The George Mossey Show: The Other Way: AfterShow S6EP4 #90dayfiance #thegeorgemosseyshow #news

  • 2 months ago
The new season of 90 day fiance: the other way after S6EP4 podcast! Join George Mossey & Kara for the #90dayfiancetheotherway #podcast
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#90dayfianceTheOtherWay #90dayfianceNEWS #90dayfiancePodcast #georgemossey #thegeorgemosseyshow #georgemosseypodcast #90dayfiance #90dayfiancé #milfmanor #milfmanor2
00:05Everybody welcome welcome welcome. It's Monday. We're getting into the other way um
00:11Waiting on car and DDD get here. This was us. I keep remember
00:14I keep forgetting these are short episodes right when it started getting good. It was over so yeah
00:19We're doing these one-hour episodes which
00:22Not a fan of you know some people were complaining that the two-hour episodes were a lot
00:27I don't know. I think I'm accustomed to the two-hour episodes because when it's only an hour
00:33It's really
00:39I need a little more drama, and they didn't even have Corona on this episode
00:43I'm Corona's the girl not the virus you guys aren't watching the other way Corona is the girl who's moving to Iceland
00:49Hi, how are you?
00:52I'm good. How are you? Did you feel like?
00:55Like right when this show episode started getting good. It. Just ended. Yeah
00:59I was like I was really like
01:01Eating my popcorn and right when it started getting interesting it was like next time on the other way, and I'm like well shit
01:07Nothing happened. I don't even have a lot to work with on this. I was like well dad that was fast
01:12I know they need to make him two hours. Yeah
01:16Though a lot of people were like oh two hours is too long no
01:20Two hours is enough time to have enough drama happen that we we understand
01:32Well yeah, they they give us like a 20-part tell-all, but then they give us an hour-long show, but yeah, whatever
01:43Cuz you're on time tonight oh
01:46Yeah, I was on time tonight, I would like the record to show
01:51Tonight and this is a very rare occurrence so whenever you guys come at me
01:56I'm gonna be like do you remember that one time in July 2024 and I was on time
02:01I'm gonna always bring that up because it's never gonna happen again. It's a one-time thing, but
02:07Thunder and outside
02:10It's probably a tornado hurricane a sharknado outside right hell hell is frozen over
02:15It's snowing in hell because you know it never happens, but today
02:18I just happened to look at my my phone, and I was like oh
02:21I should go set up, and I started like 15 minutes early, and I was like holy crap. I'm gonna start on time
02:28This is crazy, and I okay was running
02:31So Corona wasn't on this episode not the virus the girl, so we're gonna see her getting into
02:38Iceland with Inky I like that name with Inky
02:44Yeah, I saw that and
02:47Such a spoiler alert like before we even got into the I don't know if I want to talk about on here
02:52I don't know if you guys saw the story that was out. I think she booty posted it and probably who was it
02:58Alexa may be posted it too. It was like a local
03:01Iceland news story that kind of
03:03Told their whole story in one
03:06So if you guys want to go look for that go look because we're I don't really like to
03:10Spoil the whole thing before we even start right, so I'm not gonna really talk about it
03:14But if you want to know what happened on their whole storyline. It's there. You know go on to any other pages
03:20You can read everything what I hate when they take the fun out of stuff like did you see on night a fiance one?
03:27Are now they fiance UK when the girls announced her pregnancy yes, and I was like why are y'all ruining the show?
03:33Let us at least watch it. This is all we have guys. Okay, like our country's falling apart, right?
03:39Like this is all we have don't ruin the only thing that we have please like this is like my thing right like don't go
03:45Online and just screw everything up, please
03:48I just need something that I can watch and be surprised everybody's just trying to ruin everything so oh
03:54I want to talk about Lily because she's probably my favorite person on the show right now because she's the richest brokest lady ever
04:03so like she has a house that she spent all this money on and she
04:08Spent a lot of money getting it ready for Josh when he arrived
04:11I thought that she was really nice like I thought that she
04:14She made sure that he was gonna feel at home and everything but every time that they talked about money
04:19She's like money. I don't have any of that if they want money
04:22And I was like, I want somebody to be comfortable
04:25So, I don't know if I would have wanted her to spend every penny she had to try to make a house
04:30Livable for me, you know, like I feel like she went a little overboard
04:34I don't really understand why you know, because Josh always said that he was totally fine
04:39you know if she didn't remodel the house if she didn't do any of that stuff that she did like I don't know if
04:46She's gonna ever let him live it down, right?
04:48She's like, well, I had money but I spent it all because I wanted you to be happy and in actuality
04:53I think he would have been happy just
04:55Being with her, right?
04:57crazy, I
04:59Think she's a lot though. I think she's a lot. I think that and she's one of those people she kept saying I'm broke
05:04She's like, oh I'm broke and then they went wedding dress wedding shopping and I'm like broke people don't go shopping Lily
05:09But there's a difference between but I know that there's like people in the world cuz like when I say I'm broke
05:14I actually have money and then I learned that's hard, right?
05:19Okay, so I learned through some of my friends when they say broke. They actually don't have any money
05:26Yeah, so like because I learned that there's levels to that word because when I say I'm broke
05:31I probably have a thousand of dollars, right?
05:34But like in my mind that's not enough money to be happy or to be it's comfortable
05:39So I'm gonna I'm gonna go on a money diet until I can double what I have
05:43But some people when they say they're broke they have like two dollars total they're like legitimately broke
05:49So I don't know what her definition of broke is because anybody who has an elevator in their house
05:53I can't imagine is broke by by definition, right?
05:57Like she might only have five or ten grand, but she's not broke, right?
06:02Say I'm broke is because I'm having to take my piggy bank to Walmart to the green box thing and dump my change in it
06:11So if I ever say I'm broke, that's that's what I mean, so you use the word in the literal sense
06:20As in no money I'm having to take my piggy bank to Walmart that coin star and dump my change
06:32Y'all use it in the literal sense like I I was raised okay, so a little background
06:38I was raised in like a really broke household like poor
06:41like we didn't have plumbing in the house and like when it rained it rained in the house because the roof was all destroyed from
06:46Like a hurricane so I broke in the literal sense is like my nightmare
06:51So like I would get like 10 jobs and just work all 10 jobs
06:54Before I would like be broke like because I'm like terrified of my childhood revisiting my life
07:00so like it's impossible for me to be broke because it's like my
07:04My inner trauma, I guess so like if I don't know like cuz I have a lot of friends where they're like
07:10Oh, I'm like, oh, I can't go on that trip. I'm broken. They're like no broke. Shut up
07:15They're like you could totally do it. You just don't want to do it because you you're there won't be enough commas, you know
07:21Like cuz I have to feel comfortable and I have to have like I call it rainy day money
07:27But my friends call it just like a bank, but I have to have like it has to be commas
07:33For me to feel comfortable, but it's because of my childhood trauma. I can't I can't live comfortably without
07:41Going back to my childhood. I'm like, oh, I'm gonna have to move back into a house
07:43It doesn't have any plumbing, you know, I'm like broke, you know, like it's like a trauma for me. Yeah, I get that
07:49So yeah, they're doing this big wedding in China. The outfits are really nice
07:53I love watching these traditional weddings cuz in America
07:56We just wear black and white and we're boring but like when you go to these other countries
08:00They have like these beautiful. He kind of looked like an emperor. I think he said he had like a crown and she there's all
08:05These colors it's gonna be nice. He's actually gonna be paying the difference like she purchased a package
08:11But if you you know, you can always upgrade so the stuff that they pick the clothing outfits they picked it was like a $5,000
08:18No, I don't know because this is this is their money. I don't know what the actual amount of
08:23Sizing was but he's gonna cover that which I thought was nice. That was nice of him, you know, cuz he
08:29Gotta want to pull his weight a little bit because she's gonna make it really difficult for him to just be a househusband, right?
08:36like I like she
08:37She's he said after I sold my house. I had a little left
08:41So if you can't work for five years and you have a little left
08:47You gotta stretch that little for five years the I think he believes
08:53She's not broke. Like, you know, I think that he doesn't believe that she's using the word in the literal sense
08:58I think in his mind he's like, oh she has her own business, you know
09:02She might not have the amount of money
09:04She's used to having but I think in his mind he doesn't think they're really broken and I was thinking
09:09Is she broke cuz I was like, how are y'all gonna eat?
09:11Cuz I was like she keeps it literally every time money comes up. She's like, I don't have that
09:15I don't have any money
09:16I spent everything and I was worried cuz I was like he can't work and if he did sell his house and he got a
09:21Little bit left like say he got twenty thirty thousand, you know, cuz he was already in a mortgage
09:26So say he got he did get a little bit
09:28Five years is a long frickin time to not know where your next money or payout is gonna come from
09:36Like that is that in itself thinking about his situation gives me extreme anxiety
09:42Right just knowing that I don't know because it's not that he doesn't want to make money. He doesn't want to be successful
09:47He's not allowed. It's illegal. Like it's literally not allowed
09:51He can't go out and do anything legally and you know, you don't want to end up in a prison in any country
09:56That's not yours. You know, like you you have to follow the rules. So that whole situation is just it's scary to me
10:02and I think see I always my first co-host ever she said when she met her husband they met for dinner and
10:10Throughout no, this isn't when they met but like they when they decided they were gonna get married
10:13They brought their bank statements and tax returns and they they showed each other and I think this is important because he doesn't know how
10:20Much money she has
10:21He's over there and he's just hoping that she's just not Ashley from 90 day fiance happily ever after and he's hoping that she she
10:28Actually has money and she's not a million dollars in debt, but he don't know that
10:32You know
10:33like he's just
10:33Trusting that he's gonna go over there and they won't be sleeping underneath the bridge and I don't have that type of trust
10:38I need to see it on paper
10:41Like can you take care of me? Like it's like Jasmine did Jasmine was like I need to know that you take care of me
10:46I'm not gonna come over here be homeless. I don't love you that much
10:48You know, like I love you but not to the point where we're gonna sleep under a bridge together
10:52I'm totally good staying where I'm at, you know, and I feel the same way
10:57Yeah, I don't know. I feel though. I mean, I want to see your bank statement at our first date, but I
11:08Yeah, yeah
11:12Anyway, so James is going to Indonesia after five weeks and I don't know the deal with these two
11:19They don't seem to tell anyone anything ahead of time
11:21They're like, I don't I don't want to call them immature because it doesn't really have things with being mature
11:26I don't know if they're just afraid of confrontation
11:28So apparently Matalia is in Indonesia for five weeks and she's staying with her sister and she hasn't actually told her family that she's moved
11:35back they think she's just visiting which
11:39Horrifying because I need to know again if I'm gonna be homeless or not
11:43And she doesn't really know and then she told her sister like a soft opening to telling her parents and her sister was like, oh
11:50Yeah, he's not your parents aren't gonna want you around, you know
11:53They don't want you there and that's scary because James is getting rid of all his stuff and he's on a plane and he's going
11:59to where he thinks they have a
12:01open invitation of somewhere to live and he's actually getting off the plane to
12:06Nothing because the sister was like y'all should get your own place, you know, you should have your own place
12:11You know dad isn't gonna want to deal with you and your husband in his house and she's like, yeah, that's true
12:16And I'm like, what do you mean? Yeah, that's true
12:18This man is leaving his job his home his family
12:22Thinking that y'all are gonna have an opportunity to build up something because you're both broke
12:27Right, like you're both broke
12:30She's making money selling
12:33Popsicles, well, yeah, she's probably making like because this is what Brandon and Mary did right remember anybody open this store
12:40They built a store and they opened it and it was making I think when they did the math for us or no
12:45Sorry, you didn't math. It was making like $16 a month. Isn't that what it came out?
12:49I mean, it's been five weeks. So she's probably up to like two or three dollars now. Well, yeah
12:55But how much is an apartment in Indonesia? I'm sure it's cheap, right?
12:59But it's not $2 right because if you could get an apartment for $2 in a neighborhood where you aren't going to be
13:05Robbed I might but I don't think it's gonna be
13:10Banana chip popsicle money. No, I mean no because we learned that also
13:16But it's another situation. Why why are these guys going over there without no savings?
13:23they have nothing to bring to the table and
13:28Ridiculous. I mean if you're gonna move to another country
13:30At least take something like some kind of savings or be able to sell something to make some kind of money
13:37To be able to take over there. Yeah, or be able to work remotely like is it possible?
13:42See, that's another thing that I don't know. Is it possible to have a remote job? Oh, thank you for the badge
13:48Donna, um, is it possible to have a remote job if but you live in a country where you don't have like
13:54Citizenship like what's the legality? I really don't know
13:59I mean, I know you can work anywhere from anywhere in the world if you have a remote job, but I would
14:05See how that would be a legal if it's being
14:08Deposited into your account in the US and you just using your card over there
14:13I don't I mean who knows it's one of my job is remote and there is no way I could do it in another country
14:19I can't even do it at a Starbucks. So oh
14:21You know what because yes some jobs you have to use like a secure VPN and it's
14:29Encrypted because of the information that you're working with probably insurance right insurance is like that and you know
14:35Logging in anywhere in secure where you're putting that information at risk you and I think in your situation
14:43If you do that, they can hold you like liable
14:48Information because it's your responsibility to keep that information
14:52Safe and encrypted and if you do something like negligent, you're liable not just the company it is and they could come
14:59very against the law
15:02really, so
15:04See it
15:12Am I back you're back? Am I back? I think it's thunderstorming outside. It's not because we said
15:22Thunderstorming outside it's just you made a good point though when you move like moving in general
15:27Even if you're moving two cities over you should have a plan. You should save money
15:31You should know what you're gonna do. You should know where you're moving to and move into another country
15:36You should have a hefty piggy bank savings of what you can do because we know firsthand
15:42We've been watching 90-day long enough to know that in Indonesia. They work for pennies
15:46Yeah, right like the the warehouse jobs that the US and over there they do that for a very specific reason
15:53It's because they can work these people and pay them like 20 cents for the whole day
15:58There's a very specific reason why you know, there's a lot of call center jobs and warehouse jobs that they put over in those countries
16:04It's not because you can make any money. It's because you can save money
16:08So it's scary going over there because you could be a able-bodied
16:12Talented person with a skill and it means nothing over there because they're still not gonna pay you a living wage
16:17But that's the crazy scary part about this the other way is, you know
16:21You're accustomed because you know in America if you have a job and they don't pay
16:25Well, you can just you can know you can do several things. You can go on strike
16:28You can ask for a raise you can go and get a better skill
16:31You can apply for a different job in those countries. They just don't have any legal
16:36Rights or stance to give you a legal or living wage. They don't have to live up to any expectation
16:42It's just not it's not given over there
16:45And I think we take those things for granted a lot as the jobs over here. They don't get me wrong
16:53They're not paying you a living wage, but you could go to Mickey D's and make 15 bucks an hour
16:57You're not gonna live an amazing life
16:59But you can afford somewhere to live right like you can afford a place to live on that
17:04It's not it might not be next to Kim Kardashian's house, right?
17:08But you can afford somewhere to live and it's like you go over in Indonesia
17:11You can't afford anywhere live a lot of time people over there have to build a house
17:15Because you hear them say cuz Kobe brought it up to he was like we would have to build the house
17:19You'll never be able to make enough money to buy
17:21Over there with the wages that they pay you'd have to come over there with your American money and build
17:26And that's the only way that you'll be able to live comfortably
17:29Yeah, I don't know. It's all stressful and all their whole situation stressful. I like them as well, but I
17:37I'm not going anywhere without my dog. I'm not or without a job. I'm not going anywhere without a house. I'm just not
17:45Love is not enough when it when he said that he needed a ride to the bus station
17:49Then the bus station to a train then the train to the airport and and I was like, I don't love anybody
17:55Yeah, if I can't just go from my house to the airport to you
17:59We're probably not gonna see each other. Yeah, like and no offense
18:03You're like my friendship is important to me
18:05But if I got to get on five planes two trains of uber a train a bus
18:10We're probably not gonna see each other like real if they can't build an underground tunnel and just like teleport me through the tunnel
18:16We're not gonna do it like we're just gonna be internet friends forever. Yeah, like it's there's no
18:22There's no amount of love in the world. That would make me move blindly across the world broke
18:28Homeless on trains and buses input. No, it's just never
18:33Also, I told you that she had thyroid problems
18:37That is what you said
18:38You said that she had thyroid issues and that would be easily diagnosed and she gets to Indonesia and she's diagnosed with thyroid and tonsil
18:46Palms and on top of all of that. All they did was put her on herbal tea
18:51Which we sell in every freaking grocery store in the country
18:56So she left the country to go get on a herbal tea treatment, right?
19:02That's exactly what you said. And now she says he feels totally fine. She feels better. So now she should just go back to the US
19:08Well, I'm assuming her parents are gonna send her ass packing is what I'm assuming there
19:12They're gonna be like, oh you're you were supposed to go and live the American dream and send money back to us
19:16Why the hell are you back here?
19:18Like I'm assuming that's what they're gonna say Tracy said go fuck. We'll fly back to Ohio right fly on back
19:24No way. So yeah, I'm assuming that she's gonna tell her parents and her parents are gonna be like, you know
19:31It's a free country. You're allowed to live here. Just not with us. Yeah, then they're gonna end up back in Portland where they belong
19:36I mean no offense. It's not where they belong
19:39I know she would rather be in Florida because of the weather, but he has a good-ass job with his family
19:44They had a place to live there. Their dog was there. They had support. Sometimes you have to be where you have the support
19:50It's not necessarily where you want to be right and until you're independent and you can decide
19:56Where you want to go with no help you have to stay where you can afford to be in and sometimes your support system is
20:02in a place
20:12And it doesn't look like it's gonna work out either because and also let's let's jump into the Shekinah and sharper stuff because we found
20:19Out that we what we were under the impression that she kind of was moving to Turkey to be with him
20:24We find out tonight. That's a BS lie. They have already applied for the k1
20:29Do you remember there was a story identical to this one already Ariella and Beniam she moved to?
20:35Where were they at Ethiopia and she was like, oh, I'm gonna move to Ethiopia and be with him before we could even get five
20:40Episodes in we found out she had already applied for a k1 visa. So she knew that it was temporary and I think this is the same
20:48Carbon copy story. Yeah that we're getting
20:52Shekinah and sharper. She knows for a fact. She was never gonna actually stay in Turkey for long term
20:56Hence, hence only three bags. Yeah when she landed
21:01She knew that this was just until the k1 visa was approved and the process had already been started
21:06So I'm sick of these people going on the other way knowing that they're not actually moving to another country
21:11They're just visiting until the visa is approved. It's like that's not what the other way is for
21:17It's for people who are legitimately selling everything that they own and moving to another country
21:23She literally probably still has her place in LA with all her furniture in it because she knows it's temporary and it kind of pissed
21:29Me off everything about them pisses me off and it pissed me off
21:32It's it's false pretenses once again
21:34Is that they did the same thing with Ariella and Beniam because what we knew everybody knew there's no chance
21:39Ariella was gonna make it in Ethiopia. She did she didn't even make it the full season
21:43She left by like the eighth or ninth episode and went back home because she claimed
21:49The baby needed medical attention, which he could have gotten in like, but we knew that yeah, I
21:55Don't know the whole thing
21:57So she goes back every five and a half weeks or five weeks to see her daughter, right?
22:01But they haven't seen her and surfer haven't seen each other for five months or three months. Oh
22:08Yeah, five and a half week. Yeah, you're right. The math doesn't matter
22:12He said that she was gone for three and a half months
22:16But then she said on the couch and said that she's tired of having to fly back and forth every five weeks. Yeah. Yeah
22:23She said that I'm sick. I'm sick of her and I'm sick of her lies and
22:29Yeah, me too and then he was talking about that if he comes to the United States
22:34He's not gonna be able to work which means he's that she's gonna be in control
22:38And how's that supposed to work because he has to be in control. Yeah
22:44He's and then we found out also that he oh wait, I have to bring this stupid thing up that he said
22:50I'm sorry
22:50He said that him having a hairy back shows that he's loyal to her because he only let women
22:55Wax his back. It was a duty of other women. Oh
23:01It was there a role as a woman to wax his back
23:06Everything that he says pisses me off. Yeah, and she's like, oh, he's so charming and I'm like if you find that statement charming
23:13Check into some sort of rehab facility
23:16Nothing that he ever says is charming right? This dude is like the worst possible. He treats women like they're
23:22Obligated to love him or obligated to be with him and I just don't get I don't get the appeal, right?
23:29I know that I'm straight but like I don't get the appeal. I don't know why
23:34He has
23:35been so successful
23:37With getting women to like him like it's very confusing to me and I would like to interview the women and I guess she kind
23:43Has got an interview one of them and and not next week or whatever
23:46I'm sure I'm assuming this is way far down the line because she some lady or girl
23:53Contacts her on social media and apparently Sarper's been talking to her and said he loved her and I don't know the whole story
24:00They only gave us a tiny snippet of what was going on, but I don't know
24:04It appears they're fully still together online, right? Like that's what that is that the that's what I'm getting from their social media
24:10So I don't think it's be like they're gonna end up on the last resort type situation. It looks like they're still together
24:16so this might just be one of the
24:192,500 X's or something
24:21They are good at they are good at acting because that's what they're good at is acting
24:28They're both I don't yeah like I mean even if they're not together
24:34They're still gonna act like they're together just to stay on the on TLC even if they're not I
24:42Mean, yeah, I think that this is more of a career move for them then then like playing out their relationship
24:50I think that they both want to be
24:52Famous, you know, they I think that they both think they were before the show
24:56So I think this is only amplifying their dream
24:58So and it turns out Sarper claims that he doesn't even want to come here, which I think is complete BS
25:03No offense to like anyone who lives in Turkey
25:06But I feel like if you lived in Turkey and you had the opportunity to move to the US you would want to write especially someone
25:11Who's obsessed with himself as Sarper because LA where she kind of lives is literally probably where Sarper probably should have been born
25:20Yeah, like he has such an LA attitude about him. Everything about him is very LA
25:24So the fact that he's like, oh, I don't know if I really want to live there BS
25:27Stop the BS like that was the whole thing when y'all started interviewing for the show like a year and a half two years ago
25:34That was your goal. I don't don't don't be full of crap
25:37I didn't know that
25:38There he's gonna end up in LA at some point and we're gonna be forced to watch it against our will like I already know
25:44That that's what's gonna happen
25:46Dollar Store Barbie and Ken
25:48Dollar Store Timu dollar store team. Oh, what's up Colby? I saw your house. It's nice. Okay, so oh, um, so Stadler and
25:57Tim see we're on well mostly Stadler and I'm kind of worried about her because
26:02Everything about this move and trip and lifestyle change. She it doesn't seem like she wants to do it like she's very
26:10She's actually able to identify all the red flags and issues with it, but she's still like
26:15Committed to it. So I think that's the worst part about it for me is watching her because her friend was like
26:20Are you excited? She's like no, you know, she's like not excited
26:24She doesn't want to do it and apparently she took out a $20,000 advance from her job, which kudos to her job
26:31I didn't think jobs would do that because
26:34Who's to say you take a $20,000 advance and then just quit right like so I was that hurt
26:39Her job is taking a huge risk on that
26:41Her job is taking a huge risk on that and also if you owe your job 20 grand while she's when is the next time she
26:47Would get a paycheck because like wouldn't they just withhold your checks until you pay them back?
26:51So like wouldn't she just be broke until the 20 grand is paid off, right?
26:56I don't know
27:01Also, how do y'all feel about Dempsey quitting her job and not having to work and then start our end
27:07Statler's the one who's supposed to keep her job. Okay. I know it's hard. She said
27:11She said that
27:14Dempsey gets to live free and she still has to work. What do you mean? She gets to live free
27:20What is she gonna do put you on the freaking curb and take the house to the store?
27:23No, she's tied to you. You both live in a box on wheels
27:29Well, what was confusing
27:33confusing for me is
27:35Jim like I get that she wants to explore live on the road, which is fine
27:39You just need a remote job so you can do that. I mean, why is Statler always the one to fund her relationships?
27:46And I guess she said this is like a personal issue with her past
27:49Relationships where she she told us a story where she was paying rent with another
27:54woman she was living with and the woman lied about the amount and they were supposed to be splitting it down the middle and then
28:00Statler was actually paying the whole amount or all close to the whole amount and then the girl left her and was saved up and
28:05bought a house and
28:07Well, right
28:09Would you pay rent without seeing a lease?
28:12there's no chance because who's to say that one day they don't just call the sheriff and ask the sheriff to remove you and then
28:19Show the sheriff the lease and your name's not on it and you've been paying for it
28:23like I really worry about stellar because I don't know if she is like
28:29Mature as an adult to be an adult relationships in situations like this because she's she's making so many
28:36Decisions that I don't think she thought through like the $20,000 loan in itself. She didn't think through she doesn't want to live in the van
28:43She's made it so clear and it's like she she brought up her being adopted and she was like it makes me feel like
28:50Rejection is a part of my life. So she was like I feel like I always have to be the person to give more in
28:56relationships and I feel like she really needs to talk to someone to get past that because you don't owe anyone anything for being
29:04with you either they love you or they don't if you can't buy them something or give them a life that they want then they
29:09Don't love you
29:10if they leave you because of that then you weren't meant to be with that person and I hate that she feels that
29:16You know, she has to do more for the person she's with or they're just gonna reject her
29:21But you know, it's an emotional trauma that she being adopted
29:25You know has to deal with because she made a good point when your parent the per the one
29:29The two people in the world who are supposed to love you reject you that is like even though one
29:34One situation one moment in time
29:36She's even at her age in her 30s still living through the trauma of that situation and pain and I can't understand it
29:43No, I wasn't adopted. So I don't know, you know what that feels like, but I can only imagine
29:48You know, I was picked last in gym
29:50I know what it's like when people act like they want nothing to do with you, you know, so I
29:56Let's be real let's look at this
29:59What's the other side? We literally saw Statler the last two episodes, right?
30:05Mm-hmm. We saw Statler. We heard Statler story. We heard Statler cry about this and cry about that. What have we heard from Dempsey?
30:12Nothing. Nothing. Yes. She's radio silent. Yeah Dempsey sold her house. We don't know what she got for that
30:19Maybe she got enough out of that
30:21To be able to she sold her sold everything Dempsey sold everything
30:27We don't know if she's got enough to live on. We don't know that Statler's paying for everything like she says, that's true
30:34She actually actually Statler said something tonight that supports that statement because when she was talking to her friend
30:40She was like yet Dempsey sold her house her. Um, what do you call that home manufactured home?
30:45And she sold her car and she was like Dempsey is contributing more to this than I am
30:52Did you catch that she was like because the girl said oh you're you're contributing $20,000 and
30:58She's like, is that all of it? And she said no. Well, she's contributing more than I am which made me think was
31:05You made it seem like she was contributing nothing and you were everything so you're right
31:09There is definitely a side of the story that we're not getting because let's say Dempsey got
31:1535,000 for her house and then let's say she got 10,000 for her car that would warrant Dempsey
31:21Not working because she has enough money set aside
31:25To contribute to that household for a year because let's say they do this caravan for a year
31:30She would have plenty of money to contribute to that. You know Statler didn't have anything saved up
31:35So she would have to continue to work. Yeah
31:39It's her responsibility to pay that back Dempsey probably has a cushion to be able to take time off. So Statler is
31:47Mine and Deedee's version of broke and Dempsey is your version of broke, right? Right. Hey
31:54Yeah, I think that Dempsey is not going in it the way Statler is telling the story
32:00She's like, oh, well, she wants the van life, but I'm the one who has to fund it
32:04I don't think that that's true
32:05And you know, I think as the season goes on and I think maybe she is telling the story this way
32:10Especially on online because they broke up, you know
32:13And when people break up we get a more aggressive angry side of the story
32:19so I think that it's very possible that
32:22Dempsey did contribute when it came to okay Hannah
32:26I'll message you when it came to the move and the van life and I think when they broke up and
32:31Statler was hurt because again, you know Statler being you know with her severe ADHD and being
32:38Mildly autistic when people reject you and when things don't work out
32:42It's more detrimental to that person with those elements than it is to a regular person
32:47I mean don't get me wrong. It's pretty bad for a normal person when you get dumped and things don't go your way
32:52It's pretty bad. But for someone who doesn't even like to open up to people
32:56It's even worse because you're like what I gave I gave up all of the things that I had
33:01I opened up to this person. I came out of my comfort zone and they just left me, you know
33:06It's even worse for her. So I think that she might be telling a more aggressive
33:10side of the story than what really happened because I think she's she's talking from a hurtful place like she's hurt and
33:18She wants people to realize what she went through and sometimes when you're talking from that
33:23That area of hurt you tell the story a little more aggressively than you would if there was still love there, right? I
33:31Agree, I think
33:36Yeah, I mean I think that Statler made a series of horrible decisions and you know when see we had this conversation yesterday when you
33:46make bad decisions you have to own your decisions and I feel like she might really want to put a lot of the issues and
33:55Problems on Dempsey, but you know taking out a $20,000 loan to your job
34:00The only person who can sign for that long as you yeah, cuz Dempsey doesn't work for your job
34:04They would have never handed Dempsey $20,000 because she has no association with that company whatsoever
34:09So blaming Dempsey for you deciding to take out a $20,000 loan. It's not really fair
34:15You know, maybe she sold her car for the $18,000
34:20Then maybe she could have just traveled with Dempsey and they could have enjoyed time for a while and they can yeah
34:25That's true. I didn't I didn't understand why she was so gung-ho on not cuz she's like
34:31But if you leave a car and let it sit for a long time, it's not gonna work any right
34:35It's gonna need like so many different issues
34:38You're gonna have all the the oils and cool
34:40That's everything doesn't have to be replaced
34:42You're gonna have to do a tune-up and you're still got a hope that the engine isn't locked up cars were not meant to sit
34:47Right, like everything about the car is it was built and lubricated to be used every single day
34:53So her just parking it in a garage or parking it somewhere and hoping it's gonna work when you get back
34:57It's worth
34:58$18,000 working when she gets back it might be worth half that because it's in worse shape because nobody was using it
35:05But again, she's making all these decisions
35:09Uninformed. Yeah, you know, he doesn't have anybody that really can help her make better decisions because she's
35:15Stubborn she's gonna want to do what she wants to do, right?
35:18Her friend was there at the tell all last season. I try to help her
35:22She she's gonna do what she wants to do right and and she's and I think her issue is
35:27Taking responsibility for the decisions that she made and I think that you know
35:31A lot of people have that issue right a lot of people when things go wrong
35:35Every single person in the room is at fault, but yourself
35:38You don't want to take you don't want to just be like damn. It was me
35:41I made a bad you always want to delegate some of that. Um
35:46Accountability around around the table, right?
35:49It just makes you feel better right because you don't want them this
35:51Take all of it and I feel like the best way to go is you got to take a little bit more accountability for
35:56your actions, you know because if I was in a relationship and somebody asked me to sell my house and sell my car and go
36:02Live in a van. I would just hang up the phone and block them, you know
36:05Like there's no there's no reason why we could continue talking because what you want is so far
36:11That's from what I want out of life. We shouldn't even be friends anymore. Yeah, like I'm just gonna block you
36:15Don't ever call me again. You're crazy, and I don't want anything to do with you, right?
36:19So she went along with it and you can see in every scene tonight. She didn't want to go through with any of it
36:25She was unhappy. She was nervous. She was anxious. She was kissing her refrigerator, right?
36:31Like she was so uneasy about this decision and it's her fault
36:34Like nobody forced her to get to sell any of that stuff to get rid of her apartment to to take out a $20,000
36:42She did all that on her own. Yeah
36:45So, oh did you realize that there's still two couples we haven't met this was episode 4
36:49Yeah, I saw that at the end. I was like wait. Yeah, they're they're moving a little slow
36:54But remember we're gonna be watching this till like Thanksgiving because there's usually like over 20 episodes and we're gonna get a long tell-all
37:02So we'll probably be watching for a while
37:03But I'm ready to meet the new people because I wanted to see a little bit more Corona tonight
37:09She's kind of a favorite of mine. I feel like she reminds me of like a Ashley
37:14Impulse decision-making crazy person. So I like to watch like her. Yeah
37:20I'd like to watch people
37:24Self-destruct right like she she she's moving to Iceland with no ring on her finger with no
37:30Prospects on continuing her career, you know as a midwife, which I just realized a midwife is like a nurse practitioner
37:37Did you know that it pays a hell of a lot of money?
37:40So she's walking away from being a nurse practitioner is literally the one thing below being an actual yeah
37:47So the fact that she's walking away from that is crazy to me
37:55I'm gonna watch it tonight. Is it good? I love it. Really?
37:59It's I have I gotta start watching it. I haven't I haven't watched it
38:10A lot more
38:11cringe and a lot a lot of self-destruct and a lot of I
38:18It's got the feel of the OG 90 day because there is no prior bullshit
38:24These are all new people all new right all new fresh. It's so good
38:34I'm gonna watch it. It's actually on my save list on max when I'm editing tonight. I'm gonna put it on
38:40And if it's really good, maybe we should talk about it
38:43It's good and see because I think we we skip lost in translation, right?
38:47I think we skipped that one because it was just lame with too much reading of the screen for me
38:52I needed it to be done. You're gonna but
38:55You're going to love this show
38:57Well, you know me better than I do. So I take that I take your word for it. Oh look Sarpis here. What's up?
39:04Sarpar we already talked about you
39:07So we're not gonna backtrack but yeah, I'm definitely
39:11Ready to meet the newer couples the rest of the couples and you know, I think still
39:17The elevator house people are my favorite right? I think right still that I'm just really hooked on them
39:22I think that well again, I don't know the level of broke. We're talking. I don't know how broke she is
39:27I'm interested in knowing though. Yeah, you know, like I'm interested to see if there's gonna be an
39:31Foreclosure notice on their elevator at some point like I want to know how because you know
39:38I want to know how broke they really are because she's talking about this big wedding and she's spending all this money and broke people
39:44Don't spend money right like when when I call someone and they're like, I'm broke when I invite them to stuff
39:49They're like no, I'm broke. I told you I'm not going so she she's the opposite of what I think it is
39:53But I'm just interested in this
39:55They're all gonna be 30 people at their wedding. I
40:00Did I misunderstand her I could have sworn she said 30
40:04But that's not a big wedding at all
40:08well, yeah, cuz I think
40:11if you actually
40:13Get a good deal. You can get the food for like $50 a plate, right?
40:18Like if you had a good deal with the catering and so
40:22So, we all know that two orders it's gonna feed everybody
40:28Catering with Chinese food. You're right. They just bring like the big tray of rice and the big tray of meat
40:32You're right, and it's like a buffet and I'm I'm gonna say this it might come out wrong
40:38She might be a really good cook and she could cater herself
40:41Yeah, right because I've never met a person from China that couldn't cook well
40:46So I'm just gonna say like it's very possible that she could just catered herself and save a little money there
40:50But you know, who knows if they even make it that far, right?
40:54First of all, do you think that Josh is still in China?
41:05I feel like it's such an outcast because I'm having a hard time really getting into these couples like I don't know
41:13They're just not they're not grabbing my attention. Like I don't know. I'm needing the drama
41:18I'm needing the action and I ain't got it yet
41:20Well, this is we've seen Josh before but this is the first time we've seen them together
41:25So there's not really this is only one episode of what we got 712 left. Yeah
41:33What do y'all think of the fact that he being a kept man on the first night
41:38He just fell asleep and there was no intimacy
41:41Do you think that he needed to be intimate?
41:43With her a lot of people on Twitter are like his duties as a kept man is to you know
41:48Be beyond Beck and call for his wife with lack of a better term. So what do y'all feel about that?
41:53do you think that he
41:55Understands his role as a kept man or first of all, what do you think a kept man is supposed to do everything? He's not
42:03so like okay, um
42:05Um, what does that mean in English? What does a kept man mean? What does that mean? A kept man?
42:12It's like a house husband
42:15The woman makes all the money and then she has like oh a better term would be like a boy toy
42:20Like it's her male toy that she keeps in the house
42:23He doesn't have to work, but he has other duties and my thoughts are what do you think?
42:28Those duties should be if you're a boy toy kept man. Like what are you supposed to do to make that woman happy?
42:37Yeah, yeah, I agree
42:40First of all a kept man who likes Legos, he's living the dream because I can't imagine
42:44There's not a lot of boss bitch women that one kept man who wants to play with Legos
42:49They want a man that wants to play with them, right?
42:51Like I feel like like the gym would be necessary, right?
42:54You have to go to the gym every day. You would have to be good at giving massages
42:58I literally see this guy spending the entire day playing Legos and going up and down in the elevator and that's it
43:07Playing with Legos in the elevator. Yeah
43:10Literally, yeah, like literally laying on the floor in the elevator and then playing with Legos
43:15Yeah, I that's totally what I would do right? Like I would totally do that. I just I'm wondering how I
43:22Couldn't even see myself having a what y'all call a kept man because they ain't no way know how in this world
43:29I would even have a kept man
43:31Because ain't gonna be no man laying up in my house if your ass ain't getting up and going to work
43:37That man is if he's in the basement. Nobody knows
43:41The but this is for women that are very very successful and
43:51For instance like
43:53Ariana Grande or Kim Kardashian, like they don't need money from anyone. So if they're dating someone it's big
44:01Money or not. I'm not taking care of a man
44:05Well, you know what it was your mean guy like like whatever green guy
44:11Go to work. Yeah
44:22This is interesting, this is very interesting because you know when it comes to men and their trophy wife
44:30They don't want her to go to work and I think it's it's a control thing because they want that woman to feel a
44:36100% reliance
44:38On them in every way. Yes, I agree, but they also don't want anyone else looking at their woman, right?
44:44Right because that woman could be what do you call it poach? Yeah, you're not the only rich friend, right?
44:50So like if you're a really rich guy and you have a really beautiful
44:53Trophy girl that you you parade around you're not the only rich guy if you have a if you have 10 million
44:58There's a guy who has 20 million, you know
45:00So you want to make sure that you control where she's at and who she sees and I think that that's what the issue
45:06It is with rich men. They there was a song
45:10I don't remember where they say you take a beautiful woman and you hide her you take her you hide her from the world
45:14So they can't see her because you're nervous if the world sees her you you can't have yeah
45:20So I'm not gonna sit at home. I gotta go to work. So
45:33Told my best to the other day. I'm waiting from for a woman to make me a kept man. I'm just waiting. My tms are open
45:43So there there ain't no way you're just gonna sit home no, right
45:47Are you gonna sit home and do nothing you're not gonna podcast you're not going to freaking Disney
45:53You're not doing any of that. You're just gonna stay home. No, I'm doing all that and I'm trying to get more
46:00I mean exactly if they have a private jet if she has a private jet and I could go to like
46:07Disney Paris and stuff like we can talk. Okay, so
46:11Here's your scenario George you tell me you're making scenarios for me
46:15You tell me you're making scenarios for us, let me make a scenario. Yeah, here's your dream woman and she's a millionaire
46:23Let's go. Let's go billionaire. Let's go Kim. Let's go Kardashian style
46:30Everything you've ever dreamed of and you can never go to Disney again. Oh
46:34No, I don't know
46:36Yeah, yeah, I don't want to trade that like no, that's that's like I've been going there since I was three months old
46:43Like that's like a no, I mean I could give up something but not that that's something but not that
46:50But if you're a cat man, if I'm understanding what y'all say a cat man is, you know
46:55Cuz I don't know what what that really means
46:58But if I'm understanding it correctly then a cat man means you sit at home you cook you clean you do laundry
47:05You you do the role of a woman, correct?
47:11What gives you the right then wanna what what gives you the right to say, okay
47:16I'm a cat man, but I still want to go do this and I still want to do that. That's not a cat man, right?
47:21That's okay
47:24Can't make a decision what she wants to do she can only what the man allows her to do, correct
47:31Well, then I can't man can only do what a woman allows them to do
47:36Right, I mean you're supposed to do whatever makes that person happy and
47:42Yeah, you're not you don't really have your own
47:46Thing that's the whole point like a trophy wife a cat man. You don't have a job. You don't have a career
47:50It's whatever you can do to make that person happy and then they give you that lifestyle in in return
47:56That's kind of how it works. Yeah, you're right. You're right. I mean, I would do it with condition
48:04Had full use of the private jet and I could go to like you so Toki
48:15How will I will ever be a cat woman no way no how
48:19First of all, ain't nobody gonna tell me what I can and cannot do
48:23second of all, um
48:27No, there is no second of all. Yeah. No
48:29No, no, no, no, even if he had a billion dollars
48:34No, give a damn what he's got and his house had an elevator
48:43Who's your favorite celebrity in the world, that's a guy
48:50What if you were his kept woman well, I mean
48:56No, no, no, really
49:00Mine is Johnny Depp. I am obsessed with Johnny Depp, but nope
49:05No, so you wouldn't be his kept woman. No wouldn't do it. Yeah, I
49:10Respect both of you because the first billionaire woman that is in my deal is we're gonna have a conversation
49:16I mean, I respect both
49:18Ryan Reynolds for a month straight, but then I gotta go do some things
49:21So you would be a temporary kept woman
49:51Whatever he wants, but then after that I got things to do
49:58See this is interesting this is interesting because I I I would totally do it
50:03I mean, I don't know that I would like fully do it
50:06Like I don't I have to know like we have to have a contract and information on what I can track. Yeah, like
50:13Look at Jasmine and Gino, that's a good example Jasmine and Gino
50:18Even though he's not currently working to provide for her or whatever he wants to say
50:24Jasmine's a kept woman because yeah, yeah hundred percent. Yeah hundred percent control. She's trophy wife blah blah blah
50:32she would be considered a kept woman if
50:36She just cooked and cleaned and had sex with him and did all the things
50:40That would be a kept woman
50:43Jasmine even Jasmine can't be a kept woman and she found her man on a sugar
50:48Website, so you're right. Hey, you're right. She was looking for the situation
50:53She's in and she absolutely hates. Yep, the situation that she's in. That's true
50:57It's like be careful what you look for because you might get it. She literally got what she wanted and she's miserable
51:03Yeah being a woman because like you both said
51:07Being identity lists having no goals. No, no
51:12Purpose other than being for that person that can you know, it crushes
51:18Ambition it crushes dreams. It makes you feel like you're not living your own life. I get that
51:24Jovi tried to make your account woman. Yeah
51:29She I mean she didn't want to go out and get a job but she's super super successful with her her businesses
51:36She's a businesswoman like she wasn't gonna go get a job, but she was like, I'm definitely gonna make my own money
51:42And yeah, he kind of did have a problem with it in the beginning remember cuz she tried to buy
51:48An apartment and he was so angry that she was trying to buy an apartment
51:53But it was like it's her money
51:54Like what are you really gonna tell her that she can and can't do with her money because I know that y'all are married
52:00But it's like if she made two hundred thousand dollars on her website selling clothes and selling
52:05I think cones whatever she sells is as a husband. Are you gonna tell her? No, you can't spend that money, right her money
52:11I get that. It's hard knowing that as a man. It's hard knowing that a woman doesn't need you
52:18Yeah, and I think that something that men have never been able to grasp. That's the beginning of time men need to be needed men
52:24are such
52:27Fragile beings you they need to be needed and they need to feel like
52:32That woman would never make it without them and I know that it's it's disgusting
52:36But it's just how men function they need to know that without me her life would fall apart
52:41And that's what make them makes a man feel secure and women in this day and age now
52:49Well, yeah, I'll make a man cry because I'm very
52:5750 years ago. This is what worked, you know, but like in 2024 women are so independent
53:03You know women are going out on dates with men and paying for their own drinks
53:07Because they don't want to feel like they owe him anything at the end of the night
53:10She wants to do more with him if she wants to not because he put out a hundred and fifty dollars on drinks
53:16Not because he bought dinner a woman wants to do things because she feels the vibe
53:22Right, like if you go on a date and you want to take it further
53:25That should be a hundred percent her and how she feels not because he paid $300 for dinner
53:30So women are now taking control of the dating scene they're like, well, yeah
53:34We can go I'll pay for everything that I do you pay for everything you do and if we like each other we can do
53:39We can do more we can see each other again
53:41And I think men are really having a hard time adapting to women being in so much more control than they used to be
53:53Ambition Jasmine has ambition but spending somebody's life. Yeah, that's true. She does Jasmine
53:58I mean she has her jazzy fitness and stuff
54:00But yeah
54:00I think everything was funded by Gino and I think Yara came over here and everybody had her figured out they're like
54:06Oh, she's such a gold digger
54:07Yara came over here and she started it when Joby was gone because you know, he leaves for months at a time
54:13She was out making money on cameo
54:16She was making her own money and then she took her own money and invested it in herself
54:19Yeah, and he's not a gold digger is contrary to what we all thought right we saw her and I was like, oh, yeah
54:25I know exactly what she's doing here. She literally buys her own stuff. She buys those expensive purses
54:31She buys them shoes with the red bottom. She does it all on her own Joby doesn't buy any of that stuff for her
54:36she literally all money and I respect Joby to for being a
54:40Strong enough man to accept the independent woman as your wife because everybody can't do that
54:45Have all men can't have the independent woman. They'll feel very
54:49Threatened by success a minute and he does a good job of making her feel, you know as an equal and that's a good
54:57Now she wasn't very equal when he was living at the strip club, but whatever
55:02Yeah, yeah, I get it and then he took her there and tried to tell her to have fun
55:07But yeah, anyway, we're getting off subject
55:09So we're gonna come back next week and talk about happily ever after
55:13The first tell-all which I'm super super excited about because we suffered through this season, right?
55:19We suffered through we made it to the end and now we get to see them all in a house
55:24Probably trying to hurt each other and I feel like we earned it, right?
55:27I feel like we earned that so I'm excited about that and I'm gonna watch this new show
55:31Forbidden love and then I'm gonna check back in with y'all and if it's good, we're gonna talk about that, too
55:36But um, we'll be back on Sunday to talk about happily ever after and aren't you still on baby? Watch baby?
55:42He's coming Wednesday. Oh Wednesday. Yeah. Okay. So if baby doesn't come out tonight or tomorrow
55:49What she could she's getting induced Wednesday morning. So I will officially be a grandma on Wednesday
55:57You have to tell me
56:01So I can congratulate the family and you know soon as you know
56:10Love me some babies
56:13Whenever I can give them back, right? They're so cute. And then when they start crying you give them right to mom, right?
56:20All right, guys
56:23Thanks for joining us tonight. Thank you my dream team Cara and DD
56:26They're attacking this video so you need to follow them if you're not
56:28I'm following on all social media platforms at George Massey George Massey calm
56:32Podcast type in the George Massey show. Thank you for joining us tonight, and we'll talk to all of you guys soon. Bye
