Les Moomins 70 - Le poisson de Moomin

  • 2 months ago


00:33They speak the language of flowers
00:36And they only listen to their hearts
00:39So open your back to their arms
00:42You won't regret it
01:46That day, Moumine woke up early
01:52Here comes Mr Pippo
01:55Hello, are you ready?
01:58Moumine and his friends had decided to go fishing
02:01and that's why they had to get up very early
02:08Hello Pippo, here we are, dear Pippo
02:11Hello, have you seen how beautiful the weather is?
02:13The weather's wonderful, do you think the fishing will be good?
02:17Especially since I know very good spots to fish
02:19That's good, I hope to catch a pike
02:24The next day
02:29Here we are, breakfast is ready
02:35Oh, he's not hungry
02:46Can I come in?
02:47Can I come in?
02:50Well, if my calculations are correct, we'll need to add one more measure here
02:53No, two, yes, that's it, we'll need two, of course
02:58Hello Cachou, if I understand correctly, you've been working all night
03:01No, that's not right, I need to start again
03:04Cachou, I'm talking to you!
03:05Yes, that's it!
03:06But what are all these calculations?
03:08What? Oh, you're here
03:10I've found the formula, that's it, it's very simple
03:13The formula, what for?
03:15Well, to make a new glue
03:17But be careful, it's not just any glue
03:19It's a revolutionary product that can glue anything
03:22Really? Are you sure?
03:24Thanks to my invention, we'll be able to glue wood, metal and all kinds of plastic
03:28Now that I've got the formula, I'll get to work right away
03:35Wait, listen to me!
03:39I'll have to leave you because I'm going fishing with my mine and all the others
03:42That's very good, very good
03:44If you ever get hungry, I've got everything ready for your breakfast
03:46That's very good, very good
03:47Are you listening to what I'm saying?
03:49Yes, yes, of course, that's very good, very good
03:51I don't think so
03:56Hello Chouca, are you ready?
03:58Come on, hurry up!
03:59Hello, I was waiting for you
04:01I'll be right there
04:04We need to go and get Sniff, don't we?
04:06Oh yes
04:07We need to hurry up if we want to catch a lot of fish
04:10Yes, yes, you're right
04:11Let's go
04:15I'm starting to get bored
04:19We didn't catch anything
04:20You said it was a good spot to fish
04:22Be patient, it'll bite
04:24We've been waiting for a long time
04:26If you want my opinion, we're not going to fish at all
04:29You think so? We'll see
04:31When we fish, we always have surprises
04:33We can catch a shoe or a huge fish
04:37Oh, I think it's going to bite
04:39Oh, I think it's going to bite
04:41Oh, I think it's going to bite
04:43Oh, I think it's going to bite
04:45Oh, I don't think it's going to bite
04:47It must be a very big fish
04:49Come on, don't let it go
04:50Oh, I don't think it's going to bite
04:52Oh, I don't think it's going to bite
04:54Come and help me!
04:55Come back, I'm in pain
04:57Slowly, bring it back very slowly
05:00Wait, I'll help you
05:01Oh, I can't
05:02Oh, I can't
05:03Oh, I can't
05:04Oh, I can't
05:05Oh, I can't
05:06Oh, what are you waiting for?
05:08Go on, pull!
05:09Oh, I don't think it's going to bite
05:11Oh, I can't
05:13That's it, we've got it
05:15Oh, it's beautiful!
05:22Have you seen that? It's huge!
05:25Well done, Moumine! I think you caught the biggest fish in the river
05:29That's really a feat
05:36In the end, we only caught one fish
05:38But there's enough to eat for everyone
05:41Let's hope so
05:42You're so voracious that you'd be better able to swallow it all by yourself
05:45Listen to your daughters
05:49I know you want to prepare it yourself
05:51But are you sure you can do it, Moumine?
05:53It must not be very complicated to cook a little fish
05:55It's not that easy that you don't believe it
05:57Don't worry, if he needs a hand, I'll help him
06:00But the problem is that you don't know how to cook either
06:03That's true, but I'll help him anyway
06:05I'll manage on my own, I'll look at a recipe book
06:08You'll see, I'm sure you'll love it
06:11If you prepare it yourself, I won't eat any
06:13There are several ways to do it
06:15Grilling it or baking it
06:17Or I can even freeze it
06:19Do whatever you like, but I won't touch it
06:23Well, I'll leave you to it. See you tomorrow
06:25Bye! See you tomorrow!
06:29What's going on?
06:31Oh my goodness! There's a fire in the house!
06:38I can't see anything with all this smoke
06:45You're the one who's making all this smoke, what are you making?
06:48I'm making my famous glue
06:50You know, the one I told you about this morning
06:52I've had enough!
06:53How many times have I told you not to experiment in the kitchen?
06:58What's that on the floor?
07:00Be very careful, I think I spilled some glue on it on purpose
07:04Look where you're putting your feet or you'll get into trouble
07:08You could have told me sooner!
07:12This glue is really good
07:15Are you making fun of me?
07:17Yes, I assure you it's really great
07:19You're gonna take all your things and get out of my kitchen right away
07:22Of course, but I have to wait for the glue to be well cooked
07:25For it to be well cooked? What are you talking about?
07:30What did you put in the marmite, Potato Head?
07:32I've just come to tell you, it's my glue
07:35What? You took my most beautiful marmite to make your horrors?
07:39But it was the only container that fit
07:45That was the ragout I made for tonight
07:49And that's my plate
07:56That's really too much!
07:58My favourite plate! Who gave you permission to use it?
08:01Nobody! It was hanging on the table so I took it
08:05Oh, so you could have taken something else
08:09Come on, let's go! I don't want to see you here anymore!
08:12Wait till I'm done! I'll go afterwards
08:15Look at the state of my kitchen! You have no respect for my things!
08:19Of course I do, but you have to understand that my invention is much more important than your favourite plate
08:24Really? Is that what you think?
08:25So you're ready to go to jail for making up stupid inventions that will never be useful to anyone?
08:30You're the one who's stupid!
08:32Because that's how it is, I'm the one who's mad!
08:34Go away if you want! I don't care about that!
08:36I can get rid of you, you know
08:38I'd be much more at ease without you, by the way
08:42That's it! Let's go!
08:53Did you catch that big fish?
08:59Well done, my dear, that's a really good catch
09:02Would you like me to make it myself?
09:04Yes, of course
09:06It'll be too much for us, there'll be leftovers
09:09Yes, probably
09:10That's what I think too and that's why I invited all our friends over for dinner tomorrow night
09:15That sounds like a very good idea
09:17I agree with you
09:18And what would you say if I made a nice cake for dessert?
09:21Listen, you shouldn't be giving yourself that trouble
09:24The last one I made wasn't bad, just so I know
09:27Yes, that's right
09:29If you want to take care of the dessert, I'd like you to make a plum pie, would you like that?
09:34You like plum pies?
09:35If they're good
09:38If the plums are good
09:41Are you there, Chouca? Come in, what are you waiting for?
09:44Can I? Thank you
09:51I've had enough of him, I can't stand him anymore
09:54Who are you talking about?
10:00That's perfect, the glue's ready
10:04Very good, I'm going to eat a little piece
10:07Oh dear, the napkin's sticking to my finger
10:11How do you do that?
10:17What's wrong with him? Why is there so much left in my mouth?
10:20Oh dear!
10:25Help! I don't know what to say!
10:27Someone's coming to help me!
10:30Don't leave me here!
10:51Mummy, are you there?
10:54Aren't you up yet?
10:56Come on, get up, lazybones, it's time to get up
11:01Don't forget we've got guests today and you've got to prepare the fish
11:04Come on, get to work
11:06Come and see how beautiful the weather is
11:12Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes
11:16Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes
11:30I smell a nice crepe
11:32Me too, let's have a look
11:36Hello, my little Chouca
11:38Hello, you're just in time, breakfast's almost ready
11:41Perfect, I'm starving
11:44I see you've made crepes for the whole family
11:47Yes, I know everyone's going crazy here
11:52Are you already up? Did you fall asleep or what?
11:55Get on with what you're doing!
11:57Enjoy your meal, everyone!
12:04It's a real treat!
12:05It's delicious
12:06These crepes are delicious
12:09All my compliments, you're a real little blue cord
12:12Thank you
12:14She'll make a perfect wife, won't she, Mummy?
12:17Why do you say that to me?
12:19No reason
12:20Oh, by the way, Mummy, I've got to tell you
12:22I've already emptied the fish for you
12:24I thought you'd like it
12:25What? What did you say? You've emptied the fish for me?
12:28Yes, I have. It's a very delicate job, you know
12:31Oh no! You wouldn't have said that, I could have done it myself
12:36You know it's a waste of effort to empty a fish
12:38You need to get used to it, you know
12:40By the way, Jolimie, we'll need you today
12:42What? Are you sure?
12:44As we're going to have a lot to do, I'd like you to give us a hand, that's normal
12:48If I can be useful to you, tell me. There's no reason why I shouldn't do anything
12:51But look Shouka, you're our guest. You don't have to work so much
12:55Of course I do. You've been so kind as to welcome me into your home and I thank you for that
13:00As long as I stay here, I don't want to be a burden to you
13:03Do you think you'll stay for long?
13:05Oh, I don't know
13:07All I can tell you is that I'm not ready to go back to my selfish little brother's
13:16It's very kind of you to help me. Thank you very much
13:18You're welcome. I like doing the dishes
13:23Darling, come and have a look
13:26Here I am. What's going on?
13:28I'm not trying to meddle in what you're not looking at
13:30but I'm going to go and see Cashew
13:32I want to know what happened between him and Shouka
13:35Yes, go and talk to him
13:37And I suppose it'll make him feel better to know that his sister's here
13:40That's true, he must be worried. Well, see you later
13:43And say hello to him for me
13:46Now I understand everything and I suppose you regret your behaviour
13:50I know I misbehaved but so did she, she was wrong
13:53Yes, you were both wrong but now let's see how you'll reconcile
13:58Oh, that's it! I've got it! You need to make her her favourite cake
14:01Her favourite cake? Are you sure?
14:03Trust me, your sister will forgive you
14:05You'll give her the cake and you'll tell her how sorry you are
14:09It won't be hard. As soon as you've given her your apologies, everything will be fine
14:13You'll see
14:14Yes, but it was her who started it
14:16Why would I take the first step?
14:18Okay, okay, Andrew. I'll do as you say
14:20I'll make a cake but I don't know what it'll be like
14:23because I've never made cakes in my life
14:25I'll help you if you like
14:27You just need to get on with it, it's very simple
14:29It's a bit like a scientific experiment if you prefer
14:32Like the experiments I do? That's perfect for me
14:35Well, I suggest we get to work right away
14:37Of course, I'll follow you
14:44Moumine's an idiot, he's a coward
14:46He does everything Chouquin says and he never listens to me
14:52Moumine, when you've finished that, you'll have to go and pick some flowers
14:57Hurry up! I need water
15:00I can't wait any longer than you to put the vegetables to boil
15:07As you can see, you need to put the salt and the fine herbs in before you cook the fish
15:11Try and remember that
15:13And watch him with your finger and your eye
15:15I can't stand seeing that for much longer
15:23Hello, Daddy Moumine!
15:26Hello, ZĂ©limie
15:28What are you both doing?
15:30Ah, I see, you're picking plums
15:33Yes, yes, I'm going to make a pie
15:35What? You know how to do that?
15:37No, but Daddy Moumine's just going to teach me
15:40He's going to offer it to Chouquin to make up with her
15:43Oh yes, that's a great idea
15:46Well, I'm going to help you too
15:48Who, you?
15:49I'm not used to being so helpful
15:52I know, but are you sure you know how to do it?
15:55No, but I love it and it doesn't have to be very complicated
15:59First you make the dough and then you add the fruits
16:03Have you ever tried to make a pie?
16:05Not yet, but if I made one, it would be much better than your last pie
16:09What does she mean exactly?
16:11Don't worry, I'll explain everything
16:13I wanted to make a pie one day, I put it in the oven and it burned a little
16:17But it won't happen again, I can assure you
16:20Listen, I'd rather make this pie on my own
16:27Is everything ready? Are you sure there's nothing missing?
16:29Everything's ready
16:30Thank you, I don't know how I'd have done without your help
16:33Oh, but you've worked hard too
16:36You're a perfect little housekeeper, where did you learn all that?
16:39It's just a matter of habit, you see
16:41At home, I'm always doing everything and Cachou doesn't even realise it
16:45But he never helps you?
16:46Never! He's only interested in his experiments
16:49He doesn't see all the effort I make to keep the house in order
16:52Poor Chouca, don't be mad at him
16:54Your brother's a man of science and I'm sure one day he'll become a famous scientist
16:59Really? You think so?
17:00Yeah, of course
17:01Maybe, you're probably right
17:04I think I was a bit mean to him the other day
17:08I regret it, I was wrong
17:10It's already very good if you admit it
17:14You have to mix it well
17:20I think that's enough now
17:21No, you have to keep going a little longer
17:24No, no, it's tiring
17:26We should invent a machine to do that, I don't get it
17:29There we go
17:32It smells good, I think it's done
17:34The oven should be at the right temperature
17:36But I haven't finished kneading the dough
17:38I think you can stop now, it looks very good to me
17:41What do you think?
17:42Now it's ok
17:43Well, it was time
17:44You know everything, what do we have to do now?
17:47Let's see, we have to prick the dough with a knitting needle
17:51Shouldn't we spread it out first?
17:53First we prick it, then we spread it out
17:55That doesn't seem very logical to me
17:57I think it's the opposite
17:59You're right, that's also my opinion
18:01I'll spread the dough out first
18:07Is it normal for it to stick to the rolling pin like that?
18:11No, it's not very normal
18:13Wait, I think we forgot to do something
18:16We have to put flour on it before spreading out the dough
18:19Yes, that's what bakers always do
18:22Here, more flour
18:24I think that should be enough
18:26Yes, that's enough
18:29There we go, it's very good now
18:31It looks like real broken dough
18:34By uniting their efforts, Cachou, Jolimit and Papamoumine
18:38finally manage to make a very nice prune pie
19:03They've gone for a walk, they shouldn't be long to come back
19:07Good evening, everyone
19:08Good evening, everyone
19:09Oh, you're here! Good evening, we'll be going to dinner soon
19:13Don't start without me!
19:15Good evening, how are you?
19:16I'm fine, but since I ran out of time, I'm starving
19:19Please, Moumine, would you like to go and get some fruit juice?
19:23We'll be back in a minute
19:25I'll go and get some fruit juice
19:27I'll go and get some fruit juice
19:29Please, Moumine, would you like to go and get some fruit juice?
19:32We'll be back in a minute
19:34I'll go and get some fruit juice
19:35I'll go and get some fruit juice
19:36Wait for me, I'll help you
19:41Oh, there's Papa and Jolimit coming back
19:44How can Cachou be with them?
19:48Oh, I know
19:50Come on, let's go to the table
19:51Yes, we're coming
19:52Grandpa, here we are!
19:56Papa's just come back with your brother
19:58What? Cachou's here?
19:59Yes, he's just arrived
20:00Put the bottles on the table and follow me
20:03Come on!
20:04Yes, yes, yes, come on
20:08It's been a long time since we last saw you
20:10You were working on your flying ship, I suppose
20:12That's right
20:13I did some modifications and I made a new model
20:16Really? It must have taken you a long time
20:19Oh yes
20:22What a lovely smell
20:24It looks like it's coming from there
20:26What are you talking about? Let me have a look
20:28No, no, no, I assure you it's nothing
20:31Good evening, Cachou
20:34Good evening, little sister
20:40Listen, I'd like to talk to you about yesterday
20:43Me too, actually
20:44I behaved very badly, I'm sorry
20:48What are you saying?
20:49Well, I was wrong and to make up for it, I brought you something
20:53What is it? Tell me, is it a new invention?
20:56No, no, not really
20:58Here, look at this, I hope you'll like it
21:07It looks like you like pies, especially raw pies
21:10So I made one especially for you
21:13And as you can see, I managed to get your favourite plate
21:16Oh thank you very much and let me give you a kiss
21:21You're a real angel, I love you
21:25Stop it! That's enough, everyone's gonna see us
21:28It's nothing
21:31When Cachou and Chouca were reconciled, the guests went to dinner
21:36It was a particularly successful dinner
21:39Everyone enjoyed themselves
21:41Moumine's fish was just as successful as Prune's delicious pie
21:49To be continued...
22:19Ils sont si gentils, ils changent notre vie
22:22Ce sont nos amis, de jour Ă  de nuit
22:26Les moumines, les moumines
22:33Venez avec moi, ils sont tous lĂ -bas
22:37Les moumines
22:41Ils vous enchanteront avec leurs chansons
22:44Les moumines
22:47Ils sont si gentils, ils changent notre vie
22:51Ce sont nos amis, de jour Ă  de nuit
22:55Les moumines, les moumines
23:02Les moumines
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