The George Mossey Show: Happily Ever After: AfterShow S8EP16 #90dayfiance

  • 2 months ago
The new season of 90 day fiance: happily ever after S8EP16 podcast! Join George Mossey & Kara for the #90dayfiancetheotherway #podcast
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00:00Hi, welcome. Welcome to the George Mosse show. I'm George Mosse. We're going to be talking
00:11happily ever after after show. There's been a lot going on this week. So my co-host DD
00:16has been out of town for the last week. She's not back yet. That's why she's not here. We
00:22miss her, but she's coming back. And if you guys don't know, if you weren't following
00:26along, my co-host, Cara, there's been a emergency fire in her area and she's been without power
00:34for the last week. She's been without internet. She hasn't been evacuated. So we're very happy
00:46for the both of them, you know, for what's going on in that area. My co-host Gina is
00:50here. We're going to get into, hi.
00:56How are you?
00:57Good. How are you?
00:58I'm good. I'm good. It's been stormy and rainy here. But other like I was talking about earlier,
01:05there's other people who are going through a lot more serious stuff than me. So I'm good.
01:09I can't complain. So I want to get into this. Hi. Oh, you're from Colorado. Happy dog. Is
01:15it cold there? No way. It's summertime. No, it's not cold there. I want to jump into this
01:20episode 16 of Happily Ever After, right? We got Patrick and Thais, Emily and Kobe's,
01:25the finished part of their wedding. We got Rob and Sophie separately because they are,
01:30he lives in Kansas City. Sophie was still in Austin. And I want to get into Angela and Michael
01:36because he's here, basically, in these episodes. So there's a lot that we need to unpack, right?
01:41So should we start off with Gino and Jasmine? Because I want to talk about this pageant,
01:47right? And I know you, this is a subject that you really, really enjoy, right? This pageant
01:52subject, right? Yeah, I just don't know why I took that rabbit hole and just went with it. So
02:00the fact that they didn't, it was in a hotel room conference room. What?
02:06Well, and did you also notice that it looked like they didn't use the entire conference room? It
02:10kind of looked like they like halfened it off because the stage was so close to the audience
02:17where everybody was, it kind of looked fake, right? Like it kind of looked like this wasn't
02:21the legitimate pageant because they would have like a section of the pageant and then they would
02:25break like five minutes later. Like I'm not an expert on pageants, right? Like I can't say that
02:30I've even been to one. But what we were watching tonight as a legitimate pageant, what were your
02:37thoughts? How do you feel about that being legit? It's not legit. Come on now. Like the emcees
02:44didn't even have their full name on there where you can eat. Like I had to go back and rewind to
02:49see if I can find these full name on it. So then I can do a Google search on it. Didn't even have
02:54the emcees full name on it. Like, did you notice that the founder she was wearing the same dress
03:01at the pageant that she was wearing when Jasmine met her for the workshop?
03:06Twitter. Twitter noticed and they put the two shots up. Now one thing I know about women and
03:11beauty pageants and fashion is that a woman who has won a beauty pageant isn't going to wear the
03:16same dress twice on national TV, right? Like I know for a fact that's not legitimate. So I'm
03:22beginning to wonder, did they film all of this pageant stuff in one day? You know, like it's
03:28making my mind go different places, right? Because I was like, if it wasn't real and they
03:32were staging it, they probably didn't want to spend a week on location for something that wasn't
03:37legit. So I was like, what if they filmed all of these things in one day? I'm saying like,
03:43TLC just paid a whole hired a whole bunch of actors or got people from this hotel and just
03:49been like, we'll give you 50 bucks if you make an appearance. And just like, all you have to do is
03:54sit here and clap.
03:57It was, it was hard for me to follow along, you know, like, I know that I can't sit here and
04:02pretend that all reality TV is real. I can't pretend that I know, you know, that things
04:08aren't staged. But at this point, right, like when we were watching this, I was like, this is a hard
04:13sell. You know, for me, I was like, I just don't see, you know, a pageant with a what $1,200
04:19entrance fee that they're sitting here, hey, TJ, they're sitting here in this tiny little
04:25hotel conference room, like half of the hotel conference room, right. And I'm like, all these
04:29women paid all this money to be a part of this pageant. And it just didn't seem like
04:33it wasn't realistic to me, right? Like it just wasn't
04:35It wasn't John Casablanca modeling that you would see, like those modeling agencies that you would
04:42see in like your malls or whatnot. It just gives me those vibes, like those scam vibes.
04:47Oh my god, I remember those mall open calls. I remember that those were such a scam, right?
04:54Every single person who went to that open call was a model, right? Remember, like if you had
04:59money in your pocket that day, you were being represented by whoever that mall agency was,
05:07and you were being promised JCPenney ads in your future, right? Like that was the whole scam. Like
05:12you're like, Oh, I'm gonna be I'm gonna put you in a JCPenney ad. Like that was like that was a
05:16goal, first of all, right? Like that was really a goal for people. Like, I definitely don't believe
05:21that. But like, I want to jump into Gino being a talent coach, because Jasmine basically wants to
05:26fire him as her Kris Jenner coach, right? Because he's kind of negative. And, you know, I did see
05:33that he was really negative. One thing I know about women is you don't ever want to tell a
05:37woman that other women are doing better than them when you're married to this woman, right? Like,
05:42you kind of want to make it as though like, kind of like how Angela was with Michael, you have to
05:45make her feel like she's the only woman that exists on the planet, right? Like, don't ever
05:50make it as though you like something another woman is doing more than she is. And he kept attacking
05:55her posture, her walking, her smiling, he was attacking a lot of her participation in this
06:02pageant. Notice my pageant. And how do you feel about a husband being your manager? Because we've
06:08watched this in the industry before. And a lot of times, remember Ike and Tina, like a lot of times,
06:14this situation does not end well. So how do you feel about like, if you were modeling, or if you
06:19were a singer and actress, would you want your significant other in charge of your career?
06:23Absolutely not. And especially Gino, where does he go off like, being this like, quote unquote
06:32manager and being like, like, yeah, you attended these pageants in like Michigan, but at the same
06:41time, where do you go off criticizing this person? You don't even know what a camel toe is. How would
06:47you know how to vote or how to like critique somebody when that it's not even your expertise?
06:54Right? You can't be a judge. Yeah, you can't be a judge or a manager and something you don't know
06:59anything about. Like if somebody was to call me and say, we want you to be a judge at a pageant,
07:03and I'd be like, I don't know if I'm qualified to do that, right? Like, because these are legitimate
07:08pageants, there's literal rules and regulations and things that they follow.
07:13And there's key points that the women are supposed to, I don't know anything about that. So I want
07:17to talk about a little bit more about the contestant list, because remember, we're talking
07:20about the contestant list for the 2023 Miss International pageant for Florida, and Jasmine's
07:26name wasn't on it. So I wanted to get some of your insight on why do you think Jasmine wasn't listed
07:31as a contestant? Is it possible that she could have been a part of it, but then disqualified
07:36after? Or do you think it's possible that this just wasn't a real pageant? Like, what do you
07:41think is going on? I think A, it wasn't a real pageant. B, they took the money and ran. Because
07:47the original one that I had sent you, that link that I had sent you or whatnot, under the rules
07:52and regulations, it basically said, you can't do anything that's rated R. Basically, I'm going to
07:59put it... Right. Ram, like friendly. You can't do anything that's rated R, have this, have that,
08:05these qualifications and whatnot. But like I said, it's a fake pageant from the start,
08:11it's a fake pageant till the end. Just like, and that's the thing, right? So it's a fake
08:18disqualification or whatnot. Like, it's basically a fake scam. And yeah, that's how basically I feel
08:25about it. Because she wasn't on the list prior. Do you think there was a legit pageant that took
08:33place? And she wasn't in it? Or do you think this is all just BS? This is all just BS. Like,
08:43you would think it would be like any pageant or anything like that, other than like, toddlers and
08:48tiaras and whatnot. Like, they're not in hotel room conferences, any big event such as that
08:57would take actually place in a theater of some sort of nature. I wouldn't have all the girls
09:04because if you see it on like Miss America or whatnot, if you see in the background, all these
09:09girls are waiting in the small little hunch little like area, there's a backstage area where you're
09:14changing and getting ready and taking off clothes. And just like, you're not like looking at the
09:21other like, if you're still in your bikini or whatnot, right? So it's reminded me of like,
09:28if a group of high school people put together a pageant, right? Like it had a very low. Yeah,
09:34like a very low quality. Like no offense to high school kids. You know, they're just learning.
09:38They're not professionals. And you know, when they're like, I was class president in high
09:42school, and we had to put on like the prom and you know, the different things or whatever. And
09:46not probably didn't have prom like we had to do like certain events. And let's just say I didn't
09:51plan good events because I was a child and I was stupid and I knew what I was doing. So like we
09:55would, we would plan things and it wouldn't go well. And I felt like that's kind of like what
09:59happened. Why was there one room? No backstage, like you said, no makeup artists, no like it was
10:04just, it wasn't enough realistic aspects to show that this was real. And it's kind of sad because
10:11this is a multimillion dollar network, right? TLC, Sharp, these entertainment companies,
10:15they have lots of money. So there's no reason why if they're gonna try to sell us BS,
10:20they could have sold us a more upgraded version of BS, right?
10:27Right? Okay, so...
10:30Like, come on, come on. We're not all dumb. Come on.
10:34So she wants to disinvite him to the pageant and the practices if that's even a real thing.
10:39But I don't know what we're watching anymore. Because I don't know if this is even a real
10:42thing. We don't, we don't even know if they're still together. There's like rumors going around
10:45that they're still together. So there's a lot of stuff going on with that. But I want to talk
10:49about Rob and Sophie because Rob and Sophie have not been together for so long that they are now
10:54filming separate scenes. So Rob actually was on a trip to Kansas City back home where he's from
11:00by himself without his wife, wife, quotation marks. And Sophie was back in Austin with her
11:06girlfriend Kay. And they were both going out, you know, to clubs and partying. It's Rob's birthday.
11:11And I want to get into, hey, Judy, I want to get into this BS storyline that the producers
11:17are trying to sell us that these strippers were trying to come on to Rob. Like, it's very obvious
11:24that they went to the club and the producer slid her $100 bill and said, hey, act like you really
11:28want to jump this dude's bones, right? Like, I really got the vibe.
11:31I was saying the same thing. Like, why? He's not that great looking. Like, you want your two
11:37seconds of fame. You want your tips. That's how you make your money. And like, you take it and go.
11:42No, no, you cannot tell me. Like, you just want the two seconds of fame. And that was it, right?
11:49I mean, yeah, Rob, he's not ugly, right? Like, let's be real. He's not ugly. But the way that
11:53she was throwing herself at him, it was very obvious that there was a pre-conversation from
11:59somebody behind the camera like, hey, this guy's married. You should make him do something that his
12:04wife wouldn't approve of because we need something to happen at this shoot, right? Like, it was
12:10definitely a conversation. And she was definitely earning her, I don't know, 50, 100, 200, whatever
12:15they slid her, right? She was earning it because she's like, oh, I just want to take this guy home.
12:18And his eyes don't look real. And I'm like, coming on really strong. This is not Drake,
12:23OK? You're coming along really strong. Like, if this was Drake, I get it. But this ain't Drake.
12:28This is just Rob. No woman would come on that strong, right?
12:32Exactly. She acted like so thirsty about it. And no woman would be thirsty about it. They like the
12:37catch, right? They like the game. Well, I'm not saying all women, but majority of them like to
12:45play the game and like leave it in the hands of the guy if you're going to hit on me. But it was
12:51just tits and whatever you can get from TLC. So reciprocated. You're right. Women like to be hit on
13:00and then they reciprocated, right? Like, if anything, he would need to have hit on her first
13:04and then the game would have went into motion. But the fact that he's like sitting here trying
13:09to be good and these women are like all over him, I was like, this is so unbelievably ridiculous to
13:14me at this point. Like, it's been a full year, right? And Sophie and him don't live together.
13:18At this point, in my mind, they're divorced. You know, like, I know people, once you separate,
13:24you're not together anymore, right? Like, you're basically divorced. He's the only one hanging on
13:28to the thought that this is still his wife, right? Or am I the only one that thinks that?
13:31Like, I feel like she's fully moved on. She's fully in a relationship. She's living with
13:36somebody else. She doesn't call. She's with Kay. She wanted to be like,
13:41like, I don't know what Sophie's problem was because she was such a hypocrite. Like,
13:44oh, Rob's going out tonight. But then you're doing the same thing. It's his birthday. Like,
13:49I'm going to go out. He's in Kansas where he grew up. Like, obviously, you're going to go
13:55out with your friends that you haven't seen in, like, years. And what's your excuse for going out?
13:59Like, don't be a hypocrite about it. And then Kay was like, oh, drinks on me. Yeah, drinks on you
14:04because you know what's going to happen at the end of the night? Like, Sophie looks like a lightweight.
14:08That's what's going to happen.
14:10Yeah, it's, I think it's interesting that she needed to showcase her worry of what he would
14:16be doing. I'm like, you're literally laid up in the house with another woman, right? Like,
14:20literally laid up. We saw them in the one scene earlier in the season in the bed together.
14:25You're literally sleeping with another person. And you're like, hope he doesn't go and, like,
14:29talk to other girls. He has every right. He's basically single, right? At this point,
14:34a whole year of her move, living with someone else and not dealing with him. He's single. He
14:38can go out and have an orgy if he really wants to, right? Like, who's stopping this guy, right?
14:42Like, he has nobody to answer to.
14:45The lightbulb finally went on in his head when he was first arriving to the hotel room was like,
14:51oh, yeah, she's okay. Like, well, finally, it took you a while to like, catch up on that. Like,
14:57hello. Like, and what was with this shirt in the car? It totally reminded me of like,
15:02a 90s throwback. Like, oh, like, taste the rainbow skittles.
15:08See, I've always said this on Twitter. I feel like Rob always dresses.
15:12Well, how did I put it? He's always the most underdressed person in the room,
15:15right? Like, I feel like whatever he's wearing is so like, goodwill. I don't want to, I'm not
15:22trying to be mean, right? Like, I just feel like he doesn't dress the part. Like, he carries himself
15:27like he's sophisticated, but then his clothes give me like, Kyle from Love in Paradise. Like,
15:36just little colored shirts with little basketball shorts. It's just very interesting. So his style
15:42of dress is really crazy to me. And I always say it's weird that women let their men dress that
15:47way. Because every time I see Justin Bieber and his wife, the first thing that comes to my mind
15:52when they're out in public and he's dressed like a homeless man, like, so your wife was totally cool
15:57with you leaving the house like that? Because like, if I was married, I would expect my wife
16:02to say, hey, go back and get dressed. You look homeless, and I'm not going anywhere with you
16:07like that. You know, so I'm like, it's just crazy to me the way he dresses because he carries himself
16:12at a certain level, but his style of dress doesn't match the level that he carries himself at.
16:15Oh, hello. Have you seen people leaving the house like going to Walmart or going grocery
16:20store shopping and they're PJs?
16:23I see it. I could never-
16:26He did dress accordingly when he went to the club though.
16:30He dressed accordingly. He dressed decent. He's not up to my standard, right? Like, when I go out,
16:37I'm getting dressed like I'm going to the Grammys. Like, when I go out,
16:40because I don't know if I'm going to meet the person that I want to meet that day,
16:43right? So I have to be dressed to impress. You know, every now and then people will catch me out
16:49and I literally rolled out of bed and went out. And then that's what I'm like,
16:53I got sunglasses on, a hat, praying to God, no one sees me, right? Like, I'm just terrified,
16:59like that one person sees me and it's over. I just can't. So when people go to the store
17:03dressed like they have been homeless for quite a while, I don't get it. Like, I really don't.
17:10And I'm not saying that you should wear your best clothes every day, but it's like,
17:13life ain't promised. We might not be here next week, you know? Like, we don't know what's going
17:17on. If you got something that you really love, it's your favorite shirt, wear that damn shirt,
17:20right? Like, because you don't know what's going to happen.
17:24So Angela decided not to wear a bra on any of her confessionals tonight.
17:28I have that written down. I literally have that written down. I'm like, oh,
17:32Angela girl, please put a bra on. I know you understand. I understand you're in your PJs or
17:37whatever the heck that tan, fake skim thing was from AliExpress, but please put a bra on.
17:44No one wants to see that.
17:45But it was more than one outfit. She was also wearing, she was also wearing the shirt too,
17:50not just the tank top. It was more than one outfit. So I'm assuming maybe over,
17:53over in Africa, it's super hot, you know, and like bras were not ideal, you know?
18:00Fan, that little, like, travel fan on the nightstand of the hotel. So,
18:06yeah, but the room is, I would presume with that heat would be air conditioned.
18:12Like, there's no reason you can't slap on a bra to do an interview. Come on.
18:16You're on national TV, right? Like, I was like, and then I'm not trying to get like,
18:21ridiculous with it. But like, one boob was going up here and one is going the other direction. It
18:25was like a lot. Okay. It was a lot. You know, I was like, this is a lot of Angela. I don't know
18:29if I signed up for this much Angela tonight. Right? Like, I didn't, I don't know if I signed
18:33up for the subscription or what, but we got a lot of Angela tonight. And-
18:37We didn't need the O.F. We didn't need the O.F.
18:40No! I didn't even sign up. I didn't put my credit card number in or anything,
18:44right? I didn't put my credit card number or anything. I was like, this is a lot. I'm seeing
18:47like, and then they're not even facing the same direction. They were like going in different
18:51directions. I was like, see, that's a lot for me. So Angela said that since Michael said that he
18:56was lonely, she was ready to move forward with the project. But she said something interesting
19:02in the car. She was like, just because I'm able to move forward doesn't mean that I fully trust
19:06you. And that made me scratch my head because why would you bring somebody to another country that
19:11you don't trust? Because this is kind of where we're at with Ashley and Manuel. And Angela said
19:16it too tonight. She was like, this doesn't mean that I trust him. And it doesn't mean that I don't
19:19think there's shady stuff going on, but I'm still going to bring him here. What's the thought
19:23process with that? I don't know. I think the look on Angela's face when they're in bed,
19:31and she's like, oh, I'm not going to cancel your visa. The look on her face still showed that I
19:38don't trust you. I even said that she doesn't trust him, right, still. And he probably has to
19:46prove his trust. And I think she probably just brought him back to the US to prove herself,
19:54prove her kids, and prove her grandkids wrong. Like, look what I did. We came so far. But the
20:02fact that they didn't have a screaming or a yelling match this time, I was like, oh my god,
20:06my ears. I can actually see and hear what's going on. There's no screaming or yelling or anything.
20:15They're actually having a rational discussion. Well, Michael has always been rational, right?
20:22Like, we rarely ever see Michael screaming or acting crazy. It's usually just Angela. And I
20:27think that he realized in that moment that all this hard work, seven years of hard work, can
20:34all be down the drain if she really does fly home and cancel the visa, right? Like, I feel like he
20:40really needed to tell her, like, look, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you don't trust me. Hey,
20:45Bestie, love you. It's just interesting to me because when she said, like, how I don't know
20:52if I can ever trust him, if he can build that trust, I'm like, well, you're bringing him here.
20:55Like, that's like saying you're going to let somebody operate on you as, like, a surgeon,
21:00but you don't trust their abilities, you know? Like, you're putting a lot of trust into someone
21:05you just don't trust, and that's crazy scary to me. I think to prove everyone wrong at this
21:13point in time that, like, oh, we had our ups and downs, but look what, like, look what I did,
21:19basically, or look what we did together, right? Like, just trying to prove that she can build
21:24that foundation of, like, trust and, like, proving her kids wrong, right? Because she does seem like
21:30that type of person that, like, she wants to come up on top, like, not I'm better than you,
21:36but look what I did, and I, like, and you guys had doubted me all this time, right? So she does
21:42seem like that type of person to kind of prove wrong. You're right. She wants Skyla's face to
21:48be surprised, you know? She's, oh, like, look at her face. She'll never believe. But sometimes saying
21:53I told you so isn't always winning because we know, we know where this is going, right? Like,
21:59she might not have known when this was filmed where this was going, but we know where this is
22:04going, and it's not pretty, right? Like, we know what's going to happen. I thought when she left
22:08him in the car and been like, like, give me five minutes, I thought that was, like, he was gonna
22:13run. He was like, just go, go somewhere else. Right? He could have told the driver, like,
22:18take me anywhere, right? Like, anyway, like, I am here, I am free, and no one ever rang the bell,
22:24right? So it makes a lot of people say, oh, I don't think he originally wanted to scam her
22:27or whatever. So it's very possible that the story changed, you know, like, maybe because I used to
22:34think, oh, his plan all along was to leave, you know? But maybe things happened along the way
22:40that swayed him in the direction of leaving her, right? Like, maybe it's possible that
22:44they loved each other. It's kind of hard to fathom, right? It's kind of hard to fathom
22:49in a normal sane mind that they both loved each other, right? So it's, I don't, but I don't want
22:54to discredit the fact that they did or didn't. It's very possible that he started out seven
23:00years ago, that this is the woman he wanted to be with, right? It's possible.
23:03Well, it's possible towards the, like, at the beginning, maybe, he was just like, I'm gonna,
23:08like, and, like, scam this girl, woman, or whatnot, and then develop some sort of feelings
23:14towards her after that, like, after the fact, right? But, like, the poor man. Patience is a virtue,
23:24so, and, like, his USA jacket, as someone mentioned in the comments, sorry.
23:30It was just hilarious. I'm surprised he didn't ask to go see Donald Trump,
23:35because, remember, from years ago, she brought a Make America Great Again hat, so, yeah, I'm
23:41surprised he didn't. Well, that was the conversation on Twitter. On Twitter, people thought it was
23:46weird that he wasn't wearing, like, a Trump patter shirt, right? And I think it's very
23:50possible he would have, but I do think that TLC, because of all of the drama going on with
23:55the election and stuff right now, and Trump and Biden, they probably didn't want to put any side
24:01of it on there, because I'm pretty sure, I know for a fact Michael loves Donald Trump, so I know
24:06he would have worn something, but I think TLC as a network was like, let's not get on either side of
24:12that debate, right? So they probably approved the American flag jacket, because that's pretty
24:18neutral, right? Like, you're just an American, right? You don't have to pick a side, because I
24:22know for a fact he was wearing the Trump hat a few seasons ago. You know, he definitely loves
24:27Donald Trump. He said his dream was to meet him, you know, and like you said, I'm surprised that
24:31he didn't, she didn't take him straight to a Trump rally, right? Like, that would have been
24:35his first thing that he wanted to do, but I think TLC was like, yeah, based on the feeling, the mood
24:41and vibe right now with politics, we're going to let that slide, you know? We're not going to get
24:45into that. Oh, so I want to talk about Lauren and Alexi, right? Because we finally saw Lauren, where
24:52she looked less like an elderly person. She's fully healed, and she's trying on dresses, and lo and
24:57behold, the body dysmorphia that she was suffering from was not cured by surgery, which everybody
25:05and their mom, literally her mom, tried to tell her that. They were like, look, the issues that you're
25:10having and what you're seeing in the mirror, that's in your mind, because we see a beautiful,
25:15a beautiful woman, even her husband. He's like, I see a beautiful woman, I don't think he needs to
25:19do anything, and those issues are still there. And she, it's interesting, because she wanted to make
25:24sure that Alexi approved of her body, which was stupid to me, because he told her before all this,
25:31he thought she was perfect the way she was. And it's making me think that it's maybe more
25:35deeply rooted than we thought. Like, she's seeking approval from Alexi when he already gave
25:42it to her, and she already feels like, you know, like this surgery didn't help. I thought she looked
25:46great. But to be 100% honest with you, like being realistic, I didn't see a real big difference
25:51between before and after, did you? Nope, neither did I. I personally think that she just wants the
25:58attention and the acceptance about, like within her, like in her circle. Like, oh, you look great,
26:06you look fabulous, just to boost her confidence and her ego. But that's just me. But she's still
26:14not happy. And they say that, like, surgeries such as that one and tattoos are very addicting.
26:22So she might just go at it again, and again, and again, until she finally found a realization,
26:30like, okay, now I'm perfect. Like, we're all created differently, and we're all created
26:36in certain ways. And some people have an issue with that, that they're not perfect, and they
26:42just have to work on themselves and their confidence. But I really do think she maybe
26:47needs to talk to somebody about it, not to be judgy. But just to talk about her insecurities
26:54that she has, because she's married, she has a wonderful family and like wonderful kids and
26:57whatnot. And there's nothing physically wrong with her. I think it's something more emotional.
27:03Yeah, I feel the same way. Like, I think that and it also, I noticed some erratic decisions, too,
27:10because she brought up tonight, she was like, Oh, I don't want to just be a mom, I want to have a job
27:14too. And it's like, she makes really erratic decisions. Like, I felt like the surgery in
27:19itself was really erratic, and seemed unplanned, you know, because she kind of sprung it on
27:23everyone. And then she sprung on this work going back to work thing on Alexi. And don't get me
27:29wrong, I believe that women can be so much more than a wife or a mother or a sister. You know,
27:34you can do amazing things. Some of the biggest corporations in the world are head by women,
27:39you know, and their mothers, their wives, they do many, many different things.
27:45But it's just interesting that she keeps dropping bomb after bomb on Alexi. And it's like, you have
27:50three tiny babies, right? Like she doesn't have like teenagers, she got three tiny babies.
27:54And Alexi's working, who's going to be raising these babies, you know, like, I know that their
27:59parents are helping as much as possible. But you know, I'm anti daycare, like I watch the news,
28:05right? Okay, so like, I know that there's such weird people out there. So like,
28:09I'm super anti daycare. So it's like, I know that she wants to revive her career, but maybe
28:15possibly, when they start going to school, maybe wait a little while because not I'm not saying
28:20that schools are any safer, right? Like for real, but at least in schools, they're fingerprinted
28:25and everything, you get a little bit better picture of what's going on, you know?
28:29They still print you? Oh my gosh.
28:31Oh, yeah, yeah. My mom is a retired teacher in principle. Yeah, you got to get fingerprinted,
28:37you do like FBI checks, like they do all that. I'm not saying that crazy people can't pass these
28:42checks. You know, I'm not saying that this is going to give you any more security. I think
28:46having a child and being a parent, especially being a mother in these ages and times is a
28:50scary place. Because I feel like you can't trust anyone but yourself these days. And I think being
28:56a mom, I've seen, you know, these horrible things on the news and these heartbroken,
29:01sad mothers who trusted people that they should be able to trust who did terrible things. So
29:06I just think that she makes erratic decisions. It's like you want to go back to work. I totally
29:11respect that. There's nothing wrong with being a working mom. But those babies need, like Alexi
29:15said, those babies need you right now. You know, like they need you right now.
29:19Go back to work because she's bored and tired. She's just over exhausted. And it would probably
29:25just be a scapegoat or an excuse to be like, well, I'm working too, right? Like, you can make
29:32dinner like when you get home because I'm at work or whatnot. So it just bears less responsibility
29:39on her, where she might be, like, putting the responsibility on either Alexi or her parents or
29:47somebody else, basically, because she's bored and going crazy. Not literally, but like,
29:54she's just bored being that full-time mom, like, that's her 24-7, basically.
30:02I think that's an interesting analyzation, because maybe the break that she got from the
30:08surgery made her realize she doesn't like the chaos of being a full-time mom, you know,
30:13because she described it to us at the beginning of the season as just organized chaos, you know,
30:17just cleaning, cooking, constantly doing things, never having a moment to herself.
30:21And maybe this time off from the surgery, she realized, hey,
30:25I like this better. I can be more productive. I could go to work. I could earn money, which I
30:30respect that too. But it's like somebody, those babies need somebody to be looking after them 24
30:35hours a day, seven days a week, you know, especially at that age. I remember my one
30:39friend, she had her first baby, and we were talking, and she was like, I didn't realize
30:44how difficult it was. And she was like, being a mom is like a 24-7 job of trying to make sure
30:49your baby doesn't hurt itself. Like, they're always, you have to cover outlets, you have to
30:54make sure there's nothing sharp. But babies, they're so curious that everything is a weapon
30:59and a danger to them. So you literally can't look away. Like, how many times have you heard
31:04a story in the news where someone looked away for five seconds, and something horrible happened?
31:09Right? Like, you have to always be on when you have a little baby.
31:12And they're so close in age that there's like, not enough, like, like the oldest one can't really,
31:19like, kind of watch over the younger ones type of thing. They're so close in age.
31:25Basically, her word, like, if you have a huge, bigger age gap, where okay, the oldest can kind
31:32of entertain the younger ones, while I go take a quick shower, go grab something quickly to eat or
31:38make lunch. But no, it's like, the hat's on 24-7, basically, because they're so close in age still.
31:44Yeah, that would help to having that child, the older one that can help you with things.
31:48It makes a lot of difference. I didn't understand the difference in ages. And so my mom had me like,
31:55six or seven years after the rest of the kids. And I was like, why do you have me so young? And
31:58she was like, so they can help me. She was like, it's easier when you have teenagers,
32:04and then you have a baby, you got people that can help you. She was like, it's just too much work,
32:08because my brother and sister are 11 months apart. So she was in the same boat as Lauren,
32:14right? Like she literally, one can't take care of the other, you just got to have one on each arm,
32:18right? There's no help. There's no, and if one's sleeping, one's awake, if one's hungry,
32:23one's not, one needs to be changed, the other one doesn't, like, there's no break. It's always
32:26constant. Yeah, my brother and I are like, a 10 and 12 year age gap. So there's-
32:32Oh, see, that's, that's great. You know, your mom had a break, she had help,
32:37she had a babysitter that she didn't have to pay $25 an hour. Like that, there's so many-
32:41$25 an hour. So in the 80s, it wasn't $25 an hour, right?
32:46Right? Like now, babysitters are like making PhD pay. It's crazy, right? Like this whole thing,
32:52that's a whole nother subject now. But I want to, oh, I want to talk about Ashley and Manuel,
32:55because Ashley is finally getting to the point where she realizes that Manuel is probably
33:01scamming her. It's funny, because we've been here since episode three. You know, welcome,
33:06welcome to reality, Ashley. Welcome to where we've been all along. Like, we can see this,
33:10and now she found out that he was talking to his kid's mom, which shouldn't really be a shock,
33:17you know, because if you have kids, though, you have to talk to the parent, whether you like
33:22each other or not.
33:22If he was psychic, she would know that he's talking to his baby mama. Like, hello, like,
33:28you have to keep the lines of communication open when you have children or when you have young
33:33children and you're spending money. You have to keep that line of communication open. You can't
33:36cut and, like, cut them off, basically. Cut the mother off because I've started a new life. No,
33:42you cannot do that. Like, that's part of- that was part of your past for a reason. I get that.
33:48At the end of the day, she was a psychic. She would have already known that.
33:50Oh, see-
33:52As we've mentioned before.
33:54TJ, that's a good question. TJ said in the comments, why doesn't she ever ask how his
33:59kids are or if they need anything? I've wondered that, too, because, let's be real,
34:03she said that she's known Manuel for 10 years. Now that this is air, it's been almost 12.
34:07Now, it would be very strange to me for me to know someone for over a decade and not
34:13have some sort of relationship with their family, their immediate family, right? Like,
34:17it would be really weird to me if y'all are dating and you don't have at least a conversation. Like,
34:22she should know when their birthdays are. She should send them something because you're
34:26basically going to be their stepmother. You should want to open that door to get to know them. So,
34:31it's really interesting. She pretends like they don't exist, which I think might be easier for
34:36her. Like, I don't think she wanted to be with a guy that had kids. Like, that's just my first
34:41inclination when I see Ashley. I don't think that her first choice was to be with a guy who had
34:46children, especially teenagers. But ignoring it isn't going to make it go away, right? And not
34:51getting to know them is only going to make things worse, because now you're wondering what's going
34:56on. And it's like, I guess she's upset that he's withholding information from her, but it's been
35:0110 years and you don't know anything about him. You know, like, what are the odds that you know
35:07somebody for a decade and you get married and you're like, oh, I don't know anything about them?
35:10I feel like you should think about it. If you get a job, this company is going to want to know
35:15everything about you for like the past five, seven, 10 years. They're going to want to know
35:19your addresses, your name, aliases, criminal background, employment background, references.
35:24They want to know everything about you. And that's just for a job. Imagine you're marrying somebody
35:29and moving them into your house and you don't know any information on them at all. That's kind
35:33of like how the episodes of Dateline NBC start, right? Like, you don't know who you're moving
35:38it. That's crazy to me.
35:39She doesn't tell her anything. And she just, whenever they have a fight, she just takes
35:44them to the back and does whatever she wants. They do whatever they want. And that's how they
35:48hash out their arguments, rather than talking like civilized people about it and being mature
35:54adults about it. He doesn't tell her anything. So like, oh, like, yeah, he's, he's a private
36:01person. He's a private person. Yeah, he ain't telling you. And like Cara and Didi have said
36:05before in the past, he's keeping that money, making, putting it under his family's bed
36:12for when he can be like, get his green card and get the freak out.
36:18Also, TJ says, I have a lot of Spanish people in my family and they send money every month
36:22to help support the family. No, I see. I'm not questioning whether or not that's a process. I
36:27know for a fact that it's Spanish background. You know, if, especially if you're a man,
36:34you are obligated to help your family. And actually in Samoan culture, there's so many
36:39different cultures where this is a real thing. Like, I don't question whether or not he wants
36:44to help his family. I question what his other motives are, right? Like she said that she gave
36:49him $1,000, the $1,000 was gone and immediately he needed 300 more. Like in Ecuador, $1,000 would
36:57be enough to pay rent for like a year. So I think that he's got other things going on. Like,
37:02I think that he is helping his family, but he's helping himself too. That's what I think.
37:06Yeah, like, when I go to Europe, or when I go to Portugal to visit family,
37:10we don't send them money monthly, just because like, my mom doesn't have her parents. The same
37:16with my dad, but like with my cousins and stuff like that, we're all, we get the money when we're
37:20there. We'll be like here, and it's in euros. So we're like here, right? Like have money, right?
37:26Like, you know, like, so it's not a monthly thing, because we're not supporting them, right? Like
37:30monthly, unless it's needed for whatever emergency reasons. But like, we don't send money monthly,
37:36because it would just be too expensive. And they would have it complicated to go to Money Mart,
37:42or whatnot, or Western Union to pick up that to pick up that those funds, right? It's not
37:48anywhere nearby. So basically, pretty, like, it's like, it's pretty much a standard, like when I go
37:55back, or when anyone goes back, and I'm not going back, my parents will always provide some money
38:00for my cousins, regardless.
38:03Well, see, I think that Manuel's family is a scapegoat for what he's trying to do. Like, I
38:11think that he is like, don't get me wrong, I think he's sending something over there, right? I just,
38:16I don't believe that he's not sending them anything, because he has kids over there. I think
38:19that say, for instance, if he, she gives him $500, he sends like $100 over there, and then he keeps
38:24the rest. Like, that's just, I just feel like there's something else going on. Remember when-
38:29He's piggybanking it. He puts the rest of it someplace, this somewhere, or put it into
38:35somewhere that has, like, no one's gonna touch it. And they have a savings account. And that
38:40savings account is building interest. So he's like, take it and go, right? But where is this
38:44magic money coming from? That's what I like to know. Like, like, honestly, like with-
38:50That was a whole thing too, because we know that Ashley is self employed as a witch. I guess she
38:55graduated from the Harry Potter School of Wizardry. She's a witch. And she has her own
38:59website. And that's where she makes all of her income, which I think is insane. Because, I'm
39:05sorry, I'm not paying her for her advice. No offense, Ashley, you might be a great person,
39:09but I'm not paying you for you to tell me how to live my life when I'm watching you live yours
39:13wrong. Okay? Like, I'm not gonna pay you to tell me what I should be doing when I'm watching you
39:18get scammed by a guy who's not even trying that hard. Like, man, Will isn't even trying that hard.
39:23He's just basically, he doesn't even tolerate her anymore. You know, even when she questions
39:27him, he just laughs at her. Hi, PRV. He just, he literally just laughs at her. And he's like,
39:33I don't care, you know, how you feel. And he just calls her loco, right? He's just like, you're loco,
39:38you're insane, you're unstable. And he just, he brushes it off as though she's the problem. And
39:43she just lets it continue. And I tell people all along, the longer you let something go on,
39:48the harder it is for you to get out of it. And I feel like Ashley has let this behavior
39:54of Manuel and her giving the money and not knowing what what's going on with the money,
39:58not knowing what he's up to. She's let it go on for so long. Now I feel like he doesn't need to
40:03tell her now. And it will be impossible for her to find out like I think Jonathan or other people
40:08are gonna have to tell her because he's gotten away with it for so long. He's just never gonna
40:11tell her what he's doing. I just want to address one of the comments. I didn't mean at all to
40:17compare Central and South America to Europe. Obviously, the standards are living is very
40:23different. I know that. For someone who's traveled to Mexico, I just think it's more
40:28like a Latin culture type of thing like that. It's very cool. Where we send money back home,
40:33right? It's very, it's like we don't send money. I just wanted to address that. So it's very,
40:39it's a cultural thing to send money back home. So that's all. Obviously, standards are very
40:44different compared from it's like the sun and the moon, apples to oranges. It's very different.
40:49Oh, yeah. So oh, yeah, I want to talk about Patrick and Thaiso. So they went back to
40:53the place where they had their first date. And we saw Patrick crying on this episode,
40:58which is really weird because he's such a big guy, right? Like Patrick is like this massive
41:02bodybuilder. And it's interesting to watch him get emotional because he's not an emotional person.
41:07But we got a little insight on this apartment, right? Because nobody understood why he wouldn't
41:13give up this stupid apartment, right? And he's like, oh, it's just a couple thousand a year,
41:16whatever, I don't care. And even John said, you know, you're wasting money, Thaiso is like,
41:20get rid of it. And he was like, look, that apartment was the beginning of my relationship
41:26with my father. And he told us a little bit more on that tonight, where his father was a truck driver.
41:31And when he left the last time when he moved to when he was in the US, he didn't see him for five
41:36years straight, no communication, no nothing. And then when he got this apartment for him and Thais,
41:43when they were dating, that was kind of where him and his dad started working on the apartment,
41:47spending time together, building their relationship. And we got a little insight on
41:52that. And I kind of felt bad for Patrick, right? Because I feel like we look at Patrick like this
41:56big, huge bodybuilder guy who's doing okay. And it's interesting to see how vulnerable,
42:01you know, people are, what they're really going through inside. I felt terrible. And even Thais,
42:05she's like, I've never seen him cry like this. Like, this is pretty serious. And I think they're
42:10basically finally on the right track to communicating with each other, right? Like,
42:14she's listening to him and understanding they're not just yelling at each other and saying words
42:18at each other. Because she actually went into why she wants her and her dad and Patrick to talk more
42:26and build a bond. And she does eventually want her dad to bless the relationship, not necessarily
42:31bless the wedding or give a blessing. But she wants him to say, hey, I like this guy for you.
42:37And I kind of understand that a little more because the blessing thing sounded ridiculous to
42:41me. Because they're married for two and a half years and have a baby. So this is stupid. But I
42:45do understand for somebody who was close with her dad, why it would be important for her dad to say,
42:51I like this guy for you. I totally get that. I think Patrick could be a little bit not envious
42:57or jealous of the relationship that she has with Thais has with her dad. But at the end of the day,
43:05he finally broke down his emotions and something that we knew from the start,
43:10and we can presume when it first started, why does he have this relationship with his dad?
43:18We basically said it, he has these daddy issues that aren't resolved. And that's why he keeps
43:26everything or goes above and beyond for his dad because of that. And we knew that from the
43:34start. Just everybody else didn't know because he wasn't showing those emotions, those raw,
43:40livid emotions. Because he does present himself to be a very macho type of person,
43:47like could have a heart of gold. But he does himself to be in a shape and form of, I'm a
43:54strong person. And that's what he wanted his family to see and Thais to see. But eventually,
44:01you'll have to break down. And I'm glad you saw that side of him, right? So as we're asking for
44:07the blessing again, like, that just that stuff is just going to take time. And just seeing what's
44:14upcoming for the next season, the next episode, like, her dad's not making any effort at all.
44:21Like, no, no, no, we're not going to do that. Nope. Right. But she also needs to, like,
44:29she also needs to stick up for her family right now, like with Dawn and Pat, like with Patrick
44:35and her baby, like, and her friends and her dad, like, like, she, she needs to take some
44:40accountability of her actions and what she did at the same time at the end of the day.
44:44Yeah, you nailed it. I think that she's always lipping her lips and pretending like she's not
44:51the center of some of these problems. You nailed it. She, her silence has caused a lot of problems.
44:58That could have been addressed and handled if she just would have spoke up.
45:02She didn't speak up for Patrick in the beginning. And now it's causing all these issues with her
45:06dad now. Like, she's the creator of some of these problems. So when she puts the problems on John,
45:10she puts the problems on Patrick, it's ridiculous. Like you not speaking up is kind of where all of
45:16this stuff originated. So you're right, you know that she needs to take a little bit more
45:21responsibility for how they got here. You know, like, you know, how you get in the car and y'all
45:26end up somewhere, you were driving, you know, like, this is how you got here, you know, you
45:30got to take a little bit of responsibility. And you need to have a conversation with your dad.
45:33And I kind of feel like she's, she's scared to talk to her dad, which is really weird to me,
45:37because she said how close they were, and how their relationship was. And I feel like I don't
45:42get that closeness. She never wants to have a conversation with him. She's terrified of,
45:47you know, his reaction. And it's like, that's not close. Like, if I'm close with someone,
45:51we can have weird conversations. And I'm not afraid of being judged or being attacked, or
45:56how the situation is going to turn out. So I feel like it may be in their culture,
46:01being close with your parent is more so being submissive to your parent, like just not doing
46:08anything that they don't approve of. Because I know for a fact, when I was growing up, we were
46:13in a religious cult, and I couldn't do a lot of stuff. So I used to think I was really close with
46:18my mom. But it was more so that I wanted my mom's approval. So I always followed the rules.
46:24And we got along really well because of that. So there's a difference between being close and
46:29being submissive, right? Yeah, like, I think it's with Brazilian, Portuguese and Lime culture,
46:35we're always trying to, like, do what, like, do our best, like you said, like,
46:42and be submissive, very respectful, very, like, yeah, there's no talking back. There's none of
46:48this Jewish, like just going above and beyond, like all means to make our parents or our guardians
46:55happy and content. So yeah, I think it's a cultural thing, really, because or else there's
47:02going to be a lot of judgment and resentment. So at the end of the day, like my dad and I,
47:07we get along great. But at times, we don't get along so great. And we're like, because we're so
47:12alike. We're like, yeah, we sometimes we just get into the arguments. And that's it. So there's no
47:19turning back from what we say. And like, I think at the end of the day, she's afraid that she might
47:25whatever she has to say, or whatever he has to tell her will come out negative, like very negative,
47:31and will hurt each other's feelings. And that's what we don't like, that's basically culturally
47:35what we don't want either. Exactly. Exactly. Because I would withhold information from my mom,
47:43because I know it will make her upset. Not because I don't want her to know, hey, Jamie,
47:48love you too. Not that I don't want her to know, but I know that culturally how, you know, she's
47:52still a part of the cult that I was raised in. So I know some things I don't want to tell my mom,
47:56because I don't want her to be disappointed in me. Even though I'm a grown adult man who
48:01can make his own decisions, right? Like, I just don't, we have that weird, cultural thing where
48:06we want our parents to approve of us, even no matter how old we are. We just don't want them
48:11to be upset or disappointed. So it's like, I totally understand that. And it's probably even
48:15harder with, you know, Brazilian culture, you know, growing up where there's a lot more respect
48:22for your elders. Somebody, I think TJ said that earlier in the comments, you respect your parents,
48:27you respect people older than you, you respect the older family members. We have that in the
48:32US, but not, you know, there's people who talk pretty wild to their mom, dad, and cousins,
48:36you know? So we don't have it to that point, you know, to that extent. And I wish that we did.
48:42Wait, Jamie, is it your birthday? Happy birthday, Jamie. I didn't know that we were such
48:46close. I didn't know we were so close. Mine was on Friday. And Gina, when is your birthday?
48:52It was yesterday.
48:54Oh, my God, we almost have the same birthday. Happy birthday to you, Gina. Happy birthday
49:00to Jamie as well. All my friends have close birthdays. We're gonna have to
49:05all get together one year, right? We're gonna have to all get together and do something.
49:10Yeah, but DeeDee won't be on a plane.
49:13Well, DeeDee's pretty close to me. She can drive to where I am. So it's very possible
49:18we could still all get together. Oh, before we go.
49:21I'm in Canada. I'm on the West Coast.
49:23Oh, you're in Canada. Oh, wow. You fly though, right? You fly.
49:29Oh, to get to Florida, I would have to fly.
49:32Yeah, yeah, you fly. We'll have to plan something. I want to do something big anyway soon. So
49:37but before we go, I want to talk about Emily and Kobe's wedding. That's the last thing we're
49:43gonna talk about. We're gonna end this. But yeah, DeeDee did promise to get on a plane.
49:47Oh, she promised for you to get on a plane one day and you did for her to get on a boat. Oh,
49:51so we're gonna just blackmail her from that promise and we're gonna get her on a plane.
49:54See, I didn't know that TJ. So yeah, we're gonna get DeeDee out here so we can all celebrate.
49:58I have a big June party, June birthday party. Oh, you have to try a Brazilian steak.
50:04Oh my god. Oh god.
50:08I saw that tonight. I've never been to a restaurant where they just walk around with
50:13the meat and let you cut pieces of meat off of it. That looks amazing. Do they serve sides or is
50:19this just like a meat thing? Because I didn't see anything else.
50:21They serve sides like salad and desserts and stuff like that. So at least here they have
50:27two restaurants similar to that where it's like kind of self serve like for the salad and some
50:34dessert and stuff like that. But for the meat, they come to your table, tell you what the meat
50:39is and whether you want it or not. But in the States it's different. I'll let Jay Queasy answer
50:45that. So yeah.
50:46Yeah, I'm like obsessed. I love that. Like I love different types of meats. So I didn't know that,
50:53you know, I go to steakhouses and you know, they have something where you can go and you can like
50:57request different cuts of meats at steakhouses or whatever you like go up to like this meat bar. I
51:03don't know what you call it. And you can like ask for different cuts. I didn't realize that you could
51:06just sit down and people bring meat to you. Like I feel like a king, right? Like that's amazing.
51:11Too. I'm not sure if in the States they have some exotic meat too that you wouldn't
51:15normally get at a steakhouse either. So yeah.
51:18I'll see. I'm not all that adventurous like eating. Like I'm not all like adventurous
51:22like that. Like I've never had oysters. I've never had lamb. Like I'm not like really adventurous.
51:27But like, if you don't tell me what it is, I'll probably try it. Right? Like I tell people all
51:32the time, don't tell me what it is. Just let me eat it. And then we'll talk about it later.
51:37So if you tell me what it is, I probably won't put it in my mouth.
51:41Oh, so I want to talk about Emily and Kobe real quick. So Valerie showed up and he did give his
51:47blessing after a really long drawn out speech, right? And but he did give his blessing for
51:52the wedding, which I thought was nice, you know, because just because you're close with someone
51:56or they're your friend, you don't have to agree or support what they're doing. But you can still
52:00love them, you know, and I learned this actually, from friends and family of friends who had like
52:06kids or family members who were addicted to things like drugs or whatever. And I was like,
52:11I noticed the level of love that they still had for that person. Even though they didn't support
52:17what they were doing, they didn't want them doing it, they would have done everything to try to
52:20stop it. They never stopped loving them. And I love the fact that as humans, we can love people
52:27no matter what they do. Right. And I think that that's really important. And I saw his friend show
52:32up, he was gonna skip the wedding, and he showed up and he's like, look, I didn't think this white
52:36woman was good for you or whatever. And he's like, but you know what, I think she's gonna be a good
52:40wife to you. And it's like, yeah, I don't like the verbiage of how they talk about different races
52:45over there. But you know, you have to remember over there, you don't see a lot of people that
52:48don't look like you, you know, so it's a lot different from in America, every day you leave
52:52the house, you see so many people that don't look like you. So it's not the same. But I just
52:57thought that it was really nice to see different cultures. And you know, Americans from Kansas
53:03heading over to Africa and embracing the culture. And then the wedding ceremony was beautiful. I put
53:09on Twitter, I was like, this was the most wholesome and classy thing we got all season. Everything
53:13else has been pretty classless, right? This is the most classy thing we got all season.
53:17It was kind of it was blending, like both countries together in Cameroon, which was great,
53:24because you get to see some Cameroonian culture, like put in some dash of French culture in there,
53:32because they speak French, put in a dash of American culture. So I did see it as like,
53:38that speech was you can tell it was heartfelt. I hope but could be for the cameras as well. But
53:43you can tell it was coming from a good place, like, and they sucked up their,
53:48he sucked up his pride. And it was just like, he's basically, he's already married with kids. Like,
53:56like, what are we gonna do? Like, you know, move on?
54:00Well, right, either you don't at this point, they're married, they got kids, they got three
54:04beautiful babies. They and they, from what I heard, they might not be done, there might be
54:08another baby too. So your best friend, I forget his name. Their son's name. Are you talking about
54:15Kobe? Yeah, Kobe's son's name is Atom. Wait, is is Kobe's middle name also Atom? I did not know
54:23that specifically, my best friend, if that's what you're talking about. I have lots of best friends.
54:28But, um, I'm not sure you're talking about Judy. But yeah, I thought that that was a really good
54:32scene. I was happy with that. So this was episode 16. I think we have three more.
54:36Oh, Lord, the wheel. Yeah. And then we're gonna get the tell all and I don't know if you know
54:42about the tell all but they're gonna be all in a house for them for one night together the night
54:47before. Do they live on their own now? No, it's for no, they still live in the basement of Lisa
54:53and David's home and Emily's parents house. And last time I checked, they said that the parents
54:59don't want them to leave. And Kobe's working and they're just banking money. So I was like,
55:04y'all should just save up and buy a house. And, you know, as long as a house,
55:08they eventually save up and bought a bought a house not too far from their parents house.
55:12I thought I saw that somewhere, or allegedly. Oh, maybe it's gonna be announced on the show
55:18or something because they hadn't said anything. No, I mean, I don't see nothing wrong with that.
55:23You know, like their cultures, like in India, they the children live with the parents forever,
55:28you know, and nobody, nobody, they want it that way. And I looked at it as if Lisa and David
55:33want it that way. Who are we to say that they can't live that way? You know? Oh, Judy says that
55:37they did move out. Okay, so maybe that's gonna happen on the show. Because they haven't shown
55:42pictures or anything of the new house, which is interesting. So maybe they have to wait it out.
55:46Alright, so that's gonna wrap up this episode. We're gonna come back and talk about
55:53Milf Manor and Love and Paris, wait, Love and Paris is over. No, we're gonna come back and
55:57talk about Milf Manor and The Other Way, which premieres tomorrow, which I'm kind of excited
56:02about. So new couples, as well as Shekinah and Sarper and Statler and Dempsey. So we're
56:09gonna be watching that tomorrow night. On Monday night, it's normal night. And we're
56:13gonna get into that. So I'm excited because, I mean, Half the Ever After can get really
56:19redundant with the same people. We've been watching these people for so long. So it's
56:22nice to get some new, crazy stories out there, you know? I like having new people, new faces,
56:30not watching anything on repeat. But I guess we'll have to fast forward. Or like you say all
56:36the time, I'll just go get a drink while other cast members, like Dempsey or whatever are on there,
56:42go get a drink. Yeah, drink refill time. All right, guys. So thanks for joining us. Thank
56:47you so much to Gina for joining me tonight. Like I said, Didi is out of town until Tuesday. So she
56:53will be back. Cara is waiting on the power and electricity back in her area. There's a horrible
56:59fire in her area. She is fine. Blessings to her. I'm so happy that she is good. Thank you,
57:04everybody, for joining us tonight. Everybody have a wonderful night.
57:09I just said, thanks, everyone. Have a great tomorrow's Canada Day. So like our Fourth of
57:14July. Oh, have a great day. Happy Canada Day. Okay, make sure you're following Gina. I'm going
57:22to tag her in this video. Follow me on all social media platforms at George Mosse,
57:26Anywhere, get your podcast, type in the George Mosse show on all streaming platforms.
57:29Thank you guys for joining us. Everybody have a wonderful night. Bye.
