Les Moomins 47 - Une source d'ennuis

  • 2 months ago


00:00I believe there is no system of renunciation that is permanent.
00:13But where is it?
00:25My leg!
00:27Dad, what's going on?
00:29It's my leg!
00:32You fell, didn't you?
00:34As if it couldn't be seen!
00:36Fortunately, it was less serious than he said.
00:40In fact, Papa Moumine only had a small sprain.
00:45Does it still hurt a lot?
00:47You know, you have to be careful with this kind of thing.
00:50It can sometimes turn very badly.
00:52Are you sure, Mr. Carousel?
00:54Alas, yes, I know people who have taken a long time to recover
00:57and who have been very ill for several months.
01:00Well, that promises.
01:02If only I knew a good remedy.
01:04It is said that there is nothing like hot springs.
01:07Hot springs?
01:09Yes, you know, the natural pools where you come to heal.
01:12It is also said that it is excellent for everything that concerns the bones and muscles.
01:16I know all that, but there are no hot springs around here.
01:19Alas, no.
01:25In my opinion, it must be there.
01:27It's probably the valley we've been told so much about.
01:30Well, yes, without a doubt.
01:32I would be surprised if there were hot springs around here.
01:35However, this is what the experts of the question have told us
01:38and they are quite rarely wrong.
01:40Oh, look, children.
01:42We're going to ask them.
01:44Hey, friends, over here.
01:46Watch out, I'm going to catch you.
01:48I'm going to tickle you, Sniff.
01:50Listen, I would like to ask you for information.
01:52Yes, what is the matter?
01:54Do you know if there is a hot spring in this valley?
01:56What is a hot spring?
01:58Oh, it's true, you don't know what it is?
02:00Well, no, otherwise I wouldn't have asked you.
02:03It's simple, it's a hot spring.
02:05Instead of being cold, it's very hot.
02:07So who heats it up?
02:09Nobody, you see, it comes out like this from the ground.
02:11That's weird.
02:13So we can make tea with this water?
02:15No, we don't drink it, we bathe in it.
02:17Because you know, it's very, very good for your health.
02:19Why don't you feel well?
02:21But no, not us, we're just trying to find one of these springs.
02:24And can we know why you're doing this?
02:26To do business.
02:30When we find one, we'll get to work
02:32and build a big, modern inn
02:34where people will come from all over the world to heal themselves.
02:36Oh, that's great.
02:38And these people, do you think they'll be rich?
02:40But why?
02:41Well, if I carry their luggage, they'll pay me.
02:43Listen, I think we're losing our time.
02:45Obviously, they don't know anything.
02:47We'll just have to look for it ourselves.
02:49Well, goodbye, have fun.
02:53Hey, wait a minute, gentlemen.
02:55If you find a hot spring,
02:57will my dad be able to take advantage of it?
03:00My leg hurts.
03:02But a hot one!
03:27A hot spring
03:47But it's all hot
03:49So we'll have to build a hotel if we find a hot spring
03:52That's what I thought
03:54That's a good idea, Dad, but...
03:56I don't know about that, Sniff.
03:58But it will attract people.
04:00People who will all be very rich
04:02and we will take advantage of it.
04:04What's good about this valley is that it's quiet.
04:06Can you imagine what it would be like
04:08if it were invaded by hordes of tourists?
04:10But, Dad, it would still be nice to have a hot spring.
04:13Your leg would heal faster.
04:15Yes, you're right, but I'd rather have pain in my leg
04:18than see tourists.
04:20But why worry?
04:22Because there is no hot spring in the valley.
04:24That's true. If there was one,
04:26we would have found it a long time ago.
04:28It may be well hidden, you know.
04:30I think that if these people have come this far,
04:33it's probably not by chance.
04:35They must have a little idea in mind.
04:37Which is not the case for everyone, is it, Sniff?
04:40What are you thinking about me?
04:42It doesn't matter your suitcase, I'm going to get rich.
04:44But why do you want to be rich? We already have everything we need.
04:47Yes, and if we find a hot spring, we won't tell them.
04:50Oh, no, then I don't agree.
04:52It's true, once I have an idea to get rich,
04:54you want to ruin everything.
04:56Frankly, I don't think it's very nice.
05:05I feel so good.
05:19Oh, it's frozen.
05:21Be careful not to fall into it.
05:23Ah, if only we could find a hot spring as big as that,
05:27you realize how hard it is.
05:30The problem is that we didn't find anything.
05:32If you want my opinion, I think the experts we interviewed are wrong.
05:35There is no other source around here than amber butter.
05:38I think so.
05:41But think about it a little bit.
05:43If there was one in the vicinity,
05:45the people who live here would have already found them.
05:47You forgot a detail.
05:49In this case, it's not surprising that they don't know them.
05:51That's what you're saying.
05:53You know, guys, this valley is really beautiful.
05:55And if I lived here,
05:57well, frankly, I don't know if I'd be happy to see a lot of tourists.
06:00But why are you telling us all this?
06:02Because looking at this almost intact nature,
06:04I wonder if it wouldn't be better to give up
06:06and go back home quietly.
06:08But stop talking nonsense.
06:10It's not nonsense.
06:12Oh, yes, well, it's a waste of time.
06:14We're here to find another source, and we're going to find it.
06:16I hope we don't find anything.
06:18Oh, shut up and follow me.
06:25Do you really want to help them, Sniff?
06:27First of all, I don't see why I couldn't.
06:29Because if you help them and you find a source,
06:32the whole life of the valley will be changed.
06:34So what harm would that do?
06:36You yourself, you keep repeating that you never think of anything.
06:39You have to know what you want.
06:41I don't want that.
06:42Well, you're wrong, Moumine.
06:44Progress doesn't go unnoticed, especially if it brings you wealth.
06:47No, wait, Sniff!
06:51This Sniff is definitely a big egoist.
06:53You know, I don't like tourists.
06:55But in the end, it would be nice to have a source.
06:57It's very good for the skin.
06:58And you have to think of Papa Moumine.
07:00Poor Papa.
07:01But anyway, there's no source.
07:03Yes, but I'd like to be sure of that.
07:05Go see Pipo, then.
07:08Oh, yes, it's not worth taking this herb.
07:10He'll know if we have one.
07:13There's no one here.
07:14You know, Moumine, I haven't seen him in days.
07:17Me neither. I wonder what he's up to.
07:20He's gone.
07:25Come on, push me.
07:26If you know where he is, tell us.
07:28Anyway, all I know is that he left early yesterday morning.
07:32Oh, Flute.
07:33What did you want from him, Pipo?
07:35Nothing, we just wanted to ask him a little question.
07:38Well, you just have to ask me.
07:40Well, you just have to ask me.
07:42For that, you'd have to be less stupid.
07:44Say, Smarty Pants.
07:46Yeah, what do you want?
07:47You know, you know, a hot spring.
07:49Well, yes, it's a spring that's not cold.
07:51There's no need to waste our time. Come on.
07:55Hey, wait, where are you going?
07:58Wait, I'm coming with you, too.
08:00Come on.
08:09It was really nice.
08:20If it's too late to go home, I'll sleep over there.
08:22But where are you going?
08:23Well, goodbye.
08:24Are you coming back here?
08:37Do you remember me, Pipo?
08:39Of course.
08:40You know, I went to the Mouline Valley.
08:42But what about your grandmother?
08:43Oh, she makes potions.
08:45Tell me, have you started to learn your job as a witch?
08:48No, Grandma says it's still too early.
08:50You don't want to be a witch, do you?
08:52Oh, yes, it's learning that I'm bored.
08:56Well, then, it's a deal.
08:58Do you want to be our tour guide?
09:00Oh, yes, and for the rest...
09:02Well, what?
09:03Well, I thought you could have let me rent the napkins.
09:06You see what I was saying?
09:08You can't trust this joker.
09:10This joker, me?
09:11Oh, no, I'm not kidding with that.
09:13Especially not with the money.
09:14Precisely, it's our money.
09:16It's us who are going to build the hotel if we find a source.
09:19Well, listen, let me do it.
09:20I know how to talk to him.
09:22If I understand correctly, you want to rent napkins to the tourists...
09:25who will bathe in our spring.
09:27Okay, but you'll have to pay.
09:29Pay for what?
09:30The right to rent napkins.
09:32But I don't have any money.
09:34In that case, we can't do anything for you.
09:36So I can't become rich?
09:38Of course you can.
09:39We'll find you a job as a sweeper at the hotel.
09:45I hope you'll stay for the night, Alicia.
09:48Oh, yes, thank you, but I don't want to bother you.
09:50Oh, but you don't bother us at all.
09:52By the way, Papa Moumine, how is your leg?
09:54Oh, it's much better.
09:56But it will take time before it is healed.
09:59It still hurts quite a bit.
10:01Oh, you'll have to bathe in my hot spring.
10:04Your spring?
10:05Yes, I found one today by chance.
10:07It's not very far from here.
10:10Besides, I took a bath in it and it did me a lot of good.
10:13You told me about it abroad.
10:16So you don't know about it?
10:18Know about what?
10:19Moumine met three men who were looking for a hot spring
10:22to open a hotel and turn our valley into a tourist reserve.
10:25That's not true.
10:26Alas, it is.
10:27And that's what may happen if they find out you've discovered a hot spring.
10:30I'd rather not think about it. It would be really sad.
10:33If I understand correctly, you're afraid this hotel will permanently damage the valley?
10:36Absolutely. I hope you agree with me.
10:39I don't know, Grandma, probably.
10:41You're right to worry.
10:43I can imagine what would happen.
10:45After the hotel, they'll build roads and since it's important to take care of the tourists,
10:49they'll organise visits to your grandmother's.
10:52And little by little, the whole valley will lose its soul.
10:57Stop it, you scoundrel!
10:59It's going to sink, it's going to sink!
11:16Oh, no!
11:25Oh, no!
11:30What's going on? Why did they put trees in the water?
11:42Why am I laughing?
11:46Yeah, it's not funny.
11:54How are you?
11:55And you too, Alice, are you here?
11:57Yes, Moumine. Hello, Sugar, hello, Julie.
11:59I'm glad to see you.
12:00Tell me, what was making you laugh?
12:02I'd rather not talk about it because it wasn't funny at all.
12:05Well, here's the thing.
12:07Pippo, you know, there are people looking for a hot spring.
12:10That's right, Moumine, Pippo just discovered one.
12:44Hey, what are you doing?
12:46Oh, Smarty Pants.
12:50You don't feel well, do you?
12:51What do you mean?
12:53You usually run home to see Moumine, but not today.
12:56I'm sure you're hiding something from them, aren't you?
12:59Good advice. Mind your own business, Smarty Pants.
13:02You see, I was right.
13:04You don't understand. Moumine might not want to see you anymore.
13:07So what? That's good news.
13:09In his family, they're much too nice.
13:11What you need is a guy like me, you see, who's afraid of nothing
13:14and who's ready to do all the stupid things.
13:16But who do you think I am? I'm not a bandit.
13:18I have a conscience. I'm not talking to you anymore.
13:23No, but wait for me.
13:24You didn't understand what I meant.
13:26I just want to be friends with you.
13:28Well, that's a promise.
13:30The main thing for now, and that goes before anything else,
13:33is to prevent them from discovering the existence of this source.
13:36That's not going to be easy.
13:39After that, we're going to try to get rid of them
13:41and make them give up on their plans.
13:43But how are we going to do that?
13:45What we need to do is act very quickly.
13:47Oh, yes, so right now.
13:48It's too late today, but at 1 o'clock tomorrow morning, we're going to take action.
13:52By the way, the night brings advice.
13:54Oh, let's hope so, because for now...
13:57Don't we have the slightest idea?
13:59Speaking of which, where's Sniff gone?
14:01Oh, he must be with them. He said he was going to help them,
14:03and that way he'd make a fortune.
14:05Oh, I'm surprised by him.
14:07He'll never change.
14:09I've got it!
14:12Only Grandma can help us.
14:15But why?
14:16Because only a witch can do that, thanks to her powers.
14:19I'll help you.
14:21She's the witch.
14:22Alice is absolutely right.
14:24With her help, we should be able to succeed if she agrees.
14:26Maybe we can explain to her that it's in her interest too.
14:29Besides, it's true.
14:30Oh, yes, I hadn't thought about it.
14:32All I did was ask her very kindly.
14:34Let's see, Moumine, who do you think we are? Wildlings?
14:37You know, I'm sure she'll say, yes, I know her well.
14:39It's true, she hates seeing people,
14:41and besides, they're tourists.
14:42I think she's going to swallow her magic wand.
14:46Say, aren't you afraid?
14:48Why would I be afraid?
14:49Because your grandmother doesn't look easy.
14:52That's because you don't know her well.
14:54Still, you shouldn't say anything to her.
14:56Tell her, for example, that they'll cut down all the trees.
14:58Yes, good idea.
15:00You can also tell her that they're going to build a parking lot in front of her house.
15:03You know, you don't have to worry.
15:04I know very well what to tell her.
15:06She's not as stupid as she looks sometimes.
15:08Oh, but I'm absolutely sure of it.
15:11Oh, yes? Well, we wouldn't have told her.
15:22So, if I understand correctly,
15:24your friends need the help of a poor old witch.
15:26It's for you too.
15:28You'll have a lot of money when they've cut down all the trees in the forest.
15:31Oh, yes, but it would be nice to have a hotel nearby.
15:33The only thing you're forgetting is that this hotel will attract people
15:36who will come to watch you like a curious animal.
15:39So what? It's so quiet here.
15:41A little animation can't hurt.
15:43But Grandma...
15:44And these people, these tourists, as you say,
15:46well, they'll have money.
15:47I could sell them ointments or potions.
15:50And after that, I'll rebuild the house.
15:52But it's perfect.
15:54Let's see, my dear, you won't want to live in a beautiful house
15:57with all the modern comfort and furnished appliances
16:00to make viper fly swallows.
16:02Let's make a new kitchen.
16:04Don't be shy. You know you don't think about it.
16:06So stop making me angry like that.
16:11Yes, ma'am?
16:12You're smart.
16:13I'm sure you've already thought of the best way
16:16to get rid of these funny visitors.
16:18Well, it's true.
16:19So, do you agree?
16:20You're going to help us get rid of them?
16:22Of course. I don't know how.
16:24Well, you could maybe scare them.
16:27It seems that you have extraordinary powers.
16:30Yes, but what could I do?
16:32Simply persuade them that this valley is definitely not a place
16:36where you can bring tourists.
16:38That shouldn't be very difficult, I think.
16:41What would you say if I sent them snakes?
16:43Snakes that would hang on their necks.
16:45All that without danger, since it would be an illusion.
16:47Oh yes, that's a very good idea.
16:49You have nothing to fear from me.
16:51After all, they haven't done anything to you.
16:53There's no need to scare them.
16:55For example, you could act on the weather.
16:58Make sure it's not too hot or too cold.
17:00In any case, not made for tourists.
17:03But that's not very smart at all.
17:06It's not too difficult.
17:08Learn, little one, that nothing is too difficult for me.
17:26It's still going to be hot today.
17:28This is really the time when I should have taken advantage of it.
17:31Hey, wake up quickly, my friends.
17:33The weather is very nice and...
17:41But it's raining horns.
17:44This cloud doesn't look good at all.
17:56It's a storm, our friend.
17:58I'll try to catch up with it.
18:05We're following.
18:06Did you see that?
18:07The weather is back to normal.
18:09Oh, well, I don't understand anything anymore.
18:11Me neither.
18:12Oh, no, my bad.
18:13What did I take?
18:14A storm!
18:15A storm!
18:16Run, they're coming!
18:17Where are they going?
18:18Oh, my God, it's raining horns.
18:21But that's not possible.
18:22What's going on?
18:23I don't know anything at all.
18:26It's over.
18:44I don't know, I'm dreaming.
18:46Now it's snowing horns.
18:49I'm cold.
18:51Help us, please.
18:52Come and help us.
18:54Come and help us, please.
18:57I know it's not going to please Mommy,
18:59but it's the chance of my life.
19:01I can't let it go.
19:05What's that?
19:06Come and help us.
19:08What's he playing?
19:09It looks funny.
19:11Come and help us.
19:12Come on, let's see if we ever get down.
19:15We'll be lost forever.
19:17Hello, friends.
19:19Oh, it's you, Sniff.
19:20So you came to save us?
19:22Oh, my God.
19:23I knew we could count on you.
19:25Thank you.
19:26Listen, I love you too, but still.
19:28You're going to get us out of here.
19:30You're not going to leave us in this snow.
19:32But what snow?
19:33I don't see anything.
19:34But stop it.
19:35I want to be happy.
19:36But what are you doing?
19:37Come on.
19:41Come on.
19:42Stop it.
19:43Oh, I'm embarrassed.
19:47We'll see you, Sniff.
19:49By the breath of the butterfly,
19:51the vipers and the orchid seeds,
19:53the head of the ox and the pig,
19:55the pig will give birth.
19:58After this adventure,
19:59we never saw the three travelers
20:01in the Mumin Valley again.
20:03We understand why.
20:09And Papa Mumin can keep the hot spring
20:11discovered by Pipo for him.
20:13His leg was quickly healed.
20:15Which didn't stop him from going back there
20:17more than once,
20:18using this pretext,
20:19until the day he recognized
20:21that it was pleasant,
20:22even when things were going very well.