'm pissed off. And it's like, well, she's not a hooker, bro. She doesn't have to,
31:33if she doesn't want to, if she doesn't feel that that's where she wants to take this,
31:37it doesn't have to go that way. And if you don't agree, you know, then you don't believe in women's
31:43decision to choose, you know, like, if she does, I don't understand, like, you could have an amazing
31:48date. I hear people tell these stories all the time. They go out, they have fun. They have a
31:51good time. The guy has to come inside. She says no. Yeah, they're like, well, we had a good time.
31:56That that's irrelevant. Yeah, it's irrelevant. If you had a good time. It's irrelevant. If you
32:00think that you're connecting, if you've only known this person for six hours, she doesn't
32:04have to have sex with you. Yeah. And I think men really do need to get that through their heads.
32:09They're like, oh, but we're vibing. Yeah, for four or five hours since you've known each other,
32:13you know, like, calm down. Why do you think that women owe you sex because you had a good time on
32:18a date? You know, like, I think that he's definitely single and been married four times
32:23for a reason. And I think it's, it's all him. He has like so many qualities about him that are so
32:28weird and creepy. I think what really got me for him was he was just so good
32:38at not giving enough information. And those people scare me because they don't want you to
32:44make an educated, smart decision. So they purposely take the information away from you. And I don't
32:50like that because I think that's taking advantage of people like in order for you to make a good
32:54decision, you need all the information set out in front of you. And I think if you want to be
32:57in a relationship that's going to last, you need to tell people who you are, where you were, what
33:02you did, all of that stuff. You know, and the way that he, the way that he-
33:06How did it not, how did it not come up? The whole, how he got paralyzed, how he got shot,
33:13why he got shot, where he got shot, the fact that he was a drug dealer, all that stuff should have
33:18been disclosed during your FaceTime meetings and all of that. So-
33:22Oh, fun fact. The ex-wife that hired the men to attack him was, she was in prison for seven
33:32years for this situation. One of the men also did time, I think three years. And then another man,
33:40they were unable to locate. I did find that information online. So she did seven years
33:45for that. I guess you would call it like a, it wasn't a murder for hire because apparently
33:50she never asked them to kill him. She- Well, he said carjacking.
33:55Right. Okay. So he was driving a van and the van belonged to a car dealership
34:01that he worked at. So she wanted them to attack him and steal the van and destroy the van.
34:06And in turn, she wanted him to get fired from the car dealership. That was her motive.
34:11Her motive was never to get him shot or paralyzed or any of that. She just wanted to ruin the
34:16situation that he had. He had a good job at a dealership, which was interesting because he was
34:21probably using the dealership, this is a legend by the way, to funnel drugs.
34:25Right. Because I was like, I didn't even think he had a regular job, but he did.
34:29So her goal was actually just to get him fired from the dealership. She didn't actually want
34:33anything bad to happen to him. And this was in retaliation to the fact that he was cheating on
34:38her with a younger girl, a younger woman or whatever. So that was the whole situation with
34:43that. So that's the story that he, I don't think he still actually told her all the full truth.
34:49Because I had to go digging online just to find what really actually happened. He only gives you,
34:54it's like a puzzle piece, right? You know, when you're putting pieces together, a puzzle,
34:58he gives you like one piece at a time. It's like a 500 piece puzzle, but he gives you one piece
35:04and you're just supposed to figure it out from that. And it's like, I need more than that. I
35:08can't figure out what the hell you're talking about with one damn puzzle piece. So it's like,
35:12I don't like- And they're all centerpieces.
35:14You don't even get the corners of the edges. It's all center bullshit.
35:18Yeah. Yeah, you're right. Wait, you have a good read on people. See,
35:22I used to think that I did, but I've actually had people that got over on me. So I used to think
35:27that I could read people good photomime, but I had people that got over on me. But oh wait,
35:32there's somebody else we need to talk about. Oh, Lauren is back. Lauren was back tonight.
35:36Faith eventually went back to his rooms to give him a chance because he was texting Faith,
35:43like we need to talk, we need to talk, whatever. She agreed to go to his room. She wouldn't go
35:49in the room, thank God. But she wanted to go out and have a conversation. And she said she was
35:54hurt. She did get off her chest what she needed to say, which I thought was very important.
35:59She was like, so how many times were you having sex? Apparently he was having sex with random
36:03people, a minimal once a week. And he did- I just can't believe that there's more than
36:08one person. I can't believe there's one person, but people that want to sleep with this guy.
36:13This is so gross. Apparently in Las Vegas, people are just sleeping with people.
36:19Cause yeah, you know, it's like, I don't know what's super, super appealing. No offense,
36:24Lauren. I think you're, you know, right. Like, but there's nothing like super, but like,
36:29if someone told me that Sean from the other way was sleeping with random people every week,
36:34I could buy that. I've seen the comments on the pictures about Sean. One of the women
36:40asked him to sit somewhere in the vicinity of their face. Okay. So I've seen the comments. So
36:46if somebody told me that Sean was banging random women every week, probably, you know, like,
36:52I'm not, that's not farfetched, but Lauren, that was, it was a little much for me. I was like,
36:57oh, Vegas is a different place. You know, this is different. There's, there's people that are
37:01interested in just whatever, you know? So apparently she, okay. Also, he said that he
37:08wants to be monogamous now, which I think is bullshit because if he wanted to be monogamous,
37:12he would have been monogamous his whole time. The second he gets back on the plane and goes back
37:15home, we know what's going to happen. We know that he's going to keep sleeping with random people.
37:20If you've been doing that for a long time, it'll be very difficult for you to stop. That's like
37:23saying you've been smoking cigarettes for five years, but you're just not going to smoke anymore.
37:27Like you're not going to change. This is just what he needs to say to get Faith, you know,
37:34back on board with dealing with him. And then in the preview, we found out that,
37:39oh, first Faith said that she will not introduce him as her boyfriend to her parents, which
37:44I love how smart she is. That's very smart. This is just some person that she's talking to,
37:49do not introduce this man to your parents. This is not a long-term thing. But she also said that
37:55what we saw in the preview, he's like saying bullshit to her to try to get her soft spot open
38:01to him moving to her country. Cause he's like, well, what if I bought you and your family a house?
38:06And I'm like, you don't have a house. I was like, you don't even have.
38:10Yes. I thought the same thing. I'm just like, oh my gosh, she, my heart breaks for her. I feel so,
38:21so sad for her. You can see, I mean, you know, in a lot of this, a lot of these episodes,
38:27a lot of the scenes you can see where producers have told them to say things and the way that
38:32they're acting this and that everything coming out of this girl is heartfelt and genuine. Like
38:39she is hurt. She's truly, truly hurt. And I feel so sad for her. It's just,
38:45I hope she gets away from him. I hope she gets a good man. I hope she doesn't get gonorrhea.
38:50I hope all that stuff. But I just, I hope that he gets everything else that he's got coming.
38:56I just think that what's worse for me is I know that all of her future relationships and how she
39:04trusts people, men in general, are going to be based on this man. Because, you know, we're only
39:11as strong as our last or previous relationships or our previous trauma, because those things
39:15haunt us for a long time. And if this was her first relationship, she's not going to trust
39:20anybody. You know, she's going to have issues with trust and love and probably sex too,
39:26because he's a cheater. He almost gave her an STD. So now she's gonna, you know, the next guy,
39:31you know, she's gonna be super cautious. And then some men don't want to wait. They don't want to
39:36take it slow. They want to move, you know, fast. So she might be screwed out of good relationships
39:41because of the shitty situation that she was in. Because, you know, what we experienced,
39:46that lasts for a long time. You know, and for this being her first long term relationship,
39:52it's gonna mess her up for a while. You know, you're not gonna trust people. And then
39:55Lauren, who's probably a good liar, right? Like, I feel like he was lying pretty well.
40:00Because when he told her that he was cheating, she really was surprised. You know how,
40:04when some people, like if Sarper was to tell Shekinah, he was cheating on her,
40:09nobody, including Shekinah, would actually be surprised, right? Like, we would be like, well,
40:14yeah. But Lauren was probably lying to her and convincing that this was real. And this was a
40:20real relationship. And I think that that's what mind screws people. When people get inside your
40:26head, and you believe and you trust them, and then you're really blindsided. That's what really
40:30hurts. But, you know, he says stupid shit. Like, I told her that we were sleeping together. And she
40:37thought, actually sleeping. So, so if that's what she thought, you led her to believe that. Like,
40:45that's not just where your mind automatically goes, oh, they spent the night together,
40:49they must have cuddled. I mean, that's, you just don't go there. So it's just, oh, he makes me
40:56sick, makes me sick. And I'm more angry by the fact that he hurt her so bad.
41:02Well, I think he also used the language barrier to his advantage. Because he's like,
41:09I told you that I was sleeping at this place. And I'm like, well, yeah, you can sleep somewhere
41:13without having sex with somebody. I think he used the language barrier to his advantage.
41:17Like, if there was confusion, he didn't bother to explain it. And he used that to his advantage.
41:22Some people definitely do that. When you have someone who English isn't their first language,
41:28right? And you're trying to have a conversation with them. We say things, I remember I was
41:31talking to someone, and I said something along the lines of two birds with one stone, something
41:36that we say, and they couldn't for the life of them understand what I was trying to say.
41:40I was like, I didn't even realize there's a barrier. Even for people who speak English well,
41:45there's things that we say that don't make logical sense.
41:48Yeah, for sure.
41:50So when he's like, well, I told you I was sleeping. And you know, for somebody who learned
41:55English as a second language, that meant you were sleeping, idiot. You know, that's what it meant.
41:59They don't know how to read between the lines in a language that they didn't learn when they were
42:05younger, right? I think he used that to his advantage. He knew that he could get over on
42:09her because she doesn't understand.
42:11Yeah, but also flipping the coin here, talking about all these moms leaving their kids behind,
42:18finding out that he's been married, he's got kids, he's got past due child support,
42:22and he's just ready to up and move to another country to support and never seeing his kids
42:28again. Like, what is going on with these parents? You don't get to just have kids,
42:34leave the other parent and move to a different country and leave your problems behind. That's
42:42don't stop having children. Stop it. Yeah.
42:46You're right. This is a new twist, too. Because usually when people on the show have kids,
42:51they're trying to implement their kids into what they're doing. And you're right. This is
42:56a new thing that we're experiencing. The parents are like, well, I have kids,
43:01but I would rather have Shekinah did it. And then Joe is trying to do with Sean. She's like,
43:05well, my kids, I don't want my kids to get in the way of what I'm trying to do.
43:08You know, and that's a new thing we're experiencing. You know, because in the
43:11beginning, we watched plenty of people on 98 Fiancé who had kids, and then they tried to
43:16introduce their kids to the people and they tried to implement. No one's trying to really
43:20implement. They're just trying to do what they want to do, regardless of how people feel.
43:24And that's really scary, you know. And Lauren said before, he was like, well, I never wanted kids.
43:29It was my ex-wife who wanted kids. I was like, well, as a man, don't have children that you don't
43:36want. Because the law doesn't care how you felt when they were made. You can't go to the judge
43:41and say, well, I didn't want them. They're like, well, they're here. So that's irrelevant. If you
43:46didn't want them, you shouldn't have had them. Well, they're here now. So it's your responsibility.
43:50And the fact that he's just like, I'll just leave the country and never have to accept
43:55responsibility. You know, that's pretty, I don't know.
43:59It's disgusting. It is disgusting.
44:03I feel bad for the kids. I saw a video on TikTok. It was his ex-wife. And she said that Lauren's
44:10son wanted a, I don't know, Minecraft cake, or maybe a Fortnite. I don't remember what it was.
44:16She couldn't afford it. And she made one at home. And it, you know, it was cute, but it didn't look
44:23like what you would buy at the store. And it's harder for me when I see, like, the actual people
44:29that are suffering. So she showed the son's reaction. The son was still happy. But I was like,
44:34see, now it's real now. Like, I see that that child, the child support should have bought that
44:40child a birthday cake on his birthday. Why is this child not getting what it needs once,
44:45or whatever, because you just don't want it? Like, now it's real now. You know, like,
44:49when you watch the commercial, and there's a Sarah McLachlan song playing, and there's these
44:54gorgeous, cute animals, and they're all being hurt. Now it's real. Now I have to give them money.
44:58You know, like, now it's real. I can't just ignore it now. It's not just a sad fucking story.
45:02It's going to be a main society and adopt all the animals.
45:05Well, right. Like, now I have to send the money, because now I've seen the damn cat and the dog,
45:09and they're sad looking, and I have to give them money. But now it's real. So when I saw
45:12Lauren's son, and I was like, this is real. This is a human being that this child is neglecting.
45:19And it doesn't even have anything to open on his birthday. Now I'm mad. You know, like,
45:22now I'm mad. Now I see what's really happening. Yeah, it's disgusting. He's a vile human being.
45:30I feel like he could go and be with Rainn, or Renee. I don't know why.
45:35Yeah, I can see that. Well, a lot of people online are saying that Renee is just a stand-in
45:40for Angela. That's what they was. It was trending on X Tonight. They were like, oh, we see who
45:45Renee is. She's a stand-in for Angela. While Angela's, you know, out of the good graces,
45:49she's standing in, you know, just holding her spot. And I kind of see that the way that she
45:54spoke to those people in their house. Look, look, I'm gonna tell you right now, Kari,
45:58if somebody was talking to me that way in my home, you know, I'm gonna need you to come and
46:02hold me back. Right? Like, that's crazy. If somebody was talking to you like that in your
46:06home, I'd be on my way, and we'd both be. Right? We would need to just get the credit card ready,
46:13because you cannot get in my face and scream at me and tell me how you don't like me in my house.
46:19You're sleeping in my house. We're not going to jail. It's your house. We got the right.
46:25I do not understand the level of disrespect. And even, I don't even want to say, because Angela
46:30never was like super disrespectful to Michael's family. I don't even want to put that on her,
46:34because that's not true. She met his family. She was a few times, like when it was,
46:40when the mom was trying to teach her how to cook the Nigerian food, and she got pretty shitty.
46:45Yeah, you're right. Yeah, I mean, she told Chitty to shut up. And I just felt like it was,
46:54it was a little abusive. Like it was getting borderline abusive. And I was just like,
46:58and she was getting like pointing fingers. And then she, when she pointed the finger
47:02at Victoria's face, I was like, see, now, now this is taking a turn. She can see you. I was
47:07like, Chitty can't see how nasty you've been. I was like, he can't see, but he can, he can see
47:11right through your bullshit, but he can't see how disrespectful you're being. But now that you're
47:15being disrespectful to the family, you know, after they welcomed you into their home, they fed you,
47:21you know, they gave you everything you needed. And this is the way that you speak to them.
47:25You know, like this is getting to the point where I don't, I don't know the character of the person
47:32that we're watching. You know, like what type of character, I was raised in the South, right? Like
47:36I was raised that you'd be respectful, even if the person doesn't deserve respect. Like I was
47:40just raised, if you're in someone's home, you're respectful. If you don't like the food, don't say
47:44anything. Just don't eat it. You know, don't be disrespectful and nasty to someone in their own
47:49home. And I thought everybody was raised like that. And I'm beginning to realize everybody
47:53ain't raised like that. Some people don't have any manners, right?
47:56Yeah. She's, she's a vile human being. But did you see the previews coming up for next week with
48:03Bea and Sonny?
48:04No, mine, I was watching it on Go and it cut off. What were the previews?
48:10He finds out that the boyfriend's there.
48:13That quick? With the same night?
48:15Yeah. And he tells her, don't touch me. She's trying to like hold his hand or whatever. And
48:19he's like, don't touch me. Go touch your ex-boyfriend.
48:23Oh, my gosh.
48:26I was sad they weren't on.
48:28I thought that she would at least have kept him hidden for at least a few days. I mean,
48:34I don't think meeting the ex was ever going to be a good idea. Like if all the people that she
48:38could have brought, she should have brought an emotional support animal, not like an ex-boyfriend.
48:43You know, like, I think that bringing him was, was just the wrong choice. You know, but.
48:48Because Sonny seems so calm and so sweet. And all of this, you know, we're all just like, oh,
48:55you know, he's going to be devastated. He loses his mind. It's going to be good.
48:59Oh, I can't wait. You know, I love to see a train wreck.
49:03Oh, yeah.
49:04Where no people are actually injured. You know, I'd love to see that. So I'm excited
49:09to see that. And I mean, I didn't really see a real relationship between Bea and Sonny anyway,
49:13because she's made it 100% clear she would never convert for him. And he made it 100% clear that
49:19he would want her to convert. So I knew that this wasn't going to go anywhere. So I was just
49:23wondering how quickly it would deteriorate. And I guess I have my answer. It's going to
49:28deteriorate pretty much.
49:30While we're talking about moms and kids and examples, look at Jessica and Juan. She took
49:36her kids. She took her kids and her bestie with her to make sure she was still had the alone time
49:41with Juan and brought her kids to see if it was going to be a match. Like, that's what a good
49:48parent does.
49:49Yeah, you're right. You don't go and get married and not tell anyone. Two years later. Yeah, I
49:56mean, and I remember too, because Megan went out there and she did not like that, man. I remember
50:01because remember, there was like a picture or something with another woman, there was something
50:06going on Juan swears to God to this day, nothing ever happened. But there was the possibility
50:12that something happened. I remember Megan was ready. She was like, I am ready to destroy this
50:16person. And yeah, and she was there and he met the kids. He was good with the kids. And look,
50:21they're still together to this day. They're happy. They're married. He's here. So and you're
50:25right, there's a right and a wrong way to do this. And I think a lot of the mothers are doing it the
50:31wrong way. And you know, I don't like to come down hard on women because I feel like women
50:37have it worse already. But at the same time, you know, you have to have good priorities.
50:43You know, and when you have kids, and this goes for men to Lauren, when you have kids,
50:48those need to be a priority in your life, right? Your relationship is important, but your kids,
50:53male or female, for you, your kids should be above whatever your relationship situation is. And I
50:59feel like we're losing that. And people are becoming more selfish, and like self centered
51:05than like Shekinah. And she's like, Oh, my kids in boarding school. I'll just go back every six
51:09weeks. Do you think she really went back every six weeks? No way. It's BS. No way. Because if
51:14your daughter's in boarding school, she's not going to have any time. Like kids aren't out of
51:18school every six weeks. They got Christmas, Thanksgiving and spring break. So you'd only
51:23go back for those three times. So she was gone for months at a time. And the school is raising
51:27her kid. Yeah, your kids should be raised by you. Right? You know, like, I know that I went to a
51:33seven day adventist school and they raised me and that's what my mom wanted. But I should have been
51:38raised by my parents. Yeah, I should not have been raised by a school. You know, that's how it
51:42never happened. Well, I had the hardest time letting someone babysit my kids while I work.
51:47Like, I can't imagine. I never stayed the night away from them. I mean, obviously, when they were
51:52older as teenagers and whatever, and stayed the night at their friend's house, but like, I never
51:58there's no way in hell I would leave for even even a couple of days and just leave my kids behind. I
52:04just no way I need to be close if something happens. Yeah. And Tiger Lily went all the way
52:10to Jordan and got married. And I thought it was also weird that she didn't want her kids to be a
52:15part of the wedding. Right? Because I remember when my dad got married to his second wife, I think
52:22he wanted us the kids to be a part of it. Obviously, my mom didn't let us. He still wanted
52:28us to be there. I thought it was weird that she was getting married and didn't want to include
52:32because that's like a very family big situation event, you know, and she didn't even want her
52:38kids to see it. And I thought that was really, it's just odd the way in that she doesn't speak
52:42of her kids. It's like they don't exist. I've never met a mom like that. You know, usually a
52:47mother will work her children into a conversation in some way, shape or form. And Tiger Lily,
52:53she's super good at making it seem like she's a 22 year old woman with no kids. Like if you
52:57didn't know her backstory, you wouldn't know that she had any kids. You don't talk about them.
53:01That's really weird. Absolutely. It just, it baffles me. I don't get it.
53:07This, this. Okay, so this season of The 49 Days, we're only seven episodes in and I am so
53:13entertained. I was talking on Twitter tonight and people were like, I have not been this excited
53:20about 90 Day Fiancé in a while. And I agree, me neither. I haven't been this excited.
53:24It's because it's all new people. None of these people are recycled.
53:27This is all new electrifiers for us.
53:30And they all are triggering me in different ways. And it's, this is, this was the feelings that I
53:36used to get back in the day, you know, back when Nicole and Azen were on and who else did I love?
53:42Danielle and Mohamed and Brittany and Yazan. Those people used to get me excited, you know,
53:48about the show. And I was like, this is the first time I was like, I was doing other stuff. And then
53:53I was like, Ooh, what time is it? Is it to show on? I was ready to watch it. I haven't felt like
53:57that in a while. So I'm just happy that they're, they're still, they're still manufacturing drama,
54:02but there's still enough real drama to keep, to keep it interesting. And I'm just happy about
54:06that. All right. So we're gonna wrap and we're gonna talk about Tomorrow is the Other Way.
54:16And there's I Love a Mama's Boy. That's going to be new as well. Thousand Pound Sisters
54:22came on last week. I don't know if y'all watched it or not. So we need to figure out a way to work
54:25that in. Because I want to talk about Thousand Pound Sisters because there's some, some drama on
54:30Thousand Pound Sisters I want to talk about as well. We'll be back tomorrow. If we can't do it
54:34all tomorrow, maybe we'll do something on Tuesday too. But we'll figure it out. So we can catch up
54:37on all those shows. And if y'all aren't watching House of Villains, it's two episodes in. It's
54:42actually really good. If you're not watching, watch it because I don't want to talk about it
54:49if y'all haven't seen it. Yeah, you know, because I don't want to ruin it for anyone. But if y'all
54:52are going to watch it, I want to talk about it. It's actually really good. Season two, New York
54:57is back. I'll give you that. That's all I'm giving you. New York from I Love New York is back this
55:02season. So that's all I'm going to give y'all. Okay, so follow me on all social media platforms
55:07at George Mossey, You'll get your podcast tap in the George Mossey show. Make
55:10sure you're following my co-host Cara. She's tagged in this video. The replay is going to be up on all
55:14streaming platforms. Thanks for staying up late with us. Happy Canadian Thanksgiving to anyone.
55:19Yeah. Happy Thanksgiving, guys. I didn't know y'all got my favorite holiday first.
55:26No, it's not my favorite. I like Halloween, but I do like cake and pie. So I do. All right,
55:30guys, everybody. Have a wonderful night. We'll talk to you soon. Bye.
